• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 6,147 Views, 12 Comments

Princess Ember - Rubyfire377

Spike discover something Dragon Lord Ember has been hiding.

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Princess Ember

“Today’s the Day” Spike thought to himself as he touched down to the ground of the Dragon lands. He glanced side to side taking note of his surroundings; active lava pite every which way around, jagged stones stuck out of the ground. Yet, massive as they maybe to somepony else, to Spike it all seemed smaller for whatever reason.

It’d been such a long time since Spike visited the Dragon Lands to see Ember, in fact it's been two years the last time he was there. The drake had since grown now into, as described quite often at home, a handsome young dragon teen,. Within the two short years, he’d grown out of his cute and stocky baby form, a much taller,slimmer figure, not unlike the other dragons he’d met prior. Granted he was still a head shorter than Big Mac, even on all fours, he was now quiet strong, able to lift up boulders several times his size with ease. All in all, he was hardly recognizable anymore..

Though it took some time to convince his mother/sister, Twilight to let him go on his journey alone, he’d needed to reiterate his gradual maturity more than once, even pointing towards his newly acquired wings as further proof. . Coupled with the self-defence lessons he received from Applejack the previous summer, she finally gave in.

Though, with this came a new question, why did he want to go anyway? He didn’t know why he wants to see Ember again. Perhaps it was simply because he admired her strength and determination, or maybe because she was the first relatively nice dragon he’d ever met.. These thoughts continued to distract him as he drew closer to the dragon caves, though he managed to pay enough attention to notice something, that stopped him mid flight.

Spike practically did a double take at the size of the cave, it was MASSIVE! Sure, like him, he assumed Ember had grown in the intervening years, but the entrance would be big for an Ursa Minor. Then again since she was the Dragon Lord, makes sense she’d get a much bigger cave to store her treasure, though the there two dragon guards in shiny gold armor seemed a tad excessive.. Weirdly enough, other than them being, well dragons, their armor and matching scales reminded him heavily of the royal guards in Canterlot. It was honestly a little creepy.

He hesitated to move further, knowing from experience how dedicated soldiers were to their jobs. However, a light snoring quickly quelled his nerves. “ They're asleep? You’d think we how tough and aggressive dragons are all the time, they’d have a little more discipline than this. Well least I can see Ember without causing an incident, hope she’ll be happy to see me.”

As he walked in, his eyes were bombarded by the blinding gleam of gold, jewels and all manner of treasures from Ember’s collection. It reminded him of that Green Dragon’s horde he once ran afoul of, but noticeably larger. Also it had quite of few unique items as well, jeweled swords and weapons, gold ornaments, even a few suits of armor. However, something caught his attention among all the glimmer and gold, something a lipstick. Picking it up, he scanned it over puzzled over it’s presence.

“Okay, this is getting a little crazy. I mean if this was Rarity we were talking about, that’d be expected. Why would Ember, the tough as steel Dragon Lord, have lipstick?”

His interest further piqued, he continued deeper into the cave,yet still no sight of her. “Huh where is she?” he then heard footsteps. “What’s that?” The young drake quickly dove into a pile of coins, his eyes silently peering from amidst the treasure to see who was walking about.

Much to his surprise, it was the one he’d been searching for, Ember. However, she was not even remotely how he expected her to be. The young Dragon Lord, was covered from head to claw in cream and pink colored dress, practically bleeding out with ruffles. The extremely feminine clothing’s hugged her body around the torso and expanded out around the hips to form a large frilly leg-length skirt. Coupled with some glossy purple eyeliner and she looked like a Princess out of a Fairy Tale. And if Spike was being honest with himself, she was amazingly beautiful, actually causing his eyes to comically turn into hearts. “Wow, I think she might actually be more beautiful than Rarity.”.

He continued to watch in silence, as she had, of all things a tea table set up, complete with plush animals in tiny seats surrounding the table. The young dragon quietly hummed a merry little tune as she poured tea for, a bear in a cute suit, a bunny with a top hat and, most surprising, a Spike plushie, clad in attire similar to what he wore to Heaths Warming. The sight practically sent his mind into shut down, but he maintained enough composure to debate his next course of action, those being either talk to Ember and see what happens, or continue to watch while snacking on a few gem stones…..Yeah he chose option B.

Ember meanwhile continued to pour herself some tea, unaware of her visitor, taking a seat by the Spike plushie. Her normally cool, blue scales, turning a shade of purple as she blushed, “I got your favorite blueberry tea, my handsome little prince.”

Spike blushed, one claw this was the breaking point of shock she had ever witness, except for the time he found Twilight’s ‘Secret stash’ of books. This would very well be considered second on the board. He had to coil his tongue in his mouth to luck in his gasp that threatened to escape. ‘Handsome Prince, wow I never thought that Ember thought that way of me, that way. Also how did she know my favorite tea flavor?” He pondered as he continued to watch while putting that second thought out of his mind.

