• Published 29th Mar 2018
  • 3,826 Views, 63 Comments

A Very Angry Problem - GasmaskBrony

The Angriest of the Emperor's Angles has come to Equestria and unless Twilight and the others can convince him otherwise things might get very... messy.

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Malicious Melee Maiming

As much as Shining Armor was loathe to admit it, he did feel fear. As the former captain of the guards for Equestria and Prince regent of the Crystal Empire, a stallion who had faced down the changelings, Sombra, Tirek, Discord and more. He was suppose to be fearless. But he did feel fear, he still had a deep fear that Chrysalis might do something to his family, especially young Flurry Heart, he feared he'd die in the line of duty before getting to see his daughter grow up, and he honestly was more than a little scared of visiting the dentist. However, his first encounter with raging titan known as Fubar Jac'ass the Angry Marine had left him, his wife, and many others with a deep and terrible fear of that monster who had so effortlessly overpowered them all.

When he'd received word that his newest fear had broken free of what limited control his sister had established over it , he had to fight down a powerful desire to abandon her and flee to another country. He had managed to overpower the shameful impulse, but he decided against telling his wife anything, he couldn't bare to tell her that her nightmares had come true, especially not while she was still recovering from her own horrific physical and emotional injuries. When he had then receive word that that abomination had arrived before him, it had left him nearly frozen with dread at what he'd find at his sister's castle. To then discover her alive and mostly well had nearly brought him to tears as he embraced her.

Now though, he was walking down to the roots of Twilight's new castle, where the unconscious terror was being held, to reinforce the measures being used to bind him. Twilight and Celestia still had hope that perhaps the rampaging Ragnarok could somehow be persuaded from its goals or at the very least be contained. Shining was firmly of the opinion that a monster like that needed to be put down, but sadly even his position as a prince was not enough to overrule the two.

He finally reached the door flanked by twenty armed guards who saluted him and held the door open for him. Shining Armor took a deep breath, wincing as it agitated his half healed face, before marching forward into the dark room to confront his most visceral and primal fears.

He immediately looked about the dimly lit underground chamber, the only light being from a few thick crystal roots hanging from the ceiling. His eyes quickly locked onto his quarry dangling from where it was suspended by eight three inch thick glowing rune inscribed chains. "Still asleep, thank Celestia," He muttered letting out his held breath and shuddered. He had honestly hoped upon hearing that this living disaster had been turned into a pony that it might be less terrifying, alien, and monstrous to behold. If anything it was even worse now that it had been half crammed into a familiar shape as the sheer power and alienness of the creature shined through far more clearly.

Twilight and the solar guard had managed to strip most of the heavy yellow armor off of the monster, but appeared to have been unable to figure out the black skin suit that seemed to be bolted onto the monster beneath the armor. This revealed far more details about the nature of the abomination turned pony that was suspended from the ceiling, something Shining was less than pleased with as the thing was horrid to look upon. Even unconscious it seemed to remain furiously angry, its face twisted into a furious grimace, continuing to angrily mutter at its no doubt twisted dreams. Three red glass eyes embedded into the left side of its face glowing dimly against the dull grey metal that seemed crudely bolted to its face, they left him with the uncomfortable feeling of being watched as he continued his work. What was visible of its coat was a network of scars that shown a ghostly white against a pink coat the seemed a cruel imitation of Cadence's or Twilight's pink friend, apparently despite its armor, this creature had taken more damage than most armies. When mixed with the thing's torn ears, receding red mane, and the aura of danger radiating from the monster it briefly reminded Shining of some of the older veterans he'd met. Torn to pieces, aging, and a shadow of what they once were, but still proud and unbowed.

He shook the thought away as he continued to weave a dense and powerful barrier around the hanging creature. He mustn't think of this beast as a pony, no matter how much it looked like an oversized pegasus, to do so might make him hesitate and it would doubtlessly take that chance to kill him. No he must focus on all the ways that the thing was clearly not a pony. Things like the fact that its left foreleg and right hind leg still bore their old alien shape, possibly due to the fact that they seemed as mechanical and artificial as the red eyes jutting from the left side of its face. The way that its flesh and coat seemed stretched to the breaking point against the monster's mass of muscles despite being the size of Celestia if she'd spent every day of her life doing steroids. Its two massively oversized pink wings, which actually made him briefly think of Flurry and her own big silly wings.

NO! Shining shook his head violently. He would NOT compare this demon to his sweet little filly! This thing was a pure heartless monster that desired only to kill everything around it and would enjoy every second of it! To believe otherwise was the height of folly! He glared up at the hanging horror and snarled, "Not so tough now are you monster?"

