• Published 30th Sep 2017
  • 5,793 Views, 21 Comments

This will be a good day! - Lieral

Finally the day comes when Twilight's parents find out she's dating someone, the only problem is that Twilight forgot to mention she's dating a ... Girl.

  • ...

It's definitely easier to fight monsters!

Author's Note:

I'm finally in the process of editing my others stories, so if something seems wrong is just because of a small change.
Anyway, I wish everyone the best enjoyment.
And mainly if someone thinks there's something wrong with the story, please tell me in the comments.

The sunlight enters through the windows of an almost completely dark room shattering the darkness that reigns at night. The alarm clock echoed waking up the girl sleeping in a comfortable bed with purple sheets matching with a great part of the decorations of the room.

Twilight sat with a yawn before scanning the room in search of her glasses, finding it on the nightstand, she put on her glasses and stretched, saying thanks for finally being able to see again.

She stood up and disarmed the alarm clock observing her own room while trying to wake up her still a little numb brain. Spike is still sleeping; the table is filled with papers, notes, homework, drafts of chemistry experiments, pictures of her friends and as a very recent addition, a picture with her actual girlfriend Sunset Shimmer.

That thought brought a smile to her face.

She walked to her bathroom for a quick shower before the school. She walked toward the shower but something caught her attention first. Despite the night having been full of dreams her hair is actually not messed at all when she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Well, I think this will be a good day!" She commented with a smile and entered in the shower.

Twilight walked down the stairs smiling and humming softly. In the kitchen her mom was preparing the breakfast for everyone while her father was reading the newspaper and her brother was watching TV since he would only get back to work in a week.

"Good morning!" She said only loud enough to her family hear.

"Good morning to you too dear!" Twilight Velvet answered her daughter with a warm smile. "Breakfast will be ready in a minute,"

"Nice! What do we have today?" Twilight asked already sitting at the table.

"The same as always I bet!" Shining Armor said from the couch.

"If you're complaining all you have to do is to be starving!" Twilight Velvet said calmly and with a smile.

"Hey, you don't need to bring a gun to a knife fight, I was just kidding!" Shining Armor protested, and Twilight chuckled with the scene. "It's good to know that my discomfort brings you joy," He teased.

"Well, It's always a spectacle to see how much Mom can get you on the line," Twilight answered with a playful smile.

"You said this as if she can't get you on the line too!" Shining said changing the channel with an equal grin.

"That's why I rather never piss her off! You aren't there when we're young, she always was smiling and everyone looked at her with admiration, but when she was pissed... In a way, we can say she controlled the entire school!" Night Light said with a smile, almost as if remembering his ‘old days’.

"Well... I think we can say that... But what I really want to know is... What do you mean 'when we're young'? Huh, darling?" Twilight Velvet turned to her husband at the table with an obviously fake smile while holding a knife.

The temperature of the room suddenly seems a lot colder than it should be as the silence reigned; Night Light used the newspaper to hide his face while his daughter suddenly appeared at the couch without making the slightest of sounds. "... Give me one minute to think in a good answer," He asked his wife.

"Thirty seconds!" She answered still smiling in a creepy way.

"I just wanted to say that until this moment, your youth and vitality still the same as when I meet you for the first time! I think you still remember those glorious days we still share!" Night Light said smiling, but the cold sweat on his back are a remembrance that he was probably lying for his life here as the entire room waits for Velvet's reaction. Another minute of silence filled the air before anyone dares to make a move. But as soon as the woman laughed loudly everyone present let go of the breath they were holding.

"You've always been like this; I always scared you when we're teenagers." Twilight Velvet wiped away a tear of laughter.

"Funny, I think I already heard something similar to that before! You know, the part of controlling the school," Twilight sat at the table before a thought crossed her mind ‘Wait a minute… I think I know where I heard this before!’,

"Breakfast's ready, come here Shining," Velvet called and soon Shining Armor sat at the table too.

“You know, ever since I started living by myself I started to notice how much I missed to have someone to make me some breakfast every once in a while… And someone to wash my clothes, and to clean my room or just to talk a little without looking like a crazy person,” He commented already taking his first bite of his pancake.

“That would be very cute of you if you weren’t describing a maid more than a mom,” Velvet replied while serving a glass of juice for her to drink.

