• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 8,184 Views, 236 Comments

The Strongest Swordmaster - CaioCoia

My life isn't something I would share to anyone, but if you are reading this, so I must be disappeared and never would come back.

  • ...

Boast Buster Finally - Part 3. (Non Edited)

Third-person Pov:

After hours of countless randomness after taking the first bite of pizza, the ponies and dragon inside of Golden Library Oak finally were put down to rest, they didn't imagine they would forget the pizza competition but they would already make pizzas of all types possible just to eat it and has the same random effects.

After 5 hours of eating pizza, the group of ponies and dragon were knocked out from stomached and hangover of pizza. While they were groaning in pain.

All of them unless Ryujin who was eating his slice of 4 kinds of cheese pizza.

"Ughhhhhhh." The group was laid down on the floor, while Ryujin was still tasting his slice while looked at the group over the floor.

"Why am I not surprised you all would put this scenario after taking the first bite of pizza?" Ryujin raised his eyebrow while he was standing there, waiting for someone to get up and finish this nonsense.

The effects of the first bite made a huge time skip because he saw the impossible, while the ponies were dancing and making pizza just to eat it, it was pannacotta with mozzarella, it was hai with cheese, it was a hot sauce with hai, it was vegetables with cheese, it was chocolate pizza, it was all kind possible, even Spike made one with gems just to eat all by himself.

The difference between them and the human over the kitchen was, while everypony was eating 20, 30, or 50 slices of pizza, Ryujin just ate 5 to 6 slices of pizza in the maximum, he knew the consequences of eating too much pizza.

When that rounds of pizza were finally over, the group of ponies and the dragon finally understand why Pizza was the best food in Ryujin's World.

"It was..." Twilight was the first one who opened her eyes when she finally came back on her senses, while she said. "So..."

"Gooooooood." The other girls and Spike said in unison like they went to heaven for the first time, and was an experience of 2 hours, and they have to come back to Equestria in a hard way.

"Well, I'm concerned you will not have control over pizza when you eat it again, it seems you ponies are unstable when it comes to pizza." Ryujin looked like he may be feeling guilt from the sudden problem, what would happen if all Equestria would eat pizza... It would be the apocalypse.

"Oh come on Ryujin, it's not that..." While Twilight was going to speak her mind, a sudden music ringtone came from Ryujin's cellphone, calling the attention of the ponies around him.

Ryujin looked at his pocket, and with a happy smile on his face, walked near at the balcony and took a coffee mug and with a prepared coffee over the table, he fulfilled the mug with coffee, and while the song was still playing, he gave a satisfactory sniff on his mug, savoring the smell, and then took a good gulp over the mug.


Ryujin Pov:

I love to drink coffee with this song, now I cannot think on turn the call until I take a good gulp over this coffee.

Black as the black hole, bitter as coffee, and delicious like candy. That's the way I love my coffee.

After looking at everypony around me with wide eyes, I took my phone and pressed to accept the call.

"Godot speaking... I mean, Ryujin Speaking." I always get confused when I get a mug of coffee in my hand. Give me a mug of coffee and call me Godot, and I could do a trial all day long. Maybe someday I will.

"Ryujin, it's your aunt Luna, I'm going to ask you what the heck happened? I felt disturbed on pizza force, and when I check you all up, everypony was acting like a bunch of crazy people." From her tone of voice, it seems aunt Luna is really angry and annoyed by that.

"How I supposed to know it would make everypony crazy if they just took one bite of pizza."

"Ryujin, Pizza is a gift of heavens when it comes over Equestria, you cannot make every pony eat that without training, they are not like us which came from the human world and has good tasty food over there. Ponies just only can eat what they create, imagine what would happen if you give an energy drink to Pinkie Pie?" After hearing that, my eyes shrank while I looked at Pinkie Pie which was smiling and waving to me.

"Oh God have mercy on us."

"Exactly, there is a lot of people who I displaced which could make many jokes references about Rainbow Dash and Skittles, but trust me, these ponies don't know the power of the food of your human world. You need to has a seal of approbation from at least 4 royalties to publish a food company on Equestria."

"Really? Wait 4? Why 4?"

"Don't forget you and Spike and Melchior fit over this agreement, so you must at least give your vote when it comes to companies. Can you imagine how much these ponies would be addicted if we bring snacks and drinks and foods from the human world?"

She raised a really valid point, I would kill someone for a Coca-Cola or a Fanta at this moment, oh GOD why did you let Melchior bring me here without a possibility of soda? That's the drink of heavens... Wait... maybe I can convince Melchior to bring some just for me... Yeah, that sounds a good idea.