The moment those words left his lips the suspended savage snapped awake its piercing green eye immediately locking onto Shining Armor as its red eyes began to glow brightly casting everything in the room an ominous red. It's grimace quickly morphed into a vicious snarl as a near suffocating aura of malice and fury filled the room to the brim. "DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY SOMETHING YOU PILE OF STALE SPUNK?"

Shining held the gaze as he finished his spell, erecting a thick magenta pillar of protection that held all the strength of his shield over Canterlot condensed into a thousandth of the space. The red glow of the monsters eyes was replaced by the shield's own calming color making the room far less ominous and reducing the aura of malice to an almost tolerable level. "I said not so tough now are you monster." Shining allowed himself a smile as he fought to keep his knees from trembling and his instincts insisted he was still in incalculable danger.

"GOT A BALL ON YOU SOMEWHERE SHITSTAIN, EH?" the beast roared, the barrier seeming to do little to quiet its noise, "GOING TO BE A DAMN SHAME TO RIP OFF AND CRUSH THE ONLY FUCKING NUT ON THIS PLANET THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO ME." The chains rattled causing the giant to swing slightly within his magical cage. It blinked seeming to only now take notice of the chains holding it, "THA FUCK? DID I GET SENT TO ANOTHER FUCKING FUNGEON?" Then it seemed to notice its own snout and pink coat. Shining armor swore he felt the room grow colder as the monster's face somehow became far angrier than anything Shining had ever witnessed. Its eyes, real and mechanical seemed to be trying to bulge out of its face, thick veins began to press against its skin as its entire face turned a deep purple and the tips of its mane began to smoke. "WHAT THE EMPERAH LOVING SHITFUCK DID YOU ASS RAPING CUNTS DO WITH MY FUCKING ARMOR!? WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE LOST FUCKING PRIMARCHS DID YOU ASSHOLES DO TO ME!?!

"Me? I didn't do anything but help make your new cage a bit stronger," Shining shrugged as he began to carve runes around the barrier to make it independent of his magic. "Now a couple of very nice mares I know turned you into a pony because they thought it might help you adopt a better attitude. Though I'm much more of the opinion that giving you some time down here to yourself will do far more to help with that temper of yours. Either way I'm sure that examining your armor will help save a lot of lives, so we can thank you for that anyways."


"If you are the best your 'emperah' could manage then it shouldn't take us more than a couple of days to unravel everything about you," Shining smile up at the furious fiend, "I hope you enjoy your stay." Shining adding a new sound proof barrier before happily returning to his work. He actually managed a nervous chuckle, rather impressed with how he had handled himself. As he heard the muted cursing of the prisoner above him he began to think that perhaps he'd been wrong to be so scared of this stallion, sure he was terrifyingly powerful, but just like everything else he could be beaten and contained.

Then he began hear something over the muffling of his barriers. "ALWAYS ANGRY!" THOOM "ALWAYS ANGRY!" THOOM "ALWAYS ANGRY!"

Shining's head snapped up to witness the captured Goliath swinging violently around in its cage smashing its mechanical fist against the barrier. Shining began to sweat, telling himself that there was no possible way that the monster could possibly tear itself free. Even if it could somehow rip itself free from the chains that had been magically reinforced and magically enchanted to suppress any natural magic this abomination had gained from its transformation, it would still have to beat through a barrier that had taken an entire invasion force of changelings to break. Still he found himself completely frozen in mute horror, recalling that same mechanical hand wrapping around his throat and shoving him where the sun don't shine.

For nearly a full minute the marine's roaring and violent strikes seemed worthless, until in a fit of rage the mechanical hand grasped the chain binding it and yanked, "FUCK YOUR SHITTY CHAINS! THEY WERE FORGED BY BURNING SHIT AND COOLED IN PISS BY A RETARDED FART SNIFFING WHORE WHO HAD FEWER BRAIN CELLS THAN SHE HAD FINGERS!" With two more yanks the anchor point in the ceiling began to crack, another three and it gave way, tumbling fifteen feet to bounce off the angry marine's head. This seemed to daze him for half a second, but then he looked down at Shining Armor's frozen and horrified form, flashing a wide predatory smile.

Shining Armor finally broke from his stupor to sprint to the door and rip it open. He shouted out to the startled guards, "Quickly, gather reinforcements! Alert Celestia and the Elements! He's breaking free!"

