• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 4,299 Views, 19 Comments

Wonderfully Distracted - Just A Random Pegasus

Rainbow Dash has been a Wonderbolt for a while now, and no doubt the status has its downsides. However, the experience is even more stressful if you have a crush on your loud captain.

  • ...

Fires Blaze in the Mind

Rainbow Dash tried to eat the mess hall breakfast, but she wasn't too pleased. It was only oatmeal and some cheap canned fruit, and she would much rather be stuffing up on syrupy pancakes. She shrugged it off and started to eat, hearing someone sit down next to her.

"Hey, Crash," Soarin greeted, looking at his tray. "These peaches look a bit too watery."

Dash snorted. "Hey there, Clipper. And when are they not? I swear, this place needs to hire better chefs," she said, continuing to eat. "Also, how was your date on Saturday?"

Soarin's ears flicked. "Oh, right. That one pretty mare who asked me out."

Dash's ears fell. "You don't even remember her name?"

Soarin sheepishly grinned. "Um..."

Dash face-hooved. "Ugh, no wonder you weren't raving about it. She probably realized how much of a doof you were and left within the first five minutes!"

Soarin put a hoof to his chest in mock offense. "Oh, Crash, you know I'm way too fabulous for a mare to leave like that."

Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Clipper. Really, how'd it go?"

Soarin shrugged. "Eh. She mostly went on about how attractive I was and had me explain a bunch of Wonderbolt life."

Dash groaned. "Another one who only cares about your status, huh?"

Soarin nodded. "Yeah. It wasn't very entertaining." He looked to his plate. "Hey, Dash... can I ask you about something later?"

Dash smiled. "Wow, using my actual name for once? And of course you can! I'm not your wing-mate for nothing, Clips," she said, smirking. Soarin smiled as well.

"Thanks. I'm your wing-mate as well, so if you ever want to find love or need help, I'm here for you, alright?"

Dash nodded, her eyes darting. "Uh... uh-huh. I'll keep your offer in mind, Clips," she said before finishing her oatmeal. She stuck her tongue out. "Bleh, this stuff is gross as balls."

"Alright, everypony! We got a lot of work to go over today, so you better be outside standing at attention in five minutes!" The captain's voice boomed across the cafeteria. Dash's ears perked as she looked up, seeing Spitfire standing at the entrance with her wings spread, a sharp glare in her eyes. A chill ran down Dash's spine as her feathers fluffed, now finding herself unable to stop looking up and down Spitfire's body. She quickly turned away, shoving a good amount of squishy grapes into her mouth. Soarin looked to her in confusion.

"Are you alright?"

Dash blushed, swallowing. "Uh... yeah. Totally okay. Why would I not be? I'm the awesome Rainbow Dash, after all!"

Dash and Soarin stood at attention, watching Spitfire pace back and forth in front of them. Though, Dash found herself relax a bit as she looked over Spitfire, but was a bit too visibly relaxed. The captain saw Dash fluff out her wings, giving her a glare.

"Rainbow Dash! That's not proper attention!"

Dash broke from her trance, snapping her wings to her side and standing up tall again, as well as bringing her head up to look above Spitfire and to the clouds instead. "My apologies, ma'am!" She said, a light blush on her face.

"Very good," Spitfire said, looking down at her clipboard. "Today, we have to learn a lot. That show in Canterlot is coming up fast, and you guys didn't want to learn much yesterday. So, we're making up for it today." She looked between each pegasus. "Also, I don't want to hear any of you running your mouths or complaining today. We need to stay on task. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!" The force responded at once.

"Alright, then. I want you all in the air, now!"

Dash obeyed, pumping her wings and hovering above the ground, seeing Spitfire fly up as well.

"Alright, then. Dash, I want you behind me, then Soarin, then Surprise, and then High Winds. I'll tell you all what to do in a second, and everyone who I didn't call, wait a few minutes."

"Yes, ma'am!" Everyone said, the four falling in line. As Dash stayed behind Spitfire, she let her gaze, and mind, occupy themselves a little too long, considering she missed Spitfire telling her to 'follow me'. So, with a late start, Dash caught up to her, immediately pushing her mind into professional mode. Damn, can I hire someone to slap me to keep my brain on task?

