• Member Since 16th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



Comments ( 167 )

There's your problem PIP. You thought! Rule number one, bad things happen when you think they won't. What is your deal Pip?

Sorry, that beginning line was too much for me not to say that. I may get this look over.

I kinda expected the whole Yak alliance to fall short. They need to curb the violent tendencies. Even Dragons behave better. Also, please don't tell that Equestria is going to fall to the Caribou for the entire time that Pip and Succubous are gone. I'd rather their invasion fail before it starts.

Let me guess, it's a voodoo dolly, right?

ok I can see where this is going just once I would like to see some one do something with the Caribou other then a bunch of rape happy thugs just ones people I mean dear luna there 1000s of things you can do with them and yet all any one ever dose is make them a bunch of rape happy thugs

Are you sure you know where this is going? This isn't a fall story

8243965 well considering that whole bit with the mare crawling on the floor and licking her masters hooves clean and the fact the Caribou are in it it is pretty save to say that is where it is heading unless do something that shows that the Caribou while being patriarchal that they can still respect a matriarchal race or have them want to take over cause they see the ponies as weak and only the strong should rule

Well, this cultural experience is starting off swimmingly. Of course, early on in the chapter, I had one thing running through my head, but it had nothing to do with the story itself, as far as I'm aware. I was wondering just what the foals of Pip and Succubus would be like, the time between the end of the prior story and this one is left in a bit of an ambiguous state. Time is a factor, especially when you consider Succubus's insistences on certain behaviors. Considering the activities she insists on, some of which happened on the train (the mare has very little self-restraint) there is a good chance she could be pregnant, granted, it would be an early stage, especially when you take the gestation cycle for equines into consideration.

Well wish I could tell you more, but I can't give away too many spoilers. You'll just have to trust me

ok since I know your work I will give the benefit of the doubt so I will be witting for the update

Good opening so far, I like the little joke about the Caribou but hope this doesn't turn into a 'Fall' fiction. As you are the author I will trust you on that as I like your work and it would be a shame to have it go down that route.

Otherwise I like the descriptions of Hollow Shades and even the train with its gothic design. It gives the thestrals an almost Transylvanian feel.


Really hope this dont go down that road......
Tis a very steep, dark, and slippery slope.

Seems like Banshee a little selfish, and lacking empathy because of her narrow world view, she didn't even let Succubus try explaining anything before automatically jumping to conclusions.

Well, she is a five year old filly

Point taken. Succubus is going to have her work cut out for her explaining it all to someone who has yet to experience puberty.

Not to mention what she can do with her power. Just imagine someone that young with that kind of power.

Wow, her moral compass is going to be really skewed, if not outright busted, without a considerable dosage of intervention. Of course as "punishment" Dark could always just send her to be educated in Ponyville for a few months (possibly a year or more), I'm sure there are plenty of residents in Ponyville who would be more than willing to put up with her

Family drama, political crisis and this is only day one.

How did I miss this story!? :flutterrage: I must read immediately!

Banshee is going to require a more...shall we say, creative approach when being disciplined. Since Pip was the one she offended maybe Dark would think it poetic for Pip to decide her punishment, it also seems like Dark's sort of style.

I think I found someone I should be able to relate to.

Should. But won't.


Well, it’s official, “Prince Charming” is most certainly not charming. In fact, he’s a massive Jerkass

I hope when it is all said and done "Prince Charming” becomes another statue in Princess Celestia’s garden just like Discord was. This being needs karma to come calling with 800% interest.

Oh ho, so that's the game he likes to play, is it?

Well, I hope he's fully aware of what's to come to pass when it's game over for him. Not 'If'. 'When.'

Interesting, I like the description of the underground/stalactite city, but I now also wonder who is Prince Charming? What is his game?

Well the only way to find out is to keep reading lol


It will continued. Apparently a now former friend did all the stuff on Saturday. So no worries this story will be complete.

Princess Celestia insisted that wear.

This is the first little error I spotted, I suspect there are more.

