• Published 9th Jul 2017
  • 1,723 Views, 83 Comments

Stalingrad Hell on Earth - Bronycommander

Stalingrad, a town both sides call hell. A Squad of German soldiers find something that should not be here.

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Chapter 9 A new beginning

Chapter 9: A new beginning

The last thing before Ruby passed out felt was cold. Nothing but cold.

“Ruby…” a voice ringed through her ears, but there was just darkness.

“W-ho is there?” She asked scared.

“A Friend.” Her eyes were blended by a white light and a Stallion that looked like an Angel appeared out of the darkness. “Hello, Ruby.”

“Do I know you?”

“No, but I you. Has your mother ever told you of me?”

It clicked in Ruby’s head. “D-daddy?”

“Yes my dear, I’m your father.”

“DADDY!” She hugged him tightly without warning.

“Shh, my dear. I know we’re never met but I’m so happy for you. I watched over you since you were born. I became your Guarding Angel after my death and your birth.”

“Am I dead?” the foal asked, afraid that she had died and would join him in heaven.

“Don’t worry my dear, your friends and the Princesses found you just in time. Want to know how I met your mother?”

“Yes, please!” Ruby exclaimed.

“Okay.” White cleared his throat and told his daughter how he met Berry all those years ago. She was amazed by the details as he could remember perfectly how he met Berry and good times it were all those years ago.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you, Daddy. It’s all my…”

He father putted a hoof on her lips. “It wasn’t your fault. And I’m not mad at you for seeing Frank as your father. If fact, he reminds me of myself in many things. I can tell he will be a good Stepfather for you.”

“I hope mommy and the Princesses will think so too. I don’t want that he gets sent back into that…bad war.” She explained worried.

“I’m pretty sure they will accept him. After all, he saved your life. I’m very grateful that he did everything he could to keep you alive.”

“I’m too, daddy. I’m just feeling sorry for him that he lost all his friends and his family.” She had her ears lowered.

“Me too, but I’m sure you and your friends will make sure that he has a happy life here in Equestria.” White smiled at her.

“Tell me daddy, can you help me with making mommy’s gift?”

“Sure. I’m not an expert like Twilight but I should be able to help you with that. Breathe calm and concentrate.”

Ruby took the advice from her father and tried it. “It worked! Thank you, Daddy!” She hugged him.

“You’re welcome. I’m sure she will like it.”

“You think so? I was afraid that it would make her sad.” Ruby was worried.

“I beg to differ. I think that she will love it when she sees it.”

“What makes you so sure?” the filly was confused how her father could be so sure.

“You know how hard my death was for her. And your gift will show that she should think of the good times not the bad times. But now, I think it is time for you to wake up.”

“Bye, Daddy!” Ruby exclaimed as he left.

Ruby opened her eyes slowly. She was in a hospital room, white walls and beds. In a bed next to her was Frank, a heart–lung machine, also known as Cardiopulmonary bypass, CPB for short was warming him, an EKG showing his heart rate. He was still unconscious. She looked around to notice that she had one too, a CPB warming her also in addition to it.

Nurse Redheart walked in. “Ah, you’re awake, Ruby. Let me inform your mother and friends. How are you?”

“Good so far.”

“Glad to hear it. I’ll be back soon.” The white earth pony trotted out. Ruby let out a sigh of relief. They both had survived and got out of Stalingrad.

I hope Frank makes it.

She closed her eyes to take a nap.

After a while, she awoke by the voice of her mother. “My little Ruby, I had almost lost you.” It sounded sad yet happy.

“Mama? MAMA!” Ruby and Berry embraced, overjoyed to see each other again.

“I missed you so much! I thought I would never see you again!”

“We too,” Berry pointed to her daughter’s friends as they came in.

“Hello Ruby, we brought you some gifts.” Dinky putted a big basket filled with sweets of all kind on the nightstand.

“Thank you. How long was I out?” Ruby took a muffin out of the basket with her magic to take a bite.

“A few weeks. The Princesses found you very weak, strongly subcooled, and almost frozen. As you can see you both were on life support via the CPB. Still, we are so happy that you made it!” Colgate had joined them, hugging Ruby too.

“How did you found me?”

“I can answer that.” Princess Luna walked in. “If a teleport spell with a lifeform goes wrong, it leaves a trail, so others can track it and find the lifeform. It took some time however. You’re both were really lucky.”

