• Published 16th Oct 2017
  • 1,559 Views, 3 Comments

Eight Changeling Prisoners - Solar Caesar

After capturing eight soldiers of Chrysalis's rebel forces, King Thorax, along with a few companions, goes to see them personally in order to develop a clear understanding of their actions and choices.

  • ...

The Killed, the Captured, and the Wounded

"Get in line, now."

King Thorax watched as the captured changelings were herded into a straight row, with a bit of excessive force being used by his guards. Rifles in hoof, his changelings shoved the few who decided to resist their orders of an orderly formation. A couple of them began borderline hitting the defying ones with the butts of their weapons.

"Enough with the hitting." Thorax ordered, louder than he usually would. He was in the cold winter badlands, in the area recently labeled as "Casddøl". One would have to be at least 2 feet away to even be able to comprehend some words over the wind blowing.

Thorax grimaced. Being on the front, especially in the midst of winter, was a less than enjoyable place to be.

And there he was, by choice, of all things.

Since his military units were currently in a fighting struggle under the worst conditions, Thorax had ensured that his soldiers would be getting their utmost best support, both financially and emotionally. Backed by Equestria, the princesses have granted Thorax and his fighting force millions of bits to handle their war production.

And what of a success that was.

Thorax's engineers, scientists, and mechanics have worked long hours to ensure that the New Changeling Kingdoms were equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. Not just infantry-wise, but armored-vehicle wise and air-wise too.

After approximately one year of production, the New Changeling Kingdoms had newfound strength of:

-750 tanks.

-75 aerial fighters.

-60 military jeeps.

-And 40'000 infantry strong.

Thorax wasn't sure if he should be proud of his military strength. Was being strongest in terms of warfare really what he had envisioned? It sounded like something Chrysalis would do, and he wanted to stay as far away as possible from Chrysalis's morals.

However is question lay unanswered in the back of his mind, as he gazed out at the row of prisoners, now staring directly at him. They stood idly by with their menacing black chitin and fangs hanging out by their jaw. Some with a burning hatred in their sky-blue eyes. Others, staring with a blank expression.

Thorax blinked. After hearing that they had captured eight of Chrysalis's soldiers on the front, he had decided to visit this group personally.

Now, ordinary POW's normally wouldn't be that interesting to Thorax. Assuming that some of his men had surrendered at some point, he didn't think too much about prisoners themselves. He thought they were ordinary changelings who feared for their safety, which was normal in any soldier, species regardless.

But then he had an idea.

Why not instead of housing prisoners all day, try reforming them into fighting against the she-devil Chrysalis?

Of course, he wasn't going to FORCE anyone to fight. That's what a tyrant would do. But if he was able to lead a hive and convince his fellow changelings that sharing love is better than taking it, he was pretty sure he could convince other changelings to join his cause.

Well, he hoped so.

Thus, he presented his idea to three of his closest friends in particular, two of which happened to be Equestrian princesses. While originally hesitant at the idea, they decided amongst each other that hearing the other sides story may give them a better understanding of their life choices. They were eager to hear the other sides point of view, for once. Thus, they sent a certain friendship apprentice.

Except she wasn't here yet.

"They're ready for you, you majesty." a nearby Master Corporal known as Aeris told him. He reared his red head and glanced at the row of prisoners with cold, green eyes. Leaning towards Thorax, he whispered, "If anything happens, we'll back you up. We have rifles aimed at them from ten spots. More than enough to ensure your safety, your majesty."

Thorax nodded. "Good. Try restraining them before firing any shots. Also, you don't have to refer to me as King, or any other titles. Thorax is fine."

Aeris nodded in response. "As you wish, Thorax. Anything else before we begin?"

"Yes, actually. Um, do you by any chance know when our pony delegate will be arriving?"

"We received word that she were running late. Hopefully she'll be here within ten minutes."

Thorax nodded. "Alright, let's get started."

