• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 5,077 Views, 122 Comments

Flurry the Furry & the Rainbow Generation! - MythrilMoth

After accidentally teleporting herself to Canterlot High School, Flurry Heart makes friends with the teenage kids of her various "aunts".

  • ...

Flurry the Furry, Literal Equestria Girl!

Author's Note:

Some material from the original version of this has been changed, and new material added, so even if you already read this in Just Girls Talking Dirty, it'd be a good idea to reread it.

The lunch hour at Canterlot High School is a timeless institution. After four hours of morning learning, the student body gathered in the cafeteria to relax with their friends, enjoy the delicious and healthy food provided by the friendly and courteous lunch lady, and give their tired minds a break before the slog of afternoon classes. As was the norm for CHS, some tables were occupied by cliques, others by unlikely groups of friends who gravitated towards each other despite being from wildly different walks of life.

One such table was populated by seven teenagers. They were regarded by most of their peers as the most popular, "coolest" kids at CHS, and no matter what was going on at school, no matter how busy their schedules were, no matter who else they hung out with the rest of the time, they always had lunch together, every single day.

"So, Spring Break's coming up," a girl with long, wavy red-and-gold hair said. "I'm thinking of going down to Canterlittle, catch some sun."

"Ooh, that sounds like fun! I'd love to show off my bikini body on the beach!"

"Hmm. Ah reckon Ah could slip away a spell. Shucks, Ah don't wanna spend mah whole break doin' chores."

"Well if you girls are goin', you know I'm—"

A high, ringing chime filled the air, followed by a bright golden flash which lit up the entire cafeteria. All conversation stopped, every eye turning to the source of the flash.

Shocked gasps, startled exclamations, and a few screams filled the silence. Then, after a beat, a lot of wolf-whistles and catcalls followed suit.

Phones were whipped out and pointed at the source of the disturbance.

"Whut th' HELL is THAT?!" cried a girl with bright red skin, a smattering of freckles, violet eyes, and long, curly orange hair.

"That" appeared to be a teenage girl, much the same age as most of the teens present in the cafeteria, with pale greyish-pink skin, a slender build, long legs, large, firm breasts, bright blue eyes, and curly pink and violet hair with blue streaks.

But a couple of things about her weren't quite...right.

Like the large pair of feathery pink wings sprouting from her back.

Or the long, curly tail that hung from her lower back, perfectly matching her hair.

Or the long, tapered horn jutting from her forehead.

Or the pair of upright pony ears that sat to either side of her head.

Or the fact that her face, while quite attractive, couldn't be called a human face by even the most generous definition, given that she had a short, rounded muzzle.

She was also completely naked.

"I dunno, but I wanna fuck it," said a boy with dark blue skin, wild, choppy rainbow-colored hair, and dark red eyes.

"Pervert," the redhead sitting next to him muttered, slapping him upside the head.

"I'm kinda with Blaze on that one," another boy said. Handsome, with sharp cheekbones and stormy grey eyes, he had dusty purple skin and short, tousled dark pink hair. He wore black jeans, a black leather jacket over a grey T-shirt, black loafers with white socks, and horn-rimmed glasses. He leaned back in his chair, arms spread across the back. "And I don't often say that."

"Ugh," the redhead groaned. "You're both perverts..."

"Oh come on!" Blaze cried, throwing out a hand to gesture at the naked alien girl, who was looking around wildly, her eyes wide and confused. "Look at her! She's more stacked than you, Dawn!"

"He's not wrong," another girl at the table said laconically. She had dark yellow skin, red eyes, and dyed black hair that was a soft pink at the roots. She wore tight leather pants, a tight leather coat, and tight high-heeled leather boots.