“Come on, you know that’s not what I meant,” Shining tried to defend himself but the general laughter around the table make him change his mind. Sometimes a little smile is better than leaving the table with your pride intact.

The breakfast went really well with conversations and every once in a while even laughs from everyone around, something that caught the attention of the older woman around

"Twilight, I've been thinking... You've been really happier since you entered in that new school!" Velvet said while Twilight took her plate and went to the kitchen’s sink.

"Thank you, the school is really cool, I have no problem with the lessons and everyone is really nice to me!" Twilight answered with a smile.

"Seriously? I’m happy for you, but honestly the last time I've see someone this happy was when that person started dating someone!" Velvet said with a bright smile without really bad intentions but looking at her blushing son that was trying his best to hide it and was failing miserably. Twilight, on the other hand, froze on the spot without looking back which caught everyone’s attention.

"W-W-Why do you say so?" Twilight wears a nervous smile as she tries to walk away from the kitchen as fast and naturally as possible, but it is really hard to think this was her best attempt since she was walking more like a robot than a human.

"Hum, interesting reaction," Velvet said smiling. "Twilight, honey, do you want to tell us something?"

"What? ME? No, of course not! Why would I want to hide something from you?" Twilight answered fast and nervously.

"Twilight... No one said anything about you hiding something!" Night Light said calmly but finally putting the newspaper down.

"Seriously? Because I think someone said it! Strange isn't it? Okay, I'm going to the school bye!" Twilight was sure that this was not going to work, but she still tried it since she is without extra plans (Something she was cursing herself for not having) and tried to walk away from view again.

"Wait just a minute, little girl!" Velvet said with a lively smile. "You can't fool anyone! Now tell me, what's his name?"

"Who's name?" Twilight asked without think.

"Well, of course, we want to know your boyfriend's name!" Shining Armor said with an apparent calm but his eyes are more analytical than ever, and that is coming from a cop.

"What boyfriend?" Twilight asked genuinely confused.

"Come on, you don't need to hide anything from us. You always were bad at lying anyway!” Velvet smiled as an idea crossed her mind “Oh, I already know what to do! You don't need to tell us his name,"

"I don’t?" Twilight asked with hope.

"Sure... All you have to do is to bring him here for dinner. What do you think Darling?" Velvet answered with a mischievous smile.


"That’s a really good idea! I want to meet him too." Shining Armor said.

"But I..."

"Does he have any preference for dinner?" Night Light asked also smiling mischievously.

"Vegetarian, but I..." Twilight answered automatically but was interrupted by her mother.

"AH! So you finally admitted you're dating someone!" Velvet said triumphantly.

"I’MOUT!BYE!" Twilight said fast and took her schoolbag run away from the house as fast as she could closing the door behind her with far more strength than necessary.

"Well, I think this will be a good day!" Twilight Velvet commented smiling.

Sunset Shimmer woke up with a yawn as soon as the sunlight came in through the windows. She looked around searching for the alarm while asking herself why she did not heard it noising. After finding she looked at the visor and was surprised to see that she woke up before the alarm clock.

"There's a first time for everything!" She commented as she got up from her bed, the room was not in the best condition but also wasn't in the worse too, she stretched out lazily. "Well... School's waiting," She said entering in the bathroom for a quick shower.

After getting ready for school she looked at the clock and saw that she still has a few minutes left. She looked around again and decided that she could pack the room a little until Applejack shows up calling her for breakfast. After all, since she is sleeping at the Sweet Apple Acres for a few days there is no reason to let the room become a mess.

"Sunseee... Oh, already 'wake? There's a first time for everythin'," Applejack entered the almost clean room surprised that her guest was already awake.

"Were you watching me before?" Sunset asked while approaching the table filled with papers.

"Why would I do that?" Applejack asked confused.

"It's just a joke. I said the same thing as you when I woke up!" Sunset smiled. "Besides, I still have some time until school, so I thought I could clean the room while waiting for you."

"Do yah finally finish your lasts homework?" Applejack asked getting closer to the table.


"...” Applejack stared the red-haired with a blank expression for a few seconds. “Remember me to don't let yah too much with Big Mac, if this is contagious we're all screwed!" Applejack said with a chuckle.

"Nope!" Sunset answered before she and Applejack exploded in a burst of laughter.

