• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
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Me. Take it or leave it.


When a song doesn't help them see the light, what else can you do?

Print a second edition that calls them out for what they really are.

Twilight has let her anger get the best of her, and has called out her worst detractors for what they really are. But one fan shows her that her aim was not as precise as she thought, and those that took no sides paid the price for her negligence.

Whether they feel genuine care for their heroes, choose to show their upset in more mature ways, find inspiration, or find light after years of darkness, Twilight sees that the fans she'd thought so little of were more than she'd ever imagined.

Rated T for one slight hint at suicide.

I didn't write this for popularity. I wrote this as a metaphor to call people out. Just like they did.
Only I was more careful and actually cared. They didn't.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 186 )

Are you.... are you fucking kidding me?

Hell. Yes.

I love this story. It's something I can see happening, and the characters are on point.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks, and thanks for the fave! :twilightsmile:

I can't tell you how much this story closely related to a very personal story in my life. Though not relating to any author or book, just a very bad day at school. It was my junior year of High School in my math class. One day, it was normal, but this obnoxious kid who I will not name, would not shut up, follow rules and he insulted my teacher. Same went for others. She had her patience, but it kept going during lessons as a joke. She finally lashed out at us saying that we were the worst class she's had in her entire teaching career. But the kid wouldn't stop after that like he was proud. Then she walked out of the room to calm down. At first I just sat there glaring at him, then later I was silently crying in the back of the room since I used to always sit in the back because of my Asperger's. I stayed like that for the rest of the class. It was also the last class of the day, when the bell rang everyone left, except me. She asked me what was wrong, so I told her how I felt in that moment and I asked if that included me? (Now I got teary eyes at the memory by typing this) She came over and calmed me down and she said no. She really does care and that I should feel proud to be here and that she was just angry at him and didn't mean all of us. It's because of this story, Grey Sky, and you, for showing me that there are good people that are far and in between and look on the best side of things. Which is why this is now one of my all time favorite stories from you and on this site. Thank you my friend.:heart::pinkiesad2::fluttershysad:

I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me. Seriously, it's a feeling I can't put into words. I'm honored, and I feel blessed to have had the ability to elicit such a reaction. Thank you, Sudoku. For you, and for others like you, it was an honor to write this story.

Thank you for your support, and for the favorite. It's what keeps me going. :twilightsmile:

I can't say this in an objective manner so I'm going to be honest. I don't like this story. I get wanting to have Twilight and the others meet the positive part of the fandom, but the method used bothers me. Having Twilight write a scathing and insulting foreword to a second edition, guilting her over it, then calling her out on it repeatedly? Does not really make sense to me. It all seems unnecessary, and feels pointless. It just doesn't sit well with me.

I understand. I knew the risks when I wrote this story. But you have to understand, the foreword is symbolic. It represents the episode upon which this fic is based. And most of the fans reacted just as they did in the episode itself, but the good few fans (representing myself and whoever else felt bad after the episode) made Twilight (the writers) see that the foreword (the episode) was wrong.

I get that it's not going to sit well with some people, and that's okay. I still thank you for reading and offering your thoughts in a thoughtful, kind manner. :twilightsmile:

Some of the colts and fillies behaved that way too, like the ones that tore out Twilight's pages to read about Rainbow Dash's

Congrats on being not only one of my few story down votes but the first one to make me break my rule of reading the story first.

That you imply that people like you who took this episode far to personally are part of the "good few" fans over the actual majority of people who liked it, laughed at it and themselves, and has the common sense to understand this episode targeted a small minority is far more insulting than the episode was and ever will be.

Even worse considering you consider yourself a fan for a series whose episodes you won't watch and yet complain about much to people's annoyance.

based on what you wrote in your summary I decided to just skim this. When one of the OC ponies mentioned respect I decided against more. Respect is earned and the ponies Twi met in that story hadn't earned any

Okay, first major problem with the story is Twilight's character. Lashing out? Name me one instance in the actual show where she's actually done that. Twilight's the Princess of Friendship, and her writing a scathing forward like that goes against every aspect of her character and her title, and she rightfully alienated her subjects here which is the only outcome of this. The Twilight in the show, she never would have done something that spiteful. She's neurotic. She freaks out, has panic attacks, not goes on full blown tirades like she does here. The Twilight in here, that's you speaking, not the character.

Also, you missed the fact that quite a few fillies and colts behaved like idiots as well (Granted, they're children, so they will be immature) and tore out a few pages of the journal to read only about Rainbow Dash.

Same with the subjects, which is the story's second and major problem. They match quite a few things you've said in your blog posts, which is pretty much what this story is. A blog disguised as a story and published for the masses to read. Accusation fics like this, like Jay the Brony's "That's it?", they feed of the feelings of the readers and their anger and vitriol against the characters being accused. And then there's this, this comment I have to take issue with.

