• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 1,267 Views, 14 Comments

Love's Anathema - EagleOfDeath15

A stranded queen lost without a kingdom and a homely artist alone in an empire of steel and concrete. The pair unlikely, but the power of friendship can be found even in the most desolate of places.

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Chapter 3

[Marking’s P.O.V.]

Cosmetic and I had sat on the bench for quite a while, silently gazing out across the bay. Time passed us by quickly, allowing us to find reprieve from our conversation. I thought a lot about what Cosmetic had said, bouncing back and forth between worry and anxiety to distrust and even slight betrayal. This mare and I just seemed to… click, yet she definitely had something to hide. Maybe I had moved far too fast, even just between new friends, but I still found myself caring quite deeply. The way she spoke about herself only caused me to become disheartened, hearing the internal pain she struggled with. I found myself desiring to fix it, wanting to comfort my fellow pony and newfound friend, but it was very clear that this was not something that could just be wished away in a mere day.

Regardless… I felt as if I may have impacted her life in some way, as she stated before, and that perhaps life would finally give her a break. She would leave, and I would stay. I would rue every moment afterwhich, knowing I would never see her again, and perhaps she would too. Whether this was comforting or not I could not puzzle out, seeing as in one way it meant she cared just as much for me, while on the other hoof she too would be lamenting and in discomfort herself, something I did not wish upon her.

I give a small sigh. Life just does not play fair does it?

“It’s getting late. I should get going,” Cosmetic said suddenly, breaking the silence between us.

“I’ll walk you home,” I offered.

“No, it’s okay. I can take care of myself. Besides, you’re probably needed at the museum.” I dug for my pocket watch in my sleeve to check the time. It was 9 o’clock. The museum would have been closed for almost two hours now. I had nothing left to do. ‘Or I could walk her home.’

“The museum’s already closed, plus I had the rest of the day off remember?” I look at her. “Listen, I’ve said this before, but this has been one of my best days spent ever since moving here. And, maybe I have been too presumptuous about our relationship, but I can’t stress how happy I am to have met you. I know you’re going to leave back to Las Pegasus or wherever your heart’s content lies, so, at the risk of sounding cheesy and cliched, would you do me the honor of spending a little bit more of the night in your company walking you to where you currently reside?”

Cosmetic looked at me for a long while, a multitude of emotions racing across her face, before she finally raised an eyebrow. “You’re quite wordy, has anypony told you that?”

I cracked a wry grin. “I wouldn’t be as good at my job if I wasn’t.”

Cosmetic’s nostrils flared before she let out a little snort, smiling. “Alright, you got me.” Her smile flattened a bit and her eyes fell. “Ok.” Glancing up and noticing my confusion, she clarified. “Yes, you can walk me home.”

I gave an honest yet subdued smile. “Awesome. So where are you staying at?”

Cosmetic rolled her eyes. “A hotel, doofus. Where else would I be?”

‘She has a point there ol’ chap.’ Mentally shaking my hoof at my innerself, a stray thought caught my attention. Acting on it, I spoke. “Well, you could always come back to my place.” ‘Aaaaand that came out wrong. Good job brain, you dun goofed.’

“Oh-ho! What’s this?” She dramatically placed a hoof to her chest. “You dare suggest such an uncouth activity between strangers?” She narrowed her eyes at me playfully, slipping back into her earlier and better mood.

That’s not what I intended,’ I groaned mentally, facepalming. “No, no. I’m just taking you up on our friendly conversation earlier. Renting a hotel can be quite… expensive, especially considering we are in one of the biggest tourist traps in the nation. I’d just like to help ease any financial burden.” I explained defensively. Cosmetic rubbed her chin, looking more than a bit apprehensive when she realised I was being serious. “Plus, there’s free food.”

She gave a breathy chuckle before nodding. “Alright, fine. But,” she poked my chest. “No funny business. I’m watching you.” She proceeded to give me a single stink eye.

“I promise. You can trust my word,” I reassured. Cosmetic nodded again as we got up off of the cold wooden bench and began to walk away from the bay. I led the way to my house as my companion followed, navigating the numerous blocks. Manehattan, even at night was still bustling with activity which made it all the more lively. After some time walking down the crowded streets, we finally made it back to my apartment. I reached for my keys in my breast pocket and unlocked the door and opened it, holding it open for my guest.

“After you,” I gestured.

“Thank you.” Cosmetic walked inside as I followed, closing the door behind me and locking it. The apartment was dark, but warm. I quickly turned on the light for her before taking off my new beanie and hanging it on a nearby hook, taking Cosmetic’s winter wear and hanging it for her as well. We both knocked off our hooves on the entryway rug before I gestured with a hoof, “Right this way.” She followed me into the living room and I turned on a lamp while she looked around with an appreciative eye. “Please, have a seat.” Cosmetic moved over to the couch and sat down, still looking around while she got comfortable. She remained silent, which unnerved me a bit. ‘Perhaps I shouldn’t have invited her over. Maybe I overstepped boundaries here and she doesn’t feel comfortable.’ I blinked. ‘Well, what’s done is done. You wanted the extra time, and now you’ve got it. Make the best of it.’

Nodding to myself with newfound conviction, I smiled as Cosmetic turned towards me. “Make yourself at home. I’ll go make some dinner,” I said. I left the living room and made my way to the kitchen to prepare a late dinner, leaving my guest alone to her own devices. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Today had been amazing, and now I only prayed that it stayed that way. Pulling myself together, I entered the kitchen and started to get to work.

[Chrysalis’ P.O.V.]

Marking walked off to his kitchen which left me alone in his living room. I sat there, gazing around the place that was slightly disorganized in some parts, but in a good way. The room was decorated with various art pieces and other types of work that were hanging on the walls in a professional manner. ‘I assume he spends his spare time drawing’. Another thought had crossed my mind just now but I shook it off in the hopes of asking him later.

After sometime, during which I had gotten up and explored a bit more, finding the few other rooms, I heard footsteps approaching which I guessed was Marking. With him, I could smell the aroma of his ‘dinner’. Marking popped his head through the door. “Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. If you please follow me, dinner is ready.” He turned around and made his way back while I stood up on my hooves and followed. I followed the scent and found Marking standing by the table, setting two plate sets and silverware. The table held a small variety of simple looking food, yet it did look quite tempting, even for one who had rare need for it. Marking gestured me over to a seat which I took with little hesitation. “Bon appetit,” Marking said. I cocked an eyebrow at him before giving a small amused smile.

Picking up the silverware with one of my wings, something I had practiced many, many times to fit non unicorn disguises, I began eating. Once again, I was taken by surprise of the food’s taste. It was spicy, but probably not all that much, considering my sensitivity. I continued to eat the spiced salad, causing my eyes to water a bit and my mouth to dry up a bit. ‘He has a taste for spice, I’ll give him that’.

“How is it?”

I looked up at the stallion, finishing my mouthful before answering. “It’s good, I’m just uh, still sensitive to spice.” I smiled at him. “I still like it though. What is it?”

“It’s simply called southwestern salad. I know,” he preempted, “not very creative. But, I’ll be sure to make it a bit more tame for you next time.” The last part of his sentence held a pang of sadness in it, I could feel it. I didn’t let my own sadness at seeing his offput moment show and instead continued to eat, trying to enjoy the fallen silence.

