• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 1,506 Views, 12 Comments

Rain 10 - MaskedPony

when a mysterious pod crash lands near Canterlot High, Rainbow Dash soon becomes attached to some sort of Alien Technology, unaware that a alien is after the device

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The Rolexian

It was evening in the city of Canterlot, Everyone was closing shops, cars were roaming the streets either going home or people heading to their workplace to prepare for their night jobs. While the city was entering the late night hours, the teenagers and younger children of the city were either at home doing their homework, or hanging out with their friends.

At Canterlot High, The Mane 7 were at the school, preparing for movie night. Although Canterlot High has strict policies of those lingering in the school past hours, unless they have detention or custodian workers having to patrol the school, tonight was an exception. After the events at Camp Everfree, they decided to host various of Fundraisers to help raise money for Camp Everfree from being brought by Filthy Rich, with the board of education allowing them to host the fundraisers at the school if they needed to.

As time went on, People who were invited to the movie night and those who heard about the fundraiser, even surprisingly, students from Crystal Prep and Dean Cadence arrived for movie night, even putting money in the box Twilight has provided to keep the money in to avoid the money being stolen. While they were getting money for the fundraiser, the main 7 then put int the movie they were going to air, the Daring Do movie since the upcoming Daring Do sequel film is in development.

While the movie played, and everyone was watching it, the main 7, who were operating the food table that Pinkie generously bought to help the fundraiser, begin to talk, while Twilight was calculating how much money they have made, along with filling a chart out to moderate the progress. "Rainbow, this was probably a great idea you came with to get money to help Gloriosa and Timber save the camp grounds." Sunset complimented as she had some soda.

"What can I say, the camp is Gloriosa and Timbers most prized grounds. No matter what Filthy Rich does, he can't buy the grounds when funds have been met."

Twilight who have been looking at the money and counting the total and looking at the chart to fill the bar graph up to the current percentage. While her friends were in charge of hosting the different ways of raising money for the camps fundraiser to save the camp grounds, Twilight took charge of keeping the money total and keeping the money locked up safely. Upon counting the money she looked at them. "Well your idea was great, we managed to two hundred ninety-five dollars, which boosted us to thirty-three precent. "Twilight said

Rarity, who was reading a magazine looked at them. "Well we have to keep making the funds by the deadline, Darling." she replied. "We can't let Filthy Rich take their precious camp from them."

While they operated the food and beverage table, everyone was enjoying the movie. This made Rainbow glad her idea was working. When she originally planned the idea, her friends thought it was going to fail, but in turn, it worked out well. Seeing this working very well got her thinking that they can do more of something like this in.

As everyone began to enjoy the movie, unknowingly to them, outside, the sky begin to glow. While everyone didn't notice, Vinyl, who was there by helping out and offering to help out with the fundraiser, looked outside. She saw something in the sky. It looked like a falling star like. However, what made her realize that it wasn't a falling star, is the fact it was going down faster and faster with every second. "W...what the...is that a meteor?" Vinyl panicked as she saw it coming down closer and closer.

Hearing Vinyl mention a meteor alarmed the Main 7 to look outside the window Vinyl looked out While everyone was to busy watching the movie, while some noticed, the meteor like object was approaching the surface faster and faster, until, it hit the ground, causing a loud crash like noise to be heard while several car alarms went off outside. The sound of both the loud crash and car alarms going off caused those who were watching the movie to look outside and turn off their car alarms.

Celestia and Luna, who were in the other room talking to Dean Cadence, came running out as they heard the commotion. "What is going on out..." Celestia demanded but stoped herself as she saw, that outside the window, there was a giant crater in the center of the Canterlot Highs football field, and it was smoking. "OH MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED?!" Celestia shrieked.

"S...something came falling out of the sky, I-I saw it."

Thinking fast, Twilight used her magic to bring the remote to her hand and paused the movie. Fluttershy and the others went around to make sure everyone is alright, and no one needs to be taken to the hospital due to the loud noise of a crash.

Sunset, who was looking outside was curious what happened. Based on her knowledge, meteors don't crash onto the surface undetected. However one thing was for certain, it seemingly was strange. While she would just let Celestia and Luna call somebody to come to the school and investigate what happen, Sunset gathered her friends. "We are going to go look at what it is Principle Celestia." Sunset said wanting to know what happened.

