• Published 3rd Nov 2017
  • 2,010 Views, 27 Comments

The Sorcerer and the Sirens - Broman

Starswirl the Bearded makes a desciosn that affects the lives of three young orphans.

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To Show Compassion

The Sorcerer and The Sirens

“Is this the place?” Starswirl said as he observed the open campground below him, where several large tents were positioned near the cliffs. The old unicorn sat on his haunches as he watched from underneath the thicket. Behind him was his retinue of guards, all armed and ready for action. They had traveled many leagues away from Canterlot and had to skirt the forests of the Everfree to find their quarry. Eventually thought they had to travel within the forest to follow the trappers. The guard on his right and captain of the company was Storm Rage and he motioned him to come over. The pegasus guard held a spyglass as he observed the encampment below and Starswirl could see that the guard was itching for a fight.

“This is the place alright. At least a two dozen or more are patrolling the area. I also can see a few skinned bodies of some animals that are being tanned on the cliffs, most likely from their recent hunt,” Storm Rage said as he lowered his spyglass, to which Starswirl used his magic to seize it and witness the tanned bodies.

“Two manticore bodies,” Starswirl said as he gave a tired sigh, “Such a waste to see such magnificent creatures to be treated this way,” he said, turning his spyglass to one of the larger tents in the encampment. He observed several trappers moving cages inside and he spotted a small hydra and timberwolves inside. He lowered the spyglass and turned to his guards, a plan already forming in his mind.

“Listen well, all of you. These trappers have been hunting wild beasts and rare creatures for months. There is no doubt in my mind they are very good at what they do and are probably expecting an ambush. We must ensure we capture all of them to ensure that they do not bring to harm any remaining creatures that are alive. However, if the information we receive of them in harboring a far more dangerous monster in their vicinity. We must get inside and confirm this knowledge is true.”

“And what if they resist sir?” one of the guards asked, and by the sound of his voice was a rather young. Starswirl turned to the young soldier and gave him a knowing nod.

“If they resist then you are authorized to use force. If they threatened the life of any of your fellow guards you will do your duty and kill without hesitation.” he said, the younger soldier nodding and lifting his spear in the air.

“Yes sir.” was all he replied, while Starswirl waved his hoof and his company moved out.

“Remember, the goal here is to save any remaining creatures. Lets move out.”


Thirty minutes passed by, Starswirl and his company already near the boundaries of the camp itself. His company of a hundred strong were all spread out underneath the canopy of the forest. He could see on the outer edge of the camp that the guards were stationed at their post. Though, do to the lighting of the lighting of the afternoon sun, it was difficult to see the full account of their numbers. The only thing that separated them was a field of tall grass, which will provided the perfect cover when they make their approach. Motioning his hooves forward, the company slowly moved out from the forest and into the grass.

They moved at a slow pace, the company barely making any noise while they moved. Starswirl readied his staff getting ever closer to the borders. Observing from the grass he saw that the sentires remained where they were, never moving from their last spot.

Something’s not right. It’s to quiet. Starswirl thought to himself. His company soon reached the outer edge of the grass, Just ten yards away from the guards. He turned to his fellow soldiers, nodding to them to prepare for the assault. He watched them draw their swords and spears, ready to take the thieving trappers. Once ready they signaled back to him and Starswirl raised his staff.

“Attack!” he heard Storm Rage call out, charging forward toward the encampment.

The company all screamed, rushing the camp defenders. Starswirl, despite his age, was able to keep up with most of the soldiers, but the eager ones were already on the first guards. However, the moment they tackled them, they burst on impact in a cloud of straw. Starswirl seeing this immediately stopped and shouted out to his fellow guards.

“Everypony in defensive formation! Ambush!” he cried out, yet the company was immediately beset by the camps inhabitants. The trappers rushed at the from within the camp and from the sides, their numbers reaching more than two dozen. The guards in the front quickly engaged with the enemy but the numbers were already overwhelming them. Deciding quickly his horn flared and a magic shield was spread amongst the first guards. The trappers weapons repealed off the strong shields, allowing for the guards to retaliate.

Battle was joined and chaos was spread all around him. The trappers had the upper hoof but the guards were well armored and prepared for the incoming attacks. He saw several the trappers go down and his guards were slowly gaining ground. He turned and helped the nearest guards by summoning his magic and blasting wind against some oncoming trappers. They were knocked off their hooves and they sprawled onto the ground in a big heap. He turned around, seeing several trappers barreling down at the from the main tent. At the head he saw a large unicorn with a skull of a boar onto top of his head, giving off a menacing appearance.

He seen worse in his time.

“Kill the guards, don’t let them take the creatures!” the unicorn leader called out, the trappers charging forward with reckless abandon, throwing themselves upon the company and attacking with everything they had.

Drawing a breath his horn lit up and a charged shot grew on the tip of his horn. He aimed directly for the unicorn leader and fired, the shot buzzing through the air at a rapid pace. Seeing this, the unicorn countered and by raising a magical sphere over himself, the bolt rebounding off and crashing to the ground at his side. With a flick of his horn he turned the forcefield into a wave of shots, and directed the magic straight at Starswirl.

He raised his horn and projected a defensive shield of his own in front of the blast. The shots impacted the shield, forcing Starswirl back from his position. He skirted the ground after the last few shots impacted the shield and he heard laughter in the air.

“Is this all from the greatest Starswirl the bearded? The savior of Equestria’s royal crown? The defender of her lands and cities? I never seen such pathetic magic!” the leader laughed and gestured to his comrades, “Look at him. Old, frail, and above all likely to kick the bucket. Old legends like you deserve to be called just that. No family, no friends, always keeps to himself! A legend, a myth, a footnote in history that no pony would ever remember.” the trapper yelled out, which struck a nerve on Starswirl's ego. Normally such insults would be ignored, and he would continue on without a second thought. But given the situation that he and his company were in, and facing such a arrogant child that he thinks himself the better.

Starswirl was not going to let this snot tell him off that.

“I may be old,” he called out, his horn charging up in response, “But I am not helpless!” he yelled back, the magic on his horn unleashing volleys of magical bolts straight at his target. The trapper barely had time to block the onslaught onto he was pushed back from his position. With another charge shot fired away the enemy leader was thrown back and he rolled to a stop near the tent entrance. He frantically got back onto his hooves, a few of his companions tending to his side.

“You two, help me unleash the chimera.” he ordered, the three of them disappearing into the large tent.

