• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 2,943 Views, 28 Comments

Kakarot in Equestria - King Ice

Instead of landing on earth Kakarot landed on Equestria, now he will try to make some friends but can he? Even with his saiyan personality? The ponies of Equestria will have to deal with a strong warrior full of pride

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Tickets and Timberwolves

Author's Note:

Here is the new chapter, enjoy!

Kakarot entered in the Mayor Mare’s office, why he was here? Well, she called him saying it is for an emergency, and because Twilight went to help Applejack at the farm, he was bored. Moreover, he didn’t find a house yet, even if Twilight promised him to help, nothing changed, for now he was living in the library with her and Spike. He was sure if he helps the Mayor Mare, she’ll give him a house as a reward.

“Oh! Kakarot! I’ve waited for your arrival! You’re not with you friends?” Mayor Mare asked looking behind Kakarot

“No, but don’t worry I can handle everything, alone!” Kakarot exclaimed, Mayor Mare smiled.

“I’m sure about this! You beat Nightmare Moon so easily after all! I’m sorry for believing you’ll need help!”

“So, what’s the problem? You said it was an emergency,”

“Well, we have a big problem, some ponies spotted many Timberwolves, they are in a huge group, the everfree forest became even more dangerous than before! We fear an attack from them, when beasts gather all together, they hunt more preys and Ponyville will be their first target!” Mayor Mare exclaimed dramatically, if these Timberwolves come to Ponyville, the only way to survive will be to leave the town, and their lives, many ponies lived here for years. Kakarot narrowed his eyes and sighed.

“It’s just Timberwolves? This will be easy, I don’t know how is this a danger,” Kakarot said while smiling, he’ll easily turn them to dust, it will not be funny.

“Well, a pegasi saw approximately one hundred of them, are you sure you don’t want help, just in case?” Mayor Mare asked to Kakarot

“Don’t worry, I’ll finish this in like five minutes!” Kakarot exclaimed before leaving the office, Mayor Mare looked at the door and shrugged, he’ll be fine, she saw how strong he was against Nightmare Moon, he’ll beat these Timberwolves.


“Applejack! Rainbow! How many times I have to say that you’ll have to wait a bit longer! I can’t decide now!” Twilight yelled, she was at Sweet Apple Acres with Spike, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. She received two tickets for the grand galloping gala, one for her and one for a friend, the problem is that both Rainbow and Applejack wanted to come and had good reasons! Twilight glared at her, suddenly her stomach gurgled. “Besides, I’m starving, I’ll go eat something,” Twilight said before running away.

Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash did the same at Applejack.

“Hoof wrestle. Now!” Applejack exclaimed before putting her hoof on a tree stump, Rainbow Dash putted her hoof too and took Applejack’s.

“The winner gets the ticket!” Rainbow Dash said

“Just what I was about to say!”

With Twilight

“I’m hungrier now, I can’t think straight! I can’t think at all!” Twilight grumbled walking on the Ponyville’s streets

“We should eat something. The work makes me hungry,” Spike said while his stomach gurgled

“*Sigh* Spike, you didn’t work, you were on my back while I was working, remember?” Twilight said

“Yes, but watching other ponies work, make me hungry also!” He retorted while smiling

Suddenly, their discussion was interrupted by Pinkie Pie who jumped on them, Twilight and Spike fell on the ground while the tickets fell on Pinkie Pie.

“Is… this? Tickets for the grand galloping gala!?” Pinkie Pie shouted. “I always wanted to go! It’s the best place for me! I’ll organize so much parties at once, which will be just one big party now that I think about it, anyway, I really need to go at the grand galloping gala!”

“Wait Pinkie, I’m stopping you now because Rainbow and…” Began Twilight but was interrupted by… Rarity who took the tickets and looked at them in amazement.

“Are they tickets for the galloping gala!?” She asked enthusiastic

“Yes but…”

“Isn’t this fabulous!? Twilight is taking me to the grand galloping gala!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed interrupting Twilight

“Ooooh, I always wanted to go to the galloping gala, just to meet HIM, my PRINCE, the nephew of Princess Celestia, all the guests will look at me in amazement even him because they would never imagine see a mare so beautiful, as me, and when I’ll marry him, I’ll be a princess and I’ll live happy life which will last years!” Rarity explained lost in her dreams, but suddenly she stopped smiling and glared at Twilight. “Twilight, I can’t imagine why you invited Pinkie Pie instead of me, she will just throw a party, and I will never meet my true love!” Rarity yelled disappointed. Twilight looked at her and sighed.

