• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 6,394 Views, 45 Comments

Appleshy - Twinkletail

Fluttershy finds herself helping Applejack harvest her apples, but can't get something off her chest

  • ...

Chapter 4

Fluttershy woke up to an empty bed again that morning. She could already smell the pancakes cooking, and she smiled a big smile, happy that the events of the previous day had not been a dream. Yesterday was the single greatest day in her entire life, and to find out that it was just a dream would have crushed the poor pegasus' heart, but thankfully, this wasn't the case. She had wished for so long for the courage to say those three magic words to Applejack, and to hear her speak those same words back to her was simply wonderful.

After their alone time on the hill yesterday, the new couple relocated to Fluttershy's cottage. Spending two entire days away from her animal friends didn't sit well with her, and Applejack was more than happy to go help her with them. Lyra and Bon Bon were glad to see them arrive as well, as they had been having a bit of trouble keeping Angel under control. They seemed stressed as Fluttershy and Applejack entered the cottage, but upon seeing how close together the two were walking, they smiled knowingly and left. Fluttershy thought she heard Lyra say something about how much they reminded her of Bon Bon and herself, but AJ had looked straight into her eyes at that moment, so her recollection of anything other than those big, green eyes was unreliable at best.

Fluttershy had prepared their dinner that evening. She was never the best cook, but she felt obligated to do so after the wonderful breakfast her love had prepared for them. Her culinary offering, while not terrible, did leave a bit to be desired. The yellow pegasus was so nervous as she brought the dishes out to the table. It was evident even by looking at the meal that she had overcooked the grass and undercooked the hay. Still, Applejack ate every bite, and even though she could tell that it didn't exactly thrill her, she smiled with every bite, and even asked for seconds. The two ponies fell asleep not long after, situated in Fluttershy's bed in a similar fashion to how they had slept the previous night. This time, however, Applejack insisted they switch positions. If Fluttershy had loved their previous sleeping arrangement (and she did), it was nothing compared to this. The pegasus felt safer than she had ever felt with AJ's forelegs holding her close. She felt AJ nibble gently on her ear, much like she had dreamed of doing to her last night. The last thing Fluttershy heard before she drifted off to sleep was Applejack whispering those three magic words again.

After the two had finished their breakfast (bringing the used plates to the sink at Fluttershy's behest), they sat down in the living room. After a little while of affectionate cuddling, Fluttershy decided that it was finally time to bring up the only thing she'd worried about at all since yesterday.

"Um...AJ?" Fluttershy spoke.

"Whatcha need, sugarcube?" Applejack responded.

"...We need to tell our friends about us," the pegasus said, sounding a little nervous. AJ patted her on the shoulder.

"Darlin', I can tell you're anxious about it," Applejack said reassuringly. "But don't worry. Like I said yesterday, I'm sure they'll be fine with it."

"I know," Fluttershy said, her hair falling over her face. "But I can't help but worry about it."

"Well then, let's call 'em over!" AJ offered. Fluttershy squeaked. "Don't worry your pretty head none, I'm sure everything will be just fine."


Fluttershy spent the next few hours in frantic preparation for her company. It wasn't often that she had her friends over her place, and even a normal, everyday get-together would have sent her into a tizzy. Considering the gravity of the situation at hand, it was a miracle the yellow pegasus hadn't gone into shock. Only the presence and reassuring words of Applejack kept her under control.

"Darlin', you've cleaned that countertop five times already," the orange pony said, chuckling a bit. Fluttershy turned bright red at her love's laughter.

"W-well...it needs to be really, really clean!" Fluttershy stammered, trying to justify her actions, which even she started to realize were a bit silly.

"You're awful cute when you're nervous," Applejack said, a statement that made the pegasus calm down the tiniest bit. "And I promise that you ain't got a thing to worry about."

"Oh, you're probably right," Fluttershy said. Applejack nuzzled her neck, and she smiled. Just then, the doorbell rang. Fluttershy squeaked and fell onto her back, her legs stiffening up. The orange pony sighed.

"You're too much, sugarcube," she said, grabbing Fluttershy's tail with her teeth and pulling her to the door.

"Oh, Applejack!" Twilight said upon seeing her answer the door. "We were wondering why you didn't meet up with us." Twilight stopped, as she and the others noticed Fluttershy paralyzed behind Applejack.

"She...uh...got surprised by the doorbell," Applejack said. The others nodded. Having known Fluttershy for a while, this didn't strike them as very odd.

"Oh, hi girls!" Fluttershy said, legs still stiff. "Care to come in?"