“Storm Rage! With me!” Starswirl ordered, his captain nodding and descending down at his side. The two made their way towards the entrance of the large tent. The battle around them was slowly dying down, the guard getting the upper hoof and apprehending the remaining trappers. Once inside, Starswirl had a few seconds to see his surroundings.

The room was expansive and no were near what he had imagined it to be. The tent was more of a small building, a large wooden roof hanged above them, and surrounding them were several tables with slabs of meat on the surface. To his right he saw several beddings, all scattered about and haphazardly tossed about the place. A loud roar came at his left and he turned to see the trappers attempting to open the cage to the chimera. The beast was roaring and its massive claws were reaching through the bars to seize them. The trappers were too nervous but they were determined to open the cage.

Without a second thought Starswirl unleashed his magic in the midst of them. The blast separated the trappers from the cage, however, one of the trappers was unfortunate enough to get slammed into the cage, with the Chimera seizing him with its claws. The trapper screamed, flailing about to escape, but the chimera was holding fast to him and its snake tail opened its talons and sunk deep into its neck. The trapper was silent before long and the chimera holding fast to its meal.

Focusing his attention back on the last two trappers, the leader pushed his companion towards them. The younger trapper attempted to fight with the nearest object possible, seizing a large chair and lifting it over his head. Storm Rage wasted no time by shunting himself into the trapper. The two slammed onto a table, the force was enough to break the furniture in two. The leader was all that remained, fear was visible in his eyes and his horn charged up.

“Don’t get any closer, or I’ll unleash” he didn’t finish when a large flatbed slammed onto his left side, the force pinning him to the nearby wall. Starswirl smiled at his work when the flatbed fell to the ground and the leader was dazed by the unexpected blow. He fell forward, allowing Starswirl to lift the bed roll into the air. The bed carried its cargo straight into the air, slamming the unlucky leaders body into the wooden roof. He ceaze his magic, the bed and leader falling down and slamming onto the floor with a solid thump.

Surprisingly the leader was still conscious, yet he moved like a drunkard. He tried to get his bearings, and he stood rather awkwardly. The leader lifted a hoof, seeking to address him. Starswirl gave a huff of amusement as his magic surged, forcing two tables off their standings and slamming together against the leader. The leader was pinned and the sound of bone snapped from his headwear. The skull of the boar broke down and fell from his head and the leader went faint. He lets the magic go by moving the tables away and the final trapper fell to the ground.

Starswirl drew a breath and sighed. It was all over.

“Did the other trappers escape?” Starswirl asked as he patrolled the room. Storm Rage was nearby, finishing binding the unconscious trapper he tackled.

“I’m not sure, Starswirl. The other guards are patrolling the grounds as we speak. They won’t get far.” the guard at his side spoke.

“Good. The sooner we find them, Captain Storm Rage, the sooner we can end their illegal trafficking once and for all.”

Storm Rage nodded and he began his search. Starswirl gazed at the room, taking in what he could see. There were many things that he bore witness in his life. The founding of the nation, the First Contact War, incurable plagues, and seeing cities razed before his eyes. But never in all of his life that he would witness this. The killing and selling of rare and dangerous creatures. It was by far the vilest acts against nature’s creatures and Starswirl was grateful that this group of trappers were stopped.

He looked to his left, the chimera was happily eating at its victim. Starswirl looked away from the gruesome scene and deciding to take another look of the room. Besides the dining area and bedding to the side he did see a large table covered in different vials and potions. Turning towards it he observed it to be an alchemist table. Getting closer he saw an open book that showed the muscle structure and bone density of a Manticore, with small pieces of flesh on a weighing scale. His eyes scanned the vials, recognizing some of the powders and even a few potions that were on the table. Sleeping agents, paralyzers, smoke bombs, noise makers, and a few known poisons.

These trappers are very prepared, Starswirl thought. These kinds of toxins were used to subdue larger prey. He only wondered if there was something bigger that they were hunting.

“Starswirl, you should take a look at this.” Storm Rage called out. Starswirl saw the captain near another entrance, probably to the back of the tent structure. With spear in hoof, Storm Rage pushed the entrance open with his spear and allowing Starswirl to enter inside.

What he saw next took his breath away.

In the middle of the large room, was a carcass of a large siren.

Approaching the dead husk, he was taken aback by the sheer scale of the beast. The creature was massive, roughly the size of a two story house. It was bright orange from its lower body and upward, while the back half of it had a mixture of purple on its tail. It stomach was split and was bled dry, a pungent odor filling the air. Starswirl pressed a hoof to his nose when he drew closer, the smell likely being a few days old, maybe longer. Tracing from its belly to its head, he saw multiple cuts across its chest. He took note that the gem that a siren would normally carry was missing. Most likely ripped out and broken up to be sold for a cheap price. The last thing that he took note of was the distinguished scar that was traced over it’s left eye. Despite losing its luster, he saw that the eye, which was the size of a large dinner plate, had a red to raspberry coloring.

“Guess your information you had was true. Never thought I would see one of these monsters.” Storm Rage said, spitting at the ground in disgust. Starswirl remained silent and he couldn’t blame him for his aversion of these creatures.

Starswirl had bore witness so such creatures over the years. The Sirens were vast in number once, ranging from one end of Equestria to another. They would sing their luring songs of unsuspecting victims, meeting terrible ends from being eaten alive. Even to stories of sailors out on the high seas having their ships crash against the sea walls, by their seducing voices. Over the few centuries he was given charge to personally help in finding and eliminating these beasts with extreme prejudice. Long after their numbers dwindled from thousands into a few hundred until there had been no trace or rumor of them. Just as Starswirl intended to be.

It had been decades since ponies heard or seen a siren. Yet when whispers of a creature luring ponies with a song and disappearances were made known in several villages. Other rumors told of a mare whose voice was so strong that brought many ponies to their knees. In their deceiving appearance they became victims under its spell. In his experience there was no doubt that it was a sirens work. It seemed only recent that at least one had survived, till now that is. He had worked day a night with local villages and working with any adventurers of its whereabouts. When sightenings became frequent he believed he could seize the creature and finally end the last of them.

“Starswirl? Your eminence?” Starswirl blinked when he heard Storm Rage speak. “Were you contemplating sir?” He asked, to which Starswirl gave a soft smile.

“Sorry, just lost in thought that’s all.” he said, turning his gaze back to the dead siren. “At least we didn’t have to fight the siren.” he remarked.

“I wouldn't blame you. I heard stories of how strong they are and how they become stronger when facing against a diverse people.”