"Anyway, it's good yah finally reach us'all,"

"Yes, no more sleepless nights for this season!" Sunset answered happily.

"Good for you Sugarcube!" Applejack said to her friend until something caught her attention. "Huh? What's this?" She asked looking to a different kind of paper.

"T-This is a document that a person asked me to keep until she recovered. And this will be very soon..." Sunset answered fast and tried to change the subject. "Do you saw that new cafeteria? There's a sign saying they are hiring! I'm going there tomorrow."

"If yah say so... Yah don't need to worry about findin' somewhere now, let's just get downstairs, Granny Smith cook a banquet today!" Applejack said turning away.

"First I woke up earlier and now this? I think this will be a good day!" Sunset said carefree.

The first half of the morning passed without problem from any side. Classes were as tedious as ever for most girls but this was nothing new. The only difference was that one of them seemed a little distracted all day, something that did not go unnoticed by Sunset. Usually Twilight is eager for any kind of knowledge, but this morning she was not paying it any attention, instead, she was looking at the windows and sighing every once in a while.

Sunset was sure that there was something wrong with her girlfriend, but she was also certain that asking during classes is not an act the purple-haired was going to like, so she decided to ask during lunch time. But when she received the answer…

She wished with all her strength she was dreaming

"And... That's it! Now my family said I need to take you home so they can meet you in person!" Twilight finished her story with a sigh. Her cheeks were a deep crimson shade and she was playing nervously with her hair. Fluttershy stared at the duo open-mouthed while Rarity showed nothing more than surprise and Rainbow Dash hold back a laugh. Pinkie Pie looked the pair with a cupcake midway to her mouth and Sunset Shimmer... She was moving less than a statue. "So... Sunset... Are you okay with it?"


"Hum... Sunset... Are you alright?" Twilight asked really worried with her girlfriend.

"First... Do you still have one of those hyperventilation bags?" Sunset asked with apparent calmness.

"Yes, but I haven't used it for a while now..." As soon as Twilight picked up one of the bags Sunset took it away from her hands and used it immediately. "I think I already know the answer,"

"Don' take it to that side, Sugarcube! She's actually handling it pretty well!" Applejack said comforting her friend.

"What? That's 'handling it pretty well'? So I must be really amazing! When Soarin wanted me to meet his parents I was toootally cool with it!" Rainbow Dash said with confidence.

"Seriously? Yah showed up at ma house in the middle of the night and kept Sunset and Ah’ up all night listening to you!" Applejack answered harshly.

"HEY! You said you won't tell anyone!" Rainbow Dash said blushing heavily.

"So don't lie while our friend is in crisis!" Applejack answered back.

"I'm okay Applejack! I'm fine now." Sunset Shimmer straightened up. "I'm sorry Twilight, it was unexpected and I overreacted! But don't worry, I'll meet your parents, and I will do everything to make them like me!" She holds Twilight's hand with her own.

"Thank you, Sunset! I think we will be fine, my brother already met you before and my parents are really cool! You're going to like them!" Twilight said staring Sunset until her concentration was interrupted.

"Hum... Isn't everything too quiet?" Fluttershy asked and the attention of the group turned to the now empty cafeteria.

"How come everyone left the cafeteria and none of us noticed it?" Pinkie Pie asked confused.

"I don't know, but I think we should go to our classes before Vice Principal Luna caught us!" Sunset said.

"Honestly... I DO think all of you should be in your classes Shimmer, but I guess you already have enough problems to worry about!" Vice Principal Luna said calmly.

After a small silence Rarity finally asked. "Have you heard the entire conversation?"

"It's a small school. And besides, I was bored and that was a really fun conversation!" Luna answered without worries as the girls went to their own classes.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were holding their hands as they stared at a large two-story house with a triangular roof, remembering the houses and mansions of old movies with a small stair leading to the door.

"Do you think you're ready?" Twilight asked one last time.

"Yes... And even if I was not, I will still need to meet them someday! But honestly, I was quite surprised when I discovered that today is the day." Sunset answered with the max confidence she could find but sadly she did not have much.

"Yes... It was a surprise for me too," Twilight answered and let go Sunset's hand. "Now... Let's get over with it!" She said as both girls started walking toward the stairs. But not a single step was given before Twilight stops.

