• Published 26th Sep 2017
  • 847 Views, 5 Comments

"Uh, Photo Finish, Can You Cut Us Some Slack?" - reading is magic

Pixel Pizazz had enough of Photo Finish's antics and decided to quit. Violet Blurr must stop this from becoming permanent.

  • ...

"Say no more!"

Present year, Saturday.

Violet Blurr sat in front of her vanity mirror in her room, fixing her bangs and sliding her ornate hairband, which alternated with faux dark pink rose blossoms and conical metal spikes projecting from the surface of the hairband, with careful dexterity as to not mess her recently treated hair. She combed her hair frequently so as to make it look gorgeous, though she already knew it looked perfect. Still, there was no harm with maintaining her appearance. Violet picked up her smartphone amidst the various makeup sets on the desk before her and opened her camera app. She then posed for a selfie as she raised her phone above her head.

And now, for a gorgeous shot.

Before she could tap her photo button in order to snap a photo, her phone vibrated and a notification blocked her camera view. Violet grumbled at the sight of the notification as she lowered her phone. Checking what the notification was, she read the message which Photo Finish had sent her.

I need assistance! Come immediately!

Violet looked at the framed photo on her mirror and she could already imagine the message in Photo Finish’s German-like accent. With a loud sigh, Violet pocketed her phone and began to pack up what things she know Photo Finish would need.

As she walked along the streets of Canterlot City, her makeup bag slung over her shoulder, Violet wiped the sweat off her brow. I’m gonna need to apply another layer of blush now. Approaching Canterlot High, now silent due to lack of student activity, she found Pixel Pizazz next to Photo Finish. The two had set up lights and reflectors for the photo shoot in front of the school. Sitting on the steps of the main entrance was a girl with a gray complexion, and grayish-blue, short violet hair.

Seeing her companions now together, Photo Finish snapped her fingers. Violet and Pixel moved forward quickly to Photo Finish’s side, picking up various equipment for Photo Finish’s shoot. The girl who sat on the steps didn’t even flinched when Photo Finish started snapping photos with and utilizing the flash on her professional-grade camera consecutively.

“Yes!” Photo Finish exclaimed as she took photos of the girl. “That’s perfect! The emotion! The stillness!”

Violet and Pixel just waited for Photo Finish to finish her impromptu photoshoot but then Photo Finish snapped her fingers again.

“Make up!”

Violet approached the girl and gave her a light blush and a bit of eye shadow quickly like her namesake. Surprisingly, the girl took it well and maintained her posture.

“Perfect!” Photo Finish announced which caused Violet to back off fast.

More photos were taken as minutes passed by. And then…

“Enough!” Photo Finish exclaimed. “I go.”

And with that Photo Finish dashed off, leaving Violet and Pixel to clean up the equipment which Photo Finish just left lying around. Pixel just sighed.

“Hey Maud!” Pinkie Pie called out to the girl in the steps, bouncing down from the entrance. “I like your make up!”

“Hey Pinkie,” Maud responded with a deadpan stare. “What make up?”

Freshman year, first day of school.

The classroom buzzed as students who got along or already knew each other talked but not too loud to distract the teacher who already started the lecture.

Violet Blurr never thought much about photography but she decided to just do whatever interested her back then. She never liked strangers as she didn’t trust them to make her into another kidnapping statistic. She was a transferee, but even in junior high she never liked talking to others and avoided conversations. Violet often created an aura that kept anyone from approaching her, although she never realized that. Her fashion was mostly to blame for it; her spiked headband, her leather bracelets, and her spiked boots definitely gave her a prickly personality in the eyes of those who saw her choice in clothing.

The teacher made the class group up into teams of three. Violet, upon hearing this, sighed loudly. Why can’t we just take pictures of fruits or something?

“Hey,” a voice called out.

“Hi?” Violet cautiously replied, turning to the source of the voice.

The girl had big blue twintails, wore a black top and a pink skirt. She also wore a confident smile, which made Violet feel intimidated.

“Can I help you?” Violet said, looking incredulous.

“I noticed your makeup. I thought we could team up. With your makeup skills and my photography. What do you say?”

“What makes you think I did my makeup?”

“Ha! Now that’s a joke. You expect me to believe you went to a salon to have your makeup done just for the first day of school?”

Violet raised an eyebrow at Pixel.

“Come on. I’ll take the photos and all you gotta do is do your makeup magic on our third member.” Pixel grinned.

Violet didn’t really want to, but it was better than waiting for people to team up and be forced to pair up with the, ugh, leftovers.


“Great!” The girl then showed her hand. “Pixel Pizazz. What’s your name?”

Violet just looked at Pixel’s hand then back at her face.

“Violet Blurr”

“Nice to meet you, Violet.” Pixel then withdrew her hand, still smiling. “For our third member ...”

Present year, Monday.

Violet Blurr herself brought her new instant camera to school. It was bright blue and had a leather pouch for a case. To think she snagged it at such a low price; it even came with a bunch of film for it. She wanted to show it to Pixel Pizazz and Photo Finish and she couldn’t wait till lunch break. When the bell rang, she immediately stood up and ran to the cafeteria, dodging the other students along the way. Taking a seat and ignoring the chatter of the cafeteria, she took out her new camera and uncapped the lens. She then posed, turning her head left and right as she tried taking a selfie with her instant camera. Luckily, she had an accessory for her camera that lets her see her selfie. It was basically a small mirror that was attached in front of camera. She snapped a photo and took the print. Violet stared at the blank photo, eager to see the image fade in.

