• Published 12th Sep 2017
  • 824 Views, 5 Comments

Of Hearts and Shrooms - Alchemystudent

In an world Equestria Girls before the friendship games, a new world of power is about to be unleashed.

  • ...

Of Beginnings and battles

Let me start this adventure by asking a simple question... Do you believe in fairytales? If not, then stay, you might start to believe soon.

This is not the Equestria Girls world you know. This is one of the Starfleet worlds, set sometime before the games began. This is a world where dreams are about to become reality, love and hate do battle, and yes... friendship succeeds.

So, do you believe in fairytales?

Sunset sat on the stairs in front of the school, reading the book in front of her. She sighed as she thought back to the events that lead her to this universe, and she thought of Princess Twilight's death. She closed the book and sighed,"It feels like a piece of me is missing, Twilight." She looked up, and noticed a figure in a white lab coat in front of the statue,"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked, walking up to the figure.

The figure waved a hand through his blue hair,"Admiring." He turned to her, his eyes blazing purple,"The statue here is one of many mysteries about this school. Another one is you, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset took a step back,"Who are you?" She growled.

"Relax," The man gave a smile,"I'm an administrator of the board of education, Doctor Abderus. I came because your superintendent is out of line, or so I've heard."

"Out of line? I know that Celesto has done a few things that might seem wrong, but I don't know what you mean out of line?"

Abderus pushed up his glasses,"Celesto has made... exaggerations, and he has been toying with the school budget, while interfering the education of our students."

"Your students?" asked Sunset, walking around him, "What do you mean, your students? And what exaggerations?"

"The idea that he owns this school, and built it." He looked at Sunset,"In fact, Princess Platinum's estate built it, and Smart Cookie IV, my aunt, owns it. There are more things but," He smiled at Sunset,"I don't think you should worry, Sunset."

"I should've known,"Sunset sighed and walked in front of the statue, "So, what do you think is odd about the statue?"

"Oh..." Abderus turned to Sunset,"It's... magical, don't you think?" he smiled before walking into the school.

Sunset stood there, looking curious as she watched the professor walk away,”Did... did he...?”

Suddenly, a pipe appeared from beside the statue, and a ball of red and blue flew up in the air.

Sunset spun around in surprise. Then she was hit by the blur of red and blue, "What on earth?" She muttered, holding her head as she landed on her butt

The blur got up and dusted off his red hat,"Mama mia!" He said, putting it back on. On the front of the hat was a large M. He looked around,"Luigi? Luigi?" He turned to Sunset,"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"N-no it's all rihgt," Sunset said, getting up. She noticed that the man wore a red shirt with blue overalls. Then she offered her hand, "I'm Sunset, and you are? And how did you get in that pipe?

"It's-a me, Mario!" Mario shook Sunset's hand vigorously,"That was a warp pipe, me and my little brother entered it chasing after this strange creature!" He looked around,"Where am I?"

"You are on Earth, near Canterlot High on the state of Mystic Island. So, why were you chasing a weird creature?" Sunset said, sitting down

"Well, it all started with a bang." Mario said, putting a thumb to his chin.


A loud bang occurred, causing Mario and Luigi to jump out of their bunks,"Mario!" Luigi held onto Mario.

Mario sighed, running into the closet and grabbing his blue overalls and red shirt. In an instant, he put them onto his body before flipping his hat over head and placed it onto his head. Turning to look at his brother, he threw the matching green suit to his little brother before jumping out the window. He adjusted his hat as he saw a black creature with a white head holding onto a star in it's mouth. The red lines pulsated as it stared at them, before leaping into a warp pipe.

A toadstool ran to Mario,"This is terrible! That thing took one of our stars, terrorized several civilians, and it ruined my favorite store!"

Princess Peach walked up as Luigi cowered behind Mario,"Well, I'm a little insulted! You would think it would want me!" She looked down at Mario,"That star was one of the seven star spirits. Strangely, all seven of them have disappeared over the week!" She frowned,"That thing may be the cause of it. Mario, Luigi, be dears and retrieve them for me?"

Mario tipped his hat,"You got it!"

Luigi shivered,"Oh, no!"