“I have faced them, Captain. Those stories you heard are not mere fiction.” he said with a little seriousness in his voice, though it felt more like tutoring a young foal. Stormrage lowered his head in much respect.

“Of course, Starswirl.” he replied.

“Captain, make a note for me.’ he said, casting his gaze once again over the corpse. “When we bring the trappers back I want them questioned on where they found this creature and if there were any others. Also, notify me of any casualties on our side. I saw several of our own fall and I will need their names so that I can personally write to their families.” he said, turning on his hoof towards the exit.

“Of course your holiness.” he replied.

“Please drop the pleasantries, I do tire of them.” he gave a deadpan expression to his captain, the latter giving a soft chuckle in return.

He was ready to leave but stopped short when his ears perked up into the air. He heard something shifted toward the back of the room where he heard the smallest of whimpers.

“Did you hear that?” Starswirl asked, turning his head toward the direction where the sound emanated.

“Indeed I have.” Storm Rage replied, looking towards the back of the room, “If anypony is there come on out and surrender.” he called out, and what he heard in return was silence.

“You will be given leniency if you but turn yourself in.” he called out once more. Still no response, but a faint shuffle of hooves was heard nearby.

Starswirl turned and was fixated onto a broken crate near the back of the room. It was on its side; a hide of an Ursa Minor covered the top. Motioning towards the crate Starswirl moved forward, his hoof steps silent as he pressed ahead, with Storm Rage close by his side.

He knew that whoever was hiding they were going to be force out.

When he was close his horn glowed and his magic slowly lifted the pelt off the crate. When he was near he eyed Storm Rage who readied his spear.

“If you don’t come out, then we will force you out.” Storm Rage ordered, his wings already flaring out to be more big and intimidating the moment they pulled the pelt off. When no reply came the two knew what had to be done. With a quick nod to his captain Starswirl removed the pelt and Storm Rage lunged his spear down in front of the entrance. The spear landed onto the dirt with a solid thud and a small squeak came from within. When they looked inside both of their hearts stopped at what they saw.

For inside the crate there were three frightened fillies staring back at them.

Storm Rage was shaken that his spear was mere feet from them and he quickly withdrew his weapon. He could only stare in confusion and shock, however, Starswirl starred in fascination and curiosity at the three.

“What are you three doing here?”The elder unicorn looked at each of the fillies before him, their lower bodies covered by a thick blanket. In the center of the crate was an orange filly with a large curled mane and pink eyes. The filly on her left had a light purple fur with a deep purple mane and raspberry eyes. The final filly on her right had a light blue fur with a deeper blue mane and raspberry eyes. As the seconds ticked by his intrigue of them only grew. He lowered himself down to see them, his beard brushing the floor as he moved. The three fillies huddled closer and lowered their heads into one another.

“Hello there little ones.” His voice calm and tender, not showing any aggression to them.

The orange filly hissed at him as it huddled closely toward the other two.

“Starswirl, this doesn’t make sense,” Storm Rage said as he lowered himself to get a better look of the fillies, “why would the trappers hold ponies, especially fillies this young?

“Maybe their children to one of them,” Starswirl said, trying to reassure his captain.

“This is going to be a messy venture.” Storm Rage lifted himself, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof. “If any of these trappers had these children then its going to get messy at the courts. No doubt they will be separate for their own safety and be put into an orphanage.”

Starswirl didn’t reply to his captain, but rather kept his attention on the fillies. They appeared to be earth ponies, and were very small, though not as small when it comes to a newborn. He moved closer inside, his horn glowing softly in the small crate. The three fillies were drawn to it like moths to a flame. With their small eyes widened and focus on his horn, he gently pulled the small blanket off of them. When he did the three fillies scurried back, cuddling close together and away from him.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw their lower bodies had fish like tails, same as the dead siren.

By the goddess, Starswirl though as he moved a hoof toward the three. The three fillies cowered again, closing their eyes shut and began crying. He paused when he saw them like this. A short pain hit his heart and he placed his outreached hoof onto his chest. He knew what they are and what they were capable of and yet, he remained there starring at them.

Throughout his life he had seen these creatures for what they are and what they did to other ponies and onto other civilizations. But he had never found nor seen the offspring of these creatures. He told himself many times over that approaching or dealing with these creatures was folly, and killing them was a service to all civilizations. However, seeing these fillies here caused him to pause. Never once did he ever consider how their species conceived or care for their offspring and he was looking at three of them.

What he was starring at was a treasure trove of knowledgeable research.

He gently brought his hoof out and placed it onto each of their heads, rubbing tenderly across each of their manes. The fillies opened their eyes to see him give a warm and caring smile.

“Sleep now little ones. You're safe now.” his horn glowed as he spoke, a magical mist going over their heads. The three fillies eyes began to grow heavy and the three soon dozed off into sleep. The spell would last for a couple of hours, giving him time to reach his home within the castle of Canterlot. He turned to Storm Rage who eyed him curiously.

“Inform the guard that I will be taking my leave. Find any remaining trappers and inform me as soon possible. When you have them I will personally speak to them. Is that understood?” He said, pushing the blanket back over the three and pulling them towards him with his magic.

“Yes Starswirl.” Storm Rage turned to leave, but stopped short when Starswirl lifted the three sleeping fillies into his right hoof, cradling them at his side. Storm Rage blinked a few times when his eyes darted near the edge of the blanket and spotting the fins that stuck out underneath the sheets.

“Starswirl. That’s… they’re not…” Storm Rage stuttered, drawing his spear forward out of instinct.

“I know, Captain.” Starswirl said calmly, heading toward the next room of the tent. Storm Rage followed, his spear always pointing at the three bundles in his hooves.

“I thought them to be extinct. But they, they cannot be allowed to live.” he said, stopping himself directly in front of Starswirl. The old unicorn paused, making sure the three were secure within the blanket.

“You know what they are capable of? You be risking our entire kingdom if you let them loose.” Storm Rage argued, his emotions getting to the best of him, whereas Starswirl was completely untroubled by his captains behavior.

“I will not let that happen.” he said in the most calmness manner possible. With his magic, he tied the blanket around his neck, creating a sling that held the three fillies close to his chest. Once secure he went for the exit, only to be blocked by his captain.

“Starswirl! Their Sirens! They’re dangerous!” Starswirl, having stopped in front of the captain, finally lifted his gaze at Storm Rage.

“Captain. How many children do you have?” he asked.

Storm Rage was caught off guard by the question but answered with honesty.