Thorax looked up at the prisoners. Clearing his throat, he prepared his introduction that he had gone over mentally.

"Hello." Thorax said to the prisoners. "I assume you all know who I am."

His response was eight cold stares aimed directly at him.

He cleared his throat. "Now, I'm here to ask you all a few things. We'll get to that, but first we need your personal information." he stated. "We'll start left to right, alright?"

A few of them grunted in response, some looking down at the ground, avoiding eye-contact with the King and the armed guards.

Thorax swallowed. This wasn't off to a great start. Truth be told, he wasn't sure of what to expect from captured enemy combatants. He began walking forward to the furthest one on the left, looking at Master Corporal Aeris and giving his head a little nod towards the prisoners, motioning for him to walk with him.

He walked up to the first changeling on the right. The changeling had his black, hole-filled hooves in his uniformed pockets. This was probably due to the weather being colder than Cloudsdale on a windy day.

Chrysalis's changelings had standard grey and-black uniforms, along with standard pot helmets. The helmets themselves would usually have some sort of insignia on the right side to indicate the regiment a soldier was in. The shoulders usually indicated the troopers rank, determined by the number of lines on a patch. Sometimes these would be chevrons, which are now used by both Celestia's and Thorax's armed forces. Although recruits from specific regiments may don chevrons, it wasn't used often by Chrysalis's army.

Aeris cleared his throat and began. "Name?"

The changeling stayed silent for a moment, and then responded with, "Selrix."

"Do you have a Drone Identification Number, otherwise known as a DIN?"

Selrix grunted in response.

"What is it, then?"


"Good. Age?"


"Alright. Regiment?"

"7098th Yorkshire Regiment."


Selrix chuckled. "I'm kidding. 16th Rifle Regiment."

"That's what I thought. We're done. Thank you for co-operating."

Thorax took a step back and watched as Aeris took the names of every prisoner, left to right. Arriving at the last one, Thorax studied this one's appearance more closely.

The final changeling seemed to be the most veteran-like trooper. He had a scar on his right cheek, along with multiple holes in his uniform. A closer inspection of his facial features showed a cut on his lip, along with what seems to be a deep nick in his ear. A soldier under these types of personal conditions could've been fighting for at least a year in the winter badlands.

"Name?" Aeris asked.

The final changeling said nothing, only staring into the sea green abyss of Aeris's eyes. His brows furrowed, which showed his captors that he clearly wasn't too content of being pushed around whilst having rifles pointed at you every ten seconds.

"Hey, earful. State your name." Aeris ordered, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Why should I?" the changeling responded.

"Because you have no choice." Aeris huffed. "Now answer the question."

"I don't answer to traitors." he said bluntly.

"If anything, you're the traitor here. Now state. Your. Name."

The changeling stayed silent, eyes burning into the Master Corporal's soul with the intensity of a thousand artillery barrages.

Thorax piped up. "Look, if you won't say anything, you aren't going to get anywhere here. The only place you may get yourself by disobeying orders is a prison camp."

The POW growled. "Unlike these fools to my right, I am loyal to the Queen." Crossing his holed arms, he gave a look of defiance towards his captors.

The prisoner to the defiant ones left, named "Cyril", leaned into his comrades ear. "Just answer his questions." Cyril told him. "Who knows, maybe we'll be let off the hook."

"I doubt it." the defiant responded. "We're prisoners. To them, we're the scum of the earth."

"Well, we're all changelings here. If we're scum, so are they." Cyril told him. "Just answer his questions. It's not as if he's ordering you to spill all of our battle plans."

"So," Thorax interrupted, "you know of Chrysalis's plans?" Cyril gulped and responded, "It was, uh, a figure of speech."

The defiant one grimaced. Looking up at Aeris, he said, "Fine. My name is Morpheus."

Thorax smirked. "Thank you."

"Age?" Aeris asked him.

Morpheus hesitated for a moment, but then spoke. "Thirty-three."