I pushed away my plate after I finished eating what was on my plate. Marking sighed loudly in relief. “That hit the spot. I hope you enjoyed it,” he mumbled in content. I nodded, before sitting in silence. Suddenly, my mind crossed back to my thoughts from earlier. ‘I should ask him now.’

“Can I ask you something?” I began. Marking gazed over to me.

“Go ahead.” Marking sat in silence, ready to answer my question.

“Why… why are going through all this effort?” I frowned before looking upwards with a twirling hoof to emphasize as I continued. “Even if I was able to stay in Manehatten, why bother making friends with somepony who clearly has problems, problems that would only cause you trouble?” Marking furrowed his eyebrows, causing me to groan on the inside. “Why invite me to your house and give me dinner?” I further interrogated, distrust rolling forth from the hurt I felt, caused by allowing our friendship to tighten, only to know that it would all be for naught. I can’t lie to myself as I feel my confusion roiling inside me, conflicting emotions and thoughts mucking up my sense of judgement and loosening my self control as I continued to work myself up. Sensing his own distress hit me harder than it rightfully should have.

Marking looked at me in pain, indecision etched on his muzzle. The concern and worry emanating from him was genuine, and so honestly pure. He really did care. It had been a very, very long time since I last felt the tickling heat traveling down my muzzle, the sensation almost alien in its unfamiliarity. I instantly turned my head away in shame, tucking my muzzle down into my hooves as I shook, trying to hide the painful shivers wracking throughout my body.

Before I could recuperate and make good on my escape, a pair of forelegs wrapped around me, my head bumping up against smooth yet warm silk as I was gently yet firmly held. “Hey, hey it’s alright. It’s ok.” A gentle squeeze accompanied the words.

I wanted to lash out, to push back against the comfort and love. This horrible, dreadful thing was the bringer of my pain and anguish. It brought me to my knees in one fell swoop and converted me to this mass of quivering, broken weakness. I was stronger than this, yet here I was, a now crying disappointment. My muscles flexed and my own forelegs moved, ready to push him away on an adrenaline and anger fueled rage.

Instead, they ended up wrapping around and squeezing onto the stallion in front of me, pressing the side of my muzzle into his chest harder, clinging to him. Soft sobs occasionally pushed past my trapped jaw, escaping my internal prison. All thought was out the door as I fell into the tumultuous depths of my own emotions, many of them having been locked away for years. His grip suddenly started to tighten and my face slipped up his chest and passed over his shoulder, our heads side by side as we hugged one another.

A slight and brief buzzing sound came from behind me, my crying eyes opening just enough to stare in utter horror. Two black and hole filled limbs clung to the back of Marking, leaving no question about my current form. I started to shiver again, only much more violently. It was over. All this care and love. This newfound friendship. The comfort I was currently getting. It was all for naught. It’s done. Trembling in fear and pain, I grabbed on harder, desperate to get any last little bit out of my crumbling friendship.

No surprised shouts or frantic death threats ensued. His grip didn’t loosen and his own turning emotions did not change to anything negative. Instead, almost a feeling of finality came over him, as if many of his worries were answered or sated. He knew what I was, my transformation caused by my broken spirit was not discreet in anyway. Yet… he stayed. It had been so very, very long since I had somepony not react in disgust or fear of me… and the change of compassion hit me harder than I could have ever prepared for.

My sobs broke free and my head pressed into his. He responded by pushing back gently, starting to rub my back soothingly, his hooves sliding over my chitin. Gentle shushing sounds tickled my ear as his warm embrace soothed me. We stayed trapped in each other’s embrace for an unknown amount of time, clinging to one another. I soon quieted down and a stillness fell over us, the night not daring to interrupt us.

My eyes slowly cracked open, pressure pushing behind them as I sniffled a bit. I took in a deep and shuddery breath before letting it out smoothly. With a painful swallow, I finally pulled back, slipping free of his limbs. Even while he was standing, my sitting position on the chair gave me an inch or two on him in height, forcing me to look down just a bit to look him in the eyes. I searched his yellow and black depths, seeing my changeling state mirrored in the low light casted in them. He did not recoil, he did not start, and he did not break. He gazed right back, undeterred.

With another small sigh, I closed my eyes briefly before slowly climbing out of the chair, my long legs easily touching down on the floor. I broke his gaze and looked down at the floor, moving slowly around him before dragging myself towards the door.


I almost missed it. It was quiet, soft. I almost passed it off as something my dreadful and long since buried hopes drug up in a final effort at grasping straws. But… the silence of the room left no room for doubt. I stopped. My body position remained the same, head down, ears flat, and body sagging. I closed my eyes and stayed still for a few seconds before I was able to work out a single word.


There was a moment of silence before he responded. “You didn’t let me answer your question.” My muzzle crinkled in confusion until he continued, “Why would I go through the trouble of spending time with somepony who I met under trying circumstances? Why would I try to be a good friend to them and offer a day free of worries?” My head still down, I could hear him taking a few steps towards me, but staying just out of my personal space. “Why would I care?”

He took a breath. “It’s because, while you may have some faults and some troubles, everypony deserves a second chance.”

My jaw tightened as shook my head. “No, no not everypony does.” My voice, my real voice, cracked a bit, hoarse from my emotions. “There is never going to be a chance at redemption for me or my kind.”

“Why not?”

A snarl broke out across my muzzle before I whip my head towards him, “Look at what I did to you ponies! I ordered an unprovoked attack against your seat of government out of selfish needs, pushing it further by striking down your monarch! But not only did I invoke the wrath and hatred of your kind, but my own race is paying the price for my mistakes! I have condemned us all and there is no forgiveness to be had!” Losing steam, my fang filled maw closed and my head dropped once again. I took a breath. “That’s why there’s no point. I don’t expect anything but the continued ire of the world for the Changelings. Nothing will change it.”

The room fell into that familiar silence that had followed the pair around all day, continuously striking at inopportune moments for the two. I allowed it to linger for a little while longer before shaking my head. “It’s over.”

The stallion snorted behind me. “It’s not over unless you give in.” He started to pace a little bit behind me. “What you did in Canterlot… that hurt many ponies. I can’t deny that. Most will forever curse you for what you did and call for your imprisonment, some may even wish for worse. But all of this can be changed!” He stopped moving. “Look at Nightmare Moon! Her conflict resulted in deaths! Neither you or your drones killed anypony. That’s a fair bit better I’d say, and Princess Luna was forgiven for her damage. What makes you any different?”

I turned around, looking straight at him as my wings buzzed in irritation. “That was a different time in a different place! Things were different then and she had a thousand years for her actions to fade from time! What I did should have no different impact in today’s world! I’m at a loss, so you tell me, what does make me different!?”

Marking closed his eyes before looking me in the eyes. “Today was an amazing day and I saw and felt so much good in you. I felt comfortable and like I was in the presence of a true friend. Even with the rough start, you still proved to be kind and funny.” Giving a small, sad smile, he continued. “Whether you want to accept it or not, you showed me so much and gave away plenty about yourself… unless you’re good enough at infiltration to fool me into thinking that the happiness and the sadness you went through was genuine.” He took a brave step towards me. “Is the pain and brokenness I tried to comfort all a part of your plan to get close to me?” He took a final step near me. “Are the tear stains on your muzzle fake?”

“Stop!” I yelled, taking a step away from him, tears starting to well out of my eyes again. “Just… stop.”

“When are you going to allow yourself to look for forgiveness in those you’ve wronged? When do you free yourself from this constant pain and regret and allow happiness to come back in? When will the running end… Chrysalis?”