“I have two foals, with a third on the way. I love them very dearly. Wait… are you threatening against my family?” he said, aghast at what Starswirl had said.

“No, I’m not going to harm your family.” he said, his eyes shifting their focus towards the three fillies in the sling.

“Then why did you bring my family up in this.” he asked, waiting for a reply. Starswirl said nothing, still starring at the three little lives in his hooves.

“Life is a precious thing Storm Rage. The life of a child is precious. These three, I know the danger they possess should they ever come to light. And yet, throughout my life, I always have their kind killed off. They are so small, so… innocent. They deserve a better fate than this.” Starswirl said, his gaze ever fixated upon them.

“Starswirl I understand how you feel when it comes to life and its importance and I can appreciate the sentiment. However, those… things. They are not like any other pony. They are monsters that will be the terror of Equestria. I’m sorry, but they have to go.” he said, his wings flared up to him. Starswirl looked to his companion with a saddened expression. His eyes traveled back to the three sleeping children. They were so peaceful in their slumber, and were not bothered by what was happening around them. Taking a deep, regrettable breath, he sighed and nodded to his captain.

“Alright, Storm Rage. You may do as you wish, but please be humane. I rather not see the same fate befall to the larger one.” he said, gesturing to the siren that was gutted. Storm Rage eyed him for a moment at the sudden change of heart.

“Then what do you suggest we do?” he asked, his eyes fixated on the three.

“There is some poisons that are on that table, we can use one of those to seal their fate.” he said, the two making their way over to the alchemist table. Once there Storm Rage paused for a moment, observing the various vials, potions, and powders.

“Which is the one that will kill these little beasts?” he asked, his eyes scanning the various instruments of death.

“Most of these are quite deadly, captain. Although, these powder here along with this vial should be enough. It will be painless for them.” he said, pointing to each of the items on the table. Storm rage wasted no time in his work, scooping each of the products and mixing them together into the bowl.

“Careful, captain. Do it slowly or their might be a chain reaction.” Starswirl warned, while his wary captain did as he was told. A minute passed between them, Storm Rage stirring the powders together and pouring a small vial of green liquid into the mix. A small paste was formed in the bowl and Storm Rage beamed at his work. Once done he looked over to Starswirl for further instructions.

“Alright, let me lower my horn and give it a little something.” he said, his horn glowing and lowering towards the bowl. A single bolt of magic fizzled onto the paste, the static shocking across its surface.

“Now be careful when handling that, captain.” he said, taking a few subtle steps back but Storm Rage didn’t seem to notice. He instead reached his hoof into the bowl and pressed the paste.

“I’ll be fine, I’m sure this will be more than enough to” he didn’t finish what he was about to say when an explosion came from within the bowl, the smoke and light flashing straight into the captains face. He cringed slightly and raised his head back from the blast, coughing as he went. Starswirl only smiled and held his breath by lifting his cloak over his muzzle while the smoke dispersed around them.

All according to plan.

The two powders were actually blasting and smoke powder. The green vial that Storm Rage believed to be poison was really a disrupting agent. Using his magic he created a small trap for his captain, that would cause temporary memory loss. Judging by how much was used and the resulting explosion, the captain had no doubt loss about five to ten minutes of the past events.

Starswirl had used this kind of agent before, mostly to allude from unwanted guests or to trick them into believing that they had already spoken to him. He knew he could have just used his magic and wipe away some of his memory of the fillies.

However, it was just to fun to pass up on.

When the smoke finally cleared and Storm Rage gathering his bearing, he looked about the room in a confused daze.

“What happened?” the captain said, his body swaying side to side like a drunk stallion.

“You did a very brave thing, captain Storm Rage.” he said, gesturing towards the fillies in his hooves.

“I did?” he said with astonishment.

“Oh yes, these small fillies were rescued in that other room. Right where that dead siren was.” he gestured toward the other room and Storm Rage blinked in startled surprise.

“There was a siren in there? Well, glad its dead.” he said, turning back to Starswirl with a confused look.

“So what exactly did I do, your holiness.” he asked, much to his chagrin for calling him that.

“Well the leader of the trappers attempted to attack you, you stood up to him and knocked him senseless. You manage to create quite a mess.” he said, pointing to the destruction of a few tables and tossed bedrolls across the room. Storm Rage looked at the mess that he believed he caused and a smirk was present on his face.

“Guess I did do that.” he said, still having that silly grin on his face, but a moment later raised a hoof to his head, “My head hurts though.”

“It will be temporary captain, the fight did take a lot out of you.” he said, before gesturing to the fillies in his sling. “Not only that you helped saved these little ones in the process. Your actions would no doubt reward you for special honors.” Starswirl said, while his captain contemplated at such a thing. He knew he was probably dragging this too far, so he cleared his throat and causing his captain to stir.

“Sir?” he asked. Starswirl began heading towards the exit of the tent.

“I must take my leave. I have important business to attend to.” he explained after exiting the tent. He cast his gaze around the camp, seeing his guard have apprehended the final trappers and tearing down the remaining tents. A pile of evidence was placed in the center of camp, and no doubt the guards would gather everything of value. Giving a stern nod he charged his horn and a bright circle formed underneath him.

“Storm Rage. You know of your task?” he asked, to which his captain nodded at his side.

“I ah… yes. The interrogation of the leader and making sure you have been sent the details of what they had captured.” he said.

At least his memory is still good. Starswirl thought. He closed his eyes, the magic swirling around him. He pictured an open area within Canterlot castle. With the three fillies and the magic coursing around him, he teleported back away from the deep forests of the Everfree and within seconds found himself in the middle of one of the many courtyards within Canterlot castle. He opened his eyes and observed his surroundings.

There were few guards who acknowledged his arrival and few of the castle staff went about their day as if nothing had occurred. Although, he did see a few noticeable stares at the bundle in front of him. No doubt there will be more who will eye him or even question to why the greatest magic wielder was carrying to three foals in his hooves. Starswirl cast a glance to the three fillies and they were still silent, but he noticed the blue one was stirring a little. It was rather adorable when her face scrunched up and gently rubbed into his white beard.

The sleep spell might have worn off from the teleportation. He thought, casting his gaze up to the tallest tower, where his observatory and home resided. Not wasting any time he began his walk towards his home.

He paused after taking a few steps forward.

Just a thought, he looked down at the three fillies once more. Making sure no pony was watching he discreetly pushed his beard over the three fillies, like a bird nesting over its eggs. He then proceeded to make his way out of the courtyard and up the nearest stairs.

