• Published 16th Jul 2017
  • 7,442 Views, 30 Comments

Winged Mystery - Just A Random Pegasus

Sunset decides to come back to Equestria, but is not prepared for the new changes she appears to have gone through. As she realizes she is an alicorn now in this world, Twilight insists she stays so all questions can eventually be answered.

  • ...

A New... Princess?

Sunset shook her head, forgetting how it felt to be teleported. After all, it had been a long time since she was exposed to Equestria magic in Equestria. They ended up right in front of the castle, Sunset now looking around. Her legs immediately started quivering.

"Um... Twilight?"

"Yes?" Twilight asked.

"...Are you sure Princess Celestia won't be mad at me?" Sunset asked, flicking her tail. Twilight shook her head.

"Sunset, trust me, Celestia is perfectly alright. She knows you're redeemed."

Sunset gulped. "Well... alright. Sorry to keep worrying, Twilight."

Twilight waved a hoof. "It's alright. I understand what you feel, but you have to see her again sooner or later."

Sunset smiled. "I know. I guess... I'll be fine."

Twilight's wings spread in excitement. "That's the spirit!" She said, walking up to the castle guards. The guards immediately bowed and let her enter, but stopped Sunset with their spears.

"Don't worry, she's with me," Twilight said. The guards nodded, letting Sunset in. Sunset walked up by Twilight, sighing.

"Do you think those guards remember me?"

Twilight shook her head. "I doubt it. And, if they do, don't worry about it. I'll be with you the whole time." They then reached the doors to the throne room, Twilight spreading her wings as she faced the guards.

"I request an emergency meeting with Princess Celestia."

The guards nodded. "Very well, your highness. Is this mare with you?"

Twilight nodded. "She is."

Meanwhile, as the guards opened the doors, Sunset felt her heart pump harder and faster. She took a deep breath, mentally telling herself that she'll be alright. After all, Twilight did tell Celestia everything great that's happened to Sunset in the other world. After taking another deep breath, she stepped up to the door, still hesitantly waiting as Twilight spoke to her old mentor. As Sunset looked in, she noticed that Celestia hadn't changed at all since she left for the other world. Her mane was still regal, her posture was still perfectly straight, and she still radiated a welcoming presence, which Sunset was ashamed she took for granted when she was younger.

"Celestia, I have something that I need to tell you immediately," Twilight said.

Celestia looked down to Twilight, raising a brow. "Hello, Twilight. What is it?"

Twilight gestured to Sunset, motioning for her to come in. Sunset walked into the all familiar throne room as the guards shut the door behind her, feeling wary of the Princess' eyes on her.

"I invited Sunset Shimmer over earlier, as you can see. But... as she stepped through the portal... we discovered something strange."

Celestia's ears flicked, a warm smile gracing her lips. "Hello, Sunset. Twilight has told me all about your adventures in the other world, and I must say, it is good to see you again."

Sunset fought to make eye contact with Celestia. Her voice was so warm and caring... and also sincere. "Um... Thank you, Princess," she said before bowing. Celestia smiled.

"Sunset, we can catch up after I answer Twilight. I assume that is alright?"

Sunset hurriedly nodded. "It sure is, Princess."

Celestia nodded. "Alright. So, Twilight, what did you notice that you felt the need to tell me about?"

Twilight looked to Sunset. "Well... Sunset, why don't you show her?"

Sunset blinked before nodding, stretching out the new muscles at her sides. They were pretty sore and felt like they haven't been moved in ages, but Sunset spread them out, looking between Celestia and Twilight.

Celestia was staring at Sunset in complete confusion, looking between the wings and Sunset's face. "Sunset... what happened? What do you think could have caused this? Have you... done anything important in the other world? Have you sprouted wings?"

Sunset nodded. "Well, once in the other world, I sprouted firey wings. I was singing about how the past doesn't define me, and... poof, there they were."

Twilight nodded. "I have no idea why they appeared in that world, or why they're in this world, either. So... maybe you know?"