"Guys?" the fourth girl at the table said. This girl had pale yellow skin, sleek golden-brown hair with a springy, coiled lock of bright pink hair that looked like cupcake icing, and bright blue eyes. She wore a pink sweater with a picture of a cow on the front along with the word "MOO" which went right across her ample bosom, as well as indigo jean shorts and pink flats. "Maaaybe instead of fighting over Blazie and Dusky being perverts and whether or not the naked alien girl has a better body than Dawn-Dawn, we should worry more about why there's a naked alien girl in the cafeteria and, umm...maybe try to take her someplace where it's a little less not-right to be naked?"

"Miss Pie is right," the last member of the group, a boy with cocoa cream skin, bright red hair, and green eyes, wearing crisply-pressed black slacks with shiny black loafers, a white button-down dress shirt, and a black tie said, standing up. "We should intervene—"

"WHAT is going on here?"

"—or perhaps not," he finished, sitting back down.

Magenta heels clicked sharply across the tiles of the cafeteria as the noise level dropped to nothing. A tall, gorgeous woman with amber skin and snapping teal eyes, dressed in a magenta skirt, blazer, and heels with a seafoam green blouse, walked briskly between the tables, her wavy copper-and-gold hair bouncing and swaying as she walked. She cast withering eyes at any student whose phone was out; phones were quickly put away, their owners shifting guiltily.

"Young lady, why are you parading around naked—" she began, then trailed off, looking the naked girl up and down. Her brow furrowed, her mouth working in confusion. "What in the—" She squinted as she studied the girl's inhuman face. Her eyes widened. "Flurry Heart?!" she whispered.

The girl rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Umm...hi, Auntie Sunset," she said. She looked around. "Wow, is this Canterlot High? It's...kinda chilly here..."

Principal Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow. "You're naked," she pointed out. "Which, incidentally, isn't really a good idea in this world, so if you could—"

Flurry Heart blinked. She looked around again. Saw that everyone in the cafeteria was wearing clothes except her. "Huh. My bad." Her horn glowed with a bright golden aura, and a fuzzy pink bathrobe with rose and violet trim appeared out of thin air, wrapping itself around her body and cinching itself loosely with a cream-colored sash. Matching fuzzy slippers appeared on the floor, and she stepped into them. "Better?"

"It'll do," Sunset said. She frowned. "Now, what in the he—actually, why are you—" She shook her head. "I have so many questions." She sighed. "Come with me to my office, I'll...I'll write to your aunt..."

"Principal Shimmer?" Sunset looked behind her to see seven students approaching, varying looks of concern and confusion on their faces. The speaker was the girl who, for all intents and purposes, looked identical to her. "What's going on? Is this...is this an Equestria thing?"

Sunset sighed. "Don't worry about it, Dawn. I'll take care of it."

Dawn frowned. "Mom," she said patiently, "you know you need us to run damage control."

"Besides, we wanna get to know this weird alien girl! Hi, I'm Bibi Pie, what's your name?"

"I'm Flurry Heart," Flurry said, looking the group over. "Wow, I think I actually recognize a couple of you." She frowned. "Not most of you, though. Huh."

Sunset groaned. "Fine," she snapped. "You kids can come along if you want. Blaze, I know what you're thinking, and don't even."

"I wasn't—" Prism Blaze broke off at Sunset's quelling glare, gulping as her hand moved to the pendant dangling around her neck. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker. "Well she started it by being naked," he said petulantly.

Flurry tilted her head. "Started what?"

"Nevermind," Sunset said.

"Pervert-boy here only has one thing on his mind," Cinnamon Apple said with a smirk. "It's all about sex with him. If you don't put him in his place, he won't let up."

"Oh," Flurry said. She looked Blaze up and down. "Well, I'll think about it," she said with a coy smile.

"YES! Dude, score!" Blaze cheered, pumping a fist. All four girls in the group slapped him upside the head.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Why'd I take this stupid job again?" Shaking her head, she marched out of the cafeteria, the group of teenagers following behind her.

