• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 2,269 Views, 28 Comments

Sounds Cool - Natedogg2006

How would Rainbow Dash react if she found out her closest friend loved her? Like Rainbow Dash of course.

  • ...

Favorite Pillow

A gentle sprinkling of rain washed over Ponyville. It wasn't a downpour, but it was enough to have ruined the grand plans of a certain rainbow maned pegasus. Grand plans in this case meaning lounging in one of her favorite trees at Sweet Apple Acres, napping, and occasionally munching an apple or seven. Whoever snuck this shower into the schedule at the last minute she would swear did it just to annoy her. Thus, with no dry trees and no fluffy cloud that didn't come with a good chance of randomly zapping her, she was left with one option. So there she was, lazing around Fluttershy's cottage.

It wasn't that Rainbow Dash disliked spending time with her oldest friend, quite the opposite. For a few specific reasons Fluttershy's cottage was probably her favorite place to relax. She just knew Fluttershy had a full house and full schedule taking care of all her animal friends and Rainbow was rarely one to be a burden or abuse a privilege. She knew Fluttershy didn't mind, but she also knew that if she did mind she'd never say so. So it was with the shy mare, as it had been as long as they had known each other.

Over the years however, Rainbow Dash had become much more tuned to her friend's quirks, able in most situations to know something was wrong with her friend and how to fix it. Luckily for her this talent of hers rarely had to be called on. One of the reasons she loved snoozing at Fluttershy's was because it almost never had to be anything more than that, snoozing.

Fluttershy knew this was one of the reasons Rainbow Dash frequented her cottage. Rainbow was not a pony who liked complications. Fluttershy herself typically felt that way as well. For her this was a good day. Her animal friends were taken care of, the soothing sound of gentle rain was echoing in the background, her best friend was lazily flipping through the same Daring Do book she's read probably a hundred times. For her everything was perf.....

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" Rainbow suddenly asked, almost in a groan. She hadn't wanted to ask the question, but at some point she was going to have to, so why not get it over with.

".....Huh?" Fluttershy was taken aback by the sudden question.

"Something's wrong, so are you gonna tell me or are you gonna make me get all mushy here?"

"I don't.... What are you talking about?"

"Uuuuuuugh, mushy it is then." Rainbow groaned while lobbing her Daring Do book onto the end table with practiced accuracy.

"Rainbow Dash, why would you think something is wrong?" Fluttershy timidly asked, hoping to deflect the line of questioning.

"Seriously.....?" Rainbow rolled her head to the side to look at Fluttershy who was now craning her neck to also look back at her friend. "Fluttershy, how long have you been my favorite pillow?" Rainbow asked from where her head rested on Fluttershy's lower back, just above her flank. This was one of the few things Rainbow Dash was ok abusing the privilege of as it was another of the reasons Fluttershy's place was one of her favorite relaxing spots.

"I believe you decided that in..... fifth grade. Just a couple years after we met," Fluttershy answered, pretending she didn't remember the time down to the day.

"Sounds about right," Rainbow responds, nodding her head against her friends back. "So do you really think I wouldn't notice when something is wrong?"

"Oh Rainbow, you can't really be saying that you can somehow know something just because you like to lay on..."

"Your breathing is funny," the rainbow pegasus stated flatly. Cut off and not sure how or if she should respond to such a statement her pink haired friend only stared at her in disbelief. "Can't really say how it's funny, I can't even say how I know it's funny. I just know it's funny cause I can't sleep."

Dumbfounded by such a statement Fluttershy didn't quite know what to say, though she didn't dare doubt her brash friends' claim. "Well.... I guess if I were worried about anything it would just be normal things. You know, everyday things, nothing for you to worry about."

"Now you're lying, and now I'm really worried." Once again Fluttershy had no idea how to respond to such a blunt statement. "You never worry about those things for too long, especially when I come around. Usually it's just Angel Bunny being a jerk again or you trying to figure out if you have enough animal food for the week. But when it's one of those things I usually don't make it more than two chapters into my Daring Do. I got through NINE chapters and if anything I was getting LESS comfortable, meaning whatever it is it's only getting worse." Saying this she looked very seriously into her friends eyes waiting for a response. When one didn't come she let out a tired sigh. "Come on Shy, work with me here. You know I'm not good at the mushy stuff. Not only am I not good at it, but you are the only pony I'd even try to do the mushy stuff with, so meet me halfway here".