“Hey,” Pixel Pizazz called out as she took a seat across her, setting her food tray onto the table. “Is that a new camera?”

“Yes,” Violet replied without looking away from the photograph. “It’s coming up!”

The image slowly faded into existence, showing Violet smiling.

“Look! I think it’s a good shot.” Violet handed her photograph to Pixel.

Pixel took the photo and glanced at it then let out a sigh, looking stressed.

“Are you alright?” Violet asked.

“What?” Pixel snapped out and handed the photograph back. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s a good shot.”

“Something wrong?”

“No.” Pixel took a spoonful of her fruit bowl. “Okay, fine. It’s just that Fin rejected my idea for a photoshoot.”

“What kind of photoshoot is it supposed to be?”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s obviously not good enough for her. Obviously not because I suggested it.”

“Of course not!” Violet reassured. “Photo just knows a lot more about photography than us.”

“Yeah, sure,” grumbled Pixel as she ate another spoonful.

Violet felt her stomach protested as she watched her friend eat. Before she could even stand up to get food, her phone rang as did Pixel’s. Violet took out her phone and read the message; it was another call for help from Photo Finish, asking Violet to bring a reflector and camera tripod.

Violet let out a sigh.

“Looks like we're needed.” Violet pocketed her phone.

“Yeah,” Pixel agreed as she read her message.

Freshman year, fifth day of school.

“Now, introduce yourself.”

“I am Photo Finish,” the girl announced loudly in a thick German accent which earned giggles among the class.

Violet didn’t laugh, but she found the girl interesting. She wore a pair of shades that obscured her eyes from everyone. She liked the girl’s monochrome clothing. On the girl’s back was a leather satchel for a DSLR camera and its different lenses.

“Class, behave! Now, Photo, tell us something about yourself.”

“I like taking photos.”

Another round of laughter erupted from the class, which earned them a glare from the teacher.

“Photo, take a seat next to Violet.”

The girl walked to her place and sat left of Violet. Violet looked at Photo for a bit before she then noticed that Photo was looking at her too. Or was she? It was hard to tell with her shades. Violet then looked away.

“Alright, let’s start class.”

Murmurs around class started after Photo Finish sat down. Even Pixel was part of the gossiping. Violet ignored most of it then saw a paper ball tossed into Photo’s head. Photo didn’t pay any attention to all of it.

A lecture later, they were asked to group up again. This time, students were paired up to their seatmates. Violet found herself teamed up with Photo Finish. Violet would rather be teamed up with Pixel, knowing she’s the best in class.

“So, you like taking photos, huh?” Violet said after taking her seat to Photo’s table.


“Are you German?” Violet sat down.

Photo didn’t answer.


And I thought I was antisocial.

“Hey, Violet.”

Violet turned and saw Pixel with her partner, who was someone she didn’t know.

“Hey, Pixel,” Violet replied.

“Paired up with the newbie, huh?” Pixel smirked.

“I guess so.”

“Wanna bet how good she is?”

Violet looked at Photo Finish, who was already setting up her camera and didn’t seem bothered by Pixel intruding on them. Violet wasn’t sure what to think of Photo; sure she had the equipment, but so does anyone with too much cash. Not to mention, her shades made her look a bit pretentious.

“I bet she’s not that good,” Pixel smirked.

“And if she is?”

“I’ll be her assistant for a week.”

Present year, Monday, after lunch.

Arriving at the scene, Violet and Pixel saw Photo Finish already taking photographs of a brown-haired girl who fell asleep in the library. They walked towards Photo Finish, careful as to not disturb the other people staying.

Photo Finish, however, didn’t seem to care as she flicked her fingers.

“Make up!”

Violet hurriedly applied foundation and some mascara on the sleeping model.

“Too much!”

Violet wiped a bit of foundation off the girl then looked at Photo Finish for approval, to which she received an excited nod.


Pixel stepped up, tuned the light so it does not awake their model, but enough to enhance the features of the girl’s face. She held the light near the model.



Photo Finish ignored the collective and started taking photographs with her camera, of course with the flash off. She took photos standing, kneeling, lying, hanging from a bookshelf, and even standing above the table. After that, she snapped her fingers as she stood above the table.

“Enough! I go.”

And with that, Photo Finish left quicker than the patrons of the library could hush. Violet and Pixel began to put away their stuff. As Violet was putting her makeup kit into her bag, Pixel walked up to her.

“Hey, Violet?” Pixel called out.


“Don’t you ever get tired?”

“Of what?”

“This.” Pixel spreaded her arms. “All of this. Being at Photo’s beck and call?”

“I guess it does get tiring.”

“No! I mean, don’t you feel like you’re just being used?”

Violet then looked at Pixel in disbelief.

“What?” Violet uttered.

“I mean, that’s what’s going on, right? With Photo Finish being the number one photographer in school, we can’t just ignore her.”

“Are you serious?” Violet grunted.

“Yeah. And I’m sick of it.” Pixel folded her arms. “So, what do you say we boycott her calls?”

Violet felt her hands fold into knuckles, shaking with disgust and anger. She looked down, avoiding Pixel’s gaze as to not let herself become more angry.

“I have to go,” Pixel said as she walked away. “Remember; no calls!”

As Pixel left, Violet wanted to scream after her. Photo Finish was their friend and to think Pixel would say something like that; it just made her want to hit Pixel. She hurriedly grabbed her bag and left the library.

Freshman year, fifth day of school, Photography class.