“I am trying to explain that…”

“Twilight… excuse me… but… can I come… to the grand galloping gala with you? If you haven’t decided with who do you want to go of course,” Fluttershy said coming out of nowhere. Twilight growled and opened the mouth to respond, but was again interrupted.

“You want to go to the grand galloping gala!?” Rarity exclaimed surprised

“No… I mean yes… There is the garden which I really want to see, there is so many animals and flowers! It would be so great if I could be friend with the fauna,” Fluttershy said while flying

“Fluttershy this is…” Twilight began

“STOP!” Rainbow Dash yelled from a rooftop. “I can’t let you give this ticket for ANYPONY! I’m the one who need it the most!” She shouted flying in front of Twilight

“Rainbow…” Twilight began growling

“NO! Wait a minute! Don’t give it to her Twilight! They are my ticket!” Applejack yelled coming from nowhere

“YOUR ticket?!” Rainbow howled

“Yes! I asked her first! So, this is mine!” Applejack retorted

“You are wrong! Both of you! Twilight is taking me!” Rarity cried, even Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy entered in the discussion, Twilight growled, this is too much!

“ENOUGH!” She howled stopping everypony. “Now, you listen to me, there is no need for arguing, I’LL make this decision and no pony else!” Twilight yelled

“But Twilight…” Said Rarity

“I said I’LL make this decision, so, PLEASE let me eat! I’m starving to death!” Twilight responded interrupting Rarity. “So now go away,” She said while her friends went away mumbling something. “This day will be hard, and I’m so hungry that I could eat even more than Kakarot, wait… Where is he?” She whispered


Kakarot looked around searching for the Timberwolves, he didn’t know how is Timberwolves’s energy, so it might be a bit difficult to find, even if they are one hundred!

“Where are they? *Sigh* Maybe Mayor Mare was wrong, I don’t see any Timberwolves…” Kakarot said looking under him, suddenly in a quite big meadow, he saw them, and yes they were one hundred. They were all gathered, lying on the ground, Kakarot smiled, they were supposed to be dangerous? He landed in front of the group, suddenly all the Timberwolves get up and growled at him. “Well, well, well, you’re not happy that I came in your territory? Then come on! Fight!” Kakarot shouted

A Timberwolf jumped at him but Kakarot caught it by its throat, then he charges his energy and blasted the Timberwolf, all the Timberwolf ran at him when they their comrade turns to dust.

Kakarot easily dodged theirs attacks and blasted them one by one. A Timberwolf jumped from behind Kakarot, but turned around and punched it in the stomach sending it to fly on another Timberwolf, then he shot an energy ball exploding them.

“I’m not finished yet!” Kakarot shouted before flying in the sky, the Timberwolves looked him, Kakarot smiled and charged a big yellow energy in his right hand, then he threw it even higher in the sky. “Energy shower!” He said while the energy exploded creating many yellow beams which fell on the Timberwolves, seeing the energy coming, they tried to flee but many of them were reduced to ashes in one instant.

When all the beams landed Kakarot looked at the meadow which was covered with dust now, he landed and saw there were still like twenty Timberwolves, however they were injured.

“It seems I was right, you’re too weak for me, well I think I’ll finish you all now,” Kakarot said charging his Ki, however he heard a footstep, a loud footstep behind him, Kakarot turned around and saw a big Timberwolf, and by big this means as big as ten Timberwolves. “So, this is why they’re all gathered, you are their chief,” Kakarot said smiling at him, he already knew that this big Timberwolf is a wimp compared to him.

“Yes, I am, how dare you to attack my subjects!” The Timberwolf chief shouted surprising Kakarot

“You can talk?!”

“Yes, let me tell you my name, I…” Began the chief but Kakarot interrupted him by punching him in the face.

“I don’t care who you are! I’m here to chase you!” Kakarot yelled before kicking the chief on the stomach sending him to fly very high, Kakarot laughed. “Well, now he became a bird!” He yelled before flying to the chief, he flew so fast that he disappeared, then he reappeared right behind the Timberwolf chief and hit him sending him to crash on the ground where he created a crater.

Kakarot landed in front of the last Timberwolves who were now afraid of him. However, the Timberwolf chief stand up again, with the trembling legs.

“I’LL KILL…” He began to shout but Kakarot already shot an energy ball right in his mouth, the big Timberwolf coughed and looked at his stomach who was glowing yellow, then he looked at Kakarot. “Please…” He said before exploding.

