• Published 19th Jul 2017
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Cursed Destinies and Faux Marks - MaskedPony

A Tramatic moment in her filly hood leaves a Mare Scarred with a Faux Mark that inflates her. Can her new friends help her adjust, or will the inflating get to her?

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Recollections & Promises

In the Palace Library, Twilight, Starlight and an inflated Stardust were talking to one another, Twilight helping Stardust calm down. Earlier, Spike had come into the room. After a quick talk with Twilight to try and understand what was going on, he suggested sending a letter to Princess Celestia about it all, but Twilight managed to talk him out of it.

Spike agreed, but only after Twilight made it clear it would upset Stardust and promised him a gem from Maud Pie for his quiet. Spike would’ve agreed anyway, if a bit reluctantly, considering he didn’t want to upset anypony’s feelings if he could help it, but who was he to complain about getting a free gem?

Over the past thirty minutes after Spike had left to spend the day with Rarity, after Pinkie Promising not to talk to anypony about Stardust until they had a better understanding of what was going on, Twilight and Starlight had been looking through books that were brought from the Canterlot Archive for anything that related to Stardust random inflating.

To be clear, they were books Twilight had already recently had brought to her castle from the Canterlot Archive several days ago and were hoping, maybe one of the ancient tombs could hold a secret to explain Stardust’s condition, as the mare herself had yet to actually explain what her condition was, thus they were merely searching for anything similar.

However, despite looking through every book, they couldn't find anything relating to what was happening to Stardust.

Looking at the still inflated, yet far calmer mare, Twilight began to ponder at what could actually be causing it. Out of a lot of the strange things she witnessed from Pinkie Pies mysterious sixth sense, this probably took the top of the list of strange things Twilight had ever seen.

"This doesn’t add up,” Twilight shook her head after placing the most recent book she’d tried and failed to find any info in back on its shelf. “Despite looking through all the books here, there’s nothing about ponies inflating into this kind of state."

What about it relating to Cutie Marks that can trigger it?" Stardust asked, her first words since having calmed down and the other two had started looking through the books, her tone hopeful.

She received curious looks from the other two mares.

"Um, you sure?” Twilight asked, an eyebrow raised. “I mean, isn't your cutie mark the mark that represents who you are?"

Hearing this caused Stardust to frown. While she was glad that Twilight and her former student were trying to learn what is causing her to inflate like a balloon, despite her not having actually said anything, she knew that no matter how hard she mentions that her cutie mark was the cause, she'd always get the exact same answer. The more she heard those words, the more she felt that she was getting nowhere really fast.

Still, in answer to the princess’s question she muttered, “It isn’t my Cutie Mark.”

Twilight gave her a very confused look, glancing from the mark on Stardust’s flank, to the mare’s face again.

However, when Starlight heard the mention of "relating to Cutie Marks", she began to look at the books far more carefully, reading every text about anything Cutie Mark related.

As she found nothing of relevance, Starlight began to think Stardust might of gone crazy. That is, until she found a book with a page that relates to Curses, Cutie Marks and effects.

"Found it!" Starlight exclaimed as she began to read the entry out loud.

Faux Mark
Classification: Curse
Harmful: No
Type: Cursed Cutie Mark

"The Faux Mark is a curse that was founded since the dawn of the Cutie Marks. Little is known about the origins on how Faux Marks came to be, but a rumor about them was that dark power once created the Faux Mark for reasons unknown. While a Faux Mark may stand for a Fake Cutie Mark, a Faux Mark is more of a curse.

When the Faux Mark Curse is placed on a pony, the effects of the Faux Mark have some effects on the pony, that are not harmful or life threatening. Some instances of a Faux Mark that have been counted were counts of the effects, either if it be effecting their minds, inflating, depending on the effects, depend on what Faux Mark it is.

Details are unknown how the Faux Mark operates, but those who have had it for a number of years will grow used to the fact. Although Faux Marks are labeled a curse and incidents where those who obtain such marks reported them, no known cure or reverse spell has been found.

When Starlight finished reading the documented entry in the Book "Equestrian History of Curses", Twilight stared in disbelief. Not only there were Faux Marks, but literal actual Cursed Cutie Marks? Looking back at Stardust, who was still inflated, she now fully understood what happened to Stardust. No matter how hard she didn't want to believe it, Stardust was right, her cutie mark wasn't hers, and she was cursed.

"I told you," Stardust said with a sigh.

Twilight and Starlight looked at one another. Of all the things they’d read about, this was the very first time they had read about the Faux Mark entry. Most importantly, they felt sad that an innocent pony like Stardust had to deal with a curse like the Faux Mark on a daily basis. Feeling sorry for her, Twilight hugged Stardust’s balloon body in sign of friendship. "Stardust.... I'm sorry you have to go through this. If you told me sooner..."

"I have a feeling you want to know what happened."

Twilight nodded.

Deciding it would help to pass the time so that she doesn't have to worry about her body being inflated, Stardust decided it was time to share her story with Twilight and Starlight, now knowing that, since they were the first Ponyville citizens to find out and had given every indication that, not only would they not simply tell others against her will, but that they wanted to help, they had the right to know. In fact, they needed to know if they were to have any real hope of helping her.

