• Published 14th Aug 2012
  • 1,233 Views, 6 Comments

The Stranded Changeling - Regular Antipony

After being stranded, this Changeling has to live his new life along with his memory loss...

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Chapter 3: Canterlot Revisited

I slowly open my eyes. I am rather in a dark room without any windows – much different from Fluttershy’s house back then. Some unusual stuff here, dusty boxes there, and stairs leading upstairs… I’m somewhat sure I’m in a kind of basement or something. Those mares must have brought me here instead, in case I’d be running again.

I stand up from the mattress I’ve slept on and try to recall the past – wasn’t I running away from them earlier? As my headache arrives, I remembered that I lost my balance and fell flat on my face, causing certain brain damage and the weird vision of being in a big town. Should have listened to Fluttershy’s advice… but I’m glad that the exploration was worth an adventure even though it was short.

I begin to climb the stairs behind me until I reach a wooden door at the end of the stairs. The torch decoration makes it rather looks like a dungeon than a usual basement. Since I don’t know what’s behind that door, I think I could take a peek from the keyhole….

Books, maybe thousands of them, everywhere? I mean, like, in the bookcases, on the table, and even on the floor? Looks like whoever lives here is a book addict, no doubt. Maybe I need to question them about the mess, considering book collections should be placed nicely or at least arranged. Since I don’t spot anypony, it might a good idea to open the door and take a look around in that room.

I turn the knob and enter the room – nopony is here, despite the pile of books here and there. I don’t get why would this room, which happens to be a big library, is left with real mess. As I continue to walk around, I could see the windows above me – I’m rather sure it’s morning but a different day from when I crashed myself.

“Spike, I’m home! How are Applebloom and her friends…,” suddenly I hear a mare from the front door – I turned my back by reflex and see the purple unicorn from one of Fluttershy’s friends, “…doing?” First thing in my mind is escape but… must I keep running from them, after those treatments they gave to me? I don’t know whether she was shocked about the mess or my standing in front of her but the awkward moment we both made apparently gives me extra time to think – I won’t escape anymore and at least I’ll try to show some respect to them, starting with this purple unicorn.

“Um… hi… Twilight, if I’m not mistaken?” I said as I’m trying to remember her name – I think one of her friends call her so. “Sky! I’m glad you’re awake!” she replied excitedly, really far from what I imagined. She comes closer to me while saying, “You see, Sky, I don’t understand why you escaped from us yesterday. I mean, you’re not even fully recovered.” I remain silent since I think that my excuse would be really stupid for her. Trust me, I now wish I hadn’t escaped yesterday, since it’s just… stupid. It’s improper for somepony who wants to act like a gentlecolt.

“Anyway, Sky, Princess Celestia told me that she wants to meet you as soon as you recover. Let’s go to the train station, since you’re considered to have recovered quite well?” Twilight said as she picks up her saddlebag and leaves a note, maybe for that Spike she called. Okay, I should have escaped earlier if she hadn’t had this plan of taking me to her princess… or whatever she calls her. On the other hoof, I shouldn’t refuse her request since it will only give me further difficulties in my quest to discover my past. “Okay,” I replied shortly as I wait in front of the door.

As we walk to the Ponyville – apparently it’s the village’s name – Station, Twilight keeps looking at me, even though she has some books in her saddlebag. “Different” and “the most we have seen”; I kept wondering about those words one of her friends said back then. Am I a different race of pony? Did I have friends back then in my past?

“Sky, you seem to be pretty quiet,” suddenly Twilight started a conversation. I admit I appear to be quiet but actually I’m concerned about my loss of memory – there are a lot of things in my mind but I couldn't explain even one of it. At least that’s what happening to me, and I just replied to her with a short “yeah”.

“No, Twilight, I just don’t know what to say. I don’t even remember who I am,” I added to make some clarity of what’s in my mind. She takes a look at my face for a while – maybe looking at the bandages or just simply concerned about me? “Alright,” She sighs a little, “…just say anything what’s on your mind?” I remain silent, explicitly showing her that I just simply can’t generate – or maybe ask – random thing in my thought. Or was it because of me being afraid, I don’t know. In the end, we spent the rest of our time waiting for the train to arrive.

Not long after, the train arrives and we both get into the car. We sit face-to-face beside the window. As Twilight takes one of her books from the saddlebag – apparently she gives up on making me talk about something – I looked out to the window. The cloudless skies, the calm prairies... I begin to moon why Twilight and her friends helped me, why they kept caring me regardless of my disrespectful act. I don’t really get what are in their minds.

“Say, Twilight. Why did you help me?” I suddenly asked her, turned my sight to her face. She seems quite surprised that she stops reading her book. “Sky, you were injured badly that time. We can’t leave somepony helpless,” she replied, “I know you’re a stranger to our village, but it doesn’t matter – you still need help.” I silenced. Is this real life? Are they perfect friends that everypony would dream to have? If only I could find a way to pay their good deed….

