• Published 14th Aug 2017
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Surviving Sand Island - The 24th Pegasus

An airship wreck leaves Rainbow Dash and Rarity stranded on a deserted island. Together, they must find a way to survive until help comes—if it comes.

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Some Good Loving

Rarity hummed while she worked. After accomplishing all sorts of feats she once felt impossible with her magic, plucking fruit off of trees and bushes was easy by comparison. Plus, the gentle use of her horn didn’t aggravate her migraine that much. At the very least, it was something she’d been expecting, and because she’d been expecting it, it wasn’t so bad. Her head just pounded, but doing something helped her take her mind off it.

She couldn’t help but glance down at the ground under her hooves every once in a while. It was strange to imagine that the south hill housed a hidden temple deep inside. The key to their salvation and the source of the magic protecting the islands lied beneath her hooves, completely concealed from the outside world. Rarity was just amazed that she and Rainbow had ever managed to find it.

Still, they were one step closer to getting back home. For now, Rarity had left the statuette with Rainbow back at the camp. One day, they’d have to go and put it down below with the other, but Rarity didn’t feel like swimming through the tunnels just yet. That could wait until a later date.

The sweet taste of a fresh star apple washed over her tongue as she bit into one. She still couldn’t believe that her and Rainbow had managed to sail to the minotaurs’ island and live. Not only that, but they’d found exactly what they were looking for, and brought another survivor back with them. All in all, it went probably much better than Rarity had expected. Sure, she’d been scared witless for half of the time, but now that her and Rainbow and Gyro were back in one piece, she was simply amazed at everything she’d done. Would the other islands be this simple?

She dashed that thought aside with a shake of her head. The last thing she needed was to jinx herself now. The south and southwest islands would be a challenge in their own right. She just didn’t know what she could expect from them.

But that wasn’t something she felt like she had to worry about now. Right now, the important thing was waiting for Gyro to recover so they’d be at full strength for the next island they decided to tackle. That meant that they had some downtime before they had to move, and Rarity was intent on enjoying it as best as she could. And, admittedly, Rainbow torching the minotaurs’ canoes meant that she could sleep easier at night, at least for a time. The minotaurs would be too concerned with rebuilding and trying to bring in what they need to survive to launch an expedition across the strait to attack her and Rainbow. They were safe for the time being, and Rarity planned on capitalizing on it as best she could.

That didn’t prevent her from yelping and jumping in surprise when she felt something unexpectedly grab her. Blue covered her eyes as she was playfully wrestled to the ground by fuzzy hooves. She nearly ended up knocking over the basket of fruit she’d been collecting as she was pinned to the ground.

“You been busy, huh, Rares?” Rainbow asked, standing over top of Rarity. Even though she didn’t weigh all that much, she had positioned herself so that it would be difficult for Rarity to remove her. Not that Rarity minded all that much, though.

“Busy enough,” Rarity said. “Somepony had to do work while you were sleeping.”

“That just means I’ll be well rested for later,” Rainbow teased, lowering herself down so she was lying on top of Rarity. “You said we should celebrate after we got back to the island…”

Rarity felt herself blushing. “I did, didn’t I?” she asked, demurely fluttering her eyelashes. “That would be nice, I’d think.”

Rainbow leaned in and nuzzled Rarity’s cheek. “Sounds awesome to me,” she said. “I can’t wait to get started.”

“A little patience, darling, please,” Rarity said, staying Rainbow with a hoof. “I’m a lady, and I won’t stand to be ravished under the open sun like this. Besides, teasing aside, we do have work to do to continue our survival on this island.” At Rainbow’s disappointed look, Rarity stroked her chin. “Tonight, darling, I promise. For now, though, I wouldn’t mind sharing an appetizer with you…”

The teasing lilt in her voice made her intentions clear enough to Rainbow, who perked up at the offer. “Good, I need something to tie me over,” she said, moments before she locked her lips with Rarity’s. Rarity hummed in delight as she felt Rainbow’s tongue slip into her mouth, and she wrapped her legs around Rainbow’s body and pulled the smaller pegasus close. Firmly locked together, the two ponies twisted and panted as they struggled to find some way to press their bodies even closer against each other. When Rainbow tried to end the kiss, Rarity put one hoof behind Rainbow’s head and pressed their muzzles together again, earning a snort from the pegasus. Her flat teeth toyed with Rainbow’s tongue before she fought back and forced hers into Rainbow’s mouth, flipping the pegasus over as she did so.

And then she was on top, pinning Rainbow’s good wing to the ground as she used her weight and size to trap the smaller pegasus. She savored the moment of power she had on Rainbow, who squirmed slightly, and stroked her cheek. “Don’t like to be on the bottom, darling?”

Rainbow frowned and shifted, but couldn’t move her legs from where Rarity had pinned them. “I can’t really move,” she said. “Not without getting rough.”

“You wouldn’t marehandle your marefriend, would you?” Rarity asked. “I like to be treated gently and with care.”

“Kinda hard when you’ve got me pinned,” Rainbow said. “How do you expect me to—!”

Rarity’s muzzle silenced Rainbow before she could finish her thought. She put her passion and weight into the kiss, actually sliding Rainbow back an inch across the ground. It felt like the world around her was suddenly growing warmer, if that were even possible with the scorching summer sun already beating down on her back from high up in the sky.

When they broke it off, Rarity licked her lips and smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that, darling,” Rarity teased, bopping Rainbow on the nose. “I know how to take the reins when necessary.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes and squirmed a little more. “You mind letting me go, Rares? I’m starting to get kinda uncomfortable.”

“Only if you say the magic word,” Rarity sang.

Sighing, Rainbow flopped her head back against the ground. “…Please?”

“Much better,” Rarity teased her, but she slid off to the side nonetheless. Rainbow stretched her legs and wing, grunting, and rolled onto her side. Her eyes locked on Rarity and she smirked. “Dang it, Rares, why do you gotta be so proper? I just really wanna go for a ride or several right here, right now. This is criminal, leading me on like this!”

“Oh, shush,” Rarity said, standing up. “The best things in life are worth waiting for.”

“Not when you keep teasing me with them.” Rainbow pouted and crossed her forelegs. “You better not tease me again tonight.”

Rarity pressed her neck against Rainbow’s in a hug. “I won’t, Rainbow, I promise. I’m looking forward to it as much as you are.” She allowed herself a warm smile. “I think it’s about time.”

Then, sighing, she went back to the berries. “I better get back to finishing this up. Chirp was around here earlier, but who knows where he’s flown off to. I would’ve thought that me collecting food would catch his attention, but apparently not. He’s off doing his own thing.”

“Yeah, it’ll be nice to find that little featherhead again,” Rainbow said. “I haven’t seen him since we left. I wonder what he’s been up to.”

“Probably the same old, same old.” Rarity dropped a few more sugar apples into the basket and stood up, moving to another tree further down. “I’ll see you back in camp for lunch, unless you want to help.”

Rainbow waved her good wing. “Nah, it’ll be fine. I’ll take care of some things around camp, our hut was looking a little shoddy. Plus I need to get new bandaging for my wing and all. Haven’t been able to do that since we left.” She spun in place and started back down the northern end of the hill. “See ya in a bit!”

Rarity hummed her goodbye and went back to work. Tonight, she’d finally give Rainbow what she wanted. And, truth be told, Rarity was looking forward to it too with nervous anticipation.

One way or another, it’d be something to remember. That, she was sure of.

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