• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,298 Views, 83 Comments

Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

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The horse of calamity

"C'mon Rook. Hurry up or we'll run out of air pretty soon!!" Ben screamed at his partner working on the computer trying to save them from the malfunctioning ship that is about to explode with them inside. The red beeping and flashing lights started sounding as the two Plumbers watch through the missing part of the ship the planet they were about to crash on. If it weren't for the energy field surrounding the ship, they would be floating in space.

"Tennyson!!!! I had enough of you interfering with my plans!!" The galactic warlord replies to his sworn enemy as he throws debris from the already partially broken ship he used to escape the Plumbers base. Ben, anticipating the throws jumps, and rolls on the floor dodging the attacks.

"Really Vilgax? At this point, I would assume you already got used to me kicking your butt. Seriously, You should surrender the second you see me coming."

"I am going to show you what I do to those unlucky enough to be upon my glare," Vilgax started his laser vision ready to shoot it at the human teenager. Ben put his right hand on his left wrist ready to activate his watch. With the flash of green light, Ben's human form changes into a taller one, all black with a single green eye and with a pair of long antennas on the sides of his head with plugs on the end to absorb energy similar to the ones at the end of each of his four fingers.

"Yea, yea. Your laser beams. Learn new tricks old man" The Conductoid said after absorbing Vilgax's beam and redirecting it back striking Vilgax in the chest that sending him flying a few meters across the ship destroying walls among other things on his way. "Rook, are you done? These flashing lights are annoying."

"No, I am afraid I can not stabilize the ship, I do not have enough time. If only we were stranded in space but it seems we are trapped in the orbital force of a planet. If you had not destroyed the main console maybe we still had a chance."

"What? You blame this on me," Feedback said offended as the sound of the Omnitrix on his chest flashes red indicating a timeout. Ben's human form appears after a dim green light. "It was Vilgax who threw Fourarms into the console.*sigh* Ok nevermind is no use to cry over spilled milk"

"I believe Vilgax is lactose intolerant. It is unlikely he had any milk on his ship." The blue feline-like alien responded unsarcastically.

"No Rook. What that means... ough never mind that. Tell me, what you can do?" Rook starts pushing buttons on the computer constantly looking between the screen and the buttons he was pushing only to just stop to stare at Ben.

"Humm... Hope for the ship to not explode on landing?"

"Perfect" Ben slaps his face with his hand. He then rested his back on one of the walls completely forgetting that Vilgax was still there. Rook had started pushing buttons once again trying to find out which planet they were about to land on.

"I believe we have even bigger problems on our hands. That is the correct human expression, right?" Ben nodded. He sees the half-cracked screen of the computer trying to make sense of it. "It seems that we are going to land on the infamous planet Gaia 1"

"What?!! Gaia 1. No, anything else but Gaia 1!!.... what is Gaia 1?"

"You have not heard the stories?" Rook said in shock. "Gaia 1 is one of the most dangerous planets in this galaxy, said to bring bad luck to anyone who dares to approach it."

"Bad luck? Are you kidding? The reason is considered dangerous is because of bad luck"

"The Plumber's scanners indicate that Its atmosphere is highly radioactive but still it was detected that it sustains life never seen before. Many attempts were made to explore the planet but every time a group is sent mysterious accidents happen that end in catastrophes. No expedition was ever successful in landing."

"Puff, please. Those were just accidents. Luck has anything to do with it. Nothing wrong will happen to us"

"Ben, there is another rumor surrounding the planet, Whoever makes fun of Gaia 1 will suffer the curse. Do you know what this means?" Rook said before he looked behind Ben's back in surprise and horror.

"No, what does it means?" Ben said with a smug expression.

"It means~" Vilgax's voice was heard behind Ben. He quickly ducks anticipating a strike. Rook tries grabbing his weapon but he wasn't fast enough so he was sent flying with a swing of Vilgax's arm. "That your luck is over."

"Rook!!!" Ben screamed looking at his partner lying on the floor.