"40th Assault Regiment." Morpheus said with a sigh.

"There we go. See? We're finished. Wasn't so hard, was it?"

Morpheus grunted, a deep and guttural noise from the back of his throat, which one could easily mistake for a growl. It could've been a growl. With Thorax's luck, it probably was.

Hoofsteps behind him caused Thorax to crane his neck to see who it was. Luckily, it was one of his good friends. Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkles apprentice, trotted up wearing a brown winter coat and oddly familiar multicoloured scarf.

"Starlight!" Thorax beamed, walking up to his friend. "Glad you could make it."

Starlight smiled back at the King. "I'm glad too. Sorry I was so late. I forgot my scarf, so I had to borrow one from Time Turner."

'So that's who that brown colt is,' Thorax thought to himself, recalling the eccentric stallion who he's seen a few times during his previous trip to Ponyville.

Thorax shook his head. "It's alright. We haven't really gotten far, anyways. We've just finished with the prisoner processing. Getting personal info and such."

"How'd that go?" Starlight asked as she blew away a tuft of hair in front of her face. "Any trouble?"

"Both good and bad, if I'm completely honest. Some of them co-operated, some didn't. We eventually got all of their names and identification, but it took longer than we were expecting."

"Well, how hostile would you say they were?" Starlight asked.

"I'd say a five, I guess. Out of all of them." Thorax replied, rolling his shoulders back, groaning uncomfortably. "I'm a bit stiff this morning, sorry."

Starlight waved a hoof dismissively. "I know what you mean, Thorax. Twilight woke me up at five in the morning yesterday to help Applejack on the farm. Said it would further 'friendship opportunities' and 'social bonding through the form of physical work'. I'm still feeling the knots in by back." Starlight rolled her eyes, supposedly at the thought. "As if I couldn't get that from volunteering, or something."

Thorax chuckled. "I guess those friendship lessons are a lot of work."

"Yeah, but I'd be lying if I said they weren't going to reward me in the long run." Starlight responded. "It's just so...unusual. I'm not used to being an apprentice, being taught instead of teaching."

"First time for everything." Thorax told her, turning his head to look back at the row of captured combatants. "Today, that fits well for all of us." Waving a green hoof at the eight unreformed changelings, he breathed out a sigh. "All of us."

An uncomfortable silence flowed through the two, the wind carrying it all the way through the camp and as far as it could possibly reach.

Starlight shattered the seemingly unbreakable silence. "So," she spoke, her eyes meeting Thorax's. "Shall we get started?"

Thorax nodded. "Yes. Let's."

Thorax and Starlight turned and walked towards the "faithful eight" as a couple guards have called them. Their hooves crunched against the snow as the wind mixed with the harsh sunlight stung their retinas. The eight shuffled uncomfortably as their two captives made a beeline towards them. A few prisoners stared at Starlight, one nudging his comrade and muttering the words, "It's her, from the reform..." and the comrade giving a look of utter disgust and hatred.

The duo halted smack dab in front of the row of unreformed changelings. Thorax saw Starlight quickly scanning the group. The mood suddenly shifted from an awkward feeling in the air to a cesspool of negative emotions. They've probably heard of Starlight from Chrysalis, Thorax realized. The things she must've told them...they're probably filled to the brim with anti-Kingdom propaganda.

Thorax nodded towards Starlight, giving her the signal to start.

"Hello." Starlight beamed at the eight. "How has everyone been doing today?"

A few murmurs were the only response she got. The unreformed changelings shuffled their feet nervously, keeping their icy blue eyes focused towards the ground. They shivered from the frozen winds, causing Thorax to shudder as well. Feeling the goosebumps spread throughout his arms and legs, he rubbed his arms under his fabric coat.

He looked over to Starlight, and could see that she was shivering as well. Thorax felt sympathy for her, as she was clearly straining against "lady winter".

