• Published 12th Jul 2012
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Lines and Webs - Airstream

In a world of peace, there must be Order. No matter what the cost.

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Of Princesses and Processions

Twilight Sparkle awoke late the next morning. Spike was gone, although she could hear his low voice talking with a decidedly more feminine one in the room next door. Try as she might, she couldn't quite make out what he was saying. Looking over at her bedside table, she noticed several things. One, she had get-well-soon cards. Quite a lot of them, actually. Two, it was actually the afternoon, as the clock was indicating the time as 1:15. Three, she had been disconnected from the EKG and IV drip. Taking it as a sign that she was going to be released soon, she sat up. Her head swam a bit, but she concentrated on keeping her balance, and soon it faded away. Emboldened, she decided to try getting out of bed. Steadying herself, she gently rested her back hooves on the ground, and began to set her front down.

"Were I you, Twilight Sparkle, I would not be moving so." A voice came from the door, similar to Celestia's, but quieter and lower. Twilight, startled, lost her balance, and fell to the floor. Immediately, her legs buckled, and she only managed to support herself through a titanic effort of will. She looked around for the source of the voice. Princess Luna stood in the door, Spike behind her in the hall.

Twilight inclined her head in respect, trying to bow without losing her balance. "Princess Luna. It's good to see you." she said, almost toppling over for a second time.

Princess Luna caught her in her magic, levitating her back into the bed. "Tis good to see you as well, Twilight Sparkle. I have heard tell of your exploits from my sister, and was desirous to learn more of your time in the Everfree. I have waited long to speak to you, Twilight Sparkle." she said, stifling a yawn. "Forgive me, I am not used to walking under the light of the sun. My place is under the moon, and so I sleep during the day. Pray tell, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine, Princess." Twilight said, as Spike moved to her side. "I'll be ready to go in a day or two."

Princess Luna seemed impressed. "When you were brought before the physicians of this place, you were near death. Thine horn was blackened and cracked, and thy mouth was burned and charred. You labored in breathing, and thine ribs had been cracked in three places. One was split in twain by the force you absorbed." She smiled humorlessly. "Truly, we have seen grown stallions, warriors all, die from less. 'Tis a miracle thou didst wake again. I had not expected you to do so, and deep was my grief. Thy recovery has been nothing short of a miracle, indeed." She turned to leave. "Contact me when you have catalogued thine experiences in the Everfree, in full. I am anxious to see them." With that, she bent shadow around herself, vanishing into darkness.

Spike watched her go. "I'm bigger than her, I know her fairly well, and she and I are friends. She still manages to scare me." he said, turning his gaze away from the now empty door. He opened the window, letting in fresh air. "She got here at the break of dawn, you know." he rumbled, settling by her side again. "Luna seems very interested in the way you killed that hydra. She's been out to the carcass, and says that she's impressed with your magical skill. I have a feeling people will be talking about your quest for a very long time."

Twilight settled back into bed. "Well, I'm going to be writing that down, at least. It's always good to have an account of events like that. While we're on the subject of visitors, has anypony else stopped by?"

Spike nodded. "Rarity came by earlier, as well as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie and AJ had to head back to Ponyville, they've been away for two weeks, and neither of the businesses can go on much longer without them. Morning Star stopped by as well. He was happy to hear you'd woken up. He left a card for you," he said, pointing to the table. "And speaking of, you'll probably want to open them soon."

Twilight nodded, and without thinking, reached for an envelope with her magic. Nothing happened. She started to panic. Luna had said her horn had cracked. What if it had broken? What if she was so weak she'd need help to open letters now? Trying once more, she found herself unable to focus her magic.

Spike spoke. "I'd almost forgotten. They put an inhibitor ring on your horn when arrived at the hospital. It was leaking magic when you got here, and they needed to shut it off. They said that if you took it easy with magic for the next few days, it could come off this morning."

Twilight twisted, trying to get it off. "Please, Spike. Get it off, and get it away." she said, a bit desperately. Spike reached out, deftly plucking it from her head. He set it on the ground, an expression of concern on his face.

"Twi? What's wrong, you look panicked." he said, peering at her curiously. Twilight tried again to grab a letter, breathing a sigh of relief when she found one with her magic and lifted it into the air. She turned to Spike, an embarrassed grin on her face.

