• Published 26th Sep 2017
  • 8,075 Views, 50 Comments

Asking Your Best Friend How To Ask Out Your Best Friend - MareDoVVell

Sunset has had a sudden revelation regarding one of her closest friends and secret crush, and there's only one person, or pony, that can help her figure out what to do next.

  • ...

Well, this is awkward.


Twilight Sparkle nearly fell out of her chair as she was startled by a screaming, red and gold blur bursting through the mirror in her library and running across the room before it tripped and went flying into a pile of books.

She stared at the book pile for a few moments, holding a hoof against her rapidly beating heart as her mind puzzled its way through the past fifteen seconds. Eventually she took a few hesitant steps towards the pile. "S-Sunset?"

A pained and embarrassed groan was the pile's only response.

Twilight rolled her eyes, discarding the last few shreds of panic from her mind. "You forgot to switch to four legs on arrival again didn't you?" She asked with a sigh, her horn lighting up to start shifting the top layers of heavy tomes off of her friend.

"Don't you judge me book pony!" Came the disgruntled and somewhat confused sounding reply from the pile as it started to glow with red magic from beneath, working to start moving books from the other end.

Twilight grimaced at the sight. Even with everything the girl had been through on the other side of the mirror, the color of a unicorn's magic wasn't supposed to just change like that, but it was a mystery to save for another day she reminded herself.

It was only a few more seconds until their combined efforts finally unearthed a hoof for Twilight to grab onto and pull up out of the pile, revealing a disheveled looking Sunset Shimmer. "Are you ok Sunset?" Twilight asked, concern creasing her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just give me a second." Sunset replied, giving her head a quick shake to dispel the remaining dizziness before attempting to smooth out her mane.

Twilight threw a foreleg over her back and began to lead her towards a nearby chair. "Come on, let's get you sitting down, then you can tell me what's going on since you don't usually show up unannounced and screaming." Twilight said with a good-natured chuckle.

Sunset gave her a grateful look as she slumped into the pleasantly over-stuffed chair and took a relieved breath. "Thanks Twi, I suppose I kind of owe you an explanation huh?"

Twilight just gave her a friendly smile as she pulled up a second chair and conjured up a pot of tea and a pair of cups on a coffee table that sat between them. "Not a problem, take your time...provided it's not an emergency that is." she added, a tinge of worry creeping into her expression.

Sunset smiled reassuringly, though she began to fidget at the same time. "No, no, nothing like that, I just learned of some news recently...exciting news." she explained, though she had to levitate a tea cup into her hooves as she spoke to avoid the urge to wring them instead. "But I realized I need some advice before I can act on said news, and while I'd normally go to one of our friends on that side of the mirror for this sort of thing, you're...uh...let's say uniquely qualified in regards to this particular subject."

Twilight nodded along as Sunset explained, her smile growing at the prospect of being especially helpful with whatever it was she was talking about. "Well I'd be happy to help Sunset, what can I do for you?" Strangely, confirming her assistance seemed to make Sunset more nervous rather than less.

Sunset looked away from Twilight with a slight cringe. "Ugh, alright here comes the part of this conversation I've been dreading." she grumbled before turning back to Twilight. "So there's a bit of premise I need to get through for any of this to make sense, now just bear with me, because this is gonna get weird for a bit."

Puzzled, Twilight none-the-less nodded her agreement, trying to figure what topic that she was supposed to be some kind of expert on could have Sunset so on edge.

Sunset took a deep breath and looked Twilight directly in the eyes. "I've had a huge crush on you for ages."

That was definitely not what Twilight was expecting, as evidenced by the combination of an embarrassed yet flattered blush on her face, her eyes wide with shock, and her wings that had snapped open like a startled bird about to involuntarily take flight from the room. "...I'm sorry could you repeat that?" she asked, maintaining her awed expression, though she at least managed to fold her wings back down so as not to give Sunset the impression they were open for other reasons entirely. Damn things could send very mixed messages...

