• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? (He/Him)

Comments ( 6 )

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

or it is jest for the

It's the sort of thing that causes avant-garde artists to drown themselves in drugs and embrace insanity.

pretty much. i figure the tag is a "better safe than sorry" thing.

Well. That was heavy, heady, hurty, wholly fascinating stuff. The artist's tragedy works well here, and the pharmaceutical haze works quite well as a way to obscure the characters' history together. After all, this is Starstreak we're talking about. The past doesn't matter. The present barely bears consideration. The future is what's important, and there's still some left.

For now.

Best of luck in the judging.

This is some hella surreal stuff. You absolutely nailed the atmosphere and tone for this story.

Reading this story I felt like I was sitting at the bar, intoxicated enough that I was afraid to try to get up to dash to the toilet, thoughts racing in circles, too fast to properly think anything, but half thinking everything. In other words, you nailed the atmosphere.

I also liked the idea of a pony seeing the future, and knowing/believing that they have none. it's not a new idea, but it's one that isn't explored often. Having Starstreak strung out explains why he can see the future, and that explains why he's so strung out.

I really enjoyed this, thank you.

Author Interviewer

Wow, damn. I hope you won't take this wrong, but drugs seem to bring out the best in your writing.

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