His journey took him about forty minutes of walking to his observatory. He had to move slow due to not wanting to wake the sleeping sirens underneath his beard, but also not draw attention to himself. He gave a few smiles and waves to a few passing attendants and kept his composure throughout it all, yet he didn’t know for how long he could keep it up. The spell on them would wear off anytime now and he wanted to be sure that he was inside the observatory before they wake.

The final trek was within sight, seeing the double doors that lead to his home. Taking no chances he sped his pace until he reach the door and quickly entered inside. However, the moment he shut the door behind him, he heard a small moan come from within.

“Oh no.” he said, looking down to part his beard. The blue siren was stirring again and cracked open an eye to see him.

“Not good, I need a place for you all to stay.” he said, marching up the small spiral staircase and into the observatory. The room was very spacious, holding many small scientific experiments and artifacts that he had gathered throughout his life and several tiers of floors to various rooms. Yet, spacious was an understatement. They paled compared to the thousands of books scattered throughout his home. Dozens of bookcases filled the room and were all over flowing with tomes, anthologies and ledgers from throughout his life. There were even towers of books, several in fact, that filled his work stations and just added to the clutter.

A small tug on his beard alerted him that the sirens were waking up. He parted his beard once again and saw the same blue siren stare up at him. The young one turned her head to the side, her rasberry eyes filled with much curiosity. He gave a warm smile to calm her, yet she was focused on the beard in front of him. She played with it like a house cat, batting away loose hairs that got in her way. While she was distracted, he climbed up another small set of stairs and into his bedroom. Though, his bedroom was also littered with books and tomes that he has yet to read or to put away.

Removing the sling off his neck and shoulders he carefully placed them onto his bed. The blue siren looked about her surroundings, sniffing the air at the unfamiliar smells. Both the orange and purple sirens were also stirring from their slumber and soon enough they would all be alert. The blue one began moving over to her siblings, her tiny hooves pressing on their heads. Annoyed the orange one pushed her off with her front hoof and making her land on the purple one. The purple one stirred and shook herself off of her blue sibling.

“If you weren’t such little dangers to Equestria you are no doubt adorable to watch.” he said aloud, giving a small smile while the three were slowly arouse from their slumber.

“Guess you would be caring for them then?” the familiar voice of Clover spoke next to him and he nodded to himself.

“Yes, I would be,” he paused, processing what he just heard. For a moment his mind was focused on the three sirens but all of that was thrown out the window when he realized he was not alone. His eyes flashed open and he whirled about and hollered in surprise when he saw his apprentice standing behind him.

“Damnit Clover. How did you get in? How long have you been there?!” he said, starring at the pony with a white coat and two toned green mane before him. She rolled her eyes at him and had a annoyed look on her countenance.

“I’ve been here the entire time, sorting all over your books so it's not a chaotic mess,” she said, gesturing towards some of the bookcases that were more or less neatly put away. Starswirl huffed and folded his hooves together.

“It’s not a chaotic mess, it's organized chaos.” he said, looking away from his apprentice in annoyance. She raised a curious eyebrow to him.

“Ah-huh. Yet the only way you manage to continue your research and finish your projects is for me to sort everything out so that you can find what you're looking for.” she said, bearing a small smirk. Starswirl knitted his brow together and pouted at her.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” he said, trying to deny it. She laughed it off with a wave of her hoof.

“Of course you do. The work is so tedious that whenever you come along to bring in more materials I have to resort everything back into place. You also manage to ruin my work by unsorting everything just to find one book out of thousands. I have to admit it gets tiresome after the hundredth time if not thousandth time to put all back together.” she explained, Starswirl rolling his eyes at her, though he focused on trying to cover the three bundles that were behind him on the bed.

“A burdensome task for one such yourself, my young apprentice. But you learn the value of patience and self composure when doing such a task,” he paused, looking directly at her and added, “ Your ancestors have always learned this.” Clover snorted in response and took a step towards him.

“By sorting books of your labor and tending to the magic's that many unicorn now learn. My ancestors were all apprentices under you. My predecessors had followed under your guidance and each of them did the same thing. From my mother, from my grandmother, and her mother before that doing nothing but your cleaning and sorting. Each of them from all the way to Clover the Clever herself, my namesake. I don’t care what you think of me, Starswirl. But you best understand to appreciate the work that I had accomplished.” she said, raising her neck high and proud for him to see. Starswirl sighed heavily. He heard this many times before and from each of her previous generation speaking it to him.

“I understand your concerns, Clover.” he said, acting in a pedagogical tone, “Your progenitor, Clover the Clever, had entrusted me that each child and every generation after her would be trained under me and learn the old arts of magic. Knowing that you are the tenth generation in a long line of magic wielders, there is no doubt that you,”

“Twentieth.” she corrected. “Twentieth generation Starswirl or has your memory become foggy the older you get.”

Starswirl ignored her remark and pondered for a moment, lifting a hoof in the air as if a imaginary board was in front of him. He then began to mumble to himself and remained in deep thought.

“Less see. Autumn was tenth. Then Stargazer was thirteenth. Eighteenth being Morning Glory? Ah yes, your correct, your the twentieth generation,” he gave a uneasy chuckle, but Clover sighed in annoyance. Clearing his throat he then recalled what he was about to say. “Clover the Clever came me charge to raise every generation so that they can pass down the magic of old and so that it won’t be forgotten.” he said, but Clover merely gave a tired sigh.

“You know how long that is? That is twenty five years per generation. Twenty generations is five hundred years of my family being tutored under you. And you outlived them all.” she said. To that Starswirl agreed on.

He had no idea to his longevity and why he doesn't wane like mortals. Both Solar and Lunar princesses life spans was going much slower than his. The eldest, Celestia, acting at the age when he was twenty years old, around the same time when she was born.

A small groan emanated from behind, causing him to be alert of the present situation.

“Look we can discuss about my lifespan and your heritage another time. If you would be so kind if you can go about your business and leave, please.” he replied, and she nodded to him.

“On that we can agree, but first,” she said, already moving towards what was on the bed, “let me see what you brought in.”

Before he could get a chance to stop her, she got a good look of the three fillies.

“Oh my goodness! They're so cute!” she said, her almost stern demeanor mere moments ago was melted when she looked upon them. Starswirl rolled his eyes at the sight of his young apprentice doting on the three sirens.