"You heard me just fine." Sunset huffed, wanting to move this part of the conversation along before her face burned off.

"I...but...what...Suns...I...er...that is to say...huh..." Twilight was struggling, that much was obvious, but in her defense, she was dealing with a lot of mixed emotions at the moment. Finally the thought foremost in her mind made it through the tangle and down to her mouth. "...but I'm not into mares!" she shouted with a cringe, convinced those words would mean the end of one of her most treasured friendships.

Sunset couldn't help but giggle a bit at seeing Twilight's forlorn expression. "Ohhhhh noooooo, how will you ever tell your parents!?"

"I...what?" Twilight was caught off guard by the joke, cracking her out of her bout of paranoia.

Sunset had to stiffle her laughter before she could respond, taking a few quick breaths so she could settle into a more serious expression. "Relax Twi, I know, I've known the whole time, that's why I never told you. I never even had a chance, not your fault." she soothed, giving her friend a calming smile.

Twilight frowned at that. "I'm sorry Sunset..." she said sympathetically. "If there was anything I could do differently..."

Sunset waved a hoof dismissively. "Don't worry about it Twi, I got over it," she admitted, "though I still think you're cute." she added with a wink, enjoying the panicky blush that shot back over the Princess's muzzle.

Twilight was about to reprimand the girl for teasing her before remembering this awkward yet pointless confession was supposed to be the lead up to something. "Wait, if you were never gonna tell me, and have already moved past it, why are you telling me now?" she asked, curiosity quickly getting the best of her.

Sunset couldn't help but start to squirm again as she felt a whole new set of butterflys settle in her stomach. "Well, let's just say I've been feeling a sense of deja vu recently...romantic deja vu..."

Twilight frowned, arching a brow at Sunset. "I don't understand, I'm no expert at this kind of thing, far from it, why would you want my advice? Not to mention why would you have to tell me about your crus..." Twilight paused as realization hit her almost as quickly as her own hoof. "It's Twilight isn't it? Wow I'm thick."

Sunset bit her tongue, deciding it'd be best to pass on the low hanging innuendo. Instead she watched as she could practically see gears turning behind her friend's violet eyes.

"Wait, if I'm heterosexual, wouldn't that mean chances are pretty high she is as well? I mean we've already established that divergences can occur in almost any way between the two worlds but that one seems like a bit of a leap." Twilight pointed out, a hoof pressed contemplatively to her chin.

"I assumed the same thing." Sunset admitted with a shrug. "As soon as I started feeling attracted to her I was already preparing to nip the feelings in the bud, at least until last weekend..."


"Alright...it's time to end this!" Rainbow Dash muttered, her eyes taking on a familiar competitive glint.

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity all sat against a nearby wall observing, having already been eliminated from the game.

Dash, Sunset, and Twilight sat in a small circle, with Sunset and Dash glaring at each other while Twilight just looked sort of bored. Both Dash and Sunset were holding up a single finger, while Twilight held her whole hand open towards them.

"Never have I ever..." Dash started, looking from Sunset to Twilight, knowing she needed to bring Sunset down now in order to clinch vistory. Well second place, but it was basically impossible to beat Twilight at the game since she had never done anything, so losing to her hardly counted. Narrowing her eyes, Dash decided to bring out her trump card, the one thing she always saved to knock Sunset out.

"Never have I ever been gay!"

"ARGH so lame!" Sunset shouted indignantly, "You always do that Dash! Why did I ever think it'd be a good idea to come out to you guys!" she raged, far more offended at being beaten than having her sexuality thrown in her face for fun. Honestly it hadn't exactly been a shock to anyone. Apparently the spiked leather jacket and cowboy boots had been a dead giveaway, or so Rarity told her.

Dash was about to throw back a cocky retort when their argument was interrupted by a loud squeak of embarrassment, causing every eye in the room to turn towards Twilight as she hesitantly curled her pinkie finger in towards her palm.

