• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 1,974 Views, 60 Comments

How Yer Folks Got Together - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Little Green learns how her parents got together

  • ...

A Simple Proposal

"I'm back!" Little Green shouted as she opened the door, practically flying into the living room. Her wings continued to flutter as she ran through the house. "Where are you? You said we would be going to see where you proposed? Is it far? Are you ready?"

The excited filly was suddenly wrapped up in a pair of light blue wings and pulled into a hug by her dad.

"Calm down there, Green," he said as he held the filly against her chest. "It's not far, and it's not going anywhere." Leaning in, put a hoof against her mane. "What's with the blue bangs?"

Shifting in her father's grip, Little Green looked up at her mane, a small section of the bangs dyed from its normal dark navy blue color to a brighter, electric blue instead.

"Snowy decided to change her mane color," she explained. "Said she looked too much like Vinyl Scratch. But there was still a little bit of the blue left, so some of us had our bangs colored."

"Hm," Soarin said as he gave a small nod. "Well if you're going to start dying your mane, be sure to get some advice and tips from Babs first. We don't want the bathroom stained with whichever color you decide to use that day."


"Good." After giving her one more ruffle, he let go of the filly. "Now, there's a picnic basket in the kitchen. Why don't you go get it and we can join Mom."

"What do you mean?" Little Green asked. "Where's Mama?"

"She went ahead. Probably waiting for us there by now."

"What?!" the filly cried out, wings flaring out and one smacking her father in the face. "Ma's already there and waitin' and you're telling me to slow down?" She then turned and ran for the door, leaving once again.

Soarin chuckled, shaking his head at his daughter's enthusiasm. Heading into the kitchen, he grabbed the picnic basket that was waiting.

As expected, he found Little Green coming back in, ears pulled back and a sheepish look on her face.

"Uhm... where are we going?"

"Not far," Soarin answered around the basket. "In fact, we don't even have to leave the farm." Opening his wings, he crouched down. "Ready?"

A grin formed on Little Green's face as she crouched down as well, spreading her own wings.


The two then took off, flapping their wings as they launched off the ground. Since one did not know where they were going, the pair could not actually race, but they could still have some fun as Little Green tried to keep up with her dad. Although, he was also limited by the basket in his mouth, which he did not want to accidentally dump out again.

At one point during the short flight, Little Green managed to do a barrel roll around Soarin, laughing as she did.

"I'm flying circles around you!" she cried out.

Soarin rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

After a short flight, the pair of pegasi came in for a landing. Little Green moved behind her father, following him as they slipped between the trees and down to the ground.

Before she even finished landing, Little Green was staring wide eyed at what she saw.

There before her were two trees that had somehow wrapped around each other as they grew. After they separated, the trunks curved out and back in before the tops bent down, making a heart. Both trees were covered in apples and pears, growing both on the same branches.

Applejack sat at the base of the trees, one hoof raised and pressing against the intertwined trunks.

"AJ?" Soarin called out.

Turning to look at them, she gave a small smile.

"Come here, Greenie. Somethin' I wanna show you."

Little Green moved closer to her mother, still staring up at the trees. As she approached, Applejack wrapped a foreleg around her and pulled her close. The filly was not sure, but she thought she saw tears in her mother's eyes.

"This here is where my own folks got married," Applejack said. "They planted the seeds that became these here trees you now see." She smiled.

Little Green bit her lip to fight the urge to ask questions about her grandparents. They had been something she had been wondering about for a while, but never sure how to bring up. Neither of her parents seemed very willing to talk about their own for some reason.

"Is this where you proposed to Papa?" she asked instead.

"Yeah," Applejack answered. "It actually started just after Granny's funeral..."


With the final words of the eulogy finished, Granny Smith's remains were lowered into the ground. It was still hard to believe for some of the ponies gathered. Granny had been the oldest resident of Ponyville. She had been there before there had even been a Ponyville. The old mare had been a fixture of the town, as much as town hall or Sweet Apple Acres itself.

Apple Bloom stepped forward, legs shaking a little. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before tossing an apple blossom into the grave, followed by a hoofful of dirt. After she walked away, Applejack approached, tossing some dirt as well. She was then followed by Big Macintosh. With that, the funeral was over. All that was left was to fill in the grave.

Not far from where Applejack had been stood Soarin. He was dressed in a black suit, and his hair was properly combed (although not as greasy as slicked back as that first date, thank goodness). A sympathetic look crossed his face as he moved toward the approaching Applejack.

"Thanks again for comin'," Applejack said. Licking her lips, she took a deep breath. "There... there's something I actually wanna talk to you about."

Quietly, Soarin followed after Applejack as they left the funeral behind. The two of them walked in silence for a while, making their way back to Sweet Apple Acres and into the orchards. As they walked, the stallion shifted slightly, wings flickering at his side and ears shifting. He felt he should say...something... but not really sure what. Between the fact Applejack was still grieving for her grandmother and the fact he had no idea what was going on, it was difficult to come up with something to say.

Eventually, the two wound up at the intertwined trees that had been planted by Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. Admittedly, he did not know much about trees since he had lived most of his life in Cloudsdale, but it did not change the point. He could not help but be impressed.

"Although, not as impressed as you were," he said to his daughter with a grin.

"I love you," Applejack said.

"I love you, too," Soarin replied.

"Losing Granny..." Applejack turned to look at him. "Well, it kinda reminded me about how short life can be." She looked back at the trees. "We don't know how long we have in our lives, and even a full life like hers can leave a pony feeling like it ended all too soon."

She turned to look at the trees again.

"This is where my own folks got married," she explained. "Which is why I wanted to bring you here."

Getting up, she moved to face him. One hoof reached out, coming to rest on Soarin's side.

"Soarin, will you marry me?"

Soarin's eyes went wide as he looked at Applejack. Marriage. She was asking him about marriage. A thrill went through the stallion. He had actually considering ask her, but had not actually gotten to it. Especially after what happened to her grandmother. He was thrilled that she asked and could not wait to say yes.

"Are you sure?" he blurted out instead, much to his own surprise.

"Yes," Applejack answered. Her brow then furled. "No." With a scowl, she gave her head a shake. "Maybe not as much as I'd like, but I am."

She let out a sigh, wishing that she had her hat to hide her face behind while she collected her thoughts.

"Honestly, I am kinda scared at the idea," she admitted. "I mean, my own folks knew each other since they were babies, and our relationship hasn't exactly been storybook."

She moved closer, their noses almost touching as her grass green eyes stared into his emerald pair.

"But I love you, and you love me. We get along well, and I like having you around." She stopped, brow furrowing again. "That last part didn't quite come out right."

"It's fine," Soarin cut in. "I think I get what you mean."

"Okay." Applejack gave a smile. "So, will you marry me?"

Stepping forward, Soarin wrapped his wings around the farm mare and kissed her on the lips.

Applejack was pretty sure that was a "yes."