• Published 19th Sep 2017
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Mlp Fim: Reborn and Retold - Lux Tenebris

Throwing in a stallion into the mix of the main six is a sure way to stir things up. Said stallion being the brother of the god of chaos and holding power over time and space is a recipy for disaster.

  • ...

Chapter One: Brothers

The wind howled over the mountains and Locus struggled to follow his parents as the snow hit him repeatedly in the face and covered his small wings. The colt had no clue why they suddenly were moving away from their cozy little home, of course, their home was infested with kittens that meowed constantly and carried off any guests they had. The small meowing herd had been known through out town to carry off screaming ponies towards their home in the south every winter.

However Locus or his parents were never really bothered by the cats. It had to be something else. Oh! Perhaps they would live in a home made out of candy! A fudge chimney, chocolate walls, tables made out of pure sugar, lights made out of hard gumballs. The thoughts of this imaginary house made the colt lick his lips and he continued to follow his parents.

It didn't take long for them to see what laid beyond the mountains, a land filled with pink clouds and everything was chaos. While his parents had looked horrifed Locus giggled at sight of a pink cloud sending out a lightning bolt made out of candy that hit a bird on the ground. It was turned it into a turkey with its body made out of a lemon, instead of feathers, it wings were now covered in fur and it's head was now a top hat. The bird somehow flew upside down and backwards, swooshing past the colt as the sound coming out of it's beak was like an acoustic gitar.

Locus giggled at the bird as more of it's kind joined it and they flew around him before flying up into the air, somehow appearing on the ground again when they were out of sight. Why was his parents so afraid of this? This was fun and looked cool!

The colt was snapped out his thoughts about the funny looking birds when his parents called for him. He flew closer and the two adult alicorns summoned their magic to open up a rift. The crack in the magical veil showed the landscape they were witenssing but the pink coulds, floating rock formations and animals with weird body parts were gone. It looked rather plain and normal, it probally didn't even have killer kittens of doom!

"Mom! Dad! Why can't we stay here? It looks fun!" Locus whined and his mother wrapped him in a magical aurora and placed him on her back.

His parents looked tired from summoning the rift and their horns constantly glowed to keep it open. Locus didn't know how they used their special magic, all he knew was that they had told him the same magic was resting within himself. Locus had tried turning an apple into dust yet it had just exploded in his face. He still remebered how all the cats had rushed out their door in panic.

"Honey we can't stay here. The land is too.. chatoic" She told him and his father flew into the rift before it suddenly sparked and grew in width, sending out a shockwave that knocked Locus off her back.

"Mom!" He yelled in panic as he tumbled to the ground. The magic rushing through his body made him feel paralyzed and he could only helplessly see the ground coming rushing towards him.

"Locus!" His mother yelled and tried to fly after him, only to be sucked into the now growing rift before it exploded in magical energy.

The shockwave disbanded all the pink clouds and broke some of the rock formations flouting in the sky. A certain creature sitting on a rather evil looking throne looked at the sky in slight confusion before it floated towards the origin of the explosion, the clouds reforming behind it as it flew.

Locus was hyperventilating and tried to unfold his wings as the ground came closer and closer. He screamed in fear before he was suddenly caught on a pink cloud that broke on impact, slowing down his fall but still making him hit the ground hard. The cloud itself wrapped itself around a rock until it formed a draconequus that looked over the colt whimpering in pain. What an unsual sight.

Locus got up and limped over to a patch of grass that turned into tiny dogs made out of caramel before running off. He looked around and sniffed. Where did his mother go? Why hadn't she caught him? He knew she had followed him yet she was not here.

"Mom?.." The colt said and looked around, his wings twitching and his small horn glowed brightly, afraid of what could come out of the darkness in the nearby chocolate woods.

"You are an unusual sight" A voice called out under his head and he looked down to see a flower with the head of a creature that had one deer antler, one horn that looked like it belonged on a goat, one sharp tooth sticking out from its upper mouth and its head belonged to a pony. Its tongue was similar to a snake and it had white bushy eyebrows. Its pupils were red and different sizes while it had a goat beard hanging from the underside of it's lower jaw.

Locus yelled in fear and suprise before stumbling backwards and falling on his rump. He looked at the flower as it suddenly grew in size before it towered over him and formed a strange creature from the head down. He could make out a right arm that belonged to a lion, it's claw belonging to an eagle, it's right leg belonging to a lizard, it,s left leg belonging to a goat, it,s tail was a dragon-like snake tail with white fluff on the end. It's body resembled that of a snake.

"W-What are you?.." The colt asked and backed away from the creature only for him to appear behind him.

