• Published 19th Jul 2017
  • 1,286 Views, 10 Comments

The Silent Colt - lightningman

A young colt comes to ponyville. But he possesses a lot of power

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Chapter 4 - The First Day- Continuation.

As Silent was sitting through the rest of the school day, He got scared glances every now and then. When the bell rang. He went and grabbed his sword. He tucked it back in his coat and went outside. He heard three voices speaking.

"Are you sure, Scootaloo? He doesn't look at all friendly." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah. Besides, He eats meat! And he has a sword!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, I told you. Silent's fine. Once you talk to him for a little bit, He grows on you. As long as you don't insult him, he's good." She smiles at them. They cast a sideways look at him and they noticed he stopped and appeared to be looking at the ground. But in reality, his eyes were closed and he was listening.

"Well..... Alright. We'll give him a chance. Let's go." They start to trot over to me. "Um... Silent? That's your name right?" Sweetie Belle said. He nodded. "Well, Um... We were wondering if maybe you wanted to have fun with us?" Silent considered them for a second. They hadn't done that well of a first impression on him the first time. But he decided to ride this out.

"And do what?" He wrote down.

"Well, We mostly go in search of our cutie marks. Maybe if you join us, you can find your cutie mark. We were just about to try to hang gliding next!"

"Alright. Let's try it." He nods and they lead him to their clubhouse.
---------------------------------------------------------------------An hour later.------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Um.... Are you sure these are sturdy enough?" Silent asked. He didn't have his notebook for fear of losing it. But he kept his coat and sword on him.

"It should be. Sweetie Belle stitched them." That did nothing to lift his spirits surprisingly.

"Fine. But let me go first. That way, if it fails, you'll know you shouldn't do it." They looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright. Go ahead." Silent went forward and jumped off. Soon they join me. It was amazing. They were close to the landing zone, but a rogue breeze came and blew them off course. That caused him to say a few choice words that he had learned during my travels.

"(beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep)ing (beep) of (bleep)!" Silent was yelling. We crash landed deep into the Everfree forest. It took a while for all of us to get back on the ground.

"W-Where are we?" Sweetie Belle asked at the darkness that surrounded her even though it was the middle of the day.

Silent frown. "I think we're about 5 or 6 miles east of town." He hears whimpers and groans. "What's wrong?" He turns to them.

"My sister's gonna flip when she finds out we've been in the Everfree Forest," Applebloom says

"Mine too." Sweetie Belle says

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure? Silent says he's been in this forest for years! He has experience! Plus he has his weapons! This is our best chance to explore the forest with a good reason! We can just say it took a while to get back to tow......" Scootaloo was cut off with a loud roar. She immediately stops talking and Silent gets into a defensive position and sees a manticore.

"girls?" They look at him.

"Yeah?" They ask scared.

"Get behind me and cover your ears and eyes." Silent reached into his coat and pulled out his sword. They hide behind him and cover their eyes. Them manticore was growling.

"You want us? You need to kill me to get to them." He says in a voice that never wavered and was deadly serious. Silent ran forward and them manticore tried to hit him with his paw. But Silent slid underneath the manticore to behind him. Silent jumps onto the manticore's back and uses his speed to put the sharp blade of his sword against the manticore's throat. The Manticore tried to shake him off, he would have succeeded to, had silent not held onto both end of the sword that was pressed against his throat. With every jerk of the manticore's body, the sword pressed deeper into the skin. Eventually, it hit muscle tissue. The manticore was roaring and screaming in pain. Silent decided that it was enough and jumped off of them manticore.

"If you want to continue. You will die." Silent deadpanned in the same voice as before. Silent brought the blade up and wiped the blood off of it. It was still sharp as ever, it was as if it was newly forged and sharpened. The manticore looked at Silent with amazement. He could see the barely contained fury and violence in his eyes. He looked like he needed to let something out. And he hasn't had the chance to yet. The manticore realized that this was one battle, he would never win. He gulped and the open muscle tissue on his throat split just the tiniest bit apart from each other. The manticore roared in pain and ran away. Leaving behind huge drops of blood in his wake. Silent put the sword back in his coat. He turned around to see the trio that was with him looking at him in terror and amazement.

"y-you....." Applebloom gulps. "You almost killed him."

"Yeah? So?" Silent frowns underneath his white hood. The coat had gotten huge splotches of red on it now from the battle.

"Y-you shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?"

"Because if a manticore lives through a battle it has not won, it will come back with others of it's kind. It will make sure that it wins the battle." Sweetie Belle said.

"So it's going to come back with more?" He tilts his head to the right a bit.

"YES!" All three of them say.

"Good. I need some practice." I smile underneath the hood. "i haven't gone so long with a proper fight in a long time." With that silent starts to walk towards ponyville. He looks back after a few seconds at the amazed and terrified fillies. "you coming or do i need to carry you?" They stayed in place. Silent sighs. "Listen, It was us or him. That manticore was out to kill, and if it wasn't for me, you would already be dead. So we need to move if you don't want to be attacked again." That shook them to their senses and they started to hurry to ponyville with Silent.