* * * * *

Since she had a crowd of kids determined to trail after her, Principal Shimmer abandoned the idea of taking Flurry to her cramped office, and instead led the group to the conference room, stopping only long enough to pick up her magic journal. Once they arrived at the conference room, Principal Shimmer wrote a quick, frantic note to Princess Twilight Sparkle while the seven CHS students went around the table introducing themselves...or re-introducing themselves, in some cases.

"I'm Dawn Shimmer," Sunset's daughter said. "Principal Shimmer's my mom."

"Prism Blaze," Blaze said with a lazy grin. "Son of the world's most famous super-hot rock star!"

"And notorious pervert," Dawn muttered.

The freckled red girl with the curly orange hair waved as she took off her cowboy hat and laid it in her lap. "Howdy," she said. "Ah'm Cinnamon Apple."

"Dusk Horizon," the purple boy with the glasses said.

"Eris," the goth girl said in a bored tone.

"My name is Alto Sax," the well-dressed boy said.

"And I'm Bibi Pie!" Bibi said cheerfully. "Hi again!"

Flurry tilted her head. "Bibi? That's a weird name. I mean, I'm guessing you're Auntie Pinkie's kid, but that doesn't sound like—"

Blaze gave a sleazy grin. "Her real name is—"

"Don't say it," Bibi growled.

Blaze's eyes lit up with mischief. "It's—"

"DON'T SAY IT!" Bibi warned, half-rising from her chair.

"BANANA CREAM PIE!" Blaze yelled, cackling.

"AHHHH!" Bibi launched herself over the table at him, hands outstretched into grasping claws.

"BIBI!" Principal Shimmer snapped. Bibi froze in mid-air, completely ignoring the laws of gravity as she hung a full foot over the top of the table.

Flurry frowned. Her horn lit up; Bibi disappeared in a flash and reappeared, looking slightly frazzled, in the chair next to her. "Umm...I don't understand," she said. "Why are you so mad at him?"

"Bibi really hates her given name," Dawn explained.

Bibi dug her fingers into her hair. "Mom and Dad are so stupid," she muttered. "I mean, hello? Banana Cream Pie? What were they thinking?! I can't walk around with a name like Cream Pie, that's...that's humiliating! And I can't even work with Banana, I mean, it's a dumb name and if I shorten it to Nana I sound like, well...old!" She sighed. "So I started going by Bibi."

Flurry's brow furrowed in confusion. "Okay, the Banana part I get, but what's wrong with Cream Pie?"

"Seriously?" Cinnamon asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bibi groaned and whispered something in Flurry's ear. Flurry's eyes widened. "Okay, yeah, that's bad," she agreed. "Yeesh."

Principal Shimmer rolled her eyes and smiled. "Okay, if you kids are done with the introductions and the comedy routine," she said, "it's time for Flurry to answer a few questions. Starting with what the hell happened to you?" She looked Flurry over in concern. "Is something wrong with the portal?" A nauseated grimace twisted her face. "Are you...are you okay, does it hurt? Should I warn Twilight? I—"

Flurry held up a hand to stall her. "Umm...actually? I did this to myself," she said sheepishly.

Principal Shimmer trailed off. "...what?"

Flurry poked her fingertips together. "It was...brthdyprsntfrmbyfrnd," she mumbled.

Principal Shimmer frowned. "I'm sorry, would you repeat that?" she demanded sternly.

"It was supposed to be a birthday present for my boyfriend," Flurry repeated, cheeks flushing. "Umm..." She ducked her head. "The last time Auntie Twiley was here, she brought Mom and Dad some...some magazines from your world as, y'know, a..." She shook her head. "A-anyway, they showed human couples, umm...you know..."

Principal Shimmer stared at her, nonplussed. "Porno mags? Twilight gave your mom and dad porno mags?"

"She thought they'd be interested!" Flurry said defensively. "And they were, they really were!" She sighed. "Anyway, I...I wanted to see too, so I snuck one out of their bedroom. Then my boyfriend saw it, and..." She smiled a silly smile. "He got super turned on by it, so I thought I'd surprise him for his birthday by turning myself into a human girl." She shrugged helplessly. "I kinda screwed it up though," she admitted.