"...jackpot." Sunset whispered to herself, trying to conceal an ecstatic, and admittedly slightly predatory grin while the others all stared with hanging jaws.


"Fascinating..." Twilight breathed, grinning herself. "Remind me to interview her about this later, I'd like to know where else we diverge in terms of non-nurture based traits."

"That's what you're getting from all of this?" Sunset deadpanned.

"THINK OF THE SCIENCE!" Twilight shouted, falling into one of her more 'mad scientist-esque' expressions.

"Why are girls like this my type?" Sunset muttered to herself. "Is it the big brain, or the mania? Maybe I just like purple...I should see a therapist..."

"We could map the genetic markers for hetero and homosexuality! Win the Neighbel Prize!" Twilight continued to ramble, lost in dreams of high science adventure with her twin.

"TWILIGHT!" Sunset interrupted, grabbing the sides of the mare's head between her hooves. "I need you to focus! I understand that unprecedented scientific advancement with the potential to doom or save all of equinity and humanity is on the line here, but we have something much more important to discuss, my love life!"

"I shtill dohn't quite undershtand what you neehd me for..." Twilight mumbled through squished cheeks.

Sunset released Twilight's face and sat back down, nervously pawing a hoof at the table. "How do I get her to say yes to a date..."

"Um..." Twilight thought over the question for a minute, trying not to think too hard about how she had no practical experience saying yes to a date herself. "Have you tried just asking her?"

Sunset blinked a few times in confusion, as if the thought never occurred to her. "Do you really think that's my best shot...I mean you're both so shy sometimes..."

Twilight shrugged. "That's what I'd want to happen, I'm too shy to do the asking myself, but I think if a stallion I really liked was doing the asking, I could muster the courage to say yes." she admitted, before hesitating a bit as a blush made its way back onto her muzzle. "...and if I'm honest, if in some parallel universe it was a stallion Sunset doing the asking, I'd have a hard time saying no..."

Sunset stared at Twilight for a moment, her mouth agape, before it curled into a devious smile. "Say, there aren't any good gender swap spells are there...I mean I wouldn't exactly say no to some kind of friends with benef..."

"Keep it in your pants Shimmer." Twilight huffed as she crossed her hooves in annoyance.

"Right, sorry, that was rude." Sunset apologized, only somewhat sincerely. "Anyways, back on topic, I should just go for it and ask her? No grand romantic gesture, or contest of wits and strength, maybe take her to a party?"

Twilight gave her a deadpan look, though with a small smile sneaking across her lips. "I thought you said you wanted to ask somepony 'uniquely qualified' rather than our other friends? Why does it suddenly sound like I was last one to make a suggestion?"

Caught in her fib, Sunset smiled sheepishly. "I was saving the best for last...even if it was actually Fluttershy's idea that I ask you even though I was terrified of telling you about my feelings..."

Twilight's smile turned more genuine as she remembered her reaction to Sunset's confession. "Considering I was terrified of letting you down, I suppose I can't blame you, though we both should have known better...which, by the way, further backs up my advice. Just ask her, if she says no I'm sure you'll still be friends afterwards."

Sunset nodded, realizing Twilight probably had a point. "Yeah, maybe it really is that simple..."


Sunset stuffed her bag into her locker before leaning to take a peek around the locker door, confirming that Twilight was standing at her own locker a few feet down the row, transferring several absurdly large volumes too and from her bag.

Taking a deep breath, and giving herself a once over using the small mirror in her locker, Sunset closed the door and attempted to keep cool as she strolled over to Twilight.

"Hey Twi, uh, you got a minute?"

"Sure! What's up?" Twilight chirped, looking up at Sunset with a small smile as she began playing nervously with a lock of her hair, something Sunset had noticed she always seemed to do whenever they were talking.

"Um, are you like, doing anything after school today?" Sunset asked, trying to simultaneously keep a stutter out of her voice and resist the urge to turn around and sprint away.