Both Celestia and Luna looked at each other, while they would just call somebody, it would be kinda similar to the whole magic ordeal with nobody but those who saw the magic being used believing them. Without hesitation, they allowed the girls to go outside to the football field to examine what transpired and what crashed there. With the girls heading outside, Celestia and Luna began to hope that, due to the crash landing, this doesn't cause some serious problems with the Board of Education, unlike when the Statue of the Wondercolt was destroyed that the managed to cover up and let it slide.

However, unknown to them, none of them realize what actually crash landed there.

Moments Earlier
above earth

High above earth, in the deep and emptiness of space, two spaceships were seen above the planet. However, this was not a visit of coming in peace or bringing gifts from other worlds. Seemingly enough the two space ships were battling one another, shooting one another as if they were fighting over cargo.

In the big mothership like space craft, a alien hybrid was seen in the ship, sitting in what seems to be a chair overseeing the battle between his ship, and the ship they were after. Many alien like robots were functioning the weapons of the ship. Every shot was hitting the other ship. Upon shooting the engines of the ship, the enemy finally destroyed the ships means of movement causing it to go to a halt. Making it vulnerable to invade. "sir, the ships engines have been destroyed" one of the crew members said as their direct order was complete.

"Good, now board the ship, I want the Rolxeian and I want it now!" their leader demanded.

Right when they were about to get off the ship and board the crippled ship, the crippled ship, which was somehow able to still work, began charging something on the top of it ship. As it reach full charge, it fired a massive laser and the mother ship, thus shooting the control room, and not only destroying the control room, but injuring the captain of the ship. "ARGH, destroy that ship!" he demanded.

Acknowledging his orders, the crew fired a big attack at the ship, which surprisingly managed to destroy the ship. However, as they were about to get ready to board, something was seen fleeing the ship. Close exception showed it to be a pod and its seemingly was heading to earth. Knowing they can't go after it without orders, they returned to the ship. Oddly enough, they were totally unaware, that the location where the Rolexian was going to crash, was one location that seemingly had some sort of unique power that they never imagined there.

outside CHS

It had been a minute since something crashed into the football field of Canterlot High. While movie night was still planned, it was put on standby. Although the mane 7 were skeptical about investigating this mysterious crash, they decided to investigate anyway since they have a feeling it could be something that was banished bought to the human world from Equestria to prevent misuse.

Approaching the crash crater, the main 7 saw that although the Football field was destroyed and will take some time to repair, the eye catcher wasn't the destroyed football field, but what was in the crater it left. In the crater was what seemed to be a metal pod. However, something didn't seem right about the pod, it was as if it wasn't from Equestria, or earth.

Although they were a little nervous about getting close to it since they were afraid what could be in it, Rainbow was brave enough to volunteer to investigate. Walking close to the crater Rainbow could tell it was a metal pod. Upon reaching the edge of the crater the ground below Rainbow crumbled causing her to slide down to the pod. Fluttershy letted out a yelp covering her mouth with her hands. "Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked worriedly since it look like a painful fall.

"Ugh, I'm alright." Rainbow groaned.

Getting off the ground and approaching the pod, Rainbow began to feel nervous and such unease as she approached it. Ideas were lingering in her head of what it could be. Could it be a Atomizer bomb meant to destroy their planet? Could it be a young extraterrestrial that will steal their magic abilities to plan an invasion to Equestria?

Many thoughts lingered in Rainbows head, but, at the moment she stepped near the pod, it opened startling Rainbow. Unknowingly, as the pod open, to Rainbows surprise, it wasn't nothing that she was thinking of, or what she thought it was going to be. Within the pod was, some sort of watch.

"Rainbow darling, what is in the pod?" Rarity asked not wanting to be kept in suspense.

"It looks like....some sort of watch."

From many things they heard of outer space or extraterrestrial life, a watch was one of the most strangest things to hear. Even since the fact the question to them is, why the heck is a watch like that doing in outer space. Twilight, who was looking at the pod saw something that was so not normal, but very frightening to witness. As she saw Rainbow reaching for the watch, she saw it leap on to Rainbows wrist, and gasped while the others, who were deep in thought heard a scream.


startled by the scream, they saw Rainbow panicking and tugging her wrist. Even climbing up from the crater and tugging it. Surprisingly they saw that, on Rainbows arm, was the watch. Even to them they saw Rainbow tugging on it and trying to take it off, but to little to no avail, they saw that the watch wouldn't budge. "H-HELP! G-get this thing off of me!" Rainbow shrieked as she tried to take off the watch.