Dash worked on the quick turn she had to do, feeling herself speed up as she made it. The wind coursed through her mane and the feathers of her wings, and she pumped them even harder as she flew around her teammates. They were practicing the first part of their show, which was coming along quite nicely, if she said so herself.

It was a few minutes before Spitfire joined in, seeming pleased enough with how everyone was doing from the audience's point of view. As she filed into her spot directly in front of Rainbow Dash, Dash's cheeks started to burn. She couldn't help but notice how much that spandex uniform showed off the captain... and she was kinda ashamed to admit it.

"Alright! Let's go through a complete run through with me and then I'll let you get water!" She said, stretching out her limbs. "Alright. Ready, set, go!" She announced, everyone firing from their spot and into the routine. And, to Dash's glee but horror at the same time, she had to stay directly behind Spitfire the whole time.

As they flew through the routine, Dash realized that she missed a few turns... or, a lot. She almost ran into Misty Fly twice, and hit Surprise's tail once, too. Dash continued to push through, trying desperately to look at anything but the beauty in front of her. Unfortunately, that seemed impossible. Dash lost focus again, accidentally stopping her wings and finding herself falling to the ground below. In a panic, she spread her wings out, hoping to fly back up and to hopefully regain her spot. However, to her dismay, the flexing of her wings did nothing but send her flying straight... right into a trash can. She hit it, spilling trash all over her and rolling to a stop on the track. As she did, she heard nothing but laughter coming from above her.

"Oh no..." She mumbled to herself, covering her face with her wing.

"Rainbow Crash strikes again!" Fleetfoot called, earning more laughter from everyone. Dash blushed, looking up to see they stopped the routine just to laugh at her. And, of course, Soarin was laughing the hardest. Damnit, Soarin...

Spitfire flew down to Rainbow Dash, lightly chuckling. "Are you alright, Crash?"

Dash blushed, trying to hide her face but failing miserably. "Uh... sir, yes... uh, ma'am..." She replied, her ears now starting to burn as well.

Spitfire laughed a bit more. "Well, this little scenario proves that we call you Rainbow Crash for a reason. Also, you should take a quick shower before rejoining the team. I don't think everyone wants to smell trash each time they fly by you."

Dash sheepishly grinned. "Uh... yeah! No worries! I will!" She said, staring at Spitfire for a quick second before bolting inside. As Spitfire watched her leave, she couldn't do anything but chuckle.

Dash slammed her locker, lightly groaning. Soarin looked to her, confused.

"Hey, what's up with ya today, Crash?" He asked, closing his respective locker. "Is the work really that hard for you? Are you still made about the crash earlier?"

Dash shook her head. "It's not the work, Clipper. This routine is easy. Also, I've gotten over the trash thing. It's..." She hesitated. "Have you ever been so distracted that it makes you mad because you can't focus?"

Soarin nodded. "Crash, of course I have. I mean, whenever we perform at the Gala, I'm always thinking of apple pies."

Dash face-hooved. "That's... really not surprising. But... like... y'know what, I'm not explaining it in a locker room where anyone can walk in."

Soarin's ear flicked. "Well, okay then. Also, Crash, I need to tell you something in private. Maybe in... the empty classroom at the end of the hall?" He suggested. Dash nodded.

"Alright, that works," she said, walking to the classroom with Soarin. As they entered, Soarin let out a sigh.

"What's up, Soarin?"

"Well..." Soarin bit his lip. "I've... well, you know how many dates I've been on recently. And... none of them have gone well."

Dash nodded. "Noted. You're only going out with snobs, Soarin! How else would the dates play out?"

Soarin shrugged. "I don't know. I just... was thinking. Since I've had no luck with mares, maybe I could try stallions."

Rainbow raised a brow, blinking. "Dude, when were you bi?"

Soarin chuckled. "I don't know if I am or not, but I would like to try."

Rainbow blinked at him again. "O...kay. That's great, though. I'll help ya with whatever you need, bud."

