• Published 17th Sep 2017
  • 1,754 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Dashie: 5th Birthday - Rdasher12

In the "My Little Dashie" timeline, Dashie's 5th Birthday is the day that this was published. That day was never covered in the story, so here's a short covering that event.

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Happy Birthday Dashie

Today is a day for celebration, for today, my little Dashie turns five! It honestly feels like just yesterday I was cheering her on as she performed the sonic rainboom for the entire county to see. But in reality, it's been a whole year now.

It's strange to me, really. It used to be that a year would go by slowly. I would look forward to the new year, in hopes of getting a fresh start. But ever since Dashie came into my life, I feel as if these years have gone by a little too quickly for me. As much as I'd like to change that, I know that I can't. It's best that I enjoy my time with her while I still can.

I know for a fact that it won't be like this forever. One day, someday, she will be taken home. Whether it just be a simple "poof" and she's gone, or through some other means. In my heart, I hope that never happens. But in my head, I know it will...

But that's not important right now. What's important is that I make this day a memorable one for Dashie. I won't allow anything less.

With this thought in mind, I hop out of my bed and walk to the kitchen. Dashie told me last night to get her up bright and early, so I decided to wake up before sunrise to make sure that all of my preparations were set in stone, as well as make her birthday breakfast.

I'm lucky that her birthday landed on a Sunday this year, or I may've had to make up some kind of excuse to miss work. I'd do that in a heartbeat for Dashie, but I prefer to stay out of that stuff if at all possible.

I get the pancake batter out of the pantry and set it on the counter. After having Dashie in my life for five years, I learned all of her favorite foods for each meal of the day. For breakfast, it was hot cakes with blueberries on top.

And even though I've only had her for five years, I highly doubt she's that young. Back when I found her, she had to have been at least four, maybe five years old. But, I don't think it really matters right now. So I'm just going to leave it as it is.

After about twenty minutes, I had Dashie's breakfast ready for her. As well as a smaller portion for myself. I look out of the kitchen window and I can see the sun poking just above the horizon. I guess it's time that I go wake her up.

After putting away the hot cake ingredients and wiping up the small mess that I had made, I walked over to Dashie's bedroom.

She's had her own room for about three years now. We had to empty it out as it was filled to the brim with my childhood toys and school papers. But once she got her hooves on it, she really made it her own. NASCAR posters, toys, and a makeshift obstacle course decorated the floor and walls. It was... creative, to say the least.

Eventually, I reach her barely cracked door. I quietly grasp the doorknob and start to open it, being careful not to wake her just yet. With a few squeaks along the way, I finally get the door all the way open.

I make my way to her bed, getting on my knees so that I was at eye-level with her. I extend my hand out and pet her mane. Her sheer cuteness nearly overwhelms me before she wakes up.

After yawning, stretching, and rubbing her eyes, she looks to me.

"Good morning, Dashie," I say in a calm, quiet voice. "Guess what day it is?"

It seems those words flip her switch to "day mode", as she immediately jumps out of bed like a spring!

"My birthday! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Her sudden burst of energy caught me by surprise, and I nearly fall over trying to get up.

"Yeah, that's right Dashie! How about we start off the day with your birthday breakfast?" From this, I get an excited nod before she bolts off towards the kitchen. I can't hold back a smile as I chase after her.


She gobbled up her hot cakes in about ten seconds flat, literally. She may've not even noticed that I spelled out "Happy Birthday" with the blueberries. Either way, it's fine. It's not every day that she has a reason to be this excited. It wouldn't be fair to slow her down.

Dashie quickly ran over to the sink and put her plate in the dishwasher like I taught her. She's such a good filly, even on her special day. Most kids would expect everything to be done for them on their birthday. But not my daughter!

Dashie frantically flew around the house as I finished my helping of breakfast. It's best that I don't hold her up, I can tell that she's ready to start the day's activities. My only concern is that we might run out of things to do before the end of the day!

After finishing my breakfast, putting my plate in the dishwasher, and hastily getting dressed, the clock read 8:00 am. We have a long day ahead of us, and I plan to make the most of it!

We start off by going to the old park. Even though we're two of the maybe dozen "people" left living in this area, I think it's better to be on the safe side and get this out of the way while most of the remaining residents here are still asleep.


She had a blast! Performing her signature tricks as well as brainstorming with me to make up new ones. She even came close to doing a sonic rainboom again, but she couldn't quite pull it off this time. It may've been due to the weather, or her positioning. Both were a bit different from the last time she did it. Or maybe I'm just making up excuses and she really couldn't do it this time...

Nah, there's no way that my little Dashie could be losing her touch! She's still a little kid, after all. If anything, performing the sonic rainboom should become easier for her as the years go on.