"Sorry, Spike. I'm not a fan of inhibitor rings. Nothing good ever comes of them." she said, tearing open the envelope.

"Why not?" Spike asked, settling back down again.

"Because it cuts unicorns off from magic! That's like binding the wings on a Pegasus, or hobbling and bridling an Earth pony. Imagine if somepony took away your ability to breathe fire. Plus they're only ever seen a few times in public, usually on..."

"Criminals." Spike completed, finally understanding. "Gee, Twilight, I never knew that was how you felt about these. I'll be sure to remember that." He looked at the letter. "Who's that from?"

"It's from Morning Star." she replied, reading it over. "Dear Twilight, I hope this letter finds you well. I'm extremely busy here at the Academy, and believe me when I say I wish I was by your side right now. I seem to have some bad luck when I see you, you've been asleep every time I stop by, and I want to let you rest. The doctors have told me you'll be out by tomorrow evening at the latest. You won't believe how popular those rubbings are, Twilight, already the scholars at the Academy have a waiting list to get ahold of them. Rumor has it that a ceremony is being planned for your defense of Ponyville. I'm going to try and get away tomorrow, so I can see you. And Twilight, I wanted to say thank you. You've made all of this possible, and I owe my success and literally my life to you, several times over. I hope to return the favor. See you soon, always yours, Morning Star."

Twilight looked up from the note. Folding it, and setting it to the side, she prepared to toss the envelope into the trash bin. She paused. There was something else inside. Withdrawing a folded sheet of paper from the envelope, she unfolded it to reveal the sketch Morning Star had made. Finished, it was even more beautiful. Her mane flowed in an unseen breeze, and each hair was lovingly detailed. The background was a starry night, with a crescent moon rising over the trees. Her eyes held equal measures of joy and longing, large and expressive. It was art of the highest order, made even more precious in Twilight's eyes. She felt a single tear travel down her face. She wiped it away, re-folding the picture lovingly. She set it to the side.

"Come on, Spike." she said, levitating the pile onto the bed. "Let's open the rest of these."


The wastebasket filled with scraps of paper at an impressive rate. Soon, the bedside table near Twilight was packed with letters from well-wishers, cards from friends and family, and other encouraging messages. The messages went from a few lines, written in the carefully spelled handwriting of a colt or filly, to several pages of flowery prose from Canterlot scholars who wanted to congratulate her on "Her role in the successful expedition to the Everfree Forest". Each letter was carefully filed away, each card lovingly displayed. Around three, a nurse delivered a large bouquet of balloons from Pinkie Pie, tied to a basket from her friends, which included some of her favorite books, her pillow from home, and a large box of apple tarts. "See to it you don't gorge yourself on those, Ms. Sparkle." the nurse said as she set down the basket and revealed the contents. "We don't want you throwing up because you ate too much on a weak stomach."

Twilight and Spike assured her that they would be careful, and the nurse left them alone again. The two friends caught up on what had been happening in Ponyville. Spike talked about how the library was, how the Crusaders were progressing on their project, and brought her up to speed on the day she had accidentally brought a hydra to town. "It was surreal," he said, chewing on a pastry. "Everypony in town heard the commotion, and we could see magic flashing off in the distance. Rainbow Dash and Stormchaser went screaming off toward the noise, yelling about a hydra. They had a flight of Pegasi in tow by the time they were there, and the next thing we knew, they'd made some sort of sling and were hauling you two off towards Canterlot. It was only when Rainbow came back that we found out it was you. She sped off to get Fluttershy and Applejack, and I let Pinkie and Rarity know that you had been hurt, and were up in Canterlot. I flew ahead with Rainbow and Fluttershy, and AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie took the train up." He swallowed, and looked out the window. "You were in pretty bad shape, Twi. It wasn't for the hydra, either. You had bad magical burns all over your body, even on the inside of your throat. It took an expert team of surgeons a full day to repair your horn. I've never seen that happen to you before. What did you do?"