Soarin smiled. "Thanks, Dash. Also, you sounded like you needed to tell me something?"

Dash blushed, her tail flicking. "Oh, crap. Yeah, I probably should tell ya."

"Oh, come on, how bad can it be?"

Dash blinked. "Soarin, it's... kinda bad."

Soarin chuckled. "Oh, come on! Tell me, I guarantee you it's not as bad as it seems!"

"Well... okay," Dash started, looking to the ground. "I have a huge crush on Spitfire. I've liked her for a really long time now and the dumb crush won't go away."

Soarin went silent for a moment, blinking. "Uh... yeah, that's... kinda bad."

Dash threw a hoof to her forehead, groaning. "See? How am I gonna get past this?" She lowered her hoof, now blushing even harder. "And, to make it worse, I have to stare at her hot ass the entire show because I'm right behind her the whole time! How am I gonna stay focused now?"

Soarin started snickering, Dash raising a brow.


Soarin suppressed a few more giggles. "Did you intend that to be a pun? Y'know, the 'hot ass' thing?"

Dash blinked as Soarin laughed some more, sighing. "Y'know, Soarin, you're hopeless."

Soarin calmed down. "Nah, not really. Also, I'll give you some real advice now."

Dash nodded. "Well, what do ya have, then?"

"Well... in terms of your crush... if it's distracting you that much, the best idea is to tell her-"

"Are you crazy?!" Dash interrupted, getting in his face. "She's the captain! Do you know how awful that would be? Also, what if she-"

Soarin put a hoof to her mouth, earning a glare from her. "Hey, I have to shut you up somehow. Also, just because she's a captain doesn't mean you can't casually talk to her."


"Dash, what about the last little social event we had? You two talked like best friends! Also, not to mention when we're not super serious, you two laugh together all the time! She might be our captain, but she's just as carefree and fun as the rest of us... when she's not stressed, of course. She would be flattered to hear you admire her!"

Dash tried to find words. "But-! I-!"

"Dash, I want you to go right into her office right now and tell her."

Dash shook her head frantically. "Nonononono! Not right now!"

Soarin sighed. "Well, alright. As long as you promise you'll do it before the show in Canterlot. Okay?"

Dash nodded. "Yep. You can count on me... Stupid sexy Spitfire..." She mumbled, harshly flicking her tail.

A week later, the Wonderbolts were all about to board the train to Canterlot, and, not to Soarin's surprise, Dash had not yet told Spitfire her feelings. As Dash boarded the platform, she felt Soarin's glance immediately.

"Dash, you-"

"I know, Clipper, don't push it," she said, sighing. "I'm just... nervous."

Soarin nodded. "I get it. But... I personally think you should still do it before the show. That way, you can be focused on performing and not on her rump."

Dash nodded. "I know, I know. I'll try to do it on the train ride over, alright?"

Soarin smiled. "Great! I'll be encouraging you, Crash."

Dash smiled as well. "I appreciate it, Soarin," she said. As she said that, the train rolled into the station, pulling to a stop. The Wonderbolts all entered, finding a seat in the special carriage in the back. Being first class had always made Dash feel awesome; especially strutting back there with her uniform on. She sat down next to Soarin, immediately noticing Spitfire walk into the room where the bunk beds were and closing the door. Dash raised a brow.

"Why is she going in there?"

Misty Fly looked over her shoulder. "Oh, Spitfire? She apparently had some paperwork to do or something, and there's not gonna be anyone in the bed room until later tonight so she decided to use it."

Dash looked to Soarin, worry flashing through her eyes.

"I thought she was done with paperwork!" She whispered to Soarin, making sure no one else could hear her. As she said that, the train started up, moving to Canterlot.

Soarin shrugged. "She's had to do a lot recently. Not to mention it's almost time to receive the recruits for the Wonderbolt Academy."

Dash blinked. "Ah, right. But, anyways... how the hay am I supposed to tell her now?!" She asked, still looking around to make sure no one else was listening. The sound of the train travelling on the tracks made her words more inaudible to others, but she knew she would still have to whisper directly to Soarin just in case.