Princess Celestia joined them. “Indeed and very glad to hear that you are well and healthy. Now, my dear subject, what is your story that he protected you?” she asked in a curious and motherly tone.

The EKG beeped faster. “W-well, I-I landed in a town that Frank called ‘Hell on Earth.’ I-I…” she buried her head into her mother’s chest.

“Shh…Ruby, it’s over, you’re safe, calm down.” Berry patted her back.

“Ruby, allow me to try something.” Luna came closer to her.

“I have seen things my friends shouldn’t see…” The filly warned.

“We are your friends Ruby and we help you no matter what!” Scootaloo raised her hoof into the air.

As Luna’s horn touched Roby’s forehead, they saw in a dream-like scene what happened and even saw what Frank had been through.

Colgate covered her mouth. “Oh my…”

The foals were shocked but Celestia comforted them by putted one wing over them.

“My poor daughter!” Berry hugged the unicorn tightly.

“Can’t breathe…”

Berry let go. “Sorry, but I’m just so glad that you’re survived and that I didn’t lost another family member. I guess I owe Frank one.”

As Berry said this, the human moaned and groaned as he woke up. “Oh…my head. Where am I?”

“Greetings, Mr. Lange, I’m Princess Celestia, this is my sister Princess Luna. We are very grateful for keeping our young subject safe.”

“I’m Ruby’s mother Berry Punch, this is my friend Colgate and Ruby’s friends Dinky, Noi, Tootsie Flute, Scootaloo Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. We are all very grateful that you kept Ruby safe.”

“I only did my duty. This is Equestria, right?” He looked around.

“Yes and you’re welcome to stay.”

“No way, I get back into this war after I lost everything. I would like to stay here, your Highness.”

“Please, Celestia and Luna are just fine.”

“Mr. Lange, if you want, you can become a part of our family.” Berry offered.

“How could I refuse?”

“Mommy, can I show you something?”

“What is it, my dear?”

Ruby took a deep breath and concentrated, her horn glowed. It sparked, the sparks flew around the room and built the words “Happy anniversary!” Berry let out tears.

At first Ruby thought her made was sad until she noticed that it were actually tears of joy.

“It’s so beautiful!” The Violette Mare exclaimed happy.

So that was Ruby’s gift. Her Congratulation to her mother’s wedding day. Frank couldn’t help but smile at this.

A few months later

Frank enjoyed every second of his new life. He worked in Sugarcube corner at the counter. He married Berry, she was similar to his wife and he to her husband. Ruby loved it to have him as father.

He didn’t care about the war but knew that Germany would lose it after the Battle of Stalingrad was lost. He missed his friends but knew they were now in a better place.

With the help of her friends, Ruby could get over the terrible things she experienced in Stalingrad. “Mommy, Daddy, I’m home!” she called out.

“Welcome home, sweetheart. How was school?”

“Great! I eat something then meet with my friends in the park!”

“Have fun, my dear.” Berry loved it to see her daughter happy.

“Of course! I love you!” She hugged both before she left.

Frank looked smiling after her until she was out of sight.

Berry got a bottle of Champaign out of her cabinet and poured her and him a glass. “Cheers!”

They clink glasses and drank it together.

After all the struggle and hard work, Frank could begin new. He couldn’t think of a better gift for him.

Author's Note:

You really thought I let a filly die in one of my stories? Think again. Now, you also know what Ruby's gift was. Let me remind you, of the 260,000 soldiers of the 6th Army, 91,000 became POWs in Russian captivity, only 6,000 of them returned to their homeland years later. Originally, I had in mind that Ruby also becomes a POW of the Sowjets, but given the bad conditions, I don't think she had survived for long and if she did, the last prisoners returned in 1955, so I doubt she had survived for that long, and even if she did, it would be a shock for Berry to see her daughter traumatized and aged up.

My second thought was that Tanya manages that Ruby gets brought to foster parents but I'm pretty sure that this would be seen as treachery. What do you think of those two options?

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story.

Comments ( 28 )

Yay, a happy ending! (Relatively). Good story.