Ember quietly sat, sipping the remainder of her tea before looking the plushie straight in it’s button eyes.,“Ahh, that was some wonderful tea don’t your think?”” As expected the toy didn’t respond, but Ember merely offered an adorable little chuckle as she got out of her chair.

“Now that we’ve had our tea, would you care for a dance?” Without a word, Ember quickly took the toy in her arms and and began to dance, not unlike a waltz you’d see at a fancy party.The sight was almost more than he could bear, with Spike actually having to bite down on his hand to hold in his laughter.

“I can’t believe that Ember, of all Dragons, is so girly. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear she was replaced by a Changeling or something.” Thankfully Spike knew full well that wasn’t an issue, since Thorax had become King, Changelings were allies to the Ponies and Dragons, so yeah this was most certainly the real Ember. The young drake continued to watch the dragoness dance with the small plush of himself, any humor having dissipated, being replaced with awe. “Guess even tough dragonesses like Ember have a softer side. Nothing wrong with that, especially given how beautiful she looks in that dress.”

Ember continued to dance with the plushie for several minutes, further amazing her unknown spy with her skills, before stopping and looking the plushie dead in the eyes with a longing gaze.. “Spike, you little goof, so clueless and yet so kind, guess that’s what I love most about you. Part of me wishes I could be more open with you about who I am, but the other part wants to ensure you or anyone ever sees this side of me. I always love you I always thought that you would never see this side of me and I never want to show anyone but you this side of me before.”

Ember blushes as she hugs the plushie tightly against her chest. “ Because I am the Dragon Lord, I have to show to all Dragons that I able strong, confident and tough. Wearing dresses, having tea parties, and loving you, they’d never respect me as a leader if they knew.” She gripped the plushie tightens, making Spike almost cringe as it looked like one of the button eyes was ready to pop out.“I had hoped that maybe that I could at least show this side of myself to you. You’d never be so petty to judge me for something like this, only showing me that same compassion and kindness you displayed during the Gauntlet of Fire. I only wish I could tell you that directly.” Her grip on the toy lessened, but her expression showed that her feelings were now tightening around her heart instead, which Spike could very easily tell.

Spike formally restrained laughter, promptly died away, instead being met with regret and empathy. It had not been that long ago he’d had similar feelings when he attempted to act “more Dragon-like” believing his pride was more important than simply being himself. Yet it was much worse for Ember, since Dragons valued pride far more than Ponies. Were her secret to get out Ember would become the laughing stock of the Dragon race, possibly even losing her title for being seen as “too weak.” What hurt most however, was the sight of Ember, sitting alone in silence, clutching a lifeless doll, the only thing with which she was free to share every side of herself without fear of judgement. Spike honestly wanted nothing more than to simply run up and hug Ember, if nothing else, than to bring that beautiful smile she had on her face no two minutes ago.

Unfortunately, as sweet and girly as Ember has been acting, she’s still very EMBER! If she finds out I’ve been spying on her, she might end up shoving that toy down my throat just to keep me from telling anyone about this.” Of course he wasn’t gonna just leave her, that wouldn’t help anyone. So he needed a plan to enter, without giving a clue to his prior activity….At least that was the plan until a single careless movement of his foot, caused a nearby pile of gold to shift and fall over, making chorus of sounds throughout the cave.

Ember heard that “ WHOOO’S THERE!!!” She was blushing and ran quickly to attack the intruder she sees that it was by her view a purple dragon, not yet knowing it was Spike. “ WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!”

Spike could only make a sound that he got from Fluttershy’s book. “Eeep” That’s all he could make and he ran away as fast has he could into the nearest cave path.

Unfortunately for the drake the ‘Eeep’ was loud enough for the Dragoness to trace the path that the drake ran into.

She twisted her head towards said path and growled,“YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY” She Extended her wings, with a single flap she injected herself out of the dress and into the path the Spike had took. Getting up on his fast, he quickly began to run as fast as possible to avoid the Dragon Lord’s wrath.

Further down the path the drake was making haste as he sprinted more than he ever had to in his life. He thought that he was making good distance between him and Ember until he heard the roaring flaps of her wings, which were dangerously nearing his location.. As he turned a corner, he found himself between two paths. Having no knowledge of the route, part of him wanted to debate which route to take, but the sound of Ember drawing closer promptly shut down that idea. He paced in place switching glance intensely between the two paths. It was then he noticed a loose stone under his claw, striking an idea in his head. Taking the stone in his claw he threw the stone in one path and hid in the other

The drake was almost out of breathe, partially if not totally terrified within the seemingly endless cave system, mentally kicking himself for all but intentionally pissing off Ember. As he tried to control his breathing, he looked further down the tunnel, “I could always hide her until Ember leaves, certainly can’t risk running into her.”However, he couldn’t mull for long, as the sound of something very large and very heavy entered his ear. In a matter of seconds he caught sight of a boulder rolling towards him, growing progressively larger with each instance it drew closer to him. The young drake, could only stare in horror as the boulder drew closer, noting a number of claw marks as well as gem stones and bits of gold within the boulder.

