• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,659 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 10 - Filthy Rich

Author's Note:

Saving the best for last, and book ending this sequel, we have Filthy Rich. Much like Spoiled, I see him as more of a caretaker in the whole AB/DL world, and while I think he'd be more open to it than Spoiled, in a normal universe I think he would be skeptical of it.

The fantasy with the tiger in the jungle, comes from an old casette tape I used to own. It was a custom made two sided tape that contained various songs and audio tracks from things I liked as a little kid. One of the tracks on the B side involved Ernie from Sesame Street going on a tiger hunt that played out similar to the one that takes place in this chapter. Sadly, I don't think I have the tape anymore, and even if I did I don't know of any way to transfer them to today's media.

I decided to save Filthy until now, even though he tied in the votes three chapters back, since I felt that if possible it would be fitting to start with Spoiled Rich and end with Filthy Rich.

I may possibly do a sequel next Summer with some more playmates, but don't quote me on that. Meanwhile, for those of you who are fans of my padded pony works, stick around. I'll hopefully be taking the inherited fic "A Padded Dashie" off hiatus by August 1.

The start of a new month came sooner than either Filthy or Spoiled realized, but the same dilemma from before Gabby's visit remained. The difficulty in deciding who next to be Diamond's playmate, and whether it should be someone they knew or someone who was up for a second helping (so far there were three who had openly expressed their desire to come back, and five who had said they'd think about it).

Eventually, however, another idea presented itself to Filthy. One that he'd been considering as far back as when his wife had served as the test playmate, to see how his padded princess would react to having a diapered playmate. He was going to take up that mantle for a day.

Needless to say, Spoiled could hardly believe her eyes when her husband announced such an intention one night in his study, after Tiara had gone to bed. "Surely, you can't be serious, Filthy," Spoiled insisted. "Think of your reputation. What if somepony found out? You'd be the laughing stock of town, and our family fortune would be ruined forever."

But Filthy only brushed aside his wife's comments with a hearty laugh. "Nopony found out about you doin' it, and I'm certainly goin' to take precautions to ensure the utmost privacy for myself and Diamond. Besides," He chuckled. "I've been longin' for a chance to spend some quality father/daughter time with our little precious little princess. And when you did it, it seemed like fun."

"Fun for you maybe, but certainly not for me," Spoiled grumbled, rolling her eyes. "I can't believe you're actually considering this. Dare I ask just how far you're going to go with it?"

"As far as I think is necessary," Filthy firmly replied. "And Celestia knows I could use a break from runnin' Barnyard Bargains. It'll only be for one day of course."

Spoiled sighed, she could tell her husband's mind was clearly made up and he wasn't going to change it. However, she immediately spoke up and announced. "If you're going to be doing it, you're going to be doing it alone. I won't have any part of this. You may not have had a problem with treating me like a foal, but no way am I indulging your 'fantasy'. I shall be gone all of tomorrow at the store, making sure that somepony keeps things running while you're prancing about in diapers and acting like a big foal. So you'd best hope Randolph is up to the task of caring for two big foals all by himself, because I won't be around to help him."

"Well, if you're sure that's what ya really want," Filthy commented in reply. "But you'll be missin' out. As for Randolph, you needn't worry. After all the times you've docked his pay, I reckon he's overdue for a rather generous raise. They say every stallion has his price, and I'm sure I can find Randolph's."

"Very well," Spoiled relented, getting up from her chair. "Just don't come crying to me if you get a rash."

Filthy just had a hearty laugh, before he left his study and began to finalize his plans. "I've been looking forward to this for a long time. At last, I'll get a chance to see what it's like to be a big foal and be dependent on somepony else. After all, Diamond and Spoiled make it look so easy."

The next morning, when Diamond opened her eyes and rose from her slumber, she was shocked to see the unmistakable blue eyes, black mane and tail, and brown coat of her father. But her attention was drawn to the fact that he had removed his dark blue and white collar with a red tie, and had put on a thick, white, poofy diaper. The pink coated filly practically spat out her hot pink colored pacifier in shock. "Daddy?!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates.

Filthy chuckled, as he patted his daughter lovingly on the head. "That's right, sweetie. Daddy's here to be your playmate for today," Beaming, he then proudly asked. "Ya like my diaper? I think it fits pretty nicely and compliments my coat pretty well."

"Wait, if you're my playmate, then who's taking care of us?" Tiara wondered out loud. "I don't see Mother anywhere."

"Ah, yes," Filthy shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck with a free hoof. "Well, your mom decided she didn't want to put up with two big foals, even just for one day. So she opted to go to the store and spend her day there. A pity, but that just means more quality for us to spend together, with only Randolph to take care of us," Turning to the door, Filthy announced. "Ya can come in now, Randolph. I think Diamond's gotten used to the shock of all this by now."