Mario ran over to the black warp pipe,"Luigi!"

"No..." Luigi shivered.


"No!" Luigi cowered into a fetal position.

"Come on already!" Mario ran over to his little brother and pulled him along as they jumped into the warp pipe.

Peach sighed,"I worry for them." She gasped as she saw a woman in blue come towards her, hurling ice,"Oh, my!"


"... And that's how I got here!" Mario frowned,"But Luigi seems to be lost.

"And Luigi is your little brother?" Sunset asked.

Mario nodded,"Yep! You'd know him when you see him, he looks like me, but taller and wears green."

"Taller than you?" Sunset wasn’t surprised, she knew of some younger siblings that were taller.

Mario frowned,"Yeah, taller." He looked up,"Well, I better go find him! Be careful if you see any black creatures around!" HE said before running off.


Abderus sat down, staring into Celesto’s eyes,”You know, the Board will not like the lies you’ve been telling.” His eyes furrowed in annoyance.

Celesto snarled at him,”I’ve been trying to follow their orders, Abderus, but-”

"And you never bothered to tell me the truth about events in this high school!"Abderus glared at him,"Your letters and the footage we watched do not match. Wonder why, Superintendent!" He glared at Celesto,"I'm staying here to monitor this school from now on. You are lucky Acacius likes you for some reason, or I’d destroy you right here and now!" he walked out of the office and passed Celestia,"Celestia!" he smiled at her,"What do you think of my offer, earlier? I think you'd be a good superintendent."

Celestia shook her head, "As much as I want to be, I prefer to be a principle, it allows me to be closer to my students. Besides, my husband gets jealous. Can you believe he thinks that I should retire?"

Abderus sighed,"Shame. You could do better than Celesto as a husband. How about that Discord chap?" he walked with her, watching as the students run by him.

"Discord," Celestia blushes at the name. "Well, I would but I haven't seen or heard from him in years. I don't think Celesto knew about him. And yes, I know I can do better," she sighed looking at a picture of her with a horse and shook her head. "But Celesto was there for me when I needed it. And I, didn't want to become an old maid. So when he asked, I jumped at the chance without thinking." she gave a small chuckle, "Look at me, 40 and I still make dumb, childish mistakes."Celestia sighed, "But, come on, you should tell me more about what brings you here. Certainly, it is not just because you find problems with my husband."

"And you don't look a day over 30. If I weren't afraid my own wife would murder me, I'd take you away myself."Abderus smiled as he walked with the principal,"Well, I've also found this school to be interesting. There are strange things going on here, UFOs, Demons, random bouts of aggression..." He looked in on one of the classrooms,"I am especially interested in those six: Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. They seem to be in center of the weirdness."

"Those six?" Celestia sputtered and tried to talk her way out, "What makes you so sure?"

The doctor looked at Celestia,"I have seen them around, always together, always there to fight off any bad things. Celestia, You can't hide something like an alien invasion very easily. Celesto doesn't realize that." He looked at her,"He's been keeping things from you, from this entire school." He looked at the classroom,"You know, my daughter's their age. She goes to this school as well."

"Oh, really?" Celestia asked. "What is her name?"

"Her name's Danae." Abderus said, giving a proud smile,"She's one of the top students in the state."

"I am so proud," Celestia said. Walking through the room, she looked at a photo on the desk, "As I said. I could never leave to become a superintendent. It would take me away from what's important.”

Sunset waved bye to Mario, "Black creatures?" she thought to herslef.

Oh, better get to class!"

Fall of Starfleet: Shooting Stars: Hearts and Shrooms.

Putting her book into her bag, she ran inside. Outside, Rainbow dash rode in on a bike, high fiving Applejack as she got off ehr truck. Sunset ran in, passing by Pinkie and Rarity as they talked to oneather. Fluttershy waved slowly to the sight of Sunset before walking away, smiling warmly to herself.

Once she had arrived in class, she had saw Artie sitting in his usual seat. For a moment, the two’s eyes made contact and just as quickly, the two turned away. Quickly taking her seat, Sunset could feel the hate being bored into her back by Starla and Rhymey.

Artie looked up at his two friends and shook his head. A frown of disappointment coming to him.