Soarin thought. "I... don't know. I mean, the only way to tell her would be to go in there now. Say it's something important and she'll take a quick break."

Dash put her hooves to her head. "I don't want to disturb her! She probably wants to stay focused!"

"Crash, don't worry, it'll be alright. She'll understand. I bet she'll want you to be focused more on performing instead of on her later tonight anyways."

Dash's ears fell back. "Are... are you sure?"

Soarin nodded. "Of course I am. Trust me, she'll appreciate it. I've known her since I was in flight school; I wouldn't be wrong about her."

Dash sighed. "Well... if you say so."

"Are ya gonna try now?"

Dash gulped. "Y...yeah. I really should. Considering I can't think of anything else but her currently," she said, standing up, feeling her legs shake.

Soarin beamed. "Well, good luck, Dash! I'll be mentally cheering you on!"

Dash smiled. "Thanks, Soar. I really appreciate it," she said, turning to the bedroom doors and walking to them. As she stopped in front of them, she took a breath, opening one and spotting Spitfire, a blush crawling onto her face.

Spitfire was sitting on a bottom bunk, filling out things on her clipboard. She was so focused, she didn't hear Dash open the door. Dash closed it silently behind her, fiddling with her hooves.

...I have to tell her. No more goofing off. I want to perform well tonight, so I have to tell her.

She took a silent, but deep, breath. "Sp-Spitfire?"

Spitfire's ear flicked, but she didn't look up. "What is it?"

Dash gulped. "Um... well... I know this is kinda sudden, but... I sort of... kinda... have a crush on you," she said, blushing and looking down. She was bracing herself, knowing Spitfire would be upset. Would use that sexy voice of hers to tell her that her feelings were inappropriate. That-

"Cool," Spitfire responded. Dash's ears perked, her glance falling on her captain.

...That's it? That's all she's gonna tell me?

"I have a lot of paperwork to do, Dash," she said, continuing to write. Dash swallowed uneasily.

"Um... m-my apologies, ma'am," she said, walking to the door and opening it. As she closed it and walked into her train car, she sighed and lumbered over to Soarin, who looked like a little colt about to get candy.

"So... how was it?"

Dash threw her hooves over her eyes. "Oh, Soarin, I just know she hates me now..."

Dash flew into the final turn of the show, taking in the deafening cheers of the crowd. Though the response from Spitfire wasn't what she had been hoping for at all, she found herself able to focus on things other than Spitfire's body throughout the show, which was quite the relief. Dash completed her last twist, turning around her other teammates, meeting inwards, and shooting out in a firework formation to end the routine. The crowd cheered even louder as they came to a stop, Dash looking all around her. A rush of euphoria and excitement surged through her, a bright smile on her face. The feeling that ponies were cheering for her is something that she would never tire of.

After a few seconds of cheering, the Wonderbolts all flew into the meet and greet area, already having to sign autographs the second they landed. This was the same every time: Dash meets a bunch of excitable fans, and she writes her totally awesome signature on whatever they own. It's always been one of her favorite parts. After all, that many more ponies have a Rainbow Dash souvenir!

After that was done, Dash knew it was time to walk over to their hotel. And, quite frankly, she was beat. There were a lot of hyper fillies and colts coming up to her, and while she absolutely adores the attention, it could get a bit tiring after a while.

Soarin walked up next to her. "So... I take it you enjoyed performing tonight?"

Dash nodded. "Yeah. It was a lot of fun, and I'm happy as hell I took your advice."

Soarin smiled. "Well, I'm glad my advice was well received. Also, she doesn't seem mad at you in the slightest, or at least from what I can tell."

Dash's ears flopped. "I sure hope she's not. After all, she kinda has to see me every day."

Soarin chuckled. "Yeah, really. I still think she didn't hear you."

Dash shook her head. "Nah, she heard me. I'll just... try to put it all behind me, I guess."

Soarin nodded. "Well... okay. If you need help, please ask me, okay?"