Teeth chattering, Starlight continued. "I know it's difficult for you all, being held captive under conditions such as these. We-"

"Why're you holding us here, then?" one changeling interrupted. "Clearly you're not enjoying it, and neither are we."

"I understand that you're all feeling low, and quite annoyed, even. Believe me, I am no fan to the cold."

"Yet you come here by choice to taunt us." the same changeling spat. "I've been shot at, whacked, been pummeled with artillery, and I'm freezing my flank off."

"I'm not here to taunt you. I'm here to find out the perspective of the other side. You all are enemies to us. Unreformed. Still following Chrysalis." Starlight blew her hair out of her face. "We want to know why. Which is why we're asking you right now."

The changeling who spoke opened his mouth to retort, but hesitated. Closing his mouth, he sighed. "I guess I should tell you, since I've already began."

The disobedient changeling known as Morpheus snorted. "What is this, a feelings circle? This is ridiculous."

"Actually, it's a feelings forum." Thorax said with a nervous toothy smile.

"Whatever. We haven't been been sent to Casddøl to fraternize."

"Je suis déjà là, je peux mordre." the changeling replied. Thorax could tell Starlight was confused, as she cocked an eyebrow at the changeling speaking in a strangely familiar foreign tongue. Looking towards Thorax, Starlight asked, "What did he say? Do you know?"

Thorax gave a little chuckle. "He said, 'I'm here anyways. I might as well bite.'" he explained.

"Ils sont nos ennemis. La fraternité avec l'ennemi est un crime traître." Morpheus spat. "Je vous suggère d'arrêter, avant d'être envoyé à court."

"Oh, sérieusement?." the changeling Thorax recalled to be named "Orvech" scoffed. "Veux-tu être ici plus longtemps?"

It's time I take control of the situation, Thorax thought, as he cleared his throat to speak. "Excusez-moi!" Thorax interrupted. Both Orvech and Morpheus turned to face the King once again. "All opinions on the matter aside, may we please return to the subject-at-hand?"

Orvech nodded, followed by Morph. "Oui.", they said in unison.

Thorax nodded. "Bien." Looking at Starlight, the two exchanged a look. "Were you just speaking Prench?"

"Yep! That's the changeling national language!" he beamed.

"But...how? Prench is usually spoken in Prance, no?" Starlight asked.

"Well, you're right, but-" Thorax began, until he was interrupted by Orvech.

"Uh..." Orvech spoke. "You want me to begin?"

Thorax nodded towards Starlight, giving her the cue to begin. "I'll explain later."

Starlight nodded. "Please." she said, addressing the group more than Orvech himself. "Start with why you're still loyal to her. To Chrysalis."

Orvech sighed and kicked at the powdered snow. "I remained because this is how we protect our people." he said. "I'm fighting not for the Queen, but for the hive in itself." he sniffed and continued. "We were all starving. We still are. But we still fight for the hive because it's how we've been raised."

Orvech coughed, and continued. "I have someone I love. I've planned to be hers, once I get back."

An unsteady silence filled the air. Thorax wasn't expecting love of all things to be Orvech's motivation. Were unreformed changelings even capable of love? Wait, of course they were. Thorax loved all his friends, even before he had defeated Chrysalis.

"I don't hate you all." Orvech continued. "But I still fight against you. Do you know why?" he asked to Starlight and Thorax in particular.

"For the mare you love." Starlight responded, a look of understanding in her eye. Thorax caught a hint of sorrow coming from her as well.

"Exactly." Orvech said. "Not for the Queen, but the hive and it's inhabitants." Orvech looked down the road to Morpheus, who remained silent. "We all have different reasons to fight. Some may be more unusual than others. But we all have one thing in common, and that's the fighting spirit."

The wind screeched in the air, causing everyone's toes to curl as the sickening shock of the cold digging it's teeth into one's skin.