The last Timberwolves ran as fast as possible, but it was too late, Kakarot cried and made a big energy explosion around him turning them to dust. He looked around him and smiled.

“Well, that’s done! Time to tell the good news to Mayor Mare!” Kakarot exclaimed before flying back to Ponyville.


“Spike, I’m completely lost! All of my friends want to go at the gala and they all have good reasons!” Twilight said, her and Spike were now at a café, and Twilight wasn’t thinking about what she will order but who she’ll take to go at the gala with her.

“We should just eat, I’m hungry, but you can ask Kakarot when you’ll see him, maybe he’ll know the good choice,” Spike responded while looking at the menu. Twilight thought about it and sighed.

“I’m sure his choice will be to burn the two tickets!” Twilight grumbled when a waiter came

“Have you made your decision?” The waiter asked

“Oh, come on Twilight, I’m sure he’ll not do that. Oh, and I’ll take the hay fries!” Spike exclaimed

“And I would love a Daffodil and daisy sandwich,” Twilight said. “You’re maybe right Spike, I’ll ask him when I’ll see him.”

“You see? That’s the good way to act!” Spike exclaimed

“Your food,” The waiter said giving them what they ordered, Spike immediately began to eat his fries. While Twilight smiled at her sandwich.

“Oh, this looks so good! When I’ll eat it, everything will be so much better!” Twilight said before using her magic to levitate the sandwich, however all the ponies who were at the restaurant ran inside.

“Are you going to eat while it’s raining miss?” The waiter asked from the restaurant’s inside.

“What? It’s not raining!” Twilight said, she looked around her and indeed IT WAS raining, everywhere except where she and Spike were sitting. “What the hey is this?”

“Hey! Enjoying the sunny weather best friend forever?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed from

“Rainbow Dash what are you doing?” Twilight asked to Rainbow Dash who took an innocent look

“What do you mean? I just saw the smartest and the most generous pony about to get rained on, so I kick the clouds to keep her dry, so she can eat in peace, that’s all!” Rainbow Dash said

“Rainbow Dash, are you doing these special favors to get the ticket?” Twilight asked disappointed

“What? No, no, no! I wouldn’t dare!” Rainbow Dash said with an innocent looking smile

“Rainbow, close that cloud, I’m not comfortable with unwanted favors,” Twilight said, Rainbow Dash grumbled and closed the cloud, Twilight smiled and was about to eat her sandwich, but the rain ruined it.

“Twilight! It’s raining! Come with me!” Rarity said by taking Twilight with her.

At the Carousel Boutique

“Thank you, Rarity,” Twilight said

“Oh, you’re welcome, this is what best friends do, and we are the best friends, right?” Rarity responded

“Rarity, I stop you now, don’t try to just have the extra ticket! I said I’ll make my decision and I don’t want somepony to influence me! Besides, I’ve tried to lunch the entire day!” Twilight exclaimed, now angry, Spike looked at her.

“Well, if you don’t mind I’ll go home!” He said before leaving. “I have a bad feeling,”

“Did somepony said lunch?!” Applejack said by entering in the Carousel Boutique, she ran to Twilight and took her outside, Twilight wide opened the in amazement. There was a lot of food! “I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, apple crumbles and apple Brown Betty! She finished, Twilight looked at the food, then grumbled.

“NO! No, no and no! I can’t decide to who I’m going to give the extra ticket, and it’s even worse when you’re trying to influence me! So, please stop it now!” Twilight cried before running to the library.

“So… you’ll give it to me?” Applejack asked


Twilight arrived in front of the library and sighed.

“I think I really need to rest, maybe I’ll be able to make a choice,” She said by opening the door, to see Fluttershy singing and cleaning with animals around her. Twilight gasped.

“Not you too, Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaimed

“Hello, Twilight, I’m just doing a little spring cleaning,” Twilight said smiling at her

“It’s summer,” Twilight responded annoyed by all of this

“Well, a home must always be cleaned, so I thought…”

“Please, tell me you’re not doing this for the ticket,” Twilight interrupted her

“No, no, I’m doing this because you are my best friend forever and I’ll do anything for you,” Fluttershy said, but Twilight glared at her, then Fluttershy smiled once again. “Yes, we are doing that just for the ticket, but it was Angel’s idea,” She said while Angel gave a salad to Twilight.

“It’s nice of you, but I won’t accept any extra favor until I make my finale decision!” Twilight yelled while she opened the door. “Out. Now.” She said, however Pinkie Pie took her outside.