He rocked at the sensation of his horn being struck and turned back to the caged beast, it had resumed its pounding on the barrier, but had now wrapped the magic suppressing chain around its arm, making its striking far more effective. Shining staggered again as again the beast kicked off against the far side of the barrier to drive its fist repeatedly into the barrier. "ALWAYS ANGRY! ALWAYS ANGRY! ALWAYS ANGRY!"

Massive cracks began to rapidly form under the assault. Shining pointed at half of the frozen guards, who had become as rooted as their commander by the seeming impossibility of what this monster, no walking catastrophe was managing, "You twelve, with me, try and slow him down! The rest of you get moving now!"

"Yes sir!" they all shouted, snapping free of their paralyzing terror. Two unicorns, six pegasi, and four earth ponies all rushed in with the Captain to try and stop certain doom.

Shining pointed his horn at the barrier, preparing to try and repair the damage. Then the next blow came. It drove him to his belly with a pained gasp, spots dancing before his eyes as his ears picked up the soft shattering of the barrier and a world ending roar that seemed to contain all the fury of a malevolent god who was having a particularly unpleasant day.


Shining could feel the moral of the ponies around him shatter under the deafening assault. He struggled through his own pain and terror, blindly firing a spell to repair his barrier hoping to try and contain this living incarnation of death. He was rewarded with a cry of, "OH, YOU FUCKING CUNT!"

"Men!" He struggled slowly back up to his hooves trying to blink away the dancing lights inside his eyes, "Keep him in the barrier, we just have to hold him until the princesses arrive!"

"TRY IT FUCKERS!" It laughed, it actually laughed at their efforts!

Shining glared up at their foe seeing that he'd managed to trap the monster in the middle of the barrier. Apparently when he had repaired it the beast was halfway out and the repaired barrier had snapped close around it's waist and left foreleg. Time would tell if this was a good thing or not as this had given the monster an anchored position to begin and attempt to pull more of its chains free. Something its right hind leg managed but a second later.

The pegasi leveled their spears and soared up to stab at the brutish fiend while the unicorns began to charge spells to aid them and the earth ponies gathered around Shining Armor while he struggled to regain enough focus to make his shield drag the half escaped prisoner back inside. The pretty pink predator responded with a speed and ferocity that put all of its previous displays to shame.

The chain wrapped around its fist was unraveled and in the time it took one to blink it lashed out twice in long vorpal arcs. The first swing caught a pegasus in the side of the head, completely caving not just her helmet, but the skull beneath it, sending her corpse spiraling into one of its fellows knocking the second pegasus to the ground. The second arc completely tore off the front of another pegasus' face leaving him screaming without a jaw as his spear was knocked into the wing of his partner knocking the both of them out of the air with ease. One of the remaining pegasi froze in fear while its fellow continued on course attempting to drive its spear into the monster's face, only for the monster to effortlessly dodge and bite down on the haft of the spear with enough force to halt both weapon and wielder. His mechanical hand snapped out and almost before anyone could even notice that the attacking pegasus' head was completely enveloped by the hand, said head was instantly crushed into such a fine paste that its now headless corpse fell away from the closed fist. Before the body was even halfway to the ground, the monster spat its captured spear into its hand and hurled it at the remaining airborne pegasus with the force of a ballista, running the stationary target through in an instant.

In less than a two seconds six pegasi had been disabled or killed, again Shining could feel the moral of those around him shattering, even as the unicorns began to fire off beams of magic. The magic seemed to do little but annoy the captured beast, it easily dodging the magical attacks or swatting them away with its chains. Perhaps panic had made their attacks easy to read, or perhaps the demon they were shooting at was just that quick, Shining couldn't be sure as he began to focus on making the barrier drag the monster back inside.

"FUCK THAT BULLSHIT." the angry god above snarled, smashing its fist into the barrier near it's trapped foreleg. After three swift strikes the barrier again cracked and shattered, freeing the pinned limb.

With both forelimbs free, the enraged beast before them tore at the chains still holding it, tearing the chains around its neck, foreleg, and wings free leaving only two chains to hold it back. Pressing its freed limps against a the barrier and pushing, Shining, and his six remaining guards could do little but watch as the monster began to forcibly drag itself free of the barrier, eventually escaping it completely with an audible *pop* and dangling half way down to the ground by the two chains that remained anchored to the ceiling above.