Celestia blinked. "To be completely honest... this is quite the oddity. I've never seen a pony made an alicorn without my intervention." She put a hoof to her chin. "Well, I know the magic in the other world appears in very strange ways and makes very strange changes. Sunset, is it true you were given mind reading powers?"

Sunset nodded. "I was."

Celestia thought. "Interesting... Sunset, there are two possible reasons for this scenario. It's either some magic mishap, or the magic chose to make you an alicorn."

Sunset raised a brow. "How does the magic 'choose' someone?"

"Magic can sometimes have a mind of its own. After all, how else would you and your friends be the only ones to get super powers in the other world, as well as getting powers that reflect your talents and interests?"

Sunset blinked. "Oh."

Celestia nodded. "I'm leaning towards the magic choosing you. Those wings aren't any normal pegasus wings, after all. So, part of me is inclined to believe the magic wanted you to lead Equestria as a princess."

Twilight and Sunset's eyes both widened. "What?!" They asked simultaneously.

Celestia nodded. "It would make sense."

Sunset shook her head. "Princess, I've done nothing for Equestria! I don't even live here anymore! How can I be a princess?"

Celestia tried to say something, but she immediately stopped herself. "Well... why else would the magic choose you like it did? Obviously, it thought you would be... a great leader."

Sunset raised a brow. "Well, your highness, I'm very sorry, but I don't live here. I live in the other world. Also, what would I be the princess of? Who would I lead? Where would my castle be?"

"Well... you would be... maybe... the Princess of... Redemption and Positive Emotions?"

Sunset fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Princess, why does it sound like you're so unsure?"

"I'm not unsure, Sunset. I was just thinking."

Sunset nodded. "O...kay. Well, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not fit to be a ruler of Equestria right now. I have friends in the other world, and wouldn't be able to break away to rule here."

Princess Celestia nodded. "As much as we would love your leadership, I understand the appeal of friendship. After all, we wouldn't want you to be miserable. Maybe it was a mishap, but I guess we'll never know for certain."

Twilight raised a brow. "So... is she a princess?"

"If she wants to be... technically, she can be crowned to be the Princess of Positive Emotion like I said before. Like I said, the magic could have chose her."

Sunset shook her head. "It could very easily be just a mishap. So... if it's alright... I can go home later and not take up the crown?"

Celestia blinked, nodding. "If that's what you're inclined to do, Sunset, that's what you can do. I can't force you to do anything. I would be an awful leader if I did, don't you think?" She said with a light giggle. Sunset giggled as well.

"Probably, yeah."

Celestia smiled. "Well, it's really nice to see you again, Sunset. I must admit, I didn't expect you to come back as an alicorn, but the mind in magic has always been a tricky one."

Twilight nodded. "Oh, it has. You probably could imagine my shock seeing her with those wings."

Celestia nodded. "I can picture that very easily, Twilight, you are correct. Also, Sunset?"

Sunset looked up to Celestia. "Hmm?"

"I am very proud of you for how far you've come since you've left this world. You've become a better pony... er... person, and have grown and made so many new friends. I am very pleased with your actions, and have been wanting to see you again."

Sunset blushed, but not before catching Twilight looking at her with a smug grin, her expression practically saying "I told you she would be proud of you".

"...Thank you, Princess. I appreciate it," she said, smiling.

"You're very welcome, Sunset. Now, I apologize we cannot talk like I said, but this ran a bit longer than expected and I have some paperwork to catch up on. Perhaps some other time?"

Sunset nodded. "That sounds fine, Princess. Goodbye."

Twilight waved as well. "Goodbye!" She said, walking out with Sunset. After the guards closed the doors, Sunset looked to Twilight with an eyebrow raised. Twilight scanned her friend's face.

"What is it?"

"I have something to ask you when we get back home. Something just didn't seem right..."

Twilight thought. "I get what you mean... here, I'll teleport us," she said before lighting up her horn. Next thing Sunset knew, they were in a throne room which had six thrones around a large, circular map.

"Woah," Sunset said, looking around.

Twilight nodded. "I know, right? This is my throne room, and that's the cutie map there. When there's a friendship problem around Equestria, the map shows the cutie marks of the ponies who should go solve the problem above the place they need to go."

