• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 8,328 Views, 45 Comments

"You Know What?...NO!" - Dr Atlas

The changelings thought of a different plan instead of the one their queen intended.

  • ...


Starlight and Trixie continued peaking through the crack in the doorway, both watching in horror as seven changelings looked up at a projection of their queen, who was grinning ear to ear with everything her children were telling her. “So it’s all coming together?” Chrysalis asked.

The leader, Phil, nodded. “That’s right, queen, me, Tim, Alex, Stan, Steve, John, and Martin have successfully infiltrated the town and replaced the elements without any cause for suspicion, and we got word of Jack and Mark over in Canterlot in the same situation, as well as Zack, Sarah, and Joel over in the Crystal Empire. All our threats have been captured and replaced.”

“Perfect…” Chrysalis hissed. “Now we can continue our plans to rule over all of Equestria!” Chrysalis raised her hoof up. “For this day will be long remembered as the start of a new world, a world swarmed with changelings, a world under my rule, a world where all will bow to my will!” She leaned her head back and laugh, wanting her children to do the same.

The mares by the door started to tremble, never thinking this would happen, that the entire world of Equestria was now at stake right in front of them. They could only watch and wait for the changelings to continue, but Starlight started noticing something while the queen continued cackling.

None of them joined in. In fact, some of them were looking away while others put their front legs on the table and rested their heads, one of them eventually raised a hoof in the air and said, “Um, Queen, can we stop you there?”

Chrysalis stopped laughing and looked down at them, not expecting this. “What is it, child!? Can’t you just join in on the evil laugh?”

Alex scratched the back of his neck. “We would, but it get’s kinda awkward toward the end, and I don’t think you’ll laugh at this, either.”

Chrysalis tilted her head. “Not laugh at what?”

All the bugs looked at one another, both dreading and excited for this. Phil stepped up and placed his hooves on the table while Starlight and Trixie raised a brow in confusion. “Listen, uh, queen, me and the other lings here have been talking about the situation we’re in right now, w-we even contacted the one’s who are in the Crystal Empire and Canterlot, and...we’ve come up with an even better plan.”

“Better?” Chrysalis found that impossible, only she had the better plans, not her children.

The seven changelings nodded. “Yup, the vote was unanimous, with a twelve outta fifteen vote. Tim being our counter.” Phil pointed at Tim, who held his head high.

Knowing her children never had a proper education, she rolled her eyes and chuckled. “You can’t be serious, all of you came up with a plan during the one you already have?”

Mike scuffed his hoof on the table. “Well, that’s the thing, queen, it’s our plan, a pretty good one that’ll go great for everyling involved.

Chrysalis decided to, at least, hear what they had to say, knowing she’d still tell them no. “Alright, I’ll bite, what is it?”

Six bugs turned to Phil, who cleared his throat and stood up. “We decided to...well, forget your plans and...live here...with the ponies...without you ordering us around.”

The queen smirked and held her head high, closing her eyes. “Well, children, I’m afraid my pla-” Chrysalis then opened her eyes and replayed that sentence in her head, the gears in her brain going off track. “Wh-wha...what did you just say to me?” She said, her smile gone.

Phil nodded. “Yup, live with them, without you ruling over us and giving us orders on...whatever it was you wanted us to do next.”

Starlight and Trixie’s jaws dropped as far as her’s, never thinking they’d see something like this. “T-They’re revolting against her?” Trixie whispered.

“You’re REVOLTING against me!?” Chrysalis yelled. Some of the changelings were hesitant at first, but nodded, causing a strand of hair to come out of place from Chrysalis. “You...You IDIOTS!” Chrysalis growled. “Have you not forgotten that our plan is to take over this entire world, we will have more love than you can possibly imagine!”

One bug crossed his front legs and looked away. “We opted out of that plan, you know how most of us feel about doing stuff that big.” He slammed his hoof on the table. “Our opinions are well documented on that in particular, too!"

Stan nodded. “John’s right, your plans are just too much work, you should’ve started small, like...taking over a rural area, or a small village...like this one for instance. Why did it have to be a kingdom for ling’s sake?”