In the darkest corner of her mind something seems a little… Off, wrong. She tried to remember all day and the concentration was clear in her face. And of course Sunset noticed.

"What's wrong Twi?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know... I'm feeling I'm forgetting something important... What could it be?" Twilight wondered out loud.

"I can't say for you, but I can say I'm ready when you're ready!" Sunset said smiling to her girlfriend and Twilight smiled back trying to give as much confidence as needed… Suddenly the front door opened and Sunset hide behind Twilight saying loudly. "I'M NOT READY! GIVE ME SOME MORE TIME!"

But from the front door comes Cadence. "I'm going to find Twilight, don't worry Shining, I'll be back soon!" She closed the door and saw Twilight and Sunset staring at her. "Twilight!" She whispered. "What on earth is going on?" She asked quietly but quickly.

"What? Why you're asking that? And why you're here searching for us?" Twilight asked as Sunset returned to her original position blushing a bit.

"I'm here because Shining Armor called me to meet your boyfriend, BOYFRIEND Twilight!" Cadence answered urgently, and Twilight froze while Sunset looked at her confused.

"Boy... Friend...? OH NO! Now I know what I'm forgetting! I did not tell them that you're... A GIRL!" Twilight panicked and looked at Sunset that suddenly Froze with her eyes wide open and her breath almost imperceptible. "Sunset? Are you okay? Sunset? Talk with me please!"

"First, Twilight give me one of those hyperventilating bags again!" Sunset said calmly and Twilight gave her what she asked, and as soon as possible Sunset took it from her and started using desperately while Twilight and Cadence started talking with each other.

"What we're going to do?" Cadence asked.

"I don't know yet! But we need to get through it! So the first thing we need... Is to buy some time!" Twilight said with her brain working as fast as it could, but sadly it was not nearly as fast as she wanted.

"Time for what? Sunset stop panicking? No judging, of course, I would be desperate too!" Cadence asked as Sunset surprisingly regained her composure with a confidence she shouldn't have.

"No! We can do this Twilight!" Sunset affirmed.

"We can? How?" Twilight asked. "Oh, I know! We can say someone kidnapped you then put you into an airplane to Saddle Arabia to die but the airplane suddenly got hit by a thunder that sends it on fire then it falls into the ocean where a giant blue whale named 'Laboon' carried it to the bottom of the sea where it hit a marine mine that exploded destroying every sign of your existence!" Twilight said quickly and at once while Sunset and Cadence stared at her and exchanged a look.

"Twilight... honey... Did you drink coffee today?" Cadence asked holding one of Twilight's hands.

"Girls, focus!" Sunset said firmly and caught the attention of the other two. "Look Twilight, I know this will be hard but we need to get over with it at once! We will enter there, I will meet your parents, I'll make them like me and you will never drink coffee and talk with Pinkie Pie at the same time again! Got it?"

"Hum... Okay, you're right, we can do this!" Twilight agreed while she tries to adjust her glasses. She took a deep breath with the max confidence she could gather. "Okay... Okay, but what's the plan?" She asked.

"Plan? I do not have any!" Sunset answered and started feeling the cold sweat again. "Honestly I think it's easier to fight monsters!" She said while staring the stairs. "Okay, here's the improvised plan: First of all, Cadence will get back to the house and will say to everyone you called Twilight and she answered we're on the bus,"

"Okay, I can do this, but why?" Cadence asked confused.

"If we went inside together they will ask why you didn't tell them that I'm a girl before," Sunset said without hesitation.

"Make sense to me! But what about you and Twilight?"

"We can't just get in and say that her daughter is dating another girl without advice, so you will say that Twilight told you to give them a message: that they should expect something unexpected!" Sunset said taking the lead.

"Expect the unexpected? That doesn't make any sense, and I would never say something like that!" Twilight complained.

"Do you have a better idea to prepare them?" Sunset asked and Twilight tried to think in some answer, but she failed.

"Okay, I will enter first you, two comes in some minutes later," Cadence said. "Remember, Twilight, take a deep breath before you do something hard."

"Okay," Twilight took a deep breath doing a movement 'in and out' with her arm.

"Awm, you still do that?" Cadence asked with the same look she would have with a puppy.

"Of course, you taught me that," Twilight answered blushing and Cadence entered through the door and closed it while Sunset and Twilight waited outside. After a few minutes of an awkward silence they finally decided it is time to face whatever is waiting for them inside.