The class’s activity was to go around within the school and look for a particular subject that interest them. Violet didn’t really know what to do so she let Photo Finish take the lead. Violet followed Photo to the soccer field, where there were other students doing gym class. They sat down on the bleachers and Photo took out her camera and her removed her shorter tube thingy in favor of her longer tube thingy.

“Um, what are we doing here?” Violet wondered, looking around.

“The activity,” Photo announced as she fixed the settings on her camera.

“Right.” Of course I knew that, you idiot. “You know, you can be either be very blunt or very direct.” Violet looked at Photo.


“I mean, I know seem to be intimidating to most people, but you’re just dense, aren’t you?”

Photo only stared at Violet, though Violet wasn’t sure if that’s what she was doing since her shades blocked her eyes.

“Is that bad?” Photo said in a soft voice.

“I guess?”

Photo only looked down, lowering her camera onto her lap.

“Even here, I’m just a mad girl with a camera ...”

Violet looked at Photo. While she was antisocial herself, she was never ridiculed for it. In fact, people actually thought she looked cool and collected considering that they feared to approach her.

“You think I’m some weird foreigner, struggling to talk English, ?”

“Yeah.” Violet smiled.

“What?!” Photo screeched, turning to Violet.

“What? I’m being honest here.” Violet giggled. “What do you think of me?”

“So sudden?!”

“Just tell me.” Violet rested her chin on her palm, her elbows on her lap.

Photo stared at Violet for a while, as if analyzing her features.

“You’re really pretty.”

Violet’s eyes widened.

“That’s a first,” Violet said.

“On what?”

“Someone telling me I’m pretty.”

“Should I have said something else?”

“Why should you say something else? I asked you to be honest.”

Violet saw Photo tilt her head in confusion.

“Wow, you really are dense.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be!” Violet sat closer to Photo. “You know, your volume really needs some control. It’s almost like you’re shouting.”

“What? I talk like this normally with my parents.”

“Oh. Geez, what kind of parents do you have?” Violet then showed her hand before Photo could answer, smiling. “Don’t answer that; I was being rhetorical.”


“I’m gonna have to teach you a lot, huh?” Violet looked away.

“Teach me?”

“Yeah, like how not to get bullied.”

“But I’m not bullied.”


“I will get bullied?!” Even at this school?!

“Calm down! That’s why I’m here, right?” Violet petted Photo’s head. “You may be loud, but you’re such a sensitive sweetheart, Fin.”

“You’re messing my hair.”

“That’s not a problem,” Violet said, still petting Photo on the top of her head. “I can fix your hair anytime.”

“What did you call me?” Photo wondered.

“Fin. It’s a nickname. Don’t you have that in Germany?”

Present year, Monday, last class of the day.

Class came and went. Violet couldn’t think anything else other than what Pixel had said to her in the library. How could she say something like that? Even as a joke, she never thought of leaving Photo Finish alone when she needed her help. They were friends, the three of them. They all met as freshmen in their first photography class. And now, Pixel was being bitter that Photo Finish was now popular? Violet’s mind couldn’t let go of the thoughts that were born from the conversation with Pixel.

The school bell rang. Violet wasn’t sure if she wanted to see Pixel. Part of her wanted to so she could confirm whether Pixel was joking. Sure, it would be a bad joke but a joke nonetheless. Part of her didn’t in case she wasn’t joking and she might hit her if that was the case. Can she hurt a friend? She didn’t want to know.

Violet hurriedly walked away from her classroom to her locker, ignoring her classmates and friends. Reaching her locker, she shoved her books into it. Looking at the inside of her locker door, she saw a photograph of the three of them together. It was during the Spring Fling, when Sunset Shimmer gave everyone a bad time. In this photograph, they smiled a little to the camera. It was a depressing time but they managed to take a group selfie. She loved that photo since it showed that even in the darkest of times, they managed to be together. Now, she wasn’t sure and it surely wasn’t even one of the darkest of times. Pixel was just being selfish. Or maybe Photo was being selfish? Was Violet just letting Photo use her without Violet knowing? No, it can’t be. Violet knew she was helping Photo with all of her consent and will. Then why did Pixel felt that way?

Violet shook her head and closed her locker. It was pointless to think all by herself. She had to meet with her friends or else go crazy thinking about it.

As she closed her locker, she saw Pixel confronting Photo. Violet could hear her screaming, but her words won’t register to her head. The moment looked surreal to her. It couldn’t possibly be happening. Photo screamed something back. Pixel pointed fingers at Photo. Other students watched the event unfold in the hallway.

“I told you I’m not your helper, you freak!”

“I did not say you were!”

“Well, you didn’t have to! I don’t care anymore!”

“Fine! Who needs you!”

"Whatever. I have photos to take."

Photo tries to make her leave but Pixel blocks her path with a hateful scowl. "Oh we're not finished."

This can’t be happening. Please tell me this can’t be happening.

Violet then ran towards them. Each of her footstep felt slow as the two exchanged bitter words at each others. She didn’t want to hear it. She wanted to cover her ears but she couldn’t. Before she could even get into the middle to stop them.


Pixel’s hand swept across Photo’s face knocking her glasses off. Photo’s glasses skidded along the floor.

Violet stopped in her place, only few meters away from her friends. Photo held her face with a look of disbelief at Pixel, stunned at what she just felt. Breathing heavily, Pixel remained still for but a moment; her hand throbbing as a handprint formed on Photo’s cheek. Filled with bitter resentment, Pixel turned her back on Photo and walked away, ignoring Violet as she passed her by. Violet then hurriedly went to Photo.

“Are you alright?” Violet asked.

Photo knelt down and picked up her glasses.


“What happened?”

