• Published 1st Oct 2017
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: The Broken Diamond - SuperPinkBrony12

(Side story to "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition".) The Cutie Mark Crusaders face the most unexpected challenge of their young lives, when they must help Diamond Tiara turn her life around. Can they actually help the bully?

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Part VI: The Marks Are Made, Cutie Markless Nomore!

Amidst the celebration of the new playground and Diamond Tiara's new outlook on life, four little ponies were just standing on the sidelines and watching everything with the biggest smiles imaginable. Yes, the Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't deny how well things had worked out for them, both in getting Pipsqueak elected (and subsequently helping his campaign promise to be fulfilled) and in getting Diamond to stand up to her mother and become a better pony.

And it was these turn of events that prompted Apple Bloom to speak up and suggest. "You know somethin', Crusaders? I've been thinkin'. We sure spend an awful lot of time fussin' and frettin' while tryin' to discover our true talent. But when we take a little time off, we end up helpin' other ponies figure out their true talent!"

"So, you're suggesting that maybe it's time we hung up the capes and put an end to the crusades?" Rumble pondered. "Because I've kind of liked them, even if they didn't get us our cutie marks. I don't want them to end."

"Same here, but at the same time I think Apple Bloom makes a pretty good point," Sweetie Belle suggested. "Helping other ponies with their cutie mark problems is a heck of a lot more important than trying to find our special talents. It's definitely not worth worrying so much about something that we're probably gonna get eventually. And even if we don't, I think helping others is a much more important use of our time."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo commented, pulling her friends into a group hug. "As long as we're together, I don't care if I ever get my cutie mark. Hanging out with my best friends and helping others overcome their cutie mark problems feels like a better thing to do. Kind of like how my Uncle Flash joined the royal guard 'cause he wanted to help other ponies."

"Or my brother recently tried out for a spot in the Wonderbolts, and got accepted into their ranks as a reserve." Rumble added.

"So what do you say, Crusaders? Want to just focus on helpin' others find their cutie marks?" Apple Bloom suggested. "The crusades will be on hiatus for a while, but helpin' others will give us lots of time to come up with new ideas. So, ya in or what?"

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rumble all said in unison. "Yeah!" And then they pressed their hooves up to Apple Bloom for confirmation of their decision. When they did so, something unexpected happened. A strange, purplish glow surrounded the four ponies and lifted them into the air, as magic surged through their bodies. Suddenly, there was a zap and a flash! And when it had faded, the Crusaders touched down amidst gasps of surprise and expressions of utter shock from their classmates!

"What happened? Is there something wrong?" Sweetie nervously asked.

"What's goin' on here? Why ya all starin' at us like that?" Apple Bloom demanded out of curiosity.

To the surprise of the Crusaders, it was Diamond Tiara who stepped forward and told them. "It's your cutie marks! They're amazing!"

In a state of disbelief, the Crusaders all checked their flanks, and they couldn't believe what they saw! No longer were their flanks bare, each of them now had a shield with a purple outline, and stripes of orange, white, green, and purple that varied in order from pony to pony. In addition, each shield had a dark purple shape with a lighter purple object inside it. Apple Bloom had a heart with an apple inside it, Sweetie Belle a star with a musical note, Scootaloo a wing with a lightning bolt, and Rumble a box with a horseshoe. All at once they started to bounce up and down in joy, proudly shouting for all to hear! "We did it! We all got the same cutie marks! Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever!" And then as if on cue, they started signing:

We were searching for our cutie marks.

For quite a while there.

Trying to figure out just how we fit in.

So many ways that we've tried before.

Yet we kept on trying more.

'Cause the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't give in!

As they proudly marched into town to show off their marks for all to see, the Crusaders took turns singing. Scootaloo went first:

Now we know what it took all along.

Sweetie Belle then added:

But our journey here is never really done.

Rumble went next and he sang:

For it is more than just a mark.

Apple Bloom chimed in with:

It's a place for us to start.

And then all the Crusaders sang together:

An adventure that has only just begun.

We'll make our mark.

And show the world what we can do.

We'll make our mark.

Helping ponies to break through.

To the ultimate reward, of a cutie mark.

Fittingly, the Crusaders opted to have their cute-ceañera held at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was all too happy to take charge of planning the celebration. "All right, everypony! Get ready for the biggest cute-ceañera celebration ever!" She proudly proclaimed.

"Mind if I help ya out, Miss. Pie?" Braeburn offered. "After all, one of those lucky ponies is my cousin, and I'll be darned if I don't help you give her a cute-ceañera she'll never forget."