"Ready?" Sunset asked.

"Honestly? I’m not... But I think it's already time!" Twilight said and went upstairs with Sunset by her side. Breathing deeply one last time Twilight finally opened the door and the two girls entered the house.

Inside Twilight's house is exactly like Sunset has predicted, there are some pictures on the walls, most of them about Twilight and Shining Armor as kids playing or about a young couple that Sunset suppose are Twilight's parent's when young.

They walk inside the house for just a small amount of time when they heard a conversation coming from a room at their left. Twilight took another deep breath and walked with Sunset to the living room where her parents were probably waiting, and as expected she could hear her brother talking clearly. They went into the living room side by side until they saw Twilight's parents talking with Cadence while sitting at the table.

Cadence kept a fake smile all the time and tried to keep a conversation while hiding the cold sweat on the back of her neck. She was obviously in a bad spot trying to act normally and still not say a single word she would regret later.

Twilight’s parents and Shining Armor, on the other hand, are trying to extract any kind of information they could including if she had heard a second voice on Twilight’s phone that seemed suspect. They only stopped talking when they heard the steps of the said girl.

Twilight and Sunset finally could even see Twilight's parents now. Twilight took a deep breath and started talking. "Mom... Dad... Shining... T-T-This... is..." She tried to finish her sentence, but she barely could hear her own voice when her heart is beating like crazy.

The other four people in the room did not make a sound either, but their expression let pretty clear the thought in their minds, which definitely is not helping the duo.

Noticing Twilight's discomfort, Sunset bravely decide to take the lead. "I'm Sunset Shimmer..." She took a deep breath before finishing her sentence. "Twilight's girlfriend. It's nice to finally meet you all!" She finished her phrase with a nod.

The world seems frozen, Twilight hold her breath while Sunset blushed and tried to hide her fear. Meanwhile, Twilight's parent's are looking at the two girls with surprise clear in their eyes, and Shining armor that was sitting on the couch looked at Sunset also surprised but with a recognition sign clear in his face.

Ten seconds passed... Then twenty seconds... The longest Thirty seconds of Sunset's life seemed to last forever. 'It's definitely easier to fight monsters!' was the only thought coming in her mind while she waits for any good or bad sign coming from the Sparkles.

The first to regain composure was Mistress Sparkle. She smiled sweetly as if there was nothing outside her prediction happening and said. "Sunset Shimmer? I thought Twilight never talked about who's she dating, but I already heard about you before!" She approached the girl and extended her hand. "My name is Twilight Velvet, is nice to meet you too!"

Sunset tremulously shakes the offered hand. "She also told me a bit about you too," She said trying her best to start a conversation. "Like for sample, she told me you're a great cook,"

"Oh, she did?" Velvet asked smiling. "So I guess you already have a high expectation. But first, let me introduce you, my husband." She said guiding Sunset closer to the table where a man waits.

"My name is Night Light, and this is my son, Shining Armor!" He said offering a hand. "Would you mind if I asked you how old you are? Don't get me wrong, it's just you have a very mature look, actually something uncommon in someone young like you!"

"I have the same age as Twilight," Sunset answered evasively since her age in this world and Equestria have a slight difference so she tried to change the subject, she turned to Shining Armor and said. "It's nice to meet you again... Shining Armor,"

"I can say the same, Sunset," Shining Armor answered while walking toward everyone else.

"Do you know each other?" Velvet asked.

"We had some conversations before," He answered with a smile. “But sadly, nothing significant,”

“That’s good to hear,” Night Light looked at the quietest member in the room. “What about you Cadence?”

Everyone’s attention was suddenly on the pink haired woman. “I- I’ve seen her during the friendship games, didn’t we?” She was nervous and trying to find anything to say.

“Of course, it’s nice to see you again,” Sunset agreed. “I heard you’re Principal now, is that true?”

“Yes, it is,” Unexpectedly Twilight Velvet was the one to answer. “Excuse me a minute but I need to see something at the kitchen, please you two follow me,” She passed her arms behind both Cadence and Sunset and dragged them toward the kitchen.

Twilight's mind finally started working again as her mother guides Sunset and Cadence to the kitchen and she finds herself alone with her brother and father.