"Why are always you ponies so rude? Always asking what I am rather than who I am" The draconequus said and Locus gave of scream of fear at the creatures sudden appearence and hid behind some rocks.

Locus soon realized it wasn't rocks as they turned out to be crabs made out of rocks that ran away in a herd, it reminded him of the kittens of doom. Damn he was gonna miss those cats of killer meowing.

"They're moving in herds.. They do move in herds" The draconequus said dressed in a blue shirt and a red scarf tied around his neck, his right arm leaning on Locus head.

The colt screamed in fear again and ran away from the strange creature before running into a wall made out of rabbits with the heads of fishes and tails like cats. The sight was enough to stop him for a second and he poked one of the fish heads only for the wall of.. things, to jump onto the ground and explode into confetti.

"Stop running!" The annoyed voice of the draconequus said behind him and Locus screamed again before his mouth was teleported onto a block of salt and his body was wrapped in vines that hummed on the jaws theme song.

"Now I'm going to be polite and tell you my name and then you're going to be polite and tell me your name, understood?" The draconequus asked him and he nodded afraid what would happen if he said no to this thing.

"Good. Now my name is Discord and I am what's called a draconequus" He told Locus and he was given back his mouth with a flash of magic before the wines let him go.

"M-My name is L-Locus.. I'm an alicorn.." The colt whimpered and Discord picked him up by his wings to which he yelped.

"I will never understand how you ponies can fly without chaos magic, harmonic magic is just so.. plain. It would never normally alllow something like these wings working" He said and the colt yelled out in suprise again as he was dropped onto the ground, luckily for him it turned into chocolate milk and broke his fall.

"C-Can you help me find my parents?.." Locus asked Discord who got very close to him, the two of them face to face, and stared deeply into Locus eyes.

"Nope" He said and summoned a tea cup, drank the cup, threw away the tea that turned into a platypus before he appeared on his throne that now somehow mad came closer to them.

"B-But.. Please! I want my mom and dad!" He sniffed and started to cry, sitting down on the ground and just letting the tears run down his cheeks.

Discord looked over at the sad display and sighed. He didn't care for this child but he hated sadness and sorrow, it would always spoil the mood of his fun. It also took hold in the chaos magic around the colt, the pink clouds showering him in sour charamels.

"Fine.." Discord muttered and appeared next to the colt and put him on his back.

"S-S you're going to help me?" Locus asked him and whiped his cheeks with his hooves.

"If you leave me alone and stop crying then I will move a mountain for you" The draconequus said and flew up into the air.

"Mom and dad opened up a rift and it just went crazy! It just froze me up and exploded!" The colt said and discord sensed the air for this rift and someting was there in the sky, something that felt off and strage.

"What kind of rift are we talking about here?" Discord asked and let the colt fly on his own as he flouted in the air and looked at the place the rift had been.

"Dad always said it was a rift in spacetime" The colt said and the area his parents had used their magic on looked like a broken mirror, just hanging in the air was this piece of very unstable time magic.

Discord immedletly backed off from the rift. This was beyond him or any other creature on the planet. This rift was not only unstable but it seemingly was sending off powerful magical signals every second. It was a beacon to know in which time someone had been. Yet the thing had been effected by his chaos magic, the signals was everything but good.

"Kid we have to leave this alone, this is powerful stuff we're talking about and I don't think your parents are gonna find you anytime soon.. This thing is dangerous.. Interacting with it could make it explode again and that kind of explosion would not leave many things with their skin on" The draconequus said and Locus looked at the rift in panic.

"N-NO! They wouldn't just leave me here! There has to be another way!" Locus said and flew as quickly he could against the rift before Discord could react.

The second the colt touched the rift it sent out a powerful shookwave. Locus was sent flying and screaming for his life as his limbs once again locked up from the amount of magic coursing through his small body. Discord saw this happening and quickly rushed to his side and wrapped himself around him before he turned into a rubber boat and they sailed down a stream oc chocolate milk that appeared mid air.

Locus panted and shuddered in fear and the second Discord turned back to his normal form he hugged him. The draconequus was looked confused first and looked down on the colt before patting his head. The feeling of gratitude was new to him.

"Thank you for saving me mister Discord" The colt whispered and kept hugging his now savior before Discord started feeling uncomfortable.

"Ok that's enough kid, that's enough. Settle down." He said and slowly Locus let go of his snake like mid section and looked up at him.

"Does this mean I won't be able to see my parents again?.." He asked the draconequus and slowly more tears started to form in his eyes.