“Starswirl, I know you bring back creatures for study and what not, but this takes the cake.” she said, picking up the blue one who was curious enough by the highly energetic mare. “These little ones are just so adorable!” she said, rubbing her nose into the hers, the tiny filly cooing in delight.

“Mind you, Clover. They are sirens. They can be very dangerous.” he warned, but Clover blew air as she held the siren to her chest.

“Starswirl. A siren is a vicious and cruel beast whose only purpose is to lure ponies with their songs and to feast off of anger, distrust, and even their bodies from time to time.” she explained. Starswirl raised an eyebrow and gave a approving nod.

“I see you’ve been learning,” he said in a humble tone, pleased that his touring has rubbed off on her. However, a moment after he spoke, he was greeted by the blue siren when Clover hovered the filly right in front of his face.

“Is this the face of a monstrous, vicious and terrifying creature to you? Because all I see is an adorable little filly with the most cutest face” she said, bringing the baby siren close to her and cooing the little one in her hooves. Starswirl furrowed his brow and sighed in slight irritation by his apprentices behavior.

“No, that is not the face of a vicious killer.” he replied. Though he did admit the blue siren was rather adorable, despite being what she is. He then took notice that the other two sirens began to stir. The purple one looked about the room in slight curiosity while the orange one moved closer to get a better look at what Clover was doing.

Curious. They weren’t skittish when they first saw me. He thought, observing their behavior while Clover attended to them. They sniffed around his apprentice and looked about their surroundings. Soon enough they had surrounded her. The purple one being on Clovis left side, the orange one on her right, and the blue one being held up, its tail dangling off the side of her hooves. He placed a hoof to his chin and he felt a little bit worried but also curious.

Is there curious nature due to the smoke from that trap that was crafted, or do they respond better to other females? He pondered on the subject, his mind processing many different theories and possibilities on how or why they were acting the way they are. Contemplating on the facts already know, he didn’t see Clovis waving a hoof to him.

“Starswirl? Is your mind wandering again?” she asked, a small simper grew on her countenance, while she was being swarmed by the sirens. She giggled softly while the three poked at her sides and body like small cats.

“Oh it’s nothing much, Clover. Just, I find these sirens are more receptive to females then to males.”

“What makes you say that?” she asked a little inquisitively.

“Observe,” he said, taking a step forward and slowly raising a hoof towards the fillies. Within moments of reaching out to them the three saw him and backed away, their ears flattening against the side of their heads. He held his position for a few moments while the three sirens looked at him. He did note, however, that the blue siren was less afraid of him compared to the other two. He pulled back his hoof and backed away, allowing the three to resume prodding into his apprentice for attention.

“That’s curious,” she said, looking down at the two sirens and trying to give them equal amount of attention.

“Indeed, I think it could be that-”

Three raps upon the door alerted Starswirl and the creaking door opened to his observatory.

“Starswirl, are you there?”’ the young voice of Celestia was heard, the wooden steps squeaked from every step she took. Thinking quickly, he used his magic to separate his apprentice away from the sirens and out of the room. The three little ones complained for attention, but he quickly brought a hoof to his mouth to quiet them. He softly closed the door and brought Clover close to his side.

“Remember, not a word,” he said, gesturing his eyes to the door he closed and what lied inside.

“I understand,” Clover said, with a serious yet understanding expression on her face. The two then descended down the stairs and onto the main floor, or what considered the main floor if it weren't for the stacks of books on either side of them. Celestia rounded the final few steps and the young monarch graced her presence to them. She stood tall and mighty and her pink mane was beautifully straightened. She wore he normal regalia that made her all the more radiant. Her crown sat nicely upon her head and her peytral bore her cutie mark on its center. She had complained once of how heavy the item was. But over time she has gotten used to it and wore it with pride whenever she moved about the castle or within the city of Canterlot.

“Starswirl, Clover,” she said, her voice sweet and caring, “it is good to see you both. I take it your hunt for the trappers was successful?” her question directed to him.

Starswirl nodded to her, the bells on his hat jingled from the sudden movement.

“Yes, we captured their leader and ensured the magical creatures were safe. But it was not without casualties.” he said, Celestia mood saddened a little from hearing that.

“I’m sorry to hear of that.” she said.

“I am taking responsibility on this matter. Captain Storm Rage will be sending me the names of the fallen and I will write the letters to the families.” he said, as Celestia remained deep in thought. Despite her young rule, and the First Contact war with the gryphon empire over a century ago, she still grieved over the loss of life. Worrying about the welfare and health of Equestria citizens makes her a kind and caring ruler over her subjects.

“I know how you feel, Princess Celestia. It’s hard to fret over every egg when there are many other important tasks at hoof.” he explained, and she lifted her head and gave a soft smile.

“Thank you, Starswirl. Your vast wisdom is what helps guide me and Luna to what we are today. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to rule the way we are now.” she explained. Clovis soon stepped forward with a soft smile on her face.

“So what brings you hear to the observatory, Princess?” she asked. Celestia turned her attention to his apprentice with a kind yet mischievous smile.

“I was watching my sister Luna train in the courtyard when I overheard a conversation among my attendants. ‘Starswirl was acting strangely,’ one said. ‘He was moving rather odd,’ said another,” Celestia took a step forward, her gaze ever focused on Starswirl, who the latter knew what this was leading to, “I know you tend to bring in exotic creatures from time to time. You mind if I take an innocent gander on what you brought in?” she asked. Her child like look that just begged attention. She fluttered her eyes and brought her hooves together, hoping that the old wizard that he is would grant her a small endowment. His mental fortitude was all that protected him from caving in to her request.

Just say no, just say no. For the love of the goddess, just say no! He kept repeating in his mind.

“Oh please, Starswirl. I know I’m a young monarch, and I attend to my duties that my subjects request of me. But from time to time I need a little excitement in my life, and not just be cooped up at a desk and writing the next law or signing a treaty with a foreign country. May I please see what you brought in.” she asked once more, and Starswirl could already feel the sweat coming down his head.

Her negotiation skills are improving. He thought, imagining years from now that she would be a brilliant monarch in the art of diplomacy in the centuries to come.

“I’m sorry, Celestia. But you cannot. You see they, the creatures you are referring to are in,” a loud clanging noise coming on the second tier of the observatory, interrupting he was about to say. The three equines turned to look up to hear the sound of piano keys being smashed and the sound of chimes being rung. Starswirl traced his gaze from the open door to his bedroom and then to a second doorway that was wide open.

