• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015
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Mocha Star

I'm here to write my way into your hearts and infect your minds.


This is an expansion on my one-shot story Spoils of War.

Twilight's excursion across the world and beyond the known lands led her to a world, hidden within her own. Can she build peace with these xenophobic ponies or will war be the answer to peace?

Ruthenium's vacation to the edges of the known world is turned into a nightmarish invasion from outsiders, now all she wants to do is get home. This is mainly her story.

Two views, one story, all ponies.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 103 )

Kinda hard to belive that isolated (and relatively small) group can advance that far. But oh well.

The other side.....
Hmm, i believe that i don't like most of them:trixieshiftleft:

I wonder how they'd react to a thestral...

I should have included a couple!

Story is already 70% done... But PM me, I may be able to work them in!

This chapter felt rushed, would have liked more time in this amazing society you've imagined! Still, loving the story!

There's a lot more details in future chapters but I understand and will add more details before they're posted.

The idea for this story started as a simple expansion of a one shot and it's quickly becoming a lot more than that as I continue to write.
I don't know how it's going to end yet, but I hope it works out. -_-

Just love the projects that blow up on their own, don't you!?

I never plan. I just write and it always works out.

Well now, color me intrigued - the oneshot this story expands upon was interesting to be sure, but it did offer more questions than answers. And I'm very much looking towards how we go from here - Twilight's expedition in to the north - to a society that seems certainly no less advanced than Equestria (technologically ... culturally and morally might be another matter entirely) suiciding themselves into oblivion. I mean, 3 million isn't a particularly big number as far as nations go, but that's still a dang lot of people to go extinct in a short time frame. Color me intrigued ...

And I do hope we get to see some of the newly liberated earth ponies and other survivors recations to Equestria proper before this all ends - that should be fun too!

One thing that does feel weird though is this new land being only 3 days out - if it's that close, shouldn't someone have noticed over the millenia?

I usually have a basic overview of what I want to happen, but yeah I hear ya. Though having an endgame thought out beforehand never hurts.

That is by airship....
A normal pegasus wouldn't see the point of traveling that far since there isn't places to sleep in the mountains other than outside. And it get's very cold at night.....

And travel by ground is not plausible. Sea travel would be the best unless the currents and possible reefs block access to shore.

Also it's over an excessively large and dense forest.
Three days flight could cover 500 miles at least whereas it would take months to cross on land with unknown dangers and holdups.
It could have taken a whole generation of those earth ponies to make it through.

But there're more answers coming.

Soon.... soon they will all fall and feel naught but misery and pain....

Hmm... it seems that a lot these "unihorns" are people in need of a good stompin'...

I know, right.
But, I'm writing a different culture.
Only mares are nobles.
Mares hold high status over all stallions.
'Unihorns' are a master race.
Earth ponies are treated like old mules and pegasi were never trusted to take when the pilgrims left their own lands for escape from windigos possibly believing princess platinum died nobly.
I haven't thought much about the lore details but I'll add it to future chapters.😗
It'll make nice filler.

Even so, some of the "nobles" need a good bitchslapping.

Keepin the pimp hoof strong.

It's good to see that Twilight has apparently learned to trust her gut instincts over the years - better safe than sorry, and her intuition isn't usually wrong. Though I wonder what specifically set off her alarms - did she sense something magical in nature, or is the abrupt end of the forest unnatural in itself?

Regardless, each mile traveled sets them closer and closer to unicornia proper, and I can't wait to see that contact unfold ... and how it's going to lead to the end that we saw in the oneshot. It's amusing to think about that doomsayer from the previous chapter and realize that he ended up being right, in his own way :rainbowlaugh:

And ooh, the rescued Earth Ponies having to adopt to the life in Equestria ... any chance we could get a closer look at that? Watching them interact with unicorns/pegasi and with non-horrible living conditions feels like it could be a treat, if that's within the scope of the story.

I won't say about the future of the story, but I LOVE the idea of a chapter of them integrating to pony society!
Thanks for the idea! :twilightblush:

Twilight had a great idea. Better safe than sorry


Sweet, I'll be very much looking towards that! Watching as two unfamiliar and alien cultures come together has always been one of my favorite topics. And, sadly, you can't get too much more alien than Equestria proper and a bunch of unfortunate and malnourished earth ponies who are literally forced to live in their own muck while fearing for their lives from unicorns and pegasi.

Well well... next few chapters will be very intriguing:trixieshiftright:

Awesomeness, but as far as I can tell these ponies have a pretty serious tech edge over Equestria. Is there something I'm missing?