Finally seeing an opening to take the conversation off of her, Fluttershy decided to address this supposed short coming of her friend. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you aren't that bad. You're always a good friend and I'm sure you'd help any of our other friends if they needed."

Rainbow Dash gave her a disbelieving look for just long enough to make her shy friend a little nervous. "If it were Apple Jack I'd just punch her in the shoulder and tell her to get over it."

"Well you two just have an interesting relationship like th..."

"If it were Rarity I'd just tell her to stop being a diva and get over it."

"You wouldn't be that harsh on her, I'm...."

"Totally would. If it were Pinky Pie I'd just stuff her with cup cakes until she got over it."

"While I won't argue that that might work, I think you'd find at least a slightly better way..."

"Twilight I'd just wait for the initial freak out to subside then correct her on whatever she was overreacting or over thinking about."

"Ok that usually works, but I still think you'd try to be nice about it."

"I like all our friends, but you're different. You're my best friend, we've been together forever, so come on. Like I said, I'm not good at mushy stuff but for you I can at least try. So let's do this."

Fluttershy by this point was looking away, something in Rainbows last statement having apparently upset her in some way. Seeing this made Rainbow more concerned than she had been before, she began lifting herself off of Fluttershy's back for the first time all day. Trying to adjust herself on her front legs so she could look her friend in the face again only made her even more concerned as Fluttershy turned her head further away to avoid eye contact. However this also told her she was closer to figuring out what had Fluttershy in such a state. "Fluttershy please, you're really starting to worry me."

What followed was barely audible mumbling from the shy mare that even with her years of experience deciphering her friends nervous responses was almost completely lost on Rainbow Dash. The only part she could make out for sure was; 'something something best friend.'

"Come on Fluttershy, you're gonna have to do better than that."

"Why do we always just have to be best friends." It was still barely more than a whisper but Rainbow Dash had heard it, and now it was her turn to stare blankly at her friend in disbelief of what she had said. Fluttershy took a deep breath, gathering up her seldom seen courage. She knew Rainbow could be persistent and as such she was never going to just let her drop the conversation at this point. So she was going to have to lay it all out.

"We've been together forever,..... And being best friends with you has always been one of,..... has been the best thing in my life. I guess I'm just being selfish but,..... I want more than that." Taking another deep breath as she felt her courage slipping she continued. "I've been too scared,.... But for a while now I've wanted to ask you......, ...... If you would be my marefriend." Reaching the end of her nerve the last few words were barely a whisper, but she knew Rainbow heard it.

There was a silence between the pair, an awkward silence. The kind that hadn't existed between the two for years. Fluttershy bit back her fear and raised her eyes to meet her hopefully soon marefriend's eyes, and instantly regretted it. Rainbow dash was still propped up on her front legs meaning their faces were just inches apart. That being the case Fluttershy could see the expression on the other mares face clearly. Fluttershy had known Rainbow Dash for a long time, and in much the same way Rainbow had read her earlier Fluttershy always knew what was on Rainbows mind just by the look on her face. Except at that moment. In all their years together Fluttershy had never seen an expression on her normally laid back friend as she saw then, and this being Fluttershy she of course let her mind wonder to the worst possibilities upon seeing it.

She immediately looked away again, hiding behind her hair as her mind struggled to come up with some way to unsay what was just said. "I... I'm sorry Rainbow... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... I already knew it wouldn't work, that's why I never said anything. You don't have to say anything....just", now fighting back tears, "just don't hate me... I don't want to lose...."

"Let's do it."

For yet a third time in the short afternoon together Fluttershy was left totally dumbfounded by her possibly soon marefriend's brash nature. Her response was a not so elegant and barely formed, "WHAT," as her jaw dropped and eyes grew to many times their regular size.

Fluttershy could read Rainbow Dash's expression once again as her eyes quickly darted to look at her in disbelief. Rainbow looked confused, almost as if she herself hadn't been sure the previous statement had just come from her mouth. But while Fluttershy remained confused she by contrast saw her possibly new marefriend quickly return to her normal laid back self as she donned a cocky smirk. "Ya, sounds cool. Let's do it."