"Soooo... Sunset Shimmer," Shining Armor teased with a smile. "We always heard you talking about her and her friends and you never mentioned you have other eyes, do you?"

"Humm... I... Don't know what I should answer!" Twilight said with her voice an octave higher, making her brother and father start a controlled laugh.

"You must be really nervous if that brilliant mind of yours isn't working!" Night Light said wiping a tear of laughter.

"Huh? If you're laughing... That means I'm not in trouble?" Twilight asked both confused and hopeful.

"We will say this after the dinner," Night Light turned to Shining Armor. "I think your plan will work even better than we thought!"

"If she's as nervous as Twilight this will be easy!" Shining answered smiling.

"W-What? What plan?" Twilight asked.

"Who knows?" He answered back. "I think you will need to wait until after dinner to know it!"

Meanwhile, inside the kitchen.

The smell coming from the many pots fills the air around while Sunset is trying to keep a conversation with Velvet and Cadence without stepping in any awkward subject. "It smells really good Mrs. Sparkle!" She said after a deep breath.

"I'm glad you like it!" She said with a smile. "And I would say you don't need to call me 'Mrs. Sparkle', but call me whatever makes you more comfortable."

"It's so obvious that I'm nervous?" Sunset asked blushing

"And who would not? Meeting your girlfriend's parents is always hard for anyone, even if you already met them a lot of times before while taking care of their daughter... Isn't Cadence?" Velvet asked.

"Yes, I already meet you a lot of times before, but is always different when you're not talking as a babysitter but as a woman!" Cadence answered with a sigh.

"That's why you and Twilight are so close? You were her babysitter?"

"Yes! I still have a lot of pictures of your girlfriend making complex calculations with crayons if you want," Cadence said with a smile.

“I wonder why this isn’t a surprise,” Sunset giggled. She turned her gaze toward the oldest woman in the room. Velvet kept gentle ever since she stepped into the house, but of course she received a great surprise. Sunset took a deep breath. It is finally time to ask the hard question. "Hum... Mrs. Velvet... D-Do this bothers you? A girl dating your daughter?" She asked with fear clear in her voice.

"It's with that you're worried?" Velvet asked with a smile and Sunset nodded a bit surprised that this apparently does not bother the older woman. "Honestly Sunset Shimmer, I think you should worry more about the fact you're a magical pony from another dimension that once tried to take over both universes, what about you Cadence?"

That small phrase hit Sunset as a punch in the stomach, and she knows the feeling, while Cadence's mouth opened.

"So... She told you the story..." Sunset's voice was a lot weaker than before, all the few confidence she had vanished instantly.

"Yes, she did!" Velvet answered while still smiling.

"That's good you know the story, but I don't!” Cadence interrupted. “How come I even covered you two and no one thought it was a good idea to tell me something like that?" Suddenly she was really angry.

"Hum... We didn't?" Sunset asked.

"No, you didn't!" Cadence answered.

"You covered them?" Velvet asked and both Cadence and Sunset froze on the spot. "Oh, this will be a very long night to ALL of us!" A creepy smile appeared on the woman's face.

"Hum... I can explain!" Cadence tried to argument.

"Is the dinner ready?" Shining Armor asked entering the room followed by Night Light and Twilight.

"Yes! Please sit down and let's eat!" Velvet answered with the old smile back and walked at the table naturally.

"Have you ever saw her like this before?" Sunset asked whispering.

"No, and I don't like it!" Cadence whispered back.

"Well, if I'm destined to have a scary woman in my life, I'm glad I'm sharing her with you," Sunset answered following the others with Cadence at her side.

"Everyone's already at the table and no one called me? That's mean!" A small dog appeared with his belly snoring. "Huh? Sunset? What you're doing here? It's already time to meet your girlfriend's parents?" Spike asked entering the room.

"Wait!" Shining Armor said. "You knew Twilight is dating someone and didn't tell me? I thought we had a deal!" He stared Spike with the eyes only a cop could have.

"Hum... You know, I'm not that hungry... Bye!" Spike said leaving the room as fast as he could.

"You've bribed my dog?" Twilight asked.

"Hey, in my defense your dog talks, and if something talks, it can be bribed," Shining Armor answered fast.