Photo didn’t answer. Instead, she started walking away from Violet.

“Photo, wait!” Violet begged as she pulled onto Photo’s shoulder causing her to stop in mid step. Using her body’s moment, Violet spins on her heel blocking Photo’s path. “Pixel, she—” Violet began to speak but stopped as she gazed on the red mark formed on Violet’s face

“I’m fine,” Photo said nonchalantly. “You don’t have to worry.”

Violet then let go of Photo’s shoulder, unsure what to say. She watched Photo walk away from her. Then, the other students began to talk among themselves. Murmurs and whispers haunted Violet’s ears. She couldn’t take it; Violet ran as fast as she could from the hallway, away from the voices that saw what had just happened.

Freshman year, fifth day of school. Photography class.

The students came back to the classroom, now editing their photos in the computers in the school's computer room.

Violet sat next Photo who was already editing her photo, though Violet thought that Photo’s photo was already too good. Photo had taken a shot of one of the athletic student's soccer goal kick, showing the beautiful arc of the player’s kick and the midflight of the ball into the goal. Violet felt ashamed that she hadn’t really contributed to the activity, but Photo insisted that they did it together.

“Hey, Violet. How’s the newbie?” Pixel inquired as she walked over to their desk.

“Hey.” Violet gestured to Pixel. “See for yourself.”

Pixel moved to behind Photo so she could see the screen.

“Whoa. She took this?” Pixel wondered, impressed by the photograph.

“Eeyup,” Violet agreed. “And she’s actually pretty cool.”

“And pretty deaf too. Can’t she hear us?” Pixel looked at Violet with much dismay.

“She gets in the zone. Even in post production, apparently.”

“Real dedication there, huh.” Pixel looked back at the screen.

Violet smirked at Pixel which Pixel noticed.

“What?” Pixel asked.

“So about the bet ...”

Pixel’s eyes widened.

“Oh shi—”

Present year, Monday, after classes.

Violet sat alone in the bleacher in front of the soccer field, her face in both of her palms as her elbows rested on her thighs. Her tears had already dried up

Violet looked out into the empty field. The sky was in a darkish gray color, prompting the sports clubs to cancel practice for today.

Is this what despair feels like? A gloomy dark sky, ruined makeup, and a broken heart?

What happened back in the hallway still felt unreal to her. Two of her friends fighting and hurting each other. She felt like she should’ve done something. That she could’ve prevented it. But what should she have said? What should she have done? Maybe Pixel was already feeling that way since long ago. If so, how could she have not noticed? Were there signs she missed? Did Photo really go overboard?


Violet turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer sitting a step above her.

“You alright?” Sunset asked. “I heard about the thing at the lockers.”

“No.” Violet turned to look at the empty field again. “Though that should have been obvious from the get go.”


Violet looked away from Sunset and continued to stare at nothing.

I bet she’s going to tell me something about the magic of friendship. Come on, just give it to me.

She waited for Sunset to say something about what just happened to her friends but nothing came out of the blonde/red-haired girl. When Violet looked, she noticed Sunset was also staring at nothing in particular, her chin on her hand as her elbow rested on her lap.

“I expected you to say something,” Violet called out.

“Huh?” Sunset snapped out of her daydream and faced Violet. “Oh, right. Well, I didn’t want to force you to talk about it.”

“I’d expected you to give me some sort of sage wisdom, what with you being the champion of friendship and all.” Violet tilted her head.

“Champion of friendship? Me? Please.” Sunset waved her hand in negation. “If anything, I have so much to learn about having friends.”

“Lucky you then, because if you’re still learning, then I’m a no brainer.” Violet buried her face into her palms.

Sunset then stood up, went and sat next to her.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know,” Violet mumbled through her hands.

“I think you’ll feel better if you talked.”

“What am I even supposed to say?” Violet raised her head. “That I didn’t expect Pixel to go crazy?”

“Didn't you girls get along just fine?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, but I don’t know what happened. Pixel suddenly just wants out. She felt like Photo was using her for her own gain. That she was being taken for granted or whatever.”

“Was she though?”

“Of course not!” Violet retorted. “We don’t tag along Photo Finish because she’s famous; we’re her friends! Even way back.”

“Well, what do you think is the problem?” Sunset smiled.

“If I knew, I’d fix it already.” Violet glared at Sunset.

“Okay, fair point.” Sunset handed Violet a small pack of wipes.

“What are these for?”

“The makeup ...” Sunset pointed at her face. “It’s really a bad look.”

“Oh.” Violet’s eye widened and then she took the wipes. “Thank you.”

“Now, you don’t know why Pixel was being hostile against Photo, is that right?”

“What are you trying to get at?” Violet took out a hand mirror from her bag and opened the pack of wipes.

“Well, if you really want to know, then you should ask her.”

“What?! I can’t just ask her!” Violet then started to wipe away the runny eyeliner from her face.

“I thought you’re friends with her?”

“I am!”

“Then what’s the problem of talking to her?”

“I—” Violet stopped wiping and stared at her reflection. “I don’t know.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, smiling.

“Well, she might not want to talk to anyone after what just happened.”

“Aren’t friends supposed to help each after something like that?”

“I don’t she’ll want to talk to me, what with her being angry and all.”

Sunset giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Sorry,” Sunset composed herself. “It’s just that I thought the same thing back then when I was first trying this friendship thing.”


“I used to be scared of what people would say to me if I ever tried talking to them. You won’t believe how many people used to be angry at me and you can include my circle of friends in that list too.”