(Another time and place)

A raven haired girl takes a drink of water, before patting a little corgi on the head, letting him eat the turkey off a giant Scythe. Letting out a giggle, she ran back to a giant school, looking like she didn't have a care in the world.

A blonde haired girl grinned as she stepped over the barkeep. She put her helmet on as she looked up at the school, before getting on her motorcycle and riding off.

A brunette looked through her books, and then looked at the sky. She smiled softly to herself as she relaxed on a tree.

A white haired girl sat at the piano, playing on the keys, before looking at the door and at her audience of three.

The four girls soon entered a lonely room at the top of the tower, where a man with a coffee cup in hand awaited them.

Sunset looked over to the student and smiled warmly before looking up at the ceiling, her mind wandering. In the tiles, she could see the world of Equestria, and the ponies that lied within, "How is she..."

"I am so proud," Celestia said. Walking through the room, she looked at a photo on the desk, "As I said. I could never leave to become a superintendent. It would take me away from what's important.

"Let me guess, your students?" Abderus smiled, leaning on the desk.

"Well, that and-"

"I hate these little monsters!" Luna said, stomping through the door and slamming it.

"My beloved sister."

Abderus laughed,"I know the feeling. I worry over my little brother all the time."

“Luna, this is professor-"

"Stupid kids, thinking that they," Luna paused and looked at Abderus, "Hello. can ruin my hair and blow up the school. It's just a little pyrotechnics." she began to look around the room, "Where is the Damnable coffee?"

"Abderus, he came to check up on the-"

"Who does she think she is? How dare she do this to the school body. I swear if Sunset Shimmer got off light I will make her pay harder."

"-school. I hope you will make a good-"

"I should burn them all." after drinking the mug, she looked to the professor, "Greetings.

"Hello." Abderus said,"Problems, miss?"

Luna sat down and drank her coffee slowly, "Those kids. One of our students decided to mess with pyrotechnics and almost burned down the school. I stopped her but my hair got caught in the fire.

"Well, as long as it was just an accident and not on purpose, I'm sure it's just fine. What's the student's name?" Abderus asked.

"Beatrix Lulamoon," Luna frowned. "Second in line to the Lulamoon fortune."

"Oh, her. I've seen her sister before." Abderus got up,"Well, I must go for now, I have... business to attend to."

“Good luck, sir," Celestia said. Then she looked to Luna, "That could've gone better."

"Excuse me for being mad at a student for almost killing me," Luna mumbled.

Celestia sighed, "It's only because she looks up to you."

"To me?" Luna asked, watching as Celestia sat down in her chair.

"A younger sister to a more popular and noted sibling. Hiding in the shadows. She may want to be you apprentice," Celestia said, looking at a plush of a phoenix.

"That'll be the day."


Rainbow Dash fist pumped the air as she entered the band room ,"Aw yeah, day 90 of the final year of high school halfway done!!!"

"You gonna keep counting down all the time?" Applejack asked.

"You know it," Dash grinned. "Then we are out and into the real world and away from all of this madness."

Happy bounces followed by soft foot steps announced the arrival of Pinkie and Fluttershy, "Hey guys!!! Have you seen Sunset yet?"

"Not at all, why do you ask?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy looked down, "Well, she didn't talk to us at Home Ec or in Science. We thought that she might still be feeling bad about... you know."

"About what?" Sunset asked, stepping in and putting away her bag.

"Nothing," the five said, turning their heads..

Sunset found a table to sit in, putting up her laptop, "Oh, and I saw Buddy and his guys. They said they had some things to do instead of coming to study here."

"Oh, did you talk to Artie-Oh, sorry," Rarity said.

Sunset shook her head, "It's ok, I am over it now. We just realized we weren't' compatible and that we just simply meant to be. It happens."

"Are you sure?" asked Applejack.

"Positive. Now, let's get down to studying." Sunset said, picking up her book

Suddenly, out from the band closet, a rumbling was heard, followed by an "oof!" And then finally a man fell out. He wore a green hat with an L on it, and had a big moustache. He wore overalls over his green shirt. He got up, and held his head,"Ooooh."