Twilight weighed the outcomes of telling Spike the truth in her head. He'd undoubtedly insist that she tell Princess Celestia immediately. Something told her it would be better to ask Luna's advice, however. She arrived at a decision. "There's a reason that I had those injuries, Spike. I promise, I'll tell you everything when we get home and I've had time to sort it out. This isn't really the place for this sort of conversation, though. Somepony might overhear."

Spike nodded tentatively. "Deal. I want to hear everything, though. No holding anything back."

"Agreed. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight said, and they considered the matter closed.


The next day was a blur of activity. A procession honoring Twilight and Morning Star was set for the following day, precisely at noon. Much to her chagrin, Twilight had learned that Morning Star had arrived at the hospital a scant fifteen minutes after her early departure. They were both prepared separately for their roles in the ceremony. Twilight had made a full recovery, thanks to the best medicine in Equestria and a judicious helping of magic to dispel any minor damage left over. Ribbons were hung in the streets, a route for the procession was planned, and a public holiday was declared, to the delight of all. Well, almost all.

Twilight was being told, for what must have been the fiftieth time, exactly how the procession was to go. A creaky old unicorn mare with a light pink coat was chattering incessantly in her ear, about flower petals and dignitaries and about how she must keep her head high. The royal tailors had taken her measurements, and they had brought in Rarity as part of the design team. AJ and Pinkie, after checking on their businesses, had moved back up to the castle for the ceremony. As far as Twilight could tell, the procession would start in two places. Morning Star would make his way out of the Archives, through the streets, where he would meet Twilight, who would be on her way to the same intersection from the Royal Academy. They would meet, and the procession would end in the same forum where Princess Celestia held the Summer Sun Celebration. This would act as the counterpoint for the celebration, kicking off the week of festivities that led up to the ceremony itself.

Twilight realized that the mare had vanished, leaving her in a room full of unicorns with swatches of fabric, needles, and measuring tape. As one, they descended on her in a pack, comparing tones and styles of fabric, in a constant stream of high-class accents and inane giggles. Ignoring her protests, she was shepherded onto a pedestal, where a dress seemingly formed of its own accord around her body. Twilight tried to keep track of the process, but it was rather difficult when she was constantly being reprimanded to be still. Resigning herself to her fate, she let her mind wander idly, choosing to think of the tomes she had found in the castle. Where were they? Spike hadn't mentioned finding the saddlebags, but clearly the rubbings had survived, so odds were good they hadn't been destroyed. They were probably back at the house, she decided. She was looking forward to translating them. Magical runic was similar to High Equestrian, the only problem being that if the full words were written and not constrained properly, there was the very real risk of your book exploding. Twilight loved magical runic.

The unicorns stepped back, almost as one. A mirror was levitated in front of her, and Twilight gasped. The dress she was in was a work of art, white silk with golden lining. A golden sun was embroidered onto the front, and the hem was lined with a row of brilliant diamonds that were clearly meant to sparkle and glimmer in the sunlight. The dress was definitely her, simple and practical, but Twilight could see Rarity's hoof in the whole thing. The fabric fell in a beautiful swathe down the flanks, stopping just short of her hooves. A set of horseshoes were placed in front of her. As if in a dream, she stepped inside of them. They were a pearlescent silver, closely matching Princess Celestia's in design. A silver armband was affixed to her right foreleg, running midway up its length, in the shape of curling vines. "It's beautiful..." Twilight said, awe in her voice.

"No, darling, you are!" a voice spoke from the crowd. Rarity stepped forward, looking her over approvingly. "I must say, I'm glad I chose to go with the white silk instead of the grey. Much better looking, and it does go so well with your coat and eyes." She levitated over a simple brush, untangling her hair. Once done, she applied a small amount of blush, and a light coating of mascara. A simple laurel wreath was placed over her head. "There. You look smashing, Twilight!" Rarity announced, stepping back.

"I don't know what to say, Rarity. Thank you, all of you!" Twilight said, smiling broadly. The group of seamstresses smiled and curtsied, pleased with their work. As Twilight was undressed, Rarity filled her in on the last details of the procession.