"Kinda...kinda screwed it up," Dawn repeated flatly. "Kinda screwed it up?"

"Hey, she got the important parts right at least," Blaze said. Dawn slapped him upside the head.

"So that's why you have a porn star body?" Bibi asked. "You were copying dirty magazines?"

Flurry blushed. "A-actually," she said, "I...I was trying to make my body look like Auntie Sunset's. I mean, from pictures Auntie Twiley showed me."

A silence fell across the table. Seven pairs of eyes slowly turned to stare at Principal Shimmer.

Principal Shimmer ducked her head and coughed into a fist, covering a blush. "Ahem. Alright, that...that more or less explains your...appearance," she said. "S-so, umm...when is this spell supposed to wear off?"

Flurry gave her own fake cough, her ears drooping. "I've, umm...I've been stuck this way for two and a half weeks," she said. "Auntie Twiley thinks it...it might be permanent..."

Principal Shimmer gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "Oh Celestia," she whispered. "Oh, Flurry, I'm so sor—"

"Oh, it's not so bad," Flurry said with a smile. "I actually kinda like it! Sure I get some funny looks sometimes and, well..." Her ears flattened against her skull. "Mom and Dad had a fit and there was this whole misunderstanding and Dad may or may not have declared war on Discord before I explained the whole thing..." She coughed. "Umm. But anyway, yeah...they calmed down, and Auntie Twiley's still trying to find a way to undo this, but I told Mom and Dad not to worry because I still have all my magic and stuff, so it doesn't really matter, right?"

Principal Shimmer pinched the bridge of her nose. "Alright, fine," she said. "That's not my problem, my problem is getting you home." She frowned. "But...why'd you come here? I mean..." Her frown deepened, furrows creasing her forehead. "Better question, why'd you come out of the portal naked? That shouldn't have happened..."

Flurry laughed sheepishly. "I...didn't come through the portal," she said.

"She just kind of appeared in the middle of the cafeteria in a flash of light," Dawn supplied.

Principal Shimmer blinked. "What?"

"Okay so you know how I said I still have all my magic?" Flurry began in a rush. "Well...sometimes it fritzes up a little bit. I...kinda accidentally teleported myself here? I don't know how, I was just popping down to the kitchen for a snack. Next thing I know, I'm here." She shrugged.

Principal Shimmer's face went pale. "You mean you're officially a missing princess?"

"I guess?"

The journal started to glow and vibrate.

Principal Shimmer stared at it as though it were a live cobra.

"Oh horseapples..."

* * * * *

"—and his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before—"

"How long is this going to go on?" Starlight Glimmer muttered out of the corner of her mouth.

A group of ponies, mostly earth ponies, sat in a semicircle across from a group of massive, intimidating Buffalo. The largest of the Buffalo was rambling on in a deep bass voice. At the center of the group of ponies sat a tall, slender alicorn with a lavender coat, a violet mane and tail with hot pink and pale gold streaks which rippled in a nonexistent breeze, and a long, tapered horn. Her purple eyes never left the speaking Buffalo, but she quietly whispered to the unicorn at her side, "Could be hours. Be patient, Starlight."


"—and his father before—"

Princess Twilight Sparkle's saddlebag began to vibrate. She blinked. "Oh crud," she whispered.

"What is it?" Starlight asked.

"—and his father before—"

"The journal," Twilight replied. "I'm getting a message from Sunset Shimmer." She sighed. "Probably isn't urgent, but I can't risk—"

A scroll suddenly burst into existence in front of Twilight's face. The Buffalo chief broke off, blinking dazedly.

"Sorry," Twilight said as she unfurled the scroll with her magic. "Don't mind me, you know how it is, a Princess is always busy."

The Buffalo snorted. "Where was I..."

Twilight let out a sharp gasp. All eyes turned to her. She shot to her hooves. "Forgive me, Great Chief Buffalo," she said. "An urgent matter has arisen which I must attend to immediately. I—"

"Does it have anything to do with Flurry being missing?" Starlight asked.