The old butler came trotting in a moment later, but said nothing. In his mind, however, he was counting the number of ways he could spend that increased paycheck he was gonna get when this day was over. It wasn't that he didn't like what was being asked of him, but any hired hoof in his position would probably find it 'weird' to put it mildly.

"So," Filthy beamed at Diamond, as he watched his pride and joy slowly climb out of her princess sized bed. "Ya gonna introduce me to Theodore, like you've done with all your other playmates? You seem to know how to best approach him."

"I... guess," Tiara slowly replied, as she watched her dad sit down on the floor of the nursery, his diaper letting out a few audible crinkles. Still trying to adjust to the fact that the pony she adored and admired the most, was now in a diaper and clearly intended to be her "playmate", the pink coated filly carefully retrieved her stuffed bear from his usual resting place, and brought him before Filthy. "Dad, this is Theodore. And Theodore, this is my dad."

"Hello there, Daddy Rich," Theodore greeted in his gruff voice. "Or do you just prefer 'Mr. Rich'?"

"Ya can call me Daddy Rich if ya like," Filthy replied, beaming happily. "Just don't call me Filthy, only my wife can call me that. Anyway, it's nice to meet ya, Theodore. I appreciate ya helpin' my daughter to fall asleep. Don't know what I'd do without you."

"Oh, it's no problem, really," Theodore nodded. "Diamond and I go way back! Helping her sleep is the least I can do for her! But, why do you wanna be a big foal so badly? I kind of always pegged you as the caretaker."

"What, can't a caretaker see what it's like to be on the other side of things?" Filthy playfully protested.

"I meant no disrespect, Daddy Rich," Theodore apologized. "I'm always glad to make new friends, no matter how old or big they are." And he held out a paw, which Filthy firmly shook.

A few moments of silence passed, as Diamond set her teddy bear aside, and Randolph opted for a diaper inspection. Pulling back Tiara's padding, he found that the pink coated filly was still dry and clean, and he made sure to let her know this.

"So?" Filthy asked, still sitting on his diaper.

"So what?" Diamond replied in confusion, giving her dad the most uncertain of faces.

"Guess it's up to me to break the ice and really get into this playmate role." Filthy thought to himself, and cleared his throat. "What exactly should we do, Diamond? I mean, we're both foals now. No adult responsibilities or cares in the world, just nonstop playtime and relaxation. So, what do ya usually like to do for fun? We could build a block tower, play with toys, have a tea party. Whatever it is you think we'll have the most fun doin' together."

Tiara looked all around, as the idea of having her father as a playmate slowly sunk in. Her eyes lit up with glee, as she realized that this would give her the perfect chance to truly have some one on one quality time with her dad, doing what she liked to do best. Aside from the rare occasions where her dad took her fishing, or let him accompany her on his business trips, the two had seldom done anything together (which is why the filly always delighted in having her father come in for Family Appreciation Day at school). "Well, why don't you join Theodore and I on one of our imaginary safaris?" The pink coated filly offered, slowly scooting closer to her father. "This time we're going to be looking for a tiger, just be careful not to startle the elephants or you'll cause a stampede."

"That sounds like great fun!" Filthy beamed in delight. "I used to love fantasizin' about goin' on safaris in the jungle when I was younger. Sometimes my old grandpappy would even 'pretend' to be the animal I was huntin'," He sighed, as long repressed memories of such occasions came flooding back to the forefront of his mind. "Ah, those were the days."

"Okay then," Diamond happily replied, and scooted off to grab Theodore. "Let me just go get Theodore, and then we can make our way to the center of the room and begin our journey. Remember, there's no such thing as an overactive imagination. The stronger you can fantasize the setting, the better. Oh, and word of advice, watch your step. The jungle is full of things you DON'T want to get stuck to your hoof, to say nothing of the quicksand and tar pits."

Filthy snickered lightly and pretended to be grossed out. "Ew!" He playfully exclaimed, and stuck his tongue out in an exaggerated fashion.

"Just thought I'd warn you in advance." Tiara cautioned, as she retrieved her teddy and the grand adventure began.

The three adventurers made their way through the heart of the jungle, searching for the rare and elusive tiger that was said to be quite deadly.

But so far, the only creatures the trio had encountered, were a bunch of pesky mosquitoes that swarmed all around them. Their constant buzzing filling the air, even as they were swatted aside without a thought.

"Sure are a lot of mosquitoes in this here jungle," Filthy commented to his daughter, while getting bitten. "Ya sure we're goin' the right way? All these trees and bushes look the same to me."

"Don't worry, Daddy," Diamond chuckled. "Theodore has an impeccable sense of direction, he never gets lost!"