With a small sob, I sit down and bow my head, squeezing my eyes shut. Marking stayed silent, allowing me to think over what had been said. I struggled to keep my cries in check, working through the pain I had unknowingly bottled up throughout the past three years, pain that this chance encounter with this stallion had caused it to make itself known. It was like a wound that had festered for far too long and was only now being purged and cleansed of its vile sickness, restoring the mind and body of its purity.

Through the tumultuous emotions, a moment of clarity touched my mind. Marking was the only one I had ever encountered who viewed me as a friend, and not only that, but I had never felt this vulnerable yet safe at the same time. Marking had not once done anything to make me question his friendliness and his intentions at all throughout the time I had known him, and had only proven to be a solid and reliable source of comfort and happiness… the little that I had experienced in my life.

Knowing this, I gritted my teeth as a new guilt washed over me. I had deceived him, and no matter what consequences would come my way from revealing this, he deserved the truth. He deserved far more for what he had done for me. “Marking... I, I wronged you.”

He shook his head. “No, I can forgive you for a little smoke and mirrors. I can understand why you would need to hide, and-”

I raised a hoof to stop him. “You deserve better, you need to know the truth before you can even consider forgiving me.” I took a deep breath and calmed down, knowing that this would either break the chance he would give me, or he would show just how far he was willing to be there for somepony. “I didn’t just trick you, but I also used you.”

He looked on in confusion before realization slowly started to dawn on his features. “The guards…”

I nodded. “When they confronted me in the museum, I influenced you with a bit of mental magic to make them leave.”

Marking himself sat down, his features starting to become blank. “Has… has this whole day consisted of this? Was I under your influence the whole time?”

I could feel the hurt and confusion starting to drive into me from him, tasting the sour fear he was emanating that he had been wrong about everything. I contemplated in allowing him to think this, into letting his pain turn into anger towards me. It was a reaction I was far more used to and I knew how it would end. I would have my golden opportunity to leave, having him as my usher, moving me along faster as he would no doubt be yelling for the guards.
But… even in the uncertainty of the unknown, I heard his words of finding forgiveness and stopping my indefinite marathon. With his words bringing hope, I decided to speak. “Marking, I promise you that I only used my magic on you then and to stop you from asking further about the guards at lunch. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I swear to you the rest of the day was all you and that I played no part in your choices or feelings.”

His features slowly relaxed into something more lifelike, something that I never really thought I’d find so relieving. He didn’t say anything in response and the two of us sat still in one another's presence, calming down after everything that had just happened.

Finally, with a weak chuckle, he spoke. “Heh, that would explain why I had the cojones to kick the guards out of there. Not sure I would have risked any kind of legal lash back from that.”

I smiled weakly back. “Well, you still had to have something to work with for me to do that, so you still held some sort of anchor either towards me or against the guards. So… thank you… for getting me out of there.”

He waved a foreleg at me. “Anytime.” He rubbed his muzzle. “Is there anything else I should know about?”

I frowned. “I did accidentally feed on you when we were in the park. I lost self control and started to unknowingly drain you.”

“That would explain the weird fatigue I had, although it wasn’t as bad as the warnings made it out to be.”

I shook my head. “That reminds me, did you not have any suspicions of me? You know the warning signs.”

The brown stallion shrugged. “The vase thing confused me a bit. It’s pretty heavy, and catching it with your bare hooves seemed a bit far fetched to me.”

I simply tapped my twisted horn at that one. “It drained me a bit, but I didn’t want that thing falling on me either. Being knocked unconscious without setting up a more permanent disguise would have been bad news for me.”

“Ah. Thanks for catching it then, not only because it would have prevented harm to you, but it would have gotten me in a lot of trouble.” He smiled at my small nod. “Other than that, there was one other small discrepancy that I noticed. I thought I saw your eyes change color briefly when you were eating. I take it that was due to your surprise though.”

Knowing that I was just burning time with small talk now and that we were ignoring the elephant in the room in an effort to retain any kind of normalcy we had before, I decided to move things along. “So… what now?”

The earth pony stallion blinked before getting back up on his hooves. “I don’t know, that really is up to you isn’t it? You could keep doing whatever you had planned to do… or you could try to come up with a new plan. Maybe something a friend can help you out with.”

He smiled a bit when I gave him a straight deadpan, before I sighed in defeat. “I have been on the run for three years. Manehatten was to be my final destination before I boarded a ship and leave the country entirely.” I frowned. “I wouldn’t ever return. I’d more than likely disappear off of the face of the planet all together if your princesses chose not to pursue me across continents.”

Marking nodded. “Sounds like a good plan. But is it what you want?”

I looked up at him, “It doesn’t really matter what I want. You spoke of forgiveness and that I should stop running, but what other options do I have? If I stay, I’ll eventually be found out. They’ll arrest me and then I’ll become another exhibit in Canterlot’s gardens, or worse yet, sent to Tartarus.”

Marking frowned. “Well, I’d like to say that I find the idea of you being turned to stone rather silly, but I can’t really discount it given all the jazz that’s happened with Discord’s breakout, his second imprisonment, followed again by his eventual freedom.” He sighed. “If you want to stop running, the only option you really have is to turn yourself in.”

“What!?” I hissed, baring my fangs. “Are you crazy? How would that help me in the slightest?”

“You surrender peacefully as an act of goodwill, then you must play to the cards that will grant you forgiveness. If you truly mean what you say, I’m certain that you’ll get the second chance you need.”

He spoke sincerely, yet I couldn’t help but feel like he was giving his government more credit than they were due. Although, given how soft ponies were…. I tilted my head slightly, keeping my eyes on him. I took a moment before responding, “I’ll consider it. It’s… a chance I’m not entirely sure I’m willing to take yet.”

Marking nodded. “I’m glad that you’re willing to think on it.” He glanced at the table, before turning back to me. “Well, that was quite enough excitement for one night,” he smiled weakly at me, causing me to give a strained one back. “Would you like to go clean up in the bathroom? I’ll wrap the dishes up quickly and meet you back in the living room?”

“Alright,” I replied quietly. He stayed sitting for a moment before giving me a nod. He stood up and moved over to the table, starting to clean up the dishes we used. Taking a breath, I got up on my own hooves, having a good foot or two in height over Marking. Having already explored, I turned away from the brown earth pony and made my way down the hall and into the bathroom, turning on the light switch with a small flick of my magic.

Staring into the mirror, I saw myself looking back with bloodshot and weary eyes. I inspected every inch of my face, starting from the tips of my fangs poking out from beneath my top lip, to the spiraled and gnarled horn stretching above my head. The visage was something that few had seen with their own eyes, and those that did had never reacted to it with anything other than fear, revulsion, and anger. Ponies prided themselves with being creatures of friendship and acceptance, but underlying their sugar coated lie was a sea of cynicism and judgement. They were no better than the other species they shared the planet with. All of them, when faced with the unknown and potentially dangerous, would lash out and push away the offenders. The memory of my past selves had seen this many times, and there had never been a different outcome, even in the times of great bounty.

This one being I had sought refuge in however, had given me a chance, even when he had found out about the danger present. Now wasn’t a time to throw caution to the wind, but I had already taken a risk and I had not received the expected outcome. Taking a breath, I decided I would push the envelope a bit further along. I trusted Marking and his words, but I did not trust those who he claimed I should seek forgiveness from. Blinking, I began to second guess the trust I had in myself.

