• Published 26th Jul 2017
  • 559 Views, 8 Comments

Time After Time - Rock Slide

When Splendid goes over to Equestria, time after time of heartache brings across a problem that she'll need all the help she can get in solving.

  • ...

To leave is the hardest part

Head or Heart?

She scrunched her eyes shut as a heavy breath escaped her lips. Her brow furrowed with contemplation before her eyes opened and met the object of her affection, her soul’s other half.

Yet it wasn’t just her and Sunny that would be affected by her leaving through the portal. All of the people she loved, her mothers, and her aunts especially would miss her terribly. She tried to find the words, but it was as if her voice had lost all sound.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she held an arm out to the love of her life. A soft sob escaped her throat as Splendid found herself on her back with Sunny nuzzling into her neck. Splendid stroked the back of her head as she whispered, “It’ll be okay, sweetheart. I won’t be gone for too long if I can help it.”

Sunny looked up at Splendid, her eyes red from the tears that stained her cheeks. “Are you sure? Y-You won’t forget about me, right?”

Splendid chuckled and rubbed her thumb over Sunny’s cheeks before she placed a kiss on her lips. “I love you, Sunny. You’ve helped me through more things than I could have ever managed by myself and I am not letting you go, not when you hold my heart in your hands.”

Although the soft ‘d’aww’ that they heard come from a few steps away broke them from their small moment. Splendid looked up at Sunset, who had a sad smile on her face as she brushed Adagio’s tears from her face. Sunset nodded at Splendid as she nudged her gaze over to the setting sun. “It’s time... Say goodbye to your girl, little dragon.”

Splendid looked at her mothers with a sad look, to which Sunset rolled her eyes and said softly, “Don’t give me that look, you promised your uncle you’d do this, but for now, both of you put your hands where I can see them.”

This was answered by a groan and a squeak as the two younger girls got up from their position on the ground into a sitting position.

“Our little dragon is leaving the nest,” Adagio admitted sadly, leaning closer to her wife.

Splendid looked over at her mother, and groaned, “I’m not little.”

“You’ll always be little to your mothers, kiddo,” Aria commented, coming over to them with a chuckle.

Splendid’s eyes crossed as Aria booped her on the nose, but she smiled as she took the outstretched hand meant to help her up.

Once they were standing, Splendid pursed her lips and furrowed her brows as she looked between the portal and her loved ones again.

“I... I’ll be honest, I don't want to leave any of you, but I know what I need to do.” She pulled Sunny into a hug.

She looked at Sunny, a hand raised to her cheek, caressing it as she whispered, “I’ll be yours forever, Sunny. Don’t forget that. And even though I may be gone, for now, we’ll still have a way to communicate. My aunts on the other side are creating our own set of books so I can come visit you, and I promise you I will every chance I get.”

“B-But why can’t I go with you?” Sunny whimpered as she tried to blink the tears in her eyes away.

“They haven't been able to find out if the “other side you” is alive or not. Once they do, and if she isn’t alive, you can come over all you want.” Splendid smiled slightly, with light tears of her own in her eyes.

“Alright... But you’d better come back for me,” Sunny conceded, and pulled Splendid into a kiss as deep as the sea. “And I love you too.”

“Forever and always.” Splendid smiled brightly as she took Sunny’s hand and placed it over her heart.

Splendid sighed as she heard one of her mothers tapping her foot. She knew she had better go or suffer the wrath of her aunts on the other side. “I know I’m going… I love you guys so much.”

“We love you too.” the group called out as she turned to the portal and started walking towards it.

“Be safe…” Sunny whispered.

In turn, she smiled and as she walked through the portal, she whispered back, “I will.”

No matter what, though, she knew she’d never get used to the feeling of being turned inside out and having her organs turned upside down.

Soon, the light came rushing back to her, and she landed on something soft. She looked up to see her favorite cousin, a smiling and quite tall dragon, “Spike, you sure have gotten... tall,” she commented, dumbfounded since it had only been a little time since she’d last seen him.