Chrysalis facehoofed. “That’s the past, child! This is a new plan, a better plan, a brilliant plan, a plan that will-”

“Fail…” Phil finished. “It will, queen, trust us. We all thought about this and realized you’re pushing this plan...right off a cliff.”

Chrysalis gritted her teeth, never feeling such anger in her life from what she was hearing. “You JUDAS! How could you turn on me!?”

“By saying no.” Marvin pointed out, receiving a stone cold glare from his queen.

“Don’t you even remember what these ponies have done to you!?” Chrysalis yelled. “They drove us out and called us monsters! Never giving us a chance. What makes you think they will give you one now!?”

Tim stood up. “Like you said, queen. That’s the past, this is now. I’m pretty sure if we didn’t cause such a fuss over in Canterlot, we’d probably have a better chance.”

“And why did we have to ‘invade’ anyway?” Martin asked. “There’s a little thing called: ‘talking it out’ that we could’ve done. We’ve seen these ponies make peace with disfigured hawks and oversized fluffy bulls, the elements even forgave that mutant goat! And he did worse things than you, queen!”

John stood up. “T-That’s another thing we talked about. What about the other races? I’m pretty sure some of ‘em won’t take it lightly on us coming in and taking over.” He bursted into flames and changed into a griffin, holding up a claw. “Have you seen how sharp these claws are? I heard they can cut to the bone.” He changed back. “We even heard about some of them being good friends with the ponies too...they’d be pretty peeved if they found out we took their friends away.”

“And we only took, like, eleven ponies and a lizard.” Stan pointed out. “That ain’t even close to taking over the world, the ponies ain’t gonna just drop to their knees when they find out their rulers are captured, oh no, they’re gonna get mad, very mad.”

Chrysalis couldn’t believe this, and neither could Starlight and Trixie. “T-They’re really doing this?” Trixie whispered.

“You’re really doing this!?” The queen yelled. “Turning your back on the mother that raised you!?”

Some of them looked away. “Raised is too strong of a word.” Marvin said. “I’d use...completely forget about and let the caretakers, who you also don’t care about, take care of us.”

Chrysalis’s eye twitched as Phil leaned back in Twilight’s chair. “So here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna tell the other ponies about what’s going on, show them where our hive is, tell them to bring an army in a half, and make it be the worst day of your life while we see it as a tuesday.”

Starlight and Trixie looked at each other, both just as surprised as Chrysalis. “A-Are they serious?” Trixie whispered.

Starlight looked back at the changelings, seeing that they were still arguing with her. “I can’t believe this…”

“A-Are you serious!? I...I can’t believe this!” Chrysalis’s eyes were starting to turn red while Starlight and Trixie’s faces turned deadpan, getting sick of this shtick. “You are all FOOLS! Don’t you realize that I have drones that are still loyal! You really think I will be stopped if they attacked!?”

The changelings looked at one another and laughed. Steve being the first to calm down. “We did some more math on that and found out that the ratio between changelings and...everyone else is about sixty eight to one...so close to make a joke, sadly…”

Alex put an arm on Rarity’s chair and rested his head on it. “Honestly, even if you did another attack, you’d fail, it won’t even take a love blast this time.”

Chrysalis looked over all of them, the changelings who were once apart of her hive, now turning on her. “Ch-Children! I am your QUEEN and you follow MY orders!”

Tim crossed his front legs. “What are ya gonna do, come here and make us?” He pointed at her. “Admit it, queen, without us...you’re nothing. Nothing but a bully and liar whose first impulse is to ponynap and take over! We’re sick of it, sick of following someling who’ll bring us down!”

Starlight blinked. “Wow, they’re dragging this on, aren’t they?” She whispered to Trixie.

All of the changelings smiled at one another as Phil stood up and faced the queen, her expression of anger slowly turning into shock and horror. “We’re tired of being your slaves, Chrissy; tired of living like monsters; tired of listening to your stupid plans! We’ve. Had. Enough!” He jumped on the table and went face to face with her.

“So, SCREW your plans! SCREW your loyal bugs! SCREW taking over Equestria! SCREW being nothing but servants to a no good, selfish, two-faced, bully of a queen!...And SCREW! YOU!” He looked at the other changelings as they snatched each one of the stones. Chrysalis watched her dreams shatter in an instant while Trixie and Starlight blinked in bewilderment. “Transmission out!” They then chucked the stones across the room, Chrysalis’s image disappearing in seconds.