‘What am I doing?’

Sighing, my magic reached out and turned on the water, running it at a lukewarm temperature. I then grabbed a hanging face towel and soaked it under the water, pressing it to my face after a few seconds. I had a brief moment of thankfulness that I lacked fur in this form, allowing me to clean up my hard chitin quickly with a few good scrubs.

I squeezed the water out of the towel before, lacking an obvious place to put it, I draped it over the hoofhold inside the shower door. Turning the light off and leaving the bathroom, I instead went to the kitchen, peeking around the corner to catch Marking just as he placed the last dirty dish into the sink. He turned around and spotted me watching him. To his credit, he didn’t jump.

“Hey, feeling a bit better?”

I hesitated before nodding. “Yes.”

He wiped his forehooves off on a kitchen towel before taking a few steps toward me, having to move his head up slightly to look up at me. “Would you like to sit down for a while? If you want to talk or anything we can.”

Closing my eyes, I took a few breaths before the weight of the evening settled on me, making me feel like I weighed a few dozen pounds heavier. “I don’t think I have the energy to.” I opened my green eyes, looking into his yellow ones. “I think I really need to rest for now.”

Marking nodded. “Alright. I have a guest bedroom you can use. It’s just down the hall here.” I stepped aside and followed after Marking as he lead me into the hallway, the brown stallion then stepping into one of the few darkened doorways to turn on the light. “Here we are.” Moving into the room, I quickly took in the comfy space, noting the clean bed, small dresser, recliner, and pleasant yet weak fragrance. The curtains blocked the city light from the window very well. “Is there anything you need? There are extra blankets in the small closet if you get cold.”

I stepped closer to the bed before turning around. “No, this is fine.”

Marking nodded before looking around. Popping his lips, he backed out into the hallway. “My room is right across the hall if you need anything. I’ll leave you be then, Chrysalis.” He then closed the door and I could hear his hoofsteps walking away. I stared at the door for a solid minute, my mind blank and empty, before I walked over to the window, pulling the curtains aside. All that greeted me was the lit up brick wall of the building across the alley. Sighing, I closed it and pulled back the covers of the bed with my magic. After settling in, I covered myself and flicked the lights off with nary a thought.

Laying my head on the cool soft pillow, I looked deep into the darkness on the ceiling, theories of what would happen now racing around my cranium. I didn’t know what I was doing, and while Marking’s suggestions were ludicrous and that of a fool, it still didn’t explain what the buck I was doing sleeping in a guest bed undisguised after having slipped up in my cover. His reasoning was that of a hope filled optimist, clutching to the useless beams of light as if they actually held value. The only reason I had for still being here was… trust.

I closed my eyes and shifted a bit, slowly starting to sink into slumber. Trust was something I sorely lacked and it felt surprisingly good to have it again. The thought that he would betray the trust I put in him and wake up to chains and guards was pushed aside, useless in that it would only serve to keep me from falling asleep. Knowing there was little I could do to help myself if I were to fall asleep, I decided to let go for once.

The bed was better than cold stone or metal anyways.

[Marking’s P.O.V.]

The warm water in the sink was one of the few things keeping me relatively calm and relaxed, my fur dragging through it as I slowly scrubbed the few dishes. The mindless work allowed me to think on more important things, like the fact that the queen of the Changelings herself was staying in my guest room on my behest. When her disguise had fallen, I instantly realized that any suspicions I had were confirmed and that I should have pushed away from her and ran as fast and as far as I could.

Needless to say, that wasn’t what ended up happening. During that brief moment between thought and action, all I felt was pain, sadness, and even the love of friendship. She was dangerous, yes, but she was also in distress and seeking comfort. When she had gripped me harder, it didn’t feel malicious. My only response was not the logical one my brain had started screaming at me. Instead action took over and I did my best to help soothe my friend. She wasn’t Chrysalis, Destroyer of Canterlot and Eater of Love, but instead was still Cosmie. Sure, her outward appearance was bigger, light consuming black, and a lot harder and insectoid in appearance and texture, but the inside and emotions she was going through was her true self, which she had reassured me was exactly what I had experienced throughout the time I had spent with her.

I had been thinking for about ten minutes before I pulled the plug in the sink and allowed to drain, turning the valve for the cold water as I began to rinse the suds away. I placed the clean dishes on a drying rack before drying my own hooves. Finished, the light was turned off and I headed for my bedroom. As I stepped into my room, I noticed the light was also off in the guest room, no doubt signalling that Chrysalis had gone to sleep herself. I blinked before shutting my door most of the way, leaving an inch or two gap. The dress shirt came off easily enough and I turned off my own light before climbing into bed, feeling the fatigue of the day.

The room still had a faint presence of light as the curtains were partially open, letting me take in the detail of the kerneled ceiling above me. Closing my eyes, my mind still insisted on discussing Chrysalis and what exactly I was doing. The fact that she had manipulated me with magic at a point or two throughout the day was scary and I would be lying if I didn’t feel small spikes of anger, mistrust, and fear over that. But, knowing she had openly admitted to it when I was willing to forgive her so quickly gave me the reasoning that she wasn’t a monster, certainly not the merciless monster Equestrian’s made her out to be at the very least. Ponies weren’t necessarily the most reliable of sources anyway, if you looked at how we would react in situations. Given, we are prey animals guided by herd-think and tend to startle easily, choosing one leader to follow aimlessly.

Realizing my thoughts were going a bit off topic, I settled on what I knew. Chrysalis had been honest with me, from what I could tell, and was nothing at all like I would have expected. She was smart, funny, and humble. These were things that she didn’t have to implement in her disguise, as that alone would fool most ponies. Nopony would suspect that a mean, cruel, and cynical mare was a changeling, they’d simply think that there must have been a donkey along the family tree somewhere. Instead, she had shown to be an interesting and friendly… well, friend. She had the same ability to hurt and cry as any other pony did, and I was no biologist, but I’m pretty certain that also meant she was capable of loving and caring for others. These thoughts are what allowed me to feel trust for her and stayed any fear of her being just right across the hall.

Finally satisfied with my sated thoughts, I imagined what tomorrow would bring and what it be like with my new guest and friend. I meant every word I said to her and hoped she would take my advice. That way, I wouldn’t have to go through the process of passing by a good pony and leaving them to the dark while they themselves could find their own peace and meaning in the future. A win-win in my book.

I had just felt the clutches of sleep gripping me when I heard a muffled knock. I opened my eyes and looked towards my door, waiting to see if the sound was Chrysalis at my door. When nothing was forthcoming, I blinked and laid my head back down. Not a second later I heard another muted knock. Looking at the door again, I spoke softly.

“Chrysalis? Are you alright?” When my words were answered only with silence, I peeled away the blanket before getting to my hooves, shuffling over to the door. Opening it, I was greeted only with the shadows of the hallway. I stood there for a few moments before the knock sounded again, only this time I identified the source coming from behind the door of the guestroom. Moving over to it, I placed my ear up against the cool wood, straining to hear. I didn’t hear anything at first until I slowly started picking up on what sounded like pieces of fabric being shifted against one another. The knock sounded twice in a row before the room went quiet again.