I bet that this nobel family has much more dangerous mines then the inspections claim. Let's see how it survives being exposed to the light of truth.

On another note, that was heartwarming. Knowing Rarity, if Ghostly Stich does decide to go that route chances are if she can't have her in the main store she'll probably commission the purchase or construction a facility that could potentially better meet those needs. I also think it would nice to see a side story revolving around this character, I only got introduced and already want to see more.

Well we will be seeing more of Hollow Shades and the Hanging City with plenty of other characters. Hopefully they will all be enjoyable

Succubus is quite wise...in her own way. I like what you've done by taking what is typically viewed as a desirable female body (large breasts, wide hips etc) and turned it on its head with the Thestrals. Ghostly is going through so much because of her body and Succubus has started to make her see that she is a beautiful mare and there will be someone out there for her. It's quite sweet, well done.

Really liked this chapter. Succubus is finally able to stop worrying so much about what might happen while she's in Hollow Shades. Best part, she getting over her worries by helping other thestrals with their worries.

I'm glad to hear her intentions are to recruit new talent who may very well need a way out of Hollow Shades to build a new and better life. While I doubt Succubus and Pip can afford to hire every thestral that need a change of pace/scenery, even if they were to limit themselves to just the discriminated busty mares. Still the idea of giving a reason to believe that they can improve their lives by broadening their horizons is a pleasant idea that Succubus is giving them.

My only worry is of course that evil Prince Charming. Who's he gonna seduce next? Will he go after Succubus, and will her love of Pip be enough to save her? Or could Dragonfly, Ghostly Stitch or some other thestral Succubus befriends only to be seduced and made to betray our protagonist?

I'm so hyped for the continuation of this story.

I'll read through this and have feedback in three days. How's it going so far? Sorry I've taken so long; working 70 hour weeks is murder.

No problem. Trust me, I know how it is. Being writing this while moving to a new apartment and not taking any time off. Also dealing with stuff mentioned on my blog.

I look forwards to you feedback


It's coming later today. :) Definitely not as much as last time, but it's coming.

Getting a little worried. The story isn't even done and have so much to say. At least, judging by the length of time it is taking to post something. Don't know if it's a good thing or a bad one.

Either way, comments help


I think the end result is going to be about 3K words or so. Not too many.

Very good. Hammering out your writeup now.

I apologize for the very long wait I have put you through. It was unacceptable and I am sorry. I got wrapped up with work and business, and going back into ketosis, which ultimately manifested in leaving you hanging for way too damn long. Now I've purposefully made some time and really read your story, I'd like to rectify this outstanding balance and give you what I promised.

Because I already said so much back when reviewing the original Pip's Treasure Chest, which I enjoyed but ultimately held mixed feelings about, although I think you could submit that to the Reviewers' Cafe this upcoming October 7'th, and there is far less to remark on here due to where the story currently is, this review is going to be not so much a freeform dissertation as it is going to be a point by point assessment of what you have got down so far followed by a conclusion with some criticisms and some recommendations.

For anyone reading this comment section and looking to avoid spoilers for the first four chapters of the fic, scroll on by.

