• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 5,594 Views, 220 Comments

Changelings Aren't Scary - OutOfTheBlue

Being captured by changelings is a bad thing... right?

  • ...

Bonus: Fitting In

“Are you sure you’re ready!?”

Walnut nodded,


“Like... super sure?”

“Of course I’m ready! Why wouldn’t I be?”

Zen groaned and nervously tapped his hoof.

“Are you really really sure?! I mean, maybe you should have Silph go with you, or something.... Or just not go at all?”

Walnut shook his head.

“I have to go to school just like everypony else.”

“Yeah... but that ‘everypony else’ are all changelings! I still think we should wait just a bit longer!”

“But I have to learn how to fit in around the hive!”

Zen nervously grumbled as he looked away from Walnut’s pleading look. This was requiring a lot more resolve than he had thought. He’d learned before that it was difficult for him to say no to Walnut, but now it was worse given the foal was trying to look cute. He sighed,

“Please stop doing that. You know how it makes me feel.”

Walnut made his eyes go even wider and pursed his lips.

“Pleeeeeease? I know I’m ready, and I want to make some friends!”

Zen continued to refuse to look him in the eyes.

“You’re doing it more, aren’t you? No puppy dog eyes! I can’t handle it!”

Walnut tried to move so Zen had to look at him, but to no avail.

“But Daaaaaaaaad.”

“Oh no, not the D-word!”

“Please Dad? Pretty please?”

“Stay strong Zen. You’ve been a pushover your whole life, but now you need to stay strong.”

“You’re talking out loud again, Dad.”

Zen blinked and glanced at Walnut.

“Am I—“

Too late he realized his mistake. He’d already seen the heart melting face Walnut was making. As his resolve dissolved like sugar in water he used the last of his strength to play the ultimate Dad card.

“Ask your mother!”

Walnut sighed,

“Aw, but she doesn’t get back for, like, hours!”

Zen breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank the Queen for that.”

“Thank the Queen for what?”

Walnut and Zen whirled around to see Silph striding into their chambers. Walnut gasped before bounding forward in delight.


Silph’s leg was quickly caught in a tight grip by the dominative pony. She groaned and awkwardly patted his head.

“Oh sheesh, you know I’m still trying to get used to the whole ‘displays of affection’ thing. Also the M-word.”

Walnut shook his head.

“Never mind about that! Can I go to school? Pleeeeease?”

“Uh... sure?”

Walnut cheered, Silph was confused, and Zen almost passed out in horror.

“Silph! What are you thinking!?”

Silph raised an eyebrow.

“That he should probably go to school... like all nymphs do.”

“Grrrr... parent meeting. Now.”

Silph glared at Zen.

“Did you just tell me what to do.”

Zen gulped.


Silph carefully removed Walnut and patted his head.

“Walnut, stay here. Mom needs to go teach Dad why he doesn’t sass me.”

Zen began to back away.

“N-now now, there’s no need to—“


Zen yelped and dashed into the adjoining chamber. Pretty soon a crash could be heard as well as Zen screaming.

“Ah! NO DON’T— Ouch! Not the ears!”

Silph laughed as Zen squirmed in the headlock she had him in.

“Got something you wanna say?”

“Let me go!”

“Alright, you asked for it.”

Silph licked her hoof before jabbing it in his ear.

“Take this Wet Willie, pansy-bug.”

Zen shrieked and tried to squirm out of her grip.

“That is so unsanitary!”

Silph laughed before letting go of the squirming changeling. Zen groaned and rubbed his ear.

“Seriously!? Ugh. Fine. But I really don’t think Walnut should go to school.”

“Why not?”

“Think about it! One extremely trusting and naive colt by himself with a bunch of love-hungry nymphs! He won’t last a minute!”

“There’ll be a teacher there.”

“All the time? Fine, even if said teacher ensures he won’t be fed on, what if he gets bullied?”

Silph waved a hoof.

“Oh please, that stuff doesn’t happen.”