"Stop, you're making me blush!" Theodore playfully protested, before he pointed a paw to the right side of an approaching split in the path and said. "We go that way, I can already hear the sound of the river."

The two ponies followed the bear, as he led them down the right hoof path. Sure enough, they soon discovered a small river with rather shallow banks. It wasn't very deep, and the three had no trouble wading their way through it. Just after Filthy had made his way across, Theodore stopped and gasped, pointing a fuzzy paw to the ground! "Look!" He shouted. "Tiger paw prints!" Sure enough, several tiger shaped prints could be seen leading away from the river and deeper into the jungle proper.

"We're on the right track now," Tiara smiled. "Where to now, Theodore? Oh fearless leader."

"Follow the paw prints, wherever they may lead!" Theodore instructed.

The three adventurers did so, but they hadn't gotten far before they came to their first big obstacle, a thick layer of brambles and thorns protruding out from a series of bushes. However, the paw prints clearly led right to (and likely through) the pokey flora.

"Come on, we can totally crawl under these pesky plants," Theodore declared. "Just be careful not to look up, there's no mommy here to kiss your boo boos."

Theodore and Diamond crawled under the brambles and thorns with little trouble, but for a pony like Filthy it proved to be a real challenge. At several points he was sure he felt the sharp objects poking and scratching at him, but somehow he still managed to force his way through to the other side. When he had done so, he wiped the sweat from his brows. "Whew, this is quite challengin'." He commented.

"Save your breath, you'll need it further ahead," Theodore replied. "The paw prints are becoming more and more noticeable, we're getting closer."

Diamond and Filthy followed Theodore, as he led them towards a small clearing, all the while they noticed more and more large paw prints. But then suddenly, Theodore put a paw to his face and made a shushing motion. "Look, up ahead!" He frantically whispered.

Peeking her head up from behind a rock she, Theodore, and Filthy were all huddled behind, Tiara noticed a series of massive, gray scaled creatures with ivory tusks. "Elephants!" She gasped, barely keeping her voice down.

"Well, we've got to get past them," Theodore said firmly. "On the other side of this clearing is the tallest tree in the jungle. From there, my trusty rusty telescope will be able to easily spot that tiger, wherever it may be."

"But how are we gonna do that?" Filthy asked in a whisper. "If we startle those elephants, we'll be caught up in a stampede."

"We'll have to tippaw and tiphoof past them," Theodore softly explained. "Just stay quiet, and move slowly."

"Okay," Filthy gulped. "You go first, Theodore. I'll bring up the rear."

Slowly and gingerly, the three snuck past the elephants, though there was a tense moment when Filthy stepped on a branch and he'd thought for sure the elephants would hear the noise and freak out.

"Good, we've made it," Theodore smiled, once all three adventurers had reached the trunk of the gigantic tree. "Now we'll just climb these branches, and hopefully my trusty rusty telescope isn't malfunctioning."

It took quite a bit of work for Theodore, Diamond, and Filthy to ascend to the summit of the large tree. But at last, they were resting comfortably on the very top, as a faint breeze blew past. Retrieving an old telescope from his backpack, Theodore instructed. "Start scanning the jungle as best you can. If you spot the tiger, let me know."

But just then, a low, rumbling voice called out. "Good afternoon, intrepid travelers. Looking for something, or perhaps someone?"

The trio turned to the unexpected fourth party currently in the tree with them. "Oops, my apologies. I didn't know this tree was taken," Theodore apologized, before he took notice of the appearance of the creature sitting next to him. "Wait, orange fur, black stripes..."

"Rawr!" The creature roared at the top of its lungs!

Filthy gasped, as the realization dawned upon him! "It's the tiger, run for your lives!" He shouted!

"Hey, wait!" The tiger protested, but to no avail as Theodore, Tiara, and Filthy, all hastily scrambled down the tree branch by branch until they'd reached the jungle floor! But their relief was short lived, as they saw the tiger coming down the tree after them!

"Run!" Theodore barked out, and the three adventures dashed off as quickly as they could! They tried to sneak past the elephants, but unfortunately the gigantic creatures spotted the tiger that was chasing them, and they let out a series of deafening cries! The jungle began to shake, as they started to run at top speed!

"Hurry, back through the thicket!" Theodore shouted, as the trio hastily crawled through the thorns and brambles, the tiger in hot pursuit!

"Man, that tiger's not giving up!" Filthy panted, as they kept on running and the tiger kept on chasing them.

"We have to lose him! Quickly, back across the river bank!" Theodore instructed, and the trio rushed across it just seconds before the tiger reached the edge of the bank.

The tiger skidded to a halt. "Oh no, I'm not getting my fur wet!" It protested, and all three of its intended targets celebrated at the belief that they were safe.