Narrative: This story kicks off a not quite certain amount of time after the original Pip's Treasure Chest. I'm actually not too sure when, but clearly enough time has gone by for Pip and Succubus to have settled into a more or less normal marriage, and for their business to have become quite well established. Indeed, all is going well. I find it to be a small note of annoyance that in between stories they have gone from just a small town couple to connected with the princesses so much that Princess Celestia finds it fitting to dispatch them on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan, I mean Hollow Shades. Why a couple of goddesses can't just crush them back into line if they get too unmanageable is beyond me. It is sorta contrived, but oh well. This, naturally, has Succubus freaked out more than a little bit, and quite understandably so. She wants them to do something mining or Threstrals of some investigation about nobility, and only they can do it, OFC... And while they are doing this, some dude named Prince Charming has been acting like an incubus and exploiting the hell out of some poor, magically enslaved castle maid to get secrets and raid her keep for reasons we'll some to understand. So CPip3O RDD2 arrive on Batooine, I mean Pip and Succubus arrive in Hollow Shades, and it becomes immediately clear that all is not quite well. They get a missive from Dark Bargain and get their own private guard, someone who is totally not scary at all. Plus they meet Succubus's little kid sister, and some blacksmith guy. Dark Bargain wants to send them off to help him with some ploy in the Hanging City elsewhere, given that there's still a shitstorm going down after all the chaos that was involved in the final chapters of the origibnal Treasure Chest, which you have done a great job of acknowledging and remembering. He wants them to seperate, Pip handing business in the Hanging City while Succubus remains back in Hollow Shades. This thrills her sister, who has missed her dearly, while not making the couple in question all too happy. And so they go their separate ways for the moment. And while this is going on, Prince Charming has finished playing Arnord Schwarzenegger with his latest maid and is on his way back to Threstral territories. He's got some very evil plans on his mind. We learn that the mining companies are gradually failing and that Threstrals have an interesting inherrent magic, that minerals mined by them grow back and quickly. But ever since someone has started replacing them with cheaper non threstral miners, the deposits have been getting depleted and not replenished. Hollow Shades is now rapidly becoming Equestria's West Virginia, but is trying to cope by developing a tourist industry which stops them from starving but does not get the same consistent cash flow as the mining industry did. Somepony thinks aloud that she's ugly within earshot of Succubus, causing her to get the most brilliant idea ever: traffic insecure threstral girls to her strip club back in Ponyville to build up their confidence and make money in order to solve both emotional and economic woes. This is despite one of them saying that this move will be thoroughly disliked by much of the community. I expect you, author, smart guy as you are, to have this come back and bite them later, hard.

Characters: To avoid overloading this section, I'll be focusing on just the most major characters who have been featured and done the most thus far. These are Pip, Succubus, Dark Bargain, and Prince Charming.