Sunset looked at the gray clouds, as if reminiscing then looked back at Violet.

“Here’s the deal though; you girls are best friends but that doesn't mean you aren't gonna do dumb stuff and piss each other off all the time.”

“So what, am I supposed to find friends that don’t piss me off?” Violet took out her makeup kit and looked at Sunset with disdain. “Is that what Pixel needed?”

“No, no, no! That’s not the answer to your problem.” Sunset raised her hands, as if to defend herself. “Friends aren't people who don't piss you off; they're people who are worth forgiving over and over. I know you’re probably angry at Pixel for doing that to your other friend, but it really isn’t friendship if you can’t find it in yourself to forgive her.”

Violet lowered her hand mirror.

“Am I even angry at Pixel?”

“It’s fine to be angry.” Sunset reassured. “She did hurt your friend.”

“You know what; you’re right.” Violet agreed, standing up. “That was wrong of her!”

“There you go.” Sunset folded her arms.

“Then how can I forgive her if I’m angry at her?!” Violet waved her hand mirror then pointed it at Sunset. “This isn’t making any sense!”

“It really isn’t going to unless you talk to her. We can talk all day and all night about who’s right or who’s wrong but in the end the only way to settle the score is to do the only thing you should’ve done in the first place; which is you talking to her.”

Violet sat down.

“You’re right. If I just talk to her, I’ll understand what’s going on in that head of hers. And I can lecture her about not hitting your friends!”

“Now what are you gonna do?”

“Talk.” Violet shoved her hand mirror and makeup kit into her bag and began dashing down the bleachers, leaving Sunset alone.

“Um, you’re welcome?” Sunset sighed and watched the gray skies once again. “Sure is getting dark out there.”

Freshman year, sixth day of school, Photography class.

Photo Finish didn’t know about the bet so once she had heard about it, she was very startled, to say the least.

“You don’t have to assist me if you don’t want to,” Photo informed Violet.

“Yes we do, it was a bet between Violet and I and we should honor our bets,” Pixel insisted.

“Well then… If you are sure,” Photo agreed, in spite of sounding reluctant even then.

For their activity, they had to take a photo while using light equipment. Four persons were needed for a group so Violet, Pixel, and Photo grouped up. For the fourth member, they asked a girl named Sunflower to model for them.

“This is perfect! You can tell me where to place the lights.” Pixel nodded to herself.

“I can do that...”

“Just focus on the photos, Fin!”


They set up at the gymnasium, where they used the stage as their backdrop. Their model just waited as she sat at the stage.

“How’s the light, Fin?” Pixel said after positioning the equipment.

“It’s okay...”

For ten minutes, took photographs with Pixel’s setup then looked at her shots on her camera. After a while, her hands shook.

“Are you alright?” Violet noticed.



No!” Photo hollered. “This is not good enough!

“Whoa! Calm down, Fin!” Pixel attempted to placate Photo. “We’re doing quite fine here.”

“This is terrible!” Photo said, her accent thickening.

Violet and Pixel went to Photo’s side and looked at Photo’s camera screen and saw the photographs.

“I think they’re fine,” Violet said.

“Yeah,” Pixel agreed.

“O-Oh...” Photo deflated. “I-I- I’m sorry. If it looks fine, then I guess that’s okay...”

Pixel noticed this and gave Violet a wink. Violet then mouthed at Pixel ‘What now?’.

“You know Fin, it looks fine to me...” Pixel said to Photo.

“Yes… It does...”

“But I just think it could be better, you know?” Pixel said with much exaggeration. “I couldn’t quite put my finger on it...”

“You do?”

“Yeah. Do you know how to improve it?”


“Great! Then tell us.”

“I don’t want to order you around.”

“Hey, you get to order me around today, remember? Now tell me; what can be done?”

“Well, the light should be a little weaker,” Photo said meekly.

“What? I couldn’t hear you.”

“The light...”


“The lights! Needs—to—be—weaker!”

Pixel then ran to the light equipment and lowered it.

“Too much!”

Pixel then adjusted it higher a little.


“What’s next?” Pixel asked aloud.

“Reflector!” Photo snapped her fingers.

“Violet!” Pixel called out. “Get that reflector!”

“What?” Violet then snapped out of staring. “Right!”

Violet immediately ran next to the model.


Violet lowered it.


Violet raised it a bit.

Photo began to shoot continuously with her camera.

“Yes! Yes! Like that!”

After full ten minutes of shooting, Photo stopped.

“This...” Photo murmured as she looked at her photographs on her camera.

Pixel and Violet rushed over to Photo, peering from her back to the camera.

“This is perfection!”

Indeed, Pixel and Violet agreed silently. The model, who doesn’t seem to care, was only looking at her phone while she sat on the stage as she hugged her knees. The reflector highlighted Sunflower’s bored face, only it looked like she was contemplating about life itself.

“Perfect indeed,” Pixel agreed.

Present year, Monday, after school.

Violet wasn’t actually sure if she wanted to talk to Pixel even after the pep talk from Sunset Shimmer. Sure, it really lifted her spirits but mere spirits cannot remove fears of confronting Pixel.

Or I could just talk to Photo Finish first.

Nodding to herself, Violet began to walk towards Photo Finish’s house. It was already getting dark. She messaged her mom that she would be a little late. Hopefully only a little. Her mom scolded her before and it took ages before she would hear the end of it.

It wasn’t a long before Violet reached Photo’s house. Apartment, rather. Photo lived by herself on the fourth floor of the building. It was all fine for Violet that Photo lived there but she hated the fact the elevator was always broken. Photo said it worked, but Violet just never caught it working. She never visited Photo much, but when she did, the elevator was always out of order. By the time she got to the door to Photo’s apartment, she was catching her breath.