However, as the tiger turned to leave, it tossed something across the river bank and it bonked Theodore on the head. Theodore picked it up, and recognized the object at once. "Hey, it's my trusty rusty telescope!" He realized. "I must've dropped it when we found the tiger, or rather it found us. The tiger was just trying to return it to me."

"Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Sorry for the chase." Filthy called from across the bank.

"You're welcome. And don't worry, it was fun," The tiger replied. "I needed the exercise. Now back to taking my catnap." And then it turned and scampered off somewhere.

Randolph clapped his hooves together, bringing Filthy and Diamond back to reality. "Bravo, bravo!" He over dramatically exclaimed. "I dare say, that was a splendid performance you three put on. If only Mistress Spoiled could've been here to see it."

"I sure wish she had," Tiara commented. "Then she'd see just how much fun it is to play pretend. Though she seemed to get the hang of it more or less during the time she was in diapers."

Filthy chuckled. "And don't forget the time you and Scootaloo played 'Daring Do' and tied her up. Oh, if only I had a camera for that moment."

"Well, as fascinating as that entire experience was," Randolph commented, clearing his throat. "I believe you two are aware of what time it is, correct?"

Filthy glanced up at a nearby clock, noticing that the big hand rested firmly on the twelve, while the little hand just barely pointed towards the one. "Wow, amazing how much time can pass when you're having fun!" He thought to himself. "I didn't hear the chimes ring out." Blushing, he apologized. "Sorry, Randolph. Guess we just got so caught up in havin' up, that we lost track of everythin' else."

Randolph only smiled in return, as he approached the two foals. "It's quite alright, you three seemed to be having a lot of fun together. Which is what your intention for all this is, correct?"

"Guilty as charged," Filthy blushed again. "So, is it time for lunch, I mean num-nums for our tum-tums?"

Randolph nodded. "Indeed it is, though first there is the matter of the mandatory diaper inspections. So, who wants to be first?"

"Me!" Diamond shouted, drawing attention to herself. "After all, I'm pretty sure Daddy would know if he needed a change, since he's changed so many diapers already."

"We'll just see about that," Randolph replied, as he approached his young charge. "Now, hold still please and let me check your diaper."

Tiara fully cooperated, beaming with pride when Randolph informed her that she was as clean as a whistle. Randolph then turned his attention to Filthy, who tried his best to remain still and offer up his diapered rump on command. "So, am I clean?" He asked Randolph.

"Indeed you are, Master Filthy," Randolph smiled, as the padding snapped back as he removed his hoof from it. "But, do you wish to use the..." He turned and coughed into a hoof as he added. "Potty, as I believe is the appropriate term."

"No thank you, Randolph, I'm good," Filthy said with a shake of his head. "What about you, my little Diamond? Remember, if you have an accident, Daddy can't change you."

"Well, when you bring that up, I guess it couldn't hurt to try." Tiara reluctantly commented.

"Very well then. I trust you can manage on your own, right? I don't have to worry about you falling down the drain?" Randolph asked, eyeing the filly carefully.

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Since when was that ever a problem? I'm pretty sure I couldn't fit down the drain even if I wanted to. Theodore, on the other hoof, he might be small enough."

"That's why I don't use the bathroom," Theodore commented in his gruff voice. "Too dangerous. My fur would get soaked if that happened."

"Well even so, be careful," Randolph advised. "And be sure to wipe, flush, and wash your hooves before you come downstairs. Master Filthy and I will be waiting."

Tiara said nothing, she just trotted off, leaving Randolph and Filthy alone in the nursery.

Diamond's trip to the bathroom was very brief, and when she had concluded her business she did exactly as Randolph had instructed, making sure to wipe herself thoroughly and scrub her hooves with plenty of soap and water. Then she trotted downstairs to join her dad in the dining room, surprised but for a moment to see him wearing a baby blue colored bib that was tied around his neck not unlike his favorite neck tie and collar. "I have to admit, he makes a pretty good playmate," She thought to herself, as she took her usual spot at the dining room table. "Dare I say, he's even better than mother. Makes me wonder if perhaps he had to grow up sooner than he would've liked?" But the pink coated filly didn't dwell on the thought for long.

"So, what's on the menu for lunch today, Randolph?" Filthy inquired of the butler. "Foal food? Applesauce? Peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches? Or maybe even somethin' entirely different?"

"You are correct on the first account, sir," Randolph replied, as he presented several jars of varying flavors of foal food. "Though you'll be happy to know I took the liberty of removing Mashed Peas from the choices. Trust me when I say, you wouldn't like them."

"Oh yes, I remember all the wonderful times my little Diamond would fling that stuff at my face when I tried to feed it to her," Filthy commented, recalling the associated memories. "She was quite the artist with them though, even if my wife didn't think so."