But, as much as it pains me to say it, a part of me was hoping that she wouldn't perform it here again. Last time, it was the cause of hundreds of broken windows in the city. And not too long ago I discovered a few cracks in some of my own. As cool as the sonic rainboom is, and as happy as it would've made her, it wouldn't have been fair for the other citizens.

Her failed attempt at a sonic rainboom saddened her at first. But it wasn't long before she was beaming with pride once again.

Just as we were about to head home, Dashie got it in her head that we should race back to the house. Her in the clouds, me on the sidewalk. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I quickly remembered that today is her special day. I don't care how tired I'll be by the time I get home, as long as Dashie is happy.

I jogged over to the sidewalk and got in the starting position, signaling to Dashie that I was ready.

"321Go!" And just like that, Dashie was nearly out of sight before I even started running. Obviously, there was no way that I was going to win. That's not to say I'm out of shape or anything, but not even a Ferrari could compete against the speed demon that is my daughter. Then again, it's not like I'm in it to win. Even if I could beat her, I wouldn't want to. She's my daughter.


By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I haven't ran like that since my high school days, over a decade ago. I tiredly walk my way to the door and see Dashie gliding down from one of the clouds above the house.

"What took so long, Pops? I've been here for five minutes already!" Dashie asked with a cocky tone.

"Oh... just thought I'd take... the scenic route." I say between heavy breaths.


By the time I got my energy back, it was just about lunchtime. As good as I've become at making breakfast, and the occasional cake, I wasn't the best with lunch and dinner. My little Dashie deserves the best that I can manage on her special day, so I decided to walk over to the McDonald's near the city. I have a bit of money saved up for today, and Dashie really enjoyed their fries and apple slices. Maybe I'll get her a smoothie or something, as well.


I fumble around with my keys as I walk up to my front door, with two McDonald's bags in hand. I eventually find the right key and use it to unlock the two deadbolts, the Masterlock, and finally, the doorknob. You can never be too careful. Especially if you have something in your house that doesn't exist. Or rather, somepony that shouldn't exist.

I open the door and walk inside my home. Our home, actually. It's just as much Dashie's as it is mine, and nothing will ever change that.

I walk into the kitchen as I put my keys back in my pocket. I set the McDonald's bags on the counter, and look into the living room to find Dashie watching TV. Looking at my watch, I see that it's nearly 2:00 pm. If I remember correctly, Dashie told me earlier this week that a NASCAR race would be starting around 2:30 pm. So she's probably watching the pre-race show that she always enjoyed.

I bring the bags into the living room and set them on the coffee table.

"Hey, Dashie. I brought back some food from McDonald's. I think you'll like what I got for you." Dashie looks up from the TV to me and hops off of the couch. She then flies up to me and gives me a hug.

"Thanks a bunch, Dad! I'm sure the food is gonna be great!" I feel all warm and fuzzy inside from Dashie's hug. It felt a bit more passionate than her usual ones. It's probably just me, though.


By the time we finished our meals, the race was about to start. From what I could tell, Dashie really enjoyed both the apple slices, fries and pomegranate smoothie I got for her. I wasn't too sure what flavor to get her, so I ended up guessing and hoping for the best. Luckily for me, she isn't very picky when it comes to food or drinks. She doesn't complain about the food that I give her very often. And when she does, half of the time it's because of my sub-par cooking.

At the moment, Dashie is pretty invested in the TV. The race just started, and that's usually when a lot of the action happens. Or at least, from what I know it does.

I've always watched the races with her, but I haven't quite been able to grasp what makes it so entertaining. I can understand why Dashie likes it, with her need for speed and everything. But to me, it's just a bunch of cars driving in circles.

I hear the announcer state that they're racing at Chicagoland, which actually isn't very far from here. Maybe if I get a better job someday I can take her to a NASCAR race close by. She could probably just hide in some clouds above the grandstands, and I know for sure that she'd enjoy it!

As we continue to watch the race, I noticed something a bit strange. Dashie hasn't once cheered for any specific driver, which is something that most fans do.

"Hey, Dashie?"

"Yeah, Pops?"

"Do you have a favorite driver? I've never seen you cheer for one in particular."

Her eyes look up, as if she were searching for an answer. After a few more seconds, she responds.

"I mean... not really. I just enjoy watching the racing, because, you know, it's so awesome!"

Well, You learn something new every day.


After another few hours, the race ended. It was won by Martin Truex Jr. in a dominating fashion. Dashie was nothing but smiles the entire time. She couldn't stop talking about how the cars work, and how all of the components go together to make it. It's pretty interesting, actually.

It also makes me realize just how incredibly smart she is for a filly. Of course, I've always known that, but this really takes the cake.


Speaking of cake, that's what we made next. Ever since we first made one last year after her sonic rainboom, we've been practicing at each opportunity we get. My birthday, holidays, and sometimes if we just felt like having something sweet. After all of the experience, we have improved on the skill.

