• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 844 Views, 6 Comments

One Burst of Magic - StatiZkyZ

Sunburst must cast a certain spell for a certain pony's life

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The Letter

Dear Princess Twilight, or whoever opens this first, please give it to her.

I have a confession to make. I lied to you.

I've told you that Starlight had suffered from a virus called the Falsus Stillussi virus, but that's exactly my lie. I've concealed the information I got from the doctor from you, and I'm sorry about that. Let me explain myself.

The truth is, Starlight suffers a mutated version of the Falsus Stillussi virus, called the Falsus Cruor. It's rare for the virus to mutate like this, and although the symptoms are similar, this virus is much more deadly. It consumes her blood cells more rapidly and becomes even more resistant to any kind of drugs or magic. So far there's no cure for it. The doctor told me that there's no hope for her, and she'll last only a night longer. That's why I was able to get her home from the hospital for us to treat her, they don't see the reason to keep her there because she's beyond help. Starlight also didn't know about this herself until I told her about it last night.

The other lie I told you is the spell I'm working on. It's a spell I crafted myself to heal Starlight, however, I made a drastic modification on it. It's the most powerful healing spell I know, but should it fail because it cannot completely heal the target, it will immediately take the lives of the target and the user, but in return, their spirits will forever be together in the Etherialscape, where the souls rest. Do not worry though, when I told Starlight about this spell, she agrees with me and permitted me to cast it. It seems like she'd like to be put out of her misery in any way, poor mare must be suffering greatly. I guess if you are reading this letter, that means I've failed to heal her, and passed away with her.

I love her, princess.

When I met her again in the Crystal Empire, she saved my life from myself. Back then, I was a useless unicorn. I cannot do anything after I gradated from Unicorn School. I know a lot about magic, but I cannot use any of that knowledge, and that's just pathetic. I ended up in the Crystal Empire because I was rejected in Canterlot, I cannot secure my future there. No pony wants a wizard that cannot cast advanced spells. I don't know if you ever feel such self-loathing that I had, it's hell.

Starlight is the one who woke me up. Because of her, I know I can be useful. I'm forever grateful to her for freeing me from my inner struggle. I can only repay her by making up for leaving her, to be forever by her side, even if she's no longer in this world. I know how much she suffered when I got my cutie mark. I won't make that mistake again, and I won't let her go through that again.

I know it's selfish of me to do this, but I can't bear the thought of living without her. Even when I fail to heal her, we will be together in the afterlife, facing the next life side by side. I know she'll be happy, because when I confessed my love for her last night, her face bears a genuine smile. She loves me too. I rather die with her then having to know that she'll be all alone up there. Heck, if she has to burn in purgatory for what she did in her past, I would gladly stay with her through the fire.

Thank you for saving and taking care of Starlight all this time, princess. Farewell.

From Sunburst.

Comments ( 5 )

This felt pretty real. At first, I thought Sunburst just committed suicide, but I'm happy he actually tried to heal Starlight. :pinkiehappy: Also, this made me cry :fluttercry: ~ Mintstar


Funny that you mentioned that, cause the idea of Sunburst actually trying to cure Starlight is kind of a last minute change.

Originally, I kinda made Sunburst commit a double suicide with Starlight right away, but I decided to change that to make the story more tragic.

Glad you find this fic enjoyable, thank you for reading :twilightsmile:

Your Welcome! ~ Mintstar

Dang, that was sad but at least Sunburst gets to be with Starlight

Is someone...cutting onions? 😭

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