Dash nodded. "I will, Clips. Also, thanks for being such a great friend this past week."

Soarin smiled. "No problem, Crash."

As the Wonderbolts finally reached their hotel, they walked to their specially assigned rooms. Another perk of being a Wonderbolt Dash really loves: they all get their own rooms and amazing service whenever booking a hotel, not to mention it's always a five-star hotel. Dash was already looking forward to having a hot bath when she got in there and not having to worry about anyone telling her to hurry up.

She said a quick goodnight to Soarin, watching him go into a room a few doors down. At first glance, it looked like everyone was in their rooms, so Dash opened the door to hers.

"Rainbow Dash." Dash turned her head around, seeing Spitfire behind her. Dash's ears fell back.

"Um... h-hey, captain. Wh-what do you need?" Dash asked, knowing what was coming. Discharge from the Wonderbolts, I'm sure. After all, what captain would want her teammates ogling her?

"May I talk to you? In your room?" She asked. Dash nodded, clumsily walking in.

"Mmhm, yeah, sure thing, Captain," she said, standing tall and sternly walking in. Spitfire shut the door behind her, sighing.

"Dash, please, at ease. We aren't in training. Why are you being so formal?"

Dash looked back to her, feeling herself blush. "Um... m-my-" she stopped herself. "I mean... sorry, Spitfire."

Spitfire sighed, though a small smile graced her face. "Dash, really, I'm the one who should be sorry. I... completely ignored you earlier."

Dash's ears twitched. "Oh... So, you did hear me when I talked to you on the train, right?"

Spitfire nodded. "I heard every word. It didn't sink in until you left the room I was in, and I knew it would be awkward to have this conversation around everyone else in the train. So... I waited."

Dash blinked. "Um... okay. So... you're not gonna kick me out of the Wonderbolts, right?"

Spitfire raised a brow, immediately erupting into a fit of laughter, which caused Dash's stomach to do backflips. "Dash, of course not! Why would I?"

Dash blushed. "Well... I have a crush on my captain! That complicates everything!"

Spitfire shook her head. "Dash, I know those feelings can't be helped. I would never discharge anyone for something like that. That would make me a horrible captain, wouldn't it?"

Dash chuckled. "Hehe, yeah."

Spitfire's lips were now adorned by a sincere smile, which Dash mentally dubbed as the cutest thing she had ever seen. "Also, Dash... about your feelings."

Dash's hopes immediately started to shatter again. She knew what was going to come. She had been preparing for rejection all week, and she was happy she would actually be prepared for her answer.

"I... I really like you, too."

Dash looked to Spitfire in surprise, her jaw falling to the ground. Spitfire blushed.

"Uh... I've honestly always admired your determination and spunk, Dash," she said, smiling. "As well as your loyalty. You've been here for everyone for everything. Don't think I don't know how you've been there for Soarin. He tells me how you've been determined to make him happy. Honestly, Dash... I really like you. I just... never wanted to pursue dating you because of the fact that... well... how would you feel that your captain had a crush on you?"

Dash's eyes were wide, but a large smile spread across her face. "You've... been feeling the exact way I have."

Spitfire nodded. "Mmhm. I'm happy you decided to tell me, because I never would've had the guts to tell you," she said.

Dash chuckled. "Heh, you should thank Soarin. He's the one that convinced me."

Spitfire giggled. "I'll be sure to thank him."

Dash smiled. "Also... what now, exactly? Are we, y'know, together? Or... would that be too weird?"

Spitfire's glance became more firm. "Rainbow, if you want to, I'm all for it. Just because I'm the Captain of the Wonderbolts doesn't mean I can't enjoy my life. I would love to be with you."

Dash's entire face turned red as she smiled. "U-uh, well... sure thing. I would like it, too," she said. Spitfire smiled.

"Alright, then. It's a deal," she said, holding a hoof out. "Come here."

Dash nodded. "Mmhm," she said, pulling Spitfire into a hug. Spitfire immediately started laughing, her feathers spreading out.

"What's so funny?"

Spitfire's laughter died down as Dash drew apart. "Nothing, it's just... I was thinking you were gonna kiss me."