“ My music room!” he finished the last of his sentence. His eyes darted to Celestia in a worrying gaze, as said monarch looked at him with a mischievous grin. Without another word, Celestia unfurled her majestic wings and flew straight towards the room. The force knocked several books stacks to the ground but that was the least of Starswirl’s concerns. Building his magic quickly he teleported himself directly in front of the doorway to his music room. The moment his body came into existence he was immediately tackled by the monarch, and the two tumbled inside the open door. Starswirl pushed his beard out of his face, and stared directly at Celestia.

“Princess! It’s not what it looks like! They are just,” he began to say when Celestia gave a disappointing sigh.

“Ohhh. I was hoping something exotic. You should've told me they were earth ponies.” she explained.

Earth Ponies? Starswirl blinked in surprise and confusion was present on his face. In the way he was positioned on his back he had to look upside down to see the earth ponies she spoke of.

What he saw next astonished him.

The three ‘sirens’ that he saw were all earth ponies in his peripheral vision. Once Celestia raised herself off of him he was able to flip himself to get a good look at the scene before him.

Where are there scales? He thought as he took in the room around him.

His music room, unlike the rest of his home, was more organized than the rest of the observatory. Rows of music books were settled in the bookcases and a few musical instruments consisting of a large grand piano, a cello, violin, and bells were all scattered around the room in their respective positions. Lastly was a large window that stretched from the floor to the roof the west side of the room, providing a grand view of the valley below and the sun on the distant horizon. However, since the fillies were in here, the whole room was a mess with scattered papers and lopsided books. The three ‘earth ponies’ were happily exploring their surroundings and walking onto top of the furniture. The purple one was on the piano keys, long drawn out notes emitting off of each step. The orange one was near the window, her tiny hooves pressed against the glass. She was observing the setting sun outside and the starred in awe at its majesty. The blue one was looking at the various books and poked her nose at the instuments that sat idle on their small pedestals.

“I didn’t take you for a child caretaker.” Celestia said, taking a step forward and in a motherly tone lowered herself to greet the blue one, “hello little one.” she said, the blue ‘pony’ turned to see her and she approached her without a second thought. She nuzzled into her chest and Celestia cooed and a warm smile was present on her face.

“Oh where did you find these little cuties?” she said, giggling as the blue filly rubbed her head into her chest.

“Starswirl found them.” Clover’s voice entered the room, picking up the sheafs of paper that were scattered on the ground. Starswirl gave a quick look to his apprentice, who had a equal surprise when seeing the fillies. He looked back to Celestia, who in turn looked back to her mentor.

“I take it you found these fillies and brought them here. Can you tell me where you found them?” she asked, and Starswirl stiffened at her request. His mind try to come up with any possible solution, but he knew that if he mention what they really are then he would no doubt lose them. Then, as his mind processed of a possible reply, he remember the words the leader of the trappers said to him.

“Look at him. Old, frail, and above all likely to kick the bucket. Old legends like you deserve to be called just that. No family, no friends, always keeps to himself! A legend, a myth, a footnote in history that no pony would ever remember.”

For some reason, repeating those words made him realize something and what rang true. He had his reply and he cleared his throat and spoke once more to Celestia.

“I found these three at the trappers encampment.” he said. Celestia turned to him with a concerned look on her countenance.

“Are they orphans? Were these children to one of the trappers?” she asked, looking down at the blue filly in her hooves, “I wonder if they need to go to an orphanage?”

“No. They were found in the back and placed inside a crate. They might be at least seven weeks old so, judging by my estimates. Storm Rage was to interrogate the trappers to confirm if they found them or if they belonged to anypony. However, if none claim them I would be caring them.” he said. Celestia raised an eyebrow to him, and gave a scrutinized look to him.

“Forgive me for saying this, but, are you really capable of handling such a task? Raising three foals whilst teaching my sister and I? That is a high and demanding task. Especially for fillies this young.” she said, her attention draw south when the blue filly placed a tiny hoof onto her chin. Starswirl watched as the other two were drawn to her, and they all begged for attention as Celestia handled the blue siren in front of her. Starswirl drew a breath and sighed heavily.

“Celestia. I may not have told you this, but… I can’t have children. I’ve been a gelding long before you were born.” he explained. Celestia looked at him in shock, a small gasp escaping her. On his right Clover shuddered at this; he had previously disclosed that particular story to her long ago and she hated on hearing it.

“Starswirl. I’m… I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” she said, raising herself up and carefully lowering the blue filly to the floor.

“It’s alright. Yet ,I tell you this now because this particular subject has never crossed my mind. I never once had a family of my own. I never had a wife, nor sired children. I’ve been around longer than any other pony and I age differently compared to alicorns.” he paused, allowing his words to sink in before he continued.

“ Never once did I ever consider the possibility of raising children and call them my own. I’ve been so got up in my own studies and books that taking care of another life ever crossed my mind.” he turned his attention to the three fillies, who stood watching behind Celestia’s fetlocks. Seeing the sight of them gave him a small smile.

“Celestia. The moment I held them, the moment they rested in my bosom, I felt something flow within me. A beating drum on my heart had skipped its beat and it made me feel something for them. I never thought, in all my long life, that I could feel for another. I feel in my heart to raise them, to carry on my name even long after I’m gone. I hope you understand. Even as you carry on, one day I might have to return to the earth.” he said. He then felt wings wrap around him, the young princess giving him a warm embrace.

“Say no more, Starswirl. You have said your peace.” she said, withdrawing her head to give off her infectious smile. Soon enough a small grin was plastered on his features. Celestia took a step back, and cast a glance back at the fillies before looking back at him. “I will allow you to care for them, just as long as I can see them from time to time.” she said, offering her little bargain to him. He couldn’t deny that request.

“Of course, Celestia. Be sure to warn me before hoof when you decide to,” he didn’t get to finish when he heard a loud clang on his right. He looked over and saw the Cello falling off its spot, and the fillies scattered. The Blue filly scurried to him in fright and hid herself underneath his body, her front hooves clutching at his fetlocks. Clover used her magic to place the cello back in its place and quickly went over to calm the other two fillies. Celestia chuckled at the sight of the small filly underneath his body.

“You look like a young diamond dog mother watching over her young.” she said, placing a hoof over her muzzle as she chuckled. Starswirl looked to the side in slight embarrassment. Celestia then gave a bow to him and went for the exit.

“I have to lower the sun now and help Luna with the moon. I’ll give you advance of when I arrive.” she said, a small smile ever present on her face. She soon left the room, the door giving a soft click as she exited. Clover came to his side, after caroling both fillies in her hooves.