  • Pip is the title character, still. He is the husband of Succubus and the owner of the Treasure Chest. Pip is a likeable but slightly brooding everyman type of character. He is emphatic but not the absolute nicest guy in the world. He has some spine and has come a very long way since the start of the original Pip's Treasure chest. Way to keep your character development, dude. He's not the most interesting of characters, but he is principled and nuanced. I like that he is getting a solitary adventure so we get to see him in action again. This is the first time since the start of the previous story that he really has to do anything without his wife. Should be extremely interesting. I can't wait to see how he handles it; it's only a critical mission where he's all alone, very far from home, surrounded by enemies who are all seasoned lifetime veteran pros at intrigue and deception. He's got some working class bloke gumption, which should serve him well. Perhaps he'll show more spine and wit than expected? He cares deeply for Succubus and is a bit of a rascal. I like that he understands her and is perfectly okay with using her rather sexual nature to help her emotionally, to both make her happier and calm her down.
  • Succubus is Pip's smoking hot wife, future MILF, and emotional center of the story. She remains as emotional, fiery, and lively as ever. I am glad to see that her more manipulative tendencies from the start of the last story have subsided, but I think that you could do to perhaps bring them back in a reduced state in this one, given that old environs and old companions and old situations ought to bring back old habits. I notice that she isn't so over the top hypersexualized this time, and I'm grateful for that. She's sexier when just allowed to act and be, instead of being constantly described as having heaving whatever size tits. She is a very emotional character and it shows. Succubus is bold, impulsive, and a free spirit with a heart of gold with a strong allergy to bullshit. She and Pip have an excellent dynamic. She lures him out of his shell and he buffers her more overwhelming emotions. They're a great team and I can honestly say that their relationship feels very real. I am happy to see it's cooled somewhat from the initial bonfire of attraction starting off the first fic to now being clearly very much in love and still physically involved and attracted to each other, but the flames have cooled down to coals that will burn red and for a long time. This mirrors real relationships quite nicely. There is the genuine sense that they are really in love instead of in lust or just in need.
  • Dark Bargain: With such a sinister name, I actually think of him as neither hero nor villain, but rather nonaligned save with his own interests. He'll be a friend when it suits him, and he'll be an enemy when it suits him. Right now, he's being set up as someone Pip and Succubus need to be aligned with and work for. He's honestly a Petyr Baelish type of character who cares not really anything except for personal gain. He does understand people and motivations. He has a very good grasp of people, that they respond to incentives, and that if a reward won't make someone dance to his tune, perhaps a threat is just the perfect thing to get them doing the desired jig for him. You want this bastard on your side, or at least you want your interest aligned with his interests. I praise that you aren't trying to make him either a plain good guy or a plain bad guy. This gives more opportunities for how to use him, and while he ultimately came off as not too bad in the previous story because he did ultimately let Succubus and Pip stay together, it is abundantly clear that he regards them as a chef regards a stick of butter in the fridge -- he'll use them when it's time and ultimately to his benefit. He does not mess around, ever. He always plays carefully and he always plays to win. The game is not a game. It is made clearthat he is fairly representative of average threstral society, and would very much like to see Succubus and Pip broken up. However, he doesn't push it, remembering that the two of them have no intention of splitting and it would likely end up ultimately being far more trouble than it would really be worth. Given that the couple is now friends with royalty and are legally together under Equestrian law, and his family is already on thin ice and he is the last thing between them and a world of shit, he's not going to fuck himself over just for that. He picks his battles. Smart guy; I really like villains who are pragmatic, and not only that, but don't do everything in a pure obsession with the heroes.
  • Prince Charming: Scary as fuck. And mysterious, which makes him even scarier. We genuinely don'tknow much about him, but I have a feeling that he is going to end up being pitted against Dark Bargain and end up being the even greater of two evils. What he did with the maid was manipulative, cruel, self-serving, and great villain stuff. I cant wait to see him arrive on scene in Threstralistan and wreck shit like one of those Russian car crash compilation videos. I have an interesting idea that he is like an evil and male version of succubus -- if she had a dick and used her powers for evil instead of good, odds are she'd be a lot like him. Given that we don't know of any other major families yet, I have a very bad feeling that he's a secret evil brother or uncle or something. Either way, make sure that settling his plotline doesn't take only a few thousand words this time, okay.

Themes: There is some very good thematic continuation from Pip's Treasure Chest, I am pleased to report. I like that this story is definitely 100% a sequel. You're not dangling shit off the ass of the last story -- it's all carried over and made brand new. Congrats on wrapping up the first story so well and now starting off this new story so fresh. The first theme you work with is the idea of love, especially with Succubus. The poor girl has to deal with a lot of competing loves. The first and strongest is her love for Pipsqueak. She loves that man possibly more than life itself, and understandably so it would seem. She and Pip interact and communicate very lovingly in the romantic way. Kissing, hugging, embracing, touching, caressing, boning, and so on. She also has a competing love for her family. She has missed her little sister very much; her brother, understandably, not so much. And now she's back with her lil sis, she has to decide what to do. She's happy to be back together again, but her sister doesn't want to go to Ponyville or have Pip around. Her sister, understandably, wants to just have her back and make everything "normal" again, including taking her back to the family manor. Succubus doesn't want that, of course, but her love for her sister is competing against her love for her husband. Pip is dealing with themes of sacrifice. He has been sacrificing this whole fic already. Supplanting his own emotional needs to take care of Succubus, reducing his sexual needs to tend to hers, denying his desires to go on the mission, selflessly denying his own wants to seperate from Succubus to go do something that is hopefully for the good of them both. I fully expect the strain to start showing on him soon; everything is asking a lot of him and everyone needs him for some thing or other. Sexual themes are present throughout. I expect both Succubus and Pip to deal with some temptation, given that they are apart, anxious, and haven't had space to bang in a while. The sexuality is handled expertly, like always. This is actually a believable and real sexual relationship and the kind I would expect two mature adults to have. One last theme I have noticed is the theme of family. The threstrals consider Succubus to be family and Pip to be an outsider. Pip considers Succubus to be family and does not consider other threstrals, even her relatives, as such. And she is caught between both. With her sister and brother and husband hanging in the balance, someone is going to have to make some very tough choices and sooner rather than later.