The inflated pony took a deep breath, before letting it out and looked up, her eyes misty as she focused on those memories from so long ago.

"I still remember that fateful day like it was yesterday,” She sighed. “Hard not to, since it haunts my mind endlessly. It was years ago when I was a filly. I was a resident Manehatten. You see, it was one my 9th birthday. My family planned a birthday party for me by inviting friends, family even...the mare I looked up to as a friendly aunt...."

Years Ago
Manehatten Residential district
Stardust’s Family home

Stardust was having the time of her life. The day of her 9th birthday was so exciting, she had friends to play with at her party, playing with her little sister, it became the best day ever to her. While she and her sister, along with their friends were playing, her family were making veggie burgers for them, since it was Stardust’s favorite and wanted to have them for her birthday.

In the backyard of the house, Stardust and her sister were running around playing with their friends while the adults were watching them. Stardust was chasing her sister, giggling happily while Jade was running from Stardust, giggling just as much. "You can't catch me, birthday sis," she called teasingly, sticking her tongue out playfully.

While they ran around, their friends were giggling at how cute it was. Every Schoolyear, they saw that both Stardust and Jade had a strong sisterly friendship and always looked after one another. Although they lacked Cutie Marks, they learned how to stick up for themselves when bullies began to mock them for not having one.

After several minutes, Stardust finally caught her sister, thus ending the game of freeze tag. All of them shared a laugh at how much fun they were having. While they were preparing a new game, Stardust’s mom, Spark Shine, approached them with another pony.

Upon seeing the other pony, Stardust ran up and hugged the other mare. It was her favorite friendly aunt, Charm Luck.

"Stardust, Auntie Charm Luck wants to make balloon figures with you. Since you're the birthday girl, wanna go make balloon figures with her?" Spark asked nicely.

"I’d love to!" Stardust Squeed happily as she bounced happily, before following Charm into the house to Stardust’s bedroom.

As they entered, Stardust saw that there was a pack of balloons ready. Sitting on the floor and using their magic, they began to make balloon figures as they began to talk. To Stardust, this was turning out to be the Best Birthday Party she ever had.

Over the time they were making things with the balloons, Stardust noticed her Auntie Charm began act a little weird. She froze for a moment, before small looks of frustration started to pass over her features.

However, when she looked to her aunt, she got a slightly strained smile and a shake of the head.

She decided, if her auntie said it didn’t matter (at least that’s what Stardust assumed she meant by shaking her head and smiling), it wasn’t important. Maybe she just needed the toilet and was trying to hold on as long as possible so as not to disprute their fun?

With that thought in mind, she returned to working on the ballon sculpture of her sister she’d been working on.

A moment later, she heard her aunt sigh and the sound of a magical aura.

She paid it no mind, as they always used their magical to shift the balloons. For a moment she thought she felt a light tingle over her body, almost as if magic was being used on her, but shook it off as just a inch or something.

After a few moments, however, Stardust’s body slowly began to inflate, but so focused on her sculpture was she, that she didn’t notice at first.

As her whole body started to inflate, however it caused Stardust to notice something was off and actually pay attention to the odd feelings she’d been ignoring in favour of her sculpture. "W-why do I feel funny?" Stardust asked as her body began inflate like a balloon.

"I'm sorry....P-please forgive me."

While Stardust was curious what Charm meant, she soon caught a glimpse of what was going on to her in the mirror… and what she saw scared her. Her whole body was inflating and becoming round like a balloon, her legs and hind legs began to be tucked in her ballooning body making her immobilized, while her head was being tucked into her now roundish body.

Tears of fear formed in her eyes and, as she looked towards her aunt for help, noticed her horn still glowing with an aura, and aura she could sense was casting a spell. "Wh...why are you doing this?" Stardust asked in a scared tone.

"Please....forgive me, Y-you wouldn't understand," Charm responded as she return to normal, seemingly.

With that, Stardust now was a round pony looking like a living balloon pony, with what seemed to be magic air in her body. While she tried to move, she couldn't due to being immobilized.

All she can do was either sit their helplessly, or roll a little bit. Now she was very scared and her very special day was seemingly destroyed.

However, something else had also caught her attention. Visible in the mirror, she saw a group of party balloons appeared on her flank, which caught her by surprised.

"Please don't hate me," Charm said fearfully. "I...I love you as if you are my actual niece."

Stardust didn’t understand. Her aunt had really cast this spell on her? Why? What was the point of this spell? When would her body return to normal?

And why would she hate her aunt? As far as she could tell, her aunt had somehow helped her find her Cutie Mark. Why would she hate her for that?

In her mind, however, there was one thing Aunt Charm had said that caused a sliver of confused worry. She loved her as if she was her actual niece? What did that mean?

Charm let out a few tears, before she got up and headed downstairs, leaving Stardust, still inflated, on her own.

It had gone from the most happiest day of her life, to one of the worst. As time had past, Stardust became more concerned with her long she’d remained in the odd inflated form.