All the bugs then cheered and laughed, some banging the table while others raised their hooves in the air. “AAAH! That felt good!” Stan yelled. “Never thought doin’ this would make me happy!”

It didn’t take long for the laughter to die down as all of them sat back in the element’s seats, Marvin wiping a tear from his eye. “So...uh, what was the next step?”

Phil smiled. “Since Chrys is out of the way, we can move to step five.” Phil turned to the cracked open door and held his hoof to the side of his mouth. “You can come in now, she’s gone!”

Both Starlight and Trixie flinched. Hoping he wasn’t talking to them, but the longer they faced the door, the more that hope went away, in the end, their curiosity got the better of them as they slowly opened the door. Starlight stepped forward while Trixie stood behind her. “H-How did you know we were-”

“You whispered, like, five times.” Stan answered. “Of course we knew you were there.”

Phil got off the table and stood on the floor. “You’re lucky you repeated what she said every time you talked, otherwise she might’ve heard ya.”

All of them got out of the chairs and stood in front of the mares, Trixie grabbing hold of Starlight and getting behind her while Starlight kept her ground. “So, all of that’s true?” Starlight asked. “All of you want this?”

Phil nodded. “Yeah, we started realizing just how bad this plan was turning into. Even you were catching onto us.”

Stan leaned closer. “Uh, how did you find us out, anyway. I thought all of us were doing a pretty good job at being the elements.”

Starlight glared at them. “For one thing, all of you were acting like jerks!” She pointed at Phil. “And Twilight would never say the things you said.” She then put her hooves to her hips and continued. “And if you must know, Luna told me about this while I was sleeping.

All the changelings ‘oh’d’ in unison. “Ah, So Mark and Jack did mess up.” Phil shrugged. “Eh, just goes to show how horrible this plan is going.”

“But why now?” Trixie asked. “Why wait up until this point? Why not just do it at your hive?”

“Cause we wanted to shove it in her face!” Stan yelled. “And...uh...we kinda...realized this...after we replaced your friends."

Tim nodded. “Honestly, I was hoping you’d come in and rub salt in the wound, it would’ve been pretty funny to see that.”

Starlight was starting to take all this in, realizing some things. “So you ponynapped my friends and took them to the hive before you decided to betray your queen.”

Phil shrugged. “She wouldn’t have called us if she didn’t see five alicorns, two unicorns, two pegasi, two earth ponies, and a lizard wrapped in cocoons and on her ceiling. Plus, we wanted to see what it was like to play important characters for a day...it’s...not really that exciting, to be honest.”

Starlight ran up to him. “Don’t you realize what she’ll do!?” Starlight yelled. “S-She doesn’t need any of them anymore! She’ll destroy all of them!”

The changelings looked at her for several seconds before bursting into laughter. Starlight narrowing her eyes at them. “Yeah, like she will with this rating.” Stan pointed out.

“And if you must know, we’re not the only one’s who are against her.” Phil pointed behind her. “We got some lings over there right now replacing them and bringin’ them back.”

Trixie cocked her head. “So, you’re replacing our friends here while they're replacing them over there?”

Knowing it was a little confusing, Phil decided to get to the point. “All you need to know is that they’re safe, we’re on your side, and we’re taking that bug queen down.” Phil extended his hoof to her. “So, what do ya say? Wanna go get your friends, be friends with us, and make the queen wish she’d never think of this in the first place?” He smiled, all of them leaning in, waiting for an answer.

Starlight looked at the hoof, then at them, then at Trixie, who was still wide eyed, and then back at the them. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and shook his hoof, her face filled with determination. “Let’s make her wish she never messed with the power of friendship.”

“WOOOOOOH! GO FRIENDSHIP!” They yelled, Starlight stepping back.

Trixie meekly raised her hoof. “Um...yes...friendship.” She then pulled Starlight closer. "Can we get going? They’re scaring me.”

Starlight looked back at them,seeing them either jumping for joy or hitting each other playfully, though that soon led to headbutting, tackling, smacking, and punching, one of them threw a brother on the table while another grabbed him and threw him into one of the chairs, making it crack. Both mares looked in both horror and fascination as the roughhousing continued.