"Ryujin, Ryujin I'm still talking to you." I heard a grumble over the phone making me snap over my thoughts.

"Oops, sorry, what were you saying aunty?"

"Your mother came back from training." After hearing her saying that, I almost lose my equilibrium, and it was like my spine was shriving.

"And how is she?" I asked in concern, while I ignored everypony nearby my side while I was talking to my aunt Luna.

"She was messed up from the first time, but... she managed to put together and went there again."

"WHAT?" I shout so loud I made everypony around me jump from my reaction. "IS SHE INSANE? I TOLD HER THAT WOULDN'T BE A GOOD IDEA, WE NEED TO HAVE TO FIND A SPELL TO FIX HER."

"Ryujin CALM DOWN. She went there because... you know... the lore... She went back making a rescue mission." Aunt Luna said in a hush because she knew I would be really worried if something happens to my mom, Dark Souls is a huge hell. Nopony would have the spine to survive that hell twice... but mom went there willing by herself? To rescue who?

"Rescue? Who?" I was curious, is it possible to rescue someone over the game? I tried countless times, well, I found a way to not let the monster attack Solaire and making him crazy for me to kill him, maybe that was the point. My mother failed to protect Solaire, maybe that was the problem. I don't blame her.

"Everyone over Dark Souls, she managed to bring Solaire, Artorias, Sif, Patches..." And by every name aunt, Luna was describing it, my mouth was becoming wide and fell down like a rock, many knights... Did she manage to bring it? Did she? Is that?

"You said she managed to bring them, what do you mean by that?"

"She created vessels to their souls using their swords."

"IS THAT POSSIBLE?" I screamed, not by fear, but in extreme surprise. "She managed to bring every soul of Dark Souls 1, to here?"

"Just her friends and I don't know why Ryujin, but my sister... She is at least 10 times stronger than before. I think the next revaluation will be yours and Melchior as well." After hearing these words, I don't know why, but that makes me grin widely like it was a great challenge in the future.

"I can't wait for it," I answered with a smile over my face, while I finished the call saying. "Well aunty, thanks for letting me know, it seems I need to keep up my training, oh I need to tell you something. Melchior created a traumatic mess to the ponies over here, a knocked-out vomited Trixie Lulamoon and Traumatized me and Spike, we may need therapy... Can you schedule somepony for us?"

I'm already feeling the group nearby my side, and it was getting pretty annoying, somepony was breathing at my neck.

The silence over the phone lasted 10 seconds, I can imagine her response.

"What did he do?" 5 points for me, it was exactly the same way I imagined.

"I will text you because some ponies are being too curious by my tastes. YES, I can feel your breathing Pinkie Pie, now stop it." I said while I could see the ponies look at me sheepishly and leaving me with my cellphone. "Anyway, I have to go, I can't wait to visit mom. Bye..."

I turn off the call, while I looked at the girls which were looking sheepishly at me.

"Did you know it is rude to listen to the conversation of the others over the cellphone?" I could see their sheepish smile while they looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, but you were so surprised by the news, we really wanted to know what is it," Twilight said while the other girls nodded in agreement.

"Well good news, Princess Celestia came back from her bet, and now she is well trained to against evil forces against her," I said while I could see their excitement and smile.

"She came back? You mean she finished that place worse than Tartarus?" Twilight was happy but then she stopped on her track, looking at her friends which were confused by what she said. "Trust me, you don't wanna know. I regret asking."

"You are really learning Twilight, that's good news as well." I complimented her for her honesty, it seems finally she is getting the idea, sometimes you don't wanna know.

After looking at the clock it was 8 p.m, wow, times flIght when we were having a good time eating. I was going to suggest a new activity we could use, until unfortunately... I kinda forgot about that scene until now.
As fate would have it, the floor started to vibrate.

“W-What’s going on?!” Spiked asked while the floor shook harder. Before long the entire tree was shaking. “What’s happening?!”

“Nothing good, I’m sure,” Twilight replied while I and the girls ran over the window.

There it is. I went straight out of the door, looking at would be one of the strongest creatures over Everfree forest, and it was a baby in comparison to her mother. The creature was walking madly over Ponyvile until it stopped in front of Golden Oak Library.

I took a picture with my cellphone at the creature which was standing in front of me.

The Ursa minor.

"Ryujin." I heard the voice of my friends who came in outside of the golden oak library.

I by instinct looked at the girls which I just had time to do just one only thing. I glared at the Ursa Minor using the Conqueror Haki, focusing to make him stop his track. However, it seems he is too strong to receive it, he just roared in the reaction of my Haki.

"Damn it," I said while I saw the girls gathering near me. "Girls, stay back, it looks really dangerous, and one of my strategies to subdue it, it didn't work."

"What do you mean?" Twilight was about to ask when a huge claw went in her direction.

"TWILIGHT." The girls and Spike screamed while I used my magic to take a personal favorite sword, which was large and long enough to protect the huge attack in the direction of the mare in my side.

Twilight Pov:

I closed my eyes while I was surprised by such an attack, but then...

CLANG. The sound of the metal impact made me flinch, while I could hear my friends gasp. I opened weakly one eye and my mouth dropped while I saw a long sword. which was twice my size, and it was nothing less than a bar of steel and metal.

"Twilight, get out." I heard Rainbow Dash screaming, while I was frozen in my place.

"Hey, Freddy." I heard Ryujin calling a name that made me and what would be the Ursa minor look at him. "If you want to sleep, just say so you teddy bear bastard."

Ryujin said with such conviction and with his hands he started to spin the long sword. That sword must weigh a ton, how can use it and spin it. As if... oh no... he will give a huge attack.

"Ittoryu... TatsuMAKIIIIII.. (One sword style, dragon storm.)

It was unbelievable, with a single spin with his sword using his body, it created a cyclone, no... a hurricane. Strong enough to see the Ursa, trying to fight it, but then was carried by it and launching to a few meters away.

I was starting to feel relieved by then I felt the air around me? OH NO, I'M BEING PULLING OVER.

I was starting to get worried when I felt a hand holding my tail. It was Ryujin who was serious.

Then after the hurricane was over, Ryujin gave me a cold glaze, which made me flinch in my place.

"TWILIGHT, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" Ryujin cussed me aloud, making me flinch. "You are not strong to deal with an Ursa claw-like that. Do you wanna get hurt?"

Ryujin looked pissed, well, it seems I was burdening him again.

"I'm sorry Ryujin, I didn't know." I looked down while I could feel Ryujin was trying to calm down.

"Okay, okay. Twilight, I know you are a protege and have many magic spells and skills, I know you have. But against an animal like that? You must be concentrated and be ready for all the attacks, and if you are not going to fight. STAY OUT OF THE BATTLEFIELD." His voice was so stressed it seems he didn't want to find me in a mess like that.

It seems I always make problems to him, stressing him out.

"I will stay out."

"No, you are not."

"Wait what?"

"You crossed the line, and now you are part of this. It's not over yet, and that Ursa looks strange, Fluttershy. Come here." My mouth dropped, I was now part of this?

Oh no...

Ryujin Pov:

Oh yes, you are screwed now.

I called Fluttershy which quickly looked at me and flinched.

“Yes?” She asked quietly in her place, thankfully I know what she usually says.

“Can you try to talk to it? He is like an animal, so maybe you can help us to discover what makes it grumpy tonight. Usually doesn’t it stays with its mother?” I raised some good questions while making Fluttershy thinks about a few seconds, and while I thought she would be scared, she actually nodded to me.

“I understand, I will talk with it, maybe it will calm down after I talk to it.” Her response sounded so mature and without any fear.

“Great, that would help us a lot. Spike” I called the dragon who was still near the door.


I took out my cellphone and launched to Spike who took it at the moment it was near him.

“Got to Vinyl and Octavia and connects this on their sound system and play it my playlist… It’s on random so press next 5 times and the sound must be enough to be heard from the entire Ponyville.” I gave these instructions to him, who nodded his head and went in the direction of our neighbors.

“Twilight, come with me. We will cover Fluttershy until she finds out the problem.” I then glanced at Twilight, while she flinched in her place.

“Okay, I will help.” She then reluctantly accepted the idea.

“Good.” I know what happened in the episode, but this time, Trixie didn’t boast herself to Ponyville, so it wasn’t her this time, it’s not Snips and Snails because they find out it was more awesome Melchior than Trixie. What did the heck happen?


“I can’t believe you spent all our economies to make a reassurance of our house with the only rule to receive our money back it was If our house was attacked by an Ursa Major.” A mare was with her fingers in her temples massaging trying to calm down, while she glared at her husband which was a stallion half of her size and bald of mane but wearing simple clothes.

“But the colt looked so confident and reassured to me if we were attacked by an Ursa Minor instead we would receive a bonus of 10 times of our reassurance. And while the guards around him look in disbelief, we wouldn’t know if that could happen.” The stallion calmly explained his reason, which makes his wife 3 times angrier than before.

“BUT WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF AN URSA MINOR APPEARS AT OUR HOUSE AND DESTROY’S IT. IT COULDN’T FALL FROM THE SKY AND DO THAT.” At the moment the mare screamed that a huge crashed sound exploded near them. It was an Ursa Minor who had crashed their house, and while being angry, decided to use his claws to break away a path to him. Leaving a mouth-dropped mare and a calm stallion.

While the Ursa minor walked away, the mare heard a sound.

“Sometimes you should have faith in me.” Said the husband to his silent wife who couldn’t talk because her mouth was dropped.


Ryujin Pov

The ponies screaming make the location we followed it. Leaving us, in the middle of Ponyville surprisingly at the same stage Trixie and Melchior appeared today. The crowd ran away, making Ursa angrier.

I and the girls appeared where Ursa Minor was.

“Okay Fluttershy, let’s go. Twilight, cover us.” I instructed while I and Fluttershy went quickly and surprisingly Twilight already created a barrier between me and Fluttershy.

After we approached it. Fluttershy decided to talk with it. This time when the Ursa would think in attack, I used my Conqueror Haki to make huge eye contact with it. This time to make sure he listens and does not attack. Using this way, actually made Ursa calm down like knew I wanted to talk with it.

I nodded to Fluttershy giving her the approach to what she needed to talk.

“Hum… Hi, sorry to disturb you, but, can you tell me what happened?” Fluttershy decided to use her magic, while I was thinking about what kind of problems would have been.

I was sure something was off, but thankfully the Ursa managed to make some noises which Fluttershy listened carefully.

“Oh my… oh poor baby, what about your mommy?” I heard Fluttershy caressing the little Ursa, which was still anxious about something. Then she nodded her head and led to me. “I will talk to my friends, I will try to help you.”

Twilight and I remained in our positions until Fluttershy came to us.

“I talked to it, and he said he was sleeping until a group of Cocktrices appeared to his cave and created a huge commotion and made all the creatures inside its cave became rock except its mother which was on the rampage at Everfree Forest.” At the moment she said that I let out a sigh which made her look at me.

“I hate Cockatrices, that’s the kind of animal I hated most before Parasprite.” I said that in a way that makes Fluttershy and Twilight look at me. “Trust me, if you want to make me peeved…”

I then heard a huge gasp from Fluttershy and looked around to a mare holding the ears of a little filly while glaring at me.

“Come on, you are not even her mother,” I called her out, while she glared even coldly at me. “Let the filly live, I will tell Ditzy about that.”

I mumbled and looked at the Fluttershy, and then that gave me a good idea.

“I have an idea, Fluttershy, why not you go to the cave of Ursa Minor and talks to the cockatrices and make them go away and make all the animals back to themselves, while I will babysit this Ursa, and when it sleeps we will bring it to its cave where it’s mother would make him better?” Well usually in the episode was something like that, combining 2 episodes would be something interesting to do while around. So why not now?

Fluttershy shuttered in fear.

“Me? But Everfree Forest is full of creatures, I…”

“Trust me, just tell them you know me, they will know what will happens to them if they mess with me. Unless you find the baby manticore, it would be a great idea if you have him to scout you.” I waved my hand, while this idea made her a little calmer but not much.

“Hmm… Okay. If you said it’s gonna be fine. I will trust you.” My God Fluttershy is precious when she is so afraid and she is going to do anyway. I want her to see her sassy it would pay my day too.

“Good, now go. I believe in you.” I smile while she nodded to me and ran in the direction of Everfree forest.

“Why did you do that? Why did you say her to go alone at the Everfree forest?” Twilight was still trying to understand my choices and the only reply I gave to her was enough in my mind, and not just that, but to everyone I know, me and Melchior know it as well.

“Fluttershy, she is capable of many things, she is quiet and calmly because she has the most horrendous and terrifying force of all. And she knows that.” I calmly replied, which made Twilight look at me in disbelief. “She is the only pony over all the Equestria, which makes me have fear, she was afraid of dragons, but little did she know she is capable to make all the dragons fear her.”

“I don’t know what are you talking about. Fluttershy wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Twilight was still blind for something so obvious.

“That’s what is her strength, you have the power, but using to make kindness. It’s not about power or magic, but what you will do once you have it.” I ignored her and walked straight to the Ursa Minor. “And now I’m babysitting this Ursa. This Ursa will have nightmares because of the cockatrices, so I need to make a full operation good night of sleep.”

I decided to summon something with no blades, so I took Gintoki wood Sword, metal gear Rising Wood Sword, and Kanjuru sword to make a triple style.

“Hey FREEDY?” I called the Ursa again, which makes it look its eyes to me.

I jumped in his direction and with my wooden swords covered in armored Haki, I screamed.

“IT’S PLAYTIME.” And I used my attack to make an impact on its face, lanching a few steps backward, and glaring at me like it wanted to destroy me.

“RYUJIN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” I heard not just Twilight but everypony screaming at me.

I saw it raising its paw ready to attack when I just jump away from it.

I landed near the girls while I explained in just 3 seconds.

“Bears plays like fighting, then eats a lot, then takes bath, then sleeps. Pinkie Pie, repeat 10 times and then explain.” I jump away while I could trust Pinkie Pie, she knows how fast I can talk and she has the same speed.

“Got it.” She replied while I walked away and trying to avoid the attacks. But it was being too hard.

I went even further away, and calculate if I have time to do what I know I can use for my concentration. I took off my bandana, at the moment I wore it sudden music was being played over Ponyville... Spike, you did it in time. And by the song, it was my lucky moment.

I let the music came inside of me, and then when I opened my eyes, I approached Ursa.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Hey baby... Oh, Oh, heyy... She got, cherry lips, angel eyes, she knows exactly how to tantalize, she's out to get you, danger by design, cold blood, vixen, she doesn't compromise... She's something mythical in colored lights, so far from typical but take my advice...Before you play with fire DO THINK TWICE, IF YOU GET BURN DON'T BE SURPRISE... Got me lifted, drifted, higher than the ceiling, and Ooh baby, It's the ultimate feeling, you've got me lifted feeling so gifted...Sugar, how you get so fly?' I asked while I jumped in the direction of the Ursa.


Third person POV:

As Ryujin walked slowly in the direction of the giant bear, he decided to look at the beast onto its eyes, at the moment he cited the chorus, he disappeared in thin air, making the next impact a spin kick on the Minor jaw, making the Ursa recoil from impact, then at the next second the lone swordsman repeated the feat as disappearing and attacking opposite side of the jaw.

The Ursa furious used its claws to attach what would be a fly without success since the next attack was from the neck behind it.

"Charming, Alluring Everyone's desire, she's out to get you, you can't run, you can't hide." Ryujin was singing at the giant beast as he looked into its eyes. "She's something mythical in colored lights, so far from typical but take my advice... Before you play with fire DO THINK TWICE, IF YOU GET BURN OH BABY DON'T BE SURPRISE."

At the next second covered both his arms with armored Haki and slammed down the Ursa Minor's head into the floor.

As the ponies flinched from such impact, Ryujin remained dance, leaving the stunned beast trying to imagine what happened to it.

"Sugar, how you get so fly? Sugar, how you get so fly? Sugar Sugar, How you get so flyyy? BUT YOU GET ME TONIGHHHHHHT." Ryujin sang as he took of his jacket getting ready to go full action.

Ryujin went straight to the Ursa whose shock it's head, and then glared at the warrior who went into a frontal attack, noticing this time the Ursa could see clearly the one attacking him, he slammed the boy who seemed singing as he held the Ursa by its arm and went over its arm and used it's own arm as he sang.

"WHOSE WHO FLY, WHOSE WHO FLYYYY. WHOSE WHO FLY, HEY WHOOOOO." Ryujin used both wooden swords to create such an impact and make the Ursa fly away 50 steps, breaking a few houses with it.

As the music ended Ryujin was ecstatic and giving even some shadow boxing as he used his swords. He didn't notice the ponies looking at him with their mouths dropped hard.

As he was excited, the next second he was paralyzed... His eyes went wide open and released his own swords.

"Oh no..."

The girls whose heard the music and looked on their protectors face made them worried about the meaning of the music. Twilight approached him.

"Ryujin what's the problem, are you hurt? Are you tired?"

"Worse... Spongebob Tomfoolery..."


As the sound of the Ursa approaching them...

Ryujin Pov:

Crap, Spongebob song in the middle of battle? Call that unluck... I looked at Twilight who seemed distracted and the Ursa Minor approaching us at great speed.

"shit." I said as I pushed Twilight and jumped a few meters away from the attack. "2 minutes... Spike, please give me a hand..."

At the moment I said that by luck of destiny, I heard the sound of the ost music being interrupted 5 times giving a sign that it was being pushed the button next…

"Okay, now it’s on," I said as I risked my luck on the song from my thousands of music inside my cellphone, which one will help me...

Oh yeah, it’s been a while since I heard this music.

I heard Twilight gasp as my clothes changed in a mixture of black pants, a black cape, and white shirt, and a bull skull emblem over the cape.