"Well in my defense, they were terrible. And Mother deserved being splattered with them," Tiara giggled. "Not that I ever intentionally did it to her or anything, despite what she might think."

"If I could get back to where I was before I was interrupted," Randolph spoke up, commanding attention. "I trust you will both cooperate for me. I only have two front hooves after all, so I can't feed you both at the same time."

"That's alright, Randolph, I can wait," Filthy insisted, leaning back in his chair. "You just feed our little princess, and then ya can feed me when you're all done. I'll eat whatever Diamond doesn't."

"You know, Dad, you don't have to eat foal food," Diamond commented, looking across to the stallion. "I'm sure Randolph wouldn't mind making something else for you."

But Filthy only shook his head. "All your other playmates ate the same food you did, and I'm gonna be no exception. Now just focus on eatin' your foal food. Give Daddy some pointers on how foals are supposed to eat." He delivered the last line with a knowing wink.

"He's really getting into this role," Tiara thought to herself. "I swear, it's almost like he and my mom have absolutely nothing in common." But her thoughts were soon occupied with more pressing matters, namely spoon feeding from Randolph.

Diamond cooperated without much fuss, even though she ended up getting a few traces of foal food on her face and had to be wiped clean with a rag. Randolph then turned his attention to Filthy Rich, starting with a jar of foal food that read Cream of Banana and was a pasty yellow in color. "Open wide, please." Randolph lightly cooed, presenting a plastic spoonful of the goop to Filthy.

Filthy made a face and turned his head. "Nu-uh." He babbled in his best foalish voice.

"Come on now," Randolph retorted, winking at Filthy. "Open for the aeroplane, pretty please. It needs to land sooner or later. You don't want it to crash, right? I don't even think there are any parachutes on board."

Feigning reluctance, Filthy allowed the edge of the spoon to enter his mouth and its contents to be deposited onto his tongue. "Mmm!" He declared, licking his lips and savoring the sweet taste.

Randolph smiled. "What a good little foal," He playfully cooed, dipping the spoon back into the mush. "Now, let's try it again, shall we? Open the tunnel for the choo-choo train."

Filthy wasn't surprised when meal time ended with him having traces of the goop all over his face. After all, that was why he'd changed out of his tie and collar early in the morning, some stains were incredibly difficult to wash out after all. He just continued to wear that goofy smile, as he let Randolph wipe him down with a wet rag in a fashion similar to when the butler had tended to Diamond.

Then, Filthy was presented with a delicious bottle of warm, creamy milk. Which was good because the stallion was feeling awfully thirsty. He accepted the bottle without hesitation, quickly wrapping his hooves around the bottle's rubber nipple. He struggled for a bit, sucking only on air, before he at least managed to get the first drops of milk to leave the bottle and enter his mouth. He repeated the slow but steady sucking motion, until every last drop of it was gone. Right on cue, the stallion leaned back in his chair and let out a huge "Urp!" that he was certain rivaled the one his wife had given off. "It's a good thing Spoiled isn't here to see this, she'd absolutely detest the idea of me doing this. Not that it stopped her from doing it when it was her turn." He thought with a chuckle.

"That was great, Daddy!" Diamond laughed, kicking her legs in delight. "I think you've gotten that part of being a foal down pat. And you certainly know how to use your imagination."

"Thanks, Diamond," Filthy smiled, as he got down from his chair, trotted over to his diapered daughter, and nuzzled her. "I gotta say, this has been a lot of fun so far."

"Well, the fun's not over yet!" Tiara boasted. "We've got the whole afternoon and some of the evening still left, and aside from dinner time it's gonna be non-stop playing!"

"But with what?" Filthy asked his daughter, as the two diapered ponies followed Randolph back to up the nursery. Their diapers crinkling with every step they took.

"Whatever we feel like doing," Diamond explained. "You've seen all the toys I have, and how I'm willing to share them. You can play with squeaky toys or rattles, or we could work together on a block tower."

"Ah yes, the block tower. I think that sounds like a fun time," Filthy fondly commented. "Together, you and I are gonna build the best block tower there ever was. And then, when we're all done, we can have fun knockin' it down together!"

And so it was that father and daughter, diapers crinkling and rustling audibly for all to hear, set to work on building a magnificent tower out of alphabet blocks. Their teamwork and sense of cooperation was something that had to be seen to be believed.

Tiara would grab a block from the hastily scattered stack, carrying it over to the build site, and place it down. Then Filthy would do the same (after he took some time to get used to the feel of the diaper pushing his legs apart, causing him to stumble a few times on his way to and from the blocks).

As the two big foals worked together, their tower slowly grew more and more massive. Five blocks, ten blocks, fifteen blocks, twenty blocks and counting! Yet even as they stood on tiphooves, the duo showed no signs of slowing down on the stacking.