"Well, leaving aside the talking dog, let's have a nice dinner, just the six of us!" Night Light said and everyone agreed. Sunset filled her plate with the homemade food while scanning her surroundings. Everyone seems pretty used to having Cadence for dinner and that was a calming factor for Sunset's mind. The Sparkles seems very nice with their children's girlfriends.

The conversation flowed freely across the table, every time one of Twilight's parents made a question Sunset answered with the maximum honesty. She knew Shining Armor have many useful contacts, and if one of them suspect she lied she was pretty sure she don’t want to know what is going to happen.

"So Sunset, how do you spend your free time?" Velvet asked and ate a small portion.

"I like to read a lot," She answered also eating the delicious food on her plate.

"Really? Do you have preferences?" Velvet asked with a renewed glow in her eyes.

"Well, if I'm just trying to spend my time doing nothing, then I like a fantasy or mythology book!" Sunset said with a grin. "I already read a lot of books about mythology since I came. At first, I just wanted to study story, but all those monsters and gods are easier to remember than the battle of Wuhan!"

"You know, I'm a writer! So if you want to read something interesting, please, come and talk with me," Velvet said carefree.

"Really? Twilight never told me you’re a writer," Sunset said surprised.

"She often forgets to comment a thing or two! But it's not her fault, I do the same thing every once in a while!" Velvet said gently.

"Anyway, Sunset, what about your family? I know you live here for quite some time now, but do you still have contact?" Night Light asked with a bite.

"No, I never met my father and my mother died not long after I entered in the school and I'm the only child they had, so I think this makes things easier for me to come to this world," Sunset answered without hesitation. It never was a hard subject for her, after all, she could not miss what she never had. But just when her fork was halfway to her mouth she noticed five pairs of eyes staring at her. "What? Did I say something wrong? If I did, tell me, I retire right now!"

"No, it's just... You never told me that!" Twilight replied angrily.

"I didn't? I could swear I did... I think I often forget to comment a thing or two too! Anyway, I just never thought it could be important." Sunset answered defensively.

"How could this not be important?" Twilight asked a little calmer. "You're always so busy trying to help me or someone else that you almost never talk about yourself, and when you do you never say something like this,"

"Usually I don't think I have nothing interesting to say about me,” Sunset answered naturally. “I mean, I just prefer to hear you talking. Be it about some new theory or experiment or just saying something random it seems so much more interesting that I think the rest have no importance. And honestly, I am rarely wrong in that subject,"

“And more importantly: I may miss a thing or two in Equestria, but if I had to choose between my old world or you and the girls it is not even a hard choice anymore. All of you are far too important for me to leave you behind,” Sunset answered carefree.

Twilight blushed heavily with the comment and tried to hide her face with her hair (Fluttershy style) and just some seconds later Sunset noticed the silence and everyone still staring at her.

"That's definitely one of the cutest phrases I ever heard!" Cadence said beaming with happiness.

"Well... I think there's not too much to think after a scene like that, right darling?" Velvet asked with a smile.

"For me the only question is... Are you free next Saturday?" Night Light asked and Sunset felt as if the weight of a piano disappears from her shoulders.

The dinner went exceptionally well despite the rough start. In the end both of Twilight’s parents accepted Sunset as a new member of the family without thinking twice. And now Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Shining Armor, and Cadence are outside of the Sparkle's house.

"Well... The dinner went a lot better than we expected!" Twilight said with a bright smile.

"Definitely it was! We didn't even have to resort to 'Laboon'," Sunset chuckled with Spike on her arms.

"Laboon?" Shining Armor asked confused.

"It's a long story, but talking about stories... You and dad said you had a plan to execute after dinner, what was it?" Twilight asked her brother.

"The original plan is that I should stay with Sunset watching TV, and I would make some 'hard questions' while you, mom and dad will be listening without she knowing," Shining answered with a grin.

"Hey, that would have been cheating!" Sunset complained.

"Changing the subject," Cadence said. "Wasn't it great that we spend the day just us, the three couples of the family?"

"What three couples?" Twilight asked really concerned while suddenly Sunset, Spike, Cadence and Shining Armor froze on the spot. "The only couples here are mom and dad, Sunset and I... Wait..." She looked at the only pair left with understanding and rage in her eyes. "Don't tell me... ARE YOU TWO DATING AND NO ONE TOLD ME?"

"C-calm down Twily... I can explain!" Shining Armor tried to defend himself.