Intrigued, and a bit worried, I tapped lightly against the door. “Chrysalis?” Receiving no response, I cracked open the door and peeked inside. My eyes adjusted quickly to the darker room and I spotted Chrysalis still in the bed. The bed covers already looked ruffled and it became apparent as to why when I witnessed Chrysalis move in discomfort, her horn knocking slightly against the headboard as she moved her head. Her eyes were locked closed and she was asleep. Seeing she was not sleeping well, I stepped out, leaving the door open as I went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. Making my way back, I noticed she had moved yet again. Slowly, I walked into the room, trying to keep my hoofsteps as quiet as possible. I set the glass down on the small bedside table before my gaze fell on the Changeling queen herself.

Her face was tight as if in discomfort and a small grimace crawled across her muzzle. I frowned, but knowing there wasn’t anything more I could do, I made to step back before her lips parted slightly, whispered words slipping through. My ears perked, but I wasn’t able to make out what she said. I took a step closer, almost pressing against the bed as I dropped my head closer to hers, curious about what she might be in so much distress about.

That was my mistake. Or that was the beginning of something special. It depends on who you ask.

Dropping my head had caused me to lean far enough that my chest bumped the bed. With a flash of green, my world went dizzy briefly before I was firmly pressed onto the bed beside Chrysalis. I blinked my eyes to help clear my focus before I realized Chrysalis’ own striking green iris’ were staring right back into mine. I smiled a bit meakly. She didn’t seem amused.

“What are you doing in here?”

I could practically hear the suspicion in her voice, and by the way her figure seemed tense, she wasn’t exactly relaxed. Clearing my throat, I gestured over to the water by the bed with my head. “You uh, you sounded like you were having a nightmare almost. I could hear you moving from across the hall. I brought you a glass of water.”

Chrysalis glanced at the water before looking back at me. Her withers visibly relaxed and she nodded. “Thank you.” Her horn becoming surrounded in a green aura, she levitated the glass over to her and took a few swallows before putting it back, leaving me to stay put and watch her the whole time. After she looked back at me, she blinked.

Feeling like I should say something, I went for an apology. “Sorry for disturbing you.”

“No worries, I’m sorry for marehandling you a bit.”

I smiled cheekily. “It’s nothing I’m not used to.” She proceeded to roll her eyes. I admittedly felt better, and the atmosphere between us was alright. Maybe not without some imperfect feelings of tension or awkwardness, but it was alright. Realizing I was still staring at her a bit, I coughed. “I’ll uh, leave now. Try to get some sleep alright?”

I moved my forehooves under my barrel and started to push against the effect of gravity before a chitinous hoof layed on my back. “Wait.” I paused, looking at the Changeling in confusion. She looked like she was debating something internally before she locked gazes with me. “Will you stay?”

I looked at her incredulously. “What?”

She blew air through her nose. “Will you stay with me? I think I’d sleep a bit better if… if a friend was nearby.”

Relaxing, I studied her, trying to discern if she had any unseen motives. Seeing nothing of the sort, I asked, “Are you sure?” When she nodded, I smiled softly. “Alright, but you better not hog all the blankets.”

“Shush you.” She smiled gratefully. “Truly though, thank you Marking.”

I slipped under the covers, but kept my hooves to myself, leaving space between the two of us. The two of us faced towards one another, allowing me to get a really good look at her. My eyes traced the contours of her horn, moving on to her strangely shaped ears. The glint of her two pointy fangs was a bit disconcerting, but I was pretty confident she wouldn’t use them to hurt me, and they were rather interesting to look at up close when not threatened by a predator. Realizing I was staring at her, her eyes drug mine into them, and I blushed as I saw her looking right back at me with the same intensity, her eyebrow raised slightly.

“Paint a picture, it’ll last longer.” Aaaaaand that is where I died internally. The small smile on her face was worth it though, and I chuckled to her joke good naturedly. We quieted down and eventually the dark pools in the sea of green caused me to get drowsy. She blinked slowly before whispering. “You’re a good friend Marking.” She closed her eyes. “I’ll see you in the morning.” I too closed my eyes, feeling at peace. Soon enough, I began drifting away into unconsciousness, the warmth of her, the bed, and the friendship I felt I had with her gently escorting me into the dream realm. Whatever may come tomorrow, would be and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Together though, we would overcome, and it promised to be something to look forward to.

The first thing I registered was warmth, a deep heat everywhere underneath the covers. Getting a feel for what was going on, I slowly opened my eyes, low levels of light struggling to penetrate through the heavy curtain. After the initial confusion passed after waking up in the guest bedroom and the memories of last night came rushing in, I blushed heavily. The reason for all the warmth became immediately apparent. Another body was pressed up against mine. I could feel her gentle breaths pushing back and forth against me as her back was pressed up against my chest. She was still asleep and I eventually overcame my embarrassment as I realized she had just shuffled closer throughout the night. I sighed quietly and remained lying where I was, taking a few minutes to appreciate what had transpired yesterday and how it lead to this. I closed my eyes and listened to her gentle breathing, perfectly content with just how wrong everypony’s thoughts on this particular Changeling was.

Eventually, the heat started becoming uncomfortable, and the call of nature making itself known was more like a foghorn on a Seaddle morning. Carefully extracting myself from the slumbering queen, I slipped out from underneath the covers and gave my pelt a quick shake. Giving a quick stretch, a spontaneous idea bloomed in my mind and I quietly exited the room. Moving into the bathroom, I washed up before making my way into the kitchen, thinking over a few good breakfast ideas. Deciding that I wanted to do something rather nice, I grabbed a few eggs, some bread, and veggie bacon.

Don’t ask who’s smart idea it was to try and substitute bacon for a vegetarian species, much less how they know what bacon tasted like.

Moving with an odd morning grace, I went about cooking while setting up a food tray and any other things I found essential for my creation. I was only occupied for about 15 minutes before everything was complete. Satisfied with the looks of the spread, I placed the tray on my back and made my way back to the guest room. Pushing the door open wider, I looked inside and noticed that Chrysalis was already awake, her head looking over her back at me as I walked in. She zeroed in on the tray on my back instantly.

“Good morning!” I greeted cheerfully, although ensuring I wasn’t too loud for newly wakened ears.

“Morning, did you make that for me?” She started to push herself up against the headboard, almost sitting upright. “You didn’t have to.”

I shook my head, walking further into the room until I was right next to her. “No, I insist. I hope you like it, I went easy on any seasonings.” I waited until she was situated before I picked up the tray in my teeth. I hadn’t moved an inch before I felt the strange tingly sensation of magic in my mouth. The tray was gently pulled from me as Chrysalis levitated it onto her lower belly for me. Her eyes looked on it appreciatively.

“It looks really good.” She browsed through the contents before raising an eyebrow. “Veggie bacon?” I shrugged before she just blinked. She picked up a piece of jammed toast before taking a bite. She gave a brief hum of approval before looking at me.

“Not too sweet is it?” I asked, recalling her reactions to the different kinds of foods I made her try yesterday.

She shook her head no. “Someone was paying attention I see.” She smiled before tilting her head. “Did you make any for yourself?”

“Not yet, but I just wanted to make sure you like it first.” I rubbed the back of my head. “I have to keep up my manners after all.”

Chrysalis gave me a squinty smile before gesturing away with her hoof. “Go, you need to eat just as much as I do, and something that’s actually completely nourishing for you.”

I nodded in compliance before leaving her be, walking back into the kitchen. It didn’t take long to get everything cooking before something she had said stuck into the forefront of my brain. She stated that I needed something that was “nourishing” for me. My eyes widened a bit in realization. She was a Changeling.

