• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,361 Views, 54 Comments

Radiance - Carapace

A nighttime gathering brings the promise of smiles and idle chatter, an inescapable web for Princess Celestia. This night, however, brings forth an opportunity for companionship she lacked since the start of her lonely reign.

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2. Splendrous Tidings of Morn

Warm sunlight flowed into the room, across the soft pink carpet until it crept across the magnificent plush bed and regal purple covers like a river of gold. It touched upon the slumbering young mare’s delicate, pearl white shoulders, teasing her ears with its breath as it whispered phantom tidings and bade her awaken.

Rarity’s want to steal a few moments more of blissful sleep voiced itself in a sleepy murmur. She turned away, burying her snout in the pillow as she had done so often when her mother came to rouse her for school, chasing away those wonderful fillyhood dreams. Of course, back then those dreams had been about dashing princes.

The last had been different. Oh, so delightfully different.

She willed herself to hold onto this one with every fiber of her being. Just this once. A little while longer before she had to rise to work.

It was just to perfect to allow to slip free into the aether, or wherever such fanciful things disappeared when they left her mind’s eye. A wonderful night, a perfect night spent with a mare of beauty spoken of only in the hushed whispers of stricken admirers, or depicted by poets and painters who plied their best efforts to capture a mere inkling of her splendor. All had been in vain. But who could blame them?

Who could dare hope to touch that of the mare who shone like the very sun she raised?

But a dream was all it was and ever would be. So much like that silly want to be wooed by a noblestallion she held onto from her fillyhood days, one she could happily say had been buried after a couple unfortunate attempts to snag attention. Rarity would just have to wait until the day somepony, mare or stallion, turned their eyes her way.

Celestia whisking her off from one of Fancy Pants' parties, indeed. Rarity let loose sigh, one part disappointment, two parts derisive. She was doing it again. Letting her mind conjure up some flight of fancy, like a little filly. She was home, in her own bed, not sleeping in Canterlot Castle, let alone Princess Celestia's private suite.

No matter what the dream suggested.

Still. It had been … so lovely. Especially that little moment where she could’ve sworn she felt a gentle snout nuzzle into the crook of her neck, warm breath ghosting over her coat as soft lips trailed fluffy kisses along it, up her cheek until the Princess of Day whispered, “Sunrise, dear. I’ll be back in just a moment.”

A shiver ran down her spine at the thought, her lips tugged into a contented smile as a want to hold onto that feeling rose above all others. Oh, how she could live in that moment forever!

Oh, if only.

Regrettably, life didn’t often allow for such things. With a heavy sigh, Rarity surrendered to the unyielding light of the morning sun and made to rise and begin her routine. A nice, warm bath would help her get started. Even if it was but a momentary substitute for the warmth of Celestia’s embrace and lovely bed.

At least, that had been the plan.

As she made to rise, Rarity noticed something wrapped around her barrel—two somethings, actually. One, she could only guess to be a pony’s foreleg by the feel of velvety smooth coat tickling against her own and the firm hoof’s edge teasing against her belly. The other, however, was what she could only describe as the most gorgeous wing she had ever laid eyes on. Its soft, downy feathers seemed to trail a sensation of electricity beneath her skin as the limb tightened and pulled her backward, back until she felt her shoulders press against the pony’s broad chest as their free hoof snaked its way around her as well.

Then she felt a warm snout press against the back of her neck, and soft lips plant a kiss upon the base that coaxed forth a quivering breath and sensuous arching of her back. “Trying to slip away, Rarity?” Celestia’s familiar voice whispered in her ear, her tone one of affectionate mischief. “It’s been some time since my last one night romp, but I can’t say I’m not a bit hurt.”

Rarity froze, her eyes shot open. The events of the night before flashed before her eyes. Slowly, her jaw fell open. “I … wasn’t dreaming?” she murmured.

Celestia chuckled and kissed just beneath her ear. “I should hope not. Otherwise, I’ll have to speak with Luna about dream melding.” Rarity felt her shrug her shoulders, then lean down to nose against her cheek. “But given that I’m not so old and dusty that I can’t remember what it feels like to hold a lover in my embrace in the morning, I think I’m quite content.” She planted a kiss on Rarity’s cheek, gently coaxing her to roll with an expert nudge of her hoof. “Confident.” A sudden nip drew a squeal. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut, she felt the older mare shift and raise off the mattress so she could lay flat upon her back. Another low chuckle preceded a slow lick to her snout, she cracked her eyelids just enough to behold her the amorous princess.

The love shone in those ancient purple eyes made her heart flutter, her breath hastened as Celestia nuzzled a slow circle around her nose.

“That all of this,” she continued huskily, “is quite real, and I am most grateful for it.”

Pearl white ears twitched. Rarity had to fight to keep the biggest, goofiest grin off her face, but she couldn’t help but allow her tail to swish. Oh, heavens! She licked her lips. “Then we …” She drank in a deep breath and forced herself to speak. “Then are we …” Words failed her. There simply was no way to lend voice to her question.