Dash blushed, her ears straight up to the sky. "Oh! Well... I-I can do that."

Spitfire smirked. "Well, I sure hope so, Dash."

Dash gave Spitfire a playful smirk right back, immediately approaching her and giving her a light but sweet kiss on the lips. As she did, she immediately felt completely relaxed. After a second, Dash tried to draw apart, but Spitfire harshly hugged her closer and made the kiss even stronger, her lips pushing back against Dash's with a force that Dash did not expect but she loved anyway. After another few seconds, they both drew apart, looking at each other. They both looked relaxed, though Spitfire had a playful gleam in her eyes.

"Dash... you don't seem to have to much experience with kissing. When's the last time you've been in a relationship?"

Dash blushed. "Um... high school?"

Spitfire smirked. "Well... alright. Here, I'll show you a few things," she said, pushing Dash back a few steps. As Dash looked into her intimidating orange eyes, she immediately felt warm all over and completely lost. Then, to her surprise, she was pushed back onto a large bed, Spitfire jumping on top of her and looking down to her.

"Uh..." Dash tried to say, but was immediately cut off by Spitfire's lips pressed to hers again. Dash relaxed, letting both her fore-hooves and wings wrap around her marefriend and pull her closer. The two kissed even more, getting more and more passionate. After a few minutes, Dash flipped Spitfire over, now on top of her.

"Gotcha," she said, kissing her. Spitfire smiled.

"Yes, ma'am," she said, smirking up at Dash. Dash gave a light chuckle before kissing her again, now wrapping her hooves around Spitfire's head. Dash completely relaxed into her body, shivering at the contact Spitfire's strong hooves met with her body. Dash continued to get more and more passionate before kissing Spitfire lightly, deciding to stare down at her after the kiss. Spitfire met Dash's eyes, staring for a few seconds before smiling and rolling to her side, rolling Dash to the side as well. The two shared another kiss, opting to stare into each other's eyes after that. They were both panting though feeling like they were on the top of the world at the same time.

Dash was the first to speak. "That... was awesome..." She said, shivering as she buried her face into Spitfire's chest. Spitfire smiled.


Dash hugged her tighter. "Hey... Spitfire?"


"...Can you stay here overnight?"

Spitfire smirked, kissing the top of Dash's head. "Yeah. Of course."

Comments ( 19 )

Dash nodded. "Yep. You can count on me... Stupid sexy Spitfire..." She mumbled, harshly flicking her tail.

That line made my week!:rainbowlaugh: Great story, Random!

Stupid sexy Spitfire

"Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all." :twistnerd:

The best way of enjoying a morning cup, is seeing a new Spitefire fic up.

Sorry, that's not my cup of tea.


And it's alright. You don't have to read every story of mine. If it's not your cup of tea, just ignore it. I won't be hurt

Thanks. Perhaps I should consider saying that about any story that I don't usually like, since it's a rather mature response.


I don't think you have to say it. After all, comment sections are for feedback for the story itself. :twilightsmile:

Edit: Well, if you say that that's the reason you downvoted something, then sure. Reasons are always good.

Have to say I'm not sure about the description of Spitfire giggling, it seems too childlike for her, especially when on-duty. I laughed a lot at this line though:

Soarin nodded. "Crash, of course I have. I mean, whenever we perform at the Gala, I'm always thinking of apple pies."


Hm, good point. I'll fix that.

I laughed a bit too much when I wrote that :rainbowlaugh:

8334016 Well now we know why Soarin's been having such a terrible time with mares - he's not bisexual, he's piesexual.

I love this story, it put a good smile on my face.

I loved the camaraderie between Rainbow Dash and Soarin, they seem like they'd be cool like that. At one point I thought you were going to have Soarin confess to also having a crush on Rainbow Dash and was dreading that... but what you had was WAY better! (I can totally see Soarin as being bi, or at least considering it).
Another little touch I like is how Dash immediately went to hug Spitfire instead of a kiss- I can definitely relate to that, haha
So yeah, cute stuff :pinkiehappy:

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