"Of course, Braeburn, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera will pale in comparison." Pinkie smiled.

As preparations got under way for the celebration, the Crusaders had a chance to meet with family and friends. Even Scootaloo's parents, Dizzy Twister and Quick Shot were there, as was Flash Sentry. "Captain Armor may yell at me for this, but no way I am missing out on my favorite niece's cute-ceañera!" He said firmly, as he observed Scootaloo's cutie mark. "Nice mark you got there, kiddo. Almost looks like a spitting image of mine," He paused and wiped a tear from his eye. "You're growing up too fast, kid. Seems like only yesterday you barely came up to my legs, and now look at you, cutie mark and everything."

"Tell me about it," Dizzy Twister commented, wiping a tear from her rose colored eyes. "Gosh, where has the time gone? I swear it was just yesterday my little Scootaloo was small enough to hold in my hooves. I guess it's true what they say, they grow up so fast these days."

"Mom, Uncle Flash, stop it! You're embarrassing me!" Scootaloo blushed. "I'm not that old."

Dizzy Twister just smiled, wrapping an amber coated wing around her daughter. "I know, but we're just so proud of you. And I know Rainbow Dash is too."

"Heck yeah I am!" Rainbow Dash spoke up, stepping forward. "I'm so proud of you, little buddy! I'm honored to be your honorary big sister! Having you in my life has given me a sense of satisfaction I never even realized I wanted, you're making me wish I hadn't been an only child growing up."

"Think we'd better keep a closer eye on you from here on out, Scootaloo," Soarin teased. "I think you've got the makings of a future Wonderbolt. Don't worry about the wings, I know lots of late bloomers who got into the bolts. Trust me when I say, you'll be flying before you know it. Just be careful not to push too hard to speed up the process."

"I won't! For now, my scooter's the only method of travel I need!" Scootaloo firmly replied. "But Rainbow Dash says she's gonna start giving me flying lessons, whenever my parents say it's okay that is."

"What? Already enrolling in boot camp?" Soarin teased again. "You sure are gusty, kid. Never lose that sense of determination, it'll help you go places."

Sweetie Belle was a bit disappointed that her parents couldn't make the celebration (apparently they were away on vacation and couldn't be back anytime before tomorrow). But having her big sister and the ponies she was business partners with, more than made up for it. "Sweetie Belle, you have been a wonderful little sister! I'm so very proud of you!" Rarity beamed. "Just look at how many ponies you've inspired, heck I dare say you've inspired me in more ways than one."

"And as somepony who's watched you grow from an adorable little foal into the young mare you are now, I say Miss. Rarity speaks the truth," Fancy Pants commented, giving Sweetie Belle a playful rustling of the mane with one of his hooves. "And it's nice to see that you've managed to move out from under your sister's shadow, even as you strive to be like her. Perhaps in the future, I might be hearing your voice at a charity concert somewhere."

"Do you think she'll be the next Countess Coloratura, Fancy, darling?" Fleur suggested. "They've been saying a lot of good things about her, especially considering she was from a small town like this."

"It's hard to tell for sure, Fleur, my dear," Fancy replied. "I've heard that lately the countess has been having a little bit of manager trouble, though of course Svengallop denies any such allegations. I just hope that if Sweetie Belle ever tries to make in the music world, she picks a better manager. From what I've heard of Svengallop, he isn't a very nice pony."

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Rarity lightly laughed. "Sweetie Belle is a marvelous singer, but for now I think it's best she stay in school and focus on her grades. She still has plenty of time to think about what she wants to do with her life. And Sweetie Belle, know that I'm more than happy to offer you any kind of fashion lessons you want. Even if you don't want to be a fashionista, there's nothing wrong with knowing how to work with needles. They can be useful in more ways than one."

"Thank you all," Sweetie smiled, as she embraced each pony in a hug. "Especially you, Fancy Pants. You and your wife have been like a second family to me. It's totally not weird if I start calling you Uncle Fancy and Aunt Fleur, is it?"

"That's more than fine by us," Fleur nodded in approval. "Fancy and I always did talk about having a family someday, but we've never gotten around to it. Having some hooves on experience certainly wouldn't hurt, feel free to call us whatever you want."

"H-hey, Rumble!" Thunderlane greeted, as his little brother rushed up and hugged him. "Bet you're glad I convinced Mom and Dad to let you attend school in Ponyville instead of Cloudsdale, huh?"

"You bet big brother! You're so cool!" Rumble replied as he nuzzled into his brother's chest. "Just watch! One of these days, I'm gonna be just like you and be a Wonderbolt too!"