Excellent story so far, keep up the amazing work!

Hense the title. 👌
But tech edge only goes so far when a society sees themselves as the peak of excellence without competition you expand their defenses/offences.

It's gonna get real soon. 😃 At least for a bit.

Granted, though as it stands I see Equestria possibly even having to go on the defensive with this level of tech

Ooo... I like that thought...
We'll see.

it's your story mang...kinda like Equestria's harmony giving them a HUGE edge tho, as it stands it looks like these earth pony-hating assholes might have been right, given they had such a huge advantage.

But now I'm just letting my personal wants interfere with commentary.

Good stuff! Keep it up!

Comment posted by Comnislasher deleted Dec 4th, 2017


The unicornia does seem to have a general technology advantage at least in some fields (though we don't know to what degree they confer a direct military advantage), but there are many other factors that could still likely tilt things in Equestria's favor (And we all know how the story ultimately ends, heh).

It's quite possible Eqestria has more advanced and diverse magic in general, which can be one hell of an equalizer. Equestria would likely also find itself in the position of being the more militarily experienced nation (dang rare in fiction :rainbowlaugh:) - Equestria has been forced to deal with a number of crisis and invasions in the recent decades (and probably over the millenia as well), while it seems like unicornia has been sitting behind the barrier that was mentioned in this chapter and has had no outside contact with anyone, hostile or otherwise. Their military readiness is probably low and doctrine ought to be pretty much nonexistent.

And then there is the issue of numbers - it was mentioned in the oneshot that the unicorns numbered three million total in terms of population. Which is pretty dang tiny as far as nations go, which makes sense if they are the remnants of a breakaway part of the old unicorn nation from the era of the tribes, while Equestria was founded by the amalgamation of all three. We don't precisely know Equestria's population numbers, but if likely they outnumber the unicornians a dozen times over - even potentially a hundred times over, if we imagine Equestria having a similar population to the modern day US. If push came to shove, Equestria ought to be able to field more military personnel than unicornia has population altogether. A WW2 era Soviet army would overrun modern day Germany like nobody's business, for example, despite tech advantages.

Throw in things like Discord and the alicorns, and well ... unicornia might have superior technology, but it's quite possible that Equestria comes out well ahead if one compares the immediately available assets, overall capabilities and strategic depth.

And yeah, I'm very much looking towards the incoming contact between the two cultures - the mutual revulsion and the events that will eventually result in what we saw in the oneshot!

A unicorn society thousands of years separated from all other cultures by thousands of miles of dense forest after surviving the Windigos and fearing their return long before the three tribes joined in a new land, and these ponies have to be at the same tech level as Equestria?

Well, thanks for getting this far. 👍

Actually the end might be different from the 1 shot...
At least in part.

Comment posted by Comnislasher deleted Dec 4th, 2017


Now I don't know whether to be worried or excited :rainbowlaugh:

An unknown destination adds its own excitement of course (yay!), but the oneshot described a situation that felt so awesomely alien and bizarrely morbid that I couldn't wait to see how things unfolded to turn out as they did. And now I'm worried the story might turn in to something more mundane and less unique in the process if the oneshot is going to be altered, as those specifics are what drew me to this universe in the first place :twilightoops:

Comment posted by Mocha Star deleted Dec 4th, 2017

Ha, mundane? There shouldn't be anything typical about the end of this story.
Some names have been changed but the end is not gonna be flowers and rainbows. Well, maybe the epilogue, but I'm not there yet.

Comment posted by Comnislasher deleted Dec 4th, 2017

Interesting...I know where I would go from here, but I'm curious to see what you have planned. Keep up the excellent work!

Dammit, I can never get away with one decent comment, huh?

Just noticed this:

Twilight's excursion across the world and beyond the known lands led her to a world, hidden within her own. Can she build peace with these xenophobic ponies or will was be the answer?

But 'will' was the answer, all along!


So they got tirek type beam lasers?....

Strong offense and defense it seems. But as i'm quite sure they're racist towards every other race not unicorn.... there's going to be a lot of friction.....

I certainly hope to find out with you. I only have two more events to reach, ANYTHING that happens between now and the actual end is totally up in the air.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate you!

Yay! The earth ponies got good things!!

And did i see Sunburst there?

Oh yeah! Sunburst was the only, closest, pony that could speak Old Ponish, I guess.
Didn't really think why he'd be chosen instead of one of the many more qualified academic ponies with confidence and diplomatic skills.

But Ce la vie.

It's not in my phone, but now it is! Thanks.

His extremely diplomatic beard, obviously. :pinkiehappy:

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