However, he couldn’t think much of it’s contents as he was now quiet literally caught between a rock and a hard place, both of which promised unbearable pain. On the one hand he could just let the rock crush him and avoid Ember completely…….Yeah that wasn’t gonna happen, so he turned tail and ran back the way he came, quickly making it to the entrance of the cave, before moving out of the way of the entrance, watching the boulder promptly collid with a wall, resulting in a crash that shook the entire cave.

“Man that was close.” Spike stopped to hyperventilate for a moment, his chest expanding outwards as he sucked down as much air to recover from his escape from death. For the moment it almost seemed like he was saved…..Up until a few footsteps reminded him of what he’d been running from.

“What was that noise.”

Spike practically bit his hand off, drying to cut off the nose of his scream as Ember’s footsteps could be hear approaching the exit of the other pathway. Part of him wanted to run, but his legs and wings felt like jello thanks to his previous sprint, so he wasn’t going anywhere and he knew it, thus panic quickly set in with each step.

As she walked closer to him it felt like doom is walking to him and all Spike could say was “Eeeppp” which made him sound like Fluttershy.

“Eeppp? Who…..Spike, is that you?” She looked at him with an annoyed look, almost glaring at the Dragon. “That was you spying on me? What are you doing here Spike” she had her hands on her sides which if any female dragon did that then you’re in deep trouble, with a tone that obviously meant she was annoyed with him.

Spike saw no point in lying, thus just came out and was honest,“ Well I was here to see you, since it’s been so long, figured you wouldn’t mind. Though I can definitely say I didn’t expect to see you like this.”
Ember blushed, slightly as his implication, despite her shedding her dress with her face turning red, not unlike AJ’s apples. “ Shut up I can’t believe you saw me like that. Wait, how did you even get past my guards, they were supposed to keep anyone and everyone out.””

“Ummm they were, kind of sleeping.”
Ember slapped her forehead in response, “Unbelieveable, can’t even rely on Dragons to guard something unless it’s bright and shiny.” Her expression quickly turned to mixture of desperation and anger to Spike, “I hope you aren’t planning to tell anyone what you saw. I’d probably lose my position and reputation if it got out. So you’ll forget what you saw right?”

Spike smiled, this was now for never a make or break situation and he give Ember a very honest look “I don’t see what you’re so embarrassed about, I personally really like that side of your Ember., I am not sure why you need to hide it but you were pretty stunnting in that dress and I am very glad, that I got to seethis side of you”

Ember gulped “Rrreeeeally” she was nervous but she always liked Spike.

Spike holds her claws. “Hey, I’m a Dragon who was raised by Ponies and enjoys going to Spas, baking in a pink apron, and occasionally dressing up in fancy clothes. Who am I to judge. I’d much rather you just be yourself around me, that’s the part of you I like.””

Ember’s eyes widen from what he said that she always dreamed of Spike saying that to her and holding her claws “ Spppppike I am very glad that you sa---.
Spike kisses her on the lips which his lips were soft and warm just like she pictured and she is glad that Spike has done this. ‘ You don’t need to say anymore, figured you’d prefer the real thing to the plushie. Though I do have a question.”

“What is it”

“Don’t suppose you have that uniform in my size?” Spike asked.

Ember smiled, “I am glad you asked.” With a quickly move, she pulled out a uniform, not unlike the one of her plushie, but the proper size, of course, which she promptly handed to him.. . “ Try it on,” .

“Ok” He puts it on when he puts in on it fits him perfect” So I got to ask how did you get this in my current size?”

“Well I asked Rarity about it and she told me via fire message before I asked her to make one for me

“Ah ok no wonder this is so perfect, I love it Ember,” Ember smiled she was very happy that Spike is wearing this uniform this was a dream come true for her. “So, don’t suppose you’d want to dance with me Ember?”

Ember blushes and nods but she grabs and puts her dress that back on “ hmmm you like it this Spike”

“ Ember you are like a princess” Which caused Ember to blush, Spike comes to her and takes her hand to dance. For Ember this was a dream come true for her. She felt her face flushing with color and heat as he took her by the hand and lead the way, the two dancing in perfect harmony as the world around them seemed to melt away, leaving only them and each other.

Comments ( 12 )

Meh, it's okay I suppose. I'm not a fan of Ember having a girly side, frankly because of how weird it simply is for her character, but then again as we know so little about her given that she's only had one episode so far with her as a lead, who knows?

I liked it

How does Yandere Ember sounds like?

Nice job!

Even though I don't ship Ember x Spike, this was still a cute little one-shot!

However, the grammar could still use some work. It's not bad. It's still very readable! But grammar is still an important factor in telling a captivating story. :twilightsmile:

This was a really great story, but you do need an editor.

I'd be glad to take a look if you want me to.

I honestly thought she was going to be an Otaku, but when I first read this, it was before smolder was even a thing. So yeah eerie.

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