"Now, Twilight, you are going to be the focal point for the opening ceremonies for the Summer Sun Celebration, so it's important that you stay on cue. Celestia has taken care of most of it, but the part you need to pay attention to is when she calls your name. It's three steps forward, and then she will remove the laurels from your head. When that happens, bow low. She will be summoning your Element and placing it on your head at that point, so be ready for that. Morning Star is getting a knighthood out of the ceremony, I believe. Some sort of title, either way, it isn't important. After Celestia places the crown on your head, turn inward, towards Morning Star. Then the both of you shall descend the steps together, join hooves, raise them above your heads, lower them, and your role will be done. We'll get you back to the palace, and there will be a small dinner after. Any questions?" Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Can I see Morning Star? I'd like to speak with him."

Rarity shook her head. "I'm sorry, darling, truly I am. But he's been recalled to the Archives, apparently he must give an account to the Head Archivist of the events surrounding those rubbings of his, so they can be archived as well. Either way, he will be done late tonight, and then he apparently has a furlough of one week before he returns to his duties, enough for the Celebration. You'll see him tomorrow, I promise."

Twilight smiled. "I understand, Rarity. Thank you for letting me know. Is there a place for me to stay?" She wiped the makeup off of her face, stepping off of the pedestal and joining her friend.

Rarity nodded. "There's a suite for you up at the castle. A large, private room currently being shared with a large-ish dragon. Spike grabbed a few things of yours from the library this afternoon, a few books, your saddlebags and such. Speaking of, those things are filthy. I understand that they've been through a lot, but they still look like death..." Twilight and her friend walked up the stairs to her room, chattering amiably the entire way.


Celestia broke meditation, flaring her wings majestically. A small knot in her back, right between the wings, caused her to groan. She had been stressing far too much recently, although she had good reason. The Everfree had always been tricky to manipulate, especially at night. It had been all she could do to hold that hydra there until Twilight had ran into it. Of course, it wasn't supposed to react quite as violently as it had, but risks had to be taken. Overall, she was quite pleased with the way her Candidate had handled himself, right up until the end. He was supposed to save Twilight, not the other way around. Ah, well. No lasting harm done, although her student's injuries had been most unusual. Regardless, it had worked in her advantage. Twilight Sparkle had been in the capital for nearly three weeks already, closer to the Catalysts and their influence. And with the Celebration coming up, it was a perfect opportunity to further condition her. Celestia allowed herself a small laugh, ringing with all the wisdom and warmth of the sun. It couldn't have gone better if she had tried, really...


The sun crept over the spires of Canterlot, the first spot it hit being the highest tower, where Princess Celestia stood, sending it on its course during the day. As it spread, the city began to wake up. In preparation, the city gradually shifted from white and gold to a riotous collection of colors, in the full spectrum of the rainbow. A path was cleared for the procession taking place later that day. Gossip spread among the populace. The unicorns being honored had faced down an army of five thousand undead, and done battle with a massive nine-headed hydra that spat fire and lightning. They had broken an evil spell in the old castle in the Everfree, and brought back the secrets to existence themselves. They were mighty warriors, who had spent the whole night in prayer to Celestia, atoning for the lives they had taken in her honor. The mare had the ability to shift forms into a huge dragon. The colt was a master of the occult, and had a book of ten thousand spells. Their horns blazed with holy fire. They ate only one meal a week, and it consisted of a single gold bit, heated in the moonlight. They only went hungry on weeks with a new moon. The mare was not only a master of battle magic, she was rumored to be Celestia's daughter.

The mare in question was currently sleeping comfortably, curled up next to a very warm dragon on a very large bed. This, of course, could not last. The door flew open, and a panicked Pegasus flung herself into the room. The maid in question was named Silver Lily, and this was her second day on the job. She had drawn the short straw from the group of servants outside the door, who had been sent to inform Ms. Sparkle that she needed to be ready in the next half hour. Of course, there wasn't enough time to exercise tact, so in she had been tossed.

She crept toward the bed, noticing that Ms. Sparkle appeared to be much larger than the average pony. Also, she had wings. Maybe those rumors about her being able to change shape were true? She crept closer, hardly able to breathe. She saw scales, and definitely webbed wings, and oh sweet Celestia, were those talons? She gulped, muttering a quick prayer. She opened her mouth, and in a voice that was entirely too loud, said. "Excuse me, Lady Twilight? We need you to get ready!"