"Oh my, are you alright" Fluttershy said, running over and sitting down to the plumber.

"Sunset looked up, "Luigi?"

Luigi got up,"Yes?" He looked at Sunset,"How'd you know my-" He gasped,"Did Mario run by here!?"

Sunset nodded, "Y-yes, he did. How did you wind up here?"

"Wait, what?" Applejack asked.

Luigi scratched his head,"I'm not sure! I was traveling in the Black Warp Pipe with Mario when he lost his grip on me and I fell." He looked behind him, and pouted,"Oh, no. I have to find him!"

"Black what?" Dash said

"Black Warp Pipe. A warp pipe is a giant pipe that let's us travel to other places. This one was black, which is..." Luigi gulped,"Not normal. This black creature entered it after taking a star spirit, and Mario and I went after it."

"Wait, Star Spirit, black creature?" Applejack said.

Sunset cocked her head to the side and the nodded, "I heard of Star Spirits. Aren't there worlds that use Star Spirits the same way Equestrians use magic?

Luigi blinked,"I don't know know what Equestria is, but I do know that Star Spirits are a very powerful in my world." He cocked his head,"And this black creature we saw, I only caught a glimpse, so it's hard to describe. But I do know it's very dangerous!" He shuddered,"How did you hear about Star Spirits?"

"I had a tendency back when I was-" Sunset paused and then corrected herself "at my old school to study magic books and ancient artifacts. Some of the legends I heard were things about other worlds and how their magic might be used. My mother kind of told me how it was important to give yourself a chance to understand how magic works in each world."

"Wait, each world has magic?" asked Applejack.

Sunset nodded, "Of course. Twilight probably didn't study that subject, but each world has a way to use magic if the mana pool is open. Like how some worlds call it bending, how some call it dust, and some use unique forms like cards. I have been here for about five years and I still haven't learned how to tap into this world's mana pools."

"This makes me wonder, how old-"

"Anyway, I have some theories, but nothing concrete," Sunset said, blushing.

Meanwhile in space...

A large crystalline spaceship decloaked. It had a large flag with feathers and a diamond on it. Inside a woman sat on a throne, looking at the planet below her,”Excellent. Here I will have my revenge!” She looked to her left at a locket showing a picture of her with a younger girl.


Back on Earth, several phones began to ring, and televisions began to buzz around the world.

"What?!" shouted the group. as one, they pulled out their phones.

The phones showed a blue woman with a crystal crown and crystal armor,"I am Queen Crystallia. You have dealt with our race once before, and murdered my baby sister. Now you have incurred our wrath. You and your simple race will pay for what you have done. But, I am a lenient queen. I will postpone your planet's annihilation if you send those who murdered my sister to face my champion in battle."

Celestia looked down at the phone, "We will not give you anything, monster. We will stand-"

"Sister!" Luna shouted as she looked out the window.

There in front of the Crystal beings’ space ship was the members of Starfleet, transformed. Starla stepped forward, "We are the ones you want!!!"
Luigi frowned,"I need to go! Where there's danger, Mario's never too far behind!" He ran out the room and proceeded to scale the building.

Meanwhile, in the city, Mario saw the television screen at the square show the Queen. He looked behind him, and then back forwards,"Sorry, Luigi, but I'll be back!" He ran back to the direction of the spaceship,(It pains me a bit to leave him, but those people need me more!)

A crystal space ship flew over-head. The soccer field had been turned into a makeshift battle arena as a large woman stood in front of them. Her body had spiked white armor, and she wielded a large sword in front of her, her blade to the ground. She laughed,"Hah! I expected warriors, but they sent children!"

"We are not children," shouted Buddy, glaring up at the ship.

Applejack ran out, but stepped back when Starla used her star arrows to create a shield, "We will handle this."

"Why do you want us?" asked Artie

“Are you the ones who killed our princess?" The warrior asked,"If so, then you must die."
Luigi panted as he looked out from the roof. He then saw a Mario-shaped dot,"Mario!" The red dot stopped, and then came towards Luigi. the red dot turned into a Mario-shaped blur that jumped up to the building and hugged Luigi. After careful consideration, Luigi concluded that the Mario-shaped thing was indeed Mario.

