• Member Since 30th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2022

Dakota of Raptors

Weeb, WW2 history buff, dinosaur lover - just a general nerd.


Talion - broken and bitter, is thrusted upon a world opposite of his own; where friendship is a commodity and violence is seldom. When forging friendships with two opposite individuals leads to a hostile turn of events, he must choose; but can he save them both?

Other characters include Lyra, BonBon, Changelings, and the CMC

Crossover to Shadow of Mordor and the upcoming Shadow of War

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 14 )

I had plans to do one too,gonna say i'm impressed.
P.S if you are hyped for Shadow of war reply to this comment


So what you're saying is... this isn't a Warcraft crossover.

8397872 Nope. It's a Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor/War crossover.

Talion didn't replicate her feelings, rather he bore a serious expression as always. "But on one occasion..."


To bad it's short, but I really like it keep on updating

Quick question, why is their no celebrimbor?

That will be adressed when I get through my writers block.

I can't wait for more.. but sadly.. I must wait

NOooOooOooOOOooo not writer's block this is the only shadow of Mordor/War fanfiction well I hope you are cured
I love your story

Thank you for the comment! Sadly I've been caught up in school, and I've been working strenuously on another story with what little time I have.

Oh whew I hope. I was wondering about that since if he had, it would have been an interesting concept to see the hive mind through Talion’s point of view.

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