• Published 9th Dec 2011
  • 6,958 Views, 98 Comments

The Apple Of My Heart - insertponynamehere

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Chapter 1

The sun shone through the windows of the library as Twilight Sparkle was gathering books about different species of amphibians. When she heard that the Cutie Mark Crusaders would be working on their "Amphibious Creature Tamer" Cutie Marks, Twilight didn't bother questioning what went through the little filly's heads.

She put the last of the books in her saddlebag and was ready to head on over to Rarity's boutique, when she was stopped by Spike.

"Twilight! You forgot this one!" The small dragon held the book in the air, as he rushed over to Twilight.

"Oh thanks Spike." She looked down at the book, "Oh yes, this one will be great for them to use. 'The Mares Manual to the Marine Toad'." She carefully put the guide in her bags and opened the door, "Alright Spike, I'll be back later. Be sure to finish your chores." Spike saluted Twilight as she walked out of the door.


The bookworm trotted along the dirt roads of Ponyville towards her destination. On the way there, she couldn't help but notice how pleasant the weather was today. The temperature was fine. There was no cloud in sight, and the humidity was of a pleasantly average level. Wow, today really is a wonderful day! I might take use of this excellent weather condition and finish my study out on my balcony after I get back from Rarit-. Her inner ramblings were cut short as she trotted muzzle first into something rather strong. She fell back on her haunches in a daze as she used a hoof to inspect her damaged muzzle.

"Was that a wall?" She thought aloud and grunted.

"Eeeenope, but not to far off it ah'spose." The mysterious obstacle said back to her. Twilight opened her eyes to find out who she walked right into. She was still half dazed so the only detail she could uncover about this pony was that he was male and was red... and big.

"Miss Sparkle? Are y'all okay?" The red farm pony asked with evident concern on his face. He bent down to her and noticed the state she was in, "Shoot, can ah have look at the damage?"

Miss Sparkle. Twilight felt a pang in her chest, located around the heart. She looked into his big green eyes, a sense of security washed over her. She nodded as she slowly took her hoof away from her nose. Big Mac knelt down on one knee to inspect her muzzle for any damage. He lifted his free hoof up and touched her nose and turned her head slightly.

"Looks about normal." He said as he moved his hoof away from her mouth and attempted to help her up. "Now might ah ask... Whah'd ya walk right into me jus' now?"

"I-I was walking to get to The Boutique..." She stammered. Why am I stammering? "A-and I wasn't watching where I was going, then I must of walked right into you." She finished plainly letting out a small chuckle. Big Mac smiled, it was a genuine heart-warming smile... And it worked, she didn't know how it happened but her heart started to pound.

"Fine by me... Jus' make sure y'all are keepin' track of where yer hooves are hitt'n when ya go for a walk." He said as he moved passed her, to get back to his farm. "Y'all might wanna come over later-on so ah kin' have a look at that nose o' yers. Now ah have some work on the farm that ah have to finish up on, shud be done around sundown, until then... Good afternoon Miss Sparkle!"

Miss Sparkle She felt it again, at the mention of her name her heart pounded harder and she began to heat up, but at the same time she was frozen, "O-okay..." She weakly stuttered out. After she was sure he was gone she let out a huge breath she didn't even realize she was holding. "What... W-What was that?" She said to herself as she continued walking. I couldn't think straight, My heart was pounding and the way he'd smile and say my name "Miss Sparkle..." She let out a sigh. "D- Do I have a crush on him?" She concluded.


Twilight walked through the doors of boutique, only to find it completely wrecked. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw at first an orange blur, quickly followed by a white blur racing through the store.

“Quick! Sweetie Belle go get the yarn!”

“What color do you want?”

“Blue! I want it to be the same color as Rainbow Dash!”

“You got it Scoots... But wait, I thought we were going to make it the same color as Rarity!”

“Rainbow Dash!”


“Girls!” The white unicorn yelled from across the room, Twilight looked around and found Rarity walking down the stairs. She was red with anger. “What did I tell you about using my stuff! Do you know how much this yarn costs?”

“We-were sorry sis.”