I turned my sight back to the window, hiding my embarrassment from Twilight’s face. “Twilight, thanks,” I shortly replied. Now I’m feeling that I shouldn’t be alive at all, since I gave improper response, disrespectful manner, and rather cold attitude. I don’t know whether this was my nature or it is normal for ponies with typical amnesia…. Regardless, those mares… were they gifted to me as compensation? I spent the rest of our time waiting for the train’s arrival to Canterlot by looking outside.

As we arrived at Canterlot Station, I don’t know but somehow this place is somewhat familiar. The big buildings, the castle… it seems that I’ve been here before. “Come on Sky, we need to go to the castle to meet up with Princess Celestia,” Twilight said, as she started running – I hope I could catch up, it would be bad if I lost in this town. Maybe I need to ask her about a quick stroll in the town after meeting Princess Celestia while trying to recall my memories?

“Sky, just act natural, okay? Don’t be scared with Princess Celestia,” Twilight said upon arriving in front of Canterlot Castle’s throne door. For some reason my heart is beating faster than usual – not sure if tired, nervous, or both. Twilight knocked the door and say, “Princess Celestia, it’s me, Twilight Sparkle!” We both get inside and meet Princess Celestia in front of her throne, followed by short bow – certain custom, I believe.

“Twilight Sparkle! I see that you have brought the requested company with you,” Princess Celestia said. She takes a quick glance at me. “His name is Sky Blackend, Princess,” Twilight replied. I can’t really give a proper introduce to Princess Celestia since she stares at me right in the eyes – my heart starts pounding faster and my hooves start to shake. “Well… he is rather different from the others, if I may say,” Twilight added. Princess Celestia just nod for a while.

As the princess feels that it’s enough to give me the thrills, she said, “Twilight, why don’t you visit your parents and brother while you’re in Canterlot?” At first Twilight is kind of surprised, “Would it be alright, Princess?” she replied, expressing uncertainty about her idea. “It’s okay, I’ll meet you in the train station after noon,” Princess Celestia ensured Twilight, making she agrees and leaves the both of us in throne room – great, an hour or two with Princess Celestia. Twilight, why?

As the door closes, I fearfully look back at Princess Celestia. With the figure about three times bigger than Twilight, I think it’s quite okay to be scared with her, but…. “Sky Blackend,” the princess said while walking closer to me, “do you have any recollection of Canterlot?” I’m shocked – it seems like she already knew what is in my mind. “No, Princess,” I replied, “but this place is somewhat familiar, like I have been here before.”

Princess Celestia thinks for a moment then turns her back, “Come.” I follow her to some stairs leading to a higher place and we both arrive to a balcony which happens to have impressive sight of Canterlot from above. “You were once here, Sky,” she said, “You were thrown away to somewhere near Ponyville due to a shock wave we experienced here in Canterlot.” Wait, her statement matches with these two flashbacks I’ve seen but… is this the truth?

“Princess, I’m telling the truth. I lost my memories,” I admitted, “I don’t know my past, and it’s my desire to discover it. It is so immense that I… tried to run from Twilight and the others.” I can’t believe I said that shameful act to her. She gives a deep look at me and stares me in the eyes. “Sky Blackend,” she said, “if you discover your past, what will you be going to do after it?” I thought for a moment but it doesn’t seem to be an easy question to answer. Come to think of it, a colt without any recollection of his past continues a new life? How do I do that? I end up looking down and say, “I honestly have no idea on what should I be doing after that discover but… the first thing I have to do is to pay back Twilight and her friends’ good deeds.” Princess Celestia gives me a smile, “It is true that you’re different. I shall aid you in your quest.” I think my heart just skipped a beat for hearing such response from a princess.

At least my wish to explore Canterlot is granted, as both of us continue to go for a walk outside the castle. Still, I’m both shocked and excited to have Princess Celestia instead to accompany me in the stroll. We continue to wander around while Princess Celestia gives me some general information about places… but no, I still don’t recall about being here. I really want to blame my severe memory loss right now….

It’s until we both arrive at a building… a large one. “This is where Elements of Harmony is stored. I’m certain that you have been here before,” Princess Celestia said. Well… I don’t think I have seen the building though, I tried to look around the entrance but it doesn’t bring me any flashbacks. I try to get inside too, but I still don’t have any recollection about this building… not even a bit. Does this mean I will forever lose my memories?

As I get outside the building downed, Princess Celestia notices the frown in my face. I really want to cheer up but… why do I have to fell into such despair? I mean, I haven’t even tried my best! I take a deep breath and look down. Much to my surprise that suddenly Princess Celestia puts her hoof around my back. “It’s okay,” she tried to comfort me, “Don’t lose hope, Sky. Besides, there is still one place we have not yet visited.” Right, I shouldn’t give up yet!

