• Published 25th Jul 2017
  • 1,356 Views, 18 Comments

Do You Really Love Me Unconditionally? - stephamazin

Because of Fluttershy's crippling shyness she's enrolled in junior flight camp. She meets bullies but none of them matters when she sees Dash; at that moment Fluttershy is obsessed. Her love causes her to take action, action some would deem deranged.

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First Meetings

Even as a little filly it had been apparent to Fluttershy's parents that she was a very weak flier and timid filly. She never wanted to go out and was never able to speak more than a few sentences. In everyponies eyes she was a obvious misfit; pegasi were suppose to be courageous and outgoing even to the point of being rambunctious, that was not Fluttershy. Her parents Mommy and Daddy Shy had decided to put her into junior flight camp in hopes that she would come out of her shell. To Fluttershy this was terrible news, she would have to fly more than five feet off the ground and be around foals her own age. Did her parents hate her?

It was as scary as she had feared how could these foals fly so high when they could fall so easily? A female filly surrounded by other foals temporarily made eye contact with Fluttershy. Her mouth turned into a cheshire grin as she gave a wink and continued on with her group. A shiver went up Fluttershy's back. Fluttershy was boggled on how one foal could have so many friends yet not shrink under all the attention. "Flutters?" Fluttershy looked to her father with the saddest bunny rabbit eyes she could muster. "I know you'd rather not interact with others but will you at least try, for us?" He said grasping his wife's hoof as both turned to their daughter.

"O-okay I'll try my best." Fluttershy said nervously rubbing her hoof on her front knee.


Fluttershy was having a hard time eating her favorite carrot cake because of her fried nerves. She excused herself from the table and walked back up to her room. On the way she passed Zephyr's room that was decorated with many posters and trinkets most depicted things he'd shown less than a month of interest until he stopped caring all together. Fluttershy's own room had changed very little over the course of her life. In one corner of the room were two beanbags one yellow and one teal; beside this was a small bookshelf with genres ranging from picture books to self-help books on confidence. Also, She had a medium sized cream princess bed with green see through curtains on the rods for added privacy. The bed was adorned with a very soft pink comforter that was hidden by all manner of plushies; including her most beloved one, a white bunny rabbit named Angel.

Since Mr. Shy had been called in to work at the cloud factory Fluttershy was taken to junior flight camp by her mother. Once there her mother sat at the gate with her daughter. " I'll be back by two o'clock. Dear, I want you to know that if you ever think you really cant handle it you can always come back home; my forearms will always be open for you." She said before lifting her glasses back in place and doing the same motion to Fluttershy's face. "Chin up and glasses on. Love you" With a final hug Fluttershy was left on her own.

She had thought she would dissapear into the shadows immediately but she saw that girl again and that girl saw Fluttershy. This time her smile was a bit more gentle; the girl made a step towards her then changed her mind and continued past Fluttershy. Having someponies full attention, even for a short period, was causing her yellow body to quake in terror. "Oh, what did she want? I hope I can just stay in the shadows"

Sadly, it seemed that today was not her day. A few minutes later Fluttershy walked across the racing lane and was bowled over by a yellow-brown colt with three basketballs on his flank. He scowled at her for being in his way and causing him to lose the race against the other foals. Two more colts flanked him, both had hair covering their eyes but Fluttershy was still certain they were glaring at her. "What did you think you were doing crossing the track, it's your fault that I lost the race! I've never seen a pegasus that was as much of a wimp as you. Stay outta my way"

After pushing Fluttershy into the solid clouds he walked of while grumbling with his friends. The brown pegasus colt laughed and said "Ha even your four year old baby brother can fly better than her". With that final comment Fluttershy picked herself up and walked by the counselor's building. The building was rather small but it had large windows that displayed the interior of the building. Inside she spotted a few foals. One was a white colt with red eyes and blond hair with wings so small she wasn't sure he could fly at all. Another was a gray filly who had a small frown on her face as she tried to focus on a piece of paper in her hooves. When the filly looked up she saw that each one was looking in its own direction.

Fluttershy chose against sitting inside the office and sat on the bench outside instead and cried until she got thirsty and sleepy. She woke up later with the same funny eyed girl looking at her. "Are you okay, I saw you sleeping here. Our parents are suppose to pick us up in less than twenty minutes. W-were you crying?"

Fluttershy stared at her and rubbed at my eyes before covering them,and half of my face, with long pink hair. "I haven't been crying I was just tired after hanging around all of these foals and needed some time to be alone."

"Hmm well if you decide you don't want to be alone you can always hang out with me and my friends." Her visage brightened as she gave her warmest smile to Fluttershy. Fluttershy returned it with her own small cautious smile. Upon seeing her mother she left but first she said "My name's Ditzy Doo but you can call me Derpy. See you tomorrow" And with let she left.

After a few minutes Fluttershy's own mom arrived "How was your day, did you take to any fillies or colts?"

"Oh um yea, I talked to a couple foals" Her mother immediately praised her and said she would make her favorite food tonight because of how proud she was. Right before they left she spotted another filly and Fluttershy was captivated her heart beat a mile a minute and her ears became dead to everything but that filly's lovely voice.

"Dad, You should have seen me flying the speed was amazing. Sure, I lost to Lightning Dust and Spitfire this time but just you wait I'll train until I leave those fillies in the dust!"