Pacing: The pacing is excellent. It's a substantial improvement over the lopsided pacing of Pip's Treasure Chest. I have to say that I now realize what was throwing it off: Succubus's impulsive tendencies as well as a pathological need to shove sexuality into the story. Now that sexuality has taken a backseat, and Succubus is a more mellow and established character, the story's pacing is far better. Nothing is rushing and nothing is dragging. Do be careful with the stripping idea this time around so it neither swallows your fic nor gets rammed through. I think it should reemain a secondary element to the unfolding intrigue and drama rather than being a main focus like in the original. Succubus already somehow found enough dancers despite being warned about the difficulty of the task in less than a whole chapter, and now she's on her way to getting them started at the club. I have no idea how long this fic is going to go, but I'd wager it'll be a roughly 60K word fic, and I'm veering more for beyond 60K words instead of it stopping short. I think you can safely make it to about 66K before the ideas start wearing thin. And the structure sees to this as well. We've clearly just seen the end of act 1. The eggs are in the scramble and the main conflict is due to break out right about now. I'd advise trying to get to act 3 by the 50K mark. Words in this fic are well distributed between chapters. You are doing a nice job of avoiding huge chapters as well as avoiding count creep. I could definitely learn from you in this regard.

Mechanics: Your mechanics are pretty good in general with no real pressing concerns, honestly. You avoid most mispellings and homophone errors. You don't get all your commas right, especially with dialogue and addresses, author. I'm willing to help with proofreading new chapters if you'd like.

Recommendations: I like this fic. It's different from Pip's Treasure Chest, which is a good thing. This sequel is a different story and that's a good thing. I have a few ideas for what can be done to help keep up the good ideas and avoid pitfalls. Play up the intrigue and drama; there wasn't enough of it delivered in the original, which is sad, because it was the most memorable part of that fic despite being a very brief segment. Use Pip's perspective as an outsider to give one perspective on threstral society, but then have another character, like Succubus, give another one. Let's see how they compare and contrast. Perhaps Pip can misunderstand things to varying degrees and take things the wrong way until he talks with her and then learns how it really is from their point of view. Push Pip to the limit and tempt him. He's been sacrificing all story long and is way out of his element; let's see what kind of man he is. Let's see Dark Bargain be the sociopathic shit we all know he is. Now, some things I think you ought to be wary of. Firstly, watch how many words you dedicate to stripping. You did it too much in the first one and it kinda took over like kudzu vines. Secondly, don't forget that with Succubus, damn near everything she does is a monkey wrench thrown into somebody's plans, so there should naturally be countermeasures, traps, and consequences. Don't waste much of the fear factor Prince Charming currently has by giving us too much exposure or insight regarding him until the very end. Right now, he is a near supernatural menace; let's keep him cloaked but have the treat of Dark Bargain getting quite a very bad headache over him. Lastly, don't forget that Succubus and her family members are all at odds; there are going to be winners, losers, and hurt feelings.

Conclusion: This is a better fic than Treasure Chest. The content is better written and handled better. This is a more engaging, more complex story. The characters are handled excellently and all have their own angles. You are getting the villain right by getting him going early but keepin him shrouded. I am enjoying this deeper look into Succubus's home society, an alien world to us and Pip. There is just the right infusion of sex to keep this all spicy, but the real star here is the unfolding narrative and the drama involving characters who are well written and interesting. The crafting of the pacing and mechanics has been handled superbly. I can't wait to see more of what you have in store.

There you go, one personal review, as promised, and also as promised, it's just over 3K words long. I hope you like it. If you would like a second review upon completion, just ask. Odds are I can find another 2K words to give once there's more content on hand.

