• Published 16th Aug 2017
  • 880 Views, 8 Comments

Fluttershy's Big Adventure - Bookpony579

Can Fluttershy use her power to save the day?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Fluttershy woke up in the nurse's office with her friends waiting for her.

"What happened?" She asked, trying to remember earlier.

"I don't know!" Rainbow exclaimed with worry. "One minute you were talking to Angel like always, the next your passed out on the ground!"

Fluttershy rubbed her aching head. "Is that why my head hurts so much?"

"Nah, that's probably from when we dropped you on the way over here." Pinkie said before receiving an elbow to the ribs curtsy of Rainbow. "What?"

Fluttershy thought back to earlier. "It's so weird, for a minute I actually thought I heard Angel talking to me!"

"Speaking of Angel..." Rarity help up a very worried looking bunny. "The poor dear refused to leave your side and wait in the lair with the other pets." Angel then hopped into Fluttershy's open arms.

"Awww, were you worried about me?" She pet her little bunny as he snuggled into her.

"You bet I was! Don't you go doing that again!" He said, trying to conceal his tears. Fluttershy's eyes widened again as she looked to her friends.

"Umm....did anyone else hear that?" The other girls just gave her confused looks.

"Hear what?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, what?" Angel asked too.

Fluttershy was completely shocked. "That! You!" She turned back to her human friends. "You don't hear Angel talking?"

"Talking? You mean like Spike?" Twilight asked, even more confused than before.

"Darling, all we can hear are the same bunny noises he always makes." Rarity said, even more worried about her friend. "Are you sure your not just imagining things?"

"I think I can help and tell you she's not." The girls turned to the door to find Luna standing there. "There's something you girls need to see."

"Incredible!" Twilight gasped at what she saw. They girls were now back in the lair, staring into the Element's case. Specifically, the Element of Kindness, which was glowing the same way the Element of Honesty had before.

"So this means...Fluttershy, you have your power!" Rarity exclaimed.

"But...what?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Haven't you guessed?" Luna asked her. "Don't you remember how you couldn't understand Angel before today, but now you can?"

"So this means..." Fluttershy's eyes widened at the realization.

Pinkie gasped. "YOU CAN TALK TO ANIMALS!" She said excitedly.

"Well technically, she can understand animals now." Twilight explained.

"Oh my..." Was all Fluttershy could say at the moment as she processed this information.

"You mean someone else got their power before me again!?" Rainbow complained before noticing the dirty looks the others (sans Fluttershy) were giving her. She gave an awkward cough. "Oh! I mean...congratulations Fluttershy!" FLuttershy didn't respond, still thinking everything over.

She walked over to where the other pets were playing. She looked, she listened, and she understood what the animals were saying, not just Angel, but all of them. She listened as they spoke in full sentences, having full conversations as though they were just another group of people instead of animals. It was all so new to her.

"Fluttershy? Earth to Fluttershy?" Pinkie waved a hand in front of her face to grab her attention. Fluttershy snapped out of it and turned to the others.

"What's wrong darling? I thought you would love being able to do this?" Rarity asked with concern.

"There's nothing wrong, it's just..." Fluttershy struggled to come up with an answer. On one hand she was excited to be able to talk to animals. She always imagined them being able to speak to her like she spoke to them. She even liked to have imaginary conversations with them as she cared for them. But now that this was actually happening? There was her usual terror there to ruin it for her. The fact that she could understand these creatures, when no one else could. That she was even more different from everybody else than she was before. It was terrifying hearing them speak whereas before she only heard their regular animal noises. Fluttershy had never felt so conflicted before in her entire life.

"Your nervicited!" Pinkie explained.

"What?" Fluttershy blinked.

"It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell "YAY ME!!"" Pinkie did exactly that before changing her tone. "But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time!" She then commenced to curl up into said ball on the floor. Then she got up, contorting her body in ways that shouldn't be possible until she stood up straight with her usual smile. "We've all been there!" she said reassuringly.

Applejack draped a comforting arm around Fluttershy's arms. "As someone who recently got her own power, let me tell ya: it can be a little nerve wrackin' at first, but eventually you'll get used to it and even wish you had it before!" AJ smiled and Fluttershy joined her.

"Thanks. Maybe I do just need some time to get used to it."

"Still, this is so exciting!" Twilight said. "We'll need to run some tests immediately! This could revolutionize what we know about animal behavior and communication!" Twilight squee'd and continued to ramble on while Fluttershy continued to watch and listen to the pets. Her smile gradually faded as doubts entered her mind again.

The day was a long one for Fluttershy, to say the least.

During English class, the window was open. So while the teacher talked about the book they were reading, Fluttershy listened as two birds argued over where to place their nests. The teacher was not happy when she caught her staring out the window listening to the birds.

In science, all Fluttershy could hear as the class gerbil complained about his squeaky wheel and how much he hated the food brand the teacher gave him. She was tempted to go over and help him until the teacher scolded her for not paying attention.

Other instances like these continued in nearly every class. So for her, it was a relief when the day ended and she could go home.

"Are you sure your ok?" Twilight asked when Fluttershy explained she would be missing band practice.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired today." Fluttershy said. Twilight looked at her with worry.

"Fluttershy, if your still worried about your power, you know we're here for you right?"

Fluttershy could only sigh. "I know, but I just need to be alone for a little bit to sort this out, ok?" Twilight could only nod in acceptance of this. Twilight forwarded this to the others later on at band practice.

"I guess being able to understand what animals are saying is more taxing than I thought." Sunset said as she strummed up her guitar.

"I hope the poor dear will be ok." Rarity said.

"Aw don't worry about it. She'll come around, she loves animals!" Rainbow waved off her concern.

"I hope so..." Twilight said. She then looked up and turned to AJ. "Applejack your brother is calling you." AJ looked confused for a moment until her phone started ringing and she saw who was calling.

"Hey Big Mac, what's..." Her eyes widened at what she heard. "WHAT!?"

"What's going on!?" Twilight asked.

"Big Mac says theres a manticore rampaging right through Sweet Apple Acres! He said it just came from the Everfree forest and started acting crazy! We need to get over there now!"

The girls then quickly packed away their instruments and were on their way.

Author's Note:

Yeah, the stories might be getting a little shorter from now on. It really depends on what girl is the focus of the story, how she would react to their power, and what I can come up with. Fluttershy for instance, would love to be able to actually talk with her animals, aside from having some fears about it, and I can imagine Pinkie embracing her power without hesitation.