Fluttershy, thinking fast, got Rainbow a stick that was on the ground and gave it to Rainbow; But, to her surprise, as Rainbow try to take it off with the stick, it broke. Rainbow, who was afraid, gave up. However, Sunset was about to get her cellphone to dial 911, but was stopped immediately by Twilight. "What are you doing?!" Sunset asked

"Don't call someone. Remember, this is like the magic your trying protect. They won't believe us."

Although Sunset would just call the police, Twilight did have a point; while no one outside the school, except those who went to the party at Camp Everfree to help raise funds to stop Filthy Rich from buying the property, this would be a story that would probably get them in serious trouble since it will count as a waste of time.

After a short bit, they then gone to the others, who saw Rainbow sitting on the ground after many attempts of trying to remove the watch. Rainbow, who was sitting down in defeat, began to look at the watch. Sure enough it was stuck on her wrist, and had no way of being removed. However, she began looking at it probably trying to figure out what it is. After Sunset got her up from the ground, she saw on the watch, there was some sort of button which began to make her curious. Maybe the button could take the watch off of her.

Without hesitation, she pressed the button. Surprisingly, it didn't release the watch from her wrist, but, to everyones surprise, the middle part, shifted up. Making it more stranger, they saw, on the middle part, began to change, and in the middle, showed a silhouette of something. "Did...that just happen?" Applejack asked rubbing her eyes, thinking she was hallucinating.

Rainbow looked at them. "I....i don't know. But....I wonder..."

Not wasting hesitation, Rainbow began to press down on the middle part, which had the silhouette on it. Just when she did that, the girls let out a gasp as they saw Rainbow. What they saw wasn't scientifically possible, or had some sort of logical explanation to what they are witnessing.

Eyeing Rainbow they saw that rocks were forming on her arm, and moving around her body, from her arm where the watch is, to her feet, every part of her body began to change till her body was rockfish. Next they saw Fire going between the gaps of the rocks as if it was forming part of her body. But the most surprising, Rainbows head was no longer her head, but it was the same as the rest of her body, but on fire along with her hands. Even the symbol of the watch appearing on her chest.

When the transformation ended, Rainbow looked at her friends who were shocked. On their faces they were showing signs of disbelief, and as usual, Rarity fainted, with Sunset as per usual catching her. "Why are you looking at me like that girls?" Rainbow asked but her voice being different as she caught it. "Wait...why is my voice different?"

While trying to figure it out, Rainbow looked at her body, and noticed that she somehow looks different, even noticing that her hands, and whole body are on fire, with her body being crater like as if her body was a lava monster. This made her freak out since this felt like something that shouldn't be able to happen. Although to her surprise, the watch wasn't on her wrist, making her think something happened.

Still trying to figure out what happened, she saw Fluttershy freaking out, even hiding her face due to fear. "M-M-MONSTER!" Fluttershy shrieks as she began to become more afraid.

"F-fluttershy wait. I-I'm not a monster." Rainbow said gently

"That isn't a monster....that's an alien."

Upon hearing this, everyone turned and saw Tirek, who was surprisingly heading home, probably due to movie night being cancelled. But when he saw that Rainbow somehow turned into that, he began to look at them in concern to know what is going on, especially since he also saw the pod crash from inside the gym. Realizing they can't leave without an explanation, they now had a lot of explaining to do, even if it means risking getting in trouble if he thinks their lying.

Author's Note:

Here is the first chapter of my new fic.

Rain 10 will be updated when I have time on my hands. Real Life is a pain, but, it can never be helped., anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 12 )

Well that's one way to kick things off.

I be like: Another B10 fic. Meh. Got to the fe- *sees Tirek* ....celestia's tits.

There is a reason why Tirek is in here, and its due to the fact me and my friend have a theory that Human Tirek isn't a bad person, so we ran with the idea. We also made the idea he is the Gym Teacher at the school. However, i can't spoil anything relating to Tireks role.

Awesome beginning of the story my friend and let me know when the next upload for this story is I'll be waiting

You definitely got me interested. Grammar and phrasing could use a little work, but other than that it's great.

Oh boy the battle is just beginning the Ommitrix has been found by a female teenage human with magical powers and now with the powers of aliens!

"Rolexian", like the Rolex watch. Clever!


Don't stop now! It's getting good!

The fact that he knows that Dash turned into an alien, I feel like Tirek is a plumber, and not the kind that fix toilets.

so.... would this need a reboot at this point?

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