Mario hugged his little brother,"Luigi!" He looked back at the ship,"That's a big one!"

Luigi nodded,"How do we get up there?"

"Hammer Maneuver." Mario grinned.

Luigi gulped,"Oooh, I hate the Hammer Maneuver."


The warrior looked up, and saw Mario holding onto a very distressed-looking Luigi as they flew towards the ship. She decided not to pay any mind to it.

Starla frowned, "It wasn't us. It was a man by the name of Lighting Dawn. We only helped take down the mooks and give our powers to him."

"Hmph, you still aided in her death." She lifted her sword,"But I refuse to kill children. Send me a real warrior!"

"We are tuff!
So are we not enough?" asked Rhymey.

Artie jumped and fired a bolt of art and ink, "Art bomb!!!"

"Razor Blades!!" Smirked Buddy

The warrior disappeared, and then elbowed Artie to the ground. She blocked the blades with her sword before grabbing Buddy,"Then I must make an example," She lifted him up, and then raised her knee to his spine.

"No, let him go!" Starla shouted, firing an arrow.

Buddy struggled,”No, Starla-” He felt the knee strike his spine.

Rainbow Dash began to kick at the forcefield., "Come on, we got to help!

Applejack burst down the forcefield and raced to Starla, "Back off!!!"

Sunset looked down and noticed a sparkling object on the ground and picked it up, "What?"

The sparkle revealed itself to be a star with a big white mustache and bushy eyebrows,"Sunset, You and your friends cannot defeat them normally. Let me give you the strength to fight!"

Sunset blinked,”What the fu-”

“Trust me, I will help you!”

Sunset looked up at the fight.

The warrior backhanded Rainbow away, and stomped towards Pinkie.

“Stay away from her!” Applejack jumped up a kick at her.

The warrior grabbed the leg and threw Applejack off,"Whelp."

Sunlight nodded, " Please, just give me the strength to kick their cans!"

The Star nodded,"Forgiveness," A warm feeling entered Sunset.

Applejack's wounds began to heal,"Honesty."

A powerful energy flowed through Rarity, a small shadow appeared behind her,"Generosity."

Fluttershy felt a tickle in her body,"Kindness."

Pinkie began to feel a tingling in her body, causing her to giggle,"Laughter."

Rainbow felt a strength in her body,"Loyalty."

"Go! Stop her before it's too late!" The star said.


Mario and Luigi wobbled for a bit as they entered the ship. They shook themselves out of their stupor before running forward.

Crystallia sat in her throne, watching a screen of her warrior fighting. A soldier came up beside her,”My liege, our ship’s been boarded!”

Crystallia got up,”What!? By who!?”

“We’re not sure! They’ve been going through, destroying our ship bit by bit!”

“Put it on screen!” Crystallia watched as Mario and Luigi began to go through each room, destroying each door.

She snarled,”I’ll handle this!” She walked out her own door.

A few minutes later, the outside of the ship exploded, sending three figures to the ground. Mario and Luigi got up, Luigi shaking himself out of his stupor while Mario tipped his hat.

Crystallia growled, cracking her knuckles,"Mario and Luigi, you call yourselves? Bet you think you're some kind of heroes, don't you!? Well, now I will rip you limb from limb for your insolence!" She ran towards them, fist bursting into ice..

Mario and Luigi jumped from building to building, dodging the attacks of Crystallia,"I will kill you! And then I will make this world pay!"

Mario whipped out his hammer and then jumped back to strike her,"No!"

Crystallia dodged each strike, before feeling the hammer strike her in the face.

Crystallia fell to the ground. she got up and snarled,"You are indeed strong."

Mario dusted off of his hat,"You know, I think I understand ya."

"You don't know jack!" Crystallia yelled.

"Of course I do!" Mario smiled,"If it was my little brother, I'd be po'ed too! But I wouldn't destroy a world over it!" He walked up to her.

"You don't understand! She was young! She was naive! She shouldn't have died!" Crystallia shouted, charging her palms with energy and fired at Mario.