Violet pressed the doorbell, making a noise within the room. She then took out a handkerchief and wiped her forehead. After waiting for ten seconds, then she pressed the button again.

Alas, nothing happened.

Violet then banged on the door with her fist.

“Photo? I know you’re in there! It’s me, Violet!”

Come on! Open up! Violet then grabbed the doorknob, only to push it open as it wasn’t even locked in the first place. Oh.

Violet stepped inside Photo’s apartment. It still surprised her seeing how spacious her apartment was. The sliding glass doors on the left lead to a balcony, only it was obscured by a dark blue curtain, making the room dark and eerie with the lights switched off. Most of the furnishings were untouched as Photo never had visitors nor that she used them. Most of the time, she went out to do more photography. The dining room/kitchen on the right however, was obviously used. There was a spill and random wrappers of candy bars on the counter. Stress eating, Violet assumed. Photo was never a cook, often going out for food or calling for delivery.

She then heard faint clicking noises. Photo’s here. Following the sound, Violet was led to a room covered by a partially closed door. Violet peered into the door crack and saw Photo kneeling on the floor while shooting her camera at the ground. What is she shooting?

“Photo?” Violet finally opened the door. “I was knocking, but you weren’t answering so I let myself in...”

Violet got closer to Photo and saw what she was shooting; toys. Different figurines and stuff were sprawled all over the floor and in front of Photo was a mini photo shoot made with illustration boards connected together. Flashlights hung in the air by makeshift stands that pointed to the mini stage, creating a miniature. Violet couldn’t help but be impressed.

Photo continued to shoot her camera at what seemed to be a poseable doll, though it was wearing a black dress and veil on its face. Photo’s camera printed each of her shots and those printouts were spreaded out on the floor with the toys. Violet picked up one and saw eerie images of the doll; lifelike and sad. Where did she even buy this? Picking up another photo, she saw a man posed like The Thinker, except this one was zoomed on the sad face of the figure. I think I can see a theme here.

Violet tapped Photo’s shoulder, who only made grunting noises as a response. She tapped her shoulder again, this time making Photo turn around. Photo wasn’t wearing her usual glasses and instead wore thick-framed rectangular glasses that made Violet second guess whether or not the person before her was in fact Photo Finish, or not. Her glasses were so misty and smudged that Violet couldn’t clearly see her eyes. The smudging probably came from crying.

“What are you wearing?” Violet asked.

“My prescription glasses.” Photo sniffled. “My backup ones.”

“You’ve been wearing prescription glasses this whole time?”

“Yes?” Photo tilted her head. “I thought that was obvious.”

Violet forced a laugh.

“Of course I know.” Violet then knelt beside her. “What are you doing?”

“Toy photography.” Photo turned back to her mini model and resumed shooting. “This is much better than shooting people.”

“Um, why?” Violet raised an eyebrow.

“Because toys don’t complain about poses. Because I don’t need help setting up lights with such small subjects. Because I don’t need Pixel with something like this.”

“Are you angry at Pixel?”

Photo took more photos but no answer came.

“I know you can hear me.”

“No.” Photo continued to shoot. “I am not angry.”


“How can I? I am the one who calls her without warning. I kind of expected one of you would say no, one way or another.” Photo’s camera clicked.

“You can’t say what she did was okay! I mean, sure, telling you what’s wrong is fine, but making a scene at school? I think that’s overboard.”

“I am overboard myself. With what I make you two do.”

Violet watched Photo posed the doll in a different pose then take a couple more shots.


“It’s fine. If you want to quit, I won’t stop you,” Photo said as her voice cracked up.


Photo paused from shooting.



Photo posed the doll again, this time putting the doll on a chair and crossing its legs.

“You don’t have any reason to.”

“I do!” Violet embraced Photo from behind, putting her arms around her shoulders. “I do have a reason. I know I do.”

Violet heard Photo sniffle again and then felt her hand got wet from Photo’s face.

“I don’t know what to do without you...” Photo cried, lowering the camera to the floor. “I’m a terrible person.”

Violet felt Photo’s shoulders shaking so she tightened her embrace.

“Hey, we all make mistakes. We do things that piss each other off.”

“You make us sound like we’re all terrible people.”

“‘Cause we are. Someone told me this; Friends aren't people who don't piss you off; they're people who are worth forgiving over and over.” Violet closed her eyes “And I forgive you. For thinking so little of me, for thinking I’d ever leave you. Because you’re my friend.”

It was then that Photo faced Violet and cried loudly into her chest. For the first time, Violet witnessed Photo Finish cry. It took a while before Photo stopped crying and they still sat on the floor. Looking at Photo’s face made Violet cringe a little. Photo’s eyeliner trailed along her face and was smudged around from embracing Violet. Photo took off her glasses and started to wipe them with her shirt. A really hideous shirt.

“What are you wearing?” Violet asked.

“It’s what I wear when I’m home,” Photo sniffled.

Violet looked at her clothes disdainfully. Photo wore an oversized shirt with a print of what seemed to be cartoon character, her pants printed full of the cartoon cameras all over. Thank goodness her sleepwear doesn’t match her fashion sense.

“Do you like them?” Photo asked, now her eyes visible with her recently wiped glasses.

Violet took out the wipes Sunset gave her and wiped the makeup off Photo’s face. Looking at Photo again, Violet thought she actually didn’t look bad with her different glasses. In fact, it matched with her current outfit. A nerdy look that’s very cute. Now there’s an idea.