"Well don't get ahead of yourself, Rumble," Thunderlane cautioned with a chuckle. "The Wonderbolts don't have any job openings for somepony your age, that is unless you'd like to be the team's mascot. We could dress you up all nice and cute for the shows."

Rumble gagged at the notion. "No way, I'm not dressing up like some silly little filly!"

"Somehow I knew you'd say that," Thunderlane replied to Rumble. "Now promise me you won't stop doing the things you like to, just because you've got your cutie mark. Life's full of opportunities, and a cutie mark doesn't limit your options."

"Don't worry, brother, I'm sure the Crusaders and I will find lots of things to do while we're helping other ponies." Rumble vowed.

While all of this was going on, Applejack was struggling to hold back her own tears, and the same was true for Big Macintosh. "Oh, sugarcube. If only Ma and Pa were here now," Applejack said to Apple Bloom. "I tell ya, they'd be so proud of you."

"Oh... Thanks, Applejack." Apple Bloom replied.

Big Macintosh proceeded to nuzzle Apple Bloom. "Now you go on and party with your pals, ya hear? You've earned that cutie mark, so be sure to celebrate it!"

"I will, Big Mac," Apple Bloom agreed. "And thanks again for what you did durin' the Sisterhooves Social, that was so sweet of you."

"Eeyup." Big Mac answered, as he watched his little sister rush off to be with her friends. "Now both my little sisters have grown up," He thought to himself. "Perhaps now might be the time to finally ask Granny Smith what Ma and Pa were like, funny how she never seems to really talk about 'em since they passed away. Wonder if it's got anything to do with her dislike of pears? I seem to remember there being a Pear family who lived here once, or at least that's what Ma used to say."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders cute-ceañera celebration was a tremendous success, and everyone had a good time. The Crusaders especially, as while they weren't able to recruit any new members for their organization, they found that a lot of their classmates promised to spread the word about what they were doing to blank flanks and non blank flanks alike.

However, almost everypony was in agreement that the highlight of the celebration came when Diamond Tiara got up from her seat at the table while cake was being passed out, and tapped a spoon against her glass to draw attention to herself. When she did, she began to speak. "I have something I want to say to four very important ponies," Looking at the Crusaders, she then told them. "Thank you so much, Cutie Mark Crusaders. This was very much your victory today. Without your help and without your willingness to help me when no one else would, I wouldn't be the pony I now am. Thanks to you, I know what my cutie mark means and how I can use that talent for the good of all. Best of all, I now have the courage I need to take charge of my situation and be master of my own fate. You most certainly made your mark, and I'm honored to consider you among my best friends. Heck, if you'll let me, I'd be glad to tell you how you can turn your little club into a business."

When the celebration ended, the Crusaders spent a little bit of time at their clubhouse. And Apple Bloom proudly asked them. "Well, what do you think, Crusaders? Were these cutie marks totally worth waiting for or what?"

All the other Crusaders nodded in agreement, before Sweetie added. "Yeah! And I can't wait to see who we're gonna help next!"

"The future's full of possibilities, cutie marks or no cutie marks!" Scootaloo chimed in.

"And the best part is, we'll all be in it together!" Rumble agreed. "Who would've thought our friendship would lead to this? Not me, that's for sure." And it was then that the Crusaders proudly sang to themselves:

We started out, you'll see.

As Crusaders driven to be.

What we could find in our hearts.

And discovery our destiny.

And now here we are, best friends!

Ready to start it all again!

An adventure that will never truly end!

We'll make our mark.

Helping ponies most in need.

We'll make our mark.

So each one of them succeeds.

'Cause the ultimate reward is a cutie mark!

From that day forward, everypony agreed that the Cutie Mark Crusaders would never be the same. But all could say that the new Cutie Mark Crusaders were going to have just as many adventures as the old ones.

Author's Note:

I decided to add in the cut bit where Diamond Tiara would've sang a verse of the reprisal of "We'll Make Our Mark", albeit non-musically. I also had to tweak the line "We started out just three" since Rumble is the fourth member here.

As for the cutie marks, I had to add in a stripe for Rumble. But I struggled to think about what I wanted his cutie mark to be even after "Marks and Recreation". I considered the possibility of making his a lightning bolt with a wing inside it, but quickly decided against it. Ultimately, I settled for a box with wings in it.

Now, expect the next chapter of the Stallion Six main fic by the end of next week. And by that point I might possibly be doing a collab Diamond Tiara adopt with Matt11. Speaking of Matt11, he's the one from who the headcanon of Dizzy Twister as Scootaloo's mother comes from. You can check out some of my Scootaloo fics if you want to know more.