"Nope nothing planned..." Twilight answered, a slight fog creeping up onto her glasses. "Did you, uh, you and the girls that is, wanna do something? Or...maybe a study session or something? We have that AP test coming up..."

Sunset tried to smile, hoping it wouldn't come across as horrifying as it felt. "Well no, I was sort of wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date or something?"


Twilight yawned loudly as she scooped up her latest finished book in her magic and levitated it off to it's correct shelf. Just as she was about to start looking for a new one to replace it, her attention was instead drawn to a different book sitting next to her on the table, emblazoned with a familiar cutie mark and buzzing with magic.

She immediately took it up and began excitedly flipping through the pages to find the latest entry, which consisted of just a single word.


Twilight shook her head with a small chuckle before closing the book and swapping it for fresh research material. As she started in on the new book, she couldn't help but mutter to herself. "I really need to find a coltfriend..."

Author's Note:

Seriously, never gonna stop bothering me that Sunset had teal magic in EQG1 and red magic in Mirror Magic, the fuck!?

Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this simple and cliche oneshot. Was in the mood for something silly and fluffy, hopefully I pulled it off.

EDIT: Woo we have cover art now, big thank you to Vulpessentia for giving me permission to use their adorable drawing!

EDIT2: Wow! Still in the feature box after 4+ days, I am awed and humbled. This is now my second most popular story, and my first most popular I'm still convinced is carried purely by a somewhat novel premise. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this goofy fic, it means a ton to me.

Comments ( 50 )

so how long did it take scitwi to regain consciousness after getting asked

how long did she hyperventilate

and how many times did she say yes super softly before finally getting it out loud enough for sunset to hear

"Keep it in your pants Shimmer." Twilight huffed as she crossed her hooves in annoyance.

Sunset: "HA! we arent even wearing pants"

So cute! We need more sunlight stories like this one. Thanks for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

About the change of Sunset's magic's color. After listening to the commentary on the Rainbow Rocks blue ray, I believe they decided to make her magic red, because that is the color Sunset added to the rainbow when she joined the girls in the last fight of that movie; it's something the creators are weirdly proud of. So, I guess one could say she defeating the Dazzlings is what changed her magic's color.

This was wonderful. I loved reading this, it was funny and sweet and perfect.

I would request more of this from you. Perhaps not another chapter but something in the same continuity.


This was a very fun read. Would like to see this continued on as a series.:pinkiehappy:

This gets a like just for bringing the magic thing up. Seriously, what the f****!!!

Just gotta say, that's a clever username you've got.

I totally agree with the magic thing. Plus as far as I remember all unicorns' magic color is within a shade of their eye color. That’s how I’ve always assumed it was determined.

I never even noticed the magic thing. But in regards to the story, I really like it.

Cute story. Enjoyed it.

However, having grown up in the 80's, and having had a sister and mother who would jokingly talk "valley girl" to each other, every time I see the work 'like' used as it was at the end all i can think of is "like, for sure."

I hate my brain sometimes.

Oh, Twi, never change...

A bit bare bones - there's not much actual story here . But it did make me grin a lot, so I guess I don't mind.


Usually the magic is the same color as the pony's eyes. There are some cases where it is completely different, however, even disregarding alicorns. Shining Armor is one example. There doesn't seem to be any kind of real pattern or reason for this. So apparently the colors matching is most common, but it's not a rule.


Remember that Sunset's magic used to be teal, kinda like her eyes, and then became red after turning into the demon. I assume that this was the case, something that the writers had stick with her instead of, say, scars from forcibly growing wings and a tail.

Also, for some reason I thought that it was supposed to be Starlight Glimmer in the story. I don't know why I kept reading Sunset's name as Starlight, in the description and tag, but i sure as shit did.

This was rather cute. And Twilight's geek out was extremely adorkable. Specially Sunset's reaction :yay:

ah, I see you are a man of culture as well!


Meme. That said, I also agree. There's no reason to leave it as 'ok' in a story.

i dont exactly know how i feel about this story.