Twilight paused, slowly turning to her. "Hooooow did you know that?"

Starlight held up the journal in her magic. "Slipped it out of your saddlebag to check the message. Flurry's at CHS."

Twilight blinked rapidly, then seized the journal, eyes scanning Sunset's short message:

Twilight, Flurry Heart just got here. Something went wrong with the portal or something, she's stuck in some half-human, half-pony form I've never seen before. What's going on? Please, write back quickly!

"I didn't know Flurry was in Ponyville," Starlight said.

"She isn't. I mean wasn't. I mean...there's no way she could've gone through the portal," Twilight said. "That scroll just now? Was from Cadance. Apparently they've been trying to find Flurry Heart for the last half hour and she's nowhere in sight." She took a deep breath, then faced the Buffalo. "Forgive me, but I must adjourn to attend to an important matter. The Crystal Princess has somehow misplaced herself and I have a panicking sister-in-law and a wayward niece to contend with."

The Buffalo chief nodded. "The Buffalo respect family. Go and tend to yours, Princess. We will continue on with your herd."

Twilight bowed, then turned to leave. Starlight rose to join her, but Twilight waved her away with a wing. "You stay here," she said. "Take my place in the ceremony." She disappeared in a flash.

Starlight sighed and settled back down on the woven blanket she sat on.

The Buffalo chief cleared his throat. "My father stampeded this land, as did his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him—"

* * * * *

Dear Sunset: Thank you for letting me know about Flurry. I have no idea how she got there, but I'm letting Cadance and Shining Armor know where she is so they don't completely freak out. Which you're probably already doing because of the, umm...anthromorph form she's presently in. She probably explained it, but it's not a portal accident, don't worry. Just sit tight, I'll open the portal and come get her as soon as I can, but I'm in Appleloosa right now, so it might take a while. Love, Twilight.

Principal Shimmer let out a relieved sigh as she read the note, wrote a brief reply, and closed the journal. "Well, thank goodness for that," she said. She quirked an eyebrow at Flurry. "Looks like you might be here a few hours," she said. "The rest of you need to get going, lunch is almost over."

"But—" Dawn protested.

Principal Shimmer gave her a forbidding look. "You're not cutting classes just because we have a stray princess on campus," she said.

Dawn sighed. "Yes, Principal Shimmer," she said resignedly. The seven kids looked at each other, shrugged, and got up to leave.

"It was nice meeting you!" Bibi called to Flurry.

"Hope we get to see you again!" Blaze added with a grin.

"Bye!" Flurry called, waving cheerfully. As the door closed behind Eris, who was the last to leave, Flurry sighed. "They seem nice," she said. "Wish I could spend more time here, get to know them a little better." With a smirk, she added, "Especially those two cute boys. I bet they're a lot of fun to play with."

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay seriously, what the hell, Flurry?" she asked.

Flurry batted her eyes innocently. "What do you mean, Auntie?"

Sunset shook her head. "You used to be this sweet, innocent little angel, and now look at you!" She gestured vaguely up and down Flurry's loosely-robed body. "You turned yourself into some kind of furry wet dream for what, to play some bedroom game with some colt?"

Flurry dug in one ear with a pinky finger. "Mistakes were made," she said petulantly.

Sunset let out a bark of laughter. "Mistakes...good grief." She sighed. "Seriously, when did you turn into some oversexed...this?"

Flurry rolled her eyes. "So I like hot stallion sausage for breakfast," she said. "And lunch. And dinner. And—"

"GAH!" Sunset yelped, pulling a nauseated face. "I really don't wanna hear this from somepony whose diapers I changed!"

Flurry smirked. "Wow. It's gonna suck for you when Dawn starts dating," she quipped.

Sunset covered her head with both hands and let out a groan. "Seriously, what's gotten into you? AND DON'T SAY PENIS! OR ANYTHING THAT MEANS PENIS!"