Know it's time to play serious. Danma no Tsurugi / Shukuma no Tsurugi

Both my hands created runes as the book inside of runes opened revealing 2 swords. The traditional swords from black clover. Making me look at the Ursa in front of me.

“Hey FREEDY?” I called the Ursa again, which makes it look its eyes to me.

“SECOND ROUND.” I gave an attack of 1,2 using both swords as the Ursa used its arm to block the attack on its face again... He seems to learn from his damage. "Nitoryo Nigiri... TOUROU."

I inverted the blade to make the same side as the other and with a big blast wave the arm of the Ursa got up as from huge impact.

"OTOROU." I screamed as I slammed my two swords and this time I aimed at its forehead, still wasn't enough to hurt it, but the impact was god to make its head look down. "SAMON."

I spin my own body as I used all the strength of my body to hit Ursa's Minor head and surprisingly a few steps away, as I landed on the floor, Ursa was a tough guy I admit. I saw it raising its paw ready to attack when I just jump away from it.

“Now it’s time to show the true tornado. Nitoryu –Tatsumaki (Two swords style – Dragon Tornado.)

The storm was even stronger than before, making the little Ursa actually being launched not away, but above everything over Ponyville.

(The chorus)

I jumped from the floor to a roof of a house and them with all my strength I jump from the roof to the height of the Ursa. While I used my left sword to hit the minor Ursa, while it’s fighting back, I used the right sword to parry the attack while I used the movement of my body to make it spin above his paw and make me use his arm to impulse my next attack, which I attacked with the three swords on its face, while I can see it feel it, and tried to move. I was in the air again, and then I saw Ursa was angry and tried to move its body. Which I couldn’t let it.

“TWILIGHT, TELEPORT.” I didn’t let Twilight answer me, but I knew Twilight know a few tricks.


“URSA’S ARM. NOW” I said while I was falling… knowing at the next second…

I got teleported again above minor Ursa, which I jumped this time on its belly, and this time I used a combo of 5 attacks using the swords.

I then was falling even faster than before because I passed through the Ursa.


I saw the look over Twilight being a bit apprehensive, but she glowed her horn, for 5 seconds, making me adjust my body while the speed of the fall is much slower than before. I used another rune to bring in front of me a Mystic dragon blade.

And I used that to damp my landing, and then jump higher again. And use another attack.

“Santoryu- Onigiri. ()” I really got it, it seemed that finally, I was hitting hard enough to feel it. looks really angry and was moving more aggressively, and trying to defend itself.

Suddenly I felt a presence, and then jumped away from the Ursa, and at the time I could see a giant ball of magic impacting the Ursa launching away from Ponyville.

I was a bit high, but I could manage to catch myself on a roof.

“Needing a bit of help up there?” I heard someone calling me, a familiar voice of someone who has been enjoying it so far.

“Melchior… you son of a bitch.” I smiled while I felt my body being teleport to the floor. Looking at the cousin and to my surprise, the royal guards who got ass kicked on Canterlot. Even captain Armor was there stunned and amazed. “What are they doing here?”

"Shining? SHINING" Twilight came running at her own brother and gave a jumping hug as she looked at him relieved. "What are you doing here?"

“Hey Twily, I'm glad you are okay. Your highness, we are here to help you out with this monster attack." Captain Shining Armor saluted as I raised my eyebrow and looked at Melchior who just shrugged at me, I then looked at Twilight as she looked nervous.

"It's not a monster attack, it's more like damage control over babysitting a grumpy baby," I said as I could see their reaction of looking at me in disbelief. Twilight on the other hand was nodding to me. "Trust me, this is Tuesday, all the weird shit usually happens at this time of the week."

Like the moment I said that I noticed the presence of the Ursa running in our direction, and when I was going to defend the attack, Melchior used both hands to hold the attack in front of me.

"My my, it seems that this kid isn't tired as we thought... Do want to play a game kid? Then let me play with you." Melchior as his own muscles became bigger and bulkier I could see the muscles of his own back becoming enormous, and from holding Ursa's paw he then did something I just could see in anime... He gave a judo takedown by using the minor's body against itself.

I noticed the kid was actually getting started. As I and Melchior knew that would take a long night.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I cracked my knuckles and held my swords firmly. I saw the same smile he had when we both knew that we would start trouble. Both noticing not just him, but all the royal guard squad looked solemn and Twilight looked determined... I decided to smile. "You can give the time..."

Melchior snapped his fingers and the same outfit I was using was replicated on not just him but all the squad inside of the circle. He smiled as he made the magic rune of tier 7...

"HIT IT" Melchior knew the right timing to start to sing the chorus.