Nice little shipping story.

Seriously, never gonna stop bothering me that Sunset had teal magic in EQG1 and red magic in Mirror Magic, the fuck!?

I'm with you. Continuity flaws in character design cause endless internal screaming. See also Luna's cutie mark: it disappears in Season 4 and just the crescent is gone, but Starlight switches them in Season 7 and the black part goes with it. I yelled at the screen over that one.

Ah ... that might really be it! Her permanently altered colour is like a magical scar. And a scar that serves as reminder of something that set her life on the path of friendship.
That is the feeling of a plothole healed with good headcanon. Much thanks. :raritywink:

Of course. Having just recently watched the eqg shorts and having not seen the original movie in such a long time, i hadn't particularly noticed it, but still headcanons were formed.

"Keep it in your pants Shimmer."

Was really hoping this would be followed up with "I'm not wearing any pants." Preferably accompanied by a seductive smirk.

Excuse me for a few moments as I imagine what this story would have been if Sunset had been crushing on the human Rainbow Dash and decided to ask the pony Rainbow Dash advice.

Oh, yes, yes, the trainwreck is magnificent. Now make out and don't stop before I've returned.

Okay, done. :trollestia:

You've done the said tags half way; the word after the dialogue is lowercase but it's preceded by a period instead of a comma. So here come the corrections;

"Don't you judge me book pony!"

"Don't you judge me, book pony!"

but it was a mystery to save for another day she reminded herself.

but it was a mystery to save for another day, she reminded herself.

since you don't usually show up unannounced and screaming." Twilight said with a good-natured chuckle.

since you don't usually show up unannounced and screaming," Twilight said with a good-natured chuckle.

provided it's not an emergency that is." she added

provided it's not an emergency that is," she added

"Ugh, alright here comes the part of this conversation I've been dreading." she grumbled

"Ugh, alright here comes the part of this conversation I've been dreading," she grumbled

"You heard me just fine." Sunset huffed

"You heard me just fine," Sunset huffed

"though I still think you're cute." she added with a wink

"though I still think you're cute," she added with a wink

she felt a whole new set of butterflys settle in her stomach

she felt a whole new set of butterflies settle in her stomach

transferring several absurdly large volumes too and from her bag.

transferring several absurdly large volumes to and from her bag.

I also suggest separating this;

That was definitely not what Twilight was expecting, as evidenced by the combination of an embarrassed yet flattered blush on her face, her eyes wide with shock, and her wings that had snapped open like a startled bird about to involuntarily take flight from the room. "...I'm sorry could you repeat that?" she asked, maintaining her awed expression, though she at least managed to fold her wings back down so as not to give Sunset the impression they were open for other reasons entirely. Damn things could send very mixed messages...


That was definitely not what Twilight was expecting, as evidenced by the combination of an embarrassed yet flattered blush on her face, her eyes wide with shock, and her wings that had snapped open like a startled bird about to involuntarily take flight from the room.

"...I'm sorry could you repeat that?" she asked, maintaining her awed expression, though she at least managed to fold her wings back down so as not to give Sunset the impression they were open for other reasons entirely. Damn things could send very mixed messages...

Now comments;

"Don't you judge me book pony!"

I see Sunset was top of her class in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and only them because screw you feather brains and mud ponies when it came to summaries that are both short and tell us everything. :trollestia:

Twilight grimaced at the sight. Even with everything the girl had been through on the other side of the mirror, the color of a unicorn's magic wasn't supposed to just change like that, but it was a mystery to save for another day she reminded herself.

Oh, so now you notice the color of magic. Would have been handy when Chrysalys was prancing around Canterlot with green magic when Cadance always had blue magic, don't you think?

Or were you too busy crushing on your foalsitter to notice any other magic than the sway of her hips? :rainbowwild:

and her wings that had snapped open like a startled bird about to involuntarily take flight from the room.

Yeah, involuntarily. Let's go with that. :trollestia:

Apparently the spiked leather jacket and cowboy boots had been a dead giveaway, or so Rarity told her.