A happy ending, hopefully the Japanese one will also end this way

This was a fairly good adventure story. You earned my Thumbs Up 👍

Could be, I never thought of a backstory. As far as I know, many got forced to be in the Waffen-SS

I quite like this story, even though the battle of stalingrad is very bloody and hard for the Germans and Russians alike, and that Ruby has managed to survive all that although close to dying from hypothermia, that part did make me tense as I made her think and believe that she would be the first to die in a story of yours, and also that she gets more references for the section that Ruby was on the Russian side since in the Russian campaign in "company of heroes 2" when it was mentioned The name Yuri reminded me of the soldier who began the rescue of the captain, also reminded me and rather is what the protagonist says with “Perhaps the enemy should have save their bullets and just let us shoot each other. But really, comrades, there is no other option. The only way we're going to survive this day is to advance ”literally reminded me of that cinematics, much of the combat in which Captain Kallistrovich is rescued, and later returned with the Germans when Frank and Ruby find other Germans with prisoners Russians who let them go reminded me of a personalized mission of the creators of company of heroes 2 "hearts of iron" and just one of the characters was called Anton even the name Kurt seemed familiar (which I say that episode two of that mission Personalized is really difficult) I liked the story a lot although I have read it without the internet in which I am just now watching the music links and so far I can say that they were good choices

Thank you, it s indeed based on that mission from Company of Heroes 2, with elements from Red Orchestra and call of Duty World at War. Thought the main idea was from the 1992 Stalingrad movie that shows it completely from the German side

yes, I really like that it shows the German side even in the bloodiest battle although it was good that you also show on which Russian side of the dark they can be even having to repel an invasion and while the Germans only fulfill orders

That was my point. As German myself, I find it sad how little the "Good" side of the Germans is shown in movies and games.

totally agree, I being from Chile I see something unfair that much of the movies and games show their bad side only in the regular troops for when the real reason was the elite (that right now I forget the name :facehoof:) for having no mercy and aggressive, I have to admit, I thought that all the Germans of the WW2 were like this until Hitler's fall, in which I began to change my vision towards the Germans after watching the BF5 campaign "the last tiger", some movies that do show their on the bright side, *cough* *cough* also your stories *cough*, and also episode 1 and 2 of "hearts in glory" of the company of heroes 2 (which so far I still do not complete because of how difficult it is more on the part In the end, I lost the last time because just the is-2 hit the kurt character while I was distracted by another is-2 that appeared :rainbowlaugh:)

but out of his bad reputation you can say that I am a fan of how the Germans changed the world for their vehicles (more for the famous tiger 1 and the s gt 44) and now being a good ally of NATO and that my country has bought enough leopard tanks ... I know that because I write this last not very important, but meh :pinkiecrazy:

I couldn't agree more and the Elite was the Waffen-SS, although it is to consider that there were drafted members, thus the deployment of Kurt in the story. And I liked the last TIger as well. I even made a small reference/inspiration in one of my stories of that

hmm im wonder wich german ww2 history gonna be dat reference :derpyderp1: but dat kinda gonna ruin the hidden reference so im gonna to find it son or later :twilightsmile:
and about the Waffen-SS, idk why but i when i forget the name i almost called it WAFFLE-ss when i type the coment on the part where i say i forget the name :rainbowlaugh: idk why and yeah i noticed dat about kurt

Your call. And I see. Though the reference isn't the same as in the last Tiger in terms of situation, more of sharing the same reaction as Miler to a certain scene

ok, it was something to expect, because it will be too obvious if the reference it's exacly like on dat campaing :rainbowlaugh:

You'll see. Need a hint which story?

ok, and other thing i remember, from the "black bloom 2" the konrad dialogue in chapter 13 "I KNOW it's technically impossible to fire a RPG from an enclosed position. Don't read the manual next time and you won’t care so much"
was practically what the waffen-ss units rarely say dat in company of heroes 2 when dat unit got the uprage of 2 panzerschreck and enters on a building, when i read dat part i was "well what a coincidence konrad and the waffen-ss got something in common"

Yes, a small reference to that, although I have to correct you, it's Panzer grenadiers

and I thought that they were the waffen-ss because of their way of speaking and attitude, although that is why they can be confused easily ... at least in my case :unsuresweetie:

They could be. panzer grenadier is just a term for motorized mechanized infantry, and both the normal army and Waffen-SS had them so, itÄs ambiguous which unit the ingame Panzergrenadier belong too. But the Stormtroopers and Snipers in the first Coh were Waffen-SS, due to their cameo and the way they talk.

Although I have not had the opportunity to play the company of heroes 1, I can already imagine why

Yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my other stories too when you get to it

I will definitely enjoy your stories

Looking forward to see your comments:twilightsmile:

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