The six ponies enjoyed a delicious lunch. Applejack had handled the preparation of the food while Fluttershy had used a special blend of herbs from the Everfree Forest to make tea. AJ had tried once or twice to bring up the reason why they had all gathered today, but Fluttershy stopped her each time. Before company had arrived, the pegasus had insisted on being the one to give them the news, as it would help her overcome her fear. Had the girls been looking more closely at the situation as they ate, the new nature of Fluttershy and AJ's relationship would have probably been fairly obvious. The two sat together the entire time, and their gazes at each other were a bit longer and deeper than usual. Fluttershy was thankful for Pinkie Pie's energetic story about a harmless accident in the Cakes' place yesterday, because it took the focus off of AJ and herself.

"And THAT'S why Mr. Cake isn't allowed to bring bunnies into the kitchen anymore!" Pinkie finished. The girls all had a good laugh, and for the first time since company had arrived, Fluttershy actually felt somewhat calm.

"So Fluttershy," Rarity said, finishing the last of her tea. "I was to understand that you had something important to tell us?" The pegasus nearly choked on her last bite of apple fritter, and Applejack was quick to slap her on the back and dislodge the offending bit of food.

"Yeah, that's what you said in your letter this morning," Rainbow Dash added. Fluttershy shot a quick look at Applejack, suddenly realizing why she had insisted on looking at the letters in private before they were sent out. AJ shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"So what's this all about?" Twilight asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course!" Fluttershy said, turning red again. "Everything's just fine."

"So then what's so important?" Pinkie questioned. "Are we having a party? Because I've been wanting to have a party, but I couldn't think of what to have a party about and I was hoping someone else would bring something up..."

"It's not that," Fluttershy said. The group sat silently for a moment.

"So...care to tell us what it IS, rather than what it isn't?" Twilight asked, sounding a bit annoyed. The pegasus closed her eyes, then took a breath.

"Well, you see..." she began. "The other day, I went by Applejack's farm..."

"Wow, that's really neighborly of you!" Pinkie interrupted. "The other day, I went to Cheerilee's house, and..." She was quickly quieted by Applejack stuffing an apple into her mouth.

"Let the girl finish," Applejack said, then turned back to Fluttershy. "So you were saying?" Fluttershy gave a nervous smile, then continued.

"...And I helped her kick down some of her apples," she went on. "And I hurt myself, so I stayed the day at her house, and we woke up the next day and had some delicious pancakes, and..." Applejack stopped her.

"Fluttershy, just get to the important part," the orange pony said.

"Yeah, this all seems really pointless," Rainbow said. Applejack shot her a stern look, and Rainbow, not wanting to start an argument, took the hint.

"The point is," Fluttershy went on, "I had a really good time with her...and...it wasn't like the normal good times I have with everypony else...it was different."

"And it was different for me too," Applejack added.

"Different how?" Rarity asked, also seeming to get a bit frustrated at how long it was taking for whatever needed to be said to actually be said.

"Um..." the pegasus muttered, trying to figure out how she wanted to say it. "...You know how it feels when you spend your whole life looking for something, but you don't know what it is? And then, right when you think you're never going to find it, it turns up in the least-expected place?" The other ponies looked confused. Fluttershy desperately looked to Applejack for help. Applejack didn't say a word. She simply smiled and took the pegasus' hoof in her own. Fluttershy reached her other foreleg out, holding AJ's hoof with both of hers. That was all the support she needed.

"What I'm trying to say is..." she felt the words starting to approach her lips, and finally felt comfortable saying it. "...We're in love."

The room was completely still. Not a single pony said a word. Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Rarity all stared at their friends, none of them able to speak at all. Fluttershy tightened her grip on Applejack's hoof, worried that her friends were not taking it well despite AJ reassuring her that it would be OK. It was a good while before anypony said a word, and it was Pinkie who finally broke the silence.

"...OHMYGOSH THAT'S SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!" Pinkie burst out. Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat. She looked at AJ.

"I toldja it'd be fine," Applejack said, smiling.

"Girls, that's wonderful!" Twilight said, getting up and hugging Fluttershy, as Rarity did the same.

"You girls are gonna make such a cute couple!" Rainbow said, flying over and putting her forelegs around the two lovers' shoulders.

"This is soooo great!!" Pinkie said, tackling the group and nearly knocking them over. Fluttershy's tears flowed freely, so relieved by her friends' acceptance. She and Applejack shared a gentle kiss, and the pegasus noticed that AJ was making no effort to hide her tears either.

"I was so nervous to tell you girls," Fluttershy said, blushing even harder. "I didn't know how you would react."