Fortunately, Celestia had no such trouble. With a smile so radiant it could’ve warmed even the deepest, darkest cave, she dotted Rarity’s nose with a kiss. “I would be delighted for us to be, yes. If you shared my feelings.”

Perhaps not the sweeping romantic proclamation of her favorite novels, but more than enough to bring a light dusting of pink to her alabaster cheeks and break her feeble will to withhold that smile. Her tail lashed, the splendorous curls, matted and unkempt after a night of cuddling and romancing before they finally slept, ghosted against her ankle.

She swallowed a lump which had formed in the back of her throat. “I—I would certainly like to see where things might progress, as it were.”

“Then yes.” Celestia beamed, fluffing her magnificent white feathers, the very visage of perfection, even in the early morning hours before she had the chance to bathe and ready herself for the day. She lowered herself down to rest atop Rarity, propping herself up on her elbows. “I do believe we are.”

Rarity spread her legs wide to accommodate the alicorn’s larger form. A flurry of images rushed through her mind as she felt their coats brush against one another and those voluptuous hips settle between her thighs, the pink dusting in her cheeks deepened, the burn spread like wildfire to the very nape of her neck. Tentatively, she dared to wrap her hooves around Celestia’s neck in a loose embrace, then leaned up, her lips parted in a silent plea for a sweet kiss. Just like those they shared the night before.

With a low hum, Celestia sealed their lips together, her hooves trailed up to cup the younger mare’s cheeks. Her tongue teased and probed along Rarity’s lips, expertly probing along until she surrendered to allow entrance.

A mewl built within her chest and gave itself voice, muffled by their mouths. Rarity tilted her head back, pressing herself against the pillow and letting her eyes slowly flutter shut as she let herself submit to the sweet taste and sensuous prodding and massaging, expert ministrations of a mare with untold experience loving and being loved. A flirt of her tail against Rarity’s rear and deft teasing of feathers along her sides spurred forth a heady squeal and jerky roll of her hips.

When they parted, it seemed all too soon. A thin strand of drool lingered, connecting their lips until Celestia smiled at Rarity again and leaned in, slowly licking her lips. A veritable flock of butterflies danced took flight in her belly.

“As much as I would love to enjoy the benefits of spending a lazy morning in bed with a beautiful mare, last night was quite spontaneous on both our parts.” Celestia sighed, settling back upon her elbows. However, her smile didn’t falter an inch. “Would you care to join me for breakfast?”

“I would be delighted,” the words spilled forth from Rarity’s lips before she even realized. Her cheeks coloring, she hid a nervous smile behind her hoof and gave a shaky chuckle. “I—I mean, yes. Of course.”

“Wonderful. But first … an idea.” The teasing gleam in Celestia’s eyes told her the little slip hadn’t gone unnoticed. After another gentle peck to her nose, the Princess of Day rose, slowly sliding off of Rarity, the tips of her feathers tracing playfully over her belly while that ethereal tail flirted beneath her chin. She circled around the bed, her hooves struck out a confident cadence against the tile floor as she made for the door. Her pace slowed, Celestia glanced over her shoulder and aimed a smirk at the younger mare as she put a little sway in her hips.

A sway which made Rarity’s ears stand ramrod straight and eyes linger on that immaculate derriere. The tip of her tongue ran along her top lip of its own volition, a swish of that gorgeous prismatic tail stoked a fire beneath throughout her face and neck, and deep within her belly.

Those ancient purple eyes held her fixed in place with a hooded, smoldering gaze.

“I like to think a warm bath is a perfect way to start the day. “ Celestia let out a purr the likes of which would send mares and stallions alike prancing to her side. Her horn flashed brilliant gold, she tugged the door open to reveal an opulent bathroom decorated with white marble, glittering metallic gold fixtures, and soft purple towels and bath rugs covering the white tile floor. “Won’t you join me?”

Rarity hurried out of bed, yelping and muttering a curse when she found her hooves entangled with the silken sheets. A musical giggle from her princess, her lover caressed and tickled her ears. She flicked her tail, then took a breath and tossed the messy tresses of her regal purple mane over her shoulder and trotted over to Celestia’s side. Only her many years of practice served to aid her in preserving some semblance of her usual coy smile aimed in return.

Those ancient purple eyes sparkled with mirth and affection, which earned a puff of Rarity’s cheeks.

She may have taken the initiative, the young designer thought, her mind working a mile a minute to craft out a little plan of her own, but princess or not, I won’t just stand passively and be wooed. It’s high time I found some way to return the favor.

The pleasant tickle of feathers ghosting over her back as Celestia wrapped a wing around her shoulder chased those thoughts to the back of her mind. Such plans could wait until afterward.

Her immediate future involved a warm bath spent in close company with a wonderful mare.