Though she was still too shocked to think properly, the explosion of questions and emotions in her head led to something resembling speech to be pushed from Fluttershy's lips. "That's... But I... You... What... I mean..." Finally settling down some she managed to get at least one full sentence out. "I didn't even think you were interested in mares."

"I'm not, at least as a general rule."

Fluttershy hadn't noticed, but her ears had been steadily rising since Dash's previous statement. But now they quickly retreated and pressed firmly against her head. "Oh, I see. So.... you aren't really saying yes because you want to. You're just humoring me."

That was the closest to being legitimately displeased with Fluttershy that Dash could easily remember. "Oh don't start thinking like that Shy." Staring at Fluttershy, or more precisely her hair which now covered her face again, she did not see a change in expression so she decided to continue. "Who do you think I am. I'm loyalty, not generosity. In fact one reason we always get along is because you don't mind that I can be pretty selfish sometimes. You of all ponies know I almost never do anything I don't want to do. As a matter of fact, you are one of the very few exceptions to that."

Finally finding her voice again Fluttershy managed to squeak out a barely audible, "what do you mean?"

"Think about it. You are definitely the only pony alive who could have dragged me along to that butterfly migration, which you still owe me for by the way. And it's not just that, you're the exception for a lot of things. You're probably the only pony I'd ever be comfortable cuddling with, seeing as you're the only one I've ever used as a pillow. You're obviously the only pony who I'll talk about mushy stuff with. Oh and by the way, you're the only mare I've ever thought was hot." Rainbow could finally tell that her words were having an effect as she noticed a slight blush appear on Fluttershy's cheeks as she finally appeared from behind her hair, a look of hope in her eyes.

"Sss..so you really do want to do this? You're not doing it just because."

"Of course I'm doing it just because. Just because I want to. You know me Shy, that's the ONLY reason I do anything. You know I put at most half a seconds thought into anything I do if I think I might like it." A thought passed through her head for all of a half second before a devilish grin crept across her lips. "Kinda like this." Still propped up on her front legs so that they were more or less face to face, Rainbow shifted so she was propped on just one hoof while the other quickly but gently snaked around Fluttershy's head, closing the small gap between their faces and pressing their lips firmly together. The kiss was fast and thrilling, like the mare giving it. And though they parted quickly, Fluttershy was left frozen in place. Rainbow Dash meanwhile was finally content in her new marefriend no longer being upset and had settled back into her previous napping position.

Smacking her lips happily as she rolled her head around getting comfortable once again she could only think of one thing to say. "Well guess that means I am gay, cause that was pretty awesome."

Finally coming back to reality Fluttershy smiled and blushed deeply at the statement. "Really, you liked it too?"

"Yep," Rainbow said through a yawn. "In fact, you no longer have a choice. Even if you broke up with me we're still doing that like all the time." Finally finding the exact right spot Rainbow Dash's eyes quickly slid shut as the mother of all naps started coming over her.

Seeing one of her favorite sights in the world, a happy and content Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy could only think of one thing to say as well. Adjusting herself carefully so as not to disturb her new marefriend, she curled herself into as tight a ball as she could so that she was just as close to Rainbow dash as she possibly could be. "I love you Rainbow Dash."

The soft beginnings of what she knew would be freight train levels of snoring was her only response, but she was ok with that. She had gotten more than she ever imagined she could have, so she could wait to know the response to that. At that moment Fluttershy already knew three things. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep on her side, so she was going to leave a large puddle of drool in her yellow fur. She knew she was more ok with that fact then any other time Rainbow had done it. And she knew she was happier then she had ever been.

Author's Note:

Never thought this statement would be true, but I think I'm ready to put out my first ever My Little Pony fan fiction. Don't know how it will be received, but comments, even harsh criticism is welcome. I can take it.

I did this story because in so many stories I read I don't think some characters are properly captured. In this one I tried to think of how Rainbow Dash would really react to one of her friends confessing love to her. Hopefully I caught her usual brash, devil may care attitude.

I never like my own work so I'll likely go though and retool some stuff. I feel like perspective shifts were not handled well, I don't know, tell me what you think. Also if you catch spots where pony language should have been used let me know.


I have gone through and corrected some things, and made some of the changes I had planned on as well as hopefully fixing the issues some of my helpful critics pointed out. Hopefully I did not alienate those who already like the story with my few changes. Let me know what you think.