"Gaia 1 is famous to bring misfortune to the Plumbers. This could be the perfect opportunity to end you once and for all" He said raising a fist.

"Funny, I never thought you as a superstitious type, Vilgax," He says with a fake smile trying to think of a way to save his partner and him from both Vilgax and the crashing ship.

"I will take any advantage I can to defeat you," He said swinging his fist once again. Ben dodged it but in the process, he gets himself cornered.

"Well, lucky for me, I don't believe in luck," He says pushing a button on his watch making a cylindrical tube pop out. "But I believe in HUMUNGOUSAUR!!!!... Hu-Homungousaur!!... Humung... Ok, What is it now!!" Ben tries to push the cylinder in to activate the transformation but it didn't budge. He moved it around trying to unlock it but he was only able to see that the green lights of the Omnitrix were changed into light purple. "Oh, men!!!" The hero cursed himself as the ship started to shake more violently.

"It seems that Ben 10's luck finally ran out" *Bomp*


"Haaaaa!!!" Ben wakes up screaming remembering Vilgax's fist moving at high speed towards his face.. "Ha? what- ha? Wow, Ohh my head hurts"

"Wow, wow. Take it easy. You suffer a minor concussion and it isn't helpful to stand up that quick." Ben was then pushed down on his bed. "Umm... you don't seem to have a fever. If you rest for a couple of hours you should be fine. Wait here and don't try to move while I bring the princess, ok... um... prince?" Ben then heard a soft giggle follow by the screeching of a door opening and closing as well as the clopping of something on the floor. Ben could have opened his eyes to see who it was but his headache didn't allow him.

He tried to stand up, regardless of what the female voice had told him, once he feels good enough to do it. With a dry throat, he opens his eyes and looked around. "Water, I need water" His stare stopped at seeing just what he was looking for, a jar full of freshwater. He brings the jar closer and starts drinking directly from it. When his thirst was quenched he realized that he was walking on all fours and that he wasn't using any appendage to grab the water.

"Hum?" A crash was heard when the jar of water that was mysteriously floating in the air was suddenly falling down. "Oh,... Cool. A new guy. But what am I?" He said Looking around himself. He gets close to a mirror in the room to have a better look at himself.

He was some sort of white unicorn with wings. His mane had two shades of green as well as a tail with the same colors. He was wearing black armor on his chest with the symbol of the Omnitrix in the middle and the most curious about this transformation was that he had a strange tattoo on his...

"Hum... waking up in an unknown room with a strong headache and with a tattoo, I don't remember putting on? My dad has warned me about this but he said this wouldn't happen until I got into a college." Ben chuckle internally.

Ben was watching himself more thoroughly on the mirror in the room until the screeching of the door sounded again. There he could see entering two equines similar to him, one purple and the other white with a floating multicolor mane.

*~*~*~Outside Twilight's castle : 10 min ago.~*~*~*

"Hum... Hum..." The princess of friendship was scampering around the entrance of her castle waiting for her mentor to come.

"Twilight, I know you are nervous but walking around in circles isn't going to make the princess come any faster," Spike said with a tired expression. The sun was already up an hour ago and Spike had only got like four hours of sleep at most. He was awoken by Twilight to send a letter to Princess Celestia and ask her to hurry because she had something very very important to show to her. After that, she made him help her find a book about myths and legends of Equestria, a very specific one. but they couldn't find it.

"I know I know. It's just... that the faith of Equestria. No, of the whole world is at risk... I think. Hum..." She was back to scampering around. "I mean... it is just a legend, right?.... but again, Nightmare Moon was just a legend too... until she almost conquered Equestria. Oh, What do I do?"

"Look, I think she is coming" Spike pointed at the sky where the royal carriage was being pulled by a group of pegasi solar guards.

"Celestia, I am glad you are here" she greets her.

"I arrived as soon as I could after receiving your letter, Twilight. Is there something wrong? You didn't give too many details" Celestia asks all worried. Twilight looked a little bit guilty about how the guards were panting and covered in sweat, She must have told them that this was an emergency and needed to hurry. "Oh, guards you can rest now. thanks for bringing me this fast" Celestia thanked her guards at this fall on the ground.