I understand. I knew the risks when I wrote this story. But you have to understand, the foreword is symbolic. It represents the episode upon which this fic is based. And most of the fans reacted just as they did in the episode itself, but the good few fans (representing myself and whoever else felt bad after the episode) made Twilight (the writers) see that the foreword (the episode) was wrong.

Uh, wrong. Times have changed, most of the fans got the joke the episode was making, and are laughing about it. You implying the true fans are the ones that took this far too personally, that just implies to me the message of this episode flew right over your head. I'm going to quote my good friend RuinQueen on her thoughts on the matter when we discussed this episode on Discord.

The point of the episode is to basically comment on the negative aspects of the Brony Community yes, but you forget the most important thing, the ending. The ending serves as a reminder of what the community is really about, about people coming together in friendship because of the show, its not a bad episode, its not perfect mind you, but I wouldn't call it one of the worst.

So again,

It's here. It's published.

A great story, as I said while prereading it. Awesome work as always, LS, keep it up

I'm sorry for how this might sound, but how is it okay for the writers of the show to use ponies as mouthpieces for meta commentary, but not us?

I get that you disliked the story. I knew people were going to. But I won't conform to anyone's standards of how character should or shouldn't be used. It's my story, and I do what I feel is right with it. Besides, this needed to be said for people like me.

In any case, the ending was a contradiction. The message is that the lessons are important, but the strawman fans didn't learn a lesson. If anything, the lesson was "people are assholes who won't change, so don't worry about what they say, even if there is a grain of truth to their fanaticism."

I don't want to start another fight with you, so I'll stop this here.

Quoted from the character Heat Stroke:

“Or at least common decency for someone who’s not completely fanatical.

And the way Twi treated her fans was without decency. Which is the point of the story. I'm sorry you didn't like it, but I won't apologize for writing it.

And people can laugh at themselves, because that's how they chose to take it. I'm not going after them for the way they took it. I'd appreciate it if you didn't criticize me for the way I took it. I'm letting them laugh at themselves. I expect the same in return.

And no, I don't watch the show anymore. And yes, I complain about it. But again, you don't see me being annoyed by people who blindly praise it and think it's immune to criticism. I am, but I don;t talk about it. I expect the same in return. Live and let live.

Again, sorry you didn't like it, but not sorry I wrote it. It needed to be said.

Thanks again for your help, and thanks for the fave! :twilightsmile:

I feel like these fics wouldn't need to exist if the legitimate criticisms of the show weren't either completely ignored or demonized.

Precisely. And the episode gave the impression that legitimate criticisms are just fanatics being fanatics. It trivializes their concerns. I may think the complaint that Fluttershy learns the same lesson over and over is dumb and easily explained, but I can see where people are coming from with it. Same goes with the Rarity hate and the Twilicorn hate (the last one, not quite as much, but I can still see it).

Except I'm not calling you out for how you took it.

I'm calling you our for having the audacity to imply that you and a bunch of thin skinned whiners who take things way to personally are the "good few" over all the mature people with common sense.

Love this story so much. I think this is my new favorite of your stories after "Critical Analysis". The characters are well written. Everything feels like a legitimate episode. And I can see your reason for writing this. Meeting the slim group of people who respect and value the lessons and themes of a true life story is touching. And I believe this story perfectly captures the real world. You can make a biting critique of an entire group of people, but there area fraction of people in that group that are the mitigator for aggression.

The foreword was an odd choice of plot kick starting, but nonetheless a strong choice as it perfectly captures the essential base of conflicts. Generalization. Assumption. These two elements make the foreword stronger than it is being given credit for.

The 5 ponies you introduced at the bookclub meeting were awesome to read. Because they felt real. They felt like people you'd come across in real life. Painted smiles but truth be told they need a guide to start their reformative action. That's why I love these characters.

As for the 3rd edit of the Journal, and it's foreword. It's awesome. I love the image of a book giving a reason for its dedication to a certain person or persons. And it's remarkable to read.

Overall, it's an amazing story and probably the newest addition to my top 5 favorites on this websites. The heartwarming ending, the satisfying character development, and the presentation were spectacular. Thanks for writing this masterpiece. You're still a great writer.

Again, I'm sorry you took it that way. But you have the right to interpret what you want from whatever you want. Just as I do. Let's leave it at that.

Thank you for all your amazing support! Really, replies like this, it's hard to put into words how grateful I am and how touched I am at such intimate reactions I get from people. It's really like no other feeling. Thank you so much for reading. It's an honor to have written one of your favorites. :pinkiehappy:

You're a great writer, and you deserve more credit for what you create. Many people try and fail a meta story, but you make them work. If you're ever lacking motivation. Just remember that there are supporters and fans amongst the dislikes and scalding review. I'd like to call you my friend, I thought we were after the "Starlight Glimmer Doesn't Deserve Forgiveness" group. That crashed and burned. But I stuck close to your stories and blogs hoping to become a fair friendship. Sorry, I'm getting all emotional right now. I wish you the best, friend.