The dragon cracked open one eye. It was a brilliant emerald green, that pinned her to the spot, seeming to gaze into her very soul. It blinked, and then the dragon rumbled "You need Twilight, huh? Okay, give me one second." Silver Lily stood rooted to the spot. The dragon lifted a wing, revealing a sleeping mare not much older than herself. Silver Lily gave an imperceptible sigh of relief. Twilight Sparkle was not, in fact, a scaly, rampaging monster. The dragon bent over, nudging her slightly. "Twilight? Up and at 'em, you're late for your meeting with the Princess." The mare shifted, grumbling a bit. Suddenly, her eyes snapped wide open.

"Late? For the Princess?"

The dragon nodded. "This Pegasus is here to get you ready, but you have to go, now."

The unicorn blanched, and shot right out of bed, babbling about being tardy the whole way. Silver Lily watched her go. She realized that the dragon was looking right at her. Her wings flared, an unconscious fight-or-flight reaction. The dragon looked amused. She must not show fear, she thought. If she showed fear, he'd know, and it would go badly for her. She planted her hooves defensively, lowering her head. The dragon laughed. "Your bravery is commendable. Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you. With an attitude like that, you could be in the Air Guard." She let her wings down, backing towards the door. The dragon curled back in on itself. "Word of warning, though. If you ever do face down a dragon, control your breathing. I could hear your heart, it was pounding like a drum the whole time."

Silver Lily closed the door behind her. She turned to leave down one hallway, pausing only when she heard the unique sound of a dragon giggling like an idiot.


Twilight was rushed downstairs. She had time to jam a bagel into her mouth, hardly bothering to chew. She choked it down with the aid of a large cup of warm Earl Grey, and was whisked into the dressing room. The crowd of unicorns, absent Rarity, descended onto her once more. Any attempts to help were ignored, and Twilight got the feeling she'd be of more help if she just let them pose her. This speeded the process considerably. At last, Twilight stood ready to go, after twenty excruciating minutes of clothing, fastening, brushing, and applying makeup by a team of unicorns that clearly had experience working together. A set of golden laurels were placed gently on her head, and she was led down a back hallway into a room with a wide ceiling. There stood a chariot, pulled by a team of four Royal Guards. It was crafted of a light wood, with brass fixtures holding it together. Careful not to dirty her dress, Twilight was helped into the chariot, and soon her retinue of beauticians had vanished back into the castle. One of the guards turned to her. "We'll be heading out in about five minutes, ma'am. You can go ahead and relax until then."

"Thank you, sir." she replied, allowing her head to fall to a normal height again. Rarity had drilled her for an hour last night on how to "hold your head like a lady". Afterwards they had moved on to "the proper high-stepping form", which when combined with "the sequence of a proper bow" had totaled almost two hours. Spike was greatly amused by the whole thing, and did not hesitate to point out particularly humorous mistakes. Twilight had tried her best to ignore him, but it was difficult for her to keep from giggling as well. She wondered how long the procession would take. Half the city was still preparing for the Celebration, it might not be noticed by many people. The chariot started to move out of the Academy, through the front gates. The doors swung open wide, and Twilight was instantly greeted by a wall of sound. The entirety of Canterlot was there, screaming and cheering her name. Bulbs flashed, flags flew. The Royal Guard was barely able to hold the crowd in check. Twilight remembered her lessons. She straightened, keeping a small smile on her face. She waved one hoof demurely. Her gaze swept over the crowd. They were packed in tightly, all the way from shop fronts to the streets. Some ponies hung out of windows, and Pegasi swooped and soared above her, jostling for position.

The chariot proceeded at a measured pace, Twilight remembering to keep to her impromptu training. She smiled and waved, and the crowd ate it up. She could see the intersection ahead, and heard the chanting of the crowd on the other road. A filly dashed out into the road, screaming her name. She was swiftly borne aside by a guard, and placed back by the hooves of her parents. Twilight was struck by inspiration, suddenly. Reaching for a small amount of magic, she drew on the minute particles of gold in her laurels. Reducing the wreath by an extremely small margin, she replicated the gold in it exponentially, fashioning a copy of her own laurels in miniature. With it finished, she set it on the head of the unicorn filly as she passed, who looked up at her with starstruck eyes. With a smile, Twilight turned her head forward again. She heard the filly say to her parents, "Look, mommy! Lookit!" Twilight had a small headache, but it was no matter now. As she reached the corner, she saw an identical chariot to her own draw beside her, and Morning Star caught her eye and smiled.