"Thank you, Orvech." Starlight told him, clearly moved by the soldiers "speech". It seems that the feeling in the air had somehow gotten even more awkward than before, if it was even possible. This single soldier pulled out more tear jerking material in a minute flat than an opera in forty.

"Erm, next?" Thorax said, breaking the awkward spiral for the third time today. "You, er...what's your name again?" Thorax asked, pointing towards the trooper besides Orvech.

"Oh, it's Cyril." the trooper responded. "I guess it's me next." Cyril took a step forward, with more confidence than Thorax had expected.

"A little stuff about myself." Cyril said. "I'm twenty-eight years old, I'm single, my favorite ice cream flavour is mint chip, and I'm a recently employed artillery spotter." Cyril said these things with a joking feel to it, but Thorax could tell he was being honest.

"Okay," Thorax nodded, liking Cyril more by the second. "Why'd you stay with Chrysalis?" he asked.

Cyril cleared his throat, and responded. "Eh. It's the same way we've been doing things for as long as I can remember. Chryssie is a bit power-hungry, but she kept us alive. Life ain't the best, but it could be a whole lot worse."

"Well, wouldn't you like to be fed, and broaden your horizons a bit? Last I checked, all we did was hunt or patrol. Don't you want to have a bit of fun in the hive?" Thorax said. His plan was clear here - try and convince the prisoners to reform. But not before hearing their side of the story first.

"I mean, we play kick the helmet on off time. Plus, when I get home I'll be headin' to a different line of work. So broadening my views aren't that big of a concern for me, honestly."

Thorax mentally kicked himself. 'He's not convinced. I thought for sure he was going to accept the reformation.'

"Being fed more does sound good, though..."

Thorax's ears perked up. 'Is he...?'

"Eh. I'll think about it. I'm more of a doer." Cyril responded.

'Well, he didn't say no.' Thorax thought.

"Thank you, Cyril. Next?" Aeris called.

It was Morpheus. "Pass." he said bluntly.

Aeris was about to yell at him before Thorax put a hoof onto his shoulder. "Let him. As much as I hate it, we can't force everyone to obey our orders." he told the Corporal. Corporal Aeris sighed a sigh of defeat, his breath showing through the freezing air. "Alright. The one beside Orvech, your turn."

"Me?" Cyril asked.

"No, you just went." Aeris responded.

"I already said 'pass'." Morpheus stated, annoyed.

"Not you! The one to his-"

"Right?" one of the guards piped up, confused.

"NO!" Aeris shouted. "The one to his LEFT!"

An obvious "oh" coursed through the group, which included a few guards.

"So, me." the changeling to Orvech's left asked.

"Yes. Begin when you're ready." Thorax told him.

The changeling cleared his throat. "My name's Dragan, I'm 32 years old, and the reason i joined up was...er...kind of weird." the changeling awkwardly said. "I was a worker before, doing manual labour, stuff like that. I'm gonna be frank with you - I hated it. Back-breaking work with awful hours, 'sall it was. I joined the military to get out of the manual work."

"Wait, let me get this straight." Starlight said, motioning her hooves in an "explanation" like way. "You joined the military, which is very tough, life-or-death manual labour...to get out of manual labour?"

"Well...yes." Dragan told her.

"Aaaaand how's that working out for you?" Starlight asked, lowering her hooves.

"Not my best choice."

"Yyyyeah, it isn't. Next?" Starlight said, trying to advance the process as quickly as possible.

"My turn, I guess." the changeling beside Dragan took a step forward. Thorax made a mental note of the ones who stayed in place, and the ones who took charge and showed that they were still strong enough to make their own decisions.

"Name's Wimansk. I'm a forced conscript." he explained.

"Chrysalis has begun forcing her people to fight?" Aeris said, confused. "I knew she was desperate, but..."

"Wait, no. Not exactly 'forced' to fight." Wimansk explained quickly. "I was in the brig. I was part of the Navy before being sent to a detention site."