Pinkie Pie and other ponies began to throw her in the air while Pinkie was singing.

“She’s the cutest, smartest, all-around best pony! Pony!

I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party! Party!

She’ll give the extra ticket to the gala to meee!”

“PINKIE!” Shouted Twilight stopping everypony, she fell on the ground and grumbled. “Pinkie Pie, at least the other ponies try to be subtle!” Twilight said

“Wait, what ticket?”

“The gala?” Other ponies around asked

“You didn’t know? Twilight have an extra ticket for the grand galloping gala!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed

“THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA!?” They all shouted

In only one second all the ponies surrounded Twilight, complimenting her, Twilight didn’t even have the time to think that she ran as fast as possible with Spike on her back, they tried everything to escape, but the ponies always found them.

She couldn’t believe how everything of this happened! She just wanted to have a normal day! After what she thought were hours, she teleported herself and Spike at the library.

“Warn me the next you do that!” Spike exclaimed

“Quickly! Lock the doors! Everything!” Twilight shouted to Spike who did it immediately.

“Can somepony explain me what is happening here?” A voice asked, Twilight and Spike turned around to see who talked, it was Kakarot, floating in front of Twilight.

“Oh my Celestia! Thank goodness, You’re here Kakarot!” Twilight cried relieved

“Yes, actually, I was here since you talked with Fluttershy,” He said

“What!? What didn’t you say something!?” Twilight yelled surprised

“I didn’t want to disturb you, you seemed you were talking about something important,” He retorted

“Well, that important thing is that Celestia gave me two tickets for the grand galloping gala, and I can take only one friend with me, and now everypony want the extra ticket! I don’t know to who I’ll give it!” Twilight explained, Kakarot thought for a moment, then smiled.

“Well, you can make your decision now, because they’re here!” He said

“Wait, WHAT!” Twilight shouted frightened, she looked above Kakarot and saw Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy smiling at her. “NOOOOOO! I CAN’T decide because I want to make all of you happy! But I only have one extra ticket and I can’t make all of you happy!” Twilight howled before falling on the ground.

“Oh, I… I’m sorry sugarcube, I didn’t want to put so much pressure on you,” Applejack said approaching Twilight. “You know what give it to somepony else!”

“Me too, I’m feeling awful,” Fluttershy added

“They’re right, it’s not fun upsetting your friends. I’m sorry Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said

“I feel the same, it was unfair to force you to choose me,” Rarity said

“YAY! That means the ticket is mine!” Rainbow Dash shouted excited while making a victory dance. But they all glared at her, making her stop. “Okay, on second thought, I’m not perfect yet for the Wonderbolts, so maybe it’s better if I wait a little,” She added with a forced smile.

“I may have an idea,” Kakarot said all sudden surprising everypony

“Really?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed while Kakarot nodded

“You mean, you know how we can all go to the gala without disappointing anypony and in the same enforced our friendship?!” Applejack asked while the mane 6 looked at him with hopeful eyes, Kakarot looked at them, thoughtful.

“No… I just want to burn them,” He said while the mane 6 facehoofed.

“Wait! That’s it!” Twilight yelled surprising everypony, is she going to burn the tickets? “Spike, take a note: Dear Princess Celesta. I’ve learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But when it’s not enough blessings to go around having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the grand galloping gala. If my friends can’t go, I’ll don’t go either. Spike you can send the letter now,” Twilight said to Spike who send it.

“Oh, Twilight, that was beautiful, but now you won’t go either,” Fluttershy said

“That doesn’t matter, you are more important than this,” She responded

All the mane 6 gathered into a group hug.

“Well, what are you waiting for, Kakarot?” Twilight asked him, he looked at the mane 6 who were smiling at him, he sighed then smiled.

“Okay, but just this time!” He said hugging all of them at the same time, while Spike spitted out a letter.

“A letter from the princess?” Twilight said

“My faithful student Twilight. Why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” Spike reads before taking. “Six tickets for the grand galloping gala!” He exclaimed

“Now we can all go!” Twilight cried while the others rejoiced. The mane six took the tickets and went outside.

“How come I don’t get a ticket for the gala?” Spike asked sad

“It’s not like we wanted to go,” Kakarot said smiling at him, Spike just looked even more sad, but at this moment he spitted another letter.

“And two for you and Kakarot,” He read seeing two tickets. “Yes!”

“Well, I hope there is a lot of food,”