• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 725 Views, 10 Comments

Masterminds - GoodKnight

When Equestria finds itself unable to bounce back from a serious loss, Princess Celestia recruits a couple of guys who can...

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Twi! We need some more shelter over here!" Applejack called from across a seemingly shrunken park.

"Nevermind Twilight! I've got it!" Starlight replied while concisely assembling a shelter around a family. AJ thanked the unicorn, and ran off to check up on her family, who also was helping out as best they can.

The other mane six were similarly busy with such things. Pinkie Pie was actually with Applejack's Granny, baking small sized sugary comforts for all the hungry mouths. Rarity concerned herself with creating comforting blankets and beds With Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash flew all about, gathering whatever clouds she could to squeeze water out into a ramshackle water tower. The skies were clear as the evening twilight faded into the deeper night. Exhausted, the mane 7 retreated back to their families to rest.

Luna's gaze scanned over the horizon with her telescope. Pulling away with a sigh, she felt no more at ease than before despite seeing nothing. Her trained eye watched the last of the day-guard turn to the night watch. Some rumors were going around about vampires and were ponies, and while not untrue, Luna preferred to just call them Insomniacs.

The night princess settled onto her haunches as she briefly surveyed the dreams of all those below the castle. Most were frightened by nightmares of the day. Those scars would never heal completely. A shudder went through her visibly as a phantom pain laughed from the darker depths of her mind. While she was against changing someone's dream by magic, desperate times called for desperate measures... and everyone deserved a good dream after today. Conjuring her best spell, she cast what appeared to be a glamour of stars over Canterlot. They faded and winked out. The moon princess looked to the sky, and silently questioned their survival. Her mind drifted back to her sister's resolute behavior.

In her heart, she knew Celestia would make the right choice no matter what. In her mind, she knew better. Celestia was very, very lucky. Most of her decisions, while appearing very well-planned out, seemingly had answers to them after the more rough affairs were sorted. Luna knew much better of her sister's inner thoughts. The real method to her madness was instinct, and lady luck.

"What?! Sister... you can't be serious...!" she questioned decades ago. "All this time... just luck..."

Luna looked to her sister who politely stifled a calm chuckle and shook her head slightly. "Do not take my words the wrong way, dear sister... I don't believe in luck alone." She seemed so serene and in control despite the subject matter. "I believe in my little ponies... and my dear student... and even you."

"But... if anything, maybe lady luck believes in me like i believe in everyone."

Luna sighed at the nostalgic memory and looked to the heavens again. Despite knowing her sister for a great many years, she still confounded her. Maybe it's just a family thing. With a sigh, she settled in for a long night, blissfully unaware of what was happening beyond and even within their shrunken borders.

The morning came early... and Twilight slowly trotted along alone in Castle Canterlot once more. If the walls could speak, they'd probably wonder why the grown up book-filly had no books. She chuckled at the idle fantasy, before her ears perked up at a muffled shout. She hustled along and instantly recognized the wear it came from.

She stopped just shy of the door after hearing Luna shout, "I cannot believe this!!" The shrillness and anger made the purple mare shudder and slowly peak into the room. The moon princess paced back and forth in agitation as she tried to muster up the words to speak to her sister.

Princess Celestia sat back on her haunches in a very undignified position. Her back was leaned up against a pillar while her haunches lay spread apart. Her eyes were empty and distant, very much like a teenager when getting lectured.

"What were you even thinking?!" Luna barked while snapping her head to the sun princess.

"I was thinking of my ponies," Celestia said with a roll of her eyes.

"You were thinking of yourself!" she snarled. "Honestly! You can't even say for a single second that you've lost! You cna't just not win! This is so... so...! Grahhh!"

Twilight slowly edged to see more of what was happening. Her worry and curiosity were both peaked and she cared little for hiding any longer.

"You are getting angry at the past. What's done is done," Celestia said flatly while her eyes watched the horizon.

Luna fumed and tensed before finally slamming her hooves on a large desk. "Can he even be trusted!?"

"Who?" Luna visibly flinched while Celestia glanced at Twilight. "Princess? What does she mean?" Twilight slowly entered into the study like a foal walking into their parents bedroom.

Celestia lamely looked back to the horizon, seemingly expecting something neither of the other mares could see. Luna tunred to face Twilight with anger and deep disappointment in her eyes.

"My sister," she began sharply. "Your mentor, has possibly doomed us all."

"I did not-"

"DOOMED!" Luna interrupted with a sharp snap. Twilight looked between the mares with deep innocent confusion.

"Are we being attacked? D-did we surrender?!" Twilight asked all too quickly.

"No." Celestia slowly rocked onto her hooves and cracked her neck. "We did not surrender." A seemingly different countenance overtook her aura. It was deeply unsettling for the other two princesses.

The sun princess walked over to a glass cabinet and retrieved a crystalline bottle with a orange liquid glinting within along with a matching glass.

"Would you care for some Luna? Twilight?" she asked casually. "It's Aestus' Bottled Sundew. Over sixteen thousand years old."

Luna glared while Twilight grew increasingly more concerned. With a shrug, the princess poured a glass of the brew into a glass. "You know... The last time I drank this was after being struck down by Queen Chrysalis..." Celestia began while swirling the bubbly liquid around in a glass. "The time before that, Nightmare Moon's return... The time before that, Luna's banishment... Discord before that... my first love's death... mother and father's death..."