He was dressed in his formal scholar's uniform. A blue coat with golden buttons down the front, and a quill pin identifying him as an Archivist in training. He wore a set of well-shined black boots, and a cloak in deep red was on his back, fastened with a golden sun clasp. He too wore the golden laurels, and his hair was well groomed. The chariots continued down the road, and Twilight was impressed by what she saw. Pegasi had pushed together several clouds, forming a screen behind the Princess, which loomed over the proceedings. A picture of the pair of unicorns was being projected by magic onto the underbelly, broadcast in real time. As the procession went down the main street to the forum, Twilight noticed that white rose petals were appearing in the air over the street, falling all around them and paving their way. A surreptitious glance behind her confirmed that they were constructs, dissolving after they had passed. Side by side, the two held themselves regally, smiling and waving at the crowd. Soon, they arrived at the forum, before the altar where Celestia waited. Stepping out of their carriages, they walked in perfect step up to the dais, where they waited for the crowd to quiet down. The Princess stepped forward, flaring her wings. The crowd fell silent, hanging on her words.

Celestia spoke, her voice mellifluous and commanding. "We gather here to commend these two ponies for exceptional heroism in the face of danger. Twilight Sparkle and Morning Star, of their own will and volition, ventured deep into the wild in search of knowledge, which could better all of Equestria. Their hardships were great, their trials dangerous. Each owes their very life to the other, several times over. Such selflessness is an example of Loyalty I have rarely seen. There, deep in the Everfree Forest, they depended on each other for survival, sharing all that they had to ensure the safety of their companion. Kindness at its finest. In the dark of the woods, when all hope seemed lost, they kept their spirits high, and refused to flee in the face of danger. Indeed, they exhibited Laughter in great amounts, for they have told me there were times of joy as well. When faced with danger and illusion, their levelheadedness and quick thinking prevailed, showing that the spirit of Honesty is indeed part of them. And they did all of this to bring back knowledge, not for themselves, not for personal profit, but to share with all of Equestria. This is one of the best examples of Generosity I have seen in recent memory. When, upon their return, they were attacked by a hydra, they stood fast and protected the small town of Ponyville, risking their lives so that others may live. They were prepared to give all so that others could be safe. Their valor and courage were extraordinary, and so we honor them today. Morning Star and Twilight Sparkle, step forward."

Twilight stepped forward, bowing her head low as she did so. Her laurels, as well as Morning Star's, disappeared. Celestia turned her head towards Morning Star. Tapping him on the shoulders with her horn, she levitated a golden medallion emblazoned with a shield around his neck. "Arise, Sir Morning Star. May your valiance serve you well in the future, and may you use your position to shield those who may need your courage."

She turned to Twilight. A familiar weight settled onto her head. "Arise, Twilight Sparkle, Wielder of the Element of Magic. Your valor is well known, and you have the thanks of your monarch and your country." She nodded her head at them both, a subtle prompting to turn. The did so, facing the crowd. Their chariots awaited at the bottom of the staircase. Again in step, they descended the stairs, bearings regal and strong. They reached the bottom of the stairs. As one, they clasped hooves, holding them high above their heads. The crowd erupted in screams and cheers, as the ceremony was completed.

Their hooves lowered, and Twilight looked at Morning Star. A small, mischievous ghost of a smile was hovering around the edges of his lips. They each knew what the other was thinking. Leaning into each other, they met in a kiss, pure and deep. This, too, was broadcast for all present to see. Twilight got a glimpse of the shocked looks on her friends' faces, as well as Spike and her brother, who were standing side by side. If the holding of hooves has sparked a reaction in the crowd, this set the streets ablaze. A roar that seemed to shake the foundations of the city itself was heard. Closing her eyes, she lost herself in the moment. At last, they broke apart. Walking calmly to their carriages, they departed the forum, and if the gossip that morning was bad, then the afternoon's stories were ten times worse.


Celestia smiled as she took wing to the castle. All according to plan...

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