Flurry pouted. "Oh, spoil my fun," she said. "I swear, you're as bad as Mom. 'Young lady, stop trying to sleep your way through the Palace Guard, they are not a harem!' 'Young lady, asking Sunburst to show you the knob on the end of his staff is inappropriate!' 'That does it, I'm banning bananas in the Crystal Empire!'"

Sunset blinked hard at that last one.

Flurry folded her arms, one ear flicking. "I can't help it," she whined. "The Crystal Empire is boring. Outside of the occasional major magical disaster which somehow always ends up being thwarted by Uncle Spike even if he isn't anywhere near the Crystal Empire when it happens, not much happens there. The shops are boring, the crystal ponies are boring, and there...really just aren't any ponies my age around, you know?" Flurry sighed, looking down at the table. "I mean, pretty much all I do is study and maybe play dork games with Dad sometimes. Anytime I get to go to Ponyville or Canterlot is a big deal for me because at least I get outside and see cool stuff!"

Sunset's face settled into an expression of sympathy. "You're bored," she said. "And lonely."

"Yeah," Flurry said quietly. After a beat, she added, "That and I'm super horny." At Sunset's flat stare, she giggled. "What? I like sex. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Sunset groaned. "Well..." She sighed. "I guess it's just...a bit of a shock," she said. "And...you do seem kind of obsessed."

Flurry shrugged. "My Mom's the Princess of Love. I'm the Princess of Lovin'."

"Yeah, that's...not a thing," Sunset said dryly.

"Not yet," Flurry said teasingly.

* * * * *

Shining Armor paced restlessly in the royal chambers. "What if it's Chrysalis," he muttered to himself. "Or what if Sombra, or...or if..."

The door opened, and Cadance trotted in, a scroll floating in front of her. "Found her," she said.

Shining Armor let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank Celestia," he said. "Where is she?"

"With Sunset Shimmer, apparently," Cadance said, rolling up the scroll. "Twilight got a message from Sunset saying Flurry showed up in the other world."

Shining Armor blinked. "What in the world is she doing there?" He shook his head. "How is she there? I thought the only door to that world was at Twiley's castle!"

"Well, we'll know in a couple of hours," Cadance said. "Twilight's headed back to Ponyville to go get her now." She scuffed a hoof on the crystal floor and let out a sigh.

Shining Armor's ears folded back. "Cadie? What's wrong?"

Cadance bit her lip. "It's..." She looked up at Shining Armor, her ears down and her wings drooping. "Am I a bad mother?"

Shining Armor blinked. "What? No! You're a terrific mother! Why?"

Cadance looked down. "It's just that lately, Flurry's been so..." She shook her head. "And more and more I find myself yelling at her and telling her to behave herself, and..." She looked up again. "Are we doing enough for her? I mean, we have to be doing something wrong. This whole thing with her turning herself into that...that thing..."

Shining Armor frowned. "Now Cadance," he said patiently. "Twiley's been one of those a few times now and she assures me that there's nothing wrong with it, and aside from being..." He pursed his lips. "Stuck halfway between being a human and a pony, Flurry's actually really pretty for a, y'know, not-pony."

"I know, I know," Cadance said tiredly. "And she seems to like being that way, so I shouldn't..." She grimaced. "I mean, if anypony should be okay with it, it's me, but I can't help but worry because I feel like this is my fault somehow, like...like I'm not doing enough, or I'm doing things wrong, that I drove her to be this crazy, reckless wild child she's been lately..."

Shining Armor sighed. "I don't think it's you," he said. "I mean, I've been thinking about Flurry and the way she acts lately a lot too." He started pacing. "I think the problem is the youngest ponies Flurry spends any time with are the guard recruits."

"She spends a little too much time with the guard recruits," Cadance muttered sourly.

"Well, yeah," Shining Armor agreed with a hard frown. "But there aren't really any ponies her age in the Empire. I mean...we don't even have any schools."