The fact that you stuck by me after that fiasco is proof enough that you're a good friend. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. :fluttershysad:

So, you have kids who are jerks and kids who are decent.

And you have adults who are jerks and adults who are . . . . . ?

Not saying kids were good all the time. Just saying adults weren't jerks all the time, is all.

Fun fact: the word 'fan' is a short hand way of writing 'fanatic'.

This is not a joke, seriously search it up.


Well what more can you expect from someone who spent almost an entire week crying his eyes out over this specific episode? If anything this is more of "a what took you so long?" scenario rather than a "what were you thinking?" scenario.

People like him basically represent the "unpleasable fandom" aspect of the Brony community, the kind that refuse to take a nice look at themselves and acknowledge how they're acting, the kind that basically demand respect from a show that they refused to give respect to. Claiming that it's "dead" or "ruined" by a single character, and acting like no matter what good episodes come out of it it'll still be ruined. People like him who have the audacity to criticize the show and yet are too thin-skinned and hypocritical to take criticisms against themselves to heart.

False-Bronies like him are the kind of "fans" this episode portrayed 100% accurately.


Twilight didn't encounter any non fanatical fans

I understand how you feel. I really do. But you're wrong about me.

I loved the show before. It saved my life at least once. Now, the care is just not there, and it hurts.

I never demanded respect from the show. I just didn't want them to stoop to using their characters as mouthpieces to paint us all with the same brush. If it's wrong for us, it should be wrong for them.

There are still some good episodes nowadays, I admit. But it's just not enough to balance out what went wrong. I can't just sit by while a show I loved just throws away everything that made it great. If it means criticizing it, then fine. And if it means getting the evil eye from the die-hard fans, then fine. I expected that when I wrote this very fic.

You can criticize me all you want. But to outright say that what you see in me is fact, is not criticism. I know I can be frustrating and intolerant at times, but it's only because I care. I care so much. But how can I keep caring when the show cares less and less all the time? The more it goes on, the more meaningless it is to care so much. And now for an episode to come out that tells me I'm wrong to care that much? I couldn't stay silent.

I get what you're saying, and I understand why you're frustrated. But you don't know me. So you can't force yourself to believe you can get into my head and analyze me as a fan or as a human being. I'm not asking for trouble. I just wanted to post a story that I wrote from the heart. If you have a problem with that, then I think you're the one who needs an introspective. I already know I'm a lousy human being, and I've accepted that things will never get better. So I'm just trying to do the best I can for myself.

Again, I'm sorry you feel this way. But I won't be sorry for writing from the heart.

Exactly. And she should have. It would have represented us more fairly and made us not look like fools. If they can laugh at that, then that's fine. They can take it their way, and I'll take it mine.

to be perfectly frank I didn't see myself as a pony fan in that episode. If you did then I think you need to look at yourself more than the writers

This was aimed at the fans. It's not about seeing ourselves in it. It's about whether they made it so we can in an accurate sense.

Not cool. Not cool. I will admit that all fandoms have problematic members, and I don't know the author beyond this story so I can't speak to their character (although they seem pretty polite from what I've seen here), but still. You don't go expressing an opinion of someone -- especially a malicious one -- in the comments of a story, and that person's story in particular. I don't like this story, nor do I very much agree with the common interpretation of the episode being a full attack on the fandom, but I'm allowed to feel that way just like the author is allowed to write such a story and have opinions on the show.

I can't stop you feeling how you feel, or doing what you want to do, but please don't try to drag me into it.

Best story since the invention of canned bread.
Every character is spot on, it's really how the episode should have been wrote for the show.


people have a right to express themselves, would it be better if they talked about others behind their back?

A fair point, but as I said: don't drag me into it.

So then what is legitimate criticism? Because even though I've seen such where the flaws are pointed out and how they could be improved, they are completely cast aside for ones that are not. I guess they're easier to get mad about or something.

Nailed it.

I can probably guess it to be blatant fixfic wankery based purely on the comments and your conduct on the site blog and in the fimfic Discord. The summary alone is cringeworthy enough for a downvote, but I'm really not going to bother.

He really didn't. And this was in the works before my mistakes on Discord that night. You can see this however you want to, but at least read it before you downvote. If you don't want to, why bother commenting? It's not helping anyone.

I just needed to get this off my chest. The reception it's getting isn't making it much better.

Thank you, and thanks for the fave.

You good, bro. I haven't read the story yet, nor do I plan to. I was just wondering.

Maybe I'm taking this too far, but it seems to me that some people are criticizing this story in a vary similar fashion to how the financial ponys criticized the journal.

And maybe it's just me, but people also seem to be getting angry at the emotion and motivation behind the story instead of the actual story.

I personally was one of the angry ones, but honestly I just stopped caring and moved on to other stuff. I didn't cared about a product that nowadays insults the audience itself and it's intelligence.

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