"Stop him!" Shining Armor cried in absolute terror of the dangling pink pony. The unicorns redoubled their casting, though they seemed to be being completely ignored by the dangling demon as it braced itself completely against the barrier that was still trying in vain to pull him back inside. With an almighty yank first one chain snapped free, then the other finally gave up its resistance allowing the former prisoner to slam into the ground with a thud that seemed to shake the entire room.

At first, Shining thought that he'd been struck deaf by the sound, as he heard nothing, not even a single breath. Then after a momentary eternity, he heard a low cruel chuckle, followed by the loud clanking of heavy chains rattling as a towering mountain of pony flesh and enchanted metal rose from the ground and towered over the few remaining Equestrian guards before it. Once again the red glow of its eyes seemed to dominate the room, shining as malevolent beacons foretelling doom for all bathed in their light. Despite the behemoth's shaky stance, almost as though it wasn't entirely certain on how to stand, its toothy cruel smile held only the horrific confidence of a hydra about to devour pinned prey.

"ALL YOU LIL' CUNTS ARE FUCKING FUCKED! FUUUU~" it lunged clumsily at the nearest unicorn, an attack that should have been easily dodge made impossible by the speed of the attack. A metal hand closed around the body of the guard and squeezed, causing blood and guts to spill from the now dead guard's rapidly ruptured flesh. A wild buck sent the other unicorn flying into the barrier with a clang, the guard's limp form being slowly dragged inside.

Shining dismissed his barrier as the monster turned to face him and the four remaining guards, again it lunged, this time smashing into a new barrier as Shining interrupted its trajectory. The four guards around him charged the stunned astartes with their spears, hoping to take advantage of their Captain's work. All four of them quickly learned what many in the galaxy already knew, being in close combat with an Astartes is the height of misfortune, doubly so if it is an Angry Marine.

The first guard died as a massive pink forehoof came down on his head, forcing his head into the ground where the hoof effortlessly pulped the guard's skull and everything it contain. The next died as a set of powerful jaws clamped down on her throat and with a swift jerk broke her neck. The third guard was bowled off his hooves by a shoulder tackle, knocking both him and his weapon away, unfortunately for him, his spear was grabbed out of the air and used to stake him to the ground well before he had ever landed. The forth was pinned by the giant deliberately falling on him, he, among all the guards managed to score the first injury against their foe. His spear left a shallow gash in the problematic pink pegasus before his head got twisted off with a wet squelch. "~UUCK YOU!"

Shining Armor took a frightened step back, horrible flashbacks to a week ago in the Canterlot throne room as the juggernaut that had killed a dozen ponies in under a minute shakily climbed back to its hooves. A satisfied snort escaped the beast as it looked at the blood that now stained both its mechanical limbs and coat. Then the piercing green eye fell on Shining Armor and a low angry rumble that should have come from an ancient dragon or monstrous machine escaped the phony pony.

Shining Armor's mind finally gave into the cries of his instincts and he turned to flee, just as the sound of a rattling chain filled the air. An unimaginable amount of pain filled his horn, or more accurately the place where his horn had been, and Shining collapsed in screaming pain. Even blinded by pain he continued to try and crawl away, he could feel the giant's clumsy approach and knew what would happen to him if caught. He didn't want to be caught! Not again! He needed to live!

Then something wet, sticky, and metal wrapped around his hind leg and lifted him effortlessly into the air. "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING DOUCHEFACE? I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOUR ASS YET."

Author's Note:

For obvious reasons I'm removing the comedy tag.


Angry Marine Fun Fact: Just like most Astartes chapters, Angry Marines get around the galaxy by use of their battle barges, massive heavily armed space craft designed to approach planets and rain drop pods full of astartes down on a planet. However, Angry Marine battle barges have a slightly different take on the concept. While they can still deploy by drop pod and do so on occasion, the Angry Marine battle barges are designed to land on the planet, violently.

When sighting a particularly dense or dangerous enemy on the planet an Angry Marine battle barge will deploy an array of massive armored plates to the front of their ship, usually in a configuration of a middle finger or fist, before rocketing down towards the planet at max speed. Obviously the impact of a six to seven kilometer ship slamming into an enemy force is exceptional, but this also has the added advantage of depositing the Angry Marines on board directly on the enemy formation and giving them the fire support of an entire ship with mountain leveling weapons.

The only downside of this tactic, aside from the very angry mechanics who have to fix the ship later and the massive damage to the planetary surface, is that it prevents the Angry Marines from fleeing if the fight turns against them or redeploying quickly. However the Angry Marines believe this is an acceptable trade off to get them to the fight quickly and deliver a whole hell of a lot of FUCK YOU straight to the enemy's face.