"Spike could you please bring the lemonade jar from the fridge and offer some to the guards.

"Sure thing, Lemonade for four coming right away," Spike said entering the castle.

"Princ... I mean Celestia. Thanks again for coming so quickly but I am afraid that I could have overreacted at the moment I wrote you that letter." Celestia raises an eyebrow. "Or maybe not... I-I'm still not sure." She said batting her hoof.

"Celestia looks at her ex-pupil and smile, "It will be better to talk about this inside."

"Yes, it will be better," both were about to enter the castle when Spike was getting out with a tray with glasses and a jar of lemonade, and some snacks to share. Both princesses sat down on the chairs of the big hall.

"Ok, How do I begin this? Humm... Do you remember the stories you used to tell us back at the school for gifted unicorns?" Celestia rose an eyebrow while sipping at the cup of tea Twilight had brought to her. "In specific the one about a male Alicorn?" Celestia lowered her cup. This took the princess of the sun by surprise. Of all the things she had guessed Twilight would say to her, this one was especially strange and it worries her.

"Hum yes... yes. the story of the Stallion of Calamity. Why you ask?"

"Well, is that story by any chance a true story like the Mare on the moon, or is it just a tale out of fantasy? I distinctly remember you telling me that story but I haven't found a single book that talks about something like that. is it real or have you just made that up at the moment?"

"That... I can not tell. The tale of the Stallion of Calamity proceeded even before me. It was first told to me by my master when I was but just a little filly. To my knowledge, it was just a tale he told me and my sister"

"Oh... that doesn't comfort me at all. Celestia, what if I told you I have a white stallion alicorn unconscious in one of my rooms."

Celestia's expression transforms into one of a shock to the point she almost drops her teacup." What? Wa-was a unicorn colt born in Ponyville?"

"No, I literally mean a Stallion. An adult white pony alicorn is sleeping upstairs right now." Celestia was about to say something but she was interrupted by the sound of a mare calling for Twilight.

"Princess Twilight? Princess Twilight here you are. Oh, Princess Celestia sorry. My most sincere apologies, did I interrupt something?"

"Not at all. Please come in. Did something happen?"

"Ah yes, you told me to tell you if he wakes up, right? Well... hum, he is awake."

"So is it true then," Celestia said standing up from the chair. " I want to see him," Red Heart turned to see Twilight who nodded to her. Twilight and Red Heart walked Celestia through the stairs to the second floor where the stallion was resting.

"So Twilight?" Red Heart whispers to Twilight's ear as they were walking. "Is he like a new, unannounced, prince or something?"

"Ha, no. Not exactly" She whispers back.

"Isn't him your new husband? That is why he is an alicorn, right? I think he is cute." Twilight blushed at the question.

"What? No, no. no, no. he is, hum~" She then looks back at the other princess to see if she had heard them but it seems that Celestia was lost in her thoughts.

"Good" She responded happily interrupting Twilight's thoughts. Can you introduce me to him later?"

"Ah... I-I... " Twilight didn't know what to say. "Aham Oh look. We have arrived. he is right here in this room" Twilight said out loud in a monotone tune trying her best to not answer that question.

"Good" Celestia replayed. She then turns to see Nurse Red Heart. "Thanks for taking care of him but I will like to talk to him and Princess Twilight alone if you are so kind"

"Ahooo... Ok. Call me if he needs more medical attention, your highness. Twilight knows where to find me" Red Heart replied with a small bow and winking at Twilight behind Celestia's back. Twilight blushed a little more and shake her head.

"Celestia's horn light up making the door open to only find the stallion looking at his own flank with the help of a mirror.

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Prince Lightning Charge for editing this.

Chapter 2 is here. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of it. :pinkiehappy:

I will make my goal to upload a chapter at least once a week. Unless something happens in my life, expect the next chapter no later than Sunday.

Thank you and have a great day.... o night or whatever.