Rarity, what have we discussed about wishful thinking? :duck:

"THINK OF THE SCIENCE!" Twilight shouted, falling into one of her more 'mad scientist-esque' expressions.

I suggest showing here more than telling. Even though I have no idea how to describe that expression in narration. :twilightblush:

Maybe I just like purple...

Good thing you're not in the upcoming movie then, your mane and tail would have matched Rainbow's from the second you looked at Commander Trying Too Hard Tempest. :trollestia:

"I need you to focus! I understand that unprecedented scientific advancement with the potential to doom or save all of equinity and humanity is on the line here, but we have something much more important to discuss, my love life!"

Glad to see somepony got good priorities. :trollestia:

trying not to think too hard about how she had no practical experience saying yes to a date herself

And it was a good thing, for worrying about the sad state of her life would have spawned so much dark poetry Luna would feel threatened and discretely have her disposed of in a dark alley. :trollestia:

"Keep it in your pants Shimmer." Twilight huffed as she crossed her hooves in annoyance.

I'm wondering if Twilight got this expression from the human world or if minotaurs are just real obsessed. :rainbowwild:

transferring several absurdly large volumes too and from her bag.

I don't want to be punched by this Twilight. :rainbowderp:

And you don't need a gender swap spell, Sunset. You might just have a double somewhere in Equestria... that's a stallion. I used to have a dead ringer the opposite of my sex a long time ago after all. :rainbowwild:

Let me tell you, it was hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

Though yeah, I understand that you'd prefer to be the one macking on Twilight rather than somepony else. :trollestia:

Haha I think this is the longest comment I've ever received! Sincerely, thank you for taking the time to write it :twilightsmile:

I gotta work on proper use of punctuation when swapping between framing and dialog in general, it gets a bit hectic since most of my writing is off the cuff and unplanned. I appreciate the corrections and hopefully I will implement them sometime when I haven't had far too many beers :pinkiecrazy:

There are a bunch of unicorns/alicorns whose magic color doesn't match their eyes. Celestia, Cadance, Shining, Starlight Glimmer, Fancy Pants, Sunburst, Twilight Velvet, Minuette, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle, for example. Their magic colors do match the focal parts of their cutie marks fairly well, though, as do Twilight's and Rarity's. Magic color=eye color seems to be more of a background pony thing, Sunset's original magic color being a notable exception.


Magic color=eye color seems to be more of a background pony thing,

I'm not sure I'd put it that way. It's probably more that ponies with miss-matched eye/magic colors have become more common in later seasons, mostly via new supporting characters. I distinctly remember that it was unusual back in season 2 when Shining and Cadence appeared to have their magic colors switched.

Sunset's original magic color being a notable exception.

There's also Sweetie Belle, whose magic matches her eyes but doesn't match her cutie mark at all. I'm sure there's more examples I can't think of right now.

Like I said, I don't think there is any particular rule or pattern to this.

I try to write comments that are actually worth reading (according to my ridiculously exacting standards, at least). You're welcome and thank you for making the effort and having the decency to reply to my comment. :twilightsmile:

I'm not gonna scroll through all of the comments, but you do realize that in EQG1, Sunset Shimmer was evil, right? Possessed by a demonic entity thingy that twisted and warped her magic, and in Mirror Magic, she's using her own, natural, magic.

It’s in reference to her magic in the very beginning of EQG1 when she’s a pony and steals the crown before fleeing back through the mirror, not when she’s all demon-y

Certainly cute stuff. I'm a sucker for Sunlight and clever use of dimensional counterparts. You could use a bit more practice with some of the fundamentals with puncutation and homophones, but overall, this was quite fun. Thank you for it.

Also, my hypothesis is that Sunset's magical frequency got rejiggered as a side effect of demonic corruption and/or taking a rainbow to the face.