"Fluttershy," Twilight said, "We're your friends. We're always going to be here for you, and we're always going to support your decisions. Of course we're happy for you two!"

"Of course we are!" Rarity said. "Love is such a beautiful thing..And your colors complement each other so well! Oh, making matching dresses for you will be a blast!" The group laughed.

"I'm just...so relieved," Fluttershy said. Applejack pulled her over for another kiss.

"I love you, sugarcube," she said, smiling wider than she'd ever smiled before.

"I love you too, sweetheart," the pegasus said, her smile matching that of her love's.

"See, Rainbow?" Pinkie said, patting Rainbow on the shoulder. "I TOLD you we weren't the only ones!"

Comments ( 29 )

I remember reading this a long time ago, and one of the first MLP fanfics I read. Great to see it on here. :yay:

This was one of my original favorites. I was wondering when it'd be on the site. :twilightsmile:


I originally posted this to Equestria Daily around late March of last year. I'm gradually going through my old stories from there and bringing them over to here.

I really liked this story. It's a sweet, non sad tale that really pulls the heart. Thanks for posting it here.

Very sweet; a little fast-paced for my usual taste, but it works for this story. I'll be sure to check out your other stories as you bring them over to FIMFiction.

Loved the background Rainbow Pie :pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss:

What a sweet and wonderful story.
"See, Rainbow?" Pinkie said, patting Rainbow on the shoulder. "I TOLD you we weren't the only ones!":pinkiegasp:

I didn't see that coming :rainbowhuh: but :pinkiesad2::rainbowkiss:

Goddamnit, I don't even know why I'm reading this. I hate sappy romance stuff, but...
This story is sweet enough to cause diabetis, dude.ö You just earned yourself a new follower.

This was ssoooo cute :heart: :rainbowkiss:
Oh and at the last sentence of Chapter 4, *bangs head on desk multiple times*
So close yet, so far without running into something that RD wasnt a lesbian :trixieshiftright:
oh well :twilightsmile:

OMG!!! RainbowPie is one of my fav pairings!!! Love It!!! :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

AHA! I found this again, read it back before i got an account here on FIM-Fiction and now i can thumbs up it again. :twilightsheepish: (Not sure if it stacks)
Any case finding this means i am prolly running out of stories again, this time with an account instead of reading just about every EQD shipping story.
It was quite lovely to get to reread this, it is as adorable the second time as the first.
Great job. :twilightsmile:

Adorbs abound. This was so cute. The AJ/Flutters confession is somewhat fast-paced but I don't really see that as a fault or a flaw, more along the lines of 'that is simply how it written'. The rest of the story progresses fine, which helps this make for an entertaining read.

Fave'd for a fun story.

That was fluffier than a obese baby bunny that bathes in fabric softener everyday, lovely.:yay::ajsmug::heart:
Good work.:twilightsmile:

laughed and loved that last sentence.

good fic.

This is the first appleshy :yay::ajsmug: shipping I have read and I like it. The pairing makes sense and the story was well written. Well done
This is definitely the fluffiest story I have read in quite some time. :heart::heart:

That was fluffier than a obese baby bunny that bathes in fabric softener everyday, lovely.:yay::ajsmug::heart:
Good work.:twilightsmile:

^ Agreed.

Is this not on EqD?
I don't actually know which was posted to that site first...


I'm not positive, but I know my story went up back in late March/early April 2011. I think the first comment was even saying that they'd never seen the ship before.

Love it. The speed and transitional speed was perfect. The smoothness was amazing. The scene description was not over whelming and not under done. It was bloody cute. If this was your very first story then you need to become a published writer so I can buy your books. You get a 10 out of 5 for awesomeness and fluffyness. Keep up the good work.

Well, whatev. I'm always interested in Appleshy!

:ajsmug: :heart: :fluttershysad: FOREVER!!!!

This was so cute I died!

I'm a ghost btw....

My two favorite ponies together! Yes!

This is my first Appleshy fic that I've ever read. I decided to give this shipping a chance, and I think it was worth it!:twilightsmile:
This is not my favorite pony shipping, of course, but I think that should I ever run across another Appleshy again, I won't argue with it! I'm basically saying that I liked it.:pinkiesmile:

"See, Rainbow?" Pinkie said, patting Rainbow on the shoulder. "I TOLD you we weren't the only ones!"


You are SO right!:pinkiehappy::heart::rainbowdetermined2: and :ajsmug::heart::yay:

3424051 OMG

...... A ghost

This world needs more appleshy/flutterjack. :heart:

I saw that too and was like hey! Oh other ship I like! Though I like TwiDash a liiittlllee more lol

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