Bathing with Celestia was much the dream of intimacy Rarity had fashioned for herself as a filly all those years ago. Oh, certainly, those dreams typically involved some dashing stallion with a toned body chiseled from stone, a strong jaw, and mighty hooves which seemed to touch her with reverence, an act of restraint taken as if she were made of glass. But, as she grew older, some of those trended toward lovely mares as well. A curiosity, at the time.

A dream, more like. One she could say she was living out in real time.

Those hooves were mighty, enough to shatter mountains, yet gentle enough to shape and guide a nation into an age of peace and prosperity, and hold a mare so closely. Her magic was warm, betraying the underlying heat of the very sun she could raise with ease, and the fires she commanded, but not once did it scorch a hair of Rarity’s coat as it guided washcloth, sponge, and brush to caress and clean her form. Wings powerful enough to whip up tornadoes and destroy hurricanes had wrapped around her, holding her flush against Celestia’s chest as those immaculate feathers scooped water and trickled it over her dampened mane.

And those lips …

A shiver of want ran down her spine. It felt oddly selfish to want more when she so often felt those soft kisses pressed into her neck, her shoulder, her cheek, and atop her head.

Afterward, naturally, came breakfast. A lovely affair spent at a small table, only just big enough for the two of them to dine together. A meal of delectable, fresh fruit, violet petals, pancakes, and orange juice awaited, followed by a nice cup of Earl Neigh tea, the perfect blend to start any day. For the most part, it was spent in a sort of understood quiet. Not as though Celestia or she simply refused to speak, but that there was just … no need.

Instead, they were content to hold one another in their gazes and smile. Mutual appreciation, if Rarity had to put words to it. A mutual appreciation for a mare so resplendent, it seemed a work of fantasy that she was even fit to behold such a visage in the early hours of the morning, let alone any dream her mind might craft.

And, unless her eyes did deceive her, the same thoughts were reflected in each of the princess’s lingering gazes. Those which she caught, of course.

Oh, did she ever hope those thoughts were shared. No matter how vain it might be to dare wish it so.

What mare didn’t long to be wanted by her lover, after all?

The end came all too soon for her liking. Their plates were cleaned and set upon the waiting cart. Rarity made sure to follow Celestia’s cue and give her sincerest compliments to the staff pony, a rather dashing stallion dressed in a black vest and blue bowtie, before he bowed and removed the dishes from their presence, leaving the two mares to share one last moment together.

Celestia’s smile seemed to falter a touch. She sighed, her ears drooping a millimeter as she rose from her seat and beckoned Rarity to follow with a rustle of her left wing. “If I could push Court back an hour without causing some fuss among the upper crust, I would do it with gladness this morning,” she said with a longing skyward gaze. Then she turned and let her eyes fall upon Rarity once more, a small, fond smile tugged at her lips. “Another time, I should think.”

Rarity returned her smile as she rose and circled around the table slowly, putting a little hint of a sway in her hips, payback for that little show she’d been given earlier. That her efforts earned a rather notable twitch of those beautiful white ears nearly made her squeal with delight. Practice and sheer will enabled her to maintain her calm smile and say, “Well, if I’m to be invited back again—”

“Do I need to say so explicitly?” Celestia asked, amused.

The younger mare fluttered her lashes, pressing her cheek against Celestia’s shoulder. “A mare does love knowing she’s wanted by her lover.”

A snort came in reply. “Touché. In that case …” A golden-shoed hoof cupped Rarity’s chin, the cool touch of metal playing teasing sensations over her coat as Celestia caressed her gently. “Another time, another night, I would love to have you here again, and would happily send for you rather than ask you to spend bits on train fare.” She leaned in close, enough that her lips brushed against Rarity’s like the touch of butterfly wings. “Won’t you consider my offer?”

Vows not to mewl be damned, Rarity nearly melted in her hooves then and there. Worse, her tongue betrayed her, a squeaky “Yes” escaped her lips before she could even think of a fitting reply to keep some semblance of coyness.

What little could remain after the previous night.

“Wonderful,” Celestia purred. With a deft flick of shimmering magic, she tugged the door open to allow them passage out into the hall. Her wing stayed wrapped tight around Rarity’s shoulders as she guided the mare from the room and turned right down the corridor. “I suppose I’ll be selfish this morning and ask that you accompany me to Court. Or, rather, to the hallway.” She cast a wink at Rarity, adding, “I think it a bit too early to ask that you suffer a full day of tedium with me when you could explore the castle.”

Rarity blinked. Now, there was an idea! “Er, how much of the castle?”

“Well, I would advise avoiding the east wing. Renovations. And where Luna keeps the dungeons, if you ask naughty foals’ mothers. Otherwise, and save perhaps for Luna’s chambers, I should think you’re more than welcome to wander wherever you please.”

A chance to explore the castle without restriction?

Her brows nearly disappeared beneath her bangs. Today promised to be quite an event indeed.

Author's Note:

Surprise, fools!

Blame Cryosite, Jondor, Monochromatic, Silfoe, Amaryceus, AudreyAzura, and Timaeus for this. They brainwormed me into submission and I am a weak smugling for some shipping ;3;