Well, duh, but that’s not what I was getting at. She was a creature that fed on emotions, or at least that was a bit of the little we knew about Changelings. I frowned as I thought about it. ‘Does she require actual food though? Does it do anything for her? Or… is she just feeding on any emotion I’ve been providing for her?’

I hadn’t felt any weird feelings like I had in the park when she admitted to me that she had fed on me. But, maybe that could be explained away by her only feeding on small amounts instead? This was something that, while I did trust the good I’d seen in Chrysalis, I’d need to make a point of talking to her about, and soon.


I jumped a bit when a quick, solid, trio of knocks emanated throughout the apartment. I looked over my shoulder, turning down the heat on the cooking food. I kept an ear perked before moving quickly yet quietly through the kitchen and living room. I was just about to step into the hallway to check on Chrysalis before she almost ran into me herself. Her eyes were wide in concern and, when I looked closer, fear.

“Who’s that!?” she asked quickly, using her superior height to look past me.

“Shh!” I placed a hoof on her chest. “I’ll go see who it is, you just go back into the bedroom alright? I’ll take care of it.”

The Changeling queen looked down at me with eyes narrowed in worry. “Alright.” She took a few small steps backwards before she turned and headed back into the room, closing the door behind her.

I took a few breaths before another series of knocks echoed throughout the apartment. Running a hoof in an effort to flatten my morning mane quickly, I turned around and headed towards the small entryway. “Coming!” Reaching the door, I cracked my neck briefly before putting on a smile and opening the door. “Hello, how can I-” I didn’t finish my sentence as my eyes widened and my gut dropped like a stone.

“Greetings, my faithful subject.”

[Princess Luna’s P.O.V.]

Walking briskly through the cold morning streets, I made my way to the target building, two escorts tailing along behind me. We were to link up with a small contingent of advanced guards who had already set up a discreet perimeter. Normally, situations involving the bugs did not require my direct intervention, but the priority messages I had been receiving were severe enough for me to secure immediate transportation to the sprawling coastal metropolis.

The aftermath of the Canterlot Invasion had consisted of many lessons learned and many precautions to be made. New strategies had been made to counter the abilities of the Changelings which the majority had been attributed to the Unicorn Guard branch. Citizens were advised to report any suspicious activity in order to effectively deal with the bug threat. I was doubtful of the report given to me by the Manehattan garrison but it’s best not to overlook it. You never know what could be hiding beneath appearances.

“Follow me.” The sergeant nodded as he motioned the group of guards to fall in behind while I led the way. I open the doors with my magic and entered the building as discreetly as possible. A few early morning ponies gasped at my sudden and unannounced appearance, but a guard would quickly intercept to give them a few simple instructions to help prevent their arrival from being blown. I scaled the staircases quickly and arrived on the floor of the pony harboring the changeling, whether knowingly or not was yet to be determined.

While I walked past and scanned the numbered doors, I took the last few moments I had to think about what I knew. Marking Canvas, the earth pony who had been in the changeling’s company since the bug’s failed capture, was a renowned curator for the local museum. His hobbies and lifestyle were very simple and utilitarian in nature, a textbook minimalist in some cases. He came from a small village in the deserts south of Las Pegasus and had very family oriented ideals. He sported no record and was an upstanding citizen of Equestria. He was clean… unless this incident proved otherwise.

Arriving at the door to his apartment, the line of guards behind me took up positions alongside the walls on both sides of the door. There would be pegasi ready to intercept any sort of aerial escape while the ponies on the ground had the building surrounded. All of this was backed by the power of the princess of the night herself. There would be no escape this time.

I only hoped that the changeling implied in the urgent reports wasn’t really who it was, and that if she was indeed here that it wasn’t too late to save Marking. Having digested all my thoughts and signalling to the Guard to standby in case things became violent, I let out a breath and reached out with my hoof.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The sharp rapping quickly faded away and I stood still for a moment in wait, hoping somepony would answer. The silence was oppressive and the tension was heavy. Hearing no movement on the other side a sense of worry began to grow inside me. Drawing the magic within me in preparation of a conflict, I tried knocking one last time. It would be the last time.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was only a moment of silence before I heard a quick “Coming!”. The voice was male and nothing about it sounded abnormal, which was a good sign. There was only a few quick seconds that passed before the door finally clicked open, just wide enough to fit a pony through, which was currently occupied by the brown earth pony.

“Hello, how can I--” he greeted but stopped mid sentence. The moment his eyes laid upon me, his voice died out. He stood still with wide eyes and mouth slightly open, having been interrupted mid speech. This wasn’t an uncommon reaction to having a princess show up on your doorstep unannounced.

“Greetings, my faithful subject,” I addressed formally. I waited for a response from him, but when none seemed forthcoming, I began to pay close attention to him. In a mere moment I had read everything about him, from his body language, to his unkempt mane, and finally his eyes, of which I was paying particularly close attention for any signs of magic tampering or mind control.

“O-oh! H-hello your highness!” He starts briefly before dipping into a low bow. He cleared his throat before standing back up, my sharp and investigative gaze noting that he wasn’t in a challenging posture, but nor was he relaxed any. “Welcome to my humble abode. How may I help you your Majesty?” He had started out stammering, but had finished off with a smoother greeting.

“There are some things we must talk about.” I looked past him, catching only a small view of his apartment. “There have been some rumors that I must address.”

His posture sagged. “O-oh? What about your Highness?”

Taking a gamble, and wanting to see how he’d react, I became blunt in my intentions. “Something tells me you know full well what I wish to discuss, Mr. Canvas.” To his credit, while I could see right through him, having the experience of lifetimes when it came to reading others, he only put up a token resistance when his eyes hardened, before another side of him decided it would be smart to avoid being deceitful, his eyes breaking contact as he looked towards the floor. He hesitated only momentarily before responding.

“Yes… I know what… who you’re here for.” His gaze moved back up to mine, bravely looking me in the eye.

‘Searching my own intentions perhaps?’ There was no evidence of mind control at play, so I did not take action… yet. He wasn’t in fear and he did not have any sign of injury. Judging by the lack of pleas or hints for help, and his honest yet reluctant response, he wasn’t in a particular hurry to turn her over…. What this could mean could be a bit disturbing, but that didn’t match the records of the stallion. ‘How curious….’ I decided to play the game a bit longer, intrigued by his actions thus far.

“I see. And I believe I might just know where this changeling is hiding,” I stated, keeping a stoic expression. “You’re harboring who we’ve been looking for.” I leaned closer to him, his stance wavering slightly as I purposefully became a bit more intimidating. “We’ve been monitoring her movement the moment we had a cause for suspicion, meaning we’ve been watching you as well.”

The stallion didn’t seem too surprised, although he chose to remain quiet and he had yet to move aside… not that I had asked. I stared at him for a while longer, his own eyes staring right back, a rush of emotions racing through his dark depths. He was conflicted… but for what reason?

I pulled my head away in a more relaxed position, which had the added benefit of being a foot or two taller than the earth pony. I observed Marking for awhile more before continuing. “Are you aware of the identity of the changeling in your home?” He nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I needed him to say it, to perhaps have him hear his own words and the weight her name carried.

“I want to hear you say her name.”

He blinked and his jaw tightened before he obeyed. “... Chrysalis.”