“You and me both…”

Comments ( 45 )

Well... This was an interesting alternate take on the episode. I must wonder, with the Bug-Bitch's rating among the Changelings, why it didn't happen sooner? Tyrants almost never really work out well in the long run. There are always revolts.

Ha! I like this! I kind of wish Starlight had said something along the lines of, "It happened with Thorax, why not them?" but I think that would've taken away from the humor, and she was probably a little too freaked to think of it anyway.

So it's no longer just my opinion. Changelings are in fact revolting.

Not sorry. Ever.

Realizing the position they're in, the changelings decide on a different plan then the one their queen's giving.

Heads up, you have an error in your description: it's than in this context, not then. Then would imply that they try their plan and then the queen's, not their plan instead of their queen's.

:twilightoops: Spike I can understand you and Rarity but who's this other guy?


:pinkiesmile: Doomie?

At the part where the link goes to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, it doesn't start to the video.

Question:... How yo do dat?

True, but consider that Saddam Hussein ruled virtually unchallenged until the AMERICANS decided to invade. Only then did his government fail. And before that happened, the hope was that his two sons would take over ruling when he died and then have a falling out, throwing the country into a civil war. There is also North Korea, which is in its seventh decade and the son has replaced the father with ZERO signs of any loss of power.

But I should point out North Korea is staying static, if you will. It's not evolving in any way.

8258718 Well, not counting their nuclear program. Which is a little like giving a baby a box of hand grenades.
8258654 Um. No. Read up on it. There's a reason why he stayed on top of the heap, and that reason was worth whole swimming pools of blood and lots of mass graves. One of the reasons he was not deposed was that his tribe (and religious sect) was a minority, and that any sign of weakness would lead to an Iranian-backed rebellion. He was a murderous cold-blooded killer, and his kids were psychopaths.

If you right-click on a YouTube video, you can click "Copy Video URL At Current TIme."

Like this: https://youtu.be/Z0LgI6nF0rM?t=3913

Also, remember that the Changelings were also under the impression that that was how they had to feed.

And also, she ruled by fear. And probably conditioning, too.

Hey there were no riots under Sombra's rule. Chryssy found food for the changelings, so maybe she wasn't a tyrant.

There were no riots under Sombra's rule, because he utilised something known as 'mind control', which suppresses the ponies' free will.
Why do you think the crystal ponies were so out of it when the Crystal Empire returned? Remnants of Sombra's mind control.
Haven't watched the episode in forever, but I'm certain Alternate-Timeline Sombra placed mind control helmets onto his subjects, to wage war against Celestia's ponies.

With mind control, Sombra could do anything he wanted - peasants starving? Don't matter - they don't realise they're hungry until they die. Common ponies having traitorous thoughts? Don't exist, due to mind control. Need a source of soldiers to fight the war? Have a couple of mares and stallions in a 'foal farm', educate the foals in nothing but warfare, and have them fight until they literally die of exhaustion.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he would've done to Celestia (and Luna, if she returned and was no longer under Nightmare Moon's control) should he have won - personal slave/slaves, perhaps?

It was never stated that he used mind control. It's possible that it was just fear that kept the ponies under his control.

Yeah, the after-effects were basically PTSD.

Which is some of what made me realize that MLP was awesome, if they were brave enough to include that in a children's cartoon.

8259273 I think I did it right

"peaking through" should be "peeking through".

Chrysalis gritted her teeth, never feeling such anger in her life from what she was hearing. “You JUDAS! How could you turn on me!?”

He shrugged, "Celestia offered me 30 bits."

Chrysalis face-hooves, "I walked straight into that joke..."


this was pretty amusing and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it. :twilightsmile:

Admit it, queen, without us...you’re nothing. Nothing but a bully and liar whose first impulse is to ponynap and take over!

Chrysalis: "And swearing revenge! I'm pretty good at that! Right Right?"

Good to see the changelings from your other stories back!

Chrysalis’s eye twitched as Phil leaned back in Twilight’s chair. “So here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna tell the other ponies about what’s going on, show them where our hive is, tell them to bring an army in a half, and make it be the worst day of your life while we see it as a tuesday.”

Happy Tuesday!

