• Published 3rd Aug 2017
  • 685 Views, 4 Comments

The Real Me - Creativa-Artly01

Rara has finally realized that a big pop star isn't who she really is and tries to show her fans the real her: the humble country star.

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Chapter 5

Three days later, Rara arrives at Sweet Apple Acres, where she is greeted in a hug by Applejack and slobbery kisses from the family dog, Winona. The two then head for the barn and climb into the hayloft.

"I'm so glad to finally be away from the city," sighs Rara as she plops down into the hay.

"I can only imagine," replies AJ with a smile.

The two then lay out their sleeping bags. After all, they're sleeping in the loft. Once their sleeping bags are set, the two climb down the ladder and head off to Sugar Cube Corner. Applejack and Rara are eager to catch up and the best way to do that, they can definitely agree, is over cupcakes.

At Sugar Cube Corner, the two get their cupcakes then go sit down.

"So," says Applejack, "I heard you are engaged now."

"Yeah," replies Rara.

"Well, congratulations on that."


"I got us Dolly Colton tickets for tonight if you want to go."

"I'd love that! I'm usually too busy having concerts instead of going to them. This'll be a nice change."

That night, the two arrive at the concert grounds early and get the best spot. The two are proudly wearing their matching Dolly Colton shirts. They then unfold their blanket and sit down. They're right at the front, the best place to be. They then put down their bag of things they hope to have Dolly sign for them including Rara's collectible Dolly doll and AJ's first guitar. A few hours later, the rest of the crowds flood in and the concert begins. As soon as Dolly appears on the stage, a giant smile appears on Rara's face. Applejack is glad to see her best friend so happy and enjoying herself. The two enjoy the five hour long concert and even have Dolly sign all their merchandise afterwards thanks to their backstage passes. The two friends are thrilled. This is the best start to their weekend together and to that fact, they couldn't agree more.

Back in the farm loft after the concert, a tuckered out Rara falls fast asleep and AJ does the same not long after. The two then begin to dream of the great, excitement packed day they just had. Tomorrow, though, Applejack has something just as fun planned and she can't wait to show Rara. She really and truly can't.

Author's Note:

Dolly Colton (in case you didn't catch it earlier) is the pony equivalent to Dolly Parton.