By the time we’re in the middle of our trip to this last place, I suddenly feel familiar with the street. Instead of following Princess Celestia and apparently made her follow me instead, I took a left turn and begin to take random direction at next few intersections – it appears to be random but… my brain is telling me that I’m going to a place I have been before. After the last turn, I notice the destruction marks which are being fixed, the buildings’ places, the view… – isn’t this the exact place with my second flashback?

“Princess Celestia, this place… is this place you wanted to show to me?” I asked uncertainly, knowing that she had taken me around Canterlot with twisty route, passing multiple streets instead of going right to the place in order to help me recall my memories. “No, Sky, we haven’t even crossed this street before,” she replied. This is weird, why did my brain tell me to go to this place all of a sudden? That means I still have my memories but currently inaccessible – there are still hopes for me!

We both then continue our trip to the place Princess Celestia mentioned earlier – it happens to be another building. “This was used to be a wedding hall,” she said. I look confused. Wedding hall and marks of destruction? That doesn’t make sense! But as we both proceed to enter the building and see the door to the hall… I think I recognize the pattern on the door. I enter the hall and find a rather empty room – of course; it’s not even used at the moment. No, I looked around and still don’t recognize anything except the door.

“This… the place I first met with you,” Princess Celestia added. I turned my sight back to her, “Wait, so you’re saying that… we have met before?” I asked, uncertainly and slightly confused. “Not only with me, Sky, but also Twilight and the others,” she replied. Much to my confusion that they didn’t mention about it back then in Ponyville… but really? I mean, I don’t even remember anything about Canterlot except that place earlier and the door pattern…

There’s only one way to figure it out: I have to crash myself in order to call the flashback, like I had previously. I know it’s rather stupid – Princess Celestia also doubt that I’ll get to see the flashback – but it worth a try, doesn’t it? I run full speed ahead and ram the door – I hope she doesn’t mind. Instead of flashback, I got major headache and extra bruises, nothing much – that’s not that bad, in my opinion. Suddenly I realized that I was stupid, knowing that I could just ask her and the others instead. That slow brain of mine….

“Nope, nothing happened,” I said to the rather worried Princess Celestia, “…Maybe they appear the least we expect it, oh well.” “Actually, Sky,” she replied, after a deep thought, “you weren’t here for a long time. You brought Twilight and the others here then left. You…,” she stopped and looked away from me. Not sure if she doesn’t know how to explain it or simply can’t say it, I come closer to her and ask, “Princess Celestia, what did I do back then?” After a deep breath, she returns and says, “I’m afraid I can’t continue since… you might be not yet prepared for the truth.”

Wait, what? Since it’s my desire to discover my own past, I should be ready for the truth even though it’s harsh, right? Before I could ask or reply anything about Princess Celestia’s statement, Canterlot’s bell rings – it should be noon now. “I wish I could explain everything to you, Sky, but I think it would be too much for you… at present,” she added. At first I didn’t agree but… considering that I just got my consciousness back this morning, maybe she’s right. I might experience some sort of mental shock if I keep on pushing, anyway.

We both go to the train station – Twilight is waiting there while reading a book. As we approach her, she closes her book and greets the both of us, “Princess Celestia, Sky, all done?” “All done, Twilight,” Princess Celestia replied then looked at me, “I’ll arrange an appointment to you later through her.” The train’s engine starts working – it’s about time for Twilight and I to go back to Ponyville.

“Oh, Twilight, before you go,” Princess Celestia halts both of us, “you wouldn’t mind if Sky stays with you while you both learning about friendship, would you?” Huh? I get to learn about this “Friendship” with Twilight? I’m excited and slightly terrified at the same time actually, knowing that I will have a place to stay but… with those mares. Either way, I’m not sure if they will accept me after those things I did to them….

“No, not at all! It’s great to have friends!” Twilight overfilled with joy. “Then it’s settled! I’ll send a parchment to Mayor Mare,” Princess Celestia replied, “Hurry, you two, you wouldn’t want to miss your train!” Twilight drags the rather astonished me inside the train. “Thank you, Princess Celestia! I’ll see you soon!” Twilight happily waves her hoof in the air. As for me, I’m still shocked and unconsciously waving to Princess Celestia, following Twilight.

So I get to live and learn friendship with them instead of to continue my epic quest of discovering my past. Princess Celestia is right, somehow, I don’t think I’m ready yet for the worst possible truth ever in few hours after consciousness. However, I’m still glad that I get to visit Canterlot so that I could regain a little bit of my memories….

Still, I don’t know what Ponyville has in store for me….