• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 331 Views, 21 Comments

Barnacle's Adventure: Pony Pirates on the High Seas - Paradise Oasis

Arrrr, a pony pirate crew sets out for high seas adventure for gold, fame, and fortune! But will they be finding treasure, or walking the plank?

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Setting Sail

Situated near the mouth of the Rainbow River, the docks of Dream Valley were an impressive sight. Over a hundred vessels of pony make were tethered at their moorings, floating in the shallow water, while their captains and crew were ashore for business and pleasure. Several cranes were busy loading and unloading cargoes from the larger ships, while the dockworker ponies went from ship to ship making repairs, so that each vessel would be ready for it's next voyage at sea. The salty smell of sea air filled the nostrils of every pony working along the docks. filling their minds with the promise of a thousand adventures upon the open waves.

in the pony community of Dream Valley, one particular mare woke up long before the other equines of this town even had begun to stir. North Star had woken early that crystal-clear morning, and proceeded to groom herself, pack, and sneak out before anyone else had awoken. But the mare had barely stepped out of her door, when a quiet form trotted silently up behind the Pegasus, catching her completely by surprise.

"Hello, North Star." A mare's voice asked her, causing the Pegasus to nearly jump out of her pink coat in shock. "Where are you headed off to this time?"

North Star spun around, to find a unicorn with an aqua-colored coat, with a blue, pink, and white colored mane. A five-milkshake cutie mark decorated the unicorn's flank, and a pair of disinterested blue eyes staring at the nervous pink Pegasus.

"Oh, Fizzy Pop. 'tis only you." North Star sighed with relief. "blimey, what in the world are you doing out 'ere, girl?"

"Oh, I was just out watering the deadly nightshade in my flower box, when I noticed Dream Valley's mare-with-her-head-in-the-clouds trying to sneak away without being spotted." The unicorn with dark mascara around her eyes replied. "Come on, North! Did you really think nobody would notice your departure?"

"Of course my head's in the clouds, Fizzy! I'm a Pegasus!" North Star laughed nervously, as the other mare continued to glare at her. "Oh, very well, very well, I'll tell you! I'm going out for an adventure at sea, and I didn't want any of my worried friends to try to talk me out of it."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, North. I don't give a flying fig about what happens to you." Fizzy sighed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But, I suppose I'd better tag along- y'know, in order to see you off on your journey... not that I really care."

Blimey, you really don't care about anything, Fizz-brain. North Star thought to herself, looking the apathetic mare over. Ever since they were both fillies, the Pegasus had always been unnerved by the goth filly who had grown up in their community. It was bad enough how obnoxious North Star found her rude and apathetic attitude whenever she was around. But those eyes, those blasted, creepy eyes... Fizzy was a Twinkle-eyed pony, meaning her pupils, irises, and whites resembled sparkling gemstones. It was enough to seriously unnerve the pink Pegasus , to the point she wanted to get away from the grumpy goth as quickly as possible.

"So finally taking off on that adventure you always wanted to go on, huh?" Fizzy asked, as the two trotted along the old stone path that led to the sea. "Took you long enough. You've been listening to those old sailors and adventurers who come through Dream Valley all the time."

"Blast it all, Fizzy! I liked hearing about all of their adventures as a filly, I was just too scared to go on them me own self." North Star replied defensively. "Last night, I met a few new friends down at the dockside tavern, and they invited me along on an adventure."

"And you're just going to go off onto the open ocean, without the first bit of knowledge of how to sail, or even how to survive at sea?" The unicorn rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm so sure you'll survive, and make it home with a whole load of treasure in your hooves."

"Hey, me dad showed me how to work a compass when I was a lass, and how to read charts." North Star looked over at her unwanted companion. "And what do you care anyway, Fizzy? You never liked me when we were growing up. Why are you even here, if you don't bloomin' care about anything?"

"See there, listen to you... you've been trying to sound just like those sappy sailors since you were a foal, but you're not like them." Fizzy teleported right in front of North Star, angrily staring her in the eyes. "I'm here to try and keep you from getting killed, because your head has always been in the clouds. You'd probably get yourself killed on the first ten minutes of some stupid sea adventure."

North Star glared at her 'friend' angrily for a few minutes, before taking to the sky, and flying over the next hill.

"You stupid little filly." Fizzy shook her head, and galloped over the final hill, and down the cobblestone path towards the tethered below. Following after the angry Pegasus overhead, the unicorn found herself heading towards a rougher-looking ship moored father away from all the others. As she drew near, Fizzy was shocked to see what exactly her friend was going to be traveling on.

The vessel was a rickety old clipper, with planks and boards missing all over the hull. As she drew closer, Fizzy thought she saw several rodents and various other species of vermin climbing up and down the ropes and gangplank, as if they were tiny passengers and crew embarking and disembarking. A large faded figurehead of an alicorn princess was affixed to the bow, and the sails were covered in patches that were shoddily sown on.