"What did you do that earned yourself a stay in prison?" Thorax asked the changeling, genuinely curious. So far, this was the first unreformed changeling he had seen who had steered from the path a bit.

"I stole an officer's possessions. Medals and stuff like that. Wanted to sell them to a griffon for a hefty amount of bits." Wimansk explained. "Was planning to convert the bits to your changeling currency, since they're basically the exact same worth."

"We haven't changed the currency at all." Thorax told him. "What did you need the bits for, anyways? It's not like there are any lifelong investments available under Chrysalis's rule."

"Extra food rations. New uniforms, clothing, stuff like that. Personal gain. I got caught, sent to prison. Some agent came up to me and offered me release if I'd enlist. I took it, so I ended up here."

"Thank you for telling." Thorax said, a bit disappointed. He wanted Wimansk's intentions of betraying the hive to be a defective driven act, not a greed driven act of defiance.

Starlight's turn. "Next?"

The changeling beside Wimansk straightened his back. "I am Racje, and I joined to support the Queen." he said, clearly attempting to sound as authoritative as possible. 'Great, another fanatic supporter. Thorax said, rolling his purple eyes.

"That's a nice uniform." Aeris said, pointing to Racjes getup. "What rank are you, again?"

"Sergeant." he explained. "I am a squad leader." Aeris cleared his throat at that. "Was." he said. "You were a squad leader."

"I am still a squad leader." Racje hissed. "Just because I was brought here against my will doesn't mean I am anything less than I was before all this." Racje groaned slightly, and Thorax saw that his arm was in a bloody cast.

"Whatever you say. You still surrendered to us, and thus you are a prisoner. Expect to be treated as one." Aeris said bluntly, his words converting to icy breath clouds.

"I did not surrender." Racje spat at the Corporal. "A soldier of her Majesty's military NEVER resorts to cowardice!" Aeris chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the Sergeants outburst. "Then why are you a prisoner?"

"I was wounded." the Sergeant said with a scowl. "Two of your men came up to me as I was lying down, separated from my squad. I believed they would finish me off, but they took me somewhere. Woke up in a bed, restrained. And now, I have been dragged here."

"That explains it." Aeris said. "We've got a lot of questions for ya, Sarge." he said that last word as if he was cursing him to Tartarus itself.

Racje growled - clearly a growl, this time over - and stared at the ground in defeat. Aeris walked to the next changeling. "Hopefully you'll have your head on straight, and learn to show respect."

The unreformed changeling gulped.

"Nervous?" Aeris asked.

The changeling shook his head.

"Cat got your tongue?" Aeris asked with a smirk. "Speak."

The unreformed changeling opened his mouth to speak, and gulped. Then he opened his mouth began to speak.

"J-je ne pas parlez Équestre." the changeling stuttered.

"This one speaks Prench, Thorax." Aeris called to Thorax. Thorax was confused. Learning Equestrian was a must for any changeling, regardless of job. True, there were some who were more focused on work and training to attend their Equestrian language classes. But that was rare.

"I thought you spoke Prench?" Thorax asked Aeris. "I do, but I haven't spoken it in a while. We've mostly been speaking Equestrian lately." the Master Corporal explained, shuffling a bit in embarrassment.

Thorax sighed. "Hold on, I'm coming." Thorax started to walk forward, but was interrupted by Starlight, who began walking with him.

"You speak Prench fluently?" Starlight asked. Thorax nodded his green head. "Still confused on why we speak it?" he asked the purple and pink mare. Starlight nodded, her green and purple hair blowing in her face. Or was it turquoise and purple hair?

Thorax took a jacketed arm and patted his friend on the back. "I'll tell ya when I have time." he said, smiling.

They stopped at the Prench changeling. Thorax cleared his throat and began to speak. "Donc, vous ne parlez pas Équestre du tout?" he asked him. The changeling seemed to relax a little. "Non." he replied.