I closed my eyes and nodded slowly before opening them. “Yes… Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. The one responsible for the assault on the Crown and innocent civilians, along with a laundry list of federal crimes, among them infiltrating government property, spying, mind control, terrorizing, and impersonating a government official.” I paused, “The list goes on and on. And yet… you haven’t reported her.” My piercing gaze narrowed further. “You’re the only reason she hasn’t already been apprehended right now and dragged away to face her judgement. Tell me, why have you chosen not to follow your civic duty and to instead become a cohort?”

He frowned before shaking his head. “I’m not her cohort, your Majesty.”

I raised a brow. “If you’re not with her, then what are you? Why have you chosen to allow her to stay with you?”

Without missing a beat, he responded straight and with truth. “She’s a friend, your Highness.”

I could hear the breathing of the guards in the hallway stop as they heard his statement. I will readily admit that I shared their sentiment. ‘Friend? What manner of magic is this?’

“Forgive me, Mr. Canvas, but you just claimed that Chrysalis was indeed your friend, am I mistaken?” I watched him like a hawk. His response had caught me off guard and I did not have a plan in store for something such as this. Whatever was happening, it was important that I remain in control of this game.

He nodded again before speaking. “Yes, I consider her a friend.”

Again, sensing no deceit or magic use, I could really only stare. ‘Interesting…’ “She has been deemed a danger to society and a threat to the well being of Equestria’s citizens. She is wanted for her crimes and shall face judgement for what she has done.” I stepped closer, almost pushing aside the stallion. “But I am curious… For what reasons do you consider her your friend? What values do you see in her that you have forgiven her of her tresspasses? Take heed, do not be deceived by the outside she armors herself with. Her intentions within are well hidden; do not dismiss that.” My horn glowed an ethereal blue as I began to actively scan for any magic or threats from both him and the apartment behind him. I could indeed feel the presence of the queen… and the changeling knew it. Staring down at Marking, my eyes glowed with power. “Do not lie little pony, I will see through it.”

The brown earth pony shied away for a few seconds, staring wide eyed at my undoubtedly terrifying visage. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, all the while I could see the gears in his mind turning. With a final exhale, he opened his eyes… and they were far softer than they had previously been.

“The pony I met yesterday… she was something special. The pony I met introduced herself as Cosmetic Beauty. She was an orange pegasus with yellow eyes like mine and she stumbled into my museum. She could have gone anywhere else, she could have been somepony else, but instead she ended up bumping into me.” He took a breath. “She was shy and reclusive; she didn’t really want anything to do with me from the way she spoke, in both body and voice. But, seeing as I felt like I owed her, I showed her around.... And then I really got to show her around.”

He took a single step forward. “I shared my knowledge of art while she shared her knowledge of history. I introduced her to the many spectrums of the city’s cuisine while she reminded me that even the tame had its place. I revealed my secret and special spots while learning that some went without places of solace. I gave her double your stars while she gave me pause, that what currently is will not always be. At the end, I endured when a hard truth was revealed... and in return was able to help fix some of the brokenness found within.”

Marking closed his eyes. “There’s still a lot broken, but there’s still so much potential.” He looked back up at me. “That’s what friends do…. They share experiences and build strength and courage off of the other. They help each other in times of need and are weaker when apart. She helped me realize just how isolated I was while I encouraged her that not all was lost. The little hope she may have was a result of her time spent with me, somepony who actually cared. I may have only known her for a day, but that has been more than enough to show me that she has the ability to be a true friend.”

Seeing that he may have gotten a bit too close and in a challenging stance, he backed off, but still maintained his eye contact as his voice subdued a bit. “You can put on a show of kindness, of caring, and of friendship on the outside, but when you can feel the changes being done within yourself as a result of your companionship with them, then you know exactly who they are and what they’re capable of. What they do on the outside can’t connect with you on the inside, where it matters most.” His eyes drifted past her, as if looking at a whole different plane of existence where he could see his very own thoughts. “That is why I consider her my friend.”

Silence was our only companion after that long yet heartfelt defense. He seemed to have used all the wind in his sails and waited for me, the dreaded doldrums, to come up with my verdict. Would I allow the passage of the wayward traveler? Or would he instead burn and wither away under the unforgiving nature of the beast?

Having my own judgement come under questioning, I wasn’t quite entirely sure of myself as I was previously. It had been a long, long time since somepony had given such a strong argument with the conviction of a pony deadset in their ways. No matter… his defense still wouldn’t be enough… but he had made his point, and a powerful one at that.

“You do know you could be held in court for high treason?” I broke the silence, reminding him just how dire his defense could prove to be, the magic dying from my horn and eyes.

Marking nodded, his head bowed slightly. “Yes, your Highness. If it comes to that, I will accept my punishment willingly.” He wasn’t defeated, but he certainly wasn’t enthusiastic.

Looking at the slightly forlorn creature in front of me, I felt pity… as well as a slight guilt for being the one to blow out his courageous flame. Taking a moment, I felt as if something more might be at play here, something neither party member truly noticed, nor would they as they had not the experience I had with it. Going with my newfound gut instinct, I chose to ask one more question.

“Marking, look at me please.” When I had his attention I asked, “Do you, perhaps, harbor a bit more for the changeling?” At his look of confusion, I pressed onwards. “Is friendship the only thing you are experiencing, or is there more to it?”

The stallion’s eyes registered her meaning, and while there was the initial surprise, doubt soon followed afterward. He stood still for a few moments, pondering her question. He seemed very unsure and was unprepared for such an assumption. Eventually, he came up with an answer.

“I… I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m anywhere near that bridge, but… is it really so wrong to love your enemy?”

I allowed his words to sink in as I processed them, a bit taken aback by the bit more wind he apparently had left in his sail. It was only rightful to bring righteous judgement on an enemy that’ll save many ponies and prevent further chaos, but would it be right to take away somepony’s desire for love? I suffered my own love for an enemy, an enemy that promised me so much power and recognition for what I could truly be! It lead me on a path of destruction and hate… but this may not necessarily suffer the same fate. I was cured and eventually found forgiveness. Why should Chrysalis not deserve the same?

So many questions and possibilities! Not enough resolutions or guarantees. At the very least, I could understand the simplicity of the question, but the ramifications and justifications were too rampant and unknown to know for certain. My eyes shifted back and forth as I faced this situation, one that did not reveal an easy judgement. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, pushing magic into my horn as I sought the answers I desired.

[Marking’s P.O.V.]

The encounter was proving to be one of the most challenging things I had ever undergone, but if there was a chance I could buy Chrysalis her shot at a future worth living, I’d take it. Everything I had to say was honest and spoken from the heart. Some of it had hurt, but it was a small price to pay. I could only hope the night princess would show compassion and help prove to the changeling that there was indeed always a second chance to do right.

… Although, she didn’t look too good at the moment. Her eyes were shut tight while magic coalesced on her horn. She looked to be in deep thought and the small spark of hope inside myself grew just a tiny bit. After a minute or two, the magic disappeared and her eyes opened. I studied her carefully, both anticipating and dreading what she’d have to say. After a few moments of her studying me carefully, she turned her head to the side, looking into the hallway.

“Sergeant, we’re leaving, without the changeling.” My eyes widened a bit as I heard quite a number of hidden guards murmuring, before a gruff bark caused them to start leaving, my eyes tracking at least a dozen armed guards walking past the doorway behind the princess, of which she looked back at me.

“Marking Canvas, it has been decided that the queen will get her second chance…. The counsel of my sister and I have decided that if she was able to make a true friend, then perhaps not all is lost.”