She was up in her room so long, unable to leave of her own accord due to her body’s state making that impossbiel, that her mother had come up and found her.

At first, Stardust didn’t mind so much, she even had fun as all her friends and sister played with her like a ball. However, as it soon became clear to her she could not control it, the day became the worst.

Once she’d finally returned to normal, she’d tried to find Charm to try and understand why she’d been upset, but she’d already left the party.

In the days after, she realized her life was destroyed due to Charm, who hid the reason why she did what she did and never contacted Stardust about it.

Little did she know, Charm came with one excuse, one that will forever haunt her life.

Present Day

"...So in the end, Aunt...or who I thought was my aunt, Charm Luck told a coverup story about what happened, by saying the balloon figurine making made me able to inflate and be a living round Balloon Pony and gave me this Cutie Mark,” she indicated to her flank. “My birthday went on like normal thanks to my sister cheering me up. My sister believed my story, while, my friends, who I still hold dearly to me, are not sure what to believe. For Charm, she....disappeared. To this day, my family still thinks this is my talent, while my sister used a clever cover up whenever I inflate in public."

As Stardust finished her story, Twilight and Starlight were filled with disbelief. Not only was Stardust so used to the curse for that many years, but, a family friend who she looked up to as a friendly aunt cursed her, but on her own birthday at her own birthday party.

Not only that, but the way how Stardust put it, only she and her little sister, Jade, knew what had happened. But, one thing was for certain, there had to be a reason why Charm did what she did. The way Stardust told the story suggested that Charm Luck was seemingly cursed with the exact same Faux Mark Curse and somehow passed it on to her, but probably disappeared to protect not only herself, but probably to hide from Stardust who was clearly still upset at her for what she did those years ago.

Looking at Stardust, who was still round and inflated with magic air, Twilight began to think of someway she can offer to help Stardust. Talking with Starlight, they came with a plan that will help Stardust with the curse.

"Stardust, we have an idea,” Twilight said firmly, though with slight hesitation, getting a curious look from Stardust. “It’d be a risk, but, I think it will help you. It’s even based on what you said your sister did to help."

Approaching, Starlight smiled. "While I do understand something similar to a Faux Mark since… well, it’s a long story; we think it’s best that we help you feel not afraid when you start to inflate in public. We will use an excuse that your inflating relates to your cutie mark and your talent saying that it's a unique ability." Starlight said only get a concern look.

"But, wouldn't that humiliate me? And isn’t that basically what I already told you everypony thinks anyway?"

"No,” Starlight shook her head. “What we will do is that we’ll have either one of us, or one of our friends—”

“Though, we should point out that part will only be possible if you’re okay with our friends also knowing about all this,” Twilight interjected, to make it clear they weren’t just deciding they’d only do it their way without Stardust’s consent in any manner.

“Yes,” Starlight blushed a little, realizing her failure to make that definition, “Well, they’ll be by your side when you inflate and will know what to say so they don't give away that you’re cursed. Depending on the day and if it's their day off, one will be with you for the day when you don't have to work at your balloon & party store. If nopony is available, Twilight or myself will be with you," Starlight finished with a smile knowing her plan would likely work.

"However, if it comes to a point where it becomes serious and you feel uncomfortable at a certain point, we’ll have our friends bring you here till you revert to your normal self, or we will bring you here if they aren't available,” Twilight continued on. “Along with that, we will ask Pinkie Pie to help out at your store and if it becomes too much with the inflation, she will take over your shifts until you’re back to normal. I have the ability to do that legally just in case."

With their idea done being explained, Stardust was surprised at what she heard. Not only did they want to help her, but were very determined to help her not be afraid of the curse in public by having it be covered up with a white lie so nopony would be spreading rumors.

Although still a balloon pony, Stardust was shedding tears of joy, knowing that not only the heroes of Equestria would help when Twilight informs them, and only if she herself said it was fine for them to know, but Twilight herself and her former Student were fully willing to help.

"Th...thank you, both of you," Stardust sobbed happily.

"Don't worry, we’ll be glad to help you,” Twilight said reassuringly. “If we don't find a way to reverse this, I promise you, that no matter what happens; we will always be there for you.

With everything out of the way, and after Stardust gave the afermative that, if Twilight and Starlight felt they could be trusted, she could tell them about her secret, Starlight went to go gather the girls while Twilight stayed behind so when Stardust returns to normal pony size, she would be able to help her more.

However, when the time comes, it would likely be one long story to share with Princess Celestia, even when it comes to the point of finding Charm to get the answers they desire.

Author's Note:

Here it is, Chapter 2.

Now to make some clarification, I went with a BDAY party, so it could explain it went from a birthday party, to the worst day ever since, well I wanted it to be like that knowing it can explain how the best day ever became the worst day ever

2ndly, you might be asking "Why I went with the idea of the mane six using a excuse to cover up the curse." There is a reason so it can be portrayed like that, just incase if the curse ends up being irreversible.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 will be at some point, not to sure.. :)

Editing has been done by my friend, Autumn Breeze.