• Published 22nd Jul 2017
  • 2,783 Views, 4 Comments

A Chaotic Kind of Love - Rocky The Unicorn

Discord has been so bored lately. He doesn't understand. Chaos had always kept him happy before, but now, he wanted more than just Chaos. He wanted love.

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A Chaotic Kind of Love (One Shot)

A Chaotic Kind of Love


Discord sat in his dimension. He was bored to death! How could the Master of Chaos ever be bored, you may ask? Well, sure, he could practically do anything he wanted. He could make it rain chocolate milk, poof glowing napkins into existence, and even take over Equestria if he wanted to. He was Discord, the Ruler of all things chaotic! How could he ever be bored? Ponies could only dream of possessing the power he held in his very paw and claw. He could literally poof anything into existence.

Well, Discord was surprised too, to find he was actually bored for the first time in his life. He had always had something to do when he ruled over Equestria all that time ago, but now, that wasn’t his “thing.” He was a reformed draconequus, and needed to prove it to those who still didn’t believe it. Because of his new self, he couldn’t go messing around Ponyville. That would only make citizens fear him. He felt so unloved. Then, he finally realized why he was so bored. What was the fun in making all of these amazing creations, but have no one to share them with? Well, sure, Discord had the mane 6 as friends, but secretly, he wished one of the mares and him would be more than friends.

Of course, who could ever love a creature like him? She probably wouldn’t even like him back in that way. He always told himself to he could be brave, and go up to talk to her about his true feelings. But really, he was too afraid. How could he risk his friendship with this certain mare? He would make things awkward for all of his friends, and he didn’t want to lose any of his friends.Discord knew he would most likely end up forever alone.

He wanted to have the courage to just tell her the truth, and it was killing him from the inside out, with holding up all of his feelings and emotions from her. He wished he could have a special somepony...wait, what was he thinking>

After lots of thinking, Discord finally decided he had the courage to at least hint that he liked her, and hopefully that would lead to him telling her. She spent a lot of time in Ponyville with her friends, so he decided to go to the market place, and possibly catch sight of her there, and maybe, just maybe, stir up a conversation. His plan wasn’t very thought out, but he kept his hopes up.

As he walked around ponyville, he heard many ponies whispering about him. How he was a monster, a traitor, or untrustworthy. He tried not to pay any attention to them, but deep down, it got to him. He couldn’t let anypony know of course. They would just think of him as weak and pathetic if they knew he actually had feelings. Finally, he saw her. The way the sun reflected off of her buttercream coat. The way her teal eyes sparkled so beautifully. There in front of him stood the mare of his dreams, Fluttershy.

Discord didn’t know what to do! His stomach was doing flips at the sight of her. In reality, he wasn’t really planning on talking to her, but instead, just watching from a distance, dreaming of the day he would tell her the truth. She started getting closer, which causes him to grow pale. Fluttershy cantered up to the frozen still draconequus.

“Hi, Discord! What are you doing here? You never come to the market.”

“Oh, well, you see, I, um, I-I was just picking up a cake for Pinkie Pie?”

“Ok...well I bet you’re excited for later today!”

“What’s happening later today?”

“Discord, don’t tell me you forgot? We are having our Tuesday tea!”

Finally, Discord realized that it was Tuesday, and he had forgotten all about it!

“Of course I remembered! I was just playing a trick on you! You really are quite the gullible one, my dear!”

“Ok then! I have to go pick up some tea from the store. Bye Discord I love y...I love the weather we’re having today.”

Fluttershy’s face turned crimson red. Before Discord could say anything, she zoomed off so fast you might mistake her as Rainbow Dash.

“It almost sounded like she was going to say...oh nonsense Discord! As if she would feel the same way!”

It was a few hours later, around their usual tea time. Discord teleported himself to Fluttershy’s cottage. He knocked on the door. Fluttershy came up and opened it.

“Hi, Discord! Have a seat, and I’ll be out shortly.”

“Why of course my dear!”

Discord sat down on her sofa. He felt so awkward. He really wanted to tell her how he felt, but yet he didn’t want to risk it.
Fluttershy came over after a few minutes and sat in the other chair across from him. They were both quiet for several minutes, which felt like eternities for Discord. None of them touched the food, but instead, sat silently, sipping their tea. Finally, Fluttershy broke the silence.
“Discord, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Discord was very frightened by the voice she used. It sounded like it was filled with worry. What did Fluttershy have to worry about? If anypony was bothering her, he would deal with them. He wouldn’t let anypony or anything get to his Fluttershy.
“What is it my dear. You can tell me anything.”
“But, I’m afraid you might not want to be friends anymore if I tell you.”
“Fluttershy my dear, there is nothing that will make me not want to be your friend! You were the first friend I ever had!”
“Discord I like you! Not in a friend way, but more than friends! I know it’s weird, but I just really like you. You’re so funny and gentle with me, you’re kind to me, and I just realized I like you the moment you saved me from the changelings and held be in your arms! I understand if you don’t want to be friends because you don’t like me back! I mean, who would like a wimpy pegasus like me?”
Discord was frozen solid. He couldn’t comprehend it. He was flabbergasted.

“I knew you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore!”

Fluttershy’s big teal eyes were filled with sadness and worry as she looked up at the draconequus, awaiting an answer. Fluttershy couldn’t take it. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She turned the other direction and was headed toward the stairs to her bedroom when she felt Discord’s paw on grab her shoulder. She turned around, her face crimson red, just like earlier. She looked up into Discord’s big red and yellow eyes, staring back at her in a loving way.

“Fluttershy my dear, you misunderstood. I was only surprised, because you felt the same way I did.”

“What? Really?”

“Yes. I was going to tell you earlier, that’s the real reason I came down to the market. I just missed you. Fluttershy, I just didn’t think it was possible for you to love a beastly creature like me. I mean, I’m a monster according to some ponies. You deserve so much better.”

“Discord, how could you say that! You are so wonderful to be around. You are made up of all different kind of animals, which makes you unique, not a monster! I love you because you’re you! You are so kind to me, and you are the only guy out there for me, who makes me feel special and wanted. I want to be with you, of course, if you wanted to.”
“Of course I do! Fluttershy, will you be my special somepony?”
Discord pulled Fluttershy into an embrace. He turned to look into her beautiful teal eyes. The sadness had vanished from her face, and happiness remained. Fluttershy placed both hooves on either side of his face. Then, without warning, she pulled Discord in for a kiss. Then the two of them had their Tuesday tea.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this cute little story filled with fluff! :yay: Yay! :yay:

Comments ( 4 )

A bit rushed at the end there, but really cute at the same time!:pinkiecrazy:

Aww, I love this, I love Fluttercord. Best pairing ever. =D

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