But eventually, they reached their limit, somewhere around thirty blocks or so. The two stepped back and admired their brilliant work for a moment, as if they'd broken some kind of unwritten record. Then they nodded in unison, and began swiping at the tower with their hooves, knocking it down in just a matter of seconds. The two of them laughing and giggling in delight all the while of their demolition.

However, just as the two fell onto the floor and started scattering the blocks about every which way, it happened. There came a faint hissing sound, which to Filthy's trained ears seemed to be originating from him. Looking down, the stallion could see a yellow colored damp patch slowly forming on the front of his diaper. "Uh-oh!" He gasped, realizing what he was doing. He of course tried in vain to stop the flow by crossing his legs, but his body had a mind of its own and just kept going. At last, after only a few minutes, the process was complete and Filthy's padding swelled up even as the thirsty padding did its job by readily absorbing the urine like a sponge.

Diamond stepped back in surprise, though she had fortunately avoided seeing the process unfold (the filly having had the foresight to cover her eyes with her hooves). "Dad... did you just..." She began, but trailed off, unable to say the obvious.

"Uh, why don't you take a break, sweetie?" Filthy suggested, trying to draw attention away from his "accident". "Maybe use the potty while Daddy er... cleans up a bit." He delicately put it, feeling a huge wave of embarrassment wash over him.

Tiara hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether or not to chime in with a comment or supportive gesture. But when she saw Randolph approaching her dad, she decided that things were more or less under control. "Okay, I'll do that. I kind of had to go anyway." She sheepishly remarked, trying not to giggle as she slipped out of the room.

Now alone with his diapered employer, Randolph (having already taken the liberty of slipping on a pair of disposable plastic gloves) gathered up the necessary changing supplies, including wet wipes, foal powder, rash cream, and of course a new diaper. And he set them all down near a wastebasket resting on the floor near the changing table. He then motioned for Filthy to trot over to him. "Whenever you're ready, sir." He simply instructed.

Taking a deep breath, Filthy cautiously took a few steps towards Randolph. No matter what, he didn't want to stay in a wet diaper for too long, he couldn't risk an embarrassing rash and having ponies ask him where he'd gotten it. Yet, as he trotted over to Randolph, he suddenly stopped midway there. Something else had caught his attention, namely a faint popping sound, as he swore he felt something inside of him move. "Oh no!" He realized, too late to prevent the inevitable. He didn't dare to look back at his padding, as a strong smell of manure started to fill the air, he knew what had happened. "Thank Celestia I sent Diamond away before this happened," He thought to himself, as he reluctantly resumed his slow trek towards Randolph. "Phew, just what did I eat?!"

When Filthy reached Randolph, it felt like forever, even though it hadn't been more than a minute or two at best. Taking some more deep breaths, the stallion slowly and very reluctantly lowered himself to the floor before laying down on an old rug Randolph had prepared. Filthy opened his mouth to speak, only to have a baby blue colored pacifier inserted into his mouth, and he occupied himself with suckling on it. Anything to take his mind off his "accident".

Randolph didn't appear phased by what was expected of him, he just slipped a clothespin on over his nose as he announced. "I'm ready when you are, Master Filthy. If you wouldn't mind, please try to hold still. It will make this easier on both of us."

"I'll try." Filthy lisped through his pacifier, as he turned his gaze up toward the ceiling.

Randolph sighed, mentally preparing himself for the task expected of him. "I suppose that increased paycheck had to come at a price." He thought to himself, and then he set to work. With very little effort, he managed to undo the tabs on Filthy's diaper and let it fall from his rump. Randolph quickly moved to ball up the noxious disposable and toss it into the wastebasket, then set to work with the wet wipes. He stopped only once, when Filthy wiggled at the wipes' cold touch, then resumed the job, tossing the used wipes into the wastebasket when he was finished with them. He then carefully slipped the new diaper under Filthy's rump, taped it up securely, and then pulled it back as he sprinkled in several generous helpings of foal powder.

Filthy, for his part, was taken back by the sudden strong smell of cornstarch that replaced the smell of manure assaulting his nostrils. He looked down, noticing that his entire rump was covered with foal powder, and that Randolph was currently working in the rash cream. "Uh, Randolph," Filthy commented, spitting out his pacifier so he could be heard clearly. "I think you uh, overdid it on the powder a little."

"My apologies, Master Filthy," Randolph replied, as he finished working in the rash cream. "I just wanted to be sure you were protected from rashes. You can hold it against me if you wish, I won't blame you."

Filthy only shook his head, as he sat up. "Nonsense, Randolph. The excess powder'll shake itself out eventually. Just you worry about the old diaper."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Randolph nodded, and rushed out of the room gagging with the wastebasket a second later.