Third-person Pov:

A giant explosion was enough to make all the ponies over the Ponyville look in surprise at the giant beast who was going over the sky as the what would be the most impressive battle operation ever made.

All team of unicorns who seemed to defy the laws of physics were actually using the most basic level of levitation spell being held from what would be the protege of Princess Celestia was remaining using all her mana. Then a human went over the same distance by jumping himself as all the unicorns prepared to use their magic spells.

The boy whose swords looked old and rusty did a spin as he kicked the face of the Ursa who was in the air, he then used both of the swords with its left side slam over the throat of the creature, and even if the gravity was over the natural, someone was under all the scenes, as the other human looked above him.

The boy slowly raised a finger over the sky, as the index finger was holding a good amount of magic, preparing to make a good attack.

"GOOOOO." The shot was strong and powerful, and the Ursa whose seemed to receive the good damage of the shooting was safe after discovering the human above him jump off the Ursa under it and Used both his swords to absorb the magic mana. And with the pressure of the attack, it was using his own body to elevate not just himself but the Ursa who was going over the sky even further.

"kuukyo no aida ni bokura narabitatte
ima kara tobira wo hiraku kara
Just open you eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
We know we are reckless
Just open you eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
Dont stay, dont blame!

"Get down, We all let you know this time, Can you bring me down, Back up, gets far of the sky, black rover"

The man who was using the swords absorbed all the magic launched at him, after the magic shot was released he launched both swords by each side trusting the royal guards who seemed to fly in the direction of the swords, a pegasus took a sword and one Thestral. Each one took one sword. Over the floor, he saw all the unicorns focusing their magic to cast as well to cover the area.

The human under the Ursa suffered a teleport at the next second making him above the Ursa. Using his magic he brought a sword-shaped of fire rings.

"Come." As his order, both guards gave a swing over the swords they were holding making a giant blast of magic go in his direction, and immediately were teleported away... The boy concentrated his magic and then used a command. "REFLECT."

At the next moment of being attacked the pressure of the air shifted like an explosion, making the Ursa Minor launched at the floor with such force. The area around the circle wasn't affected since a giant shield barrier covered all the areas where they were fighting.

At the moment the mage under the Ursa released his attack he teleported himself with all the ponies from inside of the barrier, making a reclused area for the next step.

The tremor over the floor was a signal of the impact of the Ursa who looked dirty and smelling smoke as it breathed heavily as got up.
The human got hit hard as he made an impact over the floor, but looking as he seemed to start to show signals of tiredness he could see it was time for the next step until by a miracle the next song was played from the stereo.

At that moment Twilight's eyes got wide open and her smile showed signals of something she expected to see.

"Celestia, this fight it's just making me tired just by watching it." Rarity said as she didn't breathe during the whole combat.

"Yeah, it looks awesome but I could've taken this Ursa with my arms tied on my wings." Rainbow Dash after watching the combinations of attacks made her excited but envious because she wanted to be part of the action.

"Twilight...are you alright?" Rarity who looked at her friend who seemed so serious found that her friend looked so happy to see something. "Why are you smiling wide."

"It's the song." Applejack said as she appeared behind them. "Twilight knows this song or style has a meaning."

"Yep. And knowing Ryujin he is going to use Tiburon." Twilight finally could release her breath.

At the same time not just her friends, but her own brother appeared beside her with the same question in mind.


"Just watch it." Twilight couldn't take her excitement anymore. Her grin was the same as Ryujin smiled at Ursa.

"Alright Ursa, it's time for a bath." Ryujin released both his words, and from his behind appeared a sword that was hidden into a guard form as a backpack. Using his finger to pull the hole over the sword. And using his strength made the sword flight in the air for some seconds taking the attention of many ponies watching the scene in this belief. Ryujin remained with his eyes closed.

"Destroy TIBURÓN." Screamed at the same moment he took the sword in the air and his eyes opened with deep blue color showing a signal of deep energy inside of him.

Everypony over Ponyvile felt the air shift and became heavily humid, and at the next moment, a blast of water appeared from under Ryujin and swallowed like a giant shark. Surprising everypony and the Ursa Minor itself, and when the water splashed away revealing Ryujin with his wet hair and body showing his muscles with a few parts covered with white bones, made not just Twilight happy to see it again, but all her friends have a kind of different reaction.

Applejack blushed as she vented herself with her stetson. Pinkie Pie giving a wolf whistle and Rainbow Dash drolling, and Rarity having blood over dropping from her nose.

And Spike with the girls who finally could see a glimpse of his glory could see how serious Ryujin has become, Spike looked amazed as both his companions looked in awe from the effects of water drops following from the sky.