“Hold that pose.” Violet stood and went to sofa where her bag was at. She took out her instant camera and ran back to Photo. “Keep holding that pose.”

Violet took a shot and a print came out of her camera. Violet took it and shook it for a bit. The result was… gorgeous. The dark room obviously was going to ruin the shot, but the lighting from Photo’s mini photo set was enough to accentuate Photo’s adorableness. Photo’s look of wonder doubled her cuteness and her outfit simply strengthen that fact. The more she looked at the photograph, the less she thought it was Photo in it.

“May I see?”

Violet handed the photograph to Photo. After a full minute of looking at the photograph, Photo handed it back to Violet.

“That’s a good shot.”


“Now where’s the photograph you just took? That obviously wasn’t me.”

Freshman year, seventh day of school.

Ever since Photo’s show of sheer brilliance, Pixel became fond of Photo, hanging out with her during and after class. This time, Pixel wanted to show Photo around town; First place they went to was the mall. Violet wasn't sure if Photo had enough stamina to keep up with Pixel, but it turned out she could, although she was still being pulled around. Violet just followed them.

After a dozens of shops visited, the trio ended up at the foodcourt. While Pixel and Photo didn’t really buy anything, Violet ended up buying a lot. And it filled up their table.

“You know, I thought I said we’re only showing Photo around,” Pixel remarked, tilting her head to see Violet over the pile of branded paper bags.

“What? They had these amazing tops and I’m not going to miss an opportunity like that! Plus they got this new foundation that works on any skin tone, and they had these gorgeous jeans and—”

“Okay, stop,” Pixel interrupted. “I get it.”

“No you don’t,” Violet pouted.

“So, Fin, how do you like Canterlot City?” Pixel turned to Pixel by tilting her head again.

“Can’t we put these down?” Photo suggested. “It’s really hard to look at each other like this.”

After a whole minute of convincing Violet why they needed the table in the first place, Violet gave in and let her friends lower her bags onto the floor.

“Oh, don’t be like that, Violet!” Pixel smirked. “We’re here to chow down, so your stuff’s gonna get in the way anyway.”

Violet only grunted, expressing her displeasure like an absolute Neanderthal.

“So Fin, how’s Canterlot?”

“It’s...” Photo looked down.

Violet and Pixel looked at Photo, waiting for her answer. Photo’s glasses shone as she looked up.

“A little drab. Too noisy. Could be better.”

“And to think we lived here all of our lives,” Violet said, rolling her eyes.

“But, I like it here.” Photo smiled.

“Huh?” Pixel raised an eyebrow.

“Because you two are here.”

“Aw, Fin has feelings!” Pixel exclaimed.

“What, don’t you?” Violet joked.

Present year, Monday evening.

Violet leaned on the wall as she waited for Pixel to show up. She came up with a plan, and now Photo was inside of a different apartment, where she did most of her post production and kept her equipment. Her workshop, basically.


Violet looked up and saw Pixel with her arms folded.

“So, what’s up? Don’t know where this is. Are you looking for an apartment?”

“I’m here to...” Violet got off the wall and her hands balled into fists. “I’m here to tell you what you did was wrong.”


“What you did at school. Friends don’t do that to each other.”

“Well she deserves it! How many times do I have to follow everything that she says? Don’t you feel insulted every single time she calls us out of nowhere?”

“That’s it? That’s your reason? I thought you’re better than this. Unless you have another reason.”

Pixel stared at the ground, her fists and shoulders shaking. Then she looked Violet in the eye.

“Everything has to be by her! Everything I try is second place!” Pixel then took out her phone and showed Violet its screen. “Even now and then people compare me to Photo like I’m some sort of copy! Like I’m her inferior off-version! Photo-Lite, if you will! When you look at Photo’s page,” Pixel tapped onto the phone then showed it again. “Nothing but praises! ‘It’s perfect! ‘Such a masterpiece!’” Pixel lowered her phone “I try to hard, and all I get is nothing but comments about me being a copycat...”

“You did all that… for popularity?”

“I don’t know!” Pixel retorted, swaying her hand angrily. “I just want to be recognized for what I do… I want to be recognized for my own skill, my own ability! I don’t want to be overshadowed by others. I want to be recognized! As me!”

Violet only looked at Pixel with pity.

“Then you could have told me… that you felt that way.”

“It’s too late. I’ve done something I can’t take back.”

Pixel looked away, ashamed.

“What you did to Fin," she began to explain. "It hurt her, and it hurt me too ... " Violet continued, holding a hand over a chest and fighting the rage building within. "It was totally unforgivable… but I will. I forgive you.”


“Because Fin did. Look, she doesn’t even know that’s how you felt.”

Pixel only looked away.

“And even now she wants to be your friend. She’s just not good at showing it. Fin likes you. Just give her a chance.”

Pixel looked confused then before Pixel could turn around, Violet placed her hand on Pixel’s shoulder.

“If not, do it for me.”

“Fine.” Pixel took off Violet’s hand gently and sighed. “For you then.”

Pixel grumbled as she walked into a dark room. She couldn’t see well as the room was only lit by a red light.

“Well?! Now what?” Pixel exclaimed. “I’ve got other things to do, you know!”

And then the room was lit with proper lighting. The room wasn’t that wide, but the walls were high and it was covered with dozens upon dozens of photographs. Some of them hung in lines that lined across the room.