“I can’t believe you just lied to her. She bought it completely.” she said, holding the restless fillies in her hooves.

“Who said I lied.” he replied, his eyes never leaving the door from where Celestia exited.

“But, weren't you trying to hide their identity?” she asked, giving him a scrutinized look.

“I was not lying to her for I told her truthfully of my feelings. I merely told her the truth, without telling all of it.” he said, turning his attention to one of the larger music books that had fell to the ground. He moved towards it, dragging the tiny blue filly with him as she held to his front fetlock.

“So a half truth?” she concluded, moving towards him with the fillies in tow.

“Also, I didn’t say that I was going to do this alone.” he said, resting on his haunches first before laying down and reading the music tome.

“What?” she asked, with a confused expression.

“You said earlier you wished to be more involved and notice. Well since your adamant about helping in my study, then you will help me with them. I don’t know how to change a diaper and I will not start on one now.” he explained. Clover bit her lip in frustration and she looked away to try and find a counter argument. However, after a moment of silence, she sighed in defeat.

“Fine. I guess that’s fair, considering you would need help when you mess something up.” she said, with a sly smile. Starswirl gave her a deadpan expression as she turned her attention to the two fillies in her hooves. He sighed and looked back at the tome, being an old music book that he had not looked at in a long time. As he looked upon the old music and seeing the old notes, a thought occurred to him and he cleared his throat to his apprentice.

“Clover. When you get a chance, I want you to find my old notes on Sirens. Any book or tome referencing or even a title on the word Siren. I will need as much information I can get so that I can compare notes.” he explained.

“I can do that once I put Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze down for bed. But I do got a question.” she said, but Starswirl already had her answer.

“I need to create a new book on these three sirens, Clover. I’ve studied their adult counterparts for so long and yet never once did I ever had any information on their young. Like how is it they can manage to transform from sirens to ponies? How these fillies managed to transform into earth ponies and do away from the siren scales and fins? When is it they get or receive their gems? These sort of questions are already making me seek out answers, and it’s begging me to find,” he paused mid-speech, a sudden realization hitting him from what she said earlier. He repeated the names silently, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. He turned to his apprentice with a curious look.

“Did you just give them names?” he said, lifting one of his bushy eyebrows at her. She beamed at him and held the two fillies in her hooves.

“Of course, If you gonna raise children, they need to have proper names,” she said, holding the orange one first.

“This one is Adagio because her body swayed slowly when Aria was on top of the piano. She appears to be the oldest of the three and her hair is so swirly that it sort of dazzles in the sunlight. Hence why she is called Adagio Dazzle.” She then held up purple siren up and held it in front of him.

“This one is Aria due to how she was making subtle and long noises when she was on the piano. She would be the middle child and with the setting sun settling down in the horizon I kept imaging a small blaze that made her stand out while being on the piano. That is why she will be called, Aria Blaze.” she said, bearing a large grin in her accomplishment.

“And what do you suggest we call this little one?” he asked, looking down at the blue filly, only to find that she was no longer holding his fetlock. He looked around his legs, wondering where the little one went off to. He then felt a funny sensation in his beard and he instinctively looked down.

What he saw both surprised him and made him chuckle at the same time.

The blue siren had found herself nestled inside his beard, her head poking out and one of her front hooves hanging low, patting the loose ends of his beard. A small giggle emanated from his apprentice and he looked to her seeing trying to stifle her laughter.

“I think she likes you.” she said, trying but failing to hold back her titering.

“I think she likes my beard then she does me,” he replied, turning his attention back to the small filly. Like a cat she continued to fondle with his long beard, batting it with her tiny hooves and trying to dominate the distinct feature on his face.

“I’m not sure what to call her,” Clover said, taking a step back with the Adagio and Aria in her hooves, “I’m going to leave that honor to you.” she explained, going off to the side of the room and clearing up some of the mess that needed to be cleared. Starswirl remained silent, contemplating on a permanent name, one that would suit the tiny siren that currently resided in his beard. His mind wandered to various names, but some were to flamboyant or to naive for a small siren and he discarded them the moment he thought of them. After he remained in thought for a long while, his eyes soon turned his gaze to the book in front of him.

He looked upon the various songs within, seeing the notes and compositions that, combined with instruments, would make a wonderful symphony. His eyes followed the piano accompaniment, seeing the clefs and notes rise and fall and would beautifully compliment the rest of the musical instruments. His eyes continued to trace the lines of music when he noticed a blue hoof over one of the notes. He looked down, seeing the small siren tapping the book with the end of her hoof. He chuckled while watching her, the young siren fiddling with the book like it was some toy.

“Oh,” he said with a soft yet upbeat voice, “are you interested in music compositions and melodies of classical music?” he asked. The blue filly looked at him with curious eyes, not understanding a word he said. She did respond with a bright open smile. Feeling a prompting, Starswirl lifted his right hoof up from its place of rest and hovered it close to the young filly. She eyed his hoof with much curiosity, her head tilting from side to side like a bird.

“It’s okay, I won’t harm you,” he said, bearing a warm smile. He waited for her to make a move, content on keeping his hoof in front of her, and show that he could be trusted. Almost a minute passed and she remained where she was, still starring at his hoof. He sighed softly, seeing she my loose interest and his hoof lowered away. The blue filly surprised him when she brought her head closer to sniff his hoof then rubbed her cheek and head into it. Starswirl looked back at the small filly, his heart filled with much cheer. She continued to rub into his hoof, a small noticeable smile ever present on the little siren. As this happened he notice the color in the room gradually changed. He looked outside and saw the sun setting, the last of its light casting its warmth before settling into dusk and into the peaceful night.

It was there that he had his name.

“Sonata,” he said, looking back down at the blue filly before him. He brought his hooves around her as she pressed herself into his beard and directly resting against his chest.

“Sonata Dusk. That is what I’ll call you.” he said, watching the little bundle of joy gave a small yawn and smiled in response. She snuggled up to him, her tiny body curled tightly against his bosom. His heart skipped a beat at the sight and he gently patted her head with the end of his hoof. She reacted to the touch by rubbing her nose into his beard and giving off a soft coo to him. The old sorcerer smiled and allowing her to remain where she was.

“Sleep well, little Sonata.” he said, as he continued to read the compositions of the music book.

Author's Note:

I've been working on this story for some time now. I'm really glad how it turned out. Do tell me your thoughts in the comments section and I will speak to you all soon.
