• Published 6th Oct 2017
  • 2,953 Views, 697 Comments

Never the Final Word (Vol. 2) - FanOfMostEverything

The continuation of an open anthology of continuations of other authors' stories.

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Georg and FoME's In the Books (Georg's "Twilight Sparkle Makes a Coltfriend... Literally")

Author's Note:

[Drama][Slice of Life]

This is an offshoot of Georg's Twilight Sparkle Makes a Coltfriend... Literally (20,318 words, [Sex][Romace][Comedy], that first tag largely there because characters acknowledge that intercourse and associated organs exist.)

TWILIGHT MAKES A COLTFRIEND... SPOILINGLY: After sending several dates to the hospital, Twilight decides her best hope for love is to make a nigh-indestructible practice coltfriend. As her friends dread Nimbus, the resulting cloth golem, going horribly right, the massive tangle of spells powering him result in emergent sapience, allowing him to show Twilight that she doesn't need to fear love. Nimbus's arcane matrix consumes more and more magic, soon becoming unsustainable, but Twilight finds the stallion whose mind Nimbus was borrowing, a high-altitude weather surveyor who had been unconscious in Ponyville General until now.


"Do you mean..." Twilight Sparkle could not speak any more, and just looked around at Princess Celestia's private library. Her huge private library.

"Every one of them," said Celestia. "Defeated in combat, or through a battle of wills, or one of many other methods. Their stories are their lives, and every one of them you've read have taught you important lessons to pass your own tests. I'm so proud of you, Twilight."

"Proud?" Twilight tore her eyes away from the living books and looked into the deep eyes of her mentor. "Because I found out about them?"

"No, of course not." Princess Celestia shook her head ever so slightly. "I'm proud because every test you've faced, every trial you've endured, you've never failed. Otherwise..." Those ancient pale eyes shifted, and Twilight Sparkle was unable to keep from following her gaze to a gap in the library shelves. A wide gap, colored the same lilac color as her own coat and awaiting the book which someday would reside on the shelves along with so many of its own kind.

"Do keep succeeding, Twilight," said Celestia in a very soothing tone as she nuzzled the ears of her former student. "I so enjoy the way you are now."


Alicorns operate on a greater scale than other ponies. Their love burns more brightly, their appetites demand more strongly, and their despair cries out more desperately. For two weeks since Twilight Sparkle's untimely librization, Celestia had confined herself to her chambers. Luna had had to move the sun for the first week; seeing it rise without her input had been the first sign of improvement, but there had been none since.

"Any sign from within?" Luna asked the guards arrayed at her sister's door.

One shook his head. "No, Your Highness."

Luna sighed. "Not that we can easily discern them. The royal apartments are expansive. Still, fusion can only sustain her so long before she longs for something more material. In time, she will recover."

"Ahem." Luna's ears flattened. Hooves on marble didn't offer much in the way of distinguishing ponies, but that throat clearing was unmistakable. "In the interim, Your Highness," Kibitz said from behind her, "you have much to do. The ship of state needs a captain."

"Aye," Luna muttered, "one with a mustachioed parrot squawking in her ear." She huffed out a breath and turned to him—

Only to get bowled over by a charging Celestia. Luna had a brief glimpse of a bizarrely mussed mane of plasma, swanlike wings in desperate need of preening, before she took in the even more shocking sight of Kibitz focused on something other than a direly unkempt alicorn. Then she noticed her own shadow before her, surrounded by fuchsia light. A light of an impossible, unmistakable hue...

Luna turned and beheld a tremendous, glowing, equinoid pile of books. A hardcover hoof pawed at the floor uncertainly. "Sorry, Princess," said... something. There was certainly jaw movement, but not sound as anypony recognized it. "I would've said something about the contingency spell if there had been time."

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