Discord looked at the sad colt and sighed internally. No one was gonna be able to say no to those eyes and that quivering lip. It annoyed him that a child seemingly mad more control over him than himself. But maybe he could just say it was all part of the chaos that the children ruled over the adults.

"No I'm sure you'll see them again, you'll just have to wait a little longer on them to come back. Until then you can stay with me" The draconequus said with a sigh and Locus looked at him with a smile.

"Really? You're gonna let me stay here?" The colt asked him with an excited horse noise and Discord was confused to how quickly this pony could go from sad to happy.

"Yeah Yeah just.. try not to be so loud. I have some good chaos to watch and create" He told Locus before appearing on his throne and the colt followed him, sitting down next to him and watched in awe as the chaos spirit made the landscape move around in a extrodinary show of colours and chocolate milk.

This show went on for hours as Locus was just more and more impressed by what the chaos spirit could do. One mountain had turned out to be a moth that had looked big in the distance while it actually had only been hovering in the air a few meters away from him. The realization Discord was also playing with perspective made the colt try to spot what more was just a illusion and what was reality.

Discord in the meanwhile was actually enjoying the company of the colt, not that he would admit it to anyone, as it was the first time ever someone except him saw beauty and fun in the chaos. It was a strage feeling to have someone look upon his work and not feel afraid or disgusted. Maybe a child's perspective were better than an adult's.

"Um mister discord?" Locus suddenly asked and the draconequus turned to him and heard his stomach grumble.

"Do you have any food?" He asked the chaos spirit and he was suddenly teleported to a long table with all sorts of food on it.

"Do the young sir want fried lettuce, baked potatoes, boiled candy canes, dried fish?.." Discord started and he continued to mention most likly over one hundred different dishes while he was dressed in a buttlers jacket and had a typical french mustach that was curled like a old movie villan.

"Um I'll take the.. fried lettuce?.." Locus said and the dish appeared in front of him with a glass of milk next to him.

"Bon apetite" The draconequus said and disapered before reapearing on his throne, once again turning the landscape into a chaotic dance.

The colt ate in silence as he watched the show discord put on. The entire thing was never dull as not one thing seemed to repeat, except from the animals though seeing how the water mellon birds were still flying around and playing a song he didn't know with their acoustic beaks.

Discord watched the kid eat before he saw the sun starting to set, it was weird how easily it did that these days. He still remembered how it before looked like it was struggeling to set and rise while now it was simply going down over the horizon in one smooth montion.

"Mom always liked the sunset, she told me that if I ever felt alone I should just look at it and think of her" The colt said and frowned slighly thinking about his family.

"Bah, I always feel alone and looking at the sun doesn't help. It just makes you blinded" Discord said and sipped on a glass of warm melted gold, the perfect midnight snack.

"Don't you have a family mister Discord?" Locus asked him and the draconequues tensed before relaixing.

"No, why would I need a family? They would just be in the way. Plus I have this beautiful chaos, it's so much better than a family" He said and his talons squeezed the arm rest on his throne rather hard, leaving scratches.

"Are you sure? It sounds so lonely.." Locus said and looked at Discord who squeezed the arm rest harder and harder.

"Well you could be my big brother! I always wanted a brother!" The colt said with a smile and Discord turned to him looking very confused.

"Kid not that I want to make you sad but we just met.. I don't really know you.." He started but the colt interupted him.

"Then I'll tell you everything! My full name is Locus Tempus.. Tempus.. shoot I don't remeber what my last name is!" The colt said and trotted back and forward while Discord watched him.

Why would this colt that could at most be five years old want him as a brother? Sure he could do the best birthday tricks this side of the crystal river but Locus didn't know that. The mere fact that he would want Discord as his brother was both heart warming and scary. He didn't know how to raise a kid, he didn't even know the kids full name for maker's sake!

"I can't remember it.. I can't remeber my last name.." The colt said and his lower lip quivered, a clear indication he was about to cry and Discord teleported to his side and patted his head.

"Ok kid let's just.. come up with a name for you now and you can tell me your last name later" He said and the young pony looked at him with a smile.

"Really?" He said and jumped around in happiness while Discord pounderd over what name would fit the colt in front of him.

All of his names were in old speech, something he hadn't heard in a long time so he asumed that this colt was important. He was most likely some noble or royal kid. Something that would explain him having both a horn and wings. His fur was also a regal white while his mane were a light black. So, he was most likely important, seemed to carry magical potential inside of him, named in old speech and his eyes looked rather weird now when Discord thought about it. His right eye was yellow but had numbers in it while his left eye looked like it contained space itself.

"Well? Come on give me a name big brother!" Locus said and jumped around, his movements kind of made him look like a salmon.