This was a fun little short story. Definitely a lot more shipping fuel for Sci-Twi than Prin-Twi

Hah, I loved all of Princess Twi's interactions with Sunset in the beginning! Bunch of laughs, followed up with the short but sweet d'awws of Sci-Twi and Sunny later. Though, I wish we would've seen Sci-Twi's immediate reaction to Sunny asking her... ;)

Seriously, never gonna stop bothering me that Sunset had teal magic in EQG1 and red magic in Mirror Magic, the fuck!?

Actually, that probably happened much earlier. In the end of Rainbow Rocks, when they use their rainbow power on Dazzlings, Sunset's color in that rainbow is already red! The only inconsistency was her alicorn-y form in Friendship games, when her magic was golden, but Twilight's was much brighter than normal back then too, so maybe it's just a result of being overcharged with magic.

So, in my opinion, her magic most likely changed when she got blasted with the Elements, or when she ponied up properly for the first time when fighting Dazzlings, which is less likely. Or, you know, someone messed up while making EQG1.

Twilight grimaced at the sight. Even with everything the girl had been through on the other side of the mirror, the color of a unicorn's magic wasn't supposed to just change like that, but it was a mystery to save for another day she reminded herself.

What does she think of Celestia's changing?


Damn, never even noticed that one!

Season 1, man.

Check rarity


Season 3

And twilight

Now that I think of it, it was s3 when they decided to make magic color based on cutie mark instead of whatever. Since eqg was done in parallel, it's easy to see how that decision could have slipped for the movie.

Red magic because her red geode, the magic in it gas a different colour, so it changed the colour of Sunset's magic

I fought valiantly, but...

"Why are girls like this my type?" Sunset muttered to herself. "Is it the big brain, or the mania? Maybe I just like purple...I should see a therapist..."

... that line just broke me. :rainbowlaugh:

An entertaining story, thank you! :twilightsmile:

not to mention, Sunset was only a pony for less than a minute of screentime in the first EqG, and wasn't a pony again until the webisodes.

Well that fixes a common complaint about Chrysalis' impersonations. Clearly, ponies' magic just sometimes changes color.

Twilight grimaced at the sight. Even with everything the girl had been through on the other side of the mirror, the color of a unicorn's magic wasn't supposed to just change like that, but it was a mystery to save for another day she reminded herself.

Sometimes I wish they explained that when Sunset returned to equestria following the events of mirror magic.

Twilight frowned, arching a brow at Sunset. "I don't understand, I'm no expert at this kind of thing, far from it, why would you want my advice? Not to mention why would you have to tell me about your crus..." Twilight paused as realization hit her almost as quickly as her own hoof. "It's Twilight isn't it? Wow I'm thick."

Yep, I'm pretty sure she did this on purpose so princess twilight could try and solve it.

"We could map the genetic markers for hetero and homosexuality! Win the Neighbel Prize!" Twilight continued to ramble, lost in dreams of high science adventure with her twin.

Ok, now she's going too far now.

"Right, sorry, that was rude." Sunset apologized, only somewhat sincerely. "Anyways, back on topic, I should just go for it and ask her? No grand romantic gesture, or contest of wits and strength, maybe take her to a party?"

Best decision imo.


Proud of you sunset.

"Why are girls like this my type?" Sunset muttered to herself. "Is it the big brain, or the mania? Maybe I just like purple...I should see a therapist..."

Given that Sunset was a megalomaniac pre rainbow blast my money is on mania. 🤪🤪🤪🤪😜😜🤪😜

Sunset bit her tongue, deciding it'd be best to pass on the low hanging innuendo. Instead she watched as she could practically see gears turning behind her friend's violet eyes.

Twinkle Sprinkle T H I C C

Seriously, never gonna stop bothering me that Sunset had teal magic in EQG1 and red magic in Mirror Magic, the fuck!?

This might help:

Short and sweet and cute. Not enough people write Sunset Shimmer as a bundle of nerves in their romance stories, and it's always nice to see other author's takes on this romance that should have been. Very cute indeed.

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