Despite this, there was still quite a mess at the end of it, but we couldn't care less. She had fun. Hell, even I had fun, because as long as she's happy, I can be happy.


It's now late in the day, and I've been up for nearly fifteen hours. But I'm just too happy for Dashie to be tired.

The cake has been finished, and it's sitting right in front of my little girl. Five candles line the perimeter, and in the middle, it reads: Happy Birthday Dashie.

I pull my camera out from my pocket as I light the candles. Throughout the day, I've been taking pictures of Dashie and I enjoying the day's activities. But this is going to be the most important one that I take.

I eventually ignite the last candle and put down the lighter. Dashie gazes upon the cake, with the room barely lit from the lightbulb in the main hallway.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday my little Dashie
Happy birthday to you."

Dashie gave me a heartwarming smile as she spoke.

"Aw, thank you, Daddy."

I couldn't help but smile back at her as I responded.

"You're very welcome, Dashie. Make a wish!"

At those words, Dashie closes her eyes to make her wish. A moment later, she opens them up again and blows out the candles.

I snap a picture just as she does. She looked so cute in it, that my heart very nearly exploded!

"What did you wish for, Dashie?"

"I wished that we could be... Wait, hang on, I'm not supposed to tell you that!"

I laugh as I respond. "Nice save, Dashie!"

Lately, I've been teaching her a lot about American tradition, and not telling anyone what you wished for on your birthday was one of those things.

"I'll be right back, Dashie. I gotta go get something real quick."

She gives me a nod as I get up from my chair and head towards my room. A few weeks back, I saw something in the Walmart I work at that I thought she'd enjoy using.

I enter my room and walk over to the already opened closet. Up on the shelf, I locate the gift bag and take it down.


"Here you go, Dashie. Go ahead and open it."

Dashie frantically took the gift bag from my hands. She immediately takes out the tissue paper with her teeth and pulls out her present.

What she sees is a pair of racing goggles. I figured that she could wear them while performing her high-speed stunts to improve her visibility. I just hope she's already figured that out.

Without a single word from Dashie, she flies right at me and I get tackled to the ground with a grunt.

"Does that mean you like it?" I say with a strained voice.

"Like it? These goggles are gonna be absolutely, positively, untakeoffable!"


After she settled down a bit, we each had a slice of cake. Dashie and I both agreed that it was the best one we've made so far.

We eventually took our separate showers, which is something that Dashie has gotten really good at these last few years. She hasn't needed my help for anything in the past year, and I think that's pretty impressive for a pony.

By ten o'clock, we were both in the living room relaxing after a long day of fun. I think it's safe to say that Dashie enjoyed her birthday. Although, I wish I could've bought her more things. Even before she was in my life, buying luxuries was a rarity. But I would never let my little Dashie go without some kind of gift. And that's because I-

"Hey, Pops? Can I bunk with you tonight?" My thoughts are cut off by Dashie.

My heart explodes. It's been years since we've done that. There's no way I'm passing it up.

"Aw, of course, you can Dashie. Race you to the beds!"

With an unexpected burst of energy, I hop up from the couch and make a dash for my bedroom. This caught Dashie off guard, but she was right on my tail by the time we reached the door.


I wake up from my slumber a few hours later, the moon still high in the sky. I try going back to sleep a few times, but with Dashie's body all but wrapping around my own, it came to no avail. I eventually gave up and turned on my side table lamp to its dimmest setting.

Reaching under my bed, I pull out our family photo album and go through it. From my childhood with my parents, to when I first found Dashie five years ago now. Her first bath, first drawing, first words, first flight, her amazing sonic rainboom as well as all of the birthdays and holidays in between.

So far, Dashie has done nothing but bring joy into my otherwise dull life. And I hope we can continue making these memories for a long-

"I wish that we can be together... forever."

Once again, Dashie's voice interrupted my thought.

Was my little Dashie sleep-talking? More importantly, was that her birthday wish? That's so adorable.

"I hope we can be together forever too, Dashie."

I got a lot of life ahead of me, and I plan to make the best of it.

For myself...

As I say those words in my mind, I feel the warmth and softness of Dashie's cyan coat rub against my arm. My heart explodes for the hundredth time. I can hear my beautiful daughter mumbling to herself in her sleep again.

"Goodnight, Daddy... I love you."

I smile as I lean forward and kiss her on the forehead. "Goodnight, my little Dashie. I love you too."

For my little Dashie.


Author's Note:

Once again, I'd like to wish a big happy birthday to the "My Little Dashie" timeline, as well as the Rainbow Dash from that story. This was my first shot at a short story, so I hope I didn't drag it on for too long. Feel free to leave feedback or any thoughts you might have in the comments. I hope you enjoyed the story!
