• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 570 Views, 4 Comments

The Mysterious Glowing Dot - Randomizer77

One day, a glowing dot catches the eye of a curious unicorn.

  • ...

Catch It If You Can!

Sigma considered herself to be an average pony. Though her color pattern was uncommon, she was still a normal unicorn. Or was she... ?

The unicorn shook her head lightly to prevent that always oh-so infuriating train of thought from leaving the station, then inevitably derailing later on. Yet despite this, one particular car of the just-stopped train continued on unabated and coasted to a stop in the front of her thoughts.

What did her cutie mark mean?

It was a letter in a language that had fallen out of use a very long time ago, and Sigma didn't have even the slightest clue of how to read or speak said language. So why on Earth, Heaven, and Tartarus was the picture that was permanently tattooed on the unicorn mare's butt a letter from that long-dead language? It just didn't make the slightest bit of sense to Sigma, no matter how many hours she spent trying to get her brain into the right gear needed to figure out just one piece of the puzzle. . . which as far as she knew, certainly was comprised of at least one-thousand pieces.

Grumbling in irritation, Sigma shook her head harder to send the last troublesome train car flying through the air to the horizon, and cause it to unceremoniously explode into a fireball on landing.

Why did these super aggravating thoughts always insist on putting up an exhausting fight before relenting and letting themselves be pummeled into submission in some often-ridiculous manner? That was precisely why she didn't like thinking about her cutie mark; all that train of thought did was tie her brain into knots.

"I've gotta find something to do. . ." Sigma grumbled while getting up to leave, intent on untying the knots in her head.

Suddenly, something moved in the corner of the unicorn mare's vision. Naturally curious, she went over to investigate. . .

. . . And discovered a small, glowing red dot.

As the unicorn crept closer, the mysterious glowing dot began to move, slowly at first, but soon darting towards the lone pony in the room, stopping right in front of her. Almost instantly, Sigma was overcome with curiosity.

What was this little red glowing dot? She had never seen anything like it! It vibrated in place, as if it was trying to figure out its next move, then swiftly moved out from between Sigma's forelegs. With lightning-fast reflexes, the unicorn mare shot one forehoof out towards the dot, only for it to dodge at the last moment. Undeterred, she made another grab at the dot, only to get the same result.

The mysterious glowing dot then darted to one side, the unicorn mare turning her body and following it with her eyes, but before she could make another grab, the little red dot suddenly darted beneath Sigma, and in her attempt to catch it, the unicorn mare instead managed to flop onto her back, with the dot now resting motionless in front of her, silently taunting the now-disgruntled unicorn.

Then its movements spelled something out.

Catch me if you can

Sigma scowled at the curiosity-turned-adversary.

Must get dot. She thought to herself.

Rolling back onto her hooves, the dot not moving while she did, the now-determined unicorn set her sights on the dot, took on a predatory stance, and pounced. . .

Only for the mysterious glowing dot to dodge at the last moment, before spelling out something else.

Come at me mare

Growling, Sigma crouched, wiggled her rump and gave chase to the mysterious glowing dot. The unicorn’s prey quickly dashed away, turning into the hallway, the predator hot on its tail!

But then said predator was brought to an abrupt halt by an unseen obstacle.

Sunlight streaming through the windows revealed the culprit: plastic wrap spanning the width of the hallway. In her determination to catch the mysterious glowing dot, Sigma failed to hear nearby stifled laughter as she tore the plastic wrap down.

Sprinting with all her might, the unicorn charged down the hall, soon spotting the mysterious glowing dot once again fleeing from its determined pursuer.

Then it did something very unexpected: it moved onto a wall!

Shaking off her shock, Sigma resumed her determined pursuit of the mysterious glowing dot, getting a running start and then leaping at the wall. She ran into it with a loud thump and landed back on the floor (and again failed to notice stifled laughter), quickly finding that her target had moved back onto the ground.

Once again, a foreleg shot out and pounced on the mysterious glowing dot, its owner determined to catch the peculiar object. Sigma followed the mysterious glowing dot as it began to move in a circle; in her frenzy to catch it, the two-toned unicorn mare failed to realize that the mysterious glowing dot was currently making its pursuer look a lot like a dog comically chasing its own tail.

The mysterious glowing dot moved back onto the wall, and this time, Sigma was more careful, getting onto her haunches and swiping at the little red object. It suddenly occurred to her to try using her magic to grab the thing, but when she tried to, the mysterious glowing dot proved itself to be immune, much to Sigma’s chagrin.

Suddenly, the mysterious glowing dot vanished into thin air!

What had just happened?! The mysterious glowing dot was there just a second ago! Where had it gone?!

Before Sigma could spiral any further, the mysterious glowing dot reappeared, and the two-toned unicorn mare resumed her dogged pursuit. Although she didn’t realize it, the chase was wearing her out; she was starting to tire. But she didn’t give up; she wouldn’t give up.

With determination (and exhaustion) burning in her chest, Sigma took off after the mysterious glowing dot, her forelegs erratically darting out in an attempt to catch it.

But it didn’t work.

Ten minutes later, exhausted and mind thoroughly scrambled, Sigma collapsed, failing to notice that the source of the mysterious glowing dot was right in front of her.

Author's Note:

Dot: “Come at me, bro!”

Cat: “Challenge accepted.”

Comments ( 4 )

Pones being cats will never not be adorably hilarious

Repeatedly presses button while chuckling before cracking noise is heard* Oops, I think I broke the like button.

cat pone is cute

On a more serious note, I'm a bit more curious about who Sigma actually is and what her cutie mark means now.

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