I started to thank the princess profusely before she took a step forward and leaned down, getting very close to my muzzle. “However,” her narrowed eyes caused me to gulp, “she will be expected to come see us, and soon. She has much to answer for yet, and while she will be shown mercy, we will have atonement.”

I bowed my head in submission, watching carefully as she pulled away. “You will bring her to Canterlot, and soon.” She started stepping clear of the door before speaking a little louder. “Do not waste this chance given. There will not be another one.” She looked down at me. “You are brave, my little pony. There will be much to discuss later.”

“Do not keep us waiting for long.” And with that, she closed the door behind herself and left me alone in the entryway to my apartment.

I stared at the wooden door for almost a solid minute, my adrenaline, breathing, and inner turmoil of emotions slowly coming back under control. I had not expected an encounter with the night princess, nor for said encounter to go, admittedly, as well as it did. I had staved off the vengeful crusade of a society and government from crushing the already broken soul in my care. Internally ensuring that I would keep my promises to the princess, I closed my eyes and took one final breath.

Having taken my moment, I turned around and started to make my way back inside to check up on how Chrysalis was doing. I had only turned the corner of the hallway before a sudden weight crashed into me, a pair of long and strong forelegs wrapping around me tightly as I was pressed into warm yet hard chitin. Reacting to the now hitching changeling hugging me, I returned the gesture, squeezing equally hard onto her.

We stayed that way for a minute, my hooves carefully rubbing along her back, finding myself in almost the exact same situation as I had last night as she slowly calmed down. Eventually, I spoke. “Hey, are you okay?” I asked.

“Did you really mean that?” she asked, ignoring my question.

“Mean what?” I asked, puzzled.

“I overheard your discussion with the princess,” she elaborated. She pulled away from me so that she could look me in the eye. Hers were a bit puffy and tear slicked. The emotion she held in them caused my heart to ache slightly. “Marking, did you truly mean everything you said? You consider me that much of a friend?”

I nodded fiercely, “Of course! I meant every word I said.” Feeling a bit brave, I initiated a hug with her. “You have shown me everything a true friend would. There is no hesitation when I say that you truly are a great friend.” I held her for a little while longer before backing off, standing up to match her head height while she remained sitting on the floor. “I assume you heard everything then? We will have to go to Canterlot soon.”

She nodded, and while she looked hesitant, she did not show any signs of indecision. We remained quiet, just recovering from the very tense start to the morning.

That was, before I smelled something burning.

My eyes widened before I gasped. “The food!” Getting up, I quickly raced into the kitchen, finding that my breakfast was ruined. Nothing but the blackest of charcoal occupied the frying pan. Hell, I would probably only have to compress it at this point to get a diamond out of it. Needless to say, I quickly turned off the stove, sighing slightly. ‘Well, at least a wasted breakfast was well worth the price of earlier’s outcome.’

Chrysalis walked up behind me, looking at the disaster in front of me. “Well, that’s no good.” She looked at me, unsure of what to do now that all of the morning’s distractions seemed to be through with.

Looking up at her, I decided on my next course of action. “Want to go out for breakfast? I kind of don’t feel like cooking now.”

Chrysalis nodded before she became engulfed in green fire, causing me to step back in surprise. Soon the familiar sight of Cosmie greeted my vision. She looked herself over before glancing at me with a slightly coy look. “Well? How do I look?”

Sensing a potential trap, as mares were tricky creatures, I nodded. “You look good. Although, maybe one day you won’t need the disguise?”

Chrysalis had a doubtful expression, before something playful took its place. “Oh, you would like that wouldn’t you?” she says, pressing a bit closer to me. Seeing my look of confusion, she continued. “I saw your artwork of me…. Let’s just say some of the proportions, especially around my flanks, were relatively… generous, or exaggerated if you will.”

I felt my cheeks heating up. “W-whatever! I didn’t know so I just had to make something up, okay?”

Chrysalis merely giggled. “Sure, I’m positive you had a hard time coming up with it.”

She did not know when to stop… not that I was complaining.

Clearing my throat as I started walking for the entryway, I attempted to sound dignified. “My art speaks for itself. You’re just gorgeous and majestic in your own way which maybe not everypony can see. There’s more than just the appearance too. You heard all the things I had to say about what’s within you.” Grabbing my winter wear while Chrysalis did the same, I blushed harder as I decided to be honest… and perhaps a bit too forward. “Plus, you’re kind of hot.”

The changeling coughed, caught a bit off guard from the tables being turned. What made it worse, however, was that she could probably sense the honesty in that.

Which made it a bit awkward. But in a good way I hoped.

She did smile at me nonetheless, nodding gratefully. “Whatever you say, Marking. But be careful what you say little pony… sweet talking a mare who lives off of love will get you everywhere.”

We both looked at one another before bursting out into laughter. Calming down, I opened the door and gestured. “Shall we?”

She smiled before nodding, “Yes, let’s go get something for you. You are a terrible cook after all!” The teasing tone in her voice told me everything, and there was a rush of happiness coursing through me.

“Yeah? You seemed to enjoy it just fine.” I shut the door behind us and locked up, joining her down the hallway.

“Sure. However, if you keep up the performance you did for your own, I’ll have to switch diets.”

I looked at her, “What do you mean?”

She smirked, the kind of smirk that sent dreadful shivers down my spine. “I’ll eat you instead.”

Her simple statement caused me to trip, but I quickly caught myself. “W-what!?” Chrysalis looked over to me and simply gave me an all star wink. I blushed as Chrysalis tugged at me with a wing to get me moving.

All in all, the morning hadn’t turned out that badly. I had secured what seemed to be the beginnings of a great friendship, and perhaps something even more. I guess we’d have to see how this turned out. A broken and on the run soul had been given a good chance at redemption, allowing for atonement and true forgiveness to be found and given. It was odd really, life always seemed to have a funny yet frustrating way of dealing with things, and the power of friendship was clearly something more powerful than any one pony could understand.

Regardless, I looked forward to what the future had in store, and judging by the happy look on Chrysalis’ face as we entered the wind blown streets of Manehatten, she did too.

‘This should prove to be interesting.’

Author's Note:

Requiem17: This took far, far too long to finish! But I’m glad it’s finally getting to see the light of day. It was fun working together with Eagle. You da man! Hope you all enjoyed! This one’s for you Marking :)

EagleOfDeath15: Finally! After two long years, Requiem and I have completed the collab. Honestly, I didn't expect it to take this long but we preferred all was polished before publishing. Hope you guys enjoy, especially you Marking!

Comments ( 12 )

I think the only tragedy with this is that it's a one-shot. More please, maestro, more! :yay:

I second Asmodaeus, more please!

This story feels like a good story. Needs more story. Moar plx.

Oh my god this story is too cute... My heart! T-T *-*

That went better than expected. Also, d'awwww ~

I liked it, a lot. Need more best bughorse. *w*

Very nice. My compliments.

Very nice story. Loved it!:heart:

Amazing story
i hope for a sequel maybe?? pls

“When are you going to allow yourself to look for forgiveness in those you’ve wronged? When do you free yourself from this constant pain and regret and allow happiness to come back in? When will the running end… Chrysalis?”

*Fuck imma cry now

really hoping for a sequel or a full series :scootangel:

An absolute masterclass of a story. Many thanks for such an amazing read.

This story touched me. I hope they have a happy future.

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