"Comment vous appelez-vous?" Thorax asked. The changeling responded with a "Saturk."

"Êtes-vous une recrue, Saturk?"

"Oui, je suis une recrue."

"Pourquoi avez-vous enrôlé? Tu as l'air effrayé."

The unreformed changeling looked to his left, then his right. "Un peu."

"Vous n'avez pas à avoir peur, vous ne serez pas lésés." Thorax reassured him.

"Merci, monsieur." the changeling nodded to Thorax. "Je l'ai fait pour que personne ne pense que j'étais un lâche."

"Un lâche?" Thorax said, surprised. "Lâche" meant "coward". "Pensez-vous que vous êtes le seul lâche?"

"M-mais-" Saturk began, but Thorax stopped him. "Tout le monde a peur. Celui qui dit le contraire ment."

He received a stare from the young soldier. Thorax turned and walked to Starlight and Aeris, who were standing side by side, watching the ordeal.

Starlight barely got a chance to speak before Thorax began explaining everything that transpired between him and the recruit.

"He said he joined so nobody would think of him as a coward." Thorax told them. "I feel bad for him. He was just like me, during the invasion of Canterlot. I just..." Thorax said, getting more emotional by the second.

Starlight put a hoof onto his shoulder. "Hey, hey! Just breathe, Thorax." Starlight said, attempting to console the King. Thorax took deep breaths, eventually calming down. "You always did have a problem with hyperventilation." Starlight said jokingly. Aeris raised an eyebrow at that, obviously befuddled by Starlights words.

Thorax chuckled. "I know. He just...reminded me of me, that's all. A scared soldier, alone and afraid."

Starlight felt a pang in her heart. "I'm sorry, Thorax." she told him.

"You know what? You take a break. I'll go to the last one." Starlight told Thorax. Thorax nodded, uttering a "be careful", before she started towards the final trooper.

As she was facing the row of prisoners, she noticed that they had all been staring at the odd ordeal with Thorax. Some were confused, others were uncomfortable, and others...were snickering.

Starlight stopped in front of the final POW, who stared at her.

"Hi." Starlight greeted.

"Hi." the changeling said.

There was an awkward silence between the two.

"So, um...what's your name?" she asked.

"Selrix." he responded. "You?"

"Starlight Glimmer." she introduced, as formally as possible.

"Nice to meet you."

"You as well."

They were silent for a few seconds, before Selrix piped up again. "I joined to serve."

"Serve the hive, or the Queen?" Starlight asked.


Starlight didn't expect this. "Can you...explain?"

"Well, I enlisted to be apart of reclaiming all the things Chrysalis had lost. Her hive, her ideals, everything. I don't...agree with some of her beliefs, but for the most part she's...an okay leader."

"I see. And for your hive?"

"I'm fighting for the future of the hive." Selrix explained. "We have children, young ones who will eventually replace us. We want the best for them, despite our hard-shelled ways."

"So, quite the same as Orvech, but a bit more for the leader herself."

"Pretty much. Only difference is that I'm single."

Starlight giggled. So did Selrix.

"Thank you for that." Starlight said, shaking off the giggles.

"No problem." Selrix told her.

They stared at each other, but not as awkward as the first time.

"Also, don't bother trying to talk to Morpheus." Selrix said. "We may not have too many 'stone-cold fanatics' left, but he is indeed one of them."

Starlight nodded, heeding the advice. "I will bear that in mind, then. Have a nice day, Selrix."

Selrix smiled. "You too, Starlight."

Starlight turned and began walking to Thorax and Aeris, who were spectating the whole ordeal. "How'd it go?" Thorax asked. "You were in a quiet conversation, over there."

"It went great." she told the king. "By the way, skip Morpheus."

"Skip M- why?" Aeris asked, genuinely confused.

"He won't co-operate. Selrix told me." Starlight explained to the Master Corporal.

Thorax looked to Aeris, giving him a nod. "I guess we're done here?" Aeris asked.