Diamond returned just as Randolph returned with a now empty wastebasket, and she made no comments or teasing remarks of any sort. She just looked at her dad, giggling at the foal powder that billowed out of him when he trotted. "Geez, you hog all the foal powder like that, there's not gonna be any left for me." She teased.

"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" Filthy asked, shaking his diaper and causing it to spill out more foal powder.

"Well, for starters, I'm gonna do THIS!" Diamond shouted, and she immediately rushed forward and tackled Filthy as hard as she could. She then started tickling him all over.

Filthy rolled around, kicking his legs and playfully shouting. "Please, stop! Mercy! I give!"

"I'll only stop if you agree to stop hogging the foal powder!" Tiara demanded, giggling playfully.

"I will, I will!" Filthy insisted. "Now will ya please stop ticklin' me?"

Tiara slowly relented, embracing her dad in a full body hug. "You're such a good playmate, Daddy," She smiled, and then fondly recalled. "I remember how much you loved playing with me when I was younger. Even after I turned three and had to give up my diapers, you'd still find time to do stuff with me. You'd even give me piggy back rides around the house."

"We can do that again if ya'd like, Diamond," Filthy winked. "Come on, climb onto my back and hold on tight."

"Oh thank you, Daddy!" Diamond exclaimed, as she leapt onto her father's back and carefully grabbed hold of his neck with her hooves.

Filthy gave his daughter several piggyback rides over the next few hours, while Randolph just watched the two from afar with an enormous grin on his face.

It was only when the rays of Celestia's sun started to sink and cast the nursery in an evening glow that Filthy finally ended the fun. By now, his stomach was rumbling quite loudly. "Guess it's dinner time." He commented.

"Indeed it is, Master Filthy," Randolph spoke up, approaching the diapered duo. "Come along, please."

Filthy and Diamond followed Randolph down to the dining room, occupying the same seats they'd sat in for lunch, and both of them having bibs tied around their necks. Neither of them objected of course, they'd more than proven their need for such things with how much of a mess they'd made at lunch time.

This time, the two were presented with peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches, so that Randolph could have a brief (but well deserved) break.

Filthy followed his daughter's lead, scarfing down the carefully cut sandwiches like there was no tomorrow. He knew such a process would leave his face splotched with peanut butter and zap apple jam, as well as a few bread crumbs, but the stallion didn't care. That was all part of the experience as far as he was concerned.

"Oh, that was good!" Filthy exclaimed, licking his lips as he fell back in his chair. "I tell ya, Spoiled doesn't know what she's missin' out on runnin' the store."

"Maybe she got fed up with changing diapers," Diamond concluded. "I just hope she hasn't scared off all the customers with her attitude."

"Now now," Filthy said with a chuckle. "I trust her enough to keep things under control. I wouldn't let her be in charge of Barnyard Bargains if I had any reason to think she'd drive away our payin' customers. She cares about the money too , ya know. If anythin', I think this gives her a chance to start turnin' her reputation in some circles around."

"Well, she has improved since this all began, more or less," Tiara commented thoughtfully. "And while she doesn't show it too much, I think she does like this treatment. Most of it anyway."

"And I can see how it's helped you two to become close," Filthy added. "Even before I knew just how bad things were, I could tell you two were havin' issues with each other. I just wish I'd thought to intervene sooner."

"You couldn't have known, I was the one who was too afraid to stand up for myself and tell you what was going on," Diamond replied with a hint of sadness. "Though whether or not you'd have believed me is another question."

Filthy looked across to his daughter and smiled warmly as he told her. "But look on the bright side, everythin' has worked out for the better now. And ya've got plenty of friends that care about you and support you. Heck, some of them even know about the fact that you're still technically in diapers." He giggled, even as he put a hoof up to his mouth in a vain attempt to suppress them.

"Well, at least I still remember my potty training," Tiara teased. "Whereas you had an accident like a big foal. And apparently you really love the smell of foal powder."

"That was Randolph's doin', not mine," Filthy playfully protested. "And you're one to talk, missy. You've certainly had a few accidents, that's part of the reason why ya still wear 'protection' from time to time."

Tiara was about to say more, but that was when Randolph cleared his throat loudly, thus attracting complete attention. "Would either of you care for a bottle of milk before I clean your faces?" He offered.

"I could go for another one, Randolph, if ya don't mind," Filthy requested.

But Diamond shook her head. "I'm good. Thank you, Randolph." The pink coated said with a shake of her head.

"Right then, one bottle of milk it is." Randolph replied sounding like a barman, and slipped away to prepare it.