A cough came from beside him, and her aunt, Princess Twilight, smiled down at her. “We got a mattress, see?”

Twilight seemed especially impressed with herself.

1.5 years earlier...

“I swear, that girl pays more attention to that phone of hers than her own family!” Sunset complained, her face flushed with heat as she looked from her daughter to her wife.

“Little dragon, you might want to put down that phone of yours or I think your mom's gonna burst a blood vessel.” Adagio placed a hand on Splendid’s shoulder, pointing at Sunset.

“Sorry, Mom... And sorry. Momma, what were you going to tell me about Uncle Blueblood?” Splendid asked as she looked at her mothers, sheepishly putting down her phone.

“Apparently he told Twilight he needed to see us, more specifically you, for some important news,” Sunset confirmed as she started to calm down, “And she specified it had to be this weekend.”

“Oh, okay... Wait... This weekend? Shit!” Splendid swore, which earned her a glare from both her mothers.

“Watch your language!” Adagio hissed with a twitch in her eye and a frown on her face.

“Did you already plan something with Sunny?” her mothers asked at the same time.

“We had a… Dinner date this weekend…” Splendid pursed her lips as she looked down.

Adagio looked at her wife, remembering their first date and gave her a meaningful gaze, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Sunset.

Glancing over, Sunset rolled her eyes but smiled lightly, and conveyed her thoughts, “I might have a better idea…”

Once she knew she had Splendid’s complete attention, Sunset continued, “You should bring her to Equestria’s version of Sugarcube Corner, so that you get to go on your date while still fulfilling what your uncle has asked of you.”

Splendid beamed brightly and with a nod of her head, she went back to her phone, tapping the keys in quick succession.

“Are you giving Sunny the updated situation?” Sunset asked with a quick roll of the eyes at how much her teenaged daughter was attached to her phone.

“Yeah,” Splendid answered without even looking up from her phone, still tapping with quick precision.

Oh great, back to one word answers and she’s not even lifting her head, Sunset thought as she shook her head and sighed.

Feeling the slender fingers attached to the woman she loved rub her arms tenderly, Sunset began to calm down.

“I’m off to work, you two. Try not to tear apart the house in my absence,” Adagio informed them loud enough for Splendid to hear.

“Love you, Momma,” Splendid responded and looked up with a smile to Adagio, which caused Sunset to grumble and roll her eyes again.

Adagio chuckled and leaned down to give Sunset a quick peck on the lips. “Behave, you two,” she implored with a chuckle and walked out of the room.

“It’s not me who has to behave,” Sunset groaned lightly, but she still wore a bright smile on her face as always from a kiss with Adagio.

Sunset smiled as she always did while watching the colors of the sky change. It was as if nothing could go wrong with her wife snuggled close in her arms. She smirked when she heard a particular noise come from the other bench beside them.

When she got a poke to her stomach, she looked down at Adagio, who had an almost wicked grin on her face. Sunset nodded with a grin of her own.

“Hey you two, stop with all that bedroom talk. Or do you really want us to embarrass you again?” Adagio called over to the other bench, her eyes still on Sunset.

This earned them a squeak, followed by a thud. The result being, Sunny on the ground with her hands over her eyes and scarlet colored cheeks.

“C’mon Momma… no need to embarrass my girlfriend,” Splendid complained as she helped Sunny up and dusted off the back of her pants for her.

“Oh my little dragon, what I did now is barely embarrassing,” Adagio chuckled and stuck her tongue out at her daughter.

Splendid went to rebuke the words when a loud buzz interrupted them. She knew what that meant as she saw the telltale sign of a glowing book in one of the bags.

“Guess it's time to go then, huh, Momma?” she asked with a smile as she couldn't wait to show Sunny more of Equestria.

Adagio nodded at that point, smiling as Sunset tried pushing them more towards the portal.

“If your mother’s eagerness is anything to attest to, then yes, I think it is.”

Author's Note:

Finally, the 4th story in her series has begun and splendid is rearing and ready to go :)