The royal guards looked with their mouths dropped at would be a strong pressure inside of the barrier, imagining how powerful magic would become after releasing the barrier.

And when then when Ryujin opened his mouth his voice sounded like cristal water flowing from the river.

"I wish I could make hot water but sadly I can't do it. But don't worry, this will be quick..." The giant sword from his left side was in the position of combat. "Ola - (Wave)"

At moment Ryujin moved his sword from left to right, the floor itself created pressure releasing water from the floor and attacking Ursa by surprise. It wasn't a strong wave but it was sure the water was still getting release from the floor. The fur of the baby Ursa wasn't wet but humid because Ursa shook himself releasing the excess of water.

"Fuente - (Fountain)" It didn't take long sing Ryujin moved his sword and his other arm and together made the entire water over inside the barrier clash with each other with a single point of the attack, the Ursa minor.

The Ursa was fighting against the water but with Ryujin aiming the sword at the Ursa, it surprised the one side battle as Ryujin started shooting dozens of water bullets as he named himself La Gota.

Everypony was with their mouths on the floor. Witnessing what would be a supreme control of the water inside of the barrier, as the prince Ryujin walked slowly at the soaked animal inside the barrier, as the song stopped making the silence reign over the city, as the water around the barrier remained calm and stopped to move. The prince has stopped and didn't lift a single muscle, at the next moment as everypony few the nerves over their skin, Ryujin did something unusual.

At the same time all the ponies who were looking at the barrier had the same question in their minds...

"Is he whistling?" Rainbow Dash asked... "I cannot lie it sounds awesome."

Melchior who was watching that scene couldn't help but clap his hands.

"Oh you bastard, you even knew the next song of your own cellphone?" The prince of the nightmares couldn't help but be grateful to be recording all the scenes to make everypony watch it in the future, this will be treated as one of the most epic top 10 moments over the year.

The whistling was simple but everypony could see the water flowing with the rhythm of the floor... Until all the water starting to flow over the prince inside the barrier...

At the next second the water splashed and went over the sky, as a few seconds of rain pairing over Ponyvile, the chorus made all ponies jump in surprise as they witnessed something amazing, the bones over his body destroyed by itself as the water itself created his own clothing fusing with his own magic.

His chest was exposed, but his arms were covered with deep blue clothing, as his own tights and legs were using white clothing with yellow symbols over it.

Ryujin finally opened his eyes and from the deep color as some fissures over his skin showed that he scaled, making sure that Ryujin was in fact the water dragon who he claimed to be.

"Suiryu Yoroi - Poseidon. (Waterdragon Armor - Poseidon.)" It was the name created for the prince who showed his true colors, and for the first time, everyone could see the fear crossing through Ursa Minor's face. At the chorus stopped Ryujin finished the song whistling again... Making everypony look at how the water inside of the barrier actually made the entire barrier into a bathtub ready to be fulfilled with water.

They would find it too absurd if wasn't for the fact that was awesome.

Author's Note:


Comments ( 15 )


It has come back from being axed. Good to see that this is now being continued rather than canceled. Keep it up!!

I'm glad you were excited about this.
Yeah, I found some old documents which needed to be finished and maybe my problem with writing is because this episode is really complicated for me to write. But in the future I think it will be easier the episodes.

Good to see this is back

lets go its back, beans for everyone

I finally have a reason to re-read this story

Epic story ! ^^ so where's next chapter ?

ssssssssssssssssssss smoking oath

Just here to say i reread the entire story. Keep up the great work woth your new stories.

Well, it comes with practice. English isn't my native either, but I'm reading in English for years already and things just look and feel off, so I end up fixing every other sentence on the fly. It's... an odd experience. :twilightoops:
The story itself doesn't seem bad, though. Maybe one day you'll just rewrite it from scratch with all the new experience you've got. Some authors do things like this.

Anyway, don't consider that my comment as part of the reason to stop. I suppose you came to that idea way earlier, though, considering slow updates.

Is this story alive or dead ? just curious ask

dead... this story, is what started to a good pride of mine, but after years working it. I couldn't write a single word anymore...

oh i see, it's shame, i like this story

It's fine dude. But sadly, I couldn't find inspiration to write more displaced fanfics, since the conflict fights and the anime powers would be most useless on slice of life, and would be a lot of struggle to write 13 k words chapters. Which it took days to write a single chapter...
It's one of my best fimfiction stories, yes... but the major problem is... it's a lot of episodes and seasons, and that would make me lost the desire to keep writing and writing episode after episode...

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