Sunset looked at the map with interest. "What sort of places have you had to go?"

Twilight smiled as she thought. "All over Equestria, really. Two of my friends had to go to Griffonstone once."

Sunset looked up to her. "Griffonstone? Really?"

Twilight nodded. "Mmhm!"

Sunset chuckled. "I remember the little Griffonstone activity we had to do in Celestia's school. Y'know, the one about the-"

"Super huge research paper on the life and culture of griffons?!" Twilight gasped. "Oh my gosh! I got an 100 on that!"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Count yourself lucky."

Twilight looked at Sunset as she giggled, letting her gaze linger before she hurriedly glanced away. "So... we've gotten sidetracked," Twilight said, coughing.

Sunset nodded. "We sure have."

Twilight now looked to Sunset again. "So... about that little visit... were you thinking what I was thinking?"

Sunset shrugged. "I mean, if you were thinking that Princess Celestia wasn't giving us the full answer, then yes."

Twilight's wings shot out. "I knew it! I hate to say it and criticize my old mentor, but with her mannerisms, and how she showed how she wanted to crown you that quickly, it definitely seemed like she was hiding something."

Sunset nodded. "Exactly! Like, how she said I would be the 'Princess of Positive Emotions' or something like that. I mean, isn't that Cadance's role?"

Twilight nodded. "Yeah! There's certainly something fishy going on, and I'm going to find out!"

Sunset looked around. "Um... I don't think we'll be able to disturb her again tonight, though."

Twilight shook her head. "No, she's probably really busy. That's why we're going tomorrow!"

Sunset raised a brow. "Wait... Twilight, what do you mean by 'we'?"

Twilight looped a hoof around Sunset's shoulder. "You're coming with me tomorrow, duh! We need to find out together!"

Sunset withdrew from her, shaking her head. "Twilight, I'm sorry, but I have to get home. I have to see my friends."

Twilight pouted. "Aww, it's only one more day! Please?" She asked. Sunset blinked, thinking.

"...Well... I mean, as long as I can go home right after we-"

"Yay!" Twilight interrupted, hovering into the air. "I'll get a guest bed all set up for you! Also, it's late now, so we can eat the sandwiches that were supposed to be our lunch for dinner. They were in a container, so they'll be fine," Twilight said before flying out. As she did, Spike entered holding a can of nuts, looking over to Sunset.

"Geez, what's got Twilight all excited?"

Sunset lightly chuckled. "I'm staying another day."

Spike smiled. "Oh, that's great!" He said, walking over to his small throne and sitting down. "So, what's the deal with the wings?"

Sunset shrugged. "We don't really know for sure, but we hope to find out tomorrow. It could have been some magic mishap for all we know."

Spike nodded. "Ah. I'll never understand magic." He shook the can of nuts. "Do you want some nuts?"

Sunset looked at the can, rolling her eyes but smiling. "Sure."

Comments ( 16 )

Okay I'm calling it now, this is BEFORE the second Changeling Invasion, that's why Celestia was acting so odd back there. Not to mention she should have been overjoyed to see her long lost student/daughter like figure having returned to Equestria after so long.

Yeah, pretty much this. That's actually my guess too.

Great second chapter except for one thing. Celestia should've been crying or be overjoyed or both! Her reaction was basically ,"Oh, long lost student I haven't seen in over a decade? Cool, it's nice to see you," Unless she's a changeling or something, I don't really get it. :rainbowhuh: :applejackunsure: :unsuresweetie:

sunset also giaend wings as daydream shimmer

I would say she be the princess of the human world

I think this takes place before the season six final.

I'm like number 50 :twilightsmile:

A cool story so far, hope you will write more of it.

Should I even bother tracking this or is it just dead?

Not bad, I would even say a good start, and I'll keep up with (if you'll be able to do next chapters of course).

Wow, Celestia's reaction was seriously stiff. I've seen more flexibility in a lead pipe. She practically showed none of the emotions you'd expect from that kind of reunion. She's definitely up to something

Do you have to go around on like every story and post that?

God I love this so far, but I thought the emotions between Sunset and Celestia should be alot more strong but thats about it.

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