Pixel then saw what was in the photographs on the walls. It was pictures of Pixel Pizazz, Violet Blurr, and Photo Finish. Various photos of the trio decorated the room, each having a different moment. One photo included all three of them, laughing at something. Pixel couldn’t remember what was funny back then, but the photo made her smile. Another photo just showed Photo Finish without her glasses as she was fiddling with her camera. Pixel remembered this one; she took it after all. Pixel traced her fingers along the photographs on the wall, feeling them. She then stopped and looked at another photo which showed Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizazz dancing at the Fall Formal. This photo made Pixel a bit sorry for Photo Finish since with events she didn’t get to have her own photo. Pixel then noticed something written in the bottom of the photo.

‘My Best Friends’

Pixel then noticed the photos next to it had similar photos of Pixel and Violet together where Photo Finish took them herself. They all had the similar words in the bottom and the photos formed a shape of a heart. In the middle of the shape was a photo of the trio, with Photo Finish in the middle, Violet on the left, and Pixel on the right. They were in their first year. In the photo, Photo Finish didn’t wear her glasses; instead, she was beaming. In fact all of them were beaming.

Pixel felt her eyes water. She touched the photo in the wall, and traced her fingers across it. She then felt a hug behind her.

“I know I’ve been a bit hard on you two,” Photo Finish said. “I can shine in the spotlight and be praised for my talent for photography, but actually understanding how to interact with others is—mystery.”

“You don’t have to.”

“But I promised. Back then. When we started.”

Pixel then remembered as she saw the photo in the middle. Before they took the photo.

Freshman year. One month after first day.

“I will be the best photographer this school will ever see! Mark my words!” Photo Finish happily announced as she held her camera above her head.

“All by yourself?” Pixel wondered, sitting in the steps in front of Canterlot High building. “You’ll drain yourself tired!”

“Yeah, all that equipment you’ll need will weigh a ton.” Violet added who sat next to Pixel.

“Oh… I guess you’re right…” Photo Finish deflated, lowering her camera.

“Hey, cheer up!” Pixel stood and patted Photo Finish’s head. “We’re here. We’ll help you out!”

“Yeah, we know you can be the best photographer,” Violet agreed. “Being the best doesn’t mean being all alone.”

“You girls...” Photo Finish muttered who then started rubbing her eyes with her sleeve.

“Are you crying?” Violet chuckled.

“No!” Photo sniffled.

“She is crying.” Pixel said, still patting Photo’s head.

“I’m not! See?” Photo Finish wiped her face then beamed.

“Ahahaha! Let’s take a photo with that!” Pixel said as she dragged Photo into sitting with her in the steps then took Photo Finish’s camera. “Smile big!”

Violet got close with the two, then Pixel snapped the camera’s shutter, making it go shoot with it’s flash.

“Ah! Why didn’t you turn off the flash?!” Violet complained as she rubbed her eyes.

Pixel turned around and looked Photo in the eye. She then realized she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Pixel suddenly embraced Photo Finish tight.

“I still hate what you did.”

“I’m sorry,” Photo Finish muttered. “I just don’t know what to do.”

“I know. But hey, I said I hated what you did, not you. Well, I think it’s more like hating myself.”

“What?” Photo Finish looked at Pixel in confusion.

“It means I don’t hate you, silly.”

“Oh thank goodness!” Photo Finish embraced Pixel tighter.

“Hey, not too tight!”

Violet decided to join in and embraced the two of her best friends.

“A little late to the party?” Pixel asked.

“There is no such thing when it comes to hugs.”

Freshman year, three months after first day, Sunday.

After setting down her makeup kit aside, Violet lied down on the grass with her arms behind as she waited for her friends. Photo suggested a photoshoot at the park. Violet looked up into the sky and wondered how much she had changed after meeting Pixel and Photo. It was weird thinking about it. One year ago she wouldn’t even try to talk to people. Okay, maybe she still doesn’t but at least she had two friends that she does frequently talk to. There’s also the fact she lied down on grass when a year ago she wouldn’t even dare do that; Pixel convinced her to do that. She smiled at the thought and closed her eyes. Violet then thought how much Pixel and Photo had changed as well.

Then she heard a click of a camera shutter.

When she opened her eyes, Violet saw her friends over her, looking down on her as they smiled.

“Kept you waiting, huh?” Pixel said, holding a camera while Photo smiled as she held the printout from it.

Present year, Tuesday, lunch break.

Pixel walked into the cafeteria and saw her friends sitting by the table and waving at her. She smiled and went to them, taking a seat next to Photo and across from Violet.

“Okay, I don’t know why you sent me this, but this is very cute.” Pixel took out her phone and showed Violet the screen. “Who is this? I’ve never seen her before. Is she like a new transfer?”

Violet choked a bit from her drink and then stopped herself from laughing further. Photo just looked away. It was the photograph of Photo Finish taken by Violet.

“What? She is really good! She has to model for us!”

Photo stood up and adjusted her glasses.

"Enough! I go!" Photo then ran from the cafeteria.

“Hey, wait! We have to look for this girl!” Pixel screamed after Photo.

Violet, in the end, couldn’t hold back and let out the fits of laughter she held back.

Pixel looked at the photo again on her phone, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t see how any of this is funny.”

Comments ( 5 )

This was a very heart-warming story; it really tugged on my heartstrings. Ioved the interactions with the characters and the overall story really made me well up and smile.

Thanks for writing this amazing story, mate! :twilightsmile:

:pinkiegasp: That's what I said!

Heh. you know? it would be nice if Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizazz would get some speaking roles in the upcoming EG Series next year =3

This was a pretty sweet little story. Well done!

Great! Enough! I go!

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