"Imperium, Locus Tempus Imperium" Discord said and tried to hold a smile as he was not sure he liked being called brother by anyone.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The colt said over and over again as he ran around Discord in a circel before he grabbed his head and it popped off his body that kept running around in circels.

"Now calm down so I can talk to you about what we're gonna do about you being lost, alone and all of that" Discord said and put the colts head back on his body.

Locus head was not placed correctly however considering how his chest was facing Discord while his head was currently looking at his tail. The draconequus wondered if he should be worried about how casually the colt was reacting to having his head removed but seeing how he wasn't crying it was probally fine.

"Oops" Discord said and grabbed the colts head and spun it around before it was the right way again and he sat down.

"Now, you will stay with me until your parents come and get you. However there are some ground rules I will put down" Discord said and the colt watched him intensly.

"There will be no complaing during the night, I need my beauty sleep. There will be no crying over spilled milk, you can fix your problems and milk rather easily. You will not go near the rift again unless you think you can open it without an explosion killing us all. You will not touch the chocolate milk river, last time I had to repair it becuase some fat pig had fallen into the river and blocked the pipes collecting the chocolate. Finally, you will not mix whatever magic you have with my magic, we both have seen just how bad it can go if that happens. Do you understand these rules?" The god-like being asked him and he nodded before hugging Discord.

"Thank you!" Locus said and Discord slowly and akwardly returned the hug.

"Now run off and play or something. I have to check up on some things" He told the young pony that nodded and ran off to play while the chaos spirit looked at him with a small smile.

Perhaps this kids presence would be a good time for him. So far he had mostly cried but he knew that the chaotic landscape would enchant the colt the second he stepped away from the ruler of it all. To be frank was the entire country a playground for children these days.

Even if the child's company was fun hoped Discord that the parents would find a way back to Locus soon. He knew nothing about what the colt needed and it bothered him that the young pony could so easily trust him. Not that he would hurt the child in any way, but he knew many creatures that would use naive innocent look if reality Locus held and hurt him. He guessed it was his job to keep the child safe until the parents returned, however long that may be.

One month later

Discord was getting tired of waiting. Sure he had himself said he would take care of the child for as long as needed but the parents of this young boy had seemingly forgotten about him completly. They could open up rift in time itself for maker's sake! They should be able to come back and pick up their beloved child!

Discord sighed and looked out over his land of chaos, most of it looked gray and boring now, all thanks to Locus sadness. Sure he should have expected the child to grow sad when his parents never came for him but the way he was sad just made every day blend into each other like a gray mess.

Discord sighed again and remebered how every day for over two weeks time the colt would wake up and sit under the rift the entire morning wating on something to happen. But when the second week passed and there was no sign of his parents he stopped waiting under the rift and kept mostly to himself and only seemingly smiled whenever Discord tried to cheer him up.

The chaos spirit sighed and looked out over the small hut like house he had conjured up for the colt. It was looking more and more sad each day and Locus bearly stepped out of it. Oh how this was spoiling not only his mood but every creatures mood as well.

The melon birds only played sad tunes, the candy dogs all howled in sorrow at the sun, the fish cat things all hid in their respective holes and the stone crabs just would't get up, they could possibly also be normal rocks but Discord didn't like that answer.

He flouted over to the hut and knocked slowly on the door before opening it. There on a small bed laid Locus as he stared up into the roof. He just looked tired and ready to give up. Discord hated that look in the kids eyes, they seemed to no longer hold any hope of getting his parents back.

"Kid, we need to talk.." Discord said and the colt got up before he trotted over to him.

"About what?.." He asked Discord who teleported them to a more colourful part of the chaotic land.

"Your parents might not be coming back Locus.. I just want you to know that they might not be here but I am. I have enjoyed your company these last weeks and it's so much more fun sharing this chaos with someone that appreciates it. If you want it then this will be your new home" Discord said and the colt looked at him with some returning hope in his eyes.

"Really? Will let me stay here? Will you be my brother then?" The colt asked him and Discord gave a small smile.

"Yes you can stay, but we'll work out that brother thing" The chaos spirit said and the colt hugged him tightly and started to cry in happiness.

"Thank you.." He sniffed and looked up at the draconequus.

"You didn't think I would push you off did you? I have let you stay for over a month" He said and the colt laughed as he tickled his snout with the fluff on his tail.

"I wasn't sure you would want me around anymore since I have just been annoying.." The colt said and Discord looked around as colour was returning to the landscape around them.

"Sometimes you can be slightly annoying kid, I'm not gonna lie about that, but as I said you have been good company" He told the colt and they reapeard outside the hut.