Zen raised an eyebrow and said,

“Silph, you picked on me every single day. You still do!”

“No I—“

Zen pointed to his ear.

“Oh... whatever, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“But what if—“

“Zen, Walnut is under Her Majesty’s protection. Or did you forget why we were given three adjoining chambers?”

“I know that, but—“

“But do you really think anyone will go against the Queen?”


“So there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll send word to Geode about him attending tomorrow, and then tomorrow, you’ll take Walnut to school.”



Walnut excitedly bounced in place as he waited for Zen to get ready. He was excited! And... a bit nervous. A little bit of both... and getting tired of waiting.

“Daaad, you almost ready?”

“Yeah... I am.”

Zen slowly shuffled out before reluctantly escorting Walnut through the twisting corridors of the Hive.

“So... today’s the big day. School... fun.”

“Yup! I’m so excited! This is going to be the best day ever!”

“Wel... maybe you should try... lowering your expectations?”

Walnut gave Zen a confused look.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just... school might not be as great as you think.”

“Why would you say that?”

“It’s just... you know... stuff. I, uh, don’t want you to be... disappointed?”

“But why would I be disappointed?”

“It’s just....”

Zen tried to decide on the best way to put it. Kids are mean? The food’s pretty bad? Homework? The constant exhaustion due to early starting times?”

“...Changeling school isn’t the same as pony school?”

Walnut pursed his lips before shrugging.

“Why would that be a bad thing? I didn’t exactly like my old school. This will obviously be better!”

Zen sighed. No use. He was about to throw his adorable pony son to the wolves. Maybe he could disguise himself as a nymph and... no, the teacher would notice. Or maybe he could—

“Uh... Dad? I think we’re here.”

Zen snapped to attention and cringed in terror. He had bad memories of this place. So many Wet-Willies and Buffalo sunburns, so many names. He glanced at the nymphs running around the spacious cavern.

“Alright, I guess this is good—“

“Bye, Dad!”

The air was forced out of Zen’s lungs as Walnut tackled him in a fierce hug. He sighed before hugging the colt back.

“Alright... bye.”

Walnut gave a final squeeze before hopping off his adoptive father and trotting off. Zen sighed,

“By the Queen, what have I gotten myself into!”


Walnut soon saw the nymphs head towards a larger changeling and sit down in a semicircle around her. Upon seeing the large amount of fellow students he slowed down and nervously shuffled his hooves. He heard her raise her voice and say,

“Greetings, I am Geode, and I will be your teacher. Now, is everyone accounted for?”

There were murmurs from the students as well as the usual shoving and good humored teasing among the boys. Geode looked over the assembled children before frowning.

“Walnut, Walnut? Is there a Walnut that I missed?”

“Um... I-I’m here Miss Geode.”

All eyes turned to him, and all the students jaws dropped.

“Ah, splendid. Now then, let us beg—“

One nymph raised his hoof, still not taking his eyes off Walnut.

“Uh... Teacher? Why is he... a pony? I thought ponies couldn’t come into the hive?”

Geode sighed.

“He is here on special permission from Her Majesty.”

Another nymph raised his hoof as well.

“So... can we go to pony school now too? I heard they give out lots of tasty love there.”

“No, you can not.”

The first nymph started waving his hoof as well as the students devolved into a mass of seperate conversations. Geode called on said student who suddenly pointed at Walnut and said,

“Is he what we’re having for lunch today?”

Walnut nervously shuffled backwards as Geode tried to regain order.

“Class! Quite down! No, you will not feed on him! No you can’t! Not even a little! And no gum! You know how I feel about—ACK! Mandible! No throwing gel gliders!”

Geode fumed as the class devolved into further chaos. Some students went so far as to begin to stand up. Would she tolerate an unruly class?! Oh no, it would be a cold day in Tartarus before she let her students run wild during school. She took a deep breath before barking.


Everyone immediately sat, even Walnut who just sat down where he’d been standing. Geode huffed before getting reoriented and beginning class.

“Now then, today we’ll be continuing our lesson about ponies. First off, what do ponies receive on their flanks when they come of age?”

A female changeling raised her hoof before answering.

“A cutie mark!”

“Very good, Cocoon. Now then, what do ponies have rather than frills?”

Another student answered.


“Excellent! Now then, this one is important. What do you do if you see a pony when outside the Hive?”

All the students chimed in.

“Hide! Because we can never let the ponies discover the Hive!”

“Very good. Now then, how about we continue with our lessons.”

Geode looked over the class before her gaze stopped on Walnut. Here was a chance for an actual pony for the lesson rather than a drawing. She smiled,

“Walnut, would you come here please.”

Walnut flinched before glancing at her nervously. Geode frowned. She’d heard that thid pony was very friendly towards other changelings, so this was nothing like she’d expected. Walnut slowly stood and skirted around the edge of the class before standing a couple of feet away from Geode. Geode sighed.

“After a brief recess of course. I must quickly prepare the lesson. Go play.”

The nymphs all cheared at the unexpected break before running off. Walnut glanced about in confusion before flinching as Geode laid a hoof on his back.

“Walnut, can we talk.”

He gulped.


“Because something’s bothering you. Don’t worry about your fellow students, they bear you no ill will. I promise they won’t feed on you.”


Geode sighed before using her hoof to turn his face towards her.

“Let me guess, you think I’m mean and don’t like nymphs.”

Walnut gulped, he had indeed been thinking that. Geode gave him a sad smile before leaning down and whispering in his ear.

“Just between you and me, there’s a reason why my name is Geode. I know I have a rough exterior, but I promise I’m not as bad as I look.”

Walnut gave a tentative smile as Geode gave him a quick reassuring hug.

“Just don’t let anyone else hear that. I have a reputation to upkeep.”

Walnut laughed,

“Alright, I promise I won’t tell.”

Geode nodded before returning to the front of her class and calling the students back. She motioned for Walnut to walk over and asked the class,

“Now, who is willing to have Walnut sit beside them?”

The class erupted into begs and waving hooves,

“Oh! Oh! Pick me pick me!”
“Can he sit with me, Teacher!”
“I promise to be good!”
“I’ll sit still if you let him sit me!”
“I’ll never throw another gel glider again!”

Geode nodded to Walnut and gestured for him to take a seat. She smiled as the other students eagerly waved at Walnut in the hopes that he’d sit next to them.

“Now, how about we take a moment to let you get acquainted with the newest member of our family.”

Walnut was immediately assaulted by eager changelings all introducing themselves and asking such things as,

“Can I touch your mane?”
“Do you have a Cutie Mark?”
“What does chocolate milk taste like?”
“What’s a ‘hoofball?’”

Geode smiled as the pony and the changelings began to exchange stories and learn more about eachother. Just as she’d hoped, he’d gotten over his fear and was slowly warming up to his classmates. She chuckled,

“After all, we aren’t that scary.”


Zen nervously paced around the room, his mind aflutter with worries about the fate of his charge.

“But what if they don’t like him!? Or he falls and hurts himself! Or if he cries when he gets an answer wrong and embarrasses himself in front of everyone!”

Zen groaned and continued pacing as Silph yawned.

“Relax, he’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll be bored out of his mind like I was.”

“Or he’ll be picked on like me!”

“We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Mom! Dad!”

Zen and Silph turned as Walnut came racing in and lept at the two of them, catching them in a hug. Zen grabbed him and asked,

“Are you okay! Did anything bad happen? Did they make fun of you?!”

“Nope! It was great!”

Silph shoved Zen and grinned.

“Told you.”

Walnut let go of the two changelings and started towards his room.

“Anyway, I have to get some stuff ready for tomorrow. See you in a bit!”

Zen and Silph exchanged glances before Walnut came charging back in for another hug.

“I love you guys.”

Author's Note:

Here it is! Although it’s probably not as good as the original. And I might even make another... which is not what I’d expect to do with this story.