Stepping down onto the dock where the ship was moored, and saw North Star talking to a blue earth pony stallion in front of the gangplank. As soon as the sailor laid eyes on Fizzy, he trotted over to the surprised unicorn, and smiled.

"Ahoy there, little lassie. Welcome to the Celstia's revenge." He greeted her, staring at the goth mare longingly. "I be Salty, first mate of this fine vessel. If ye had come ta join our crew, I'd be more than happy ta show ye around the-"

"Yeah.. name's Fizzy, nice to meet ya." The unicorn waved a hoof dismissively, trotting over towards North Star. "Okay, you mean to tell me you're going to be traveling aboard this leaky tub, with such a mangy-looking crew of ruffians." She looked back at Salty. "Who don't look like they practice any manners... or hygiene."

"Hey! I'll have ye know, lassie, that I took a bath just last week!" Salty snorted, sniffing his own coat. "Ye must be the friend North Star was talking about, nice to have such a pretty little filly join our crew."

"Hey, I'm getting out of here just as soon as I make sure North is all right." Fizzy snapped at him. "I don't exactly trust her traveling aboard this rotting pile of driftwood.

"Hey! This ship may be a little old and worn, but it'll be in much better once I get a chance to repair it." Wave Runner snapped, as she flapped down from the ship's deck. "Barnacle told me th' ship was an old Equestrian wreck, that he had the sea ponies to pull in from the coastal rocks. The cap'n has been slowly having the dockyard ponies slowly patch up and restore the ship, preparing it for his first voyage at sea as Cap'n." Wave Runner glanced back at the ship. "This might be the ship's first voyage since restoration, but I'm sure she'll survive out there on the open sea."

"Huh, so there is another mare along on this disaster of a sea voyage. That at least fills me with a little confidence." Fizzy snorted. "Still if the rest of the crew are like this moron-" she glanced at Salty again. "-this voyage is in for a whole lot of serious trouble."

"Hey now! Would ye please stop insulting me, lassie?" Salty protested. "The cap'n and I be the only stallions upon this voyage, and we are both capable and sturdy sailors!"

"So there's only four of you altogether? Great, just great!" fizzy put a hoof to her forehead in frustration. "I'm just soooo sure you'll all be able to survive under the leadership of this oh-so-great captain you all speak of, even though he's probably just another thimble-brained sailor, without an ounce of-"

"Who are ye, lassie, and what are doing on me ship?" Barnacle came trotting down the gangplank, coming to stand in front of the surprised Fizzy. "Are ye North star's friend, come ta join the crew?"

Fizzy was dumbstruck, staring at the Stallion who stood on his two hind legs, towering over her. The captain's long shadow eclipsed the little pony, who seemed to shrink before the colossal figure of the pirate captain before her.

"Um, I, well, that is..." The intimidated Fizzy stumbled over her own words. "...I guess so?"

"Excellent. We can use a fifth crew member." Barnacle replied thoughtfully, scratching his chin with his hoof. "Now what can ye do, that would be helpful on our voyage?"

"Oh! well, ummm... I d-do know a thing or two about w-working in the kitchen." She muttered, looking away from the captain's iron gaze. "A-and I can cook.... maybe?"

"So be it, then. Ye shall be our ship's cook!" barnacle declared, trotting back up the gangplank. "Welcome to the crew, Lassie! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine, Nyarr!"

The other three ponies stared at the previously-aggressive mare, smiles spreading across their faces at what had just happened. Seeing their reaction, the embarrassed Fizzy turned towards them and yelled;

"What?! I didn't join your stupid crew because of anything he said!" The unicorn protested, an embarrassed look spreading across her face. "I just decided to come along and make sure you idiots don't get yourselves killed!"

And so, preparations for the voyage continued. Supplies were loaded into the cargo hold, and messages were relayed to family and friends back on land. It was about nine o' clock when Salty and Wave runner finally had the sails unfurled, and everything was ready to go.

"Mister Salty, is everything in readiness?" Barnacle called out, as he took his position behind the helm. "Do all the provisions be loaded, and the entire crew be aboard?"

"Aye, cap'n!" The stallion replied, standing on the forward deck. "All is in readiness!"

"Then set the Mainsail! Weigh anchor!" Barnacle took the wheel with his front hooves. "Let's cast off, and go find that treasure, Nyarr!"

The Celestia's Revenge slowly pulled out of the dock, and began to sail out of the harbor. And the ship headed out into the open sea, North Star took one last look back at the shore, and remembered the mostly quiet life she had always known in Dream Valley. But now, the kind of adventure so many had talked about, wild tales of the oceans and all of their mysteries, were finally going to be hers. And as she looked back at the only home she had ever known, she told herself again that she was doing the right thing and taking the right path...

...the compass on her cutie mark her heart's only guide.