"Can we play then big brother? I saw some chocolate fishes swimming around in a bowl tears running down the face of a gigantic bathtub!" He said and Discord nodded before they appeared by the very large bathtub.

They played for hours buy what only felt like a few moments for Discord, he hadn't had this much fun in years. Not even with controling all the chaos around his own little kingdom had brought him as much joy as playing with this child and makingn him laugh. Somewhere deep in his mind he was told he was becoming soft but he simply shrugged it off. Who would care if they saw them play, there was no one nearby for miles upon miles.

Two months later

Everything had some sort of rotine these days. Discord would wake up, check the different parts of his kingdom for possible malfuctioning magic that could hurt Locus before waking up the kid with an entire band of clones playing metal at the highest volume.

The music was always enough to send the hut flying out into space, buy hay fries at the local moon market, take a few pictures of the sun and sing all of the songs the local beatles had composed during the night. To say the young pony was wide awake when Discord brought him down again was a large understatment.

"Ready for more adventures in the land of chaos?" He asked Locus while he was dressed in a striped shirt, ugly looking top hat and playing the harmonica.

"Yes sir!" The boy said before grabbing his newly made top hat and ran after Discord laughing as they rode on cow sized gummy bears and listened on the sounds of the diffrent creatures create a harmonious sound of chaos.

They had kept this very similar rotine for the last month, always the same thing every morning until they did something new and more exciting. For Discord it was always a thrill when the kid would praise yet another of his creations, the most recent being a statue of Locus standing on a smaller version of Discord that held him up with one arm.

Everything was great, the boy was slowly getting used to his parents not being by his side and he spent most time he had with Discord. However the draconequus would sometimes find him sitting under the rift and looking into it before walking back to his hut, he hadn't given up all hope that his parents would find him after all.

But there was one thing that was bothering Discord, something he was still uncomfortable with. Locus kept calling him his big broher. Sure it wasn't like he didn't act like one for the kid but the more Locus called him brother the more he expected Discord to call him the same. The only thing was just that Discord just couldn't call him that, that would make the day his parents finally came for him so much more painful.

He had already soften up enough to tell the boy some things from his past. His lack of parents and siblings had never made life easy for him as soon he got used to being lonely, pushing away any other living creature that got to close. He could still remeber the day he had searched help from the ponies in the north. They had screamed and ran the second they saw him, getting their spears to chase him away.

Discord still thought of it like a miracle that he hadn't chased away the colt the same second he had seen him, seeing just how much pain he would like to inflict on certaint ponies. Yet, the second the kid had told him his mother and father was gone Discord had deciced to help him, why?

Did he really just want someone to talk to? Was the entire reason he brought the child into his care after his parents disapeared to have someone to talk to? It all made him confused and more interested in helping the child be happy as they waited on some sign that his parents wouls return.

Yet no matter how much he liked hearing Locus stories about how his family used to host killer kittens or how he failed time and time again to turn different fruits young or old, Discord just couldn't call himself the kid's brother. It went against his entire persona about being the lonely chaos spirit that didn't like anyone.

But then again.. That had changed since Locus came into his life. Things he would once hate doing he now seemingly did in a flash. He stopped his chatotic landscape from flipping Locus hut upside down as he slept, he allowed a few patches of land be unctouched by his chaos magic and he allowed himself being hugged like a teddy bear.

He had changed since Locus came into his life but he think he saw changes in the colt as well. His attention spam was very similar to Discord's own. That could be becuase he was a child but the chaos spirit liked to think that it was thanks to him the colt was never going to be able to read a book.

The draconequus had also noticed how the boy always trying to mimic his slaps stick comedy with hilarious results as it always ended with the kid somehow getting a pie, fish or similar things in the face. Discord always took pictures and saved them during those moments.

"Are you ok big brother?" Locus suddenly asked him as for once had Discord's thougts been focused around one thing for more than two minutes.

"Yes I am ok.. brother" He said and smiled as the colt hugged him and chanted over and over again that he had a big brother.

Discord smiled and looked at the young pony. The words brother echoed over and over again out to the chaos kingdom. But it was the truth, this was his little brother.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading this first chapter of Mlp Fim: Reborn and Retold. This story is hopefully getting a better start then my other fic (I will rewrite the first chapters in warrior of shadows soon) and get some more comments and feedback.

This is my firdt attempt at portraying Discord and I hope it wasn't that bad. I at least had fun writing this chapter and I hope you all had fun reading it. Thank you for so much again for reading the chapter, have a nice day :twilightsmile: