• Member Since 20th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen May 30th

Element Reading

Welcome to my page. If you wanna send fan art my way then send it via private message on here, thank you for following here and my Youtube channel. And I'll see you all in the next story or video.

Comments ( 54 )

Interessting, trough when there is sex I hope more it includes a romance and more meaningfull sex, it is just my taste in stories.

I don't wanna spoil anything, but I can tell you this, a relationship will come up, just needs to build, and become something big. And the sex tag is one I'm not sure of, I may publish a sex scene, but it isn't likely, unless it's extremely requested. I just don't wanna be known for that. Plus I wanna be careful, I have implication or light kissing, I'd rather have the tag than not have it and this story be taken down.

okay that's alright, I just prefer that type of romance or relationship when sex should be involved, but I'm prefectly fine with it not being there too.

"Because she had an ass that could kill, literally. She bent over once and an old man behind us stared at her behind before dying of a heart attack, do you know how I knew it was of her?" They nodded. "He had a boner." They were blushing so much.

I think I enjoy this so much, because for once they are the once that blush all the time and not him, that and he is apparently strong enough to defend himself instead of being kicked around or hiding somewhere.

Now I only hope that if he should chose more than one partner, that it makes sense and that the romance is believeable, otherwise I just continue enjoying it.

I hope you all like this, I have many chapters wrote already, but the story is not done. Let me know if this is good, there is a lot more to come, and I mean a LOT.

I won't lie, I like it when there is still a chance to say your opinion and maybe be the cause for little changes, but so far the story is pretty good. I just hope that he doesn'T tries so hard to be suggestive or badass like some of those soldier characters. I just mention it when I think it was a tad to much.

I like this more than I thought I would and get even slightly excited for more now. However take your time, it's better if I don't have to much to read at once.

He'll be quite badass, but in a slightly comedic and way. He is the smasher after all.

That's okay, just not to much I guess, I had seen many soldiers and whatever who I just disliked because of how much of an asshole they were or super big badass/pervert.

However I liked him here.


I think you meant Celestia here. I always try, but I can hardly image soemone trowing himself to the ground bcause he has to laugh beside in cartoons.

Skipping long history lesson, you're welcome.

I would have done it myself, but thank you.:pinkiehappy:

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Theo, happy birthday to you. Make a wish, my son."

It is kind of sad and beautifull, but also veeeerrrrryyyyy funny. I mean for a moment I thought he meant his daughter, but I'm probably forgetting that he was lonely.

"Not even close, he was my son, today he would've been seven, but. They got him."

Now it is....sadfunny.

"I should've been there, I should've helped him, saved him. I should have died on that wasteland of a planet. I watched my own son, die in my arms, and I didn't even get to tell him I loved him back, I wish I died there." Shining just looked down.

He needs to adpot someone or get to know a Mare with a child. I would mind him to get to know a random and really kindhearted mare that doesn't has much. Why not a Minotaur or Diamond dog, they don't have to be assholes I guess.

I think I will really enjoy this character. He will maybe look slightly weird to me in the future, i just fear some of the usually behavior I get in such a story is going to come out, but maybe it will look actually good in this story.

elestia replied, "It's no worries, I managed to get half an hour off, plus I wanted to say good bye, sorry I was icy back there, but I dealt with humans before and they were.... Horrible.

I think I said it already, while I remember the mirror, I hate it when Celestia always knows the interessted "crossover" creatures already.

Luna said, "And I need to apologize about me entering your dream, and I wanted to ask if you wanted to be on my blacklist?"

Have you actually written that scene?, I would probably have said that she maybe shouldn'T just always do that out of nowhere. I always image how easy it has to be to violate a ponies/persons personal space with her powers.

"Just Celestia, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Pinkie Pie, she's far more disturbed than anypony I've ever met."

It depens on what you think about when you put Pinkie Pie on her list. I mean I can enjoy a depressed Pinkie story, but hopefully this isn'T about some weird fan stuff.

But all he found was a small note, it said, "The box will open when the time comes, keep it on you at all times, the time's coming up. Be ready for your greatest challenge."

Sorry if I'm all like " I don'T want this and I hope it isn'T this today", but I really hope this is no Cadance magic ring that comes out when he notice his feeligns for Spitfire or something, but at the same time it is a nice thought "if" Spitfire should have told Cadance about her possible crush. I'm not a big fan of "I noticed your deep and not yet developet love for each other".

"She had the kind of ass you dream of, it was so good it literally killed an elderly man who was behind us in line, she dropped her change and she bent over, and do you know how I could tell his heart attack was from her?"


"He had a massive boner, luckily I used a jacket and covered that part, so only the medical crews and the funeral services had to see it, poor fuckers."

I hope in the fourth chapter it is either not there or written slightly differently.

I still like the story, but sometimes I'm a bit allergic to some certain storie elements and sometimes I can endure it.

Next chapter will have action, and I didn't like writing this chapter much, but I had to to continue the story and to give some detail to Eli.

He shoved his hand in and felt around, he felt something made out of spandex out of all the liquid and pulled, it took some work, but he saw Spitfire's leg.

aaahhhh I haven'T really noticed it swallowed her.

The guard replied, "More like an hour, and I'm sorry, but this needs your attention. Another portal opened up and some creatures came out, they were fully covered, with the same kinds of weapons you have."

I'm just saying this for the future chapter, not every chapter has to be filled with monsters and he has to go from Monster to monster.

I'M not sure if he was suggesting that Spitfire had some sort of fetish while being in the monster, I haven't really understood the description and the scene with the Guards was funny, but not sure if I would like the Spitfire part. I have to think about it again when I understand it better, how I have to see it.

He took a deep breath and kicked the door open, he saw two humans, they were decked out in full gear, nothing could be seen, the suits were brown and they wore gas masks.

okay I hope they aren'T in every chapter, I like to hear from such characters now and then, but I hate it when they can't leave the character for a few minuted and usually I prefer it if the main char is the only one and kind of special from his kind and world.

"No, we won't shoot first, and now that we know this planet can support us, let's chat."

what bandits?, I thought they were just two of them.
Well let'S hope the new huge amount of cast doesn'T makes the chapters weird or to much filled to the brim .
Not sure how to say it, but I hate it when they take of the focus from the main char to much you could say, I just hardly see it done in a way I like.

Rue had over two hundred people all hungry, tired, and dehydrated, Celestia and Luna agreed with the mines and they shook on it, to celebrate Rue, Eli, and Spitfire were in the small bar just around the barracks.

aahahhh noooo not 200....I really hope your carefull with them.

Spitfire was about to sit down, but Eli got up and said, "I'm gonna go find Anna, this castle is easy to get lost in, trust me on that."

Why is he getting Rues Girflriend from the castle and not Rue?

"To see if you should ask him out."

Spitfire blushed, "Well I.. Don't.... how'd you know?"

I like it when the others are the once that are blushing for once, but I'm still not sure if I like it that his fellow humans are used to provoke those scenes again.

I'm not a fan of the new situation with him and his old friends yet, that and I hope not to many are going to tease them/her or meddle with their relationship. Like I said the stories usually change for the worse or stranger part when they suddenly get their so called friends after chapter 3-5.
It also always happend before they got used to live there.

After a minute to process the invite, he folded the paper up and placed it in his pocket, he was about to leave until he saw the feather, "Why the feather?" He picked up the feather and carefully put in into his backpack, he had questions that needed answers.

oooohhhhh I think I remember something about the feather thing, just forgot the deeper meaning.

"Dear Eli, another portal opened up near Manehattan, and the creatures you described as zombies started to come though, there's like fifty of them, maybe more, I need you to kill them before they get to that city. I'm trying to hold them off, but my shield won't last long. I'm sending a chariot.

Just saying, I hope they have some calm chapters to proceed in their romance or to get to know some people and that not everytime there has to be a fight between that.

Next one is, it's short, was going to continue this chapter, but decided to split it to keep it more coherent. But there's no action to it, I don't think? I forgot.
Also remember, I wrote all but the final chapter before I published the first chapter, making huge changes would take months to do.

"If you sport Spitfire's feather, it'll be a sign you want something more intimate. If not, no worries, it'll just go at a slower pace. Thought you should know.

Sooo...if he shows her the feather or wears it, it means he wants to get laid as fast as possible and without it he wants to get to know her first?

Well with how he lived before and since he already had a child I guess it's okay, normally I would say get to know her first, not sure how much experience Spitfire already has, that and normally I just prefer it at a slower pace in stories.

She really does look good.

"Oh it's been more than that, I've only been with one girl, and she just wanted my answers for tests, one time we did it, and I had to stay with her for a horrible fucking year. She was the biggest bitch, I was so happy when I put a bullet into her zombie corpse."

He kind of seems easy to get if he just took the bait, or he got tricked by her. Well if that was his girlfriend then every chapter it starts to sounds more like he had less than a real relationship with her.

Anyway, if you all really like his and want the explicit, maybe I will, but I'm not sure if I want clop to be associated with my stories, I'm wanting to make stories, not porn, so maybe, let me know if it would be a good idea in the comments below. Thank you all for reading and hope you enjoyed, peace!

Hhhhhmmm if I'm honest I already said I normally like it slower in stories, just to make sure if feels right.
I don't want to sound like the guy that likes no fun, but I start to think that the whole pacing feels a bit fast/rushed.

For some reasons I just don't get the right feeling with this even if they kind of had a really nice date together. I guess I'm not even sure if that guy even knows what he really wants, he just goes with it.
What I mean is, somehow and I'm not sure how to really say this, it looks like he isn't taking this really seriously even if he kind of wants a real relationship.
Maybe I would think differently about it if I would take another look at the last chapter and then this but I rememebr enough.

Well I guess that being said I don't need to see the scene, not sure if I like it enough to continue so far if I'm honest. It is not bad, but I don't have anything special that keeps me here so far.

Maybe that's normal for a story like this, to feel fast I mean, but it feels like everything happens to fast for me and I'm talking about the fights and stuff this time.

Well, I'm not going to spoil anything, but I took some of your advice and I found a point which I could slow them down, next chapter, no action, just a bit of dialogue. I think it'll be good, maybe help the story a bit.

She blushed and rubbed the back of her head, "Ya, and that feather just made it so much faster, but I don't think we need to rush this like that. Most stallions just want a quick fuck, but you. You want to be with me, and I think we should continue, but maybe hold on the sex for a little while, just until we get further along."

I like that. I mean it still happened and in a way I'm not sure if I can believe Ellie saying that, but I decited it is good enough for me and hope it will feel even better, as if more feelings are involved if it happens the next time in the future.

"Well, that bitch did know a lot, so I learned, and some of the six girls I've been with have told me a bit when they were drunk."

Why does he seems to be more and more the Highschool slut with every chapter?
I thought it was his only girlfriend.
Well his explanation seems good enough, but he seems to be quite a needy little teeny.

"Dear Eli, no, nothing's endangering Equestria right now, but I wanna come over, I'm curious about how it went.


Yay, I would probably have disliked it if this would have been another Zombie attack, like they suddenly got a whole lot of spawn points for enemies.

"Of course it is, it's called herding, here we don't care about what you love, mare, stallions, one lover, two, three, etcetera. How's that weird?"

Before you plan anything weird, I mostly like it when they get two - three partners. It is already hard enough to make the reader believe everyone really loves the other for "good" reasons.
I had enough stories where it felt like someone knocked at the door, was asking if they have an open place in the herd and the main char didn't really cared and said okay yes, or the Marefriend just did it without him having a say in the matter.

Celestia rubber her leg, "Well you don't have to worry about that here, just enjoy yourself." She was walking out, before she left she said, "Oh ya, I heard that mares like to invite other mares to join them, just food for thought." Celestia walked out, he heard here teleport back to Canterlot.

While I kind of hope he is the loyal type that only has one Marefriend, I would also like to see some different personalities in his possible herd, it seems you are planning one for him. Spitfire is pretty much already a confident one even when she was pretty....calm? at the date.
So I maybe would either expect a shy and clumsy one or someone as grumpy as Mrs. Harshwinney.

There I would even say Ellies personality could do her some good.
He is the only one, but I could even image her aproaching Ellie because he is the Nr.1 Zombie slayer. I think something like that was what her Cutiemark meant, that she could find good canditades and stuff like that.
I really need to see more stories with her, but maybe some that try to show her from a different side in certain situations where she doesn't have to be professional or only when in contact with close friends/lovers.

"Eli, bit problem, turns out a portal opened up near the crystal mines, you need to get over there, Shining Armor and Cadence will assist you. And the humans there are ready to fight if you need the help. Get over there now or your species might not survive.

I know there wasn't a fight in this chapter, but that it happened so soon again is something I don't like, he had one free night and a nice morning and shit happens again, that is kind of what I mean with the main char being to busy sometimes.

edit: However this was already better thank you.

I'm not really getting that warm with the story somehow, I have nothing against those kind of stories, but somehow I think I have a little problem with it once in a while if the main chars try to hard and if it ends in some kind of boss rush.
Well I still have to give you a chance I guess, you said you kind of changed the pasing a bit and it maybe is a bit to soon to see if it works out in a few chapters. I mean if it is going to look good till then and if you view the full package.

Most of my stories go with more of the talking route and less of the fighting route, but I wanted to branch out a bit and well, do something kind of different, this story was an experiment. One I'm not sure I'll really be repeating. But I'll try to finish up the story at least, and believe me, this was so much faster and SO much more of a boss rush than it is now.

I think I stop with the story, it is not my kind of thing, not sure what it is this time exactly, but I think the zombie hords every chapter isn't my thing, maybe it is to random?, I don't know but if I read stories like this I always feel like I'm in the middle of some boss rush or a game like Samurai Warriors.

I always a short scene like in the games which would be the short talk moments in the story and then the fights happen. I don't really get into the story or care and I'm not really able to bond with one of the characters or how you call it.

I'm sorry to hear, but i guess this story experiment just wasn't what you were looking for, still sorry. But what you're talking about is making my mind think of another story idea, one slower, and very much a slow coming relationship. I hope you find good stories you're looking for.

Um didnt u take his back story from zombieland movie where he talks about the zombies taking his dog then later confesses it was really his son?

Finally, someone got that, it was. I love that movie.

Dude it was funny I love the way he hunts down the twinkies lol. And bill murry ( idk how to spell his last name)

It was amazing, one of the best zombie movies, Shawn of the Dad comes close, but ya.

Ive seen shawn of the dead was a pdg movie in its own quirky way. Especially the wiffle bats as weapons thing

My favorite part in zombirland iis when they meet bill murray

Him being there just made me go oh my god. Loved it bro.

Yep there mention of gb was awesome I was geeking out a little

"I'm not touching that without gloves." Said Soarin.

That's weird

This is a great story, and your author side notes make me laugh.

Thanks man, I hope to make more soon, but I'm less than 3 classes from an associates degree, so I'm kinda focusing on my work at the moment. Soon though! Soon.

Glad to see him really liking dragons, but not enough to not willing to kill them or see them as the most precious things in the world and shame those that killed no matter good or evil.

Thanks, I didn't want to go too far on the love for dragons or hate, almost went too far on love. Had more planned and wrote, but after some MAJOR revisions, it sucked before, but glad people still like this story, been busy on a big one that I'm still writing up. Might pick this up if I have the time.

Eli jumped off the small ledge and got right next to the shield, he yelled, "Witness me princess! Witness!" He threw a punch at the closest zombie, the punch went right to it's face, it basically evaporated from the force of the punch, he just started punching every zombie he could.

Mad Max thing lol

I wrote that after watching Fury Road lol, so ya, I wanted to put that in.

Loved Fury Road, too bad R couldn't survive, and I was kinda hoping Max would get with Furiosa.

Ya, but Max had one love, and she was killed, now he just kills and makes grunting noises while fighting and out of fighting.

I know. Still, it's been around 10-15 years since his beginning when the world went to hell and his wife died. So perhaps someday along the way he'll get with someone

Spoiler on what has already been done up to chapter 11: He is trying with Spitfire, went fast at first, but slowed it down to more of a relationship, so that's the love attraction right now.

Okie dokie, looking forward to it continuing. I've seen in one chapter it talked about the possibility of Spitfire bringing in a few mares if she wants to. If it happens, I wonder who she'll bring in 🤔

Later, but first I need to really rework the chapters that were wrote, so it'll be a bit, but with this recent support, I think I'll step aside from my current project and make another chapter here.

As long as you think your chapters are good, I'm sure the majority of us will be happy to read your book. Also patience usually pays off for those who make sure things are good, so can't wait, but at the same, I could, considering how long chapters are more appreciated that short ones xD

I'm trying longer chapters, this story was my first attempt, and now my next story will have pretty long chapters, bigger than these, FoE story. But for now, I feel I owe it to finish at least one or two chapters before I continue on a new project.

I'm sorry but I can't read this fic any further seeing how it follows the same "I thought you were dead" & "enemies from wherever the protagonist comes from & fuck shit up" cliché when it comes to these types of fics. It's not bad this just isn't for me anymore.

It’s an ok story however I feel your adding too many numbers here with how ya keep adding more an more humans. I hope to see more but one calm down with that an two slow down Tis a bit fast paced. Anyways I do hope to see some more as it’s a fairly nice read overall.

Ya, no more, but honestly, I wrote myself in a corner, I have no idea what to do, why there's nothing new, I really don't know what to do with this. All endings at this point are stupid, wrote myself in a corner pretty much.

Lol slow clap good job mate. Perhaps a rewrite is in order? Could change it up slow it down an make it better overall.

Ya, but I'm committed to a new story I'm doing, much better than this story, actually know the ending to the new one, lost a lot of writing time while in bootcamp, but working again on new stuff. For now, this story is kinda done until I rewrite it later on.

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