Luigi pushed Mario out of the way, and then got up, his knees shaking. Mario got up as well and jumped up and stomped on her face before leaping to a spot on the ground,"No, she shouldn't have, but you can't take it out by destroying everyone here! That's just wrong!" He said running with Luigi and proceeded to jump with their fists to uppercut her.

"Do you know who we are?!" Mario and Luigi said as they smacked her,”We’re the invincible Mario Brothers!” They used their hammers to knock Crystallia over to the school courtyard

Sunset nodded, and lifted up a palm. After a few brief moments, the palm began to faintly glow red. Once the glow had encompassed her palm, she sent out a spark that shot into the eyes of the alien. Now blinded, the alien backed up in pain, leaving her open for Sunset to perform a roundhouse kick into the stomach and then slam her elbow into the chest.

Pinkie Pie watched excitedly, wanting to help her friend. Then she felt a faint buzzing along her back and an idea forming in her head. She could see herself making a weapon. The idea firmly ingrained her head, she ran into the school and towards the metal shop.

As this went on, Fluttershy went to each member of Starfleet, pulling them away from the fighting when suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared with a large cannonball gun. Smirking, Pinkie fired it into the warrior’s side, hurting her.

The warrior fell back,"What in the world? This power, where did it come from!?"

"Ah don't know," Applejack said a s he did an uppercut while Dash did a cross. "But I like it!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in unison as the two began to work in synch with each other. Whenever Dash performed a kick, Applejack would follow with an uppercut. When applejack threw a cross, Dash would throw a hook. Their blows came in fast and hard, unwilling to let the alien get a hit in.

As the fight went on, Rarity watched with worry and anger. There was a part of her that wanted to join in on the fight. However, she knew she lacked the speed or strength of her two companions. Sighing, she held out both her hands and a faint blue glow began to surround them. After a brief moment, the light faded and a rapier formed in her hand. “What on earth?” Rarity whispered, before looking back up and narrowing her eyes.

Steel quickly met diamond flesh as the rapier jabbed itself deep into the alien’s backside. When the alien looked back at Rarity to attack back, it was quickly struck by three strikes from Rarity, each a quick slash. Then she slash across the being’s eyes before cutting the arm.

Sunset ran up and threw a couple a punches into the face of the alien. Bobbing and weaving in between the blows before following up with a strike.The warrior screamed in pain as she flailed,"Impossible!”

"Honey, have you met us? We breath the impossible!” Sunset said with a smirk as she joined her fist with her friends for one final uppercut that smashed the gem into pieces.

Dash looked down at her hands, and then back into the battlefield, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"

Crystallia and the alien flew into the ship, blowing it up.

Mario and Luigi ran to them,"Hey, it's Eldstar!" Mario said, happily, before looking at the girls,"Hey, you're Sunset, and you must be her friends!"

"Howdy," Applejack said, tipping her hat.

"Greetings," Rarity said with a curtsy.

"Um, hi?" whispered Fluttershy.

"HIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Pinkie said.

"That fight, it was so awesome. It was like nothing else," Dash's aid, still in awe.

Sunset nodded" Yes. These are my friends."

Mario tipped his hat,"It's-a me, Mario!"

"And Luigi!" Luigi waved.

Mario smiled, looking up at Eldstar,"You've found one of the Seven Star Spirits!

"This is one of the... you know he has a mustache right?" asked Sunset, looking back and forth between the two.

Applejack looked at her, "And you are from another world."

"Ok, point," Sunset said, holding the little star in her palm, "Why did you help us?"

Author's Note:

A short opening to what I hope will be another fun adventure. Yes, this was cowritten by my brother and some of the ideas belong to him.

Also, in the RP setting...I'm Sunset. So, please forgive me if I mess her up!

Comments ( 5 )

How do I know this story won't die after only one chapter?


I haven't read the story yet but MMMMMMMMMMM The ART! IT'S SO GOOD.


All I can promise is that this story will finish. It will be slow and it will take time, but I will finish this on going story along with it's partner. I don't know what I can do to prove it, but I will do it.

Rp setting...So that why it So dam confusing and make no sense! IT'S RP BASED!


For a RWBY crossover whose long description starts with 'what's your favourite fairy tale' this story has a lamentable lack of Pyrrha Nikos.

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