A comment like this deserves a proper response, which I will give when I have the time. Also I am HOPING that the next chapter will be done next week


I'm looking forward to your response and the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Ok. Like you, work is a pain in my ass right now working almost 60 hours a week. I was finally able to catch up with some of my other favorite past times, like watching the latest episode of Atop the Forth Wall which was a MLP comic :pinkiehappy:, and general other things of life.

First off, the summery was a bit off. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it was state that they were being summoned there and that Dark Bargain would explain everything. Also, Dark Bargain loves Succubus and wants her to be happy in his own way. If he wanted they separated he could have easily done so in the previous story. He is a crafty pony, one whose overall motive won't be seen until the end. He will manipulate others to get what he wants...but there is some 'humanity' to him. This is what I believe makes real and interesting characters. Seeing how ones wants and desires interacts with emotions and bonds. It one of the reasons that shows like Yu Yu Hakisho and Naruto are my favorite animes of all time.

Now, on a different note, one of the reasons I haven't been updating this story as much is because its taking more out of me to write. One of the reasons I loved Pip's Treasure Chest was writing Succubus who, in my head, has the voice of Lime from Cyber Marrionate J. It was only in the previous chapter that I felt happy with writing this story because I felt like I was once again writing the character I loved so dearly. Now, I think it is obvious why I am writing her this way. That doesn't mean I'm thrilled about it. Thankfully there will be ups and downs to come with her that is making this story easier to write. That and Hunter's Catch is wrapping up soon as well

As for Prince Charming, while he will be more in the shadows for a while, that doesn't mean I'm done hinting at how his power works and the lengths he has gone to in order to get what he wants. I am considering NEVER giving his full history by the time this story is finished. All I can do is hopefully give enough info so the conclusion makes sense.

You are correct with the themes of sacrifice. Dark Bargain, we will find is making his own and Pip will have to make another big decision down the road regardless of what choice he makes. Lets just say that your future MILF comment may or may not hold some weight.

At the end, when this is over, I will be doing the other stories I have wanted to do and I will be thankful. While I love these characters, I do want to move on to my Sonata story and my Spike one. Both of these will be more story based as well as being dark. BUT, they will also continue my theme of making love work and getting to that emotional core that I adore. Its why I love porno's with plots compared to a composition.

 A few maids believed that she was actually a Changeling and that the real Merry was being held in a cocoon somewhere far away.

No, but i fear it is very close to the truth

Merry tossed it onto the dirty floor without a care in the world as her now thinner, bonier frame was out in the open.

Someone needs to knock her out and drag her of to a kitchen soon, otherwise she won't survive for much longer.

You know, i am starting to think that the mare that disappeared in the previous story was a "test run" for Charming to test his power, and i am starting to think that he might not be a changeling... but if he truns out to be one i am totally saying "CALLED IT" :pinkiesad2:

Pip could remember suddenly feeling a cold wind blow by as soon as Princess Luna said the word 'caribou. And he noticed that everypony else in the room was also shivering, running their hands down their arms to create some friction. Then, a half second later, Sunset Shimmer came walking around a corner with a frown on her face.

“Twilight, the AC is on the fritz again,” she had said while shaking her head. “Keeps sending large blasts of air off randomly. And I don’t know who to call to get it fixed since magic created it.”

HA, nice
And i really hope you don't go down "that" road with the caribou :coolphoto:

Maybe he sends her over to Ponyville, that could be fun :pinkiecrazy:

“Good to see his lordship isn’t so soft,” said Dragon Fang with something that sounded like satisfaction in her voice. “Well now, since that’s been taken care of I’d better be off.”

“Oh,” said Bargain as he raised an eyebrow. Pip also thought he heard disappointment in his tone, but perhaps he was imagining it for his voice returned to normal as he continued to speak. “As far as I am aware you do still live here. What I am going to discuss isn’t anything secretive so there is no reason for you to excuse yourself.”

:pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy: Well now, am i seeing the start of a new relationship ? :heart: :pinkiecrazy: i would be so pleased if it was :pinkiecrazy:

 Also, Old Stallion Dreadhoof says he spotted a changeling last night so I need to-”

You know if i am right about Charming, then it most likely was a changeling.

“Then all you will have to do is sign away your rights to the title when you see the Countess,” said Dark Bargain as he waved a hand. “A simple matter really, and will protect you from those scoundrels in Canterlot. You see, I don’t believe that they believe that I had a hand in anything. There are a number of wealthy stallions and mares who wish to climb up to the ranks of the elite. Once you sign it away, there will be any who will wish to purchase it and everything that goes with it. The estate, the family heirlooms, and of course-”

I really hope you are telling the truth and did not have a hand in all of this Dark, i really really do :pinkiesmile:

It would be a fitting punishment, live with Pip and Succubus and have Pip decide the rest of her punishment. It would be amusing to see Banshee try interacting with the other foals in Ponyville, even more so if Succubus explicitly forbids her from having dolls of any kind without Pip's expressed permission.

It would also be a nice excuse to show how Ponyville has changed from how it currently is in the series proper.

Actually the missing mare from Treasure Chest isn't one of Charming's victims. I was setting something up for a Spike, Ember, Sweetie Belle story that was supposed to be the next installment.

When he got to the kitchen he found Dragon Fang sitting at the table, dressed in her armor while eating a slice of bread with some water. As she bit into it, the bread made an unnerving crunch noise that made him think of the bread they had had last night. It too had made the exact same noise for it was very hard while tasting like sandpaper. Looking at the table, Pip saw there was nothing for him.

If the mayor and blacksmith of the town and his family eat like this, then something is very wrong here :unsuresweetie:

And i still find it a little suspicious that the countess wants to talk to, i just can't think of a good enough reason for her to do that, his interactions with the family that is under suspicion is minimal at best, an argument could be made that Succubus might have told him something during their time together, but it still seems highly suspicious :unsuresweetie:

“Where is everypony?” asked Pip loudly.

Dragon Fang gave him a look he could not identify before she said, “Preparing for the tourist season,”

:ajbemused: *with enough deadpan to commit pan genoncide* ... Sure :ajbemused:

“Calm down will you,” said Dragon Fang right before Pip felt something slip onto his head

And how is he supposed to do that huh?
He is surrounded by ponies he does not know, in a place he has never been with something obviously suspicious going on, and you are taking him somewhere, that apparently has predators that would probably enjoy a nice fresh meal of pony meat, oh and did i mention that he can't see anything and what he can hear, smell and feel is just making things worse.
So do explain to me Dragon Fang, how the hell is supposed to calm down ? :pinkiecrazy:

Slowly, he brought one on his shaking hands to his face and began to feel what had given him back his sight. It felt like a pair of goggles, much like the ones that pegasi used to protect their eyes while flying in dangerous weather. Probably enchanted to allow non-thestrals some sight down here. He looked over at Dragon Fang who was looking very annoyed with him,

Hey, you're the one who did not give him the goggles to begin with, this one is on you :facehoof:

 Just looking at it told Pip that this had to be the heart of the Hanging City; the place where the Countess lived.

Things are about to get interesting :coolphoto:

Finally there was a large four poster bed, fit for royalty. Or, at least, those who wished to pretend they were royalty.

Well is suppose this place is perfect for you then Charming

In the moonlight, he could make out a pony figure who had just made a running jump off of the edge of Canterlot and now falling head first to the ground below

I really hope Merry survives, i really do :fluttercry:

 Like the many others he had used up until this point, her death would go either unnoticed or un-mourned.

Ohhh karma can not come down fast enough, or hard enough on this guy :pinkiecrazy:

Turning to look at the stewardess, he smiled at her and watched her blush at his utter perfection. Since she was not too bad on the eyes, he believed he now had the perfect way to pass the time until he reached his next pawn.

Okay, is this guy's real name "Incubus"? i would not be suprised :applejackunsure:

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