Correct: He's the very definition of a TYRANT! You just proved my point. It is NOT inevitable that the population of a Tyrant will rise up in revolt. Both North Korea and Iraq proved that point.

I don't think it works with the embed feature. I don't see a link or a video in your comment. I think you just paste the link directly in the comment.

8260951 It works for me. The link is within the word "this"

Oh, I forgot that FimFiction stopped coloring links green. Stupid change, in my opinion, if they only underline when you're hovering over them.

Thanks for taking an interest into this story, everyone...but...
I just don't get it...
Stories that take me months to plan out, weeks to write, and days to look over barely get noticed.
While fics that took me a couple minutes to plan, three hours to write, and a few minutes to look over get to the featured box...
I can't even...

Don't stress about writing fanfiction. It's a hobby right? The best stories come from when you feel an urge to write. Forcing yourself might cause you to doubt yourself, therefore editing what might of been amazing.

Great story btw

This is so hilarious, including how Starlight and Trixie's dialogue keep getting repeated by Chrysalis :rainbowlaugh:

One of the funniest stories i've read! :rainbowlaugh:
Good job!

“You...You IDIOTS!” Chrysalis growled.

Something I thought reading that phrase... please don't hate me :fluttercry:

“There’s a little thing called: ‘talking it out’ that we could’ve done. We’ve seen these ponies make peace with disfigured hawks and oversized fluffy bulls, the elements even forgave that mutant goat! And he did worse things than you, queen!”

I'm a little lost here... Is he referring to Grogar? :rainbowhuh:

“A-Are you serious!? I...I can’t believe this!” Chrysalis’s eyes were starting to turn red while Starlight and Trixie’s faces turned deadpan, getting sick of this shtick.

Uh? :rainbowhuh:
*Searching word*
Well... I learned a new word :trixieshiftright:

Starlight looked back at them,seeing them either jumping for joy or hitting each other playfully, though that soon led to headbutting, tackling, smacking, and punching, one of them threw a brother on the table while another grabbed him and threw him into one of the chairs, making it crack. Both mares looked in both horror and fascination as the roughhousing continued.

:rainbowlaugh: PRICELESS! :rainbowlaugh:

… I just realized that. Huh. If it helps, I wouldn't mind looking over some of your other stories?

Sometimes I'm a little TOO lost... :raritycry:

Welcome to my world. And just about every other pony writer's world.:ajsleepy:

This was hilarious.

Really funny story. Though, it would be nice to see a sequel where they attack the hive, but it's pretty obvious how it would end. It would probably be better if it was made into a really comedic easy battle, similar to this one. that's just my opinion, though, do whatever you want.

“We did some more math on that and found out that the ratio between changelings and...everyone else is about sixty eight to one...so close to make a joke, sadly…”

Well, if everyling and everypony came together, the joke is still there?

*ba-dum, tish!*


That was a nice and funny story to read.

Errr... Something that I feel should have been pointed out LONG ago - "unanimous"specifically means total agreement. A 12 out of 15 vote is not unanimous. A 15 out of 15 would be.


Knowing her children never had a proper education, she rolled her eyes and chuckled.

True, but they ain't the brightest tools in the shed, are they? :twilightsheepish:

What's with those Changeling names?

Some of them looked away. “Raised is too strong of a word.” Marvin said. “I’d use...completely forget about and let the caretakers, who you also don’t care about, take care of us.”

Someone get a burn heal, holy shit

Phil smiled. “Since Chrys is out of the way, we can move to step five.” Phil turned to the cracked open door and held his hoof to the side of his mouth. “You can come in now, she’s gone!”

Hahahahahahahaha they knew the whole time, 10/10, much better than the show


GOD I loved this fic, a million points to changelingpuff

I certainly understand problems in the family, but to want to directly destroy your mother it seems to me too much through the chur

Vive la Revolucion!

Chrysalis’s eye twitched as Phil leaned back in Twilight’s chair. “So here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna tell the other ponies about what’s going on, show them where our hive is, tell them to bring an army in a half, and make it be the worst day of your life while we see it as a tuesday.”

I feel like this should have happened, outside of thorax, more changeling would have question their queen on global take overs after the first attempt. Especially given other races that are slowly forging bonds with the pony race

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