Cadance frowned thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's...I hadn't really thought of that," she admitted.

"I really think Flurry needs some friends her own age," Shining Armor continued. "I mean, growing up, we both had our friends. Twiley came into her own when she finally got out and made some friends." He shrugged. "Flurry needs to make some friends she can relate to."

Cadance sighed. "You're probably right," she said. "No, I'm certain you're right." She pursed her lips. "But even if we were able to find her some ponies her own age to spend time with, there's the whole anthromorph thing, that...that might make new friendships a little tough."

Shining Armor winced. "Yeah..."

An awkward silence fell.

"Unless..." Cadance said suddenly, eyes lighting up.

"Yeah?" Shining Armor asked, ears perking.

Cadance looked up, a sly smile gracing her muzzle. "Well, Flurry is at a high school right now," she said. "A school full of teenagers. Human teenagers." Her smile became slightly manic. "I don't know about you, but I think sending Flurry off to school would be a really healthy thing for our entire family, don't you?"

Shining Armor blinked. "Hehwha?"

Cadance began pacing. "Flurry's safe," she said. "I trust Sunset Shimmer to look after her and keep her safe. If anything happens, Twilight can get there in two shakes. That world is full of human teenagers. Flurry's a teenager and she's, well...part human, so she should be able to make some friends." She paused, then looked back at Shining Armor. "And...honestly? I could really use a break from her right now."

Shining Armor's ears lay flat against his head. "You...you want to send Flurry away?"

"Not forever! Just...just long enough for her to..." Cadance gestured vaguely with a hoof. "Settle down. I swear, this whole Sluttiest Mare Alive thing she's been doing lately is driving me completely crazy and..." She sighed. "And I just...I really need her to be somepony else's problem for a little while."

"Cadance..." Shining Armor trotted over to his wife and drew her in to a comforting hug, stroking her mane gently. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've sent her to Ponyville or even Canterlot..." He nuzzled Cadance, then tilted her head up so he could look into her eyes with a gentle smile. "Let's talk to Twiley, find out if it's okay to let Flurry stay over there for a while." He snorted. "She seems to love humans so much, I'm sure she won't object."

Cadance giggled. "Yeah." With a roll of her eyes and a smirk, she added, "And if she sluts it up there half as much as she's doing here, well...I'm sure Sunset Shimmer can handle it." With that, she pulled out a fresh scroll and started writing a letter to Twilight...

* * * * *

The school day had ended.

Sunset Shimmer, Flurry Heart, and the seven teens were waiting by the portal to Equestria, eating pizza and chatting lightly. Blaze kept trying to get a better look under Flurry's robe; Flurry kept egging him on, Dawn kept hitting him over the head, and Sunset kept shooting exasperated glares at both of them.

The portal rippled, and a tall lavender-skinned woman in a flowing, elegant dress in all the colors of the dusk sky stepped gracefully out, her spangled golden high-heeled sandals clicking sharply on the marble plinth. A small, five-pointed tiara rested atop her head, the amethysts set in the points gleaming in the afternoon sun.

"Auntie Twiley!" Flurry cried happily, shooting to her feet and rushing to embrace her aunt.

Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Flurry, I'm glad to see you're safe," she said. She looked around, her gaze taking in the group of teenagers. "Good afternoon."

Sunset stood and brushed off her skirt. "Princess," she said with a bow, which was followed by a friendly smirk. "Love the new look."

"Hm?" Twilight looked down at herself. "Huh. That's weird." She giggled. "Guess it's been a while since I've actually been over here."

"Yeah, it's usually me coming to Equestria for this and that," Sunset agreed. She sighed. "Sorry for dragging you here, I'm sure you were busy with something important—"

Twilight waved her off. "Not your fault," she said. She gave Flurry a small smile. "I appreciate you letting me know my wayward niece is here."

Flurry ducked her head. "It was an accident," she said. "I don't even know how it happened."