"I guess so." Thorax said. "Round them up, take them to the prison camp back home." he told the Master Corporal.

Aeris saluted. "Yes, Thorax." he turned and began barking orders to the row of the eight.

Starlight hesitated, and then yelled "Wait!"

Aeris turned to the purple mare. "What is it?"

"We need to thank them." Starlight said. "For...everything."

Aeris sighed, and allowed Starlight and Thorax to begin the ending committee.

Within 10 minutes, the prisoners have been rounded up and herded into the transport truck, but not before being given a formal thanks from the King and his companion. Thorax and Starlight watched as they drove away, down the snowy landscape of sleet and ice. Aeris had entered the passenger seat, to ensure no "funny business" occurred.

Thorax and Starlight began walking back to the royal pickup, their hooves crunching the snow.

Starlight felt content. She was able to hear the other side of the war, and she had learned that everyone was the same, on the inside, no matter which allegiance you were with.

There was something that still nagged at her, though.

"Thorax?" she asked.

"Yeah?" Thorax responded. "What's up?"

"You never told me how your national language is Prench."

Thorax's eyes widened. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "Sorry, I completely forgot. I guess I should start at the beginning, then."

"The first time we began speaking Prench was about a 1,000 or so years ago, when Prench pony and Griffon settlers arrived to the changeling lands seeking places to live. We lived side by side with them for about 40 years, until they were driven away due to some strange epidemic.

During their stay, we began speaking the same language as the Prench settlers. Needless to say, it was much easier than hissing or doing a series of clicks and other strange noises to communicate. The only catch was that we had to change a few things."

"Like what?" Starlight asked.

"Well, our numbers are different and the months are as well. Months always end in an ante. For example, in Equestrian Prench, they say Septembre, in place of September, right? We say Septante. And for numbers, we say deux-vingt for forty instead of quarante, and quatre-un for forty-one, and-"

"Okay, I get it." Starlight said, clearly understanding the differences. Thorax nodded, in understanding, and they continued walking to the pick-up.

"Uh..." Thorax began. "...Do you wanna learn a few words? I mean, I can teach you a few things, if you'd like."

Starlight drew her eyes to somewhere upwards, considering the offer. After a few seconds, she nodded her head. "That would be nice." she said with a smile.

And thus, they arrived at the pick-up and had a safe trip back home, far away from the eventual killing-ground known as Casddøl.

It wouldn't serve a positive thought for a while, even after the civil war would eventually end. Thousands of young changelings would have this as their final resting ground, never to return home. Their sacrifice would not be in vain, as future generations of little changelings would play here, frolicking about, some oblivious to the death and tragedy that occurred where they stood.

Soon, flowers would blossom once mother winter departs, gone for the time being. The old, rotting bodies of the deceased turned to ash, now will sprout a greater purpose, one of which will be of spreading love and joy to all the inhabitants of the earth as we know it.

Is it really that difficult, to have peace amongst others?

We will never know.

“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.” -Anonymous

Author's Note:

And there it is, my first official "completed" story on this website. This is a great achievement, one of which I am proud to say I have not abandoned it or cancelled it or placed it on Hiatus.

This was a short one shot, one of which I may add on 1 more chapter, just to clear up what eventually happened between the fateful eight.

After this, I'm planning to continue "The Reformed Sniper", starring the best bug-Queen.

Also, for those of you who recognize the name "Cyril", he's from a very bad story that I wrote LONG ago. Props to whoever remembers.

Criticism is welcomed, as long as it isn't too bashful. Not that being a little bashful is bad, but just keep it to a minimum.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Comments ( 3 )

Very moving, emotional story. Very well written. :pinkiehappy::heart:

Thank you very much! Truth be told, I didn't expect this story to get as much attention as it did. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Really enjoyed reading this story! You have a great way with words and an awesome imagination. Definitely a writer in the making! I encourage you to keep writing. :)

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