• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 3,417 Views, 65 Comments

Welcome to Heaven, Kick Everyone Out - The Warmaster

A Displaced Story) Legends tell of the mighty and Terrible Lord Ains Ooal Gown, who fought to conquer the world of Equestria, and Momonga, The hero who fought to stop him. Listen now to the legend of the Overlord

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Chapter One: The Beginnings of a Legend

Adam yawned, leaning back in his computer chair and away from the bright screen in front of him, the only source of light in the dark and shadowy bedroom he was in. The eighteen-year old blonde boy checked the time via the clock on the bottom right corner of his computer screen, and his tired eyes widened slightly.

“Wow… it's already 11:56?” He groaned, looking back up to what he had been doing. For the past few hours, the somewhat scrawny kid had been on the website ‘will you press the button?’ And had apparently lost track of time. “I need to get in bed… I don't want to oversleep and miss my job interview…” He sighed, moving the cursor towards the exit button. His light brown eyes quickly scanned what the next choice would have been, and paused, the cursor hovering over the red ‘x’.

“Hmmm… ‘become your favorite anime character, but get transported to a new world’...” He mused over the question, the cursor moving back towards the bright red button in the center of the screen. “My favorite? So… Momonga?” He asked, his mind calling back to his favorite anime, ‘Overlord’. “So I would become an extremely powerful spellcaster skeleton, and the price would be going to a new world? S’not like this world’s any good anyways.” He clicked the button with his mouse, before immediately moving towards the red ‘X’ in the upper right corner of the screen. Just before the window closed, the bright blue screen flickered, too fast for Adam to notice, replaced temporarily by a transparent human skull, with glowing red dots in its eye sockets, before flickering back to the blue screen with the red button, before closing entirely.

Adam shut the computer off, before trying to feel his way towards his bed.

“Why am I speaking out loud anyway?” He mused, crawling into his bed once he found it. “It's not like anyone is here to listen…” he muttered, as he drifted off to sleep, and the clock struck midnight.

A few days later…

“...The man known as Adam Terrigham was discovered in his house after a family member decided to investigate after he had not returned any of their calls. When he refused to wake up from his bed, they immediately called the hospital. Once he arrived at the hospital, a doctor declared him comatose, and needing immediate sustenance to keep him from perishing through dehydration. Some suspect possible foul play, and the police have stated they will consider making a proper investigation at a later date.” The News Reporter stated, before the cameraman motioned that they were done. She sighed, turning back to the unconscious body of Adam, laid in a hospital bed.

“I can't believe they consider someone mysteriously going comatose as a ‘mundane story’!” She growled, clutching her microphone angrily. “And what's more important? The weather? He could die!”

“Calm down boss. It's just how things work in the company of news.” The cameraman shrugged, packing his things.

“I’m getting to the bottom of this!” The reporter said, with a determined glare at the sky.

“Uh… Boss?”

”Ugh… why does my bed feel like I’m laying on a rock…?” Adam groaned in his mind, pulling himself up. He felt… lighter, as if he had lost several pounds overnight. He raised a hand to his face to rub his eyebrows, but paused, his eyes staring dumbly at his skeletal hand, a long, ornate black robe falling down from his arm. Momentarily, his body flashed in a soothing green light, before the light vanished entirely.

“Well, that's… new.” He muttered, getting onto his feet and looking down at himself in an unusually calm manner. His body was covered in a large robe that hung around him, suspended by two large tusk-like shoulder pads. His skeletal rib cage was exposed in the chest area, with something glowing red in the center. Rings adorned his bony fingers, gems glittering in the moonlight. “When did I get outside? And… why am I so calm about this?” He asked out loud, before taking a look at his surroundings.

He was surrounded by grass in every which direction, with a massive mountain to the north that appeared to have a city on it. Next to him was a somewhat decent-sized rock, which he had been sleeping on. Also nearby was a dirt road, and the skeleton noticed a cart in the distance.

“So...I'm in the middle of nowhere, I have apparently become Lord Ains, and there's a cart in the distance. Hmmm…” Adam pondered this. “Walking up as a skeleton would be really bad… didn't he have a mask or something?” He lifted his claw up, and it vanished into a black tear in reality that had appeared by his will. He fished around in the rear until he pulled out a bright red mask, and slipped it over his skull. “All things considered, this is awesome. Let's go say hi to the neighbors and figure out what's going on. Teleport.” He waited for a minute. Then two.

“Teleport.” He repeated, only to receive the same result. All the while, the cart slowly slid off further into the distance. Adam’s mind was racing, trying to come up with a reason as to why he couldn't teleport. Then a thought crossed his mind, freezing him and all his other thoughts solid. “Lightning.” He said, raising his hand towards the Sky. Nothing happened, and he lowered his hand once again.

“I see… it seems I either cannot use Momonga’s magic, or I just don't know how to use it yet…” The skeleton muttered, until his foot brushed up against something in the grass. Curious, he shifted, picking up the object and examining it.

“Fireball and Teleport spells? Is this some sort of… spellbook?” He asked, flicking it open. Bright light flashed from the pages, blinding him as he felt arcane energies swirl into his mind, gifting him knowledge in its wake. When he could see again, the book had burned to ashes in his hand, which blew away in the wind.

“Oookay then…” Adam said, raising his hand towards the rock. “Fireball.”

“Granny, did you see that explosion? It was massive!” A young girl with orange-ish skin called over to the light green-colored elderly woman sitting next to her in the Horse-drawn cart.

“Yeah, ah saw it, little Applejack.” The old lady muttered. “Ah hope it ain't them hooligans that attacked the village…”

“But Granny Smith, they couldn't possibly ‘ave caught up to us. Ooh, ah hope mah friends are okay…” Applejack sighed, looking back the way they had come.