Thanks in part to the late drink, Filthy found himself growing quite sleepy as the hours quickly ticked by after dinner. He was just barely able to stay awake long enough to break from his role as a foal, and tuck his pajama wearing princess into bed. "Sweet dreams, my precious little Diamond." He softly cooed, as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Daddy." Tiara faintly replied, before she popped her hot pink colored pacifier into her mouth and began to fall asleep, Theodore clutched firmly in her hooves.

Filthy heard those words, just seconds before he felt his eyes grow heavy and he curled up on the nursery floor and fell asleep at the foot of his daughter's bed.

Fortunately for Filthy, Randolph entered the room just a few seconds later. And when he saw the stallion sleeping on the cold floor, he carefully nudged Filthy awake.

Filthy groaned and yawned, shaking the mental cobwebs from his mind. "Guess Diamond's not the only one 'round here who needs their beauty sleep," He softly commented, accepting Randolph's hoof as he was led back to his own bedroom. "Thanks again for doin' all this, Randolph. I know it couldn't have been easy on ya."

"It was certainly a challenge, but even if you hadn't paid me so generously I still would've helped," Randolph affirmatively replied. "You more than deserved a break, and a chance to spend some quality time with your only daughter. What kind of hired help would I be if I wasn't willing to help you with that?"

"You're truly a one of a kind butler, Randolph. Don't know what I'd do without ya." Filthy yawned again, as he fell asleep almost the moment his head hit the pillow. He was so tired that he forgot all about his diaper (which Randolph fortunately noticed and removed).

When Filthy woke up the next morning, he felt refreshed and invigorated, ready to take on all of Equestria if he needed to.

"Good morning, dear," Spoiled greeted, having clearly arrived back home at some point last night. "You'll be happy to know that everything went smoothly at Barnyard Bargains in your absence," Then she added. "How was your..." She turned and coughed into a hoof. "Playdate with our little Diamond? Did you enjoy it?"

"I sure did. And I was right, it was a lot of fun," Filthy nodded in reply. "Though, I think I like bein' on the other side of things, just a little. Can't really explain why, but I feel like I enjoy the feelin' of takin' care of others."

"Oh, good," Spoiled said, breathing a sigh of relief. "If you started wearing diapers twenty four/seven around here, I'd have to move out. And don't even think about trying to force me into diapers again. I did it once, and once was more than enough for me, thank you very much."

"Guess that means ya won't be interested in takin' care of me if I do this again," Filthy joked. "But don't worry, hun, you and I won't have to wear diapers again anytime soon. But if you ever decide you want to pad up at all, let me know and I'll join ya in a heartbeat. Maybe we can work out an agreement to alternate between the two of us for diaper playdates with Diamond?"

Spoiled shook her head in protest. "I'd much rather you bring back one or more of her friends, preferably the ones that will swear to secrecy and not violate the privacy of my house," She decreed. "Or, perhaps you'll find some other friends of Diamond are who willing to take part. As for me, the only pampering I'll be getting, is at the spa."

Comments ( 8 )

EW! I will never read this and personally it's one of my major squicks.

But have an upvote for clearly stating it in a very hard to miss warning. Kudos.

Does doing that treatment that Diamond Tiara does make that character act a bit younger during the treatment. Everypony that’s gone through the treatment, except Babs Seed and Twist, has wet and/or messed their diaper during the treatment.

My responses for each playmate:

1. Spoiled Rich - Time for a test run!  Can mother and daughter improve their relationship by sharing the same treatment?

2. Sweetie Belle - Diamond’s first playmate outside of her house: Sweetie Belle!  How will things turn out when she finds out what Diamond Tiara does?

3. Scootaloo - Scootaloo finds out what Diamond Tiara does at home.  What could possibly go wrong?

4. Apple Bloom - Diamond Tiara’s former enemy is now her friend.  What will happen when Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara’s connected families have their children as playmates?

5. Silver Spoon - Bump!  Bump!  Sugar-lump!  Rump!  Our best friends are back together.  How will things go when the two of them are together for the day?

6. Babs Seed - Babs Seed!  Babs Seed!  What we gonna do?  We got a—wait a minute!  She’s not a bully anymore!  But does Diamond Tiara know that?  And does Babs Seed know that Diamond Tiara has changed?  Will things be better when the two see each other unexpectedly?

7. Pipsqueak - Pipsqueak is the next playmate with Spoiled Rich around!  There shouldn’t be anything wrong with that.  Right?

8. Twist - Aside from her debut, she hasn't interacted with Diamond Tiara much.  Will they get to know more about each other after having a rocky start back when Twist didn’t have a cutie mark?

9. Gabby - An unexpected visitor shows up and decides to join the fun after getting into a bit of a difficult situation. How will that go?

10. Filthy Rich - I guess all stories have to come to an end at some point.  How will a father and daughter playdate go like?

What do you think?

8526383 Very insightful comments.

I’m aware of that.

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