She took a sip of it and sighed. "It's just white wine. Cheap when I bought it long, long ago... " she said before taking a long drink. "Twenty-three proof. Low numbers for some... but... nonetheless, terrible. A terrible drink, a terrible price, a terrible history, a terrible decision... isn't it?"

"Princess... I don't understand..." Twilight said while shaking her head. Celestia sauntered over to a window. "What's going on?"

"My dear student..." she said softly. "I so very much wanted to give you a world without war. A world where anyone could be your friend..."

"My sister unleashed an evil from another world to try and save ours..." Luna said, finally fed up with the dramatics.

"Party-pooper..." Celestia said with a false pout. "But you are wrong dear sister..."

Suddenly, an armored pony skidded into the room. "Your highness'! We are under attack!"

"What?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Where, soldier?" Luna asked with a serious tone.

"The south, towards the Everfree. It's the changelings!" the guard replied.

"Rally the troops! Lock the gates! Move everypony into the castle!" Luna commanded.

"Belay those orders," Celestia said lackadaisically. "As of this moment, The Sisters Sol and Moon are no longer in control of military affairs... Not directly, at least..."

Luna stared in wide shock at Celestia. "Celestia... what did you do?" she asked with now mounting terror. Twilight looked between them all and spoke up.

"Nevertheless, the smart and rational thing to do would be at least mount a defensive perimeter," Twilight said with a little more confidence. While still confused, she was used to these kinds of stressful situations.

"As you say," the guard replied before scrambling out.

"Sister..." Luna said while slowly approaching Celestia. "What did you do?"

"I called for aid," Princess Celestia replied with a soft smile. "Nothing more. Nothing less."

Far beyond the walls of Canterlot, a dark cloud quickly appeared over the horizon. Low thunder echoed in the distance. As the cloud shifted and moved closer, it soon began to become more clear. A swarm of Changelings, in perfect formation was quickly approaching Canterlot. As they approached, the remaining guard would man the walls to defend the last of Equestria. Each and every one of them was prepared to die in service of their country, and would do it again if they could. Some would look back and see the crowd hunkered down in the streets of Canterlot cowering before the writhing mass of changelings above before looking back with renewed resolve.

Today would not be the day for them to die...

Over the castle, a small whir would be heard and if any one would look up, they would see a small white speck in the sky, moving. Soon, most ponies would look up as a dark shadow was cast upon the ground. Upon further inspection, a small face could bee seen on the speck. A clown face with a big friendly smile.

Within the smiley clown copter thing, a rather unfriendly grin leered at the approaching storm. A throaty scoff exited that unfriendly grin.

"HAMMER BRIGADE!" A large booming voice commanded. "Mount the battlements!"

Much to the guards confusion, and everyone else as well, a bunch of weird creatures hopped onto the walls armed with hammers in their hands.

"KOOPA TROOP-AS! GOOMBA SQUAD!" The voice bellowed with excitement. "Form up annnnd...!" The clown car lurched as the bellower hopped out and nabbed the side of the contraption with a mighty claw. The Seat, now a pitch black hole aimed right at the hoard of changelings. The car shuddered and shook in mid air as the happy face quickly contorted into a menacing frown.


With that, a giant bullet with a painted on snarl popped out of the clown car comically, and shot off towards the swarm. A loud explosion dispersed the swarm in a puff of smoke. The swarm separated and snaked its way towards canterlot with greater speed.

With no time to spare, a doze more smaller bullets with similarly unfriendly faces shot off towards the mini-swarms, further breaking them apart. Despite this, the changelings continued on in minor groups. Yet, those strange creatures were ready. They began throwing hammer after hammer in an endless barrage, seemingly plucked from nowhere. With each hit, another changeling fell from the sky. Soon the guards on the walls snapped from their daze and began their own assault on the horde.

The one organizing this defense, hopped back into his clown-faced vehicle and laughed raucously. His callous form was hunched over with a large, spiked turtle shell on his back and his face, a sinister dragon head with sharp teeth arched into a maniacal grin.

Meanwhile, below, the ponies of Equestria looked up and murmured among themselves. Soon one cheer rang out, followed by another and another! By the time the changelings regrouped and retreated, the streets were alive with excitement and joy.

From the castle, the Princesses flew down with elegance just as the strange dragon turtle did so. The cheers died down as soon as the reptilian ally could be seen. He hopped out of his vehicle, and leered out among the crowd. He stood far above them, appearing almost too large for life.

"King koopa," Princess Celestia called from above. The turtley king looked up to the mare with a sinister-looking grin. "I'm so glad you answered my call! And just arrived at the perfect time."

"Princesses..." he regarded as they all approached. Luna Held a stern look while Twilight seemed even more bewildered by the appearance. "How could I refuse?"

"Nevertheless, we welcome you to our nation with open hooves..." she continued. The ponies watched their ruler extend a hoof in friendship. "Although, I do wish it were under better circumstances, King Koopa."

"Please..." the king replied while taking the hoof and planting a respectful kiss on the regalia. "Call me Bowser."