“Yeah, really sorry.”

The two fillies looked at Rarity with innocent faces, as she sighed and calmed down, “It-it’s quite alright. I know you girls are looking forward to getting your Cutie Marks and-” She was cut off as she noticed Twilight standing in the doorway of her boutique, “Twilight! Darling come in! How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to see the place get wrecked by a couple of fillies. And speaking of which, here are those books on amphibians you wanted.” She pulled a couple of books out of her saddlebags and placed them on the table. “Here you go!” Twilight looked at the Crusaders and noticed that Apple Bloom wasn’t there, “By the way, where’s Apple Bloom?”

“She said that she wasn’t feeling well. We were making this for her as a get well present.” Scootaloo held up what looked like a blanket with the words ‘Get Well Soon’ stitched into it.

“We were going to give it to her, but now that we have these books, we can learn all we can about amphibians!” The orange filly said emphatically.

“Yeah! Maybe tomorrow we can head down to the swamp and look at some of them!” Sweetie Belle yelled.

Rarity cut into their conversation, “Girls, why don’t you ask Fluttershy to help you?”

“That’s a great idea!” They said in perfect unison. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Amphibious Creature Tamers! Yay!” They, once again, said together as if it were practiced.

The two unicorns giggled and Twilight said, “Well if there’s nothing else, I’ll be going the-” She was cut off by Scootaloo.

“Hey, do you think you could run this over to Sweet Apple Acres real quick?” She held the blanket up again, “Since we have these books, we won’t be able to.”

Twilight nodded and said, “Sure thing, and I think it’s really sweet of you two to make a special gift for your friend.”

Hearing this made the fillies give giant grins, and Twilight could’ve sworn she saw tiny halos appear above their heads.

And with that Twilight grabbed the blanket and set off for Sweet Apple Acres.


Along the way to the farm, Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about Big Macintosh. Anything prior to that day they had been just friends, but when they bumped into each other earlier, she felt something different than friendship.

Do I have a... what is it called... A crush on him? No, no that’s absurd. I’m sure it’s just something that’ll pass.

She arrived at the farm when she spotted Big Mac working in the fields. He quickly noticed her and trotted over to her, giving her a warm smile, and this made her heart melt. What am I doing? He’s my best friends brother! Oh no, I’m starting to blush!

By the time he got to her, her face was as red as his coat, and once again he asked, “Twilight? Are ya ok?”

She gave a sheepish nod and said, “I-I brought this over for Apple Bloom. Her friends had heard that she was sick, so they made her a get well blanket.” She pulled out the blanket from her saddlebags so Big Mac could look at it.

“Well that’s nice of them. If ah were Apple Bloom, ah’d be lucky to have friends like them.” Twilight shyly smiled at his comment.

After a short period of silence, Twilight said, “I’d best be going back home. It’s getting late, and I need to catch up on some reading.”

“Alright Twilight, ah’ll see ya soon.”

“Goodbye Mac.” She said as she was leaving the premises. I hope we’ll see each other soon...


Twilight walked through the door of the Library and found that it was absolutely spotless. The floor was so clean, she could see her reflection in it.

“Spiiiike! I’m back!” She called out to wherever her number one assistant would be.

She could hear his claws skittering across the kitchen floor as he appeared with a chef’s hat on and an apron, “Oh good, just in time for dinner!”

“Oh thanks Spike, I’ll take mine to go. It’s such a nice evening, I might light some candles and read on the balcony tonight.” Spike grabbed a plate and put many different foods on it.

She levitated the plate upstairs and set it on the nightstand, then quickly walked over to find a certain book.

Ah, here it is. Pony Love for the Intellectuals. I’m not one to read this rubbish, but I must know what the hay is going on

She lit some candles on the balcony, grabbed her book and plate, and started reading. She learned about the different types of love, and simple crushes.

So that’s it. I have a crush on Big Macintosh, now what do I do about it? She found another book on crushes and love and opened that book. It was past 10 at night when she started reading this book, and she stayed awake until 12.

She had a restless sleep that night, waking up a couple of times pondering the same thing, Does he even like me back?