Twilight sighed. "I was afraid of that." She shook her head. "In any case, as long as you're safe, that's all that matters." She blinked as she looked at Dusk Horizon, who was staring at her with a gaping jaw. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

Sunset chuckled. "He's just a little...surprised," she said. "That's the other Twilight's son."

"Oh," Twilight said softly, mouth forming a small 'o'. "I see." She giggled. "I guess that makes him my nephew?"

"Something like that." Sunset sighed. "Well, I guess you need to get Flurry back to her parents, so I won't keep you."

"About that," Twilight said, wringing her hands. "Actually...Cadance asked me to ask you for a favor." She paused, then amended, "Well...she asked me to pass along a message to Flurry, then ask you for a favor."

"Eh?" Flurry asked.

Sunset blinked. "A favor? Cadance needs a favor from me? But wha—" Her eyes widened. "Oh no."

Twilight cleared her throat. "Flurry, sweetie? Your mother wanted to know if maybe you'd like to stay in this world for a little while. You know, explore a little, go to school, make some friends?"

Flurry's eyes lit up. "Stay? Here?" She looked around. "Mom really—"

"She's worried that you don't have any friends your age back in Equestria," Twilight said. "And given your...condition..." Twilight coughed delicately. "She thought it might be easier for you to make friends here. And, well...there's a lot of cool stuff to see in this world. I think you'd enjoy it."

Flurry blinked, then looked around at the group of surprised teens watching her. A slow smile spread across her face. "Yeah, I can think of a couple of things about this world I'd enjoy learning all about," she said.

Sunset facepalmed.

"Perfect!" Twilight said obliviously. She turned to Sunset. "Now, for that favor. Cadance would really appreciate it if you'd look after Flurry for a while."

Sunset glanced at Flurry, then took Twilight by the elbow and dragged her behind the statue. "What the hay, Twi?" she hissed.

Twilight grimaced. "Cadance needs a break from Flurry," she said. "Evidently they've been getting on each other's nerves lately." She gave Sunset a pleading look. "Please? Flurry really is a sweet girl, she's just...spirited."

"Twilight, she is literally eye-humping two of my students as we speak and one of them is your sort-of son."

"Well maybe without Cadance constantly riding her about..." Twilight made a vague gesture, her cheeks turning red. "...being ridden, she'll get it out of her system!"

Sunset stared at her incredulously for a long moment before letting out a tired sigh. "Fine," she said. "Tell Cadance I'll be happy to look after Flurry for however long she wants to stay here."

"Perfect!" Twilight said cheerfully, clapping her hands together. She stepped back around the statue and smiled broadly at the teens. "It's all settled! I'll be back in a couple of days with a magic journal for you so you can keep in touch with your mom and dad, and I'll be checking up on you from time to time, okay?"

"Okay, Auntie Twiley!" Flurry said, hugging Twilight enthusiastically. "You're the best!"

"If there's anything you need from home, just let me know through Sunset," Twilight said. She looked at the group of teens again. "Please take good care of my niece," she said.

"We will," Dawn promised.

"We definitely will," Blaze added. Dawn thumped him.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Have fun, sweetie," she said. She gave Sunset a nod, then stepped back into the portal.

Sunset sighed. "Well, I guess it's time for everybody to head home now," she said. "Dawn and I have a lot of things to do if we're going to have a permanent houseguest." She looked at Flurry and pressed her lips into a thin line. "Starting with shopping for clothes," she said. "Dawn, can you take Flurry home? I'll make a run to Navy Blue. I'll pick up dinner on the way home."

"Sure thing Mom," Dawn said. "Come on, Flurry. Let's go home." She gave the rest of her friends a penetrating stare. "Alone," she added.

"Aww," Flurry pouted. "Oh well." She giggled. "There'll be plenty of time for that later!"

Dawn facepalmed.

As the teens went their separate ways, Sunset Shimmer leaned against the corner of the portal statue and sighed. "Well...this'll be interesting," she muttered dryly.