"Y-Yes, we were going to tell you soon!" Cadence said nervously.

"WHEN? IN YOUR MARRIAGE?" Twilight yelled.

"N-N-No, of course not! We just..."Shining tried to think in an answer but he started panicking when he did not found any. So, of course, he used the only strategy left. "Sunset and Spike knew about us too!"

"THEY WHAT?" Twilight yelled again and turned to the other two just to see them meters away already entering a taxi and ordering fast.

"CANTERLOT HIGH, NOW!" Sunset said loudly.

"WE'LL SEE YOU IN THE SCHOOL TOMORROW, BYE!" Spike waved a goodbye to his owner.

"Did that dog just talked?" The taxi driver asked confused.

"NO! NOW DRIVE AND DON'T LET THE GIRL WITH PURPLE HAIR CAUGHT US!" Both Spike and Sunset yelled desperately and the driver accelerated.

"YOU COWARD! YOU CAN’T eSCAPE FOREVER, WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW," Twilight yelled and turned to the couple. "And you two don't even try to run because we still have a long conversation to do! A very looooong conversation!"

Sometime later, at the Sweet Apple Farm.

"Hey Sunset, how was... Why Spike is with yah?" Applejack asked confused when she saw the girl and the dog.

"Due to unforeseen circumstances we both had to get out of there as fast as possible and there is still the high possibility that we will not go to school tomorrow!" Sunset answered mechanically.

"Eyep," Spike said. "Let's just say we went in a life or death situation and we run away as fast as possible."

"Hum... Ah think you should explain it a little better!" Applejack said with a hand scratching the back of her neck.

Comments ( 21 )

Either this story is straight out of draft and filled with grammatical errors or I'm way more drunk then I thought I was. I like the premiss but the pace and the character interactions needs more work. I can count on one hand how many (Twilight introduces her girlfriend to her family) stories there are. You have her a potentially great story.

Nice i like it

You're probably not drunk, I'm from another country and my English is almos 100% self-taught and I'm already searching for an editor.
Now, about the character interactions that's a problem I'm not solve alone, so do you have some idea what do you want? Tell me and I'm gonna fix it.
Anyway I'm glad you think my story have some potential, and I wish someday I can reach this potential.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

I like that reference to the canterlot wedding.

What I mean by character interaction is for example when Sunset and Applejack talked their conversation was mostly centered around pushing the plot along. You could try to give them more small talk that can lead into Sunset talking about Twilight and etc. You could try and involve the others too. When Twilight tells Sunset her parents want to meet them you could show the different characters reactions to this. Luna could have popped into the conversation by telling them that their going to be late for class and tell Sunset good luck. It's out of character for Luna as well as a teacher to allow students to skip school for trivial reasons. Letting them go early is more likely. General tips take a look at how the characters behave in the show when their just dealing with the average parts of life.

It's small but I wanted to do at least one reference to that episode.

Now I understand what you wanted to say, and you're right, I'm going to work on it as soon as possible, and my intention isn't to Luna let everyone skip the class, that' an error I'm going to fix now.
And mainly thank for your comment, if you have any other idea I'm glad to listen (or read... Whatever.).

I also followed

I loved the story but one thing I kept noticing was that you kept changing from past tense to present tense. Just letting you know.

I'm sorry for the reeeally late reply, but I ran out of the internet.
Regarding this, I can only apologize because English is not my native language.
But thank you very much for the warning.

Can you point out where he's changing past, present and future things, because the only thing I have a problem with is the grammar.

that ending, I can't stop laughing, :rainbowlaugh:

I am very glad you liked.

Oh yeah, I enjoyed the whole story very much, definitely one of my favorite iterations of this particular Sunlight scenario.

I was not expecting the story end like Gus but I still enjoyed it

I am very glad to know you enjoyed it. I wanted this one to be a funny one, and if it will be funny I want to be funny until the end.

Damn that ending :rainbowlaugh:. That, was, priceless.

Thank you. Made my week better!

Hi, I really loved the hole story, for me, the final is open, will there be a sequel?

I am really glad you enjoyed, and I have been trying slowly to return to writing, but I never intended to write a sequel for this one specifically. I just thought the open ending was a good comedic ending for this One.

P.S: I am writing from my cell, I am apologise for any grammar mistake.

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