“Ah’m sure they're fine, dearie. Once we get to our cousins place in… what was it, Ponytown? Yeah, somethin like that. We’ll get there, and then look fer yer friends, alright?” The elder said, patting the blond girl on the back. Applejack smiled lightly, tears swelling around her eyes.

“Sure, Granny. Ah’m sure they're all fine.” She replied, turning towards her brother. “Hey, Big Mac… you've been oddly quiet. Are ya okay?”

“Yep…” the red-skinned boy muttered, looking back on the trail they had been going down.

“Ow…” Adam groaned, sitting up and looking at the massive crater where the rock had been. The crater wasn't particularly large, but Adam estimated that it was at least ten feet in diameter. “Note to self, learn how to limit MP usage with one spell.” He looked back towards the road. “Damn, the cart disappeared. Hmm…” he turned to the other side of the road. “Fly.” A blue light temporarily surrounded him, and with a thought, he lifted off the ground slowly, rising into the air.

“Wow, this is surprisingly eaaaaasssyyyyaaaaah!” He yelped as he suddenly shot up into the sky, immediately refocusing his thoughts on hovering. His rapid ascent immediately halted, and he found himself hundreds of feet above the ground. “Okay… need to focus on flying. Gotcha. Now, where's the town they came from?” He scanned the horizon below him, attempting to identify some sort of light to identify a town. However, a more pressing concern identified itself to him.

“Hmm… no real roads, no cars, and no telephone poles dotting the landscape.” He muttered. “This means that either this is some sort of post-apocalyptic world, or the technology here is before the industrial era. In that case, it might just be easier to follow the road to the town…” He sighed. “I really need to find a way to disable this calm spell. I'm unnerving myself with how calmly and tactfully I can process information.” With that said, he dropped down closer to the ground, to the point where he could see the road.

“Now, another concern should be what to introduce myself as to the inhabitants of this world. I am mostly certain that I would get many laughs if I told them my name was Adam… then there's the fact that Adam could be an entirely alien name to them.” He muttered, flying over the road. “Well, considering I have become Momonga, albeit a somewhat unknowledgeable version of him, I should probably call myself Ains. Ah, there's the town now.” He said, noticing the distinct shape of buildings in the distance. More to his concern, however, was the multiple plumes of black smoke rising into the sky.

“Fly off.” Ains stated, and a blue glow appeared, before he dropped to the ground. “Now then, I suppose I should search for survivors.” He said, looking around the clearly destroyed town. Wooden shacks had collapsed as fire burned away their walls, the copperish smell of blood mixing with the smoke and the cooling corpses of humans. Ains looked around, entering burning buildings and finding four spellbooks in the process.

“Gate, Healing Light, Grasp Heart, and Dragon Lightning. All useful spells. Though, why an undead spell was in a town is beyond me. Probably a cultist though.” He sighed. “But no survivors. I might as well-”

“Please, help me…” A faint voice interrupted him. Feminine and young, likely within the age of five to ten. Following the voice, which, while faint, had continued to call for help, Ains found himself in front of a collapsed house, with the depiction of a sun built above the doorway. Finding the doorway blocked, the skeletal Lich used the recently acquired ‘Gate’ Spell to simply bypass the rubble. Inside, he found a young girl partially buried under surprisingly not on fire rubble. The girl had yellowish skin, with a red and yellow mess of hair covering her head.

“Please… help…” She muttered, and Ains sighed.

“Kids. Apparently they can even make a skeleton feel bad for them.” He muttered, before getting an idea. “Little girl, I am going to need you to remain calm. I have a way to get you out of there. I think.”

Before she could respond, Ains focused on his magic, picturing in his mind the ground beneath the girl. Once he had the image in his mind, he then also pictured the spot right next to him. “Gate.” He muttered, and a black and purple portal appeared next to him, and the little girl tumbled out, landing in a heap in front of him. “There, little one. Consider yourself officially saved. Now, I need to find the next town before it gets destroyed-”

“Please, mister…” the girl managed to croak out. “Take… me with you…”

“And why would I do that?” Ains asked. “You would be nothing more than a burden to me, and I cannot waste my time looking after an orphan whose family probably died.” Ains stated. “What reason would I, Ains Ooal Gown, have to further help you?”

“Please… mister… I have…” She coughed, blood leaking out from her mouth. “I… have nowhere else… to go…”

Ains paused, before sighing. “Healing Light.” He muttered, pointing a finger at the girl. A green coat of light covered her form, and within moments she found herself void of any injuries. “Come along, we have a lot of ground to cover.” Ains said, holding out his hand. “By the way, what is your name?”

“M...my name?” The girl asked, taking his hand as he lifted her up onto one of his broad shoulders. “It's… Sunset Shimmer, Lord Ains.”

“Lord?” Ains chuckled.

“Huh? Do you… want me to call you something else?” Sunset asked, looking down at Ains’ mask.

“No, no, it's fine, I suppose.” Ains sighed. “I just didn't expect it from a little girl I had just rescued.”

“Oh, don't worry, Mister Ains!” Sunset giggled. “I am sure we will have plenty of time to get to know each other!”

“Oh? And why is that?” Ains asked.

“Because I heard that the nearest town is a reeeaaally long ways away!” Sunset grinned.

“Oh? Well, I guess you are right then.” Ains replied. “Shall we be off? I would like to learn more of the surroundings while we walk.”

“Okay, Mister Ains!”

Author's Note:

Here is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy what's to come! This will be a multi-Displaced series, as there will be four other Displaced involving themselves later on in the story! I wanted to do something different, yet interesting, so me and my buddy